Purdue University
205 N. Russell Street
Windsor Halls
West Lafayette, IN 47906 rphillips@asu.edu
1996 PhD, City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology
Major area: Economic Development, Science/Technology Policy minor
1992 MS, Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology
1986 MS, Economic Development, University of Southern Mississippi
1983 BS, Geography, University of Southern Mississippi
2012 The U.S. Fulbright Commission Senior Specialist Award, Panama
2012 Distinguished Research Fellow Award, International Society for Quality of Life
2006 The U.S. Fulbright Commission Faculty Award, Ulster Fellow, University of Ulster,
School of Policy Studies, Northern Ireland
2006 Honorary Member, British Fulbright Scholars Association, London, England
2012 External Examiner, National University of Ireland, Galway, Graduate Programme in
Community Development, 3-year term
2012 Best Conference Paper Award, University of West Indies 2 nd International Tourism
Conference, Trinidad, January
2011 Service Award, ASU School of Community Resources & Development
1999 Golden Opportunity Leadership Fellowship, University of Florida
1999 University of Florida, Provost’s Office Productivity Award, for increasing
Departmental/College course credit hours by nearly 400%
1997 Charles Tiebout Regional Science Award, Finalist in the Western Regional Science
Association's Paper Competition
1996 Faculty Award, University of Southern Mississippi, for integrating multimedia technologies into curriculum
1992 Omicron Delta Epsilon, Member, Economics Honor Society
1990-1992 Roepke Cassell Scholar, American Economic Development Council
1989 Best Economic Development Institute Thesis Award, Southern Industrial
Development Council
1985 Recipient Munro Petroleum Company, Excellence in Economic Development Award
Purdue University, Honors College; Dean, Honors College (beginning Summer 2013)
Arizona State University, School of Community Resources and Development, College of Public
Programs, Associate Dean, Barrett, The Honors College Downtown Campus (2011-2013),
Professor (2007-2013), School Director (2007-2008), Senior Sustainability Scientist, Global
Institute of Sustainability , School of Sustainability, Professor, Affiliate Faculty, School of
Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
University of Florida, Urban and Regional Planning Department, College of Design,
Construction and Planning, Associate Professor , 2003-2007, Assistant Professor , 1998-2003
Director, Center for Building Better Communities, 1998-2007
University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Geography and Area Development, College of Liberal Arts, Assistant Professor, 1995-98, Director of the Community Planning and
Development Program , Graduate Faculty member, Economic Development Program,
Faculty Liason, NASA Stennis Space Center
Rhonda Phillips, Bruce Seifer and Ed Antczak. Sustainable Communities, Creating a Durable
Local Economy, London: Earthscan, 2013
Phillips, Rhonda and Terry Besser (Eds.). Community Economic Development, London:
Routledge, 2013
Gonzales, Vanna and Rhonda Phillips (Eds.). Cooperatives and Community
Development, London: Routledge, 2013
Green, Gary and Rhonda Phillips (Eds.). Local Food and Community Development , London:
Routledge, 2013
Joseph Sirgy, Rhonda Phillips, and Don Rahtz (Eds.). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators:
Best Cases VI, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer , 2013
Rhonda Phillips and Sherma Roberts (Eds.). Tourism, Planning and Community Development ,
Megha Budruk and Rhonda Phillips (Eds.). Quality-of-Life Community Indicators for Parks,
Recreation and Tourism Management . Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2011
Joseph Sirgy, Rhonda Phillips, and Don Rahtz (Eds.). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators:
Best Cases V, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer , Spring 2011
Joseph Sirgy, Rhonda Phillips, and Don Rahtz (Eds.). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators:
Best Cases IV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer , 2009
Rhonda Phillips and Robert Pittman (Eds.). Introduction to Community Development . London:
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2009
Joseph Sirgy, Rhonda Phillips and Don Rahtz (Eds.). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best
Cases III, Virginia: International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), 2007
Robert Pittman and Rhonda Phillips (Eds.). Community Development Handbook. Atlanta:
International Community Development Council, 2006, second edition, 2010
Rhonda Phillips (Ed.). Community Indicators Measuring Systems , Aldershot, England: Ashgate
Publishing, Ltd., 2005. (Reviewed in Urban Studies 43[12]:2357-2359)
Rhonda Phillips. T echnology-Based Economic Development: Gauging the Impact of Publicly-
Funded Programs and Policies, Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003
Rhonda Phillips . Concept Marketing for Communities, Capitalizing on Underutilized Resources to Generate Growth and Development , Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood Press, 2002
Refereed Articles
Aquino, Jessica, Rhonda Phillips, and Heekyung Sung. Tourism, Culture, and the Creative
Industries. (2013). Reviving Distressed Neighborhoods with Arts-Based Community Tourism,
Tourism Culture and Communications, 12(1) .
