Syllabus - The University of Texas at Arlington

MANA 4322
(3 Credit Hours)
Winter Mini-Term
Meeting Dates:
Meeting Time:
Office Hours:
Dr. Charles Little
Dec. 19-22, 2011; Jan. 2-6; Jan. 9-11, 2012
6:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Virtual Office
By Appointment or UTA e-mail
Course Description*
An integrative learning experience that focuses on the role of top management in
organization's internal
functional activities and external
environmental forces. Emphasis is placed on defining economic, technological,
ethical, political, and social factors affecting an organization and their consideration
in setting goal, strategies, and operating policies. This course serves as the
capstone offering for the business major.
Organizational Strategy MANA 4322 by Dess, Lumpkin and Eisner.
2011. ISBN-10: 0390669202
Organizational Strategy – Cases MANA 4322 by Dess, Lumpkin and Eisner. McGraw
Hill, 2009. ISBN-10: 0-39-068236-5
*These textbooks are absolutely essential to the successful completion of this
course! It is the responsibility of the student to purchase the correct edition of the
textbook, regardless of where you purchase it.
If you attempt to take this class
using the wrong textbook, or the wrong edition of the textbook, you will bear the
responsibility of that. The professor is not to be held responsible for any lack of
performance in the class due to an incorrect purchase of the textbook by the
Course Overview
This course “capstones” the undergraduate business learning experience. It deals
with strategy, business policy, planning, and strategic decision-making paramount to
management and leadership responsibility in a volatile, uncertain, and challenging
business environment. The course combines the functional areas of business as
they impinge upon strategic decision-making, vital to the future health and direction
of an organization. The course will be different from most of the courses you have
had in functional disciplines (e.g. accounting, marketing, economics, etc.), because
you will be required to use and integrate a wide range of business knowledge and
exhibit diverse skills.
In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that all managers not only must
apply knowledge from a variety of functional areas, but they also must perform
activities that require knowledge and skills not addressed in those areas. Some of
the trends that reinforce this need include downsizing, de-layering, empowerment,
and intensified global competition.
Therefore, it has become acknowledged that
there is a unique body of knowledge that is not taught in functional business courses
that should be taught in a course such as this. Topics such as the nature of
managerial work, strategy formulation and implementation, and organization design
are examples. Thus, a number of cases will be utilized as a method to highlight the
integration of traditional functional activities with this unique body of knowledge so
crucial to organizational success.
conceptual/integrating ability is also used as another learning tool in this course.
Learning Centered Outcomes
Learn the enormous responsibility of management and leadership in the modern
organizational environment, where vital decisions must be made, daily, in order to
ensure success in the business environment and the marketplace. The center of
attention is the total enterprise: the industry and the competitive environment, its
long-term direction and strategy, its resources and competitive capabilities, and its
prospects for success, all functioning together, strategically, to result in some preconceived outcome.
Learn to analyze a particular business situation through the study of cases.
cases presented with the class material are actual and true business scenarios
involving real domestic and international companies.
As you strengthen your
analytical skills you will also learn to pull together an optimum strategic plan based
upon internal and external environmental conditions. This is much more than
reacting to specific situations, dealing with daily dilemmas, or asking questions and
looking for concrete answers.
The organizational and competitive environment is
much more dynamic and complex than that.
You will learn to size up a company’s standing in the industry and its competitive
environment considering its ability to go head-to-head with rivals, learn to tell the
difference between winning strategies and mediocre strategies, and become more
skilled in spotting methods and ways to improve a company’s strategy and/or its
You will learn to identify specific problems, and propose and justify
specific solutions that are realistic, effective, and efficient. There are plenty of
lessons to be learned from the successes and failures of organizations, and we will
explore some of the more classic ones.
In summary, this course will spotlight many things that are involved in running a
business enterprise! What do managers and leaders do, and what must they do well
to make a company successful? The answers that emerge, which will become the
theme of this course, are that good strategic planning and execution are key to
organizational success and the most reliable signs of good leadership and
organizational support. Our mission is to learn why good strategic management
leads to good business performance, and to present the tools and concepts of
strategic analysis. We will also practice the methods of setting reachable goals and
objectives, while crafting a well-conceived strategy and putting it into action.
