Water Analysis & Control WATSAN M15 ERU 2 Water analysis & control Contents 1. Chemical parameters and ranges 2. Water sources: Sampling procedures 3. Laboratory 4. Water sources: Analysis implementation and recording 5. Water treatment: Analysis implementation and recording 6. Water quality control process summary WATSAN M15 ERU 3 Water analysis & control 1. Chemical parameters and ranges WATSAN M15 ERU 4 Water analysis & control CHEMICAL PARAMETERS • Turbidity: Suspended matter that acts a shield protecting virus and bacteria against their destruction by a disinfectant plus the dirtiness and unpleasant visual and tasting aspects. • pH: Measure of water acidity or alkalinity. It has to have certain value to in order to Aluminium Sulphate being effective. • Coliforms: Presence of faecal matter that might cause a whole range of diarrheic diseases that can be fatal. • Nitrates: They are not toxic but they show the presence of fertilizers and other compounds more dangerous such as nitrites. • Nitrites: They are harmful for human health. In high concentrations, they show the presence of industrial contamination an/or domestic waste water. WATSAN M15 ERU 5 Water analysis & control CHEMICAL PARAMETERS • Aluminium: It is important to determine that the quantity of Aluminium Sulphate added to a water treatment process is not excessive. Otherwise, high concentrations of this compound might be harmful to humans. • Hardness: Hardness is due to Magnesium and Calcium salts. It is no related to health problems although it produces very unpleasant taste when values are higher than those recommended by WHO. • Conductivity: It is an indicator of water salinity that must not be higher than certain limits, otherwise it might be harmful to health. Salt water has a conductivity of 45,000 µS/cm and average fresh water conductivity is less than 2.500 µS/cm. 6 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control RANGES ---------- SPANISH LEGISLATION Turbidity (In the water mains) ≤ 5 NTU pH 6,5 ≤ Coliforms 0 CFU in 100 ml Nitrates ≤ 50 mg/l Nitrites (In the water mains) ≤ 0,5 mg/l Hardness There are not specific values to consider : Soft water ≤ 17 mg/l Hard water ≤ 180 mg/l Very hard water > 180 mg/l Conductivity ≤ 2.500 µS/cm (20ºC) Aluminium ≤ 0,2 mg/l Free Chlorine ≤ 1,0 mg/l ≤ 9,5 7 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control RANGES ------- WORLD HELATH ORGANISATION Guidelines for Drinking-water quality Nitrates (as NO3-) ≤ 50 mg/l Medium term exposure ≤ 3 mg/l Short term exposure ≤ 0.2 mg/l Medium term exposure Nitrites (as NO2-) Free residual chlorine ≥ 0.5 mg/l Aluminium ≤ 0,2 mg/l For an effective disinfection there must be a residual concentration of free chlorine of ≥0.5 mg/litre after a minimum contact time of 30 min with a pH <8.0 WATSAN M15 ERU 8 Water analysis & control RANGES ------- EUROPEAN UNION (Directive 98-83 CE) pH = 6,5 – 9 Cl- (water distribution) ≈ 0,6 -1 ppm (check with local authorities) Conductivity < 2.500 µS/cm (20ºC) Nitrites = 0,5 ppm. (see note) Nitrates = 50 ppm. (see note) Aluminium = 0,2 ppm Bacteriological = 0 cfu (water consumption point) Note: Ensure that the value of 0,10 mg/l for nitrites is met at the outlet of water treatment facilities. Likewise, the condition that [nitrates]/50 + [nitrites]/3 # 1 is observed, where the brackets mean concentrations in mg/l for nitrates (NO-3) and for nitrites (NO-2). 9 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control UNITS Concentration: 1 g/m3 <> 1 mg/l<> 1 ppm 1 g <> 1000 mg 1 m3 <> 1000 l 1 mg <> 1.000 mg 1 mg/l <> 1000 mg/l Turbidity: NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit ) Coliforms: cfu (colony forming unit) Conductivity: µS/cm WATSAN M15 ERU 10 Water analysis & control 2. Water sources: Sampling procedures 11 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control SAMPLING PROCEDURE The way that sampling is carried out might definitely distort the final results. 