Curriculum Night February 3, 2016 WELCOME! Agenda Miss Herbaugh: School Counselor Mrs. Swales and Mrs. Taneyhill: GACTC Counselors Mrs. Hurd: Social Studies Department Chairperson Mrs. Rosas: English Department Chairperson Mrs. Craig: Mathematics Department Chairperson Mr. Tinker: Science Department Chairperson Additional Course Information World Languages: Mrs. Stern, Department Chairperson Family and Consumer Sciences Technology Education Art Education Music Education Humanities and Other Electives Are You Ready For 9th Grade? Things to Consider: – High School Students Housed at the JH – Transcripts Generated – Credits Earned – NCAA Eligibility – Course Expectations Increase – Independence/Maturity Expected NCAA Considerations Attention Student Athletes: If you plan to play a sport in college, NCAA has eligibility requirements that you must meet in order to play. If you do not meet these requirements, you cannot play. Certain Hollidaysburg Area School District courses are not NCAA eligible. At the Junior High School, these include: Science 9, English 9, History 9, and Algebra 1B 9. If you have questions or concerns, please speak to your coach or visit the NCAA Eligibility Center website. Scheduling Musts Schedule no less than 7 units/credits per year Must accumulate 27 units/credits to graduate 4 units each of: Communications, Social Science, Natural Science and Math 2 units each of: Physical Education (.5 units x 4 years) and Health (.5 units x 4 years) 1 unit of Computer Science 1 unit of Humanities 5 units of Electives Foreign Language is not a graduation requirement, but is highly recommended by prospective post secondary institutions. Criteria for Course Enrollment Students are scheduled for classes based on prior performance/grades and teacher recommendations. NEW: Successful Completion of the Keystone Exam is now a prerequisite for certain courses. See Scheduling Sheet and Course Description Booklet for more details. Prerequisites for the Core Classes • 95% or higher in 8th grade course of a lower level to advance to the next level • 84% or higher to remain at Honors and Pre-honors levels • 77% or higher to remain at College bound level Items to Consider • Class rank is calculated at the end of every school year during grades 9-12. • Honors courses are weighted and count more toward GPA and class rank. • If students are eligible to take an Honors level course in grade 9, but elect not to, this can impact scheduling for grades 10-12. • Example: To take an Advanced Placement course, a student must be coming from an Honors level course, obtain an 84%, and pass a screener. If a student opts out of the Honors course they qualify for, students need to be aware that this impacts future scheduling and class rank/GPA. Scheduling Timeline Transition to HS Conferences/Career Conferences begin February 8, 2016. Scheduling Sheets, signed by parent/guardian, and all applications due to Guidance Office March 4, 2016 Individual selections entered in system Course Request Verifications mailed home Master schedule for entire building is completed Students receive schedule in August Transition to High School Conferences/Career Conferences Career and Educational Planning Session Individual conference with a Junior High School counselor Preparation for 9th grade Review of Guidance Curriculum/Career Pathways Activities PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THESE CONFERENCES AFTER THE PRESENTATION OR BY CALLING THE GUIDANCE OFFICE STARTING FEBRUARY 4, 2016 Education with a purpose Pathway Option with Cluster Areas Business – Computer Information Systems – Business Administration, Marketing, Mathematics, Sales Pathway Option with Cluster Areas Communications – Journalism, Language Arts, Media, Public Relations – The Arts – Music, Theater, Visual Pathway Option with Cluster Areas Engineering and Industrial – - Architecture, Construction, Manufacturing – - Material Sciences and Nanofabrication Pathway Option with Cluster Areas Human Services – Consumer Services and Human Development – Education, Government, Law Pathway Option with Cluster Areas Science – Biomedical, Physical, Earth Science – Environmental Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center CIVICS Three levels • Honors • CB • Level 9 Curriculum Citizenship Foundations of U.S. Government The U.S. Constitution Guaranteed Rights Branches of Government Elections State and Local Government Paying for Government Foreign Policy Main Points to Consider • Intellectual Ability • • • • • • Reading comprehension • Writing ability Independence Interest in Subject Matter Initiative/Work Ethic Study Skills Instructional Pace Long-term planning - FYI 10th Grade AP European History Prerequisites – Honors Civics – Honors English – 