Course Assignments*
Dec. 19
Introductions and Teacher Student Interaction
Syllabus Overview and Course Requirements
Chapter 3 – Creating Competitive Advantage (Introduction to
Strategic Management (PP)
Discussion – Mission and Vision (PP)
Dec. 20
Chapter 4 – Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
Chapter 5 – Assessing the Internal Environment of the Firm
Video – “Ford Shifts to Fuel Efficiency”
Dec. 21
Chapter 8 – Business Level Strategy: Creating and Sustaining the
Competitive Advantage
Chapter 9 – Corporate Level Strategy
Case – “Panera Bread Company”
Video – “Panera Bread Company”
Review for Exam no. 1
Dec. 22
Discussion – Case Analyses Overview
Case – “Johnson and Johnson”
Video – “Leading Global Learning: Johnson and Johnson”
Exam no. 1
Jan. 2
Return Exam No. 1/Review
Chapter 10 - International Strategy: Creating Value in
Global Markets (PP)
Chapter 11 – Entrepreneurial Strategy and Competitive Dynamics
Video – “Putting Motivation to Work in a Service Business” (Ritz-Carlton)
Jan. 3
Discussion – Creating Value through Diversification
Chapter 13 – Strategic Control and Corporate Governance
Case – “One Team: A Story of Performance” The BN RR (handout)
Discussion – Strategies in Action
Jan. 4
Discussion – Ethics in Strategic Management: “The Integrity Based
Organization (PP)
Case – “Enron”
Video – “A Day in Court: The Enron Trial and Corporate Crime”
Discussion – Accounting and Finance in Strategic Planning
Video – “Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002” ‘SOX’
Jan. 5
Case – “Competing on Capabilities” Wal-Mart (handout)
Video – “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?”
Chapter 14 – Creating Effective Organizational Designs
Review for Exam no. 2
Jan. 6
Case – “Southwest Airlines: From Simple to Complex”
Video – “Southwest Airlines: LUV in the Workplace”
Exam no. 2
Jan. 9
Return Exam no. 2/Review
Chapter 15 – Managing Innovation and Fostering Corporate
Chapter 15 Cont’d – Implementing the Strategic Plan
Video – “Deming of America”
Jan. 10
Discussion – Leadership and Strategic Planning (PP)
Case – “Apple Inc.: Taking a Bite Out of the Competition”
Video – “Apple I-Pods are Big Business; Apple Changes the Way
America Listens”
Discussion – Organizational Change (PP)
Review for Exam no. 3
Jan. 11
Exam no. 3
Term Case Analyses due
Class Evaluations
*All text assignments, cases and handouts should be read prior to the class in which
they are assigned.
*Course assignments are intended to provide students with basic information
concerning the course. The syllabus can be viewed as a ‘blueprint’ for the course;
changes in the syllabus may be made and students will be informed of any
substantive changes concerning examinations, the grading, class dates, attendance
policies, and changes in project assignments.
Method of Instruction
Twelve 3 hour and 45 minute sessions comprised of text discussions, special topics
discussions, videos, cases studies and analyses.
Withdrawal Policy
Adds, drops, withdrawals (WP and WF) should be done in accordance with current
university policy.
Absence Policy
Regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes is expected of all
students. University regulations authorize absences of students when representing
the university, i.e. athletic, student government, student development, or fine arts
events. Other authorized absences are those that may be necessary to fulfill course
Absences may be excused in the event of illness or other
emergencies and should be reported promptly to the instructor. Students are held
responsible for all class assignments.
Late Exams and Assignments
In the event it becomes necessary to miss an exam or turn in an assignment past the
due date, the student should notify the instructor as soon as practicable.
ample notice, an exam may be rescheduled at a time and date agreeable to both the
student and instructor. Late assignments may be made up similarly.
If it is not
possible to make up work missed prior to the end of the semester, the instructor will
consider awarding an “I” (incomplete) in accordance with university policy, i.e.
extreme circumstances, and in agreement with how the “I” will be removed.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is highly valued at the University of Texas at Arlington. Students
must always submit work that represents their original work. If any words or ideas
used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s
original words and ideas, all relevant sources must be cited along with the extent to
which such sources were used. Words or ideas that require citation include, but are
not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not,
and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication
clearly originates from an identifiable source. Please see the university catalog for
more information about academic honesty, including consequences of academic
Children in Classes
Children of university students are not permitted to attend class with their parents.
