Human-Computer Interaction 01 Master Program in Computer Engineering a.a. 2011-2012 Prof.ssa Franca Garzotto Ing. Matteo Valoriani Lesson 1: INTRODUCTION 01 LESSON 1: OUTLINE What is HCI, and what is not Exercise Contents Organization Exam and Evaluation The online platform (Metid-Beep) Q&A Videos 01 Quick Premise HCI: a master progran course in the track “Interactive Applications” See >Laurea Magistrale >Percorsi di Specializzazione” for an overview of the track Sinergies with other courses in the same track iTV (prof. Cremonesi) Problem analysis atelier (prof. Paolini) 01 What is HCI? HCI is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them” (ACM SIGCHI, 1992) ACM = Association for Computing Machinery SIGCHI= Special Interest Group for Human Computer Interaction HCI – a switch of perspective TRADITIONAL PERSPECTIVE OF A COMPUTER ENGINEER: TECHNOLOGY AS A MEANS 01 Why Facebook is such a huge success? Your opinion? 01 Why Facebook is such a huge success? Your opinion? Students ideas from class discussion It reflects a need: socialization on a world wide scale It reflects a need: a set of usefull functionality in the same integrated environment it is easy to use right tool at the right time strong implementation ... “Corriere della Sera” – 13 sett 2010 01 Dal “Corriere 01 della Sera” “Corriere della Sera” – 13 sett 2010 01 Some opinions on HCI 1. HCI is a «light, soft» matter 2. HCI is just about users 3. HCI is just about building nice interfaces to interactive products and services 4. HCI does not offer strong business opportunities 01 ALL WRONG!!! 01 HCI is NOT a light, soft matter HCI is a rigorous discipline Strong theories sw engineering flavor cognitive-psychological flavor Strong methods of analysis, design, testing & evaluation apparently obvious to learn, quite difficult to apply 01 HCI is NOT just about users HCI is about UX (User eXperience), i.e., about technology AND users AND contexts of use User studies are an important branch of HCI Understanding the needs for all stakeholders Analysing their behaviour with technology Understanding how design solution affect users’ perceptions, attitude, and judgements BUT HCI is also Creating the right design Building the right technology 01 HCI is NOT just about users HCI searches for the best successful technology for the «user in context» Key attributes for an interactive technology to be successful Usefull - accomplish what is required Usable – robust + do it easily and naturally Used – make people want to use it, be attractive, engaging, fun 01 HCI is NOT just about building nice interfaces Interface is the surface of a product – it must be nice, attractive, fun BUT HCI is also Integrating a nice interface with the sw architecture behind Addressing many technological challenges Constant search for NEW INNOVATIVE technical solutions As new user needs emerge, existing technology must be adapted and new technology must be developed HCI does offer business opportunities 01 See Facebook and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg’s story But even if your are not Zuckerberg, here is a success story closer to us... Emanuele Vulcano («software artisan – engineer») A Politecnico alumnus (and my former thesis student) Among other things, developer of Mover (>2.700.000 downloads from Apple Store) Now on the move to Coupertino (S. FranciscoCA) as «front end engineer» at APPLE (permanent position) «.... e’ grazie al lavoro di tesi che abbiamo realizzato (più che altro per le implicazioni in ambito di usabilità/user experience) che hanno deciso di assumermi...» In summary... 01 HCI promotes analysis, design and development approaches that enabled professionals to better understand user needs and contexts of use (now and in perspective) create and evaluate ICT artefacts from a utility and easeness of use perspective in order to build successful products HCI provides conceptual methods and technological tools to achieve these goals in systematic, resource-effective way 01 Exercise on the fly Q1) Technology as a means vs. Technology as a means to an end: Conflicting perspectives? YES/NO (Motivate your answer) Q2) Write 1-3 examples of digital services where you think HCI issues can play or has played an important role 01 Exercise on the fly: Results from class discussion Q1) Technology as a means vs. Technology as a means to an end: Conflicting perspectives? Answer 100% YES Why? HCI: complementary to technology, the extension of technology towards users Q2) Examples of digital services where you think HCI issues can play or has played an important role Touch devices (iPhone, iPad...) E-commerce systems Mail systems ...... 01 Contents of this course Interaction Design Process in the Software Process HCI models and theories Requirements Usability and Quality of the User Experience Empirical and inspection methods Scenarios Prototyping (methods and tools) Outside the box: non conventional Interaction Paradigms mobile interaction tangible interaction gesture-based interaction Concepts + multitouch (large) tabletop interaction Technology Ambient Interaction and Internet of the Things Apps 01 Organization PART I: Learning the HCI contents (theories, concepts, methods, and technologies) Oct-Nov PART II: Applying them (Project Work) Dec- Jan Organization-Part I (Oct-Nov) 01 A set of lectures by course teachers about theories, concepts, methods, and technologies Ex-cathedra presentations Demos Exercises on-the-fly A set of lectures by invited speakers about Technology HCI Methods Industrial Perspective Weekly Discussion directed by specific questions open class discussion format, involving the Virtual or Real Classrom space Confirmed Invited Speakers 01 Technology A Team from Microsoft Italy (3 lectures) Subject: Windows Phone 7 Development HCI Methods Prof. Davide Bolchini, School of Informatics, Indiana Univ. - Purdue Univ. Indianapolis (US) – via skype