WINGS 1998.txt 1998 program list #1-98 Newscast 1. The Fence at Greenham Comn1on (winner 1998 DAWN prize) by Margaretta D'Arcy (Ireland) 2. Women & the M.A.I. by Elayne Clift (Washington, DC, U.S.A.) 3. Pesticide Action Network by Dorothy Kidd (Vancouver, Canada) 4. Bianca Jagger, Rights Activist by Mark Lynas (U.K.) 5. Beekeeping in Ghana by Lydia Ajono (Ghana) #2-98 Anti-Clearcutting Documentary Film about Shelley Wine of British Columbia, Canada interview by Kathe Forrest (Boulder, CO, U.S.A.) #3-98 Philosopher Activists (Lesbian & Torti1lera) Speeches by Chris Cuomo (U.S.) & Maria Lugones (Chile) recorded & edited by Rebecca Bennett (Austin, TX, U.S.A.) #4-98 Winnie Mandela at Million Woman March Mandela (S.Africa) & Piola Butler-Davis, recorded by Daa'iya Lomax (New York, U.S.A.) #5-98 Media Myths of Russian Womanhood Irina Jurna (Russia) recorded by Piera Paine (New York, U.S.A.) #6-98 Newscast 1. Butterfly in a Redwood Tree (U.S.A.) by Joan BUffington, KVMR-FM (Nevada City, CA, U.S.A.) 2. Jerusalem Women Seeking Peace (Israel) by Elaine Clift, ed. Rebecca Bennett (Austin TX, U.S.A.) 3. Corporations vs. Governments featuring Maude Barlow (Canada) produced by Maria Gilardin, T.U.C. Radio (San Francisco, U SA) with editing for WINGS by Anne Merrill (Austin TX, USA) Page 1 WINGS 1 99 8 . t x t 4. The Bill They Called "Mobile Chernobyl" featuring Winona Laduke, (Wisconsin, U.S.A./indigenous) by Frieda Werden with tape from C-Span (Austin, Texas, USA 5 . Argentina's "Satellite Eve" Gloria Bonder (Argentina) by Frieda Werden (USA) #7-98 Non-Defensive Communication featuring Sharon El lison (USA) by Sue Supriano, "Steppin' Out of Babylon," (Oakland CA, U SA) #8-98 & 9-98 Women's News Roundup and D.A.W.N. award for hottest women's radio news of 1997 hosted by Lisa Hayes & Frieda Werden of WINGS #10-98 Sami Woman featuring Liv Inger Somby (Samiland/Lapland) by Agnes Patak, KMUD-FM (California, USA/indigenous ) #11-98 Genetic Counseling & Disability featuring Marsha Saxton (USA) by Jean Parker, Disability Radio Worldwide (Denver CO, USA #12-98 Newscast 1. Hat Tip to Bella featuring Bella Abzug (New York, USA) by Frieda Werden (USA) 2. Women's Liberty in Zimbabwe featuring Barbara Bedont (Canada/Women in Law & Developmen t Africa) by Frieda Werden (USA) 3. Women in Symphony Orchestras featuring Margaret Gage (USA) by Wendy Nelson, Michigan Radio (USA) 4. Flowers for Kabul featuring Emma Bonino (Italy/European Parliament) by Linda Israel, International Women's Round Table, & Frie Page 2 WINGS 1998.txt da Werden (USA) 5. Domestic Protection in India featuring Madhu Kishwar (India) by Carol Stall, ed. Mary O'Grady (USA) #13-98 First International Women's Roundtable from the video conference linking the U.N. in New York wit h Iowa City, Paris, France, and Peshawar, Pakistan produced by Linda Hawken Israel, with Frieda Werden (USA) #14-98 Lesbian Insemination: No Womb for Daddy documentary by Helene Rosenbluth (San Francisco, USA) #15-98 Deaf Women in Africa featuring Mclaine Mucheka (Uganda) and Madeleine Albright (USA) by Jean Parker, Disability Radio Worldwide (Colorado, USA) #16 & 17-98 The International Criminal Court & Caucus for Gender Justice International Women's Roundtable recorded in New York by F rieda Werden, hosted by Lena Yacoumopoulou of UN Radio "Women," exec. producer Linda Israel (Seattle WA, USA) featuring Alda Facio & Ana Elena Obando (Costa Rica); Rhon da Copelon, Kathy Hill Martinez, & Donna Axel (USA); Valerie Osterveld (Canada) ; Cristina Gates (Philippines); Eleonora Zielinska (Poland); Angela Agoawike (Nigeria) #18-98 Newscast 1. Women's Economics Conference in Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) reported by Rose Lukalo, African Women & Child Information Network (Kenya) Page 3 WINGS 1998.txt 2 . Canadians Inspect U .S . Weapons o f Destruction reported by Karen Sawatzky (Vancouver , BC, Canada) 3. The "Mom-Bo " Sh ow fea turing Nancy Olesen, KFAI -FM (Minneapolis , USA) 4 . Lead Poisoning in Children reported by Wendy Nelson, Mi chigan Ra d io (USA) 5 . Pol ice-Woman Promotions in Pakistan reported b y Nafisa Hoodbhoy (Karach i , Pakistan) #1 9- 9 8 Fasia p o rtrait of the late Afro-German fo lksinger & peace act ivi st featuring Ell e n Diederich (Oberhausen , Germany) produced by Frieda We r d e n (USA) #20 - 98 Gender Myths about Afric a featuring Dr . Deborah Toler o f Fo o d Fi r s t (USA) produced b y Kathe Forrest (Colorado , USA) #2 1-98 World Cycl ist featuring Danie l le Gavard (Quebec City, Canada) produced b y Sue Supriano (USA) , recorded in Cuba # 22- 98 The Ir ish Agreement Featuring Rosemary Nel s on and Bernadette Devl in McAl iskey (Northern I re land) reported by Frieda We r d e n of WINGS and Maria Gi lardin , T.U .C. Radio (US ) edi ted b y Mary O'Grady (Aus tin TX, US) #23-9 8 Feminist Books in t he Superstore Era f e a t u r i n g interviews from U .S . and Australian publishers p roduced by Frieda Werden of WINGS (Austin TX, USA) #24-9 8 Ninotchka Rosca: The Gl obal Se x Indus try speaker i s from Philippines/US produced by Fr ieda Werden o f WINGS (US) #25-98 News c a s t 1. J a n e Doe Rape Case i n Canada reported by Punam Khos la (Toronto , Canada) Page 4 WINGS 1 9 98. t x t 2 . Women & the Bomb in Pakistan reported by Nafisa Hoodbhoy (Karachi , Pakistan) 3 . African Women 's Workshop on Domestic Vio lence (recorded in Et hi op i a, with speakers from Ugand a, Mauritiu s& Ethiopia) reported by Lena Yacoumopoulou & Fl o r e n c e Poblete-Enriquez , UN Radio "Wome n" 4. Domest ic Violence I n s u r a n c e reported by Vickie Benitez (Aust in TX , USA) 5 . Th e Weather- Music Woman reported by Wendy Nel s on, Great Lakes Radio Consortium (Mich igan , USA) #26 -98 African Women 's Health : TB & Fi s t u l a reported by Rose Lu ka l o , African Women & Chi ldren Info rmat ion Network (Kenya) report ing from Addi s Ababa , Ethiopia edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady (Texas , USA) #27 -98 Tropical Forests : Ba r b a r a Bernie recorded & edited by Frieda Werden #28-98 Get the Best of Your Boss featur ing Carole Fung a r o l l i (USA) produced by Mary O'Grady (Tex a s , USA) #29-98 Silicone Implant Survivors update of documentary from "Wome n on the Li n e" (Aus tralia) #3 0- 9 8 Riffa t Ha s s a n, I s lamic Feminist Th eologian recorded in Be ij i ng by Fri e d a We r d e n edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady (Austin , Texas , USA) #31 -98 Newscast 1 . Th e Re s istance in Burma f e a t u r ing Debbie Stothard (Malays ia) reported by Ma ry Beth Brangan, Options 2000 (Ca l ifornia ,US A) Page 5 WINGS 1998.txt 2 . The Wea kness o f A.S .E .A .N. featuring Gi gi Francisco (Phi l ippine s) & Debbi e Stot h a r d (Mal a ysia ) r eported b y Mary Beth Brangan (US ) 3 . Nuclear Madness in the Ukraine featuring Maya Reminchi ts (Ukraine ) interviewed by Sue Supriano (California, US) edited by Frieda Werden, WINGS (Ca l i fo r n i a , US) 4 . Jerry's Orphans interview by Jean Parker , Disability Ra d io Wo rldwide, USA 5 . Ok i n awa n Women Ac t Against Military featuring Kozue Akibayashi (Ok i n awa , J a p a n ) reported by Mary Beth Brangan (USA) # 32-9 8 Or i g i n s of Western Feminism: Matilda J oslyn Gage speech by Sally Roesch Wagne r (USA) recorded & edited by Frieda Werden (WI NGS, USA) #3 3- 98 Beyond t he Sex Wars speech by Wendy Chapki s (USA/Netherlands ) rec orded & edited b y Frieda Werden (WINGS, USA) #34-98 Greenham Women Put Nukes on Trial Sarah Hippers on (U.K . ) interviewed b y Mar garetta D'Arcy (I r e l a n d ) song b y Welsh Soci a l i s t Red Choir edite d f or WINGS by Suz e t t e Cullen & Frieda Werden # 3 5-9 8 South Af rica : Vi o lence Against Women f eaturing Ma ts i lo Mutsei & Na omi Webster (South Africa) produced b y Di bet le Lydia Mas emol a (Joh a n n e s b u r g , South Af rica ) #36-9 8 Marsha Gome z : Swe et Responsibility speech b y a leader o f Indi genous Women 's Ne t wo r k (USA) r ecorded & edited b y Frieda Werden (USA) #37-9 8 Newscast 1 . Anti-Abortion Activists Fight the Pill f eaturing Mr s. J u d i e Brown , American Life League (USA) p roduced by Mary O'Grady (Te x a s , USA) 2 . A He lping Hand for Pro stitut es in the Philippines Page 6 WI NGS 1 9 98.tx t US) i n t e r v iewe d b y Sue Suprian o (US) #4 2- 98 Non-Defensive Communi cation fo r Activists Sh a ron Ellison (US) i n terviewed by Sue Supriano (US) #43-98 Newscast 1 . New Women Saints & Old Women Priests Karen J o Torjeson & Sally Cuneen, interviewed by Mar y O' Gr ady (USA) 2 . Schoo l o f t he Americas under Siege Ca r o l Ri chardson, School of the America Watch (US) interviewed by Maria Suarez (Costa Rica ) 3 . Rape Con v ict ion in Rwanda Isabel Hallal , Coalition on Women's Human Righ t s in Con fli ct Situations (Canada ) from the CD "Mo r e than Just a Dozen" (Can ada ) Script by Frieda Werden, WINGS (USA) 4 . Red-Green Government i n Europe Ellen Di e derich, Feminist Peace Archive (Oberhausen, Germa n y) produced b y Frieda We r den, WINGS (USA) 5 . Arthri t i s & High Heels Dr. Kas e y Kerr i gan, Ha rvard Medical School (US) i n tervi ewed by Mary O' Gr a d y , WINGS (USA) #44 - 98 Afghan Women's Roundt abl e Sima Wa l i, Dr. Zieba Shorish-Shamley, Suraya Sadeed, & Zoh ra Rasekh (Af gh a n/Amer ) j oin International Women 's Roundtable in Washington DC produced b y Lin d a Hawken Israel with Frieda Werden (US) #45-98 Maria Suarez o f F. I .R .E . Suarez , of Feminist I n ter n a t iona l Ra dio Endeavour (Costa R ica) talking with Sue Sup ri a no (US) #46-98 Hot Money & The Global Ec onomy Nicola Bullard (Aus tralia/Tha iland) Pa ge 8 WINGS 1998.txt Sr. Mary Soledad Perpinan & "Ruth" (Phil ippines) report by Mary Beth Brangan, Options 2000 (California USA) 3. Colombia's Proxy Army featuring Cecilia Zarate-Laun (Colombia/USA) interviewed by Esty Dinur, "A Public Affair" (Madison WI, USA) editor: Mary O'Grady; script: Frieda Werden 4. Women Struggle for Native Title in Australia featuring Lois O'Donohue, Women for Wik; Amanda Bangmar, indigenou Western Australian; Shirley Peasley, Ngarrindjeri from Sou th Australia; Gladys Timpingupa, Wik woman. Produced by Andrea Baker, Women on the Line, Australia, wi th Christie Guest & other contributors. 