Whitesburg Elementary School 2014-2015 Parental Involvement Plan Revision Date September 29, 2014 WHITESBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Parental Involvement Plan Revised: (10-07-13) PART I: GENERAL EXPECTATIONS School: __Whitesburg Elementary School___ District/LEA: __Carroll County Schools_ In support of strengthening student academic achievement, each school that receives Title I, Part A funds must develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy, agreed on by such parents, that contains information required by section 1118 (b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) (school parental involvement policy). The plan establishes the school’s expectations for parental involvement and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental involvement activities, and it is incorporated into the school’s plan submitted to the local educational agency (LEA). The school will adhere to the following as required by law: Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan under section 1114(b)(2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Update the school parent involvement plan periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school and distribute it to the parents of participating children and make the parental involvement plan available to the local community. Provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of the ESEA in an understandable and uniform format and including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand. If the schoolwide program plan under section 1114 (b)(2) of the ESEA is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the local educational agency. Be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement and will carry out programs, activities, and procedures in accordance with this definition: Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. PART II. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE SCHOOL WILL IMPLEMENT REQUIRED SCHOOLWIDE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT PLAN COMPONENTS 1. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely manner in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs including involvement in the decisions regarding how funds for parental involvement will be used. Whitesburg Elementary School will involve all parents of Title I students in the development of the WES Title I Plan. Parent input is given in numerous ways at Whitesburg Elementary School, and all parents are given opportunities to participate in Title I. There are parent representatives on both the School Leadership Team and School Council. These two committees provide an avenue by which parents can present ideas and share both positive comments and suggestions for growth. Input is also solicited at the meetings for the development and revision of Whitesburg Elementary School’s School Improvement Plan and Title I Plan. Several parent meetings are scheduled with the purpose of providing an overview of the School Parent Compact, Parental Involvement Plan, and Title I Plan. Parents then work with teachers and administrators providing input and suggestions in the development of all documents. Copies of the documents are made available in the school office, the Parenting Center, and on the school website. Parents are invited and encouraged to review and make suggestions for improvement and rate the documents’ effectiveness at any time. The Annual Title I Parent Meeting was held on September 16, 2014 in the school cafeteria. Parents were informed of the meeting in a variety of ways. To encourage parent attendance, dinner was served. At the meeting, parents were familiarized with the Schoolwide Title I Plan, the Parental Involvement Plan, and the School Parent Compact. They were invited to give further input and provide additional suggestions. Information regarding Title I Parental Involvement funds was also provided. Parents were encouraged to provide suggestions in how these funds will be used to better meet their needs and the needs of their students. Parents comprise the school’s Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO), with elected parents serving as officers of the organization. Parents are given the opportunity to present ideas and comments at PTO meetings. In addition, parents are given the opportunity to offer ideas and input in writing on parent surveys. 2. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend, to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements and the school parental involvement plan, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact. Whitesburg Elementary School will hold an Annual Title I meeting on September 16, 2014, at 6:30 PM. At this meeting, parents and other stakeholders will be provided with required information regarding the Title I program. The information provided includes: the results of CCRPI, performance on state assessments, the qualifications/requirements to be considered and function as a Title I school, and a description of the school’s curriculum and assessments. The meeting will provide an avenue in which parents, faculty, and staff can review the WES Title I Plan, School Parent Compact, and Parental Involvement Plan and provide input into the revision of the documents. The meeting will be well publicized and all parents will be invited in order to ensure a large parent representation. 3. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide with Title I funds, transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement. Whitesburg Elementary School holds Title I meetings at different times in an effort to meet the varying needs and schedules of our parents. Title I meetings are announced in a variety of formats including newsletters, the school website, School Messenger, the school sign, social media, and flyers in order to ensure that all parents are informed of and invited to attend the meetings. Every effort possible is made to eliminate parental involvement barriers for parents desiring to participate and provide input. Our school counselor, school social worker, and administrators are available to make home visits to those parents that are unable to provide their own transportation to attend the scheduled meetings. 4. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to provide parents of participating children the following: Timely information about the Title I programs; Description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet; Opportunities for regular meetings, if requested by parents, to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible; Whitesburg Elementary School will use a wide variety of communication methods to inform parents of Title I program meetings, work sessions, and activities in a timely manner. These methods include, but are not limited to, newsletters sent home in a required Weekly Folder, the school website, grade level/classroom websites, student agenda, School Messenger, the school sign, social media, and flyers. Parents will be afforded the opportunity to request and attend parent conferences with faculty and staff members. The School Parent Compact will be discussed during conferences with the opportunity for feedback related to revisions or concerns. In order to assist parents in understanding the state standards, academic achievement standards, assessments, and ways to monitor their child’s progress, Whitesburg Elementary utilizes Curriculum Night, parent/teacher conferences, Instructional Calendars, and a system produced goals and objectives booklet. All parents are provided a link to the Georgia DOE website in order to enable them to explore the standards, curriculum maps, and framework documents. Weekly grade level newsletters also inform parents of standards, concepts, and skills that students are currently learning. PTO meetings are an additional method by which Whitesburg Elementary School provides parents with information regarding curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels necessary for meeting state standards. Prior to the administration of high stakes tests, such as the Georgia Milestones and End of Year Assessments, teachers from each grade level present information describing the assessment and its scoring. In addition, a comparison of CRCT proficiency levels and Georgia Milestones proficiency levels was presented at the Annual Title I Meeting in order to make parents aware of the varying expectations of the two assessments. Whitesburg also provides parents with needed materials in order to assist them in helping their children. These include, but are not limited to, manipulative kits for math, magnetic letters, flash cards, practice sheets, access to OAS from home, Infinite Campus, grade level instructional calendars, and Title I “Building Better Bulldogs” Family Events (Curriculum Night (9-16-2014), Road to Success for Kindergarten (9-92014), Homework 911(Winter, 2015); STEAM Night (Nov., 2014); Literacy Night (Winter, 2015); Destress the Test (Spring, 2015) etc.). 5. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards. At Whitesburg Elementary School, we strive to encourage, support, and facilitate a strong relationship between home, school, and community in which combined efforts will enable us to attain the goal of improving the educational opportunities for our children. Keeping this goal in mind, a series of meetings is scheduled for July 15, 2014, in which parents, teachers, and administrators will jointly work together to develop the School Parent Compact. Meetings are scheduled for 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM to make them more accessible to all parents. Those parents that are unable to attend the meeting and that would like to have input may email or call Carol Turner, Assistant Principal to share ideas. A draft of the compact will be provided to parents at our annual Open House on August 5, 2014, so that parents may review the compact and make suggestions for revisions. 6. Whitesburg Elementary School will build the school’s and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities specifically described below: A. Whitesburg Elementary School will provide assistance to parents of participating children, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph – the State’s academic content standards; the State’s student academic achievement standards; the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments; the requirements of Part A; how to monitor their child’s progress, and how to work with educators A Curriculum Night is held at the beginning of each school year to introduce parents to their child’s curriculum, expectations, and assessments for the upcoming year, including state and national academic achievement standards. Whitesburg Elementary School’s Testing Coordinator (Assistant Principal) and the Principal make available to parents the individual student results of state assessments and the school’s overall performance on those assessments. The school also shares data and information through the School Council and PTO to inform parents and to obtain suggestions of ways to improve all areas. Assessment results are made available at local School Board meetings, which are open to the public, and by accessing both the system and school websites. Whitesburg Elementary School also houses a data room in which assessment information is posted for easy parental and community access. Parents are invited to study the data and offer input for school improvement. Informational