Program Inventory and Program Review for Universities Marti Leisinger and Elenor Buffington, Data Collections June 13, 2012 1 Agenda Life Cycle of a Program Modifications to Program Inventory System that will impact the submission of 2012 data Review on how the Program Inventory, KSPSD, and Program Review systems work together Future of Program Review 2 Life Cycle of a Program 3 Life Cycle of a Program Flow Chart showing the different “life” stages of a program Pending Denied Active Phase Out Hold Inactive Broken (2-year only) 4 Modifications to the PI System A SNAPSHOT of the Program Inventory System is no longer required. • Institutions control the “year” the new or modified program is available for student enrollments and reporting by using the fields ► Original Program Start Date (new program) ► Modification Effect From Date (modify program) 5 Determines which Academic Year the program is available for KSPSD edits. For example if date said 10-2013 that means it is not active until AY 2014 (fall 2013 and AY 2014). Students submitted in 2012 or 2013 with this PALA will error out 6 Determines which Academic Year the program is available for KSPSD edits. For example if date said 8-21-2013 that means it is not active until AY 2014. Students submitted in 2012 or 2013 with this PALA will error out Note: The PI system will only keep one record per PALA per Academic Year 7 Documentation explaining the importance of the values entered is provided in the PI system 8 KBOR Internal Tracking Numbers KBOR Uses two internal numbers to track program modifications that are now being shared with the institution. • • • KBOR Program Number – Unique number assigned by PALA level when a program is added KBOR PI Seq – Unique number assigned by PALA level to show every modification of a program. NOTE: Program number will never change for the PALA but PI Seq will change as the program is modified. 9 Same Program Number so same program … Program Code changed. Phasing out original Program Code 10 Rules for Moving Programs: Active, Phase-Out, Hold This means that there is a version of this program being modified 11 Available Actions to a Program in Phase-out Status Modify is not available on a phased-out program because nothing on the program should be changing … the program is going away and only the students in this version of the program are completing 12 Available Actions to a Program in Active Status with pending modification No Program changes are available because there is a pending version of this active program already … look for the icon on the program maintenance list to show the active program is being modified 13 Available Actions to a Program in Active Status Active programs can be modified, phasedout, or put on hold ……Even if…. 14 …students were submitted in KSPSD (this was a change in programming made on 6/19/2012 to help with program alignment issues) 15 Available Actions to a Program in Hold Status Reactivating the program moves to the active status and allows for student enrollments 16 Program Inventory and Program Review Program Inventory is used to organize programs in the Program Review report. It is also the list to identify the “items” that must be reviewed. • • • School / College Department Discipline 17 Program Inventory and Program Review Every program must be assigned a School/College from a drop down. • For the FY12 data collection and PR report, ► if a program should be in a different school/college you can modify the program. ► If the school/college name needs to be changed or one added, the user must contact IRHelp and request DRP staff to make the change • Plans are in process to allow institutions to manage these lists for the FY13 collections 18 Program Inventory and Program Review Every program must be assigned a Department from a drop down. • For the FY12 data collection and PR report, ► if a program should be in a different department you can modify the program. ► If the department name needs to be changed or one added, the user must contact IRHelp and request DRP staff to make the change • Plans are in the works to allow institutions to manage these lists for the FY13 collections 19 Program Inventory and Program Review The practice for a number of years is to allow institutions to “roll together” some programs in PI to a discipline. The discipline is then used for reporting in Program Review. • This practice will continue for FY12 • During FY13, the need for the discipline will be reviewed … ► Modify PI so disciplines not necessary ► If disciplines continue, maintenance program will be developed 20 Program Inventory - Distance Education More information will be provided on distance education during KHEDS Update and KBOR Update sessions. 21 Program Inventory New Award Level for universities – PCERT Professional certifications that do not require KBOR approval (will skip approval process) Enables universities to include these programs in PI Valid choice for award level in KSPSD files KBOR working on reconciling programs in KBOR PI to programs in IPEDS completions 22 Validating Data BEFORE locking your KSPSD Academic Year collection be sure to: • • Check your Basic Counts report for any overall concerns with your data Check your Program Review Statistical Overview Report ► Problems with PI data school/college or departments can be seen in this report • Check the CAO Report 23 24 Program Review timeline / cycle Majors (Fall Enrollment) - Data already collected certified & certified Degrees Conferred (Completions) - Data submitted and certified by the end of September Faculty data- Begin entering data in the fall Fall Enrollment Data for PR KSPSD Declared Majors file – Award Level field KSPSD Enrollments file – Student Level field Data should be consistent (Example Classifying as MA level in Enrollments, but award level of BACH in Declared Majors may cause PR report to appear inaccurate) 26 Future of Program Review Desire to simplify reporting burden Streamline Program Review to other reporting requirements like accreditation Academic Affairs will probably form a workgroup to discuss the next steps during the coming academic year 27 Policy Reminder Some changes require COCAO and/or Board approval See KBOR Policy Manual, Chapter II: Policies and Procedures, Section 7 (Instructional Program) 28 Questions? 29 Contact Information Marti Leisinger at Elenor Buffington at Always contact IR help for immediate assistance at