5. The Tunnels of London's Eco-Park featuring anonymous young woman London activist interview by Margaretta D'Arcy, Radio Pirate Woman (Galway Ireland) edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady #38-98 Sister Sol Sr. Mary Soledad Perpinan, Third World Movement Against Exploitation of Women produced by Mary Beth Brangan & Jim Heddle, Options 2000 #39-98 The Lambi Fund of Haiti Josette Perard (Haiti) recorded by Sue Supriano & edited by Mary O'Grady (USA) #40-98 Algeria: Frontline of Resistance Nedjma Boucheloukh (Algeria) interviewed by Maria Suarez (Costa Rica) (at a conference in Sweden) Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden #41-98 Women's Rights in U.S. Prisons Widney Brown, Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Division ( Page 7 WINGS 1998 .txt produced by Mary Beth Br angan, options 2000 (California, U SA) #47 -98 Newscast 1 . First Swiss Woman Pres ident produced by Imogen Foulkes , Swiss Radio International (Switzerland) 2 . Why Women Defend Cl inton featur ing u .S. women pol i ticians produced by Frieda Werden (US) 3. Jul ia Wri ght' s Le t t e r to the Prosecutor o f Mumia Abu-Jamal Julia Wright (of France) speaking at t he Mil l ion Woman Mar ch (Philadelphia , US) recorded by Daa 'iya Lomax (New York, USA) 4 . Galina Starovoitova Assass i na ted in Russ ia interview with Sarah Harder of I nternational Assoc . o f University Women (US) by Fri e da Werden (US) 5 . 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women Es t h e r Broner (US) , poet produced by Lena Yacoumopoulou , UN Radio "Women" #48 -#52 -98 Fr om t he Back Alleys to the Supreme Court & Beyond a history o f abor t i on rights in the U.S . p r oduc ed by Dorothy Fad i man o f Concentric Me d i a (Californi a, USA) adapted for radio by Frieda Werden o f WINGS (Texa s, USA) Page 9 NOTICE: Subscribers with access to the Pacifica Ku-band satellite may elect to get WINGS from there instead of on cassette, for a discounted rate. Contact us to make the change.To talk about your subscription call (800)798-9703 (U.S. & Canada only). WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 10: FAX (512)416-9003 e-mail: wings @ igc . ape. org Web Page: http://www .wings . erg 1< . # 1-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (closed 12/31/97) Time: 28:55 1. (4:51) THE FENCE AT GREENHAM COMMON: In/Out: "(singing) You say that this land ...this is the Women's International News Gathering Service." On Tape: Katrina Howse (singing); Margaretta D'arcy of Radio Pirate Woman, reporter activist; Sarah Hipperson, Greenham activist. Editor: Frieda Werden!. Intra: GREENHAM COMMON IN ENGLAND, LONG FENCED OFF FOR THE U.S. AND BRITISH MILITARY AND THEIR MISSILES, WAS RECENTLY OPENED UP FOR BUSINESS AND FUN. MARGARETTA D'ARCY REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 2. (5:49) WOMEN AND THE M.A.!.: In/Outcue: "Women's EDGE is a new organization ... . This is MaryO'Gradyfor WINGS." On tape: Elayne Clift, interviewer; Ritu Sharma, director, Women's EDGE. Suggested intra: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC AGREEMENTS HAVE A BIG EFFECT ON WOMEN, SO IT'S NO WONDER WOMEN ARE ORGANIZING AROUND THE MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT ON INVESTMENT BEING HAMMERED OUT BY THE MOST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. THE DIRECTOR OF ONE GROUP, "WOMEN'S EDGE," TALKED TO WINGS: ... Address in story: Women's Edge 1424 K Street Northwest, Suite 700, Washington DC 20005 USA 3. (5:52) PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK - ASIA: In/Out : "Pesticide Action Network is an international coalition... for WINGS, I'm Mary O'Grady." On tape: Sarojeni Rengam, Pesticide Action Network, Malaysia. Source: Dorothy Kidd, Vancouver. Intra: AN INTEREST IN PESTICIDE EFFECTS ON WOMEN LED PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK - ASIA TO TAKE A HARD LOOK AT GLOBAL ECONOMICS. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... 4. (6:05) BIANCA JAGGER, RIGHTS ACTIVIST: In/Out: "I think that I am no longer a celebrity ... This is the Women's International News Gathering Service." Source: Mark Lynas, One World. Intra: FORMERLY A MODEL, THEN A CELEBRITY WIFE, BIANCA JAGGER SAYS SHE'S DONE THE HOMEWORK TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY IN THE STRUGGLES FOR WOMEN'S AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT.•. You can download WINGS & other news at: 5. (4:50) BEEKEEPING IN GHANA: In/Out: "(over drums) WINGSthanks InterKonneXiones and the Panos Institute for the tape in this story from Ghana...from Ghana, it is Lidia Adjono saying goodbye (music - fades in 26 seconds). "Intra: WOMEN IN GHANA ARE TACKLING ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AT THE GRASS ROOTS -- USING NEW APPROACHES TO CONTROL DESERTIFICATION. FROM WINGS, HERE'S A SWEET STORY ON BEE-KEEPING: ... PROGRAMS YOU DON7 HAVE YET IF YOU DON7 SUBSCRIBE TO WINGS WEEKLY: #48-97 SOBONFU, "KEEPER OF RITUAL" Dagarawoman from Burkina Faso contrasts her African village life with the lonely West. #49-97 ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION. Alicia Sepulveda of Mexico on labor and Yayorl Matsui of Japan on universality of human rights from the Women's Anti-APEC Forum. #50-97 FIRE AT CAIRO. Maria Suarez of the shortwave program FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour) says feminist media partnered with the Women's Caucus at the UN Population Conference. #51-97 DISABLED WOMEN'S MOVEMENT - ZIMBABWE. lizzie Longsho, women's groups coordinator of Nat'l Council of Disabled Persons Zimbabwe, on disabled women's reproductive rights. #52-97 VACCINE ETHICS. Problems and doubts about burgeoning mass vaccination industry. #2-98 ANTI-CLEAR,CfUTTING DOCUMENTARY FILM "Fury for the Sound: The Women at Clayoquot" producer Shelley Wine. #3-98 LESBIAN & TORTILLERA PHILOSOPHER ACTIVISTS Chris Cuomo &Maria Lugones. $10 each -- 2 for $18.50. But, such a deal: 13 half-hours for $99 -Subscribe Now! WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (51'2)416-'9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc . org Web Page: http://www.wings . org If your station is now taking WINGS off the Pacifica satellite, please notify us. Call (800)798-9703 or e-mail #4-98 WINNIE MANDELA AT THE MILLION WOMAN MARCH Time: 28:57 The organizers of the October 1997 Million Woman March in Philadelphia USA brought Winnie Madikizela-Mandela to lead and address those assembled. Following her introduction by Piola Butler-Davis, Mandela gave a speech that celebrated the re-unification of African and Afro-American women and extolled the Afro-American women of history who have liberated their enslaved and oppressed people. #5-98 MEDIA MYTHS OF RUSSIAN WOMANHOOD Time: 28:54 Irina Jurna (ee-REE-nah YOUR-nuh), co-founder of the Russian Association of Women Journalists, speaking at New York University's Center for European Studies, December 12, 1997. Recorded and edited for WINGS by Piera Paine. Juma notes that the sudden dissolution of the old communist stereotypes of Russian woman left a vacuum that has now been filled by a similarly patriarchal and nationalistic ideal of the Russian woman as supremely suitable for dependency -- not on the state now, but on individual men. NOTICES: >Women's News Roundup available now. Contact WINGS ASAP for your copy. >Newscast-only subscribers are urged to download WINGS news from OneWorld: http://www.oneworld .org/rad io_news/ >U.S. subscribers, please take WINGS off Pacifica satellite. Call (800)798-9703. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 1< . FAX (512)416-9003 1< e-mail: wings @ ige. ape. org Web Page: http://www .wings . org #6-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (Jan/Feb) Time: 28:30 1. (5:49) BUTTERFLY IN A REDWOOD TREE: In/Out "February 18th, Earth Rrst activist ...Joan Buffington, KVMR Radio, NevadaCity, California." On Tape: Julia Buttertly. Intra: THE BOND OF MUTUAL PROTECTION BETWEEN WOMEN AND TREES HAS REACHED LEGENDARY PROPORTIONS IN MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD. A NEW LEGEND WAS BORN THIS WINTER, IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. JOAN BUFFINGTON REPORTS FOR WINGS ON THE TRUE STORY, "BUTTERFLY IN A REDWOOD TREE":..• 2. (5:54)JERUSALEM WOMEN SEEKING PEACE: ln/Outcue: "Three women of different faiths ... promoted by Parnersfor Peace. Rebecca Bennett edited tape. I'm Frieda Werden. On tape : Michal Shohat, JerusalemCity Council;Claudette Habasch, Caritas Jerusalem; NahlaAsali, Birzeit University. Source: ElaineClift, Washington DC. Intra: THE MOST DISPUTED ELEMENT OF THE ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PEACE PROCESS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE DIVIDED CITY OF JERUSALEM. THREE WOMEN WHO LIVE THERE GIVE THEIR OPINIONS IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ... 