Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative

Thoughts on Research in Medical
Education: a Primer Narrative
(or da**it Jim, I’m only a doctor!)
William Fleisher,, MD
Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Medical Education
Research Grand Rounds Series
of presentation
of Psychiatry
2015.07 21
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
• No funding from industry-related sources
• Incomes from ffs/MH, WRHA, UofM
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
• No funding from industry-related sources
• Incomes from ffs/MH, WRHA, UofM
• Da**it Jim, I’m only a doctor
Medical Education Research: a Primary Narrative
• No funding from industry-related sources
• Incomes from ffs/MH, WRHA, UofM
• Da**it Jim, I’m only a doctor
Medical Education Research: a Primitive Narrative
• No funding from industry-related sources
• Incomes from ffs/MH, WRHA, UofM
• Da**it Jim, I’m only a doctor {NOT A…} meme
- “ …not a mechanic.”
- “ …not an engineer.”
- “ …not a bricklayer.”
- “ …I’m a surgeon, not a psychiatrist.”
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
• No funding from industry-related sources
• Incomes from ffs/MH, WRHA, UofM
• Da**it Jim, I’m only a doctor {NOT A…} meme
- “ …not a mechanic.”
- “ …not an engineer.”
- “ …not a bricklayer.”
- “ …I’m a surgeon, not a psychiatrist.”
? A researcher…”
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
AGENDA today:
• WHY do MedEd research.
• HOW to do MedEd Research (Skills &
Resources needed, how to get started).
• Dissemination strategies for your MedEd
• Some MedEd research vignettes.
Medical Education Research: a Primary Narrative
WHY do medical research?
• “Medical educators need to understand and
conduct medical education research in order
to make informed decisions based on the
best evidence, rather than rely on their own
Tavakol M, Sandars J. Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education
research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part I. Med Teach. 2014 Sep;36(9):746-56. doi:
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
HOW to do MedEd Research
• Some elements to consider include:
- the evolution of a broad Q to an answerable Q.
- use of quantitative AND qualitative methods + study
design, lit sources.
- level of ‘translational impact’ [Kirkpatrick, etc.]
- team endeavor; interprofessional; mentor
- ethics
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
Table: Kirkpatrick classification (amended by Barr et al.)
Perception of Training by Subjects
Change of attitude of Subjects
Change of Subjects’ knowledge/skills
Change of Subjects’ Behaviour
Change in Professional practice
Change in Patient [&/or System]
Reproduced [and modified] from Barr H, Koppel I, Reeves S, Hammick M, Freeth S. Effective
Interprofessional Education: Argument, Assumption and Evidence. John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Medical Education Research: a Primary Narrative
Dissemination Strategies
• Local presentations (e.g. Grand Rounds, ResRes
Day, Faculty fora, etc.)
• National (posters or papers)- specialty (CPA),
• Journals: Academic Medicine, Academic
Psychiatry, Advances in Health Sciences Education,
BMC Medical Education, Canadian Medical
Education Journal , Medical Education, Medical
Teacher, specialty/general journals
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
Vignette #1.
Ali N, Fleisher W & Erickson J. Psychiatrists’
attitudes toward transgender people: a
preliminary analysis. Academic
Psychiatry, 2015.
-student generated; question honing;
presentations + publication;
interprofessional; further study
Medical Education Research: a Primitive Narrative
Vignette #2.
Toews M, Fleisher W & Skakum K.
Scholarly publication productivity of
psychiatry residents at Canadian training
programs: A 10 year review. (Submission
to CanJPsychiatry- rejected 2015).
Mentor-initiated; resident design; awards;
national presentation.
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
Vignette #3.
• Clarke S, Chan M-K, Hamilton J & Fleisher W.
With Ten Miles Behind Us (and Ten Thousand
More to go): Lessons Learned at the University
of Manitoba Physician Assistant Education
Program (paper). Canadian Conference on
Medical Education, Edmonton, AB, May 5, 2009.
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
Some MedEd studies with early and
potential development:
• EPTP project
• Effect of trainee psychotherapy on patients
• Effect of psychotherapy on general
medical health expenditures
• Attitudes of MDs towards MDs with SUDs
Medical Education Research: a Primer Narrative
• Thanks to colleague collaborators,
trainees and Department
• We welcome your comments
& questions