State Government Themes and Concepts/Topics: Branches • executive, legislative, judicial People/Groups • governor, lieutenant governor, representatives, senators, judges Roles • qualifications, term of office, election, duties Organization • executive branch – major policies, state programs (education, human resources, public safety, transportation) • legislative branch – General Assembly, leadership, committee system • judicial branch – juvenile system, adult system interpret laws, ensure justice Legislative Process • how a bill becomes a law Types of Law • criminal, civil Juvenile Justice • history, jurisdiction, terminology (unruly and delinquent), steps in the criminal justice process (Taken into Custody, Intake Decision, Formal Hearing) • avoid trouble/settle disputes peacefully Revenue Sources • sales taxes, federal grants, personal income distribution/providing services 45a - explain the significance of membership in the Georgia General Assembly in regards to qualifications, terms, election and the duties of the members-8 45b - describe the organization of the Georgia General Assembly with emphasis on leadership and the committee system-2 45c - trace the steps in the legislative process for a bill to become a law in Georgia-1 46a - explain the role for Georgia’s governor and lieutenant governor including qualifications, term of office, election and duties-8 46b - describe the organization of the executive branch with emphasis on major policy areas of state programs-2 47a - explain the structure of the court system in Georgia-3 47b - explain how judges are selected-1 47c - compare and contrast criminal law and civil law-2 47d - describe the history of the juvenile court-1 47e - compare the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system emphasizing different jurisdictions, terminology, steps in the criminal justice process, and the rights of juveniles when taken into custody-10 47f - design ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully-1