3. (5:01) CORPORATIONS vs. GOVERNMENTS: In/Out: "Canadian researcher MaudeBarlow... this is MaryO'Gradyfor WINGS." On tape: Maude Barlow, Canadian authorof books on trade. Source: Maria Gilardin, TUC Radio, SanFrancisco. Assistant editor: Anne Merrill. Intra: A NEW "BILL OF RIGHTS FOR CORPORATiONS" IS POISED TO GIVE FOREIGN INVESTORS MORE POWER. THE PROPOSED "MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT ON INVESTMENT" WOULD SUPERSEDE BOTH THE LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTS. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: .•. Web site for more MAl info: 4. (3:45) THE BILL THEY CALLED "MOBILE CHERNOBYL": In/Out "After multiple postponementsto elude protests ... I'm FriedaWerden reporting for WINGS." On tape: Winona LaDuke, Native American environmental and land activist and former U.S. Vice Presidential candidate. Tape source: C-Span. I ntro: THE NEXT SAFETY DEVICE ON AMERICAN CARS MAY BE A GEIGER COUNTER. THAT'S BECAUSE CONGRESS HAS APPROVED A BILL NICKNAMED "MOBILE CHERNOBYL," TO SHIP MASSES OF NUCLEAR WASTE ACROSS 43 STATES, TO INDIAN LANDS. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... Mobile Chernobyl updates on the web: 5. (6:19) ARGENTINA'S "SATELLITE EVE": In/Out: liMy nameis Gloria Bonder, I am from Argentina...Communication conference in Luxembourg. J'm Frieda Werden, reporting." Intra: "SATELLITE EVE" IN ARGENTINA IS A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT TO GET MORE AND BETTER COVERAGE OF WOMEN INTO THE MEDIA. ONE OF THE ORGANIZERS EXPLAINS TO WINGS: ... PROGRAMS YOU DON7 HAVE YET IF YOU DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO WINGS WEEKLY: (all half-hours): #4-98 WINNIE MANDELA AT MILLJON WOMAN MARCH. A tribute to solidarity between African and African-American women. #5-98 MEDIA MYTHS OF RUSSIAN WOMEN. Outdated stereotypes of Western women are just a new veneer on communist patriarchy. #7-98 NON-DEFENSIVE COMMUNICATION. A feminist psychologist's suggestion for cutting through your own and other people's b.s. $10 each. Or, subscribe for 3 months for $99. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc .org Web Page: http: //www.wings . org #7-98 NON-DEFENSIVE COMMUNICATION Time: 28:55 Digital re-master of one of the most popular WINGS programs ever. Psychologist Sharon Ellison tells Sue Supriano some suggestions for how to break our addiction to adversarial communication and really reach each other. Today , Ellison she practices in Oakland, California. Her own 9D-minute audiotape, Powerful non-defensive communication, is available to WINGS listeners for a discounted price of $11 (US). Write Sharon Ellison, 4100-10 #316 Oakland CA 94619 USA. She also has a book coming out in April: Don't Be So Defensive! - Taking the war out of our words with powerful non-defensive communication (Kansas City MO, USA: Andrews McMeel Publishing Co., 1998). Her web site, opening in March, is . PHONE: (510)336-0448. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 4 16-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc . org Web Page: http://www.wings . org #8-98 WOMEN'S NEWS ROUNDUP, Par t I Time 28:30 Includes excerpts and updates from stories on: Interparliamentary Union survey on percentage of women in the world's parliaments; Bella Abzug on the percentage of women in Congress; Devaki Jain on the backlash against reserved parliament seats for women in India (recorded by Elaine Clift), women running for President of Kenya - with clip from Cha rity Ngilu's first campaign speech (recorded by Rose Lukalo), Ellen J ohnson Sirleaf - unsuccessful presidential candidate talking with Patricka Dallas about the Liberian election, Winnie Mandela's failed bid to become deputy president of the ANC and her speech at the Million Woman March in the US (recorded by Da'aiya Lomax), and Emily Toth with an example from Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice to Women in Academia. Hosts: Frieda Werden and Lisa Hayes. #9-98 WOMEN'S NEWS OUNDUP, Part II Time 29 :02 Includes excerpts and updates from: Japanese feminist and journalist Yayori Matsui on the Malaysia-led rebellion against universality of human rights (recorded by Dorothy Kidd); German peace activist Ellen Dieder ich on the move by stockholders to get Daimler-Benz to stop making land-mines; political prisoners from Peru to Texas; Lena Yacoumopoulou's story on "Problems with Breast Cancer Detection" from UN Radio "Women"; Jean Parker's interview with Mar ia Rantho, a member of the South African Parliament and a disability rights activist -- excerpted from Disa bility Radio Worldwide; and the winner of the DAWN prize -- the Katherine .Daven por t Award for Women's News: a story by Margaretta D'Arcy (Radio Pirate Woman), "The Fence at Greenham" -- updating what have been the fruits of 15 years of struggle around the militarization of commons land in England. Contact info mentioned in a story: U.S. Secur ities and Exchange Commission : e-mail: r fa x: (202)942-9646. The "stockholder gag r ule" is number 87-25-97. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc .org Web Page: http://www.wings . org If your station is taking WINGS off satellite (Pacifica in the US, ComRadSat in Australia), or intends to start doing so, please notify us to stop sending cassettes. #10-98 SAMI WOMAN Time: 28:43 At a United Nations workshop for indigenous journalists, Agnes Patak of California met and interviewed Liv Inger Somby of Samiland. The Sami are indigenous people from the far northern region called Lapland on English maps. Though they are white, the Sami have similar stories of expropriation and prejudice to indigenous people "of colorII worldwide. Among their problems is the privatization of land ownership -- in the men's names -- and the stigmatization as "sin" of their favorite way of singing, known as "yoicking." Recorded January 1998, in Madrid. #11·98 GENETIC COUNSELING & DISABILITY Time: 28:47 Jean Parker, a producer for WINGS and Disability Radio Worldwide, interviews Dr. Ma r sha Saxton, a public health specialist and disability rights activist whose career has included research at the World Institute on Disability, directing the Project on Women and Disability in Boston, and producing materials on women and disbilities for the Feminist Press. Dr. Saxton is working to reverse the strong societal prejudice against disabled persons that can impel a pregnant woman to seek genetic counseling and choose on that basis to abort. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc . org Web Page: http: //www.wings . org If your station is taking WINGS off satellite (Pacifica in the US, ComRadSat in Australia), or intends to start doing so, please notify us to stop sending cassettes. #10-98 SAMI WOMAN Time: 28:43 At a United Nations workshop for indigenous journalists, Agnes Patak of California met and interviewed Liv Inger Somby of Samiland. The Sami are indigenous people from the far northern region called Lapland on English maps. Though they are white, the Sami have similar stories of expropriation and prej udice to indigenous people "of color" worldwide. Among their problems is the privatization of land ownership -- in the men's names -- and the stigmatization as "sin" of their favorite way of singing, known as "yoicking." Recorded January 1998, in Madrid. #11·98 GENETIC COUNSELING & DISABILITY Time: 28:47 Jean Pa r ker, a producer for WINGS and Disability Radio Worldwide, interviews Dr. Marsha Saxton, a public health specialist and disability rights activist whose career has included research at the World Institute on Disability, directing the Project on Women and Disability in Boston, and producing materials on women and disbilities for the Feminist Press. Dr. Saxton is working to reverse the strong societal prejudice against disabled persons that can impel a pregnant woman to seek genetic counseling and choose on that basis to abort. LET WINGS KNOW as soon as you switch to downloading WINGS news from One World n ews/ or taking WINGS off Pacifica satellite. Call WINGS at (800)798-9703. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ ige . ape . erg Web Page: http://www .wings . erg 510 12-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (March) Time: 28:S6 1. (7:37) HAT TIP TO BELLA: In/Outcue: ''We celebrate the 50th anniversary...Ciao, Bella." On Tape: BellaAbzug, from various stages in her career; Sandy Rapp, from "HatsOttTo Bella"on the CD "Wethe People" [SRM1003]. Intro : WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD ARE MEMORIALIZING FORMER U.S. CONGRESSWOMAN BELLA ABZUG, ONE OF THE BOLDEST AND MOST POLITICALLY SAVVY LEADERS GLOBAL FEMINISM HAS KNOWN. FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS HAS ORGANIZED BELLA'S OWN WORDS TO RECALL HIGHLIGHTS OF HER CAREER: .•. 2. (5:42) WOMEN'S LIBERTY IN ZIMBABWE: In/Out: "MynameIsBarbara ... International Women's Roundtable. I'm Frieda Werden reporting."On tape: Barbara Badont, Canadian attorney with Women in Lawand Development Africa. Intra: HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU NEVER GOT TO BE A LEGAL ADULT AND ALWAYS HAD TO HAVE A GUARDIAN'S PERMISSION IN ORDER TO TAKE DECISIONS? WOMEN HAD THAT PROBLEM IN RHODESIA BEFORE IT BECAME ZIMBABWE -- AND IT'S JUST ABOUT TO HAPPEN TO THEM AGAIN. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... 