Sample inventory of strengths

TU4Dublin Opportunity
Name and Number: (please insert the opportunity name and number)
Foundation Theme: (please insert the foundation theme)
Date published: (please insert the published date of this opportunity)
Please return the completed form to Eileen Quinn,
Can you tell us who you are?
Your name:
Your current location (department/building):
Your contact details:
Telephone number
E-mail address
What are your top strengths, i.e. the things that energise you, that you get a buzz from,
that you’re good at?
To help you, we have provided a sample inventory of strengths below.
As literally hundreds of strengths exist, these are only examples.
What experiences have you had or activities you’ve undertaken that you believe could be
useful and relevant?
How specifically, can you contribute to the advertised opportunity?
Is there anything further you would like to add?
Talk to you manager/work colleagues about contributing to TU4Dublin. You will need to
secure their agreement and support.
Matches will be made and offers issued based solely on the information provided in your
profile. Please ensure you have adequately described what you can contribute.
Have you completed the details at the top of the form?
Sample inventory of strengths
Positive: You always see the best in every situation and, even then things are difficult, believe that
things will work out well.
Drive and initiative: You are self-motivated and push yourself to achieve more, moving to the
next task as soon as the first one is finished
Caring: You have a good heart and care about the people around you.
Connecting people: You love making connections between the people you meet, noticing that
Person A has something in common with Person B.
Developing people: You enjoy developing people so that they can do things for themselves
Service: You find it very satisfying to help people and you will go to great lengths to do so.
Creative, Innovative: You have a desire to create things that are better than what has been done
Confident: You have a ‘can do’ attitude, born of a belief in your own ability and strengths.
Decisive: You can rapidly weigh up a set of facts and make decisions easily and quickly
Genuine: Whatever you, whatever you say, you do it with genuine feeling, and uphold your own
values notwithstanding what others think.
Creative: You love to look at things from different perspectives, to think ‘out of the box’.
Listening: You are really interested in what people have to say and how they say it.
Strategist: You keep your eye on the big picture and always interested in understanding the wider
world that you could impact upon you.
Organiser: You love to be well organised. You know where everything is and what to do when.
Planner: You have a natural ability to prepare, to plan and do things in a systematic way.
Relationship builder: Building close relationships with people is important to you and you invest
time in this.
Teacher: You can take complex things and explain them very simply to others. You love to explain
things to people in a way that they can understand them.
Action: You want to act, to act now and decisively. You love to move forward.
Problem solver: You love solving problems, the more complex the better, and you will go to great
lengths to find a solution.
Adherence: You get pleasure out of following guidelines, procedures and instructions. You like to
know the steps and follow them.
Writer: You love to write, to play with words and find great joy in language.
Purpose: You get great satisfaction from activities that give your life meaning and purpose.
Hard worker: You work hard and put a lot of effort and energy into your work.
Detail: You can focus on the smallest details, quickly notice inaccuracies and mistakes.
Initiator: You love to start new projects and to mobilise people to get involved in a range of
Persuader: You are really good at convincing people and bringing them round to your point of view.
Adventurer: You love the risk of the new, untried and unusual, whatever takes you out of your
comfort zone.
Action: You want to act, to act now and decisively. You love to move forward.
Problem solver: You love solving problems, the more complex the better, and you will go to great
lengths to find a solution.
Adherence: You get pleasure out of following guidelines, procedures and instructions. You like to
know the steps and follow them.
Writer: You love to write, to play with words and find great joy in language.
Purpose: You get great satisfaction from activities that give your life meaning and purpose.
Hard worker: You work hard and put a lot of effort and energy into your work.
Detail: You can focus on the smallest details, quickly notice inaccuracies and mistakes.
Initiator: You love to start new projects and to mobilise people to get involved in a range of
Persuader: You are really good at convincing people and bringing them round to your point of view.
Adventurer: You love the risk of the new, untried and unusual, whatever takes you out of your
comfort zone.
Change: You get a buzz from change and relish the opportunity to be involved in implementing the
Problem anticipator: You love to look ahead and anticipate problems before they occur.
Open-mindedness: You love to keep an open mind about things, to see multiples perspectives and