A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Michael Hausman A master’s project report submitted to the Graduate Facility of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Engineering in Software Engineering Department of Computer Science 2011 This master’s project report for Masters of Engineering in Software Engineering degree by Michael Hausman has been approved for the Department of Computer Science By _________________________ Jugal Kalita, Chair _________________________ Edward Chow _________________________ Al Brouillette __________ Date Hausman iii Abstract Word Sense Disambiguation is a formal way of saying, “Which dictionary definition is correct in context?” Humans are adept at extracting the context of a sentence and applying it to every word. If the sentence is “I like to swim next to the river bank,” then the word “bank” means “sloping land” and does not mean “a financial institution.” Humans know this because the words “river” and “swim” have very little to do with finance. Humans have years of knowledge and experience to quickly contextualize the meaning of every word. A machine, however, has a much harder time finding the correct meaning. It takes thousands of computations for even the simplest algorithms, which are not very accurate. Even so, many applications such as language translators are still available and sold today. Language translation relies heavily on word sense disambiguation. For this reason many translated sentences do not make much sense. Solving word sense disambiguation would help with many applications such as language translation. This project explores solutions to the word sense disambiguation dilemma. There are a variety of tools such as WordNet and SemCor referenced in this project. WordNet is a lexical database that investigates several relations for comparing words and glosses of a word. SemCor is a collection of text tagged with the proper part of speech and definitions. This researcher uses the semantic relations from WordNet and examples from SemCor to measure which definitions are most likely to be correct in the context of the communication. A genetic algorithm employs these measurements to find the optimal set of definitions across several sentences. Then, the researcher compares the algorithm to other word sense disambiguation algorithms. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman iv Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ iii Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii Table of Tables................................................................................................................................ viii Table of Equations ............................................................................................................................ ix Table of Examples .............................................................................................................................. x Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 2: Background ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.1 Path-Based Approaches .................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Information-Based Methods ............................................................................................................. 16 2.3 Gloss Based Methods ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.4 Vector Based Methods...................................................................................................................... 18 2.5 Using Multiple Approaches ............................................................................................................... 18 2.6 A Genetic Algorithm Approach ......................................................................................................... 19 2.7 Main Ideas behind the Approach in this Project............................................................................... 21 Chapter 3: Tools/Resources .............................................................................................................. 22 3.1 WordNet ........................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2 WordNet Interface ............................................................................................................................ 22 3.3 Part of Speech Tagger ....................................................................................................................... 23 3.4 SemCor .............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.5 SemEval ............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.6 OntoNotes ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 4: Introduction to Semantic Relations .................................................................................. 27 4.1 Frequency.......................................................................................................................................... 27 4.2 Hypernym.......................................................................................................................................... 29 4.3 Coordinate Sisters ............................................................................................................................. 30 4.4 Domain .............................................................................................................................................. 31 4.5 Synonym............................................................................................................................................ 32 4.6 Antonym............................................................................................................................................ 33 Chapter 5: A Word Sense Disambiguation Genetic Algorithm ............................................................ 35 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman v 5.1 Evolution of the Cost Function.......................................................................................................... 36 5.1.1 Notes on Sampling ..................................................................................................................... 37 5.1.2 Semantic Relation Investigation ................................................................................................ 39 Frequency Behavior ............................................................................................................. 41 Hypernym Behavior ............................................................................................................. 43 Coordinate Sister Behavior .................................................................................................. 45 Domain Behavior ................................................................................................................. 46 Synonym Behavior ............................................................................................................... 48 Antonym Behavior............................................................................................................... 49 5.1.3 The Optimal Cost Function ......................................................................................................... 51 5.1.4 Cost Function Method 1: Simple Addition .................................................................................. 