3. (5:16) WOMEN IN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS: In/Out: "[French horn solo] ... WendyNelson produces for Michigan Radioand WINGS." On tape: Margaret Gage. Intra: A FEMINIST # COALITION CALLED "VPO WATCH" IS CHALLENGING THE VIENNA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA TO HOLD GENDER-BLIND AUDITIONS. THAT ORCHESTRA HAS ONLY ADMITTED ONE WOMAN IN 155 YEARS. OTHER SYMPHONIES HAVE GONE FARTHER ON THE ROAD TO EQUALITY -- BUT THERE'S STILL ENOUGH PREJUDICE TO KEEP MARGARET GAGE AMUSED. WENDY NELSON REPORTS: ... [VPO Watch is on the International Alliance for Women in Music web site.] 4. (5:09) THE "FLOWERS FOR KABULll CAMPAIGN: In/Ou t "The European Parliament dedicated ...funded by the Stanley Foundation." I ntro: "FLOWERS FOR KABUL" (KAHbool] IS WHAT EUROPEANS CALL THEIR CAMPAIGN FOR AFGHAN WOMEN. BUT THEY KNOW IT WILL TAKE ORE THAN FLOWERS TO BREAK DOWN THE GENDER APARTHEID THERE: ... 5. (3:44) DOMESTIC PROTECTION IN INDIA: In/Out: "Fromthe mid-70s onward ... I'm Mary O'Grady." Tape source: Carol Stall. Intro: FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS, FEMINISTS IN INDIA HAVE WAGED A CAMPAIGN AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THAT GOES DIRECTLY TO THE COMMUNITY AND CIRCUMVENTS THE POLICE. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... 112-hr PROGRAMS YOU WOULD HAVE IF YOU SUBSCRIBED TO WINGS WEEKL Y: $10 each. Or, subscribe for 3 months for $99. #10-98 SAMI WOMAN. Samis are indigenous "white" people of the far north who have a lot in common with people "of color" around the world -- though some of them don't yet know It. Produced by Agnes Patak . #11-98 GENETIC COUNSELING AND DISABILITY. arsha Saxton is tr ying to Infl uence genetic counselors not to transmit prejudice agai nst di sabled persons. Produced by Jean Parker. #13-98 FIRST INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S ROUNDTABLE. Audio montage from an international telecon ference covering Afghani women's need s and US efforts to rat ify CEDAW (the UN Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Agai nst Women). Prod uced by Lin da Hawken Israel and Fri eda Werden. WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @igc . org Web Page: Old URL currently out of service. Meantime, try our temporary site: Let this be a lesson: be sure your domain name is registered with one of your own group as administrative contact! If your station is taking WINGS off satellite (Pacifica in the US, ComRadSat in Australia), or intends to start doing so, please notify us to stop sending cassettes. #14.98 LESBIAN INSEMINATION: "NO WOMB FOR DADDY" Time: 27:50 A documentary by Helene Rosenbluth, in which lesbians who became pregnant discuss the methods they used to obtain and make use of donor sperm. The language in this program has been modified to protect our U.S. stations from the Federal Communications Commission. The word "fuck" was mutilated to remove the vowel; two mentions of "jack off" were deleted. Stations should be advised that the clinical terms IIsperm,II "vagina," "penis," and "cervix" have been retained. For more information on donor insemination issues, check the world wide web. #15-98 DEAF WOMEN IN AFRICA Time: 27:53 Mclaine Mucheka, a deaf woman from Uganda, was one of the organizers of the first Pan-African Conference of Deaf People. In her interview with Jean Parker, she emphasizes the organizing activities of deaf women in southern Africa, and talks about her own life. This program begins with excerpts from a keynote address by Madeleine Albright, U.S. Secretary of State, at the First International Leadership Forum of Women with Disabilities, held in 1997. Albright says the US. should export its policies on persons with disabilities, not just on hamburger marketing. Jean Parker, producer of both segments, produces Disability Radio Worldwide and can be reached by email <>. •( 1 ._I '~ ! ': - tI'i ~ iI -' (;, If you have a backlog of WINGS programs you haven 't played, please move these 2 shows to the top of the queue, as there is a time element to this important issue. / J \ '--I ))'~' Time: 28: 48 WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 :1\ FAX (512)416-9003 :1\ e-mail: wings @ igc . org Web Page: Old URL, may be temporarily out of service. Meantime, try: -, ,--t" _ ~ #16-98 THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT and the \Ci!~' CAUCUS FOR GENDER JUSTICE Part I Time: 28:55 International Women's Roundtable with members of the Women's Caucus for Gender Justice, which is lobbying the United Nations to infuse a proposed new institution, the International Criminal Court (ICC), with concern for gender issues, as promised at previous conferences such as the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna) and the 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing). Caucus members tell what are the women's issues around the court and give examples of how such a court could impact women. They call for listeners to contact their countries' foreign offices about the treaty before the ICC conference in June and July in Rome. Executive producer of Intenational Women's Roundtable series: Linda Hawken Israel; WINGS program producer, Frieda Werden; moderator, Lena Yacoumopoulou. Contact information for the Caucus for Gender Justice, as given in the program: 777 United Nations Plaza, c/o Jane Addams Peace Assoc. NY NY 10017 # i1-98 THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT and the CAUCUS FOR GENDER JUSTICE Part II Continuation focuses on what are the most controversial issues in the ICC documents relating to women, and what have been the member states' and delegates' responses. Caucus members point out that compliance with previous commitments on women is not being taken as seriously as it needs to be, allowing the Vatican and other opponents to make headway . Pressure from women in the delegates' home countries has proven effective. Participants in the two-part roundtable: Aida Facio and Ana Elena Obando, of Costa Rica; Rhonda CopeIon, Katherine Hall Martinez, and Donna Axel of New York; Valerie Oosterveld from Canada; Cristina Gates from the Philippines; Eleonora Zlellnska from Poland; and Angela Agoawike from Nigeria. Funder for the International Women's Round Table, the Stanley Foundation. WINGS funder: Genevieve Vaughan, author of the book "For-Giving: A Feminist Criticism of Exchange" ( WINGS IS MAKING A SPECIAL OFFER TO LISTENERS OF BOTH THESE PROGRAMS ON ONE CASSETTE FOR $15 (US) (non-broadcastquality cassette). Do any of the original WINGS subscribers remember the first day WINGS came out? (It was on the public radio satellite, and was in May 1986.) I've been telling people this year that it was May 22nd, but the truth is I don't remember. If you do, please call or write me. Thanks -- Frieda Werden Stations taking these program off satellite need to contacts WINGS. toll-free station call-in number from U.SJCanada: 1-800-798-9703 WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings . org Web Page: http://www.wings . org :# 18-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (May) Time: 28:57 1. (6:05) WOMEN'S ECONOMICS CONFERENCE IN AFRICA: lnlOutCl/a: ''The UN's Economic Commission for Afrlca...Women's International NewsGathering Service." On Tape: Rose Lukaloof KenyaInterviews Margaret Synder, former UNIFEM head and Ruth Perry, former head of state of Uberia. Intra: A GREAT ECONOMIC RESOURCE WAS CELEBRATED BY THE UN THIS SPRING -- THE WORK OF AFRICAN WOMEN. HERE'S A WINGS REPORT FROM THE CONFERENCE HELD IN KAMPALA: ••. 2. (5:19) CANADIANS INSPECT U.S. WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION: In/Out "On February 28,1998... taped by Karen Sawatzkyof VancouverCoop Radio. For WINGS, I'm Mary O'Grady. On tapa: CanadianMP from Vancouver East, Libby Davies;Jackie Hudson, GroundZero; Paul Taylor, public affairsofficer, US Navy. Intra: IT'S BECOME A CANADIAN POLITICAL TRADITION: GIVING THE U.S. A TASTE OF ITS OWN POLITICAL MEDICINE. FOR EXAMPLE, HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE CANADIAN DELEGATION THAT CAME TO INSPECT U.S. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION? STAY TUNED FOR THE STORY, COURTESY OF WINGS:.•. 3. (5:54) THE "MOM-BO" SHOW: In/Out: "Mother's Daywas May 10thin the U.S.... You're listening to WINGS." On tape : Excerpts from NancyOlesen'sprogram "Mom-Bo" from KFAI-FM, Minneapolis." Intro : WHOEVER SAID "EVERY MOTHER IS A WORKING MOTHERn WASN'T JUST WHISTLING DIXIE. WINGS SENT US A FEW HONEST WORDS ABOUT THE JOB, TAKEN FROM THE COMMUNITY RADIO PROGRAM "MOM-BO" -- THE "MOM SHOW WITH AN ATTITUDE.":... 4. (6:12) LEAD POISONING IN CHILDREN: In/Out: "John and Margaret ...Wendy Nelson produces for Michigan Radio and WINGS." I ntro: "PAINT THAT WOULDN'T WASH OFF WAS A GREAT INNOVATION. BUT WHEN IT FINALLY DOES COME OFF, THE LEAD IN THAT PAINT CAN WREAK HAVOC IN THE BODIES OF DEVELOPING CHILDREN. WENDY NELSON REPORTS FOR WINGS:I •.. 5. (3:55) POLICE-WOMAN PROMOTIONS IN PAKISTAN: In/Out: "Women police inspectors who had been denied promotion ... Nafisa Hoodbhoyfiled that WINGS report from Karachi, Pakistan." On tape: Reporter Nafisa Hoodbhoy, interviewee, inspector NahidElmas. Intra: IN A COUNTRY WHERE MOST WOMEN DON'T EVEN LEAVE THEIR HOMES ALONE, A GROUP OF POLICE WOMEN HAVE WON A COURT DECISION THAT HINGES ON WOMEN'S EQUAL RIGHTS. NAFISA HOODBHOY [nah FEE aah HOOD boy] REPORTS FROM KARACHI, FOR WINGS: ... _ -._ --_._..----._.. _---. q._- -.