The characteristics of Living PowerPoint Presentation and Activities THINGS By BiologyGuy 1 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN 1. Quick write: How do you know whether something is living or non living? What characteristics do they have? What do living and non living things do? 2. Watch the YouTube Video: Make a list of the 7 things that living things do. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN There are 7 easily observable characteristics that all living things do. NUTRITION MOVEMENT EXCRETION REPRODUCTION RESPIRE SENSE GROW 3 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN These 7 observable characteristics can be remembered using the mnemonic MRS GREN Hi, my name is MRS GREN M ovement R espire S ense G rowth R eproduction E xcretion N utrition THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN MOVEMENT: All living things move. They respond to their environment by moving, for example a fish would move away from a predator if it swam close by. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN OXYGEN CARBON DIOXIDE RESPIRE: All living things respire, that means that they get their energy by reacting oxygen with glucose to produce energy. This process is called RESPIRATION. The fish absorbs oxygen, via the gills, the oxygen is used for respiration. Carbon dioxide which is a waste product of respiration passes out of the fish via the gills. Mammals, such as dogs, cats, mice and humans inhale oxygen with their lungs. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN SENSE: All living things sense their surroundings. The fish for example can sense what is around it, this is important so that it can find food and avoid predators which might be in its environment. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN GROW: All living things grow, they usually start out smaller and then get bigger, they develop through out their life cycle. The fish for example grew from an egg and then will continue to grow until it reaches maturity. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN OFFSPRING FERTILIZATION REPRODUCE: All living things reproduce. They will produce offspring (children). The fish will lay eggs which can be fertilized by a male fish, this is known as sexual reproduction. These eggs will then turn into their offspring. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN CARBON DIOXIDE POOP EXCRETE: All living things excrete: This means that they will get rid of waste materials. The fish for example eliminates carbon dioxide from its body and poops, both of which are waste products. If living things did not get rid of waste products they would accumulate in the body and poison the organism. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN Mmm.. That worm looks nutritious NUTRITION: All living things need to get nutrients, living things do this in many different ways. The fish will get its nutrients from the food that it eats. It will then use these nutrients to support life processes. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: MRS GREN Next time you are wondering whether something is living or not, think about …. M ovement R espire S ense MRS GREN G rowth R eproduction E xcretion N utrition THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS, MRS GREN: ACTIVITY 1. Complete the graphic organizer for Lesson 1: The characteristics of Living Things, MRS GREN. 2. Create a foldable to demonstrate your knowledge of MRS GREN. a) Pick a living organism as your theme. b) For each Letter of MRS GREN, explain what it stands for and give an example of how your organism performs this characteristic. c) Add illustrations where appropriate. LIVING or NON LIVING FOLD---------------- L2: THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Big Question: If sponges are living why do they not show any of the characteristics of MRS GREN? DO NOW: how many words can you make out of “CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE”? LESSON OBJECTIVES: SWBAT •Explain why MRS GREN is not always 100% effective in determining whether something is living or not. •Describe the 7 in detailed characteristics of living things THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Wait! What happens if I see something moving, but I don’t see it eating or excreting. Is it still alive? What about sponges? My teacher said that they are alive. How can this be true? The only sponge that I have seen eating, moving and respiring is Sponge Bob square pants, but he is a character from a kids show. THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Sometimes it is difficult to see all of the characteristics of living things in every organism. (MRS GREN). Sponges for example do not walk around and actively catch their food in the way that a fish does. OCEAN SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS When exploring the question, is something living or non living? there are further observations which can be made to determine whether it is alive or not. These observations are a lot more detailed and may require the use of scientific tools such as microscopes and video capture devices to observe the slightest of movement that would be otherwise missed by the human eye. OCEAN SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: • All living things have cells • All living things reproduce • All living things contain DNA • All living things sense and respond to their environment • All living things use energy • All living things grow and develop • All living things have levels of organization OCEAN SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things have cells: sponges have many different specialized cells that run through out its structure. For example it has muscle cells called Myocytes, which contract the sponge (movement). OCEAN SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things can sense and respond to their environment: the sponge can sense predators, they can then respond by contracting their surface layer which reduces the area that might be exposed to a predator. OCEAN SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things reproduce: Sponges can reproduce asexually, by branching off and producing a new sponge ( similar to cutting of your own arm and growing a new you). This will grow into a new sponge Sponges can also reproduce sexually. Many sponges are hermaphrodites, meaning they have male and female reproductive organs that work at the same time, they produce sperm, which is the male sex cell and eggs which are the female sex cell. THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things have DNA: Sponges have DNA, the DNA is like a blue print of how to make a new sponge, the DNA is contained in the sex cells CELLS DNA THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things use energy: Sponges move by contracting their muscle cells (movement). These cells need energy in order to contract. Some sponges can make their own food through photosynthesis, others get their food by absorbing nutrients (nutrition) from the water. NUTRIENTS in THE WATER PHOTOSYNTHESIS THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: WASTE products are removed by the water • Sponges absorb nutrients by allowing water to flow through them. • The sugars that are produced by photosynthesis and extracted from the nutrients are reacted with oxygen, which is absorbed from the water, this process of reacting sugar with oxygen is respiration and will produce energy for the sponge. The water also carries out waste products (excretion). Water containing nutrients THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things grow and develop: when a new sponge is created through sexual or asexual reproduction it will develop and grow into a mature sponge. MATURE SPONGE NEW SPONGE THE 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS There are 7 characteristics that can be observed in living things: All living things have levels of organization: the sponge has cells which are organized to form tissue, the cells have specific functions which relate to the overall function of the sponge. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS ACTIVITY 1. Complete the graphic Organizer “L2: The Characteristics of Living Things”. 2. Using the information from the presentation explain how the sponge meets the criteria of MRS GREN EXAMPLE: With closer observations the sponge is living because it meets the criteria of MRS GREN. Present your findings in a poster, booklet or scientific paper BIOLOGYGUY © MRSGREN- 27 2. Using the information provided on the handout explain how a sponge meets the criteria of MRS GREN MOVEMENT: The sponge moves by using muscle cells within its structure. These muscle cells are called Myocytes, they contract to change the shape of the sponge. ANSWER KEY THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS ACTIVITY RESPIRATION: the sponge needs to respire in order to make energy. It reacts oxygen which is in the water with sugars that are made during photosynthesis or from sugars that are found in nutrients. SENSE: The sponge can sense its surroundings, for example if there is a predator eating the surface of the sponge it will react by contracting its muscle cells, which will reduce the surface area of the sponge GROW: When a sponge is created through sexual or asexual reproduction it will grow and develop into a mature sponge. EXCRETION: Sponges do not have an excretion system like humans, but their waste products are carried out by the water that flows through them NUTRITION: Some sponges get their nutrients through the process of photosynthesis, where they react carbon dioxide with water, in the presence of sun light to produce sugars and oxygen. Other sponges get their nutrients by absorbing them from the water. 28 BIOLOGYGUY © REPRODUCE: Sponges are hermaphrodites, they have male and female reproductive systems, they produce the female sex cell; the egg, and the male sex cell; the sperm. They can also reproduce asexually by branching of and forming a new sponge.