flyers are sent home with the assessment results to assist parents with understanding data and their child’s performance and achievement level. The flyers are sent home with CogAT results, standards based report cards, GKids results, Georgia Milestones Test results, and any other assessment in which it is deemed necessary. On September 16, 2014, a school level annual Title I meeting was held in the school cafeteria. All parents were invited using a variety of methods. At this meeting, the requirements of Title I, Part A were shared with the parents. Parents were also given an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for the 2014-2015 Parental Involvement Plan. Weekly communication regarding student progress is maintained through the use of the Weekly Folder, student agenda, email, and teacher/parent notes or phone calls. Various opportunities are provided throughout the school year in which parents, teachers, and students interact to explore the curriculum. Suggestions for extending learning from school to home are provided. Title I family night events provide a platform in which parents and teachers can openly discuss and formulate ways in which they can work with one another to ensure the success of the students. Our parent coordinators suggest and organize experiences in which parents can work with the educators in the school to assist with learning activities and tasks. The School Parent Compact also provides a means by which a positive working relationship is forged between teachers in parents to assist students in meeting the state standards. B. Whitesburg Elementary School will provide materials and training to help parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement, by; Whitesburg Elementary is fortunate to have a part-time Parent Coordinator to supervise our parenting Center. The school parent coordinator assists parents and staff to provide the logistics of parent workshops, school activities (Curriculum Night (9-16-2014), Road to Success for Kindergarten (9-9-2014), Homework 911(Winter, 2015); STEAM Night (Nov., 2014); Literacy Night (Winter, 2015); Destress the Test (Spring, 2015) etc.), and also guides parents in the process of accessing the Georgia Department of Education website, Infinite Campus, and Georgia’s Online Assessment System. Whitesburg Elementary School will implement a series of parent homework help workshops through face-to-face sessions held on September 9, 2014 and in the winter of 2015. Whitesburg Elementary School has a Parent/Volunteer Resource Center. Its purpose is to provide resources for parents, as well as, foster parental involvement through volunteering efforts. Parent volunteer orientation sessions are provided so that new parent volunteers are better equipped to give support in the school. C. Whitesburg Elementary School will provide training to educate the teachers, pupil services personnel, principal, and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school, by: The Whitesburg Elementary School staff has undergone training in the area of parental involvement, understanding poverty, and various other techniques to ensure that staff is aware of the need and benefit of parental input and involvement. Whitesburg Elementary School and its community partners work together to encourage a smooth mesh between school-based programs, outside entities and parents. Whitesburg retains a relationship with the Kiwanis Club, 4-H Club, Boy and Girl Scouts, Pathways program, and the Whitesburg Care Fund. We also maintain a relationship with the Community Foundation of West Georgia/Backpack Program, the Whitesburg Public Library, Whitesburg United Methodist Church, Tanner Vision Screening, Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, and the Mobile Dental Van/Help a Child Smile. Collaboration with these programs and others encourages parents to approach the school with whatever needs or assistance they or their children may desire. Parent coordinators from Whitesburg Elementary School attend trainings at which they gain expert knowledge and information. The parent coordinators will then provide an informational session with faculty and staff in which they will share ideas and insights into the value of a positive, productive relationship between school and home. They will also provide examples of strategies in which they can assist the school in meeting its goals for student achievement. D. Whitesburg Elementary School will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Even Start, Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children, by: Parental involvement at the system and school level are a coordinated effort among Title I, Early Intervention Program (EIP), Special Education, and the Georgia Pre- Kindergarten program whenever appropriate and feasible. Prior to the beginning of the school session, the PreKindergarten teacher at WES organizes an orientation session for the parents of her students. Parents are provided with necessary information to ensure that their children encounter a smooth transition as they enter an organized school setting. At the end of the year celebration for Pre-Kindergarten students, parents are provided with additional information to prepare them for the expectations and rigor of kindergarten the following school year. Parental involvement through community participation occurs through the use of business partners and various local organizations. The representatives of the previously listed programs meet throughout the school year to plan and implement parental involvement activities, which are done on a systemwide and school basis depending on the specifically chosen activities. Whitesburg Elementary School has a Parent/Volunteer Resource Center designed to provide