2015-2016 Negotiated Agreement - Marion

2015 – 2016
Grievance Procedure
Professional Dues
Contract Term
Evaluation of Certified Employees
Leave Policy
Extra-Duty Assignment Compensation
Salary Provisions
Reduction of Teaching Personnel
Using Teachers During Planning Periods
Overload Teaching
Reproduction of Agreement
Supplemental Schedule
Supplemental Schedule (District School Improvement Team)_______________________23
In-Service Points for Salary Advancement
2014-2015 Salary Schedule
BS+34 Column
Salary Reduction Agreement
Flexible Fringe Benefit Program
Health Insurance Fringe Benefit
The Board recognized the Marion/Florence Educators’ Association as the exclusive bargaining
representative for the teachers in USD 408. This may change as provided by law.
The teachers negotiating group shall represent all regularly employed, certified teachers who are under
contract. This shall include classroom teachers, music teachers, P.E. teachers, librarians, and counselors.
This shall not include extended contracts of the above list. The teachers negotiating group shall not represent
administrators, substitute teachers, teacher aides, nurses and any or all groups or persons not specifically
listed above.
There shall be nine in-service and/or workdays during the contract year. Five of these days shall be inservice days and/or planning days for curriculum implementation. The other four shall be workdays, one at
the beginning of the school year, one-half day at the end of the first quarter, one at the end of the first semester,
one-half day at the end of the third quarter, and one at the end of the school year.
In addition, all teachers may elect to participate in an optional workday prior to the beginning of the
contract term. Teachers of grades K-12 may work a maximum of one (1) extra day. Compensation for the
optional workdays shall be at the substitute rate of pay.
The Improvement Teams will make arrangements with teachers involved in classes required for
recertification or an approved graduate school program where conflicts in summer school schedule and
contract obligations arise. Teachers for whom such conflicts arise shall forfeit their daily rate of pay for each
contractual day missed.
A. An in-service day is recognized as part of the teacher’s contractual workdays but during which there
are no classes conducted. It shall be used for purposes such as introduction to staff of new programs
of instruction, presentation of guest speakers on current educational topics, seminars/workshops in
various disciplines of the curriculum, or other school improvement activities.
B. A workday is also recognized as part of the teacher’s contractual work days during which there are
no classes conducted. A day shall include, but not be limited to the following: preparation for the
next nine weeks classes or a new semester; computation of grades; or planning lessons for a new
grading period. The workday shall be used by the teacher to accomplish that work which is most
pressing to him/her at that time. Usual workday hours will apply on these days.
C. A planning day for curriculum implementation is recognized as part of the teacher’s contractual
work days during which there are no classes conducted. A day shall be used by teachers to design
methods and develop materials for implementing, delivering, and assessing the curriculum to the
students. This work may be done individually, in groups, and/or in consultation with the curriculum
coordinator or other appropriate consultants.
Recognizing the importance of an in-service education program which meets the collective and
individual needs of teachers, the District School Improvement Teams, Building Improvement Teams, and the
Professional Development Council shall ascertain the in-service needs of the teachers. The superintendent
shall determine the costs of the in-service programs and the improvement teams will determine the programs
to meet those needs.
These teams are representative groups of local district certified personnel which advise and inform the
USD 408 Board of Education in matters concerning the planning, development, implementation and
operation of the Kansas State Department of Education In-Service Education Plan. Selection of the teachers
on the improvement teams shall be within the guidelines established by each team.
Teachers will be given at least five (5) school days written notice of an in-service activity.
It is understood and agreed that this agreement pertains only to district-wide or building in-service and
workdays and is not applicable to building staff or faculty meetings.
Teachers new to the district and who are required to attend the one additional non-teaching day will
be expected to report the day before the regular assigned orientation period.
In the event that additional in-service is requested of a portion of the faculty, the improvement team(s)
may not request more than three additional days of in-service per teacher per year. Participation in this inservice shall be optional. Compensation for additional in-service days shall be at $120 rate per day.
The grievance procedure is to provide an established vehicle for airing a grievance situation. A grievance
may be filed by an employee or by the USD 408 Educators’ Association.
A grievance is defined as an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of 1) the Negotiated
Agreement, 2) the teacher’s individual contract, or 3) a law, a state regulation having the effect of law, board
policy, or administrative regulation.
