Week 5 Date Thursday 28/2 Classwork Mini Creative SAC preparation 1. select topic off Mini Creative SAC on Persepolis handout 2. Features of the text (summary notes on Persepolis) 3. Features of the response (SAC plan) Homework Briefly Read chapter 6 Complete plan for SAC due: Mon 4/3 6 Monday 4/3 Mini Creative SAC Persepolis Tuesday 5/3 Mini Creative SAC Persepolis Wednesday 6/3 Thursday 7/3 Screening of Waltz with Bashir 2nd ½ lunch-p6. Fill in venn diagram as you watch After viewing questions Table comparing Bashir to Persepolis Waltz with Bashir prescreening reading and questions Due: wed 6/3 Reflective commentary Thu7/3 Pre-screening reading and questions due Monday 11/3 LABOUR DAY no school Tuesday 12/3 Wednesday 13/3 Thursday 14/3 Create cheat sheet ,fill out essay planner SAC Comparative essay Persepolis debriefHaiku, Twitterature, playlist 7 To do: 1. join the wiki www.bclitertureyr11.wikispaces.com Create an account Search for our wiki Join the wiki 2. Join Edmodo www.edmodo.com.au (It’s like facebook for school) Click on “I’m a student” Fill out info (email is optional) and the Group code is: m0jyxx Put the app on your smart phone Complete for homework due tues 12/3 Start re-reading Gatsby use the audio book- it’ll take less time 1-2 chapter/s a day Due mon 18/3 Due wed 13/3 Re- read Gatsby Re-Read Gatsby Mini Creative SAC-Imaginative Response PERSEPOLIS Semester 1, Term 1 MON 4/3-TUES 5/3 You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of the way that literature is constructed and the effect that this has on the reader. You should be able to identify and discuss the different strategies and techniques that an author has used, and analyse the way that they affect your interpretation of that literature. The way that language is used is an important strategy to consider. Criteria 1-10 1. Relevance of the response to the task 2. Relationship between the response and the original text 3. Understanding and control of ideas, characters, setting, structure, tone style and themes 4. Awareness of the ways in which textual features contribute to the interpretation of texts 5. Identification and recreation imaginatively of what is particular about the construction , context, point of view and form of an original text 6. Complexity of ideas in the response 7. Coherence and the development of a sustained response 8. The expressiveness and fluency of the response as a whole 9. Commentary providing detailed insight into the process of producing a creative response and what was learned about the original text 10. Spelling, punctuation and syntax Stage 1: analysis of the original text Title, Director, form (film, animated) Main ideas in the texts point of view on these (views, values, beliefs) Context Film techniques Language Stage 2: Developing your creative response PERSEPOLIS FEATURES SUMMARY SHEET 1page A4 cheat sheet bring to the SAC Mon 4/3-tues 5/3 Use pp61-66 in textbook Director Genre Visual elements Sound Narrative structure Narrative point of view Establish and identify the kind of creative piece you will write Identify the form you will write in Be clear about the relationship of your response to the original Show you are aware of the ways in which your work adopts or resist features of the original Stage 3: Constructing the Creative Response Task Setting Form Narrator Aim Main and minor characters: Relationship to the original text Images, props, costume, makeup: Plot List of changes/additions made and reasons for change Characters Name the protagonist 5 key words describing them Name the minor characters 2 key words to describe them Setting Themes/main ideas imagery/symbols VVBSSCHIS Mini Creative SAC Perspeolis Reflective Commentary Due: Thursday 7/3 (min 200 words/1page, loose) Topics-select 1 topic Brief reflective commentary Respond imaginatively to a text, and comment on the connections between the text and the response. Produce an original piece of writing using the style and setting of the film. a) Film storyboard b) Comic strip c) Write a story of your own on a similar theme d) Rewrite a section as a script for a play or TV show (E.g title sequence and opening scene) Produce a new piece of writing that could be added to the text See example -insight chapter 6, pp198-199 The response must be consistent with the original text. The content should draw on elements of style and meaning of the original text. Pay close attention to the way in which the writer has created the text. Reflective Commentary brainstorm: a) An additional scene (script or storyboard) b) Diary entry by the main character about an event or person in the film c) Write a letter from adult Marjane to young Marji d) Write a collection of journal entries by a person depicted in the film showing