Christian A. Maganda Villanueva
Kimberly Strickland
Same gender adoption
In the year 2000, the U.S. Census reported that about 65,000 children lived with same sex
parents. In the year 2012, 110,000 children lived with gay parents. The Census also reported that
the amount of children in a household that are adopted by same sex couples, is greater than
married opposite sex couples and unmarried opposite sex couples combined by 11.60%. In most
states, whether gay adoption is legal or not, it is made on and passed through with a judge. But
states like Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine,
Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and
Washington, allow joint gay adoptions without a judge when a same-sex couple jointly petition
for adoption.
And other states like Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C., Illinois,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont allow second parent
Still people have been successful with second parent adoption in other states like
Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. But
there are also many states that are very restrictive like Minnesota, where same sex couples
cannot illegal adopt at all.
Most say that same sex adoption is just as effective as regular adoption, but many others
also say that it is not the same. There are any reasons for their opinions and those might be, same
sex is as effective because they still have 2 adult figures in their life no matter what gender they
might be. But others say that it is not as effective because they need a feminine adult figure in
their life as well as well as a masculine. Many would also say that same sex adoption is as
effective because gay couples tend to be more understanding, or they tend to adopt a child with a
more sensitive case.
Many also think that same sex adoptions will be more emotionally helpful to their child
because each member of a gay couple has had to face difficulties in her life. Perhaps her friends
and family were less than supportive when she announced she was a lesbian. Maybe she faced
discrimination at school or work. Gay parents know first-hand what it is like to go through life's
bumps, and they will be able to appreciate when their child has his own problems. A gay or
lesbian couple also will be more open minded when it comes to accepting their child's lifestyle
choices, and will teach their child to be accepting of everyone in this world regardless of
Gay parents tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on
average because they choose to be parents, they choose to adopt and take care of a kid. Most
cases these days opposite-sex marriage, parenting is often there because most claim that their
child was an accident. Either the condom broke, or they did not use protection at all. They have
to take care of that child and be there for that child because they see the child as a responsibility
not a gift from The Lord Jesus. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident compare to
the almost 50% accidental pregnancy rate.
Many gay couples, certainly those offering themselves as adoptive parents, form
relationships that are more stable than many heterosexual marriages, thus giving adopted
children a secure emotional home.
In an era when many children are raised by single parents with proven disadvantages
such as lower educational achievements and poor behavior gay couples offer adopted children
two full-time parents.
Lesbian couples are permitted to have children through artificial insemination. The record
is that such couples provide loving homes and raise well balanced children.
Barring gay men and lesbians from becoming parents is discrimination, based on sexual
orientation, which would not be acceptable in other contexts such as employment.
There is a shortage of adoptive parents. The family, whether gay or straight, is better than
the foster care system.
Researches have shown that whether a child is adopted by a gay couple, it does not affect
their achievements, mental health, social functioning. In fact, these kids often have open minds,
tolerance, and role models for equitable relationships.
We should acknowledge that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people do what every
other American tries to do. They want to pursue life, liberty, happiness, love and marry the
person of their choice, go to work without fear of being fired, they have access to health benefits
and hospital visitation rights. And, like their straight friends, they also want to create families.
There are a million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million
children in the U.S., according to a research by UCLA's Williams Institute. Good parents are
good parents, no matter their sexual orientation, the child does not represent off their parents,
they are their individual person, all the parents have to do is show their child love, care, and all
important stuff there is to know about life.
A person's ability to be a good parent does not depend on whether he is attracted
to and loves someone of the same gender. Many heterosexual couples are raising children
in abusive homes and forcing children to live in horrible conditions. It is no more rational
to say those parents are good parents because they are heterosexual than it is to say two
men or two women raising a child together are bad parents because they are different,
because they choose with a same gender partner. The American Academy of Pediatrics
confirms children raised by gay and lesbian parents experience no disadvantages when it
comes to psychosocial growth. A well-adjusted, emotionally stable child is not the
product of bad parenting.
Almost 40% of all agencies and 83% of public agencies reported making at least
one adoption placement with a lesbian or gay man. However, 1/3 of agencies would
reject a gay or lesbian applicant, either because of the religious beliefs guiding the
agency, a state law prohibiting placement with LGBT parents, or a policy of placing
children only with married couples. Additionally, agency heads are more likely to have
negative views towards gays and lesbians adopting when they associate such adoptions
with greater evaluation and support needs. As a gay friendly agency, we were appalled to
hear such discrimination.
There are many other reasons why same sex parenting is good and they are ot all
onky about emotional status. An estimated two million LGBT people are interested in
adopting. An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California,
the highest number in the U.S. Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all
adopted children in the United States. Adopted children with same-sex parents are
younger and more likely to be foreign born. There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000
gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children
have gay or lesbian parents. Research suggests that sexual identities including gender
identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation, develop in much the same ways
among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents.
There is no reliable evidence that homosexual orientation, impairs psychological
functioning. Second, beliefs that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents have no
empirical foundation. There is no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is linked to
one's environment. In other words, growing up in a gay couple household will not make a
child gay. Most children in the United States do not live with two married parents. In
fact, according to the 2000 census, only 24% of homes were composed of a married
mother and father with children living at home. Studies have shown that children are
more influenced by their interactions with their parents, than by their sexual orientation.
States and regions which explicitly allow for adoption by same-sex couples include
California, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, New York, Oregon and Vermont. In states allowing gay individuals to adopt,
Colorado, Ohio, Nebraska and Wisconsin have laws preventing second parent adoptions.
