Christmas and New Year’s in Germany “Man muss die Feste feiern wie sie fallen.” Nikolaustag 6 Dezember Christkindlmarkt oder Weihnachtsmarkt 1) St. Nikoluaus comes on 6. Dezember; an actual appearance. 2) An angel representing the Christ child brings gifts on 24. Dezember. 1) St. Nikolaus comes on 6. Dezember; like a ninja! 2) Weihnachtsmann comes on 24. Dezember, bearing gifts; more of a “Father Christmas figure.” 3)“Weih” is a sacred ritual, not necessarily Christian, inspiring awe. “Frohe Weihnachten implies a glow of inner joy, not merry gaiety.” Christkindlmarkt oder Weihnachtsmarkt (pt. 2!) o A bazaar extravaganza offering you anything and everything you could ever want for the Christmas season. o Start the last week in November, and last up to 4 weeks for the Advent season. o Though they all have similar characteristics, markets tend to be unique to the town in which they are located. o Stands sell traditional food, hand-knitted wares, ornaments, wreaths, and…. o Glühwein: a red wine, mulled with cinnamon and cloves. “Essen, Trinken und Geniessen sind nach wie vor die drei schonsten Dinge in unserem Leben.” Berlin A nice mix of trAditionAl And urbAn… o 2010 sees 60 markets in Berlin. o WeihnachtsZauber on Gendarmenmarkt: Historical and “One of the most beautiful squares in Europe.” o Potsdamer Platz: In the Sony Center which as a 4000 sq meter event area. Smack in the middle is Winterwelt and Europe’s largest mobile toboggen run. o Kaiser Wilhelm Gednächtniskirche: About 4 million visitors each season. The most popular in Germany and perhaps the most beloved by locals. Especially known for its edgy and modern “metropolis fair,” with unique jewelry and artwork. o 2010 Season….22.11-*31.12.2010. Sun-Thurs 11 am-10 pm……..Fri-Sat 11 am-11 pm Christmas Eve 11 am-6 pm….. *New Year’s Eve11am-11pm. Nürnberg The quintessential, picturesque and traditional German Christmas market. • Dates back to 1628. • About 20,000 visitors each year, arguably the most famous market. • 180-200 wooden stalls decorated with red and white cloth. “Little town from wood and cloth.” The traditional image of this market has been a model for other markets. • Held in Nürnberg’s main market square, and opens on the Friday before the first Sunday in Advent . • “Christmas Angel”: Chosen for 2 years, this teenage girl recites a “solemn prologue” from the “gallery of the church of Our Lady.” She appears throughout the market and also “brings Christmas cheer” to hospitals, kindergartens and nursing homes during her term. • Plum People!: They are made from prunes. Since 1981, gold, silver and bronze plum people have been given as prizes for “the most beautiful and tasteful stall design.” • Staff Market Department: Keeps an eye on the stalls and goods. “Plastic fir garlands are a no-no!” • 2010 season…26.11-*24.12.2010 Mon-Thurs 9 30 am-8 pm……Fri-Sat 930 am- 10 pm……*Sun 10 30 am-8 pm Opening Day: 930 am-10 pm………Christmas Eve 9 30 am- 2 pm “Mit Bayerischer Gemütlichkeitkommt man noch einmal soweit!” • • • • • 20-22 markets in Munich. There is even a market at the Munich International airport that has an ice skating rink. Marienplatz: “Heart of the city centre.” Roots go back to the 14th century, though the town records indicate a Nicholas Market on Kaufinger Strasse near the Frauenkirche in 1642. Offers Lebkuchen from Nuremburg, glassware from the Bavarian forest, and woodcarvings from Oberammergau; traditional Bavarian Christmas gifts. “Heavenly Workshop,” in the town hall with baking and arts and crafts for kids ages 6-12. Free, with professional artist supervision. Kripperlmarkt: Part of Christmas in München since the 18th century, this market specializes in nativities and cribs, which have long been a tradition there. 2010 Season…26.11-*24.12.2010 Mon-Fri 10am-8 30pm…..*Sat 9am-8 30pm…..*Sun 10am-7 30pm 24.Dezember 10am-2pm Aachen “A pleasant and familiar atmosphere.” The nearest Christmas market to the UK; less than 4 hrs away by train! Set around the cathedral and town hall. Dates back to the 1970s, and used to be quite small, held around the Elisa fountain. Moved to the market square and became much more popular, especially in the last few years. • Aachen Printen: Cookie type-gingerbread deliciousness that is distributed all over the world by Aachen bakeries. • Variety is the spice of life: Aachen is known for lots of different foods and goods. • 2010 Season….19.11.2010-23.12.2010 *Daily 11 am-9 pm…..Sun 21.11 6-9 pm Thurs 23.12 11 am- 8 pm • • • Köln o Along with the temporary ice rink, Nativity scenes and concerts, there are 7 markets in Köln. The 4 larger ones, which hold almost 2 million visitors each year, are…. o Köln Cathedral: The most impressive in Köln due to the Cathedral backdrop. Home of the largest Christmas tree in the Rhineland and 160 wooden pavilions. o