In cases that involve policies, contract, or negotiated agreements, the employee/or association may
determine if the hearing should be private or public. In cases that involve other persons, the hearing will be
held in private, unless both parties agree to a public hearing. The Board of Education will inform persons if
a grievance has been filed against them and who is filing the complaint. In filing a grievance, the person or
association must show evidence that they have made substantial effort to resolve the problem with the
administrators and/or employees involved. The following procedure shall be used in the disposition of
grievances, if the matter is unable to be resolved through informal meetings.
Step 1. A written statement will be filed with the building principal within ten (10) school days of cause
of grievance in reasonable detail and with a recommendation for the resolution of the grievance.
The attached form shall be used. If the disposition of the grievance is not satisfactory to the
teacher and the teacher wishes to carry the matter further, then the procedure in Step 2 shall be
Step 2. A written statement must be filed with the superintendent within five (5) school days of decision
rendered by principal. A follow-up conference will be held with the grievant, the building
principal, and the superintendent. If the disposition is not satisfactory and the teacher wishes
to carry the matter further, Step 3 procedure shall be followed.
Step 3. A written statement must be filed with the Board of Education clerk or president within five (5)
school days of the decision rendered by the superintendent. The Board of Education will meet with
the grievant no later than the next regular board meeting unless the filing is within 5 days or less of
the next regular board meeting, at which time the board will meet with the grievant at the subsequent
next regular board meeting. The hearing will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner. The
board will then make a decision as to the resolution of the grievance and notify all parties concerned
within 3 days of the hearing.
The form supplied by the Board of Education must be used. Additional information or sheets may be
added to the form if space is not sufficient.
If a teacher alleges an injury or wrong to the teacher in fulfilling his or her professional responsibilities,
and the facts as alleged do not otherwise qualify as contractual, legal, regulatory, or policy violations, then a
teacher may nonetheless present a grievance, but the grievance shall not be placed on the board agenda, and
the grievance resolution process shall not proceed beyond the follow-up conference outlined in Step 2 set
forth above. The superintendent’s resolution of such a grievance shall be considered final.
USD 408
Name of grievant ____________________________________________________________________
Building ______________________________________________ Date ________________________
Submit to Principal in Duplicate
Step I
A. Date cause of grievance occurred _____________________________________________________
B. 1. Statement of grievance ___________________________________________________________
2. Relief sought ___________________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________
Date ____________________________________
C. Disposition of Principal ____________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________
Date ____________________________________
Step II
A. Date received by superintendent or designee ____________________________________________
B. Disposition of superintendent ________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________
Date ____________________________________
Step III
A. Date of request of board hearing _____________________________________________________
B. Date of board meeting _____________________________________________________________
C. Disposition of board ______________________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________
Board President
Date ___________________________________
The board shall deduct from the payroll such professional dues as are requested by the teacher. Dues
shall be deducted in six (6) equal installments beginning in October. The board shall not be liable for
collections over or under the stipulated amount.
The workday shall normally be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for all full-time teachers. Upon voluntary
contractual agreement between the Board of Education and individual teachers, the contracted workday start
time and end time may be changed, so long as the total contracted time does not exceed eight hours. The
starting and ending times for the school day shall be established by the Board of Education and may be
modified from time to time to accommodate unusual circumstances. The elementary day may vary from the
above in order to adjust to bus schedules, so long as the total number of hours does not increase the teacher’s
workday. With individual approval of the principal, a teacher may be allowed to leave during contracted
time, before school starts or at the conclusion of the school day for unusual and justified reasons. Prior to
holidays all teachers may be dismissed 15 minutes after announced student dismissal time. Teachers shall
request permission of the building principal if they need to leave the job for any reason during the workday.
Teachers are responsible for the duties assigned during the regular workday. Supervision of students at
all times is an essential part of each teacher’s regular duties.
All teachers are allowed a duty free lunch period. If lunch duties are necessary, teachers who volunteer
to provide lunch supervision duty will be compensated at the rate of $10.00 per clock hour, one half-hour
If not assigned a responsibility, teachers are free to leave the grounds during the lunch period.
The Board of Education shall provide for each teaching employee a period or periods of time during the
workday for lesson grading, preparation and planning. Efforts will be made to insure all full-time teachers a
minimum average of 46 minutes per day planning time. Planning time will be pro-rated for part-time
teachers. Planning time shall be in classroom. In addition, efforts to provide teachers a common planning
time to cooperatively plan instruction for school improvement will continue.
The contract period for teachers of USD 408 for the 2015-2016 school year shall be 177 teaching days
and 9 non-teaching days, except for teachers who are new to the district, or who are on extended contracts.