- _- - - . ~ ~_ #19-98 FASIA Time 29:00 One of Germ any's most acc la imed act i vi st f ol ksingers died December 27, 1997. In th i s progra m, her l ife part ner Ell en Diederi ch t ells of the life of Fasia J anse n, a bl ack German w oman who was born to a German mot her and Li ber i an dipl omat f ather on the eve of th e Nazi takeover of Germany, sur vived th e ord eal of a concentr at io n camp and became a l ifelong activist for peace, fem in ism, and soc ial justice. Incl udes much of her music. For Jnf orrnat i on about her album s, films , and arch ive, e-m ail <f r i edensae aol .com>. WOMEN·S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 e-mail : wings @ igc . org * Web Page: If your station is taking WINGS off satellite (Pacifica in the US, ComRadSat in Australia), or intends to start doing so, please notify us to stop sending cassettes. #21-98 WORLD CYCLIST Time: 28:29 Danielle Gavard, a 49-year-old cyclist from Quebec City, Canada, has been bicycling in all different parts of the world for half of her life. She told Sue Supriano tales of her travels when the two met December 25, 1997, in the Cuban countryside. #22-98 THE IRISH AGREEMENT Time: 28:23 Rosemary Nelson, a Northern Irish attorney and rights activist, and Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, a former member of the British Parliament, former political prisoner, and Northern Ireland peace activist, pinpoint failings of the Irish Agreement, which McAliskey says is not a "peace accord." She describes it as a brokered split of political power dictated by U.S. commercial interests looking for a foot in the door of the European Union. Nelson spoke at the UN, where she was recorded by Lena Yacoumopoulou for WINGS. McAliskey spoke in San Francisco; her speech and an interview were recorded an edited in part by Maria Gilardin ofT.U.C. Radio. Mary O'Grady edited this half-hour for WINGS. #23-98 FEMINIST BOOKS IN THE SUPER-STORE ERA Time: 29:07 A disproportionately large number of new feminist authors and topics find their first publishers among small non-profit feminist publishing companies. In the last few years, these publishers are under extraordinary stress, due largely to changing conditions in the book store world and the dominance of super-store chains. Frieda Werden produced a portrait of the changes , through interviews with: Margarita Donnelly, director of Calyx feminist press in the U.S.; Mary Ellen Cavanaugh from My Sister's Words Bookstore in Syracuse, New York and The Feminist Bookstore Network; Linda Gardiner, publisher,Women's Review of Books; and Susan Hawthorne, publisher, Spinifex Press, Australia. #24-98 NINOTCHKA ROSCA: THE GLOBAL SEX INDUSTRY Time: 28:59 The final speaker at the U.S. National Women's Studies Association conference in June 1998 was Ninotchka Rosca, an eminent Filipina novelist and former political prisoner who is now an avid campaigner for women's human rights. Rosca spoke on the panel titled "Beyond the Sex Wars: feminism, Sexuality and Power in a Commodity Culture." Her organization Gabriela Network has a web site: that describes their work on projects such as regulation of the mail-order-bride industry. Stations taking these programs off satellite need to contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail : wings @ igc . org Web Page: http://www .wings . org -#25-98 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (June) Time: 29:00 1. (6:28) JANE DOE WINS RAPE CASE IN CANADA: In/Outcue: "On Friday July 3...for WINGS, I'm Punam Khoslain Toronto, Canada." On Tape: "JaneDoe"; her lawyerCynthia Peterson; the Pres. of Canada's National Action Coalition, Joan Grant Cummings; Toronto Police Chief David Boothby; Anna Willats, Toronto RapeCrisis Centre. Intro: DO THE POLICE HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO WARN WOMEN ABOUT A RAPIST? A CANADIAN COURT HAS RULED THEY DO. PUNAM KHOSLA (POO nahm KOH slah] REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 2. (6:47) WOMEN AND THE BOMB IN PAKISTAN: In/Out "Well, the bomb, theunderground testing... Nafisa Hoodbhoy. I'm FriedaWerden for WINGS. On tape: Nafisa Hoodbhoy, reporter, Dawn newspaper, Karachi. Intro: NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAN DESTROY MORE THAN AN ENEMY; THEY CAN SHATTER A NATION'S ECONOMY AND RETARD SOCIAL CHANGE. PAKISTAN HAS BECOME A CASE IN POINT: ... 3. (4:08) AFRICAN WOMEN'S WORKSHOP ON DOMESTIC VI0 LENCE: In/Out: "Howmanyof you women ... . On tape: Specioza Kazibwe, Vice President of Uganda; unidentified spokewoman from Mauritus; Meaza Ashenafi, head of Ethiopian Women Lawyers Assoc. Reporter: Lena Yacoumopoulou, UN Radio "Women"; production assistant, Florence PobleteEnriquez. Intro: AT A WORKSHOP IN ETHIOPIA, AFRICAN WOMEN DISCUSSED HOW TO ERADICATE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. HERE ARE SOME OF THEIR IDEAS: •.• 4. (4:40) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INSURANCE: In/Out "In Salt LakeCity Utah, last March, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ...This is Vickie Benitezfor WINGS." Intro: UNLIKE MOST COUNTRIES, THE UNITED STATES IS ALMOST TOTALLY RELIANT ON PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES -- AND INSURANCE COMPANIES DON'T LIKE TO TAKE RISKS, LIKE INSURING VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. TO PREVENT THIS DISCRIMINATION, INSURANCE REGULATORS ARE RECOMMENDING A CHANGE IN THE LAW. VICKIE BENITEZ REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 5. (5:26) THE WEATHER-MUSIC WOMAN: In/Out: "[music] She goes by the name Ficara...I'mWendy Nelson In Battle Creek, Michigan. [music -- fade-it-yourself by 5:26, if using module]. " On tape: FlC8I"a, WendyNelson. Source: GreatLakes RadioConsortium. Intro: "THE WEATHER CHANNEL" -- SEEN AROUND THE WORLD -- HAS A DISTINCTIVE MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND. LITTLE DID YOU KNOW, THIS IS WOMEN'S MUSIC -- BY A COMPOSER CALLED "FICARA." WENDY NELSON OF THE GREAT LAKES RADIO CONSORTIUM REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... . _~-----------. __ _-_._--"--_._-_._---_ _._.........•......_.._--- ---- _ #26-98 AFRICAN WOMEN'S HEALTH: T.B. & FISTULA. Rose Lukalo of the African Women & Child Information Network interviews health officials and workers in the field of tuberculosis care, and she tours The Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Editor/narrator: Mary O'Grady. #27-98 BARBARA BERNIE: TROPICAL FORESTS. As huge tracts of this vanishing resource go up in smoke this year, WINGS re-issues this speech expla.ining how tropical forests work, and how bad the result is when they're destroyed. Recorded and edited by Frieda Werden. 'i 1 #28-98 GET THE' BEST OF YOUR BOSS. Carole Fungarolli , author of liThe Slam and Scream Strategy" gives funny but true advice to executive assistants. Produced by Mary O'Grady. WOMEN·S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 e-mail: wings @ wings. org * Web Page: If your station is taking WINGS off satellite (Pacifica in the US, ComRadSat in Australia), or intends to start doing so, please notify us to stop sending cassettes. #29-98 SILICONE IMPLANT SURVIVORS (update) Time: 28:28 In July 1998, Dow-Coming agreed to a 3.2 billion-dollar settlement with 400,000 women from around the world who filed suit over problems with Dow-manufactured silicone breast implants. Dow has already evaded a previous settlement on·grounds of bankruptcy, and several other manufacturers have failed to live up to their agreements in similar class-action cases. The press in the U.S. repeats Dow's claims that health studies arc "inconclusive" and that implants don't cause illness. This program , originally aired on Australia's "Women on the Line" lets survivors speak for themselves. For more updates on settlements, the number in the U.S. is 1-800-887-6828. Contact in Australia: 03-646-7(J76 #30-98 RIFFAT HASSAN, ISLAMIC fi'EMINIST THEOLOGIAN Time: 28:52 The women's movement in Islamic countries has long contended that sexism is not endemic to Islam, that the problem is with sexist interpretations of the religion . Professor Riffat Hassan of Pakistan is one of the most influential proponents of feminist interpretation of the Koran and related scriptures. She spoke on this issue at the NOO Forum of the 4th World Conference on Women. The speech was recorded in Huairou, China, by Frieda Werden and edited by Mary O'Grady. Stations taking these programs off satellite need to contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail : wings @ wings . org Web Page : http://www .wings . org #31 -98 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (July/Aug) Time: 29 :04 1. (6:15) THE RESISTANCE IN BURMA: In/Outcue: "Burma, or as its illegally ruling military ...Reporting for WINGS, this is Mary Beth Brangan." On Tape: Debbie Stothard, Malaysian organizer. Intra: THE DEADLINE FOR DEMOCRACY IN BURMA HAS ARRIVED. WILL THE PARLIAMENT MEET -- AND IF NOT, THEN WHAT? HERE'S THE BIG PICTURE, IN A STORY FROM WINGS: ... 2. (5:24) THE WEAKNESS OF A.S.E.A.N.: In/Out: "[Traffic noise fades up .... Musical flourish up & out]." On tape: Rlipina femin ist Gigi Francisco ; Debbie Stothard. Intra: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS FIDDLES WHILE BURMA BURNS -AT LEAST THAT'S THE ANALYSIS OF ACTIVISTS IN A PARALLEL CONFERENCE IN THE PHILIPPINES. MARY BETH BRANGAN OF OPTIONS 2000 REPORTS FOR WINGS: 3. (5:41) NUCLEAR MADNESS IN THE UKRAINE: In/Out: "In the 12 years since a reactor explosion ... read Chernobyl: The Forbidden Truth, by Alia Yaroshinskaya, published in English translation by University of Nebraska Press." On tape: Maya Reminchits, Ukrainian environmentalist, interviewed by Sue Supriano on Free Radio Berkeley. Intro: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UKRAINE HAS RE-WRITTEN THE OLD QUESTION ABOUT A TREE FALLING IN THE FOREST; THE NEW QUESTION IS: DOES A NUCLEAR DISASTER STILL DEVASTATE YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU DON'T COUNT THE DEAD? HERE'S FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS: ... 