Her are just some more facts about adoption that can really be useful in proving
that gay adoption is ok, it is just as effective as regular adoption. Over 65,000 adopted
children and 14,000 foster children in the U.S. are being raised in homes headed by nonheterosexual individuals or couples According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the
number of same-sex couples who have adopted children in the past decade more than
tripled, from 6,477 couples in 2000, to 21,740 in 2009. Foster kids do equally well when
adopted by gay, lesbian or heterosexual parents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Same-sex couples raising adopted children are older, more educated, and have more
economic resources than other adoptive parents. The Williams Institute, Adoption and
Foster Care by Gay and Lesbian Parents in the United States. Public support for allowing
gays and lesbians to adopt children has steadily increased. While in 1999, only 38%
favored gay adoption and 57% opposed it, in July 2012 52% favor gay adoption while
42% were opposed. Six million American children and adults have an LGBT parent. 8.
41% of lesbians and 52% of gay men have considered adoption. LGBT parents may be
judged more harshly than heterosexual parents. LGBT-headed families are not a new
phenomenon. Lesbian, gay or heterosexual adoptive parents raise equally well-adjusted
children. Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents bond equally well with adopted children.
Adoptive parents’ ability to work cooperatively with each other is more important than
sexual orientation in raising children with fewer behavior problems. Teens with lesbian
mothers are psychologically well-adjusted, academically successful, and report strong
family bonds and quality social relationships with their peers. Lesbian and gay couples
are adopt transracially more often than heterosexual couples; transracial adoptions also
occur more often among interracial rather than same-race couples.
And then there is the opposite side. The ones who do not agree on same-sex
marriage. They are not always heterosexual, but the majority of them are. They believe
that gay adoption is wrong, because as I stated before, the child does not have a male and
female adult figure in their life as an adult. Most also think that just plainly being gay is
wrong. They believe it is wrong to the society, and gay couples are often discriminated,
for something that they cannot control. Like many Christians that believe that there was a
Adam and Eve for a reason, that God created a man and a woman, because that is how it
should be. They do not get the concept that love is love, no matter what gender.
But, this is still their opinion and everyone has the freedom of speech. And this is
how I believe they think.
A couple that does not have a right to receive children naturally, a couple that is
unable to have children does not have a right to receive children through adoption.
Meaning to speak of the right of all couples to be treated equal with regards to adoption is
misguided, because we cannot protect a right that does not exist. A couple that desires to
adopt children has to fulfill the objective conditions established by natural law and
revelation. They must demonstrate a capacity to provide a stable home for children
through diverse objective conditions. A couple that does not fulfill these conditions, and
thus is not able to adopt, should not be considered as having suffered unjust
discrimination. Per the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the best
interests of the child, as the weaker and more vulnerable party, are to be the paramount
consideration in every case.
It should be evident that the healthiest setting by far to raise a child is a traditional
family, one in which a father and a mother lovingly and faithfully live out their vocation
as protectors and role models for their children. This is why adoption agencies carefully
evaluate and certify the moral, psychological and economic capacity of a couple to adopt
children. Allowing a homosexual couple to adopt, on the other hand, presents the children
with an unnatural model of adult relationships that does not foster normal, healthy
psychological growth and instead will most likely harm the children.
Gay adoption is wrong, being gay is wrong. Gays upset the foundation of what it
means to be human. Human is a man and a woman. They can have children biologically
and because of this, are what created our race. Even looking at their biological parts
shows that gays are not meant to exist. If everyone became gay, our race would die out.
Gays also have mental issues, even if weak issues. This can be statistically proven and is
logic; they have been social outcasts forever and are well aware they are abnormal.
Therefore, not only would gays raising children make the children think it is okay to be
gay, they are also so often mentally unfit to raise kids. Gay parents create disturbed
children. They will either be picked on themselves for having gay parents, or just feel
mentally unbalanced from not having the balance of a man and woman raising them.
Children of gays will more likely become gay. It would diminish population and could
even cause our society to cease existing. Reiterate that gays are too warmed up in
themselves to be successful parents. Compare them to teenage parents, two wrapped in
their own emotional immaturity to be good parents. Reiterate that being gay is unnatural.
Letting gay people raise our children, our society of tomorrow, is like handing over our
children to be raised wolves. Doesn't mean wolves can't raise human children, but they
won't be normal.
Because depending on if either if the couple is a two women or two men
relationship things could go wrong. If two dudes adopt a kid they will never know what it
is like to have a mother and that can be hard. If it is a boy they adopt it will seem weird
having two dads. If a girl, wouldn't it be awkward for the parents and the girl when she
starts her personal, girl life, won’t she needs advice? She won’t have a womanly figure
there to help. Or how about when the boy wants to be taught how to do mechanics, I’m
not saying that a women won’t know how to do those things, it is just something that
usually you want to learn with a dad.
Same with two women. The boy needs a man figure for a role model. How will he
become a man if he has no one to learn from? And there is always the chance that the
couple will try to impose their sexual orientation on the kid. There is a reason that a
family is normally a Man a Woman and the child. So that the kid can learn from both the
parents to get a grip on reality. Sure there are already families without the mom or one
without the dad. But in all reality the kid is not well in at least one way or another. They
are missing something that should have been taught when they would have been in a
So in conclusion, there are two sides to this issue that we have with the society,
there isn’t necessarily a good or a bad side, it is just people’s opinion. I agree that gay
adoption is affective as traditional adoption, there is no right or wrong way to raise a
child. Gay or not, they will get the love they deserve.
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