For teachers new to the district, the number of duty days shall be 177 teaching days and 10 non-teaching
days. Extended contracts will be agreed upon by the individual teacher and the superintendent. In the event
that there is a lost day, efforts will be made to make up the day as it was originally intended.
In addition to 186 or 187 days of service, the certified employee may be required to put in 6 hours for
staff and/or in-service and/or assigned supervisory duties beyond the prescribed working day. The additional
before/after school working hours may be assigned by the principal or the district superintendent. Any hours
beyond the 6 hours shall be reimbursed at the rate of $10.00 per hour. Forms shall be provided by the
administration for reporting these hours. Certified employees have the right to refuse any hours over the 6
hours required.
The Improvement Teams will make arrangements with teachers involved in classes required for
recertification or an approved graduate school program where conflicts in summer school schedule and
contract obligations arise. Teachers for whom such conflicts arise shall forfeit their daily rate of pay for each
contractual day missed.
Liquidated Damages
Teachers who resign contracts for the following year after May 15 will be subject to the following
schedule of liquidated damages:
May 15 – June 30
July 1 – Aug. 15
After Aug. 15
The Board of Education may waive the $100.00 in case of hardship on the employee where the
resignation is caused by something unforeseen or unavoidable. The Board of Education remains the sole
judge of these decisions.
All requests of resignation from a contract should be directed to the superintendent in writing. All
requests shall take Board action before they are approved.
Early Resignation Incentive
Teachers who provide written notice of resignation at the end of the contract term will be provided the
financial incentive, which corresponds to the resignation submission date stated below.
Resignation received by:
February 1st
March 1st
April 1st
April 30th
Written notice should be submitted to the superintendent.
Evaluation is essential in achieving the school district’s goal of instructional improvement. It is
designed to increase each certified employee’s effectiveness, to bring insight to each certified
employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and to lead to self- improvement. The evaluation shall encourage
two-way discussion so that these goals can be met.
Every certified employee during the first two years of consecutive employment in this district shall
be formally evaluated each semester by no later than the 60 th school day of the semester.
Every certified employee during the third and fourth years of consecutive employment shall be
formally evaluated at least once each school year by no later than February 15.
Formal evaluation(s) shall be based on no less than three documented classroom observations of no
less 20 minutes each. At least one documented classroom observation shall be scheduled in advance
with the certified employee.
Every certified employee with more than four consecutive years of employment in Unified School
District 408 shall receive a formal evaluation once every three years by no later than February 15 of the
school year in which the certified employee is formally evaluated. Formal evaluation(s) will be based
on no less than three documented classroom observations of no less than 20 minutes each. The
observation documents shall be signed by both parties, with the certified employee’s signature as
acknowledgment of receipt of a copy.
Each building principal or evaluator shall establish a three year cycle for formally evaluating those
certified employees with more than four years of consecutive employment. Each year the three
year formal evaluation cycle shall include approximately one-third of those certified employees with
more than four consecutive years of employment.
During any year that the certified employee is not formally evaluated, there shall be at least two
documented classroom observations, one per semester, of not less than 20 minutes with a
conference following the observation. The observation document shall be signed by both parties,
with the certified employee’s signature as acknowledgment of receipt of a copy.
Each building principal or evaluator may at his or her discretion alter the three year formal evaluation
cycle for one or more certified employees if earlier intervention is deemed necessary. The certified
employee or employees will be notified in writing when they are to be formally evaluated earlier
than the established formal evaluation cycle.
After the fourth consecutive year of employment, a certified employee may request a formal
evaluation during any subsequent year. This request must be received in writing before
September 15.
Formal evaluation of all certified employees shall be based on performance of duties other than
supplemental duties. Formal evaluation of all certified employees shall be based on criteria selected
by the Board of Education. The formal evaluation document shall be signed by both parties during the
post-evaluation conference. The signature of the evaluator and the signature of the certified employee
indicate that the evaluation has been reviewed, that an evaluation conference was held, and that the
certified employee was informed of the principal’s or evaluator’s comments. The signature of the
evaluator also indicates that a thorough evaluation was held.
The evaluation will also determine the overall assessment of the certified employee’s performance.
Either the employee’s performance is satisfactory or it is not satisfactory.
All suggestions for performance improvement which are identified through formal evaluations will
require the certified employee to provide, to the principal or evaluator, a written plan for
improvement of performance in those areas identified. This plan must be submitted within two
weeks of the evaluation review date.