4. (6:30) "JERRY'S ORPHANS": In/Out: "Each U.S. Labor Day ... l'rn Jean Parker." Intro: PEOPLE IN THE U.S. HAVE COME TO EXPECT MANIPULATION AND DECEPTION FROM FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS; BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ETHICS OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS? THIS ONE IS NOW BEGGING INTERNATIONALLY ON THE INTERNET. FRIEDA WERDEN AND JEAN PARKER REPORT: ... 5. (4:11) OKINAWAN WOMEN ACT ACT AGAINST MILITARY VI0 LENCE: In/Out "Violence against women ... For WINGS, this is Mary Beth Brangan." On tape: Japanese feminist Kozue Akibayashi. Source: Options 2000. Intra: "FEMINISTS IN OKINAWA SAY "NATIONAL SECURITY" EQUALS FEMALE INSECURITY, ACCORDING TO A SPEAKER AT THE ALTERNATIVE SECURITY CONFERENCE IN MANILA THIS JULY: ... --------------------HALF-HOURS YOU CAN ORDER FOR $10 EACH:-------------------#30-98 RIFFAT HASSAN, ISLAMIC FEMINIST THEOLOGIAN. A funny and very important expose on how sexism from Christianity crossed over into Islam. Recorded in Huairou, China, by Frieda Werden and edited by Mary O'Grady. #29-98 SILICONE IMPLANT SURVIVORS IN AUSTRALIA. WINGS update of a fascinating human interest documentary produced by Australia's Women on the Line. #28-98 GET THE BEST OF YOUR BOSS. Carole Fungarolli, author of ''The Slam and Scream Strategy" gives funny but true advice to executive assistants and women considering the job. Produced by Mary O'Grady, WINGS humor editor. Paying subscribers to the WINGS Newscast may select two of the WINGS half-hour programs free, to supplement your newscast subscription. You can select from the lists on this and previous newscast lineup sheets, or check ·t he WINGS website for back editions. Thank you very much for your support. Stations taking these programs off satellite: contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings . org Web Page: http://www.wings . org #32-98 ORIGINS OF WESTERN FEMINISM: Matilda Joslyn Gage Time: 28:57 As the U.S. celebrates 150 years since the founding of the women's movement in Seneca Falls, New York, historian Sally Roesch Wagner explains to WINGS reporter Elayne Clift that the most interesting parts of the story have been left out of the official histories: the origins of Western feminism in the Iroquois culture, for example, and the call by leading feminists to revise or abolish religion. Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden. #}} -98 BEYOND THE SEX WARS Time: 28:43 Wendy Chapkis, author of the book "Live Sex Acts: Women Performing Erotic Labor," addressed the U.S. National Women's Studies Association in June 1998 on the subject "Beyond the sex Wars." In this talk she seeks to find commonality across the rift ~ . between feminists who consider prostitution a violation of human rights and those who consider it a job category. Introduction by Bonnie Zimmerman. Recorded and edited by Frieda Werden. Stations taking these programs off satellite: contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings. org Web Page: http://www .wings . org #32-98 ORIGINS OF WESTERN FEMINISM: Matilda Joslyn Gage Time: 28:57 As the U.S. celebrates 150 years since the founding of the women's movement in Seneca Falls, New York, historian Sally Roesch Wagner explains to WINGS reporter Elayne Clift that the most interesting parts of the story have been left out of the official histories: the origins of Western feminism in the Iroquois culture, for example, and the call by leading feminists to revise or abolish religion. Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden. #}} -98 BEYOND THE SEX WARS Time: 28:43 Wendy Chapkis, author of the book "Live Sex Acts: Women Performing Erotic Labor," addressed the U.S. National Women's Studies Association in June 1998 on the subject "Beyond the Sex Wars." In this , t~ l k she seeks to find commonality across the rift :; _ between temlnlsts who consider prostitution a violation of human rights and those who consider it a job category. Introduction by Bonnie Zimmerman. Recorded and edited by Frieda Werden. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA wtnqs ew tnqs .orq Phone: (512 )41 6-9000 Fax (5 12)416-9003 ht tp://www.w ing Real Audio archive: http://www.amazoncityradio .com #34-98 GREENHAM VJOMEN PUT NUKES ON TRIAL 28: 29 Ma'rgaretta 0 'Arcy of Radi 0 Pi rate Woman int erv iews 70- year-old Sarah Hipperson of the Ye l lowgate Women's Peace Camp at Greenham Common, Englar\d, about her two rec ent jury trial s for fen ce-cutt i ng at a nuc1ear' warhead factory in Engl and. Hipperson def ended herse1f and was ab1e t o int r oduce interna t i ana1 1aw jnto the pro ceedings. The program was edited fo r WI ~~GS by Suzett e Cul len & Fr ieda Werden. Song by memb ers of th e Wel sh Socia list Red Choir. #35-98 SOUTH AFRICA: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 28:52 0; bet 1e Lyd i a Masemo 1a of J ohannesburg returned to Sout h Afr i ca from Canadi an exi le in 1996, and f ound a society st ill steeped in vio lence, in cludi ng v i olence aqainst women exceeded only by t hat seen in countries act ual ly at war. She pr oduced th i s program to rai se awareness of t he pro blem both insi de t no country and abro ad. Interviewees: Mat s jl o Mut sei and Naomi Webster. Music credits: "Thembinkosi wami" by Ringo Madlingozi; "Green Valleys" by C. Norton and F. Mizen, performed by Royal Choral Society, and "A Timeless Odyssey" by 1. Hymas, performed by Bristol Cathedral Choir, both on The Cnoret Album (KPM233 CD); "Thule. Mama," traditional song, and "U ea Kae" byM. Masonga, J.S.M. Khumalo and J.P. Mohapeloa, both arranged and performed by Sibongile Khumalo, on Ancient Evenings (CDCOL 8001 P); "Mother Africa" by Lebo M. &Hans Zimmer, on "The Power of One" soundtrack album (CD 61335 Electra Records). WINGS: Women' s International News Gathering Service P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA P hone (512)416-9000 * FAX 416-9003 * (US/Canada toll-free line : 1-800-798-9703) 3:.yil1gs.@2wiUgs,OIg http://WWYlcwill~S org "Raising Women's Vokes Through Radio Worldwide" #36-98 MARSHA GOMEZ: Sweet Responsibility Time: 28:55 Indigenous women have had a profound influence on the global women's movement. One ofthe mothers ofthis development, Marsha Gomez, passed away September 29. Her diverse activism included monumental artworks like the Madre del Mundo sculptu re placed adjacent to the Nevada nuclear test site, directing the Alma de Mujer retreat center for activists, and serving on the board of Indigenous women's Network. June 13, 1998, Marsha addressed the u.s.National Women's Studies Association. The topic was Activism, but one of her friends called it Marsha's "Sweet Responsibility" speech. The address for contacting the Indigenous Women's Network (IWN) is clo Alma de Mu.jer, 13621 FM 2769-, Austin, Texas 78726 USA WINGS:Women's International News Gathering Service P.O. Box 33220, Aust in I X 78764 USA Phone (512)416-9000 *FAX 416-9003 * (US/Canada toll-free line: 1-800-79&-9703) http:/h~' gs_or g "Raising Women's Voices Through Radio Worldwide" #36-98 ~fARSHA GOMEZ: Sweet Responsibility Time: 28:55 Indigenous women have had a profound influence on the global women's movement. One ofthe mothers ofth is development, Marsha Gomez, passed away September 29. Her diverse activism included monumental artworks like the Madre del Mundo sculpture placed adjacent to the Nevada nuclear test site, directing the Alma de Mujer retreat center for activists, and serving on the board of Indigenous women's Network. June 13, 1998, Marsha addressed the U.S. National Women's Studies Association. The topic was Activism, but one of her friends called it Marsha's "Sweet Responsibility" speech The address for contacting the Indigen ous Women's Network (IWN) is clo Almade Mujer, 13621 FM 2769, Austin, Texas 78726 USA WINGS:Women' s In ternational News Gathering Service P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA Phone (512)4 16-9000 * FAX 416-9003 * (US/Canada toll-free line: 1-800-798-9703) :wi l1g£([iJYliJl~-,_m:g httD : //WJ"lw,-win.~, o rJ?; "Raising Women's Voices Through Radio Worldwide" #36-98 MARSHA GOMEZ: Sweet Respousibility Time: 28:55 Indigenous women have had a profound influence on the global women's movement. One of tile mothers ofth is development, Marsha Gomez, passed away September 29. Her diverse activism included monumental artworks like the Madre del Mundo sculpture placed adjacent tome Nevada nuclear test site, directing the Alma de Mujer retreat center for activists, and serving on the board of Indigenous women's Network. June 13, 1998, Marsha addressed the U,S. National Women's Studies Associat ion. The topic was Activism, but one ofher friends called it Marsha's "Sweet Responsibility" speech. The address for contacting the Indigenous Women's Network (IWN) is clo Alma de Mujer, 13621 FM 2769, Austin, Texas 78726 USA. Stations taking these programs off satellite need to contacts WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.o. OX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416·-9003 * e-mail : wings @ wings. org 1~ 80 0 -798-9703 (toll free number for stations only) #37-98 WO E I N W CAST (SEPTEMBER) Time: 28:58 1. (2:41) ANTI-A ORTION ACT~VISTS FIGHT THE PILL: In/Outcue: "Emergency contraception ...I'm Mary O'Grady for WINGS." On Tape: Mrs. Judie Brown, President, American Life League. Intra : IF YOU LISTEN TO COMMUNITY RADIO INSTEAD OF RELIGIOUS RADIO, YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE AMERICAN LIFE LEAGUE -- ONE OF SEVERAL GROUPS OPPOSING NOT ONLY ABORTION BUT BIRTH CONTROL PILLS. MARY O'GRADY ASKED THEIR PRESIDENT FOR CO MENTS ON EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: ... 