Altermarkt: There’s a lot for kids here, in front of the old town hall. o Neumarkt: Köln’s oldest, though it only dates back to the early 1970s. o Rudolfplatz: Fairy tales. o ALSO….a floating Christmas market on board the MS Wappen von Mainz (KD Riverboats). o 2010 Season…..22.11-23.12.2010 *Daily 11 am- 9pm Düsseldorf • Königsallee: The most famous street in Düsseldorf, where thousands of lights decorate the chestnut trees that line the “Kö boulevard.” • Gingerbread houses not far from Königsallee. • Free Outdoor ice rink with instruction AND childcare! On Gustaf-Gründgens-platz. • “Sternchenmarkt”: A “Little star market” with “crystals that break the light into thousands of colors.” • Engelchenmarkt on the Heinrich-Heine-Platz in the Old Town. • The Shadowplatz is “family friendly,” with a merry-go-round and activities for children. • 2010 Season…..18.11-23.12.2010 Sun-Thurs 11 am-8 pm…..Fri-Sat 11 am- 9 pm….Closed Sun 21.11 Essen International and exotic o The International Essen Christmas market has all kinds of good stuff….figures from Cuba, Greek lighthouses, sculptures from Africa, and crafts from Russia. o….Polish bigos, Arabic falafels, crepes from France, and Dutch poffertjes. o A Santa House: Where many Santas tell of Christmas traditions from their countries. o 2010 Season…..18.11.2010-23.12.2010 Sun-Thurs 11 am-9 pm….Fri-Sat 11 am-10 pm Sun 21.11 6-10 pm o First mentioned in 1648…5 markets in all. o “Christmas Fairy Tale Forest” with 21stalls recreating Brother’s Grimm tales surrounded by 500 illuminated fir trees. o Marzipan: A candy made from sugar and almonds, that can be molded into different forms. o 2010 Season…..22.11-***30.12.2010 Daily 11 am-9 pm Fri-Sat 11 am-10 pm Closed 25 and 26 Dezember. At least 9 markets, 3 of them city-run. Striezelmarkt: The largest market in Dresden and Germany’s oldest, dating back to 1434. Named for Striezel/ Stollen, a sweet yeast bread with fruits and nuts, and covered with powdered sugar, traditionally made around Christmas time. Stollen dates back to the 16th century. At Christmas time, bakers would give one or two loaves to the local princes, who, over the years, began giving the cake to the poor and sick…..StreizelMontag. With a “romantic and festive charm,” striezelmarkt is “an inspiration in itself; a real treasure trove for handmade crafts.” Located between the Frauenkirche and the famous Münzgasse, in the historical section of the city centre. Home of the world’s biggest nutcracker and the world’s tallest Christmas pyramid at 14 meters. Pyramid Festival: Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Advent (11.12.2010). Dresden Stollen Festival: Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Advent (4.12.2010). Began in 1994 and features the “unveiling of a giant stollen and a procession through the historic center of the city.” The loaf is cut with a 4 ft. long knife in the middle of striezelmarkt. Pflaumentoffel: A figure made of dried prunes. A chimney sweep and a symbol of good luck. Striezelchildren: Figures based on a print of 2 kids selling Pflaumentoffel. 2010 Season (For Striezelmarkt by the Frauenkirche) 26.11-24.12.2010 Sun-Thurs 10 am-9 pm…..Fri-Sat 10 am- 11 pm…..24.12. 10 am- 2 pm All the others have slightly different times and days. New Years! Sylvester und Neujahr New Year’s is pretty big in Germany, (especially in Berlin)…they set off thousands of fireworks “to ward off evil spirits.” New Year’s Eve is called “Sylvester” in memory of a Pope who died that day. Sylvesterabend: A time for fireworks, visiting friends, Glühmost, Feuerzangenbowle, Sekt, Pfannkuchen/Berliners, and hearty meals. And of course, “Dinner for One,” a British comedy sketch performed in English, set in England, and filmed in Hamburg in 1963. “The same procedure as every year, James.” New Year’s the sequel: The Berlin Edition “Sylvester is an occasion to go all out.” Parties all over the city go into the wee hours of the morning. Glühmost: Apple cider, “heated, sugared, and flavored with cinnamon and cloves.” Feuerzangenbowle: Mulled red wine with rum-soaked caramelized sugar. Sekt: A sparkling wine for the midnight toast. Pfannkuchen/Berliners: But only after the fireworks and bells have gone off….watch out for mustard! This is the last slide, I promise…. Ich bin ein kleiner Mann ich wünsche, was ich kann; viel Glück, viel Heil, viel Segen mag euch der Höchste geben. Prosit zum neuen Jahr! Ich wünsche Ihnen Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr! Works Cited… • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Christmas market in Munich” New York Amsterdam News; 12/16/99, Vol. 90 Issue 51, p32, 3/4p, 3 Black and White Photographs German Regional Recipes: Foods, Festivals, and Folkore, by Helga Hughes “Berlin’s Take on New Year’s? Everything.” by Charly Wilder