51 5.1.5 Cost Function Method 2: Regression.......................................................................................... 52 5.1.6 Cost Function Method 3: Proportional Placement in a Range ................................................... 55 5.1.7 Cost Function Method 4: Add Sense Distribution ....................................................................... 58 5.1.8 Cost Function Method 5: Add Semantic Relation Distribution ................................................... 60 5.2 Mating ............................................................................................................................................... 62 5.2.1 Mating Method 1: Mate Top Third ............................................................................................ 63 5.2.2 Mating Method 2: Mate Middle Third ....................................................................................... 63 5.3 Mutation ........................................................................................................................................... 64 5.3.1 Mutation Function 1: Random Mutation ................................................................................... 65 5.3.2 Mutation Function 2: Semantic Relation Score Mutation .......................................................... 65 5.3.3 Mutation Function 3: Sense Distribution.................................................................................... 66 5.3.4 Mutation Function 4: Semantic Relation Distribution................................................................ 67 5.4 Main Genetic Algorithm Function ..................................................................................................... 67 5.5 Notes about Speed............................................................................................................................ 68 Chapter 6: Results and Analysis ........................................................................................................ 70 6.1 Measuring the Results ...................................................................................................................... 70 6.2 Comparison to Michael Billot............................................................................................................ 71 6.3 Comparison to Zhang ........................................................................................................................ 72 6.4 SemEval ............................................................................................................................................. 72 6.4.1 SemEval 2 ................................................................................................................................... 72 6.4.2 SemEval 3 ................................................................................................................................... 73 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman vi 6.4.3 SemEval 2007 ............................................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Research ..................................................................................... 76 7.1 Algorithm Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................... 76 7.2 Future Possibilities ............................................................................................................................ 77 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 79 Appendix A: SemCor Files ....................................................................................................................... 79 Appendix B: Proportional Placement Statistics ...................................................................................... 92 Appendix C: Sense Distribution Statistics ............................................................................................... 94 Appendix D: Semantic Relation Distribution Statistics ........................................................................... 94 Appendix E: SemCor Results ................................................................................................................... 98 References..................................................................................................................................... 104 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman vii Table of Figures Figure 1: An example graph indicating the various sample areas .............................................................. 41 Figure 2: The graph of the frequency semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination 42 Figure 3: The graph of the frequency semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination ................................................................................................................................................ 42 Figure 4: The graph of the hypernym semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination 44 Figure 5: The graph of the hypernym semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination .. 44 Figure 6: The graph of the coordinate sister semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination ................................................................................................................................................ 45 Figure 7: The graph of the coordinate sister semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination ................................................................................................................................................ 46 Figure 8: The graph of the domain semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination.... 47 Figure 9: The graph of the domain semantic relation using an adverb-adverb part of speech combination .................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 10: The graph of the synonym semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination . 48 Figure 11: The graph of the synonym semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination ................................................................................................................................................ 49 Figure 12: The graph of the antonym semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination 50 Figure 13: The graph of the antonym semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination ................................................................................................................................................ 50 Figure 14: The graph indicating the shape of the ideal cost function ........................................................ 51 Figure 15: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 1 ..................................................... 52 Figure 16: A graph with an example regression equation .......................................................................... 53 Figure 17: A graph indicating an example of the regression of multiple regressions for frequency ......... 54 Figure 18: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 2 ..................................................... 55 Figure 19: A graph showing an example of the weaknesses of multiple hypernym regressions ............... 56 Figure 20: A graph showing an example using Cost Function Method 3 ................................................... 57 Figure 21: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 3 ..................................................... 