Phillips, Rhonda. (2012). Food Cooperatives as Community Development? Special issue,
Economic Self-Help and Mutual Aid, International Journal of Self Help & Self Care, 6(2):189-
Phillips, Rhonda and Jay Stein. (2011). An Indicator Framework for Linking Historic
Preservation and Community Economic Development. Social Indicators Research, 113, 1-15
Huang, Chenchen; Lori Pennington-Gray; Brijesh Thapa; Rhonda Phillips; Stephen Holland.
(2011). Timeshare Owners' Perceptions and Preferred Ways of Participating in Tourism
Planning. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management , 20(1), 103-120.
Pittman, Robert, Evan Pittman, Rhonda Phillips and Joe Cangelosi. (2009). The Community and
Economic Development Chain: Validating the Links Between CED Processes and Outcomes.
Community Development, 40(1).
Acquaye, Lucy, Joseli Macedo, Rhonda Phillips, Douglas White. (2007). Exploring the Impacts of Ballot-Box Land Use Measures on Affordable Housing. Housing and Society , 34(1), 45-63.
Phillips, Rhonda. (2004). Artful Business: Using the Arts for Community Economic
Development. Community Development Journal , 39(2):112-122.
________, and Martin Guttenplan. (2003). Assessing Multi-Modal Quality of Service. Journal of
Public Transportation , 6(4):69-87.
________. (2003). Application of the Technology and Innovation Park Concept in the
Developing World: Dimensions and Considerations. Knowledge, Technology and Policy.
________. (2002). Technology Business Incubators: How Effective as Technology Transfer
Mechanisms? Technology in Society 24(3):299-316.
________. (2002). Evaluating Community Economic Development Programs: A Non-Parametric
Approach for Programs with a Small Number of Participants. Growth and Change 33(4):499-
________. (2002). Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Faculty. Planning for Higher Education
30(4):32-39. Also listed in the SCUP Portfolio series, The Faculty.
Akel, Marcy and Rhonda Phillips. (2001). The Internet Advantage: Integrating Electronic
Commerce into Economic Development Strategy. Economic Development Review 17(4):13-19.
Phillips, Rhonda. (2000). Crossing the Digital Divide, Caribbean Style: Investing in
Telecommunications for Economic Development. Economic Development Review 16(4):20-25.
________. (2000). What are the Positive Impacts of Retail-based Economic Growth for
Communities? Journal of Shopping Center Research 7(1):7-28.
________. (2000). Using Corporate Strategic Philanthropy for Economic Development.
Economic Development Review 17(1):7-11.
Pittman, Robert and Rhonda Phillips. (1995). When Does Retail Count as Economic
Development? Economic Development Review 12(3):4-9.
Phillips, Rhonda, and John McIntyre. (1994). Competition in Japan's Information Technology
Sector. Competitiveness Review 4 (1):20-26.
________. (1990). Guidelines to Community Business Incubator Development. Economic
Development Review 8(4):19
Monographs and Special Reports
Phillips, Rhonda. (2008). Creating Special Places: Tourism-Based Development for Local
Economic Development Outcomes . In Municipal Economic Development Tool Kit , United States
Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Urban Studies Program of Michigan
State University for the Local Economic Development Project.
McLendon, T. E., Pennington-Gray, L., Confer, JJ. Larsen, K. Phillips, R, Willumson, G. (2006).
Contributions of Historic Preservation to the Quality of Life of Floridians . Tallahassee,
FL:Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, Florida Department of State.
Phillips, Rhonda. (2003).
A Planner’s Guide to Community Indicators.
Planners Advisory
Service (PAS) Report, No. 517. Chicago: American Planning Association.
________, and Robert Pittman. (2002). Technology-Based Economic Development: A Guide for
Local Government. IQ Report for the International City/County Management Association. 34(5).
Washington, D.C.: ICMA.
Phillips, Rhonda, John Karachepone and Bruce Landis. (2001). Multi-Modal Quality of Service ,
The Florida Department of Transportation.