2. (5:57) A HELPING HAND FOR PROSTITUTES In the PHILIPPINES: In/Out: "It's too hard to wOiking as a sex worker in a bar ...Reporting for WINGS, I'm Mary Beth Brangan." On tape: "Ruth," ex-prostitute outreach worker; Sister Mary Soledad Perpignan ("Sister Sol"), director, Third World Movement Against the Exploitation of Women. Intro: WHAT HAPPENS TO WOMEN WHO'VE BEEN USED AS SEXUAL ENTERTAINMENT FOR TOURISTS AND G.I.'S1 IF THEY'RE LUCKY, THEY MEET "SISTER SOL," FOUNDER OF THE THIRD WORLD OVE ENT AGAINST EXPLOITATIO Of WO EN. RUTH IS ONE EX-PROSTITUTE IN THE PHILIPPINES, WHOSE LIFE WAS CHANGED: ... 3. (6:21) COLOMBIA'S PROXY ARMY: In/Out: "In September ihe United States Congress voted ... headquartered in Madison , Wisconsin, U.S.A. I'm Mary O'Grady, for WINGS." On tape: Cecilia Zarate-Laun, Colombia Support Network, interviewed by Es1y Dinur. Source: Esty Dinur, producer, A Public AHsl r. Script: Frieda Werden Intra: COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA, IS COMMITTED TO I PROVING ITS HUMAN RIGHTS IMAGE IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD --- BUT A I AGE MAY CHANGE WITHOUT A CHANGE IN REALITY. HERE'S r.:ORE FRO WINGS: [contact: Colombia Support Network, Box 1505, Madison WI 53701 USA.] 4. (6:43) WO EN STRUGGLE FOR ATIVE TITLE IN AUSTRALIA: In/Out: "I ask all you women and all the women of Australia ... and other contributors . I'm Frieda Werden for WINGS." On tape: Lois O'Oonohue, Women for Wik; Amanda Bangmar, indigenous woman from Western Aust ralia; Shirley Peasley, Ngarrindjori woman from South Australia ; Andrea Baker, producer, Women on the Line; Gladys Timpingupa, a Wik woman ; clips from mainstream TV. Source : audio from Women & Native Title, a series produced by Andrea Baker for Women on the Line, with Christie Guest and other contributors. I ntro: THE LONGEST DEBATE IN AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY HAS ENDED WITH A PARTIAL DEFEAT FOR NATIVE PEOPLE'S LAND RIGHTS. ABORIGINAL AND NON-NATIVE WOMEN WORKED TOGETHER IN THE "NATIVE TITLE" STRUGGLE. FRIEDA WERDEN HAS SUMMARIZED THE ISSUE FOR WINGS: ..• 5. (5:26) THE TUNNELS OF LONDON'S ECO-PARK: In/Out: "In early Spring of 1998... Big Willow eco-village in South London, England . For WINGS, I'm Mary O'Grady. On tape : Margaretta O'Arcy from Radio Pirate Woman ; unnamed young woman tunneler. Intro: PROTEST GROUPS AROUND THE WORLD ARE STRUGGLING TO STOP CORPORATIONS FROM TAKING OVER PUBLIC LANDS. ONE GROUP IN SOUTH LONDON IS REALLY AN "UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT." HERE'S ORE FROM WINGS: •.. ··_·······_········_·RECENT t!2·HOUR PROGRAMS ($tO US each)·.---;.__ •••_••_# 36-98 Marsha Gomez: Sweet Responsibility. Native American perspective on feminism. #35-98 South Africa: Violence Against Women. Produced by Dibetle Lydia MasemoJa of Johannesburg. • #34-98 Greenham Women Put' Nukes on T r ial. Produced by Radio Pirate Woman. #33·98 Beyond the Sex Wars. Wendy Chapkis calls for peaceful coexi stence among feminists struggling over prostitution issues. #32-98 Origins of Western Feminism: Matilda Joslyn Gage. Interview with Sally Roesch Wagner on 150th anni versary of the movement. . Stations taking these programs off satellite please contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ igc . org Web Page: http://www.wings . org #39-98 THE LAMBI FUND OF HAITI Time: 28:52 (For our subscribers in pledge drive, there's a cutaway point at 24:12 with the outcue "I'm Mary O'Grady for WINGS.") The Lambi (pronounced LAHM-bee) Fund was created in 1993-94, during the repression following the coup against Haiti's fledgling democracy. The fund's purpose is to funds grassroots organizations building economic self-sufficiency in rural areas of this poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The name lambi refers to the conch shell, blown to mobilize African slaves against the French. In resistance against the French-speaking elite today, Lambi works solely in Creole, the majority language. This program, recorded by Sue Supriano and edited by Mary O'Grady, consists an interview and a public presentation by Josette Perard and Kati Maternowska, who head the Haitian and·U.S. offices of Lambi. Perard speaks Creole; Maternowska speaks and translates into English. Contact Lambi Fund, P.O. Box 18955, Washington DC 20036 usA. (202)833-3713. #40-98 ALGERIA: FRONTLINE OF RESISTANCE Time: 29:03 Nedjma Boucheloukh is an Algerian TV producer whose program '''A Woman on the Frontline of Resistance" depicts an elderly woman who refuses to be cowed by the fundamentalist terrorists. In October 1998, Maria Suarez of Feminist International Radio Endeavour (FIRE) interviewed in Kalmar, Sweden, about her TV series "Woman and Homeland" and about her own life on the frontline of resistance. Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden. The website of FIRE is Their e-mail is Stations taking these programs off satellite, please contact WINGS. If we don't have to mail you tapes, you'll get a discount on your subscription. Thank you. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings. org Web Page: http://www.wings . org #41-98 WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN U.S. PRISONS Time: 28:52 Whitney Brown is with the Women's Rights Division of Human Rights Watch. Their 4-year study reveals many human rights abuses of women in U.S. prisons, including widespread sexual exploitation and rape. The findings have been followed up by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, and (in the case of Michigan) by the U.S. Attorney General's Office. Brown says international treaties ratified by the U.S. specify that deprivation of liberty is the punishment for prisoners and stripping them of dignity as further punishment is not allowed. Sue Supriano interviewed Brown in September 1998 at a conference titled "Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex," at the University of California at Berkeley. [More audio from the conference is posted on the web site] #42-98 NON-DEFENSIVE COMMUNICATION FOR ACTIVISTS Time: 27:58 Sharon Ellison, author of Don't Be So Defensive: Taking the War Out of Our Words with Powerful Non-Defensive Communication, tells Sue Supriano that asking non-defensive questions and speaking from the heart are more effective than countering an opponent's arguments when one is working to advance social change. Contact info on the tape:; e-mail:; phone (U.S.): 510-336-0448. Stations taking these programs off satellite please contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings . org 1-800-798-9703 (toll free number for US & Canada stations only) 43-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (Released Nov. 18) Time: 28:46 :II: 1. (6:22) NEW WOMEN SAINTS & OLD WOMEN PRIESTS: in/Outcue: ''The University of Texas hosted ... ordination of women. You're listening to WINGS." On Tape: Professors Karen Jo Torjesen and Sally Cuneen. Intra: FEMINIST SCHOLARS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ARE TALKING ABOUT THE ORDINATION OF WOMEN, EVEN THOUGH THE POPE TOLD THEM NOT TO -- THEYSAY THAT WOMEN HAVE ALREADY BEEN ORDAINED, AND WERE FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. MARY O'GRADY TAPPED INTO THE DISCUSSION FOR WINGS: •.. 2. (6:06) SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS UNDER SIEGE: In/Out "Carol Richardson, Director of School ... This is FriedaWerden, for WINGS." Source: MariaSuarez and FIRE. On tape: Carol Richardson. Intra: THE ACTIVISTS WHO INVADED THE SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS LAST YEAR WENT TO JAIL BUT THEY DIDN'T LEARN THEIR LESSON -THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... 3. (4:55) RAPE CONVICTION IN RWANDA: In/Our: "On September 3, the former mayor ... Don't forget to participate in the 16 days of Activism Against Violence Against Women - from November 25 til December 1Oth." On tape: Isabel Hallal, Coalition on Women'sHumanRights in Conflict Situations. Sound from the CD "More than Just a Dozen: Women and Global Development," Earth Chronicle Productions, Brandon, Manitoba. Intra: NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ARE SHAPING INTERNATIONAL LAW TO TAKE WOMEN INTO ACCOUNT. THEIR WORK IS REFLECTED IN THE RECENT CONVICTION OF A RWANDAN FOR GENDER CRIMES.... 4. (6:17) RED-GREEN GOVERNMENT IN EUROPE: In/Out: "Europe is very interesting ...." On tape: Ellen Diederich, director, Feminist Peace Archive, Oberhausen, Germany. Intra: FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE IT WAS FOUNDED, THE GERMAN GREEN PARTY IS OUT OF OPPOSITION AND IN THE GOVERNING COALITION. THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATS ALIGNED WITH THE GREENS TO OUST THE CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS FROM POWER. THIS SWING TO THE LEFT HAS OCCURRED IN OTHER COUNTRIES IN EUROPE, TOO. ELLEN DIEDERICH [DEE dur ick] REPORTS FOR WINGS: 5. (3:48) ARTHRITIS & HIGH HEELS: In/Out: "In early Spring of 1998... and my shoes are low and comfortable." On tape: Dr. Kasey Kerrigan, rehabilitation researcher, Harvard Medical School; interviewerMary O'Grady. Intra: THOSE 'SEVENTIES FEMINISTS WHO WALKED OUT ON THE FASHION GAME TWENTY·FIVE YEARS AGO MAY BE WALKING A FEW YEARS LONGER THAN THE WOMEN WHO STAYED IN FEMME DRAG. WINGS BRINGS YOU THE LA TEST SCIENCE ON THAT: ..