If the employee’s performance is not satisfactory, a Plan of Assistance may be implemented.
In the event the certified employee feels that the formal evaluation is inaccurate, unfair, or
incomplete, there shall be allowance for written response which shall be a permanent part of the
evaluation review date.
The employee may request a review, by the superintendent, of a formal evaluation which was marked
unsatisfactory. This request must be made within two weeks of the evaluation review date.
The Plan of Assistance is a procedure for helping the certified employee(s) who is not performing
up to the expectations of the administration.
A certified employee may be placed on a Plan of Assistance for performance deficiencies of duties,
other than supplemental duties, identified during the formal evaluation, documented classroom
observations, or documented observations of any job related duties.
If a certified employee is placed on a Plan of Assistance, he or she shall be given written notice to that
effect by an administrator. This notice shall be given to the certified employee within one month
of any unsatisfactory evaluation, documented classroom observation, or documented observations
of any job related duties.
The Plan of Assistance may include but will not be limited to:
1. A statement of deficiency
2. The course of action to be taken to correct the deficiency
3. Concrete suggestions for improvement
4. A timeline to be followed
C. Assistance to be offered
The evaluation process is and must be considered a critical part of the educational process. It is
essential that a certified employee be able to deal with the changing needs of the students in an effective
manner. While the building principal is required by law to be the primary evaluator, multiple evaluators
may be used to ensure that appropriate and effective evaluations are provided to the certified employee.
Multiple evaluators may be used in the following situations:
In the event that a certified employee of Marion USD 408 is placed on a plan of assistance for
not meeting district standards in performing their duties as a teacher, a second evaluator may
be assigned to assist with the design and administration of the plan of the assistance, and the
evaluation of the teacher. The second evaluator may be the superintendent of schools or another
administrator in the district.
During the first year of teaching in USD 408, all non-tenured teachers will receive evaluations
from the primary evaluator as required by law. A second evaluator may be assigned to assist
with the evaluation process. The second evaluator may be the superintendent of schools or
another building administrator in the district.
In the event that the primary evaluator feels the need for assistance in providing an adequate
evaluation of a certified employee for reasons other than those outlined in (1) and (2), a second
evaluator from the district will be assigned to assist. The certified employee will be notified in
writing of this action and the reason for utilizing a second evaluator. The second evaluator will
be the superintendent of schools or another building administrator in the district.
All efforts will be made to insure that the classroom observations by the evaluators will not take place
The Board of Education recognizes that absences of the teacher at various times throughout the year are
unavoidable; however, any absence of the teacher from the classroom has a detrimental effect on the progress
of students. Additionally the Board of Education recognizes that these absences may be of an emergency
nature over which the teacher has little or no control. Therefore, the Board of Education has established
leave provisions which will aid in preventing undue hardship to the employee during the period of such
Sick Leave
Sick leave will cover an absence resulting from illness, injury or medical disability of or to the
employee which prevents the employee from fulfilling his/her duties, including absence for
attendance at clinics for medical or dental diagnosis or treatment resulting from an illness, injury or
medical disability, at a physician’s or dentist’s direction.
Sick leave will also cover the absence of the employee resulting from illness of a member of the teacher’s
immediate family or the immediate family of the teacher’s spouse, which will include father, mother,
brother, sister, wife, husband, grandfather, grandmother, and children, or other relatives whose regular
residence is in the home of the employee.
Each employee shall be given written accounting of his/her accumulated leave days by November 1 st
of each school year.
The number of Sick Leave days available to the employee will be determined by the employee’s
longevity in the district. The number of sick leave days will be determined as follows:
1 – 5 years teaching in the district --- 10 sick leave days and 3 discretionary days
6 – 10 years teaching in the district --- 7 sick leave days and 6 discretionary days
11 – 15 years teaching in the district --- 4 sick leave days and 9 discretionary days
16 + years teaching in the district --- 13 discretionary days
The yearly allowance of 13 days (combination of sick leave and discretionary days) is available for use
upon working one day in each new year. However, if any employee terminated employment, he or she
will be credited with one day of leave for each month worked. Any used leave that was not earned will
be deducted from the paycheck. Leave for part-time teachers will be prorated according to assignment.
Each full-time certified staff member shall be entitled to earn up to 13 days leave in each school
year and may accumulate sick leave to a maximum of 75 days. The amount of sick leave that a
certified employee has will be calculated on the first day of work of the new year.