58 Figure 22: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 4 ..................................................... 60 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman viii Table of Tables Table 1: The results from SemEval 2 ........................................................................................................... 73 Table 2: The results from SemEval 3 ........................................................................................................... 74 Table 3: The coarse results from SemEval 2007 ......................................................................................... 75 Table 4: The SemCor file letter indicating type of resource the original text came from. ......................... 79 Table 5: The various SemCor files ............................................................................................................... 79 Table 6: The values for Cost Function Method 3 used in this project ........................................................ 92 Table 7: The values for Cost Function Method 4 used in this project ........................................................ 94 Table 8: The values for Cost Function Method 5 used in this project ........................................................ 94 Table 9: The results of one run of every SemCor file using all the parts of speech.................................... 99 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman ix Table of Equations Equation 1 and Example 1: Three Path-Based Methods ............................................................................ 16 Equation 2 and Example 2: Three Information-Based Methods ................................................................ 17 Equation 3: Cost function for Zhang’s solution........................................................................................... 20 Equation 4: Semantic Relation Equation for Frequency ............................................................................. 28 Equation 5 and Example 4: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Hypernyms ............................. 30 Equation 6 and Example 5: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Coordinate Sisters .................. 31 Equation 7 and Example 6: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Domain ................................... 31 Equation 8 and Example 7: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Synonyms ............................... 33 Equation 9 and Example 8: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Antonyms ............................... 34 Equation 10: The Weighted Probability Equation ...................................................................................... 38 Equation 11: The equation for Cost Function Method 2 ............................................................................ 54 Equation 12: The equation for Cost Function Method 3 ............................................................................ 57 Equation 13: The equation for sense distribution error ............................................................................. 59 Equation 14: The equation for Cost Function Method 4 ............................................................................ 59 Equation 15: The equation for semantic relation distribution error .......................................................... 61 Equation 16: The equation for Cost Function Method 5 ............................................................................ 61 Equation 17: The equation for comparing the current solution to the optimal solution........................... 66 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman x Table of Examples Equation 1 and Example 1: Three Path-Based Methods ............................................................................ 16 Equation 2 and Example 2: Three Information-Based Methods ................................................................ 17 Example 3: Example using the Frequency Semantic Relation Equation ..................................................... 29 Equation 5 and Example 4: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Hypernyms ............................. 30 Equation 6 and Example 5: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Coordinate Sisters .................. 31 Equation 7 and Example 6: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Domain ................................... 31 Equation 8 and Example 7: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Synonyms ............................... 33 Equation 9 and Example 8: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Antonyms ............................... 34 Example 9: An example using the Weighted Probability Equation ............................................................ 38 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 11 Chapter 1: Introduction This project explores word sense disambiguation. A word sense is a definition or meaning of a word. Disambiguation serves to “remove all ambiguity.” Therefore, this research explores the technical way of saying, “Which dictionary definition is correct in context?” For example, let us suppose that the application is a GPS in a car that uses verbal locations. If the user says, “I want to go to the bank,” where is the location? The noun “bank” has several meanings. Some of these possibilities are below. This could be a financial institution to deposit a check. This could also be the river bank next to the house. From this sentence alone, the GPS cannot tell the difference. It could just assume the most commonly used meaning and point to the financial institution. However, if the next sentence is, “I want to go for a swim,” then the assumption would be wrong. To understand which location is the destination, the GPS would need to know the correct sense of the location. To understand which sense is correct, the GPS needs to understand the context. Possible senses of the noun “bank” (Princeton University, 2010) 1. a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities 2. sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water) 3. a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies)) 4. a building in which the business of banking transacted 5. an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers 6. a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home 7. a long ridge or pile 8. the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games 9. a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force 10. a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning) Word sense disambiguation is not as simple as it sounds. In order for a machine to understand which sense is correct, it must correlate several things. Some of these are: A) how many senses are possible for this word? B) How do those senses correlate to other words? and C) What is important in a A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 12 sentence? In the preceding example, the machine would need to understand that swimming involves water, that water implies sense 2, and the location of the desired body of water. If the GPS were to accept any sentence, then the knowledge base required to connect every word would be immense. It requires several years for humans to make sense and then making meaning of the simplest sentences. To achieve this with a machine is significantly