Book Chapters
Phillips, R., Sung, H., and Whitsett, A. (2013). State Level Applications: Developing a Policy
Support and Public Awareness Indicator Project. In Sirgy, J., Phillips, R., and Rahtz, D. (Eds.)
Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases VI , Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, forthcoming.
Chase, L., B. Amsden, R. Phillips. (2011). Stakeholder engagement in tourism planning and development. In Uysal, M., R. Perdue, and M.J. Sirgy (Eds.). Handbook of Tourism and Qualityof-Life Research:Enhancing the Lives of Tourists and Residents of Host Communities ,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2010). The Skill Development Strategies of the Choctaw Tribe of Mississippi:
Transition to a High-Skill Technology Intensive Economy. In Froy, F., S. Giguere, A. Hofer
(Eds.). Local Skills Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), LEED Programme.
Phillips, R., and M. Budruk. (2011). Introduction to Quality of Life and Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. In Budruk, Megha and Rhonda Phillips (Eds.).
Quality of Life and Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, forthcoming.
Phillips, R. and G. Shockley. (2009). Linking Cultural Capital Conceptions to Asset-Based
Community Development. In Green, G. P. and A. Goetting. (Eds.) Mobilizing Communities:
Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy.
Philadelphia:Temple University Press.
Phillips, R. and R. Pittman. (2009). A Framework for Community and Economic Development.
In R. Phillips and R. Pittman (Eds.). Introduction to Community Development . London:
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 3-19.
Chhabra, D. and R. Phillips. (2009). Tourism-based Development. In R. Phillips and R. Pittman
(Eds.). Introduction to Community Development . London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 236-248.
Phillips, R. and R. Pittman. (2009). Measuring Progress: Community Indicators, Best Practices, and Benchmarking. In R. Phillips and R. Pittman (Eds.). Introduction to Community
Development . London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 284-295.
Phillips, R. and S. Bridges. (2005). Integrating Community Indicators with Economic
Development Planning. In R. Phillips, (Ed.), Community Indicators Measuring Systems ,
Aldershot, England: Ashgate, pp. 66-95.
Phillips, R. (2004). Using the Arts for Community Economic Development. In R. Kemp, Cities and the Arts: A Handbook for Renewal , Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company.
Encyclopedia/Reference Work Entries
Phillips, R. (2013). Local Community Indicators. In Rowe, Debra (Ed.), Achieving
Sustainability:Visions, Principles, and Practices . Farmington Hills, MI: Cengage.
Pittman, R. and Phillips, R. (2012). Economic Development. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research , Dordrecht:Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). Urban Sustainability Indicators. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Quality of Life Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). Community Economic Development. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). City Culture Maps. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of
Life Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). Cultural Capital. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life
Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). Cultural Goods and Services. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Quality of Life Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Phillips, R. (2012). Cultural Health Index. In Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of
Life Research , Dordrecht: Springer.
Grants Funded
2013 Principal. Economic Impact of the Heard Museum in Arizona. Heard Museum, $1500.
2012 Co-principal with Woojin Lee. Community development and recreational uses research for
South Korean Ministry of Agriculture, $30,000.
2011-2012 ASU Institute for Humanities Research, Research Cluster Initiative, $1000. https://ihr.asu.edu/research/clusters/social-innovation-and-community-development
2012 Seoul National University, Social Science Korea Research Project, Project Researcher, beginning, ₩3,000,000 KRW.
2011-2012 Audience for Alliance, Community database project, $4500.
2011 Culture and Civic section for the Arizona Indicators project, oversee indicators for statewide project, $5000.
2010 Desert Mission Neighborhood Renewal, Phoenix, AZ, “Economic Development Plan for
Sunnyslope,” funding for field methods doctoral class project, $12,684.
2007 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), LEED Programme,
“The Skill Development Strategies of the Choctaw Tribe of Mississippi: Transition to a High-
Skill Technology Intensive Economy, , €5000.
2006 U.S. Fulbright Commission, Faculty Award, Ulster Fellow, University of Ulster, Northern
Ireland, Spring, $25,000.