12 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control SAMPLING PROCEDURE Sampling is carried out in representative manner. Date, time, sampling location are registered (Field log book). Samples kept in safe and cool place. Always value how, where and why a water source is selected, ensuring that the water can be treatable and safe for human consumption. WATSAN M15 ERU 13 Water analysis & control SAMPLING PROCEDURE 1. Avoid any direct contact with water If feasible. It might be sufficient to acquire diseases. WATSAN M15 ERU 14 Water analysis & control 2. Take sample where properties are best describing the source. For instance, we will avoid the vicinities of a sewage discharge pipe. 3. Avoid the surface or the bottom since due to flotation or sedimentation these concentrate materials, chemicals, bacteria… Sample is best taken 30 cm below surface. WATSAN M15 ERU 15 Water analysis & control 4. Clean sample collecting vessel with sample water, never with chemical or other water, including tap water. 5. If sampling piped water, leave running for 1 minute before taking the sample. 6. Do not allow foreign material or waters to touch water collecting vessel. 7. Label results with appropriate information, date, place and any other parameter that may hold importance (Field Log Book) WATSAN M15 ERU 3. Laboratory 16 Water analysis & control 17 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control LABORATORY TEST CAPABILITY Turbidity pH Nitrites Aluminium Conductivity Coliforms Chlorine Temperature Nitrates Hardness Jar test Chlorine demand essay 18 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control LABORATORY MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT • Always handled the equipment with care. It is fragile. • Carefully clean and dry all items before introducing them in the laboratory box. • Protect the most fragile items with appropriate packaging. • Dispose the items in the right place inside the laboratory box. • Be organised and methodical when using the items and chemicals, and implementing any test. WATSAN M15 ERU 19 Water analysis & control 4. Water sources: Analysis implementation & recording WATSAN M15 ERU 20 Water analysis & control OXFAM DELAGUA KIT • Coliforms • Turbidity • pH • Chlorine WATSAN M15 ERU TURBIDITY 21 Water analysis & control WATSAN M15 ERU pH 22 Water analysis & control WATSAN M15 ERU NITRATES 23 Water analysis & control WATSAN M15 ERU NITRITES 24 Water analysis & control WATSAN M15 ERU CONDUCTIVITY 25 Water analysis & control 26 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control SELECTION OF WATER SOURCES Date Source Nº Date Source Nº Date ≤ 180 Source Nº ≤ 2.500 6,5 ≤ ≤ 9,5 ≤ 50 ≤ 0,5 Date Source Nº Coliforms (Nº x 100ml) Hardness (mg/l) Conductivity (µS/cm) pH Nitrates (mg/l) Nitrites (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) WATSAN M15 ERU 27 Water analysis & control 5. Water treatment: Analysis implementation & recording WATSAN M15 ERU TURBIDITY 28 Water analysis & control 29 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control TURBIDITY Dosage pump (%) Turbidity after treatment (NTU) Turbidity after pre-treatment (NTU) ≤5 ≤ 20 Turbidity water source (NTU) Date (Turbidity tests are needed on weekly basis and when visual inspection shows some changes in water qualities) WATSAN M15 ERU ALUMINIUM 30 Water analysis & control 31 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control COLIFORMS, ALUMINIUM AND HARDNESS (Outlet of water treatment plant) Hardness (mg/l) Aluminum (mg/l) ≤ 0,2 Coeliforms (Nº x 100ml) 0 CFU Date WATSAN M15 ERU CHLORINE 32 Water analysis & control 33 WATSAN M15 ERU Water analysis & control DATE____________ SITE____________________ RESIDUAL CHLORINE (mg/l) Time Place 3rd chamber 0.1 – 0.3 Dosage pump (%) Outlet of WTP Dosage pump (%) 0.6 – 1.0 Chlorine at the exit of the settlement tank: 0,1 mg/l – 0.3 mg/l Residual chlorine at the exit of the plant: 0.6 mg/l – 1.0 mg/l 34 WATSAN M15 ERU WATER DISTRIBUTION. RESIDUAL CHLORINE Water analysis & control Place Date & Time Chlorine This table records the residual chlorine data obtained in the different places where the treated water from the SRC site is supplied. Samples should be taken from the taps. It is also convenient to specify where the water is supplied from a static tank or from a tanker directly to the users. The samples can be taken daily or randomly in different days. Residual chlorine at the taps: 0.3 mg/l – 0.6 mg/l WATSAN M15 ERU 35 Water analysis & control 6. Water quality control process summary 6 < pH < 8 Nitrates < 50mg/l Nitrites < 0.5 mg/l Conductivity < 2,000 µS/cm Turbidity = NTU as low as possible WATER ANALYSIS Turbidity > 20 NTU: Aluminium Sulphate (Jar Test) Turbidity ≤ 20 NTU WATER TREATMENT PLANT Chlorine = 0.6 mg/l – 1.0 mg/l Aluminium < 0.2 mg/l Chlorine = 0.1mg/l – 0.3 mg/l Turbidity ≤ 5 NTU Chlorine = 0.3 mg/l – 0.6mg/l WATSAN M15 ERU Thank you………. 37 Water analysis & control