• ·····················RECENT II2·HOUR PROGRAMS ($10 US each)····_··_·_-_•• __ • #42·98 Non-Defensive Communication for Activists.Sharon Ellison is back. #41·98 Women's Rights in US Prisons.Wydney Brown talks with Sue Supriano. #40·98 Algeria: Women on the Frontline of Resistance. (courtesy of RRE) #39-98 The Lambi Fund of Haiti. In English and Creole. #38·98 Sister Sol: A nun and an ex-prostitute who help prostitutes in the Philippines. COMING SOON: "From the Back Alleys to the Supreme Court and Beyond It (a history of abortion rights in the U.S.). Five half-hour programs _. distribution is subsidized by t~t; producer, for stations that will air it. Target air dates: around the January 22 anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. Stations taking these programs off satellite, please contact WINGS. If we don't have to mail you tapes, you'll get a discount on your subscription. Thank you. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings. org Web Page: http://www.wings . org #44-98 AFGHAN WOMEN'S ROUNDTABLE Time: 29:00 Four Afghan women joined an International Women's Roundtable held November 20, 1998. They are Sima WaH of Refugee Women in Development; Dr. Zieba Shorish-Shamley of Women's Alliance for Peace and Human Rights in Afghanistan; Suraya Sadeed of Help the Afghan Children, Inc.; and Zohra Rasekh of Physicians for Human Rights. Based on experience and research, they explained how Afghanistan got to its current state, what it means that women in Afghan cities are being forced to wear the tentlike burka, and what kinds of support might help rebuild this society riven by the East-West conflict and the lust for oil. All the organizations are based in the Washington DC area. The International Women's Roundtable was organized and funded by Linda Hawken Israel. The tape was edited by Frieda Werden for WINGS. ,II.' Stations taking these programs off satelhte, please contact WINGS~ so we can stop mailing you tapes. Thank you. WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service P.o. Box 33220~ Austin TX 78764 USA (512) 416 -9000 * FAX (512 )416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings. org Web Page: ' http : /I www . wings. org #45-98 MARIA SUAREZ of F.I.R.E. Time: 27:27 Sue Supriano interviews the co-producer and co-director of a famou s feminist radio program that hasbeen broadcast live onto shortwave from conferences allover the world, and which has now switched to broadcasting over the internet. Topics include an oral history of the origins of the portion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that forbid s discrimination on the basis of sex. Contact information: e-mail : Web page with streaming Real Audio: Mail : FIRE, P.O. Box 239, Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica #46-98 HOT MONEY & THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Time: 28: 12 Nicola Bullard is an Australian working with the Bangkok-based institute Focus on the Global South. She explains the weaknesses of the Breton Woods organizations (International Monetary Fund, World Bank. and World Trade Organization) exemplified by the Asian monetary crisis. She also suggests some sources of n;w ideas ror mitigating such major problems, which she says are caused by "hot money" chasing around the world after quick profits . Reporter/producer: Mary Beth Brangan of Options 2000 . The web site mentioned is Coming soon: your station will be recelvmg on cassette the five programs of the series "From the Back Alleys to the Supreme Court and Beyond," a joint radio production of Concentric Media and WINGS. On video, this series won an Emmy and was nominated for an Oscar. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)416-9003 * e-mail: wings @ wings . org 1-800-798-9703 (toll free number for stations only) :tt:47-98 WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (DECEM BER) Time: 28:54 1. (5:03) FIRST SWISS WOMAN PRESIDENT: In/Outcue: "The President of Switzerland is chosen...lmogen Foulkes and Swiss Radio International. This is the Women's Interational News Gathering Service." On Tape: Women from Swiss government and NGOs, and President Ruth Dreifuss. ; reporter Imogen Foulkes . Source: S.R.1. Intro: LESS THAN 30 YEARS AFTER WOMEN GOT THE VOTE IN SWITZERLAND, THEY ALREADY HAVE A WOMAN PRESIDENT. HERE'S FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS: ... 2 . (5:55) WHY WOMEN DEFEND CLINTON: In/Out: "I'm sick of talking about it ... I'm Frieda Werden reporting." On tape: Ann Richards, former Governor of Texas ; Democratic members of Congress: Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Louise Slaughter, Eleanor Holmes Norton. Intro: SICK OF HEARING ABOUT PRESIDENT CLINTON'S IMPEACHMENT? WELL, HERE'S A NEW ANGLE. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 3. (5:50) JULIA WRIGHT'S LETTER TO THE PROSIECUTOR OF MUMIA ABU JAMAL: In/Out: "On December 18th... I'm Mary O'Grady, for WINGS." On tape: Julia Wright, daughter of exiled U.S. black writer Richard Wright and head of the international delegation supporting Mumia. Source: Da'aiya Lomax., WBAt-FM, New York. Script: Mary O'Grady. Intro : A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION HAS TEMPORARILY STAYED THE EXECUTION OF A CANADIAN NATIONAL SENTENCED TO DIE IN TEXAS; BUT THE INTERNATIONAL OUTCRY ON BEHALF OF OF U.S. POLITICAL PRISONERS APPARENTLY FALLS ON DEAF EARS. MARY O'GRADY REPORTS ON THE FRENCHWOMAN WHO LED A DELEGATION ON BIEHALF OF MIUMIA ABU JAMAL: ... 4. (6:47) WOMEN STRUGGLE FOR NATIVE TITLE IN AUSTRALIA: In/Out: "Russia's most prominent woman politician ... you live in a diseased, stkinking country."On tape: Sarah Harder, an activist working with Russian women's organizations (interview by Frieda Werden). I ntro: THE RUSSIAN WOMAN MOST LIKELY TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF HER COUNTRY IS DEAD AT 52, CUT DOWN BY ASSASSINS' BULLETS. FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS REPORTS: 5. (3:07) THE 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAI ST WO EN ('DREAMI G ON A WORLD WITHOUT VIOLENCE" ): In/Out: "[music] ... that was Lena Yacoumopoulou of UN Radio's "Women." Source: UN Radio "Women." On tape: Lena Yacoumopoulou, reporting ; Ester Broner, poet. Intra: PROTEST GROUPS AROUND THE WORLD ARE STRUGGLING TO STOP CORPORATIONS FROM TAKING OVER PUBLIC LANDS. ONE GROUP IN SOUTH LONDON IS REALLY AN "UNDERGRO UND MOVEMENT." HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... --.------------------RECENT tl2-HOUR PROGRAMS ($tO US each)----------------# 44-98 Afghan Women's Roundtable #45-98 Maria Suarez of F.I.R.E. #46-98 Hot Money & the Global Economy AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE TO STATIONS THAT SCHEDULE IT: The 5-part series of half-hours: FROM THE BACK ALLEYS TO THE SUPREME COURT & BEYOND, telling the history of the abortion right struggle in the U.S. and what is happening today. Good times to air this stupendous series based on an Oscar-nominated video series: J anuary 22; March 8. WINGS Programs #48 - #52-98 FROM THE BACK ALLEYS TO THE SUPREME COURT & BEYOND: A History of Abortion Rights in the United States 5 half-hour programs on three cassettes. Adapted from the Emmy-winning, Oscar-nominated video trilogy Produced by Concentric Media, PO Box 1414, Menlo Park CA 94026 USA Phone: (650)321-6530 -- FAX (650)321-5079 - e-mail: staff@c oncentric .org Cassettes distributed by WINGS, PO Bo 33220 , Austin TX 78764 USA Phone: (512) 416-9000 - FAX (512)416-9003 - e-mail: Wings({ Program One: WHEN ABORTION WAS ILLEGAL Time: 27:28 Women speak frankly - some for the first time - about their experiences obtaining illegal abortions. Doctors and other healthcare workers discuss the tragedies they saw and their sense of being caught between their medical duty and the law. Incue: "I was 17 years old ... " Outcue: cc •• . more than 100 individuals. " Programs Two & Three: FROM DANGER TO DIGNITY To oppose the illegality of abortions, some activists provided abortion services ; some, including ministers and rabbis, counseled women on where to find abortions although that too was against the law; some activists, doctors and legislators, fought to change the laws, state by state; and some took cases to the courts. part I Time: 28:27 Incue: "It was 1962 Outcue: "...all people under all circumstances." oO ' NOTE: ends with a promo for Part II --could be followed by announcement of when next part will air. part II Time: 27:07 Incue: "[Music] From Danger to Dignity ... Outcue: .KTEH-TV, San Jose [Music fades]" Programs Four & Five: THE FRAGILE PROMISE OF CHOICE " oO In the years since abortion was legalized across the United States by the Supreme Court, anti-abortion activity has steadily reduced the availability of legal abortions - through funding cuts, restrictive legislation, harassment, and outright terrorism including murders and arsons. Doctors and clinic workers risk their lives to keep abortions available; medical students defy administrators to learn the procedures; and, meanwhile, selfinduced abortion attempts are on the rise again. part I Time: 26:36 Incue: "When abortion was illegal in the United States ... Outcue: "...what are you living for?" NOTE: Program end is 24second promo - station can fill in time and date for Part II at end. part II Time: 27:55 Incue: "[Sirens] Violence at an abortion clinic in Florida ..." Outcue: " ...KTEH-TV, San Jose [Music fades]"