The employee shall be entitled to all unused previously accumulated sick leave on the first day of
employment of each year plus up to 10 days for the year that is to follow. However, employees who
have accumulated 75 days plus 10 days for the year will be reimbursed $25.00 per day for each day
over 75 days, not to exceed 10 days. Payment for accumulative days will be made at the beginning of
each new school year. They also may use these days to donate up to 5 days to the sick leave bank.
Leave shall be charged on the basis of one-quarter day, one-half day, three-quarters day, or a full day.
Using the eight hour day formula, any leave absence between zero and two hours shall be considered
one-quarter day, any leave absence between two and four hours shall be considered one-half day, any
leave absence between four and six hours shall be considered three-quarters day, and any leave absence
between six and eight hours shall be considered a full day.
Absences which are necessary during contracted time, before classes begin in the morning or at the end
of the day after classes are dismissed, will not count against accumulated sick leave and the absence will
be approved by the building principal. However, if the absence occurs anytime during scheduled contact
time with students, then sick leave shall be charged.
Upon retirement or upon leaving the district after 15 years of employment in the district, a teacher shall
be given a bonus of $25.00/day for any unused sick leave.
Any full-time staff member under contract in the district for the first time may transfer to this district
accumulative sick leave earned in any accredited school as follows: Each full-time certified staff
member may transfer one-half of the accumulated days up to a total of 20 days. The superintendent
will determine the number of transfer days for staff members who are under contract in the district for
the first time but with less than a full-time assignment and have accumulated sick leave earned in any
accredited school. It is the responsibility of the new employee to notify the central office and to secure
verification of such sick leave prior to the end of the first 5 days of employment of the new school
year. The new employee shall be notified of this responsibility at the time of employment or the inservice workshop.
Employees are permitted to attend funerals for members of the teacher’s immediate family or the
immediate family of the teacher’s spouse, which will include father, mother, brother, sister, wife,
husband, grandfather, grandmother, and children, or other relatives whose regular residence is in the
home of the employee.
Employees will be granted one day to attend funerals of non-family members. This day is subject to
Discretionary Leave
The Board of Education recognizes that situations arise during the year in which the teacher must be
absent in order to handle problems of a personal nature.
While realizing that any absences of the regular teacher from the classroom has a detrimental effect on
the progress of the students, the Board of Education also realizes that the teacher has little or no control
over these matters and, therefore, establishes the following leave provisions:
The number of Discretionary Leave days available to the employee will be determined by the employee’s
longevity in the district. The number of discretionary leave days will be determined as follows:
1 – 5 years teaching in the district --- 3 discretionary days and 10 sick leave days
6 – 10 years teaching in the district --- 6 discretionary days and 7 sick leave days
11 – 15 years teaching in the district --- 9 discretionary days and 4 sick leave days
16 + years teaching in the district --- 13 discretionary days
These days are subject to review and approval by the administration. Discretionary leave shall be
allowed adjacent to a vacation, whether the day is for student contact or in-service, or curriculum
planning day. Discretionary leave may be used adjacent to a scheduled vacation when the following
stipulations are met:
1. Each teacher is allowed to take a discretionary day adjacent to only one vacation per
school year.
2. Usage is limited to five teachers on any given day.
3. Use of discretionary leave adjacent to vacations shall be on a first come first serve basis.
All available days of discretionary leave shall be granted without loss of salary.
Any additional use of discretionary leave which is of a non-emergency type may be cause for critical
review. Approval for use of additional non-emergency discretionary leave may be granted by the
administration. Additional days, if granted, will cause a deduction from the teacher’s salary of 1/186th
of the salary.
Discretionary leave is not accruable from year to year. However, up to 10 days of any combination of
discretionary leave and/or sick leave not used during a school year will be added to the total of
accumulated sick leave.
All requests for discretionary leave shall be made at least 3 working days in advance in order to provide
time for request approval and scheduling of a substitute teacher.
Emergency Leave
Additional personal leave will be granted only for extreme emergency situations that are beyond the
employee’s control. Emergency situations include those arising from natural disasters such as storms,
floods, and other disasters. Emergency days, if granted, will cause a deduction from the teacher’s pay
to cover the expense of a qualified substitute teacher.
Professional Leaves and Absences
The superintendent through the building principals, may grant permission to teachers to attend
professional meetings, or other activities for professional growth and improvement, and provide a
substitute, but will not pay expenses. There will be no deduction from the teacher’s salary for the
time while attending such a meeting.
Exception: Expenses will be authorized by the Board of Education for teachers designated by the
superintendent to attend meetings which might be beneficial to the school.