their response to the writer/director’s version of their part of the story e) Rewrite a section of the text from another characters perspective What are some of the interesting or distinctive features of this text? Are there silences or gaps in the text? What aspects of the text give rise to a variety of interpretations? Which of these features do I want to explore? What might be the best way to do this? This statement could include a commentary on a range of things such as: The features of the text studied The perceived common ground and the 11LIA Imaginative SAC Persepolis Student Name: Analyse how meaning changes when the form of a text changes. Mark range: 0-3 E , 4-6 E+, 7-9 D, 10-12 D+, 13-15 C, 16-18 C+, 19-21 B, 22-24 B+, 25-27 A, 28-30 A+ CRITERIA 1 mark N/S 2 marks S 3 marks G 1 Awareness of the ways in which textual features contribute to the interpretation of texts. Some awareness of the ways in which the form of a text is significant in the making of meaning. 2 Knowledge of the conventions of play and film Appropriate use of terminology for play and film. Some knowledge of the conventions in the forms of the original and transformed texts. Appropriate use of terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Some understanding of the ways in which the form of a text is significant in the making of meaning. Sound knowledge of the conventions in the forms of the original and transformed texts. Appropriate use of terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Thorough understanding of the ways in which the form of a text is significant in the making of meaning. Detailed knowledge of the conventions in the forms of both the original and transformed texts. Very good use of terminology appropriate to the relevant forms of text. Thorough and complex understanding of the ways in which the form of a text is significant in the making of meaning. Comprehensive knowledge of the conventions in the forms of both the original and adapted texts. 3 4 Analysis of how meaning is altered when text is adapted. Some analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the text is adapted. Some analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the text is transformed. Selection and use of relevant examples from both texts to support interpretation Complex, expressive, fluent, and coherent development of a sustained response with accurate spelling and grammar. Some relevant selection and use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Clear and coherent development of ideas. Relevant selection and use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Fluent and coherent development of ideas. . Insightful analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the text is adapted. Careful selection and effective use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Complex, expressive and coherent development of ideas. Sophisticated analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the text is adapted. 5 Limited awareness of the ways in which the form of a text is significant in the making of meaning. Limited knowledge of the conventions in the forms of the original and/or adapted texts. Little use of relevant terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Little or no identification of the ways in which meaning is altered when the text is transformed. Limited selection and/or use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Simple expression of ideas. 6 Mark: Grade: Percentage: 4 marks VG 5 marks E Excellent use of terminology appropriate to the relevant forms of text. Careful selection and effective use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Complex, sophisticated, highly-expressive and coherent development of ideas. WALTZ WITH BASHIR 1. Complete pre-reading pg1-4 2. Complete Before Viewing: Considering Genre and box office Questions on the sheet Directed by: Ari Folman Synopsis:Based on a true story, Waltz with Bashir charts the journey of Ari, an Israeli Army veteran who is trying to recollect his experiences of the Lebanon War in Beirut. He visits a range of former comrades who recount their own stories, inevitably pushing Ari closer towards some devastating realisations. With the aid of a psychiatrist, Ari will recall stories full of daring escape, surreal humour, violence and inhumanity that he thought were long forgotten. The film uses real interviews combined with unique animation techniques to achieve its mesmerising and groundbreaking effect. Before Viewing: Considering Genre An Israeli animated war film, in Hebrew with English subtitles, could be a difficult feature to sell to a western audience. The decisions made by the film distribution company in marketing any film will be crucial to audience reception to, and perception of, the film in advance of their viewing experience. After the cinema release window, other factors – reviews, word of mouth, and online awareness – start to come into play. 1. What have you heard about Waltz with Bashir? Have you heard conflicting opinions about the film? 2. View the trailer and posters for Waltz with Bashir.