resources for parents, as well as, afford parents the opportunity to become actively involved in the improvement of the school and enhancement of student learning. Parent volunteer orientation sessions are provided so that new parent volunteers are better equipped to give support in the school. E. Whitesburg Elementary School will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: The primary language of students at Whitesburg Elementary School is English. Our school has a small population that speaks Spanish. To meet the needs of these students and their families, all official forms for the school system are available in Spanish and other languages upon request. Translator services are provided by the school system for meetings with non-English speaking parents. Newsletters and instructional calendars are written in parent friendly language and are available in necessary translations. F. Whitesburg Elementary School will provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities under section 1118 as parents may request, by; Assistance is provided to parents in varied areas and in varied ways to best assist them in better understanding their child’s education. Student agendas, which include the system calendar, board policies for attendance, administration of medicine, student’s code of conduct, and transportation rules and expectations, serve to improve communication between parent and school. They also ensure consistency in information received by all parents. School agendas offer a method by which teachers and parents can communicate daily to provide assistance and important information to parents regarding their child’s education. Frequent parent meetings are held to involve the parents in decision making regarding dress code, attendance, study skills, learning strategies, Title I requirements, and student behavior. Annual evaluations are sent home to parents in the spring of each year to gather feedback on parent involvement within each school. This data, along with input from PTO and School Council, is used to monitor the parent/school policies and compacts. Updated results of annual school surveys are provided by way of posted test results, school newsletter, the school data room, and PTO meetings. Whitesburg provides many additional supports to families including “Gateway” meetings for parents of third and fifth graders, a parent coordinator for parents of Kindergarten through 5th grade students, and a school resource officer. Whitesburg Elementary School has a positive working relationship with the middle school that our students will attend. Through this relationship, we provide an orientation for students and their parents, as well as, joint activities between schools to facilitate a smooth transition for our fifth graders and their parents from an elementary to middle school environment. All of these strategies help to ensure that parents at Whitesburg Elementary feel welcome and informed and that they also know that Whitesburg Elementary School recognizes them as an integral component in the education of their child. PART III. DISCRETIONARY SCHOOL LEVEL PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT PLAN COMPONENTS Indicate which of the following discretionary school level parental involvement plan components the school will implement to improve parental involvement. □ □ If requested, Whitesburg Elementary School will provided resources to pay reasonable travel expenses to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions. Parents are advised to call the school and speak with the parent coordinator. The parent coordinator will make the necessary arrangements. In order to maximize parental involvement and participation in their child’s education, many school meetings are scheduled at a variety of times during the day and/or evening. For example, opportunities to review and provide feedback to both the School-Parent Compact and the Parental Involvement Policy were scheduled at various times throughout the day to provide an opportunity for all parents to attend no matter what their work schedule. The school social worker, counselor, and/or assistant principal are available to conduct in-home conferences with participating children and parents who are unable to attend conferences at school. Parents that require this service are asked to inform their child’s teacher and/or the parent coordinator. Once □ the need is established, the social worker, counselor, or assistant principal will make necessary provisions. Whitesburg Elementary School is fortunate to have community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, that wish to support our school, its students, and its parents in parental involvement activities. Our community and business partners include: Amazing Grass, Consolation Baptist Church, El Loco Mexican Grill, Georgia Power Plant Yates, Home Depot, J Bo’s Barbecue, Lee Fixture and Construction Company, Marine Corps League, McDonald’s, Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, North Georgia Turf, ValuTeachers, Whitesburg BP, Whitesburg Christian Church, and The Whorton Agency. Our local public library provides opportunities for on site field trips and educational experiences throughout the year. Our Kindergarten students and their parents make a visit to the library and are encouraged to acquire library cards for themselves and their children. The library continues to provide opportunities throughout the summer to encourage students to read, write, and explore science, math, and social studies. Local faith-based organizations provide take-home care packages each Friday. Local businesses, such as Georgia Power, provide food for families to encourage their attendance at Title I family night activities.