92% average in both – Screener test English Mrs. Tricia Rosas Level 9 College Bound Honors Core Curriculum Short Stories - Varied Poetry - Varied Edgar Allan Poe Mini Unit – Multiple Works Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Accelerated Reader Program Literature, Grammar, and Composition Terms & Definitions One grammar unit (chapter) per marking period Three to five compositions per marking period • Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive • Writing in response to literature • Poetry and Creative writing CB English 9 With the higher expectations at the College Bound level, there is a higher rigor of work. The class works at a faster pace; therefore, additional novels and short stories are incorporated into the core curriculum. Examples: - The Odyssey - A Light in the Forest - A Tale of Two Cities - Animal Farm Honors English 9 Honors English is a rigorous class that is intended to prepare students to continue on in the High School Honors Curriculum. Students must be excellent readers and writers, with a strong work ethic. They must be prepared to complete assignments, including a great deal of independent reading. Additions to the Core Curriculum The Alchemist – Paulo Coehlo The Book Thief-- Markus Zusak Great Expectations – Charles Dickens Night – Elie Wiesel Julius Caesar – William Shakespeare The Harlem Renaissance – Thematic Unit The Holocaust – Thematic Unit “My Year With” – A year long reading project with a student-selected author. Mathematics Mrs. Craig Curriculum Criteria Expectations Honors Geometry Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 2 with at least an 84% or an overall average of 95% or higher in Algebra 1 and pass the Keystone Algebra 1 exam. Topics to be covered: Interrelationships Between Points, Lines, and Planes, Angle Relationships, Parallel Lines, Polygons and Similarity, Conditionals and Logic, Triangle Relationships and Right Triangle Properties, Perimeter, Area, Surface Area, and Volume, Circles, Introductory Trigonometry Direct and indirect proofs are done in a manner which follows rigid mathematical procedure. Sequence through Grade 12 9 Honors Geometry 10 Honors Trigonometry & Pre-calculus or Honors Algebra 2 11 AP Calculus AB Honors Calculus or Calculus Honors Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus AP Statistics or Honors Probability & Statistics 12 AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB or Calculus AP Statistics or Honors Probability & Statistics Students must maintain an 84% or higher average in each course to stay in this level. AP courses require a certain score on a screener test. CB Geometry Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 with at least a 77% average and Pass the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam or be enrolled in a remedial course. Topics to be covered: Interrelationships Between Points, Lines, and Planes, Angle Relationships, Parallel Lines, Polygons and Similarity, Conditionals and Logic, Triangle Relationships and Right Triangle Properties, Perimeter, Area, Surface Area, and Volume, Circles, Introductory Trigonometry Course includes some, but not an extensive amount of proofs and deals mainly with geometric concepts. Sequence through Grade 12 9 CB Geometry 10 CB Algebra 2 11 Honors Trigonometry & Pre-calculus CB Probability and Statistics 12 CB Calculus Students must maintain a 77% in each course to remain in this level. Students must earn a 95% to move up and schedule an honors level course the next school year. CB ALGEBRA 1 Prerequisite: A 77% in CB Pre-Algebra. Topics to be Covered: Review of solving equations, Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Functions, Working with Polynomials, Factoring Polynomials, Exponents, Rational Expressions, Radical Expressions. Students will take the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam in May. Students must pass this exam for graduation requirements. Student which do not pass the test will be scheduled for a remedial course. College Bound 9 10 11 12 CB Algebra 1 CB Geometry CB Algebra 2 CB Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus Students must maintain an 77% in each course to remain in this level. Students must earn a 95% to move up and schedule an Honors Level course the next school year ALGEBRA 1B Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1A or below a 77% in CB Pre-Algebra Topics to be Covered: Review of Algebra 1A, Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Working with Polynomials, Factoring Polynomials, Quadratic Functions, Exponents, Rational Expressions and Equations, Radical Expressions and Equations Students will take the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam in May. The test covers all content from the Algebra 1A course and Algebra 1B course. Students must pass this exam for graduation requirements. Sequence through Grade 12 9 Algebra 1B 10 Integrated Math 1 11 Integrated Math 2 12 Integrated Math 3 Students which do not pass the Algebra 1 Keystone will be scheduled for a remediation course. Science Mr. Tinker Curriculum Criteria Expectations 9th Grade Science Courses Science 9 College Bound Science 9 Honors Biology Science 9 Course Description: Science 9 continues the Junior High sequence based upon content and the state standards. This course for general education students is broken into four major areas of scientific study: Chemical Interactions, Sound Light & Electricity, Astronomy and Environment & Ecology. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Science 8. College Bound Science 9 College-bound Science 9 is a predominately physical science course that incorporates fundamental concepts presented in Honors Biology. It is designed to provide concepts and teach skills common to both the physical and biological sciences. Students will build upon the physical science concepts they learned in CB Science 8. Students will be introduced to biological topics such as biochemistry, the cell, genetics, and organisms. This course offers the challenges of moving at a fast pace along with an introduction to a number of biology topics in order to prepare students for a full year of biology in 10th grade. Requirements: Students will be expected to successfully complete homework, projects, and lab activities. Tests and quizzes will be given at the completion of each chapter. Honors Biology Geared to academically accelerated students who show an interest in and aptitude for the sciences Designed to challenge the student to incorporate and apply the basic content of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, botany, and ecology and to foster skills of independent learning Emphasizes laboratory skill development and empirical observation through laboratory and classroom activities Designed to develop an interest in the biological sciences and to stimulate creative thought through application of biological concepts and laboratory investigations. The Biology Keystone Exam will be administered in mid-May. Students must pass this exam in order to meet graduation requirements. Anatomy/Physiology A one-semester ninth grade elective An introduction to the structure and function of the human body Students are introduced to various occupations within the medical field through in-class visits from medical professionals and field trips. Prerequisites: Students are required to write a one-page essay explaining their reasons for requesting the class and their interest in the medical profession. Class size is limited. Science Progression 8th Grade 9th Grade Pre-Honors Science 84% and up……………………………………………………Honors Biology 83% and below…………………………………………………CB Science 9 CB Science 8 95% and up and teacher’s recommendation………………Honors Biology 77% - 94%.........................................................................CB Science 9 76% and below………………………………………………..Science 9 Science 8 95% and up and teacher’s recommendation……………….CB Science 9 94% and below....................................................................Science 9 Foreign Languages Mrs. Stern Curriculum Criteria Expectations World Language Options French German Latin Spanish Russian Why take a World Language? Helps with understanding English – Vocabulary Develops an appreciation of other cultures Opens more doors in the work place – Business, Government Improves SAT scores Is this a graduation requirement? No! However… – Students are encouraged to take a minimum of two years of the same language – Required for some colleges and/or degrees (Check with potential colleges) Language Instruction Today We focus on all four skills. – Listening Real-life dialog Music – Reading Short stories and novels – Writing Skits, letters, compositions, etc. – Speaking Student interaction How to choose a language What language or place interests you the most? What is your heritage? Advantages of High School World Language Obtain College in High School credit through St. Francis University in Level 4 Participate in foreign language clubs Opportunity for travel and immersions Fulfill college entrance requirements and possibly continue earning credits toward a minor degree in a foreign language. Family & Consumer Sciences Basic Foods Areas of Study – – – – – Meal Management Food Science Nutrition Consumerism Careers Class Structure – Performance Based – Labs 2-3 times a week – Long Term Projects, both in class and for homework Credit = .5 Note: Regular attendance is necessary for this hands-on course and most work is completed in class (Minor Homework) Advanced