Persons not officially registered for this class are not permitted to attend without
specific authorization from the professor.
Cell Phones, I-Pads, etc.
Classroom disruption by cell phone, paging, and texting devices is prohibited. A
student facing the possibility of receiving emergency calls may leave the device on
silent or vibrate during class if he/she has informed the professor. Otherwise, these
devices must be turned off at the beginning of the class. Routine work-related calls
or personal calls from friends are not considered emergencies.
Any student caught talking on a cell phone, e-mailing, texting or accessing
information on an I-Pad while class is in session will be excused from class
Use of electronic devices during examinations is absolutely prohibited.
Lap-top Computers
The use of lap-top computers for routine note taking is permissible as long as they
are not a distraction to our discussions, students and the professor.
computers may not be used during exams.
Lap-tops may be used for class
presentations. Lap tops may not be used for e-mailing during class.
University Policies
All students should read the current University of Texas at Arlington Catalog and
Student Handbook to become familiar with University policies. These policies
include, but are not limited to grade appeal, sexual harassment, and student access
to records and other policies specified in the current catalog are applicable unless
otherwise stated in this syllabus.
The University of Texas at Arlington adheres to a disability policy, which is in
keeping with relevant federal law.
The University will provide appropriate
accommodations as required Americans with Disabilities Act. Students must notify
instructors of any permanent or temporary disabilities and must provide
documentation regarding those disabilities prior to the granting of an
Grading and Requirements for Credit*
Exam No. 1
Exam No. 2
Exam No. 3
Case Analysis No. 1
Case Analysis No. 2
12 ½%
12 ½%
90% to 100% = A
80% to
89% = B
70% to 79% = C
60% to 69% = D
50% to 59% = F
*Class attendance and participation in discussions is encouraged. It can be a
determining factor in a border-line grade.
If it is necessary to miss class, students are encouraged to advise the professor.
*In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and
student’s rights to privacy, final grades will not be posted, given by e-mail, nor
Case Analyses
As a portion of the requirements of this class, two case analyses will be assigned.
Each case analysis will be worth 12 ½% of your grade. These case analyses are to
be done individually, and they will comprise the class project for each student.
Cases provide detailed information about organizations competing in different
industries. They expose you to conditions, situations and problems associated with
the diverse organizations and the industries in which they compete. They provide
you with the opportunity to sharpen your skills in the diagnosis and strategic
analysis of various business scenarios, and they will require you to integrknowledge
of all the disciplines that you have been exposed to in your entire graduate plan of
Insight into the actions and decisions of executives and managers in
organizations, and the results of such activities, provides us with excellent material
for analysis and critique. They provide you the ability to imagine yourself in the role
of a leader, and challenge you to apply the tools and techniques of strategic
Cases will be assigned from the Organizational Strategy – Cases textbook.
Questions related to the analysis of each case will be provided.
The student is
expected to answer the questions utilizing and integrating the material to be learned
in this class.
4 - Accomplished
3 - Competent
2 - Developing
1 - Does Not Meet
Successfully integrates interdisciplinary skills and
Demonstrates a high degree of intellectual acuity,
imagination, and sensitivity.
Clearly demonstrates an awareness of interrelationships among self, the discipline, society, and
Partially integrates interdisciplinary skills and
Demonstrates intellectual acuity, imagination, and
Demonstrates some awareness of inter-relationships
among self, the discipline, society, and culture.
Attempts to integrate interdisciplinary skills and
Lacks depth of intellectual acuity, imagination, and
Demonstrates little awareness of inter-relationships
among self, the discipline, society, and culture.
Does not yet integrate interdisciplinary skills and
Does not yet demonstrate intellectual acuity,
imagination, and sensitivity.
Does not yet demonstrate awareness of interrelationships among self, the discipline, society, and
Rubric for Case Analyses
Clearly and reflectively applies appropriate
argumentation and methodology of the discipline
Demonstrates highly innovative interpretations,
perspectives, or applications of course content.
Applies appropriate argumentation and methodol
the discipline.
Demonstrates coherent interpretations, perspectiv
applications of course content.
Attempts appropriate argumentation and method
of the discipline.
Offers minimal interpretations, perspectives, or
applications of course content.
Does not incorporate appropriate argumentation
methodology of the discipline.
Fails to interpret or apply course content.