Subject: mobile prototyping Confirmed Invited Speakers 01 Industrial Perspectives on HCI Eng. Dr. Vito Perrone, R&S Manager Expedia-Venere Subject: e-tourism services – technology, UX, and business perspectives Eng. Dr. Stefano Mainetti, CEO – Web Science Subject: Understanding Users and Customers in large ICT projects More speakers have been contacted –t.b.c. partecipation 01 Invited Speakers’ Dates Prof. Bolchini lecture (skype): October 27 (Thu) WP7 Microsoft lessons (OPEN to all Polimi students): Nov 3 (Thu) Nov 4 (Fri p.m. – room to be defined) Nov 8 (Tue) Eng. Dr. Perrone Nov 17 (Thu) Eng. Dr. Mainetti Dec-Jan (date t.b.d.) Organization-Part I (cont.) 01 Outside course hours, you - student - will have to do the following: Read & Study weekly assigned material (slides, book chapters, scientific papers) Prepare one issue of discussion derived from the reading, and post it online by a given deadline (a problem, a question, a weakness, a challnge...) Perform assigned exercises, and post solutions online by a given deadline Organization-Part I (cont.) 01 During course hours, you - student - will have to do the following: on scheduled times: Shortly present readings (what they are about, critical issues, weaknesses...) Discuss your question at each lesson: listen, think, raise questions, partecipate to the discussion 01 Organization-part II (Dec-Jan) Project Work 2 projects Mid-Term Final project Project 01 Organization-part II Mid-Term project Designing, building, and publishing a WP7 MOBILE APP on MS WF7 Store Development Tools and Technical Support by MS Free theme Estimated Workload : 1 p/week INDIVIDUAL WORK Organization-part II 01 Mid-Term project (cont.) Your mobile app MUST will be screened by MS and become available for (free) download Will participate to the WP7 COURSE COMPETITION sponsored by MS Winner(s) will get a Nokia WP7 Phone In an extended form, it will hopefully partecipate to Microsoft Imagine Cup “the world’s premier student technology competition” (see also next slides) http:// Technical support by MS and teacher’s mentoring available MS COURSE AND WP7 APP INITATIVES OPEN TO ALL POLIMI STUDENTS (invite friends!) 01 Organization-part II (Dec-Jan) Final Project Theme: one of the following Gamification (Expedia Case study) Tangible Interaction Ambient Interaction Tabletop Interaction Mobile Interaction (WP7) E-Branding ... Specs: proposed by Teachers Individual or Team work MANDATORY weekly tutoring by teachers (project by project, once a week) 01 Organization-part II (Dec-Jan) Final Project output a RUNNING «proof of concept» related documentation a video presentation To be delivered by the end of the course or on appello dates 01 Organization-part II (Dec-Jan) Final Project Possibility of joint projects with the iTV course Subject: Recommender Systems (E-tourism Domain) 2 formats: Small project: counts for 5 points in iTV course Big project: replaces the iTV course full exam The Problem Analysis Atelier Course Is strongly invited to participate to Imagine Cup Last year: a number of Polimi students as Imagine Cup national finalists Technical support by MS and teachers’ mentoring available COURSE EVALUATION: ATTENDING 01 STUDENTS For attending students, evaluation will be based on 1. Active partecipation during lectures and online (max 2 point) 2. Exercises and Question Discussion (max 4 points) 3. One specific exercise on Usability Evaluation (max 4 points) 4. Mid-term Project (max 5 points) 5. Final Project (max 20 points) COURSE EVALUATION: 01 NON ATTENDING STUDENTS NON attending students can partecipate to course activities ONLINE during the course period Evaluation will be based on: 1. Active online partecipation (max 2 point) 2. Exercises (max 3 points) 3. One specific exercise on Usability Evaluation (max 4 points) 4. Mid-term Project (max 5 points) 5. Final Project (max 20 points) If not delivered during the course, all exercises will be done at official appello dates, when also final and midterm projects must be delivered 01 Evaluation Criteria Attitude/Investment in the course Attendance to and Preparation of in-class and online Activities Discussion activities: subject knoledge + argumentation/communication skill Exercises: Correctness and Completeness Projects Technical Quality UX Quality Originality Quality of Documentation and Presentation 01 Reference HCI Books A. Dix et al., “Human-Computer Interaction”, 3rd edition, Perason-Prentice Hall, 2004 (some contents are also online: Jennifer Preece et al., “Interaction Design”, 2nd ed. Wiley, 2007 (most contents are also online 01 Further Readings R. Polillo “Facile da usare” Apolgeo 2010 Full version online: M. Kuniavsly, “Observing the user experience”, MorganKaufmann 2003 B. Buxton "Sketching User Exeriences:Getting the Right Design and the Design Right", Morgan Kaufmann, 2007 D. Stone, C. Jarret, M. Woodroffe, S. Minocha, "User Interface Design and Evaluation", The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies, 2005 01 platform The online Beep 01 BEEP An POLIMI official, but under sperimentation, e-learning environment Enrolled students might not have the access yet untill course plan submission deadline is over In the meantime, comunication and course material delivery (sides, papers, schduling) managed using your and ours polimi e-mail: \ 01 Q&A 01 Some videos… From history to present… 01 (a tribute to Steve Jobs) Apple Lisa (1983): the ancestor of Apple Mac l (6’.39”) Few weeks later…Steve Jobs demos Apple Macintosh (Jan. 1984) Many years later, Steve Jobs demos iPad (Jan 2010) But today - October 7th, 2011 - the sad new: 8.shtml 01 Perspectives on Interaction Design… Tim Brown, Ideo About Tim Brown: and Ideo; Bill Buxton – Chief Designer at Microsoft (about design) (Gustav Project) (Sketching and Experience Design - lecture at Stanford University) Don Norman: The Design of Future Things (lecture at Stanford University)