Perubahan Sosial
Paulus Wirutomo
Bahan: John Macionis: “Sociology” 11th ed. 2007 Pearson – Prentice
 Dinosaurus menguasai planet ini selama 160 juta tahun,
kemudian musnah. Manusia baru menguasai planet ini
250.000 th. Manusia sebagai mahluk yang jauh lebih
cerdas dan memiliki kebudayaan yang jauh lebih canggih
akankah bertahan lebih lama?, atau justru lebih cepat?
Semua ini tergantung dari pilihan dari satu spesies
diantara 30 juta spesies lain yang menghuni planet ini,
yaitu: manusia (Macionis, 2007. hal 606) Kebudayaan
manusia adalah hasil pilihan, tetapi pilihan manusia
ditentukan oleh Kebudayaan!!
 Sosiologi Perlu!!
Pertambahan Penduduk:
Per detik :2.3
Per menit: 141
Per hari: 202.419
Per tahun 73.88.032
Malthus: akan terjadi perang memperebutkan resources?
New Malthusian (Lester Brown): ada technology yang dapat
memperpanjang daya dukung, tetapi tetap ada batas “carrying
 Anti-Malthusian (Julian Simon): sejak prediksi Malthus dunia tlh
menampung 6 kali jumlah penduduk yang ternyata lebih sehat,
umur panjang dsb. So what?
Tracking change
 AS
 Yang membaik:
• Infant mortality
• Life expectancy
• Poverty (usia 65+)
• Drop-outs
• Lulus PT
 Yang turun–naik:
• Pengguna obat terlarang (pemuda)
• Korban lalu-lintas karena mabuk
• Pengangguran
• Perumahan
 Yang memburuk:
• Child abuse
• Kemiskinan anak
• Bunuh diri anak
• Kejahatan dg kekerasan
• Rata-rata gaji mingguan
• Healhcare coverage
• Kesenjangan pendapatan
Masalah-masalah Dunia
The logic of growth: life gets better..?
Limit to growth (deliberate change or being forced?)
Disposable society (80% solid waste never goes away)
Water supply (only 1% is suitable for drinking).
Air pollution
The perish of rain forests
Global warming
Declining Biodiversity
Disaster (environmental, technological, social)
Egocentric  ecosentric !!?
Masalah perubahan “habitus”  sosiologi bisa diharapkan?
 Sociology is a child of social change
 Perubahan sosial adalah: transformasi budaya dan pranata
sosial sepanjang waktu.
 Semua tokoh punya model perubahan sosial.
 Determinisme atau multi causal?
 Yang pasti kecepatan perubahan meningkat pesat (tunggang
langgang?, penuh resiko?).
Ciri-ciri Perubahan Sosial
 Terjadi terus menerus. Elemen budaya yang satu berubah
lebih cepat dari yang lain (muncul cultural lag).
 Bisa direncanakan atau tidak direncanakan (bisa juga
unintended consequences). Apa akibat ditemukannya
 Satu perubahan menghasilkan perubahan lain
 Perubahan sosial bersifat kontroversial: ada yang
diuntungkan ada yang dirugikan
Sumber Perubahan
o Hukum alam (termasuk karakter manusia)
o Teknologi: discovery, invention, innovation, diffusion (teknologi
lebih mudah daripada ideologi).
Konflik: konflik banyak menghasilkan perubahan, misalnya
konflik kelas sosial (Marx).
Ide: tokoh karismatis, agama, pemikiran (hak azasi, gender,
lingkungan dsb.
Demografi:pertumbuhan penduduk, struktur Demografi,
migrasi, urbanisasi.
Pembangunan (planned change)
Historical accident
 Mass society: birokratisasi, rationalisasi, industrialisasi,
differentiation, meningkatnya kesempatan dlm kehidupan,
individuality, freedom, flexibility, creativity, inovation,
perkembangan negara dan organisasi lainnya, tetapi juga
isolation, identity crises, rootlessness, alienation, anomie,
 Class society: meningkatnya kapitalisme, penguasaan
ekonomi, meningkatnya kesenjangan, powerlessness
(freedom?), rational?, technologysuffering!,
Tokoh penting
 Emil Durkheim: mechanical menjadi organik atau anomie?