Absence – Non-Professional Meetings
In case a teacher is absent from classroom duties to attend a non-professional meeting, and engaged
in an official capacity, he/she will be required to pay only the amount due the substitute. Such an
absence must be approved by the superintendent, through the building principal.
Association Leave
Released time may be granted teachers at the request of the association to attend association meetings.
The local teachers’ association must make payment for the substitute teacher. No teacher may be
granted more than 3 days in any given year. The association shall not use more than 8 days in any
given year. Application for association leave must be made at least 5 work days before the leave.
Sick Leave Bank
The teacher may, upon voluntary written assignment, donate up to five days sick leave per year to a
sick leave bank. A donation card authorizing the transfer of sick leave must be signed prior to or on
the last working day in May of each year.
Teachers who have used all of their own accumulated sick leave may draw up to 10 days each year,
on a first come, first serve basis. A signed doctor’s statement is necessary to verify that the illness
or accident demanded absence from the job.
The above policy pertains to full-time teachers only. Any assignment other than a full-time teacher
will be prorated accordingly.
The administration will give an accounting of the sick leave bank in the spring of each school year.
Jury Duty
Employees of the school shall be excused for jury duty or in response to duly issued subpoenas with no
jeopardy to their employment. Substitutes, when necessary, will be obtained in the usual manner and
will be paid by the district. The teacher will receive his/her regular daily salary and shall surrender to
the Central Office any all compensation for jury duty or in response to subpoena as is normally
established by the Court, except for mileage. The superintendent has the authority to request for the
board that the employee be excused from service or his/her service be delayed, provided the special
nature of the employee’s qualifications would make it difficult to secure an adequate substitute or if the
timing of the proposed jury duty affords a threat to the welfare of the school or students concerned.
10. Sabbatical Leave
Any employee desiring a sabbatical leave shall file written application with his principal or supervisor
at least 90 days prior to the first day of requested leave. The application shall be in writing on a form
prescribed by the superintendent and shall explain in detail:
 the length of the leave
 the purpose of the desired leave
 the applicant’s reasons why the leave will be of benefit to the district
The superintendent shall present the request to the board at its next regular or special meeting together
with his recommendation.
No sabbatical leave shall be granted for a period longer than two semesters. No more than one certified
employee shall be granted a sabbatical leave during a contractual year. The employee will notify the
superintendent in writing of his/her intent to return/not return no later than March 15.
The employee receiving a sabbatical leave shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of
employment he/she would have received had he/she performed regularly contracted functions during the
period of such leave with the following exceptions:
 teachers on sabbatical leave choosing to stay on the district health insurance plan will pay
the monthly premiums,
 compensation for salary will not be provided during the sabbatical,
 advancement on the salary schedule will not occur upon the employee’s return to the district,
except for graduate hours earned
 the employee will be guaranteed a position for which he/she is qualified upon returning to the
$20.00 per sponsor on all pep club buses and each other administrative appointed sponsor for activity
buses not sponsored by sponsor or coach, and where the majority of time is after school hours.
$10.00 per hour for football games & basketball games for two persons maximum for athletic tickettaking.
$10.00 per hour for bench officials for district scheduled home basketball games with maximum of three
$10.00 per hour for bench officials for district scheduled home football games with maximum of three
persons, including the announcer.
$10.00 per hour for bench officials for district scheduled volleyball games with maximum of two persons
at home.
All other extra-duty pay will be determined and scheduled as an administrative prerogative.
Teachers may volunteer and indicate they do not want to receive extra duty compensation. Otherwise,
they will be compensated at the specified rates.
The Board of Education shall adopt a schedule each year and shall make such changes and additions
on the old schedule and policies as it deems best for the school district.
Teachers shall normally advance one step down each year unless they are at the bottom of a column.
When a teacher has accumulated hours to allow a move to the right, then he/she may move down only one
Teachers shall be allowed a salary schedule advancement to the right according to hours accumulated
after the date of their BS degree. No hours shall be allowed after the BS degree which were part of a program
to get their original certificate in the field. Only those hours or degrees shall be counted that are in the field
where the teacher is presently employed, except that five hours of every ten may be taken in another field.
To avoid any misunderstandings, the teacher should have written approval from the Professional
Development Council of classes they want to take and apply the credit for salary advancement.
Documentation of professional development points, for movement on the salary schedule, must be turned
into the Central Office no later than October 1st of each year. If the documentation is received by the Central
Office by September 1st, then the additional compensation will be distributed equally over twelve pay periods.
