Ed Jones' presentation Powerpoints

Jones Cataloging Rules
Yee Cataloging Rules
From the Jones perspective
Ed Jones
National University <San Diego, CA>
American Library Association Midwinter Meeting <2008, Philadelphia, PA>
Yee Cataloging Rules
 RDF experiment
 Influences:
Commonly known name
 Uniform identifier
 Faithful transcription
Jones code
Language of item determines
language of cataloging (notes,
headings, etc.)
(in your dreams, Ed)
Approach: abstract  concrete
1-5: Group 1 entities and attributes
Title-manifestation description
Manifestation description
Item description
Ethica, cum J. Maioris commentariis.
[Paris], 1530, fol.
Ethicorum, ad Nicomachum libri decem J.
Argiropylo interprete, cum D. Acciaioli
commentariis nunc primum editi [by A.
In off. Lucæ Antonii Juntæ, Venetiis, 1535, fol.
Another edition.
Parisiis, 1560, fol.
Work record: elements common to
all expressions
 Expression record: elements
common to all manifestations
 NOT elements appropriate to the
work/expression level
The Oxford history of the United States / C. Vann
Woodward, general editor [David M. Kennedy, general editor,
2005- ]. — New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press. — Ill.
; 25 cm.
3: The glorious cause : the American Revolution, 17631789 / Robert Middlekauff. — Includes index. —
Originally numbered as volume 2; renumbered in 1988.
[1st edition]. — xvi, 696 p. — Bibliographical note: p. 669674.
1982. — ISBN 0-19-502921-6 (hardback) : $25.00
1985. — ISBN 0-19-503575-5 (paperback) : $21.95
Revised and expanded edition. — xiv, 736 p. —
Bibliographical note: p. 693-705.
2005. — ISBN 0-19-516247-1 (hardback) : $37.50
2007. — ISBN 0-19-503575-5 (paperback) : $24.95
Jones code
No labels unless absolutely
(in your dreams, Ed)
6: Battle cry of freedom : the Civil War era / James M. McPherson.
[1st edition]. — xix, 904 p. — Bibliographical note: p. 865-882. — Includes index.
1988. — ISBN 0 19 503863 0 (hardback) : $35.00
Same  1989. New York : Ballantine Books. — 24 cm. — ISBN 0 345 35942 9 (paperback) : $14.95
Same  1990. London : Penguin in association with Oxford University Press. — (Penguin history) —
ISBN 0 14 012518 3 (paperback) : £8.99
2003. — ISBN 0 19 516895 X (paperback) : $19.95
ONLINE copy. — Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan Library, Scholarly Publishing Office
[distributor], 2007. — (ACLS humanities e-book) — Digital page images with linked OCR-generated text
files. — Access restricted to subscribing institutions; URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.00677
Sound recording  read by Wolfram Kandinsky. — Newport Beach, CA : Books on Tape, p1989. —
30 cassettes (ca. 45 hours) : analog.
Sound recording  narrated by Jonathan Davis. — [Unabridged]. — Prince Frederick, MD : Recorded
Books, p2007. — Analog.
Sound cassettes. — In containers (22 cm)
Volume 1. — 17 cassettes (ca. 20 hours). — ISBN 1 4281 0424 0
Volume 2. — 17 cassettes (ca. 20 hours). — Not yet published
Compact discs
Volume 1. — 17 discs (ca. 20 hours). — ISBN 1 4281 0426 7
Volume 2. — 17 discs (ca. 20 hours). — Not yet published
ONLINE copy. — NetLibrary.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Français  La guerre de la Sécession, 1861-1865 / traduit de l’américain par
Béatrice Vierne ; preface de Philippe Raynaud. — Paris : R. Laffont, 1991. — xxix,
1004 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. — (Bouquins, ISSN 0244 5913) — Bibliographical note: p. 953951. — Includes index. — ISBN 2 221 06742 8 (broché) : 130 F
Deutsch  Für die Freiheit sterben : die Geschichte des amerikanischen
Bürgerkrieges / James M. McPherson ; ins Deutsch überträgt von Holger Fliessbach
und Christa Seibicke. — München ; Leipzig : List, 1995. — 1003, [16] p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
— Literaturverzeichnis: p. 958-972. — ISBN 3 471 78178 1 : DM49.80
Illustrated  The illustrated Battle cry of freedom : the Civil War era / James M.
McPherson. [1st edition]. — xiv, 786 p. ; 29 cm. — Abridged from the original edition
by omitting reference apparatus and making selective cuts in the text. — Includes
2003. — ISBN 0 19 515901 2 (hardback) : $75.00
2003. — 1,000 copies signed by the author. — ISBN 0 19 516828 3 (leather binding)
Can it be done in practice?
Got me, but it sure is pretty
Newly non-unique elements must move down the
hierarchy as new nonconforming expressions or
manifestations are added
What is the context?
Can only take place within a given system
Communication between systems must be at the
manifestation level, with embedded
work/expression data
Elements present in work/expression records will
vary depending on the makeup of the component
manifestations in each system
Colossus: The Forbin Project
Unless there is 1 Big System
Serial work
Collapse all 780/785 relationships
with 2nd indicator value of “0”
 Problem:
continuation vs. supersession
Important distinction pre-AACR
No distinction in AACR2
[burned our bridges]
1938-42: Journal of documentary reproduction (ALA)
1950-69: American documentation (Am Documentation Inst
[1968-69: ASIS])
1970-2000: JASIS (ASIS)
Same journal?
Serial entry
Uses Lubetzky definition of corporate
authorship: Entry under corporate name
heading in many more cases
Treats editors as creators of works
produced under editorial direction [would
not affect serials since editors die]
Title-manifestation description
Online versions and the problem of
In print:
Title A (1871-1919) ISSN A
Title B (1919-1933) ISSN B
Title C (1933-1945) ISSN C
Title D (1949- ) ISSN D
Title D (1871- ) ISSN D?
Jones code
Return to latest entry cataloging
(in your dreams, Ed)
Relationships and other entities
6: Relationships to other works
 7-10: Identifiers
7: Creator identifiers
8: Discipline or perspective
9: Subject identifiers
10: Genre / form identifiers
Creator identifiers
Corporate name changes do not
necessarily imply a change of entity
OEEC (1948-1961)
W. Europe
OECD (1961- )
1961: W. Europe + US / Canada)
1964: Japan
1971: Australia
1974, etc.: N.Z., etc.
Complications for serials
American Society for Information
Science and Technology
Journal / ASIST. — Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb.
— New York : Wiley, 1970v. : ill. 30 cm.
Published: Washington : ASIS, 1970-1976.
Vols. for 1970-2000 issued by the society under its
earlier name: American Society for Information
Encoding / indexing /display
 12:
 13:
 14:
Encoding of data [part of code]
Indexing of data
Display of data [part of code]
Full examples
In closing
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has
been cataloging. Librarianship has rolled by like an
army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a
blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But cataloging
has marked the time. This catalog, these rules, are a
part of our past, Ray. They remind us of all that once
was good, and that could be again. Oh people will
come, Ray. People will most definitely come."
– Seymour Lubetzky (James Earl Jones) in "Catalog of
Dreams" (explaining to Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner)
why people will come to use the card catalog he's
constructed in the middle of his Iowa corn field)