2006 McLendon, T.E., Pennington-Gray, L. Confer, JJ. Larsen, K. Phillips, R, Willumson, G.
Contributions of Historic Preservation to the Quality of Life of Floridians. Historical
Commission, Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, Florida Department of State, Historical
Resources Grants-In-Aid Program. Total Funding: $89,250. Joint venture with the UF Center for
Governmental Responsibility, College of Law and the Center for Tourism Research and
Development. http://news.ufl.edu/2006/12/20/preservation/
2005 Principal Investigator, “Economic Development Assessment for Indiantown,” with Florida
Atlantic University Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions and UF Center for Building
Better Communities, Martin County, Florida, project included comprehensive analysis of development opportunities, citizen participation, linking indigenous populations to poverty reduction programs and development strategies, $75,000.
2003-2005 Co-Principal with Kristin Larsen, HUD Community Development Workstudy, U.S.
Housing and Urban Development, to sponsor graduate students in urban and regional planning with an emphasis in economic and community development, $150,000. Nationally competitive award.
2004 Principal Investigator, “Economic Impact of Technology-based Start-ups and Spin-off
Companies Connected to the University of Florida,” Office of Technology Licensing, state wide economic impact of technology licensing, printed in Florida Trend and numerous news releases, http://news.ufl.edu/2005/01/19/ufimpact/ , $7000.
2004 Principal Investigator, Foundation for Preserving Florida’s Future, “Impact Analysis of
Increased Land Development Regulations on Homeowners,” UF Center for Building Better
Communities, , analysis and economic impact of proposed state legislation on planning and development procedures and outcomes, $42,328.
2004 Principal Investigator, City of Cocoa, Florida, “Economic Environment Assessment,” UF
Center for Building Better Communities, analysis of economic development opportunities, minority based business potential, $25,000.
2004 Principal Investigator, City of Tavares, Florida, “Community Redevelopment Agency Plan
Update,” UF Center for Building Better Communities, included community participation charettes, analysis of redevelopment potential for historic properties, $15,750.
2004 Principal Investigator, City of Fernandina Beach, Florida, “Finding of Necessity,” UF
Center for Building Better Communities, project to determine eligibility for community redevelopment activities via state statutes for a 50 block historic area, $10,500.
2001-2002 Principal Investigator, Canadian Embassy, Canadian Studies Grant Programs competition, “Promoting Sustainability via Community Indicators Systems: An Analysis of
Canadian Approaches,” Site visits and research on approaches to community sustainability, resulted in publication of book with colleagues from Canada, $8500.
2003 Principal Investigator, “Downtown Development Assessment,” City of Tavares, Florida,.
Included historic preservation component, arts-based and tourism-based development, UF Center for Building Better Communities $21,781.
2002 Principal Investigator, “Redevelopment District Plan,” City of Eustis, Florida, , $24,500 and Co-Principal with Joseli Macedo, 2007, for Community Redevelopment Plan Update, including citizen participation and visioning for future outcomes for historic core and neighborhoods, $48,500.
2001 Principal Investigator, “Economic Development Plan and Community Indicators System,” comprehensive development project in three stages, including assessment of target industries and activities, Hernando County, Florida Commission, UF Center for Building Better Communities,
$76,500. See http://www.hernandobusiness.com/publications.asp
for full plan.
1999-2001 Principal Investigator, “Multi-Modal Quality of Service Assessment,” Florida
Department of Transportation, comprehensive project resulting in service level assessment and training across the state, $195,400.
2000 Principal Investigator, Canadian Consulate, U.S. Faculty Enrichment Grant, , developed course content for introducing Canadian Studies in planning and development curriculum,
2000 Principal Investigator, International Council of Shopping Centers Research Foundation, study on benefits of retail-based economic development approaches, , $8500.
1999 Principal Investigator, University of Florida, Office of the Vice-Provost, project on diversifying faculty, , $4300.
Co-principal investigator with Paul Zwick, University of Florida, Office of Instructional
Resources, Internet course development, 1999, $10,000.
1997-1998 Principal Investigator, Stennis NASA Space Center, Southern Technology
Applications Center, “Assessment of technology-based business incubator program,” Fall-
Spring 1998, $3000.
1997 Principal Investigator, North American Land Tenure Center, "Mississippi Agricultural and
Forestry Activity Act: An Analysis of Impacts on Individual Land Tenure and Property Rights," paper presented at the University of Wisconsin, August, $1000.
1996 Principal Investigator, Mississippi Research Consortium, University of Southern
Mississippi, "The Economic Impact of USM's Sponsored Research on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Region," $12,000.
1996 Principal Investigator, Mississippi Research Consortium, University of Southern
Mississippi, "Technology Assessment for the State of Mississippi," funded through National
Science Foundation grant, $14,600.