If the documentation is received between September 1 st and October 1st, then the compensation will be
distributed over the remaining eleven months of the contract period.
The board retains the right to determine the areas of extended contracts and the length of the contract
extension. Areas of possible contract extensions include: Agricultural Education, Instrumental Music,
Counselor, Librarian, Elementary Computer Lab Key Operator, FHA and TEEN Network. The amount paid
a teacher for the additional days of an extended contract will be determined according to 1/186th of their
teaching contract times the number of days of the extended contract.
Teachers electing to teach on the TEEN Network will be assigned an extended contract of 3 days at their
daily rate of pay.
New teachers to the district shall be placed on the salary schedule as per policy except that no more than
ten (10) years of experience can be transferred in and applied to the schedule. The Board of Education
reserves the right to deviate from the salary schedule in any special situation.
All unexcused absences for teachers shall be docked at the rate of 1/186th of their teaching contract.
Purpose: To provide an orderly process in the event a reduction in teaching staff becomes necessary.
In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers due to program elimination or
reduction, or to reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or
consolidate positions, the board shall follow the procedure listed below:
b) Teachers not holding a regular Kansas certificate will be terminated first, provided there are
teachers who are fully qualified and fully certificated to replace and perform all the assigned
duties of the terminated teachers.
A third step in the reduction of staff, provided all teachers in the areas subject to reduction are
fully qualified and full certificated, would be to review teachers who have exhibited
questionable performance as determined by the building principal’s documentations.
d) The reduction of staff should be by departments within the school system whenever possible.
Should the need arise to reduce the staff in a specific field where all are extremely competent,
it may be advisable to reduce the staff in a related field within the same department and transfer
the competent instructor to the related field position to strengthen further the department’s staff.
If further reduction is still necessary, then teachers with the least number of years of continuous
teaching experience in Unified School District No. 408 will be terminated first, provided there
are fully qualified, fully certificated teachers to replace and perform all the needed duties of the
terminated teachers.
Fully qualified and fully certificated teachers shall be defined as follows:
Fully qualified shall be taken to mean recency of training and experience.
b) Teachers who have earned a provisional or continuing teaching certificate in a given
subject area, and
Who meet the field and subject area requirements as established by the State Department
of Education, and
d) Who have earned the minimum credit hours required by the certification section of the
State Department of Education and the Board of Education of Unified School District
No. 408.
Length of service is defined as unbroken service in Unified School District No. 408.
The board shall follow the requirements of the continuing contract law in terminating teachers in order
to reduce staff.
When the need for a short term (generally one teaching period) substitute teacher develops at the
secondary level or elementary level, the following procedure will be followed:
If the need for a substitute is the result of a school initiated request, the teacher who is designated
to substitute will be compensated at the rate of $15.00 per clock hour.
2. If the need for a substitute is the result of a teacher initiated request, the requesting teacher
may, with the approval of the building principal, secure the services of another teacher who
would be willing to volunteer his or her service for the short term substitute situation. No
deduction of pay or loss of leave will be assessed against the requesting teacher.
3. If the request is teacher initiated and a volunteer substitute cannot be secured, the principal
shall do one of the following:
Assign a short term substitute from the regular teaching staff, pay the substitute at the rate of
$15.00 per clock hour, and record on the regular teacher’s absence report that the requesting
teacher will be charged one-half day of leave for any absence of one-half day or less.
b) Obtain a substitute from the regular substitute teachers’ roster and charge the requesting teacher
for one-half day of leave for any absence of one-half day or less.
If the assigned short term planning period substitution extends seven consecutive days, the assigned
substitute teacher will have the right to discontinue the substitution. If the substitution continues
beyond the seven days, the substitution shall constitute an overload teaching position and shall fall
under the category of overload teaching.
Overload teaching is that teaching conducted by a full-time classroom teacher teaching daily in a vacant
position during his/her planning period. The acceptance of an overload assignment shall be voluntary. The
board shall not use overload teaching assignments as a means of avoiding the employment of additional fulltime teachers when such need is indicated.
When a junior or senior high school teacher accepts an overload assignment, he/she will receive an
additional 1/7 of his/her daily rate based upon his/her primary teaching contract.
The Negotiated Agreement shall be posted on the USD 408 District Web Page within thirty days after the
Agreement is signed. Any teacher who requests a printed copy of the Agreement will have one provided to
them at the expense of the Board of Education. Further, upon written request from the Association, the Board
shall furnish up to four printed copies of the Agreement to the Association for its use.
