Chapter 11: Low-level synchronization

Chapter 11: Low-level synchronization: algorithms
11.2 An example of semaphores in system design: the THE system
(THE = Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven, Dijkstra leverde hier baanbrekend werk met concept van
The lowest level (0), creates virtual processors.
Above this, processes exist and may
communicate using a semaphore mechanism.
The rest of the system may be written using
these concurrency constructs. All interrupts
enter at this level, and all but the clock interrupt
are handled at higher levels. At level 1, one
process provides a one-level virtual store. It
synchronizes with drum interrupts and with
requests for store from higher-level processes.
At level 2, one process provides virtual consoles
for higher-level processes and syncs with their
requests. It also syncs with console interrupts and the memory manager process. At level 3, a
separate process manages each physical device. Each process syncs with its device’s interrupts, with
the memory and console manager processes, and with higher-level processes over I/O requests. At
level 4, the highest, reside 5 user processes. In all cases where data is passed, producer-consumer
style message buffering must be used, controlled by semaphores.
11.3 The producer-consumer, bounded buffer problem
11.3.2 Definition of a cyclic or bounded buffer
circular array
* the index values ranging from 0 to N-1
* some slots are occupied by data items
(indicated by ‘data’); others are empty (indicated
by shading)
* two cursors (variables holding a valid index
value) named ‘in’ and ‘out’, the purposes of
which are, respectively, to indicate the first
available empty slot and the next data item that
can be taken from the buffer.
11.3.3 Algorithm for a single producer and single consumer
figure gives high-level view of a solution to the
single producer, single consumer problem. The
problem would be programmed in practice in a
modular style by defining a buffer class. (hoe lossen
we bounded buffer probleem op met semaforen?)
two semaphores, items and spaces
note that for a single producer and a single
consumer the buffer is not accessed under
mutual exclusion since they are accessing
different parts of the buffer (using different
cursors). Sync of the processes ensures that
they block before attempting to access the
same slot in the buffer. (2 semaforen die
gedeeltelijk elkaars spiegelbeeld zijn => counting semaphore; maar er wordt wel voor synchronisatie
links en rechts gezorgd. Geen kritische regio (want 1 producer, 1 consumer) dus geen binaire
semafoor nodig voor wederzijdse uitsluiting => verandert bij overgang naar meerdere producers,
meerdere consumers)
11.3.4 Algorithm for more than one producer or consumer
the many producers must access the buffer under
mutual exclusion as they are using the same
cursor to insert items.
enforce exclusive access to the buffer between
one producer and one consumer could access the
buffer concurrently, provided producers and
consumers use different guard semaphores.
11.4 Safety and liveness properties
11.5 The multiple readers, single writer
figure 1: basic structure of code which must be
executed by reader processes and writer processes. To acquire or release the resource, shared
counts must be accessed under mutual exclusion. The fact that writers must write under mutual
exclusion is indicated.
figure 2: gives the algorithm in detail. Priority is given to waiting writers over waiting readers, since
active readers only go on to become reading readers if there are no active writers. The various
counts are accessed under mutual exclusion, protected by the semaphore CGUARD. Processes wait
to read or write on semaphores R or W respectively. R and W are given ‘wake-up-waiting’ signals in
the acquire procedures if there are no active writers (for R) or no running readers (for W). releasing
the resource may involve sending sync signals to waiting readers and writers; the last reading reader
wakes up any waiting writers, the last active writer wakes up waiting readers.
(readers-writers probleem: meerdere lezers kunnen gegevens terzelfder tijd lezen, hinderen elkaar
niet; schrijver zorgt voor probleem: er mag niemand lezen tijdens het schrijven + write moet exclusief
zijn (geen andere schrijvers), assumptie: schrijvers krijgen voorrang)
11.6 Limitations of semaphores
operations do not allow a test for busy
without a commitment to blocking
11.7 Eventcounts and sequencers
11.7.1 Use of eventcounts for sync
a process specifies which occurrence of an event it is
waiting for, rather than just the next event of that type.
We therefore introduce a local count I within the
process for this purpose.
11.7.2 Use of a sequencer to enforce mutual exclusion
process competing with others to use a resource
protected by the eventcount GUARD. The process first
acquires a ticket, stored in its local variable myturn. It
then attempts to enter its critical region by executing
the order of execution of critical regions is determined
by the values returned by turns.ticket() (low => high)
(minstens even complex als semaforen en lost eiglk niets
op; await(value): niet meer wachten tot iets vrijkomt,
maar op bepaalde waarde; advance : doet value +1
zodat volgend process verder kan)
11.7.3 Producer-consumer, bounded buffer with eventcounts and sequencers
producer and consumer may access the buffer at the same time since the solution to the sync
problem ensures that the consumer does not read the ith item until the producer has written it and
the producer does not write into the ith slot until the consumer has read the i-Nth item from it.
figure1: eventcounts ‘in’ and ‘out’ count the items put in by the producer and taken out by the
consumer. When there are multiple producers and consumers, a sequencer ‘tp’ must be used to
order the accesses to the buffer of producers and one ‘tc’ for that of consumers. Figure 2 outlines the
11.8 POSIX threads
11.8.2 Synchronization
a mutex (mutual exclusion) is an object that
multiple threads use to ensure the integrity of
a shared resource that they access by allowing
only one thread to access it at a time. Mutex
has two states: locked and unlocked. For each
piece of shared data, all threads accessing that
data must use the same mutex: each thread
locks the mutex before it accesses the shared
data and unlocks the mutex when it has
finished accessing that data. Each mutext must
be created by pthread_mutex_init
* fast mutex: locked exactly once by a thread. If a thread attempts to lock the mutex again without
first unlocking it, the thread will wait for itself to release the lock and will deadlock.
* recursive mutex: can be locked more than once by a given thread without causing a deadlock.
Useful if a thread needs exclusive access to a piece of data, and it needs to call another routine that
needs exclusive access to the data.
* non-recursive mutex: locked exactly once by a thread. Error if any thread tries to lock already
locked mutex. Useful during development and debugging.
mutex sync operations:
* pthread_mutex_lock: if mutex is locked, the thread waits for the mutex to become available
* pthread_mutex_trylock: this returns immediately with a boolean value indicating whether or not it
was able to lock the mutex
* pthread_mutex_unlock: when a thread has finished accessing a piece of shared data, it unlocks the
associated mutex by calling pthread_mutex_unlock
Condition variables
a condition variable allows a thread to block its own execution until some shared data reaches a
particular state. A condition variable is a sync object used in conjunction with a mutex. A condition
variable allows threads to wait for that data to enter a defined state.
a condition variable is used for tasks with coarse granularity; a thread can wait on a condition
variable for long periods. A mutex is used for sync with fine granularity and should be held only for
short periods of time.
Waiting on the condition variable automatically unlocks the mutex.