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1185616 a) Are you interested in seeing it? Why/why not? b) What do you think you will like or dislike about the film? 3. Complete the table below Title of a war film you have seen or heard of Which battles do these films depict? Which countries and faiths are involved in the conflicts? From which perspective is the story told? 1 2 3 Country Dist. Release Opening % of Total Gross / As Of Waltz with Bashir Box office takings (click to view weekend breakdown) Date Wknd Total FOREIGN TOTAL - 6/25/08 $801,067 Australia Sharmill 9/11/08 Austria Stadtkino 10/31/08 Belgium Benelux Bolivia 9.1% $8,842,000 1/31/10 $31,312 22.1% 8.8% $65,741 3/22/09 9/10/08 $27,447 18.9% $145,290 10/19/08 Sony 4/3/09 - Brazil Sony 4/3/09 $18,829 16.9% $111,235 9/27/09 Bulgaria Art Fest 12/4/09 $2,579 45.3% $5,687 1/31/10 Colombia Sony 7/3/09 $5,979 3986% $150 9/27/09 Czech Republic Aerofilms 1/22/09 $8,790 30.4% Denmark Miracle 2/20/09 - - Finland Futurefilm 2/20/09 $8,397 100% France Le Pacte 6/25/08 $790,607 18.6% $4,240,300 10/12/08 Germany Pandora 11/6/08 $125,178 15.9% $785,729 Greece Seven 1/1/09 $235,425 2/22/09 Hong Kong - 3/19/09 $5,393 100% Hungary - 1/1/09 $48 100% Italy Lucky Red 1/9/09 Mexico - 7/17/09 $12,414 27.2% $45,711 8/23/09 Netherlands Cineart 11/6/08 $16,014 47.5% $33,679 11/16/08 New Zealand Arkles 12/18/08 $3,242 Norway Arthaus 2/20/09 $9,913 12.6% Portugal Atalanta 1/1/09 Russia - CIS Frontiers 6/18/09 Serbia & Montenegro - 11/27/08 Slovenia Continental South Korea - 11/20/08 Spain Golem 2/20/09 $55,507 19.6% $282,886 7/5/09 Sweden Folkets Bio 2/20/09 $12,424 24.4% $50,863 4/5/09 Switzerland Frenetic 6/25/08 $9,538 4.3% $222,690 12/14/08 Taiwan - 2/27/09 $2,544 29.4% $8,658 3/20/09 Turkey Tiglon 2/6/09 $2,600 21.8% $11,943 4/12/09 United Kingdom Art. Eye 2/5/09 $5,758 $141,666 12/7/08 - $44,485 18.9% $76,411 5/3/09 $28,883 2/8/09 $65,165 3/8/09 $8,397 2/22/09 4/5/09 $5,393 3/22/09 $48 1/4/09 $131,428 12.6% $1,041,913 3/22/09 - 8.4% $38,472 3/8/09 $78,958 3/29/09 - $65,036 2/15/09 $2,722 15.9% $17,116 8/9/09 - $3,255 3/8/09 $893 88.3% $1,011 2/8/09 $3,836 9.8% $39,092 3/22/09 11/21/08 $168,686 16.2% $1,038,720 4/19/09 1. How would you account for its reception in different areas across the world? 2. Do you think Waltz with Bashir would have been successful or unsuccessful in the Middle East? Documentary form Over the last decade, documentary films have been increasingly common in the cinema: Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 and Sicko, and Morgan Sprulock’s Super Size Me and Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden? are just a few examples. Documentaries in part rely on events being captured as they happen, and then on the events being reflected on, or re-told. Despite the concept of documentary as a ‘truthful account’, documentaries always have a narrative structure and a story to tell. After Viewing: Initial Response This film may have been a real departure from your normal viewing experiences: the closing seconds of the film, in particular, have been noted for their powerful and emotional images. Aim to reflect on your personal opinions of the film as soon as possible after watching. 1. How did the film make you feel? Explain your response, making reference to moments from the film to illustrate your points. 2. How closely did the film match the expectations you had from the trailer and the poster? 3. How would you categorise this film if you were to describe it to someone who hadn’t yet seen it? Conflict and Faith in Context Watching a film such as Waltz with Bashir may raise your awareness of, and interest in, the events and the politics it portrays. You can find further details on the political situation that underpins this film by searching a news website, such as the BBC’s news site, which also has details on the history of these conflicts. 4. To what extent does the film chart the origins, history and cause of this particular war? 5. Does religion or faith have an overt impact on the plot or the decisions of the characters? 