Curriculum Work
Subject Area Committee Chairperson
Subject Area Assistant Chairperson
Committee Members
Summer work will be paid at the same rates shown above.
Hours will be subject to the approval of the Curriculum Coordinator
and/or the Superintendent of Schools.
BSIT Co-Chairpersons
Committee Members
District Coordinator
Hours will be subject to the approval of the Curriculum Coordinator and/or the
Superintendent of Schools.
Committee Members
Committee Members
Committee Members
Professional Development points approved by the Marion-Florence USD 408 Professional Development
Council following July 31, 2000 may be used for advancement on the salary schedule under the following
1. Twenty (20) approved and validated points are the equivalent of one (1) hour of college credit.
2. In order to advance to the MS column and beyond, the individual must have earned a Master's
Degree from an accredited university or college.
3. Professional Development points must be approved through the Professional Development Council
and meet District, Building, and/or Personal goals.
4. To qualify for horizontal movement on the salary schedule through professional development points,
the individual must:
a. have a Professional Development Plan (IDP) on file
b. meet recertification guidelines
c. submit application for salary advancement
A minimum of half the professional development points must be college hours for movement between
the BS and BS+24 columns. All movements between the MS and MS+24 columns may be accomplished
through professional development points.
All points validated for salary advancement under Section 3 of the previous contract will be accepted.
Updated 6-10-15
Certified Employees
2015-2016 Salary Schedule
The BS+34 column is removed from the salary schedule as of August 31, 1991. No new assignments
may be made to this column from current employees of USD 408 after that date. No new employees of
USD 408 may be assigned to this column after May 31, 1991. Those who are in this column on August
31, 1991, may remain there and move vertically until they move horizontally from it or are no longer
employed in this district. This column will remain in effect until all employees move out of it at which
time it will cease to exist. All changes in the salary schedule related to the base and step will apply to
the BS+34 column.
Salary Reduction Agreement
The Board of Education shall cause payroll deductions for such 403(b) contracts as are submitted by the
teachers as per these policies. All companies wishing to offer contracts must have proper agreements filed
with the Administrative Agent and the Marion-Florence USD 408 Central Office. All salary reduction
plans must follow the IRS regulations. The Administrative Agent for all 403(b) plans will be selected by
the USD 408 Board of Education. Until otherwise noted by board action, the Administrative Agent will be
American Fidelity.
Flexible Fringe Benefit Program
A Flexible Fringe Benefit Program shall be implemented in accordance with current IRS regulations.
A. The board shall establish a flexible fringe benefit program to comply with Section 125 of the Internal
Revenue Code. The board shall provide a Benefit Election Form once annually to cover all premiums
for the employee's selected benefits. Once the annual allocation for each selected benefit is made,
the only change which shall be allowed is for a fluctuation in health care premium.
B. Group Medical Insurance, Cancer Insurance, Disability Income Insurance, Dependent Day Care
Reimbursement, and Medical Expense Reimbursement will be included under the Agreement.
C. The Board shall provide each employee a description of the benefit coverage provided within ten (10)
days at the beginning of the plan date or the date of employment, which shall include a clear
description of conditions and limits of coverage as provided above. When requested by the employee,
the board shall provide applications and, when necessary, information about the programs.
D. Lay-Off Provisions
If an individual's contract is terminated or nonrenewed, the board agrees to continue the employee's
insurance coverage under the provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1985 (COBRA).
USD 408 will purchase a single health insurance plan per certified employee not to exceed $450 per
month. This will be prorated for part time employees. There will be a cash benefit of 40% of a single policy,
not to exceed $150, in lieu of a single policy to non-participating members in the health insurance program
as long as the membership for the entire group is at or above the required 75% of the adjusted eligible group.
The cash benefit will be grandfathered for all employees who were drawing the cash benefit as of September
1, 1998. All employees hired after that date will be offered the single health insurance plan on a “use it or
lose it” policy. If the membership in the entire health insurance program drops below the required 75% of
the adjusted eligible employees, the board will purchase a single health insurance policy for each certified
teacher, prorated for part time employees who may add additional money to purchase a policy or lose the
benefit, and there will be no cash in lieu of benefit. Sign up for the program will be completed by September
1 of each year.
This fringe benefit will be handled under Section 125. The additional benefit will be an addendum to the
contract with any premium a salary reduction under Section 125.