CLS Areas of Study – Foods and Nutrition – Resource Management – Careers Class Structure – Performance based – Labs 2-3 times a week, during the foods and nutrition unit – Long term projects, both in class and for homework Credit = .5 Notes: Resource management includes budgeting and check writing. Careers include conducting a job search, interviewing skills and filling out a job application. Technology Education Introduction to Engineering Areas of Study – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Engineering Design Forces Problem Solving Solid Modeling Transportation Class Structure – Students work independently and also in small groups – Performance based Credit = .5 Projects will include, but not be limited to, CO2 cars, bridge building, problem solving activities and Solid Modeling using the 3D printer Introduction to Robotics Areas of Study – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Signals Lab Current and Voltage Motors Gear Ratios (Speed and Torque) Programming using ROBOTC Class Structure – Students will work in small groups (2 or 3) – Performance based Credit = .5 Art Education Introduction to Art Proceeding through the many art processes, during the year-long Intro to Art course, the students experience the benefits of stimulating their creative minds. “We critique, laugh, socialize, learn new processes, finish what we start, appreciate nature, and feel passion for something good!" INTRO TO ART PHOTO EXHIBITON Exploratory Art Exploratory Art will enable ninth grade students to develop his/her art abilities and appreciation for art. Problem solving, self expression, aesthetic awareness, and critical thinking skills will be enhanced. Students in Exploratory Art class will explore a variety of different materials and will develop skills and techniques in two and threedimensional art production. Projects will include the areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design, calligraphy, collage and mixed media. Students will search for meaning and direction in their work by choosing and evaluating ideas and subject matter that communicate self expression. Art works from various cultures and master artists will be viewed and discussed as each unit dictates. Sculpture Sculpture will provide ninth grade students with a hands-on approach to develop their art abilities and appreciation for art mainly through threedimensional projects. Problem solving, self expression, aesthetic awareness, and critical thinking skills will be emphasized. The semester of sculpture will follow a semester of exploratory art and provide the student with an opportunity to develop skills and techniques in three dimensional art productions. Students continue to concentrate on the basics of drawing to develop ideas and design compositions for each unit. Projects completed may include, but are not limited to, paper sculpture, relief copper repousse, star sculptures, ceramic hand building, wheel throwing, plaster carving, wire sculpture, and wood/found object sculptures. Students will explore Art History to assist in motivation for subject matter. All art work created will be original and copyrighted material will not be accepted. . Music Education Advanced Music Semester Course Students will: • Listen to, discuss, analyze, create, and synthesize various musical aspects in a knowledgeable manner • Have hands-on experiences with rhythmic, melodic, harmonic and expressionistic elements of music through class activities and the creation of their own original works of music • Be required to complete the fevaluative procedures such as written and aural quizzes, unit tests, listening analysis, classroom seatwork, creative writing assignments, composition, performance, and classroom discussions • Successfully complete the Music 8 course and/or active participation in at least one school ensemble (band, chorus, or orchestra) and/or private music lessons. Other Music Courses Band Chorus Orchestra Jazz Band Additional 9th Grade Courses Drama Speech Journalism Writer’s Workshop TV Production Guitar Courses Continued Introduction to Business Desktop Publishing Special Entrance Requirements Tiger TV: Application Intro to Art: Portfolio Anatomy/Physiology: Essay Due: March 4, 2016 to the Guidance Office Dates To Remember Transition to High School Conference Request: Available After Tonight’s Presentation or by calling the Guidance Office at 695-4426 ext. 6520. Scheduling Sheets, Applications, Portfolios and Essays: Due March 4, 2016 Resources Miss Herbaugh, School Counselor 695-4426 ext. 6522 Mrs. Boose, Guidance Office Secretary 695-4426 ext. 6520 Closing Remarks Please see the back table for additional information and for an opportunity to sign up for a transition to high school/career conference.