5. How do Hollywood films about the conflict (like Munich and You Don’t Mess With The Zohan) compare to this film that was written and directed by an Israeli national? Comparative sac preparation AREA OF STUDY 2: Comparing texts –Persepolis/Waltz with Bashir Outcome 2: Produce a comparative piece of interpretative writing with a particular focus; for example, ideas and concerns, form of the text, author, time in history, social or cultural context. TASK 1: Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast Persepolis with Waltz with Bashir. TASK 2: FILM KEY FEATURES Take notes on these features in a comparative table (see Insight Section A table and features pg 61-66, further info pp 61-66.) VISUAL ELEMENTS –how the film is constructed using mise en scène –setting, costumes, editing and cinematography SOUND diegetic sound - source is visible on the screen e.g. voices of characters, sounds made by objects in the story, music represented as coming from instruments. Non diegetic sound- source is not visible on the e.g narrator's commentary, sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect, mood music/soundtrack. NARRATIVE STRUCTURE –attributes and situations of characters combined to get responses from an audience with classical Hollywood structure or by resisting the conventions of the classical Hollywood narrative NARRATIVE POINT OF VIEW –how the audience is positioned to see the characters and their world. This is done with narrative voice over, camera distance and point of view shots TASK 3: COMPARING FEATURES TABLE Start in class, finish for homework Due: tues 12/3 PERSEPOLIS TECHNIQUE EXAMPLE EFFECT Film Visual elements Sound Narrative structure Narrative point of view WALZ WITH BASHIR Start in class, finish for homework Due: tues 12/3 TECHNIQUE EXAMPLE EFFECT Film Visual elements Sound Narrative structure Narrative point of view 11LIA SAC Comparative Essay Assessment Persepolis/Waltz with Bashir CRITERIA 1 marks Not satisfactory 2 marks Satisfactory 3 marks Good 4 marks Very good 5 marks Excellent Quality of response to the topic Not appropriate to the chosen task Somewhat appropriate to the chosen task Little to no identification of the ways in which the texts can be compared. Little use of relevant terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Some use of analysis of the ways in which the texts can be compared. Some appropriate use of terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Very appropriate to the chosen task Very good analysis of the ways in which the texts can be compared. Very good use of terminology appropriate to the relevant forms of text. Highly appropriate to the chosen task Analysis of comparisons and contrasts through textual detail Understanding and controlled discussion of features and conventions with appropriate terminology. Awareness of the ways in which textual features contribute to the interpretation of texts Expressive and coherent development of a sustained response Spelling, punctuation and syntax Reasonably appropriate to the chosen task Sound analysis of the ways in which the texts can be compared. Appropriate use of terminology in relation to the selected text forms. Limited selection and/or use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Some relevant selection and/or use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Relevant selection and use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Careful selection and effective use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Simple expression of ideas. Clear expression of ideas. Clear and coherent development of ideas. Expressive and coherent development of ideas. Not satisfactory spelling and punctuation. Satisfactory spelling and punctuation. Good spelling and punctuation. Very good spelling and punctuation. Considered selection and highlyeffective use of textual evidence to support an interpretation. Highlyexpressive and coherent development of ideas. Excellent spelling and punctuation. Sophisticated analysis of the ways in which the texts can be compared. Excellent use of terminology appropriate to the relevant forms of text TOTAL: Mark range: 0-3 E , 4-6 E+, 7-9 D, 10-12 D+, 13-15 C, 16-18 C+, 19-21 B, 22-24 B+, 25-27 A, 28-30 A+ COMMENTS: COMPARATIVE SAC Essay Planner Due: Wed 13/3 Essay topic: Compare the two animated films about the experience of conflict and religion. Select three features (from film table) you want to compare and contrast commenting on how the techniques were used and to what effect. PLAN My answer (point of view): I think that… Because (reason/s) This is shown by (evidence-events and quotes from the text) ; & ; & ; & . Structuring a compare-contrast essay Aspect What? Aspect 1 Thing 1 How? Why? Thing 2 Aspect 1 Thing 1 Thing 2 Aspect 1 Thing 1 Thing 2 Persepolis Debrief With what effect? 1. Haiku: Write the plot of the film as a Haiku (3 lines:1st- 5 syllables, 2nd-7 syllables, 3rd-5 syllables) 2. Playlist “Eye of the Tiger” gets Marjane out of depression. What are your motivational songs and why? Title Artist Key lyric/s Reason for choice