 Karl Marx: conflict on material resources  dehumanizing
aspect of capitalism
 Max Weber : Rationalisasi  birokratisasi (iron cage) vs
Perspektif Sosiologi:
Struktural Fungsional
 Modernisasi = Mass Society : “prosperity and bureucracy have
weakened traditional social ties.
Ingat: Tonnies, Parsons, Weber, Durkheim dsb.
Master status  pekerjaan, bukan identitas lainnya.
Impersonal mass media
Organisasi besar mengganti fungsi keluarga.
Mobilitas geografis urbanization, global migration weakened
traditional values, freedom.
Participation in public life?
Irrationality of rationality
Teori Konflik
 Modernity=class Society (expanding capitalist economy marked by
 Growth and greed (ever-greater profits).
 Naked self interests
 People as commodities
 Science as support of the statusquo
 Modern societywell-being is technical puzzle rather than
problem of social justice (ingat kemiskinan di Indonesia)
 Business  efficiency !
 Not only a problem of gemeinschaft but the destructive
consequence of Capitalism.
Teori Konflik
Persistent Inequality:
 No more nobles, but elit class!
 The state? : uneffective or predatory.
 Important factor: political struggle
 Democracy?  most people are powerless in the face of
the elites (one man one vote!).
 Not anomie but alienation and powerlesness ?
 Support from liberals!
 Critics: welfare is really increasing,
people are not for egalitarianism, Socialism doesn’t work,
 Sum up: Functionalism  Mass society: increasing scale of
life and bureucratization.
Conflict Class-society: expasion of Capitalism and
persistence inequality
Modernity and the Individual:
micro perspectives
How modernity shapes individual lives?
 Mass society: Problems of identity:
 from conformity to individuality (?), liberalization,
freedom, bewildering array of options, ever-changing
life style, elusive “true self ”, relativism, permissiveness
 David Riesman: tradition directedness to other
 “who am I”?
 Perlawanan: tribalism, fanaticism, fundamntalism, hi
touch and hi tech.
 Class Society: Problems of Powerlesness.
 Modernity give privileges to some but underprivileges for
many (life uncertainty)
 It is not increasing freedom, but least participation in social
 Herbert Marcuse: irrationality of rationality
 Hi tech for whom? Digital Divide! Science solve or create
Modernity and Progress
 Development: the idea of progress?, continuous
improvement? Stability=stagnation?
 Social change is too complex to equate with progress!
(learn it!)
 Getting rich: advantage and disadvantage! (hedonism,
 Are we happy? rate of happiness declining.
 “Science makes our way of lives change too fast”
(internet, HP)  etika? (cultural lag)
 Bagaimana mengamati globalisasi? (amati :Supermarket).
 Globalization bukan hanya gejala global tetapi juga lokal
(global migration, culturally diverse societies, new
cultural tastes)
 Bagaimana melakukan “sociological imagination?” (“we
cannot separate our local actions from the larger social
setting that extend arround the globe” (Giddens, 2002)
 interdependency ? (kasus pegawai mal)
 Faktor: communication, information, transportation?
 Giddens: “Globalization is changing the way the world looks, and
the way we look at the world”  global outlook
Post Modernity
 Industrial Revolution  Modernity
 Information Revolution  Postmodernity (characteristics of
post industrial society).
 Still debatable, contains 5 themes:
 Modernization has failed: poverty remains.
 Idea of progress is fading: life is getting worse (in terms of
Science no longer holds the answers: it implies singular
truth  there is no one truth. Objective reality does not
exist, it is socially constructed
Cultural debate are intensifying: material is important,
ideas are more important (justice, rights, environment
etc). Unequal !
Social institutions are changing: no single family pattern,
many new family forms.
Critical review: what is the alternative of science?
Looking ahead
 Why one billion people is still poor? In the past entire
population were poor!  promote technological
development!, help poor nation to grow economically,
provide foreign aid, modernize the people culture
 Dependencia: the major barrier to economic
development is not traditionalism but the global
domination of rich capitalist societies.
 Modernization achieved through exploitation and
assymetric relations. Break up the relation!
 Instead  globalization: the entire world has become one
huge village (lives of all people are increasingly linked!).
 Thinking it through (epilogue) : controlling population
growth and establishing an environmentally sustainable
 Tackle the problems with: imagination, compassion, and
(People Centered Development?)