more complex. The fictional GPS is not the only application of word sense disambiguation. If word sense disambiguation were solved, then many applications would be possible. This could include computers that actually talk and interact with humans as seen in science fiction movies. This also includes language translators such as Google Translate (Google, 2010). At present, many translated sentences do not make much sense or are hard to understand because words are missing and the context is often incorrect. Just knowing the correct sense would help convey the correct context after the translation. Other applications that benefit from word sense disambiguation include text classification, automatic summaries, or anywhere text or language is analyzed. This project solely focuses on the problem of word sense disambiguation. The first step to word sense disambiguation is to understand how words relate within a specific context. Humans understand the context of a word by looking at the surrounding words. Humans also compare words in several different ways. For example, a human knows that a lake, a river, and the ocean are all related because they are all bodies of water. Swimming is a water sport, so water must be involved. Many people visit rivers that are near hills and mountains in order to enjoy the scenery. Therefore, if the word “bank” were in the middle of the statement, then the correct sense of the word bank must be 2. It probably is not a financial institution. Perhaps a machine could try the same technique. The first step is to examine the surrounding words and compare them with each other. A semantic relation allows the machine to compare two words in a specific way. For example, a hypernym of a word is a more generic way of saying that word. A more generic way of saying “lake”, “river” and A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 13 “ocean” is “body of water.” This means that “lake”, “river”, and “ocean” all share similarity through the hypernym semantic relation. “Hillside” and the second sense of “bank” are also similar via a hypernym semantic relation. Semantic relations provide a way for a machine to compare words with each other. Exploring Semantic relations is the primary lens for this project. This exploration compares several words. Earlier, the hypernym semantic relation showed some similarity between several words. The words “lake”, “river”, and “ocean” were similar because their hypernym was “body of water.” However, it takes more hypernyms to compare “hillside” and “bank.” This implies that the first set is more related to each other than the second set. It also means that a portion of the project is examining how to properly measure each relation to account for this varying similarity. Not all words have hypernyms. To account for this, there are several semantic relations in this project: frequency, hypernym, coordinate sister, domain, synonym, and antonym. Each of these semantic relations has different ways of comparing two words. As the title suggests, semantic relations are only part of the project. A genetic algorithm uses these semantic relations to provide the senses for a given text. A genetic algorithm uses Darwin’s theory of evolution to evolve a solution over time for optimization problems. The advantage of a genetic algorithm is that it does not need to compare every possible solution. This is important because there are billions of possible sense combinations for a paragraph of text. The disadvantage of this method is that the solution may not be the best possible combination, but it should be a “good” solution if the genetic algorithm is performed correctly. Chapter One of this report has introduced the concept of word sense disambiguation. Chapter Two describes several techniques which other researches use in word sense disambiguation. Chapter Three describes all of the tools and resources that this project uses to provide all of the sense and semantic relation information related to this study. Chapter Four explains what the semantic relations are and how the project measures the similarity between two words with each relation. Chapter Five A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 14 explains the genetic algorithm in this project. The major portion of this chapter explains how the genetic algorithm transforms these measures to make word sense disambiguation an optimization problem. Chapter Six compares the results to several researchers and competitions. Chapter Seven concludes by suggesting possible areas for research in the future. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 15 Chapter 2: Background There are various ways to attempt word sense disambiguation. There are also various ways to classify each attempt. One classification is supervised versus unsupervised. A supervised algorithm depends on some training data to learn or compare information. The algorithm then uses that knowledge to more accurately tag other text. An unsupervised system does not require any training data. Typically the supervised approaches are more accurate if the training data are available. However, this classification is extremely generic. Zesch and Gurevych classify four categories of approaches in their paper: path-based, information content based, gloss based, and vector based (Zesch & Gurevich, 2010). These classifications give a very high-level indication on how early researchers approached the problem. Many of the newer researchers often combine several of these approaches to achieve better results. 2.1 Path-Based Approaches Path-based approaches measure the length of the path between two words. The shorter the path, the more related the two words are. This method relies on a resource that supplies the paths. This is usually a graph-like structure, like WordNet (Princeton University, 2010). Many early researchers focus on a single relation, like hypernyms, and optimize for that relation. What hypernyms are is not as important at this point as the fact that hypernyms create a tree. Once the relation is in a tree structure, then someone can measure the paths in the tree. Rada et al. begin by measuring the hypernym edges between the words (Rada, Mili, Bicknell, & Blettner, 1989). Then, Leacock and Chodorow normalize the length by accounting for the tree depth (Leacock & Chodorow, 1998). Wu and Palmer also use this idea of depth in their equation (Wu & Palmer, 1994). The difference is that Wu and Palmer use the depth to A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 16 the “lowest common subsumer,” which is where the hypernyms of two words intersect. This creates three different measurements for the “hypernym tree” alone. An example and the two equations are below. The equations are the main part of both Rada’s and Leacock’s methods. The majority of their papers describe equations performance for various text examples. However the path is measured, a path-based method takes the measurement and optimizes for the shortest path between all words. w Depth w w w LCS Depth w w w w π πππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = πΏππππ‘β π πππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = 3 πΏππππ‘β πΏπΆ(π€1 , π€2 ) = −log 2 ∗ π·πππ‘β πΏπΆ(π€1 , π€2 ) = 0.426 2 × πΏπΆπ π·πππ‘β ππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = πΏππππ‘β + 2 × πΏπΆπ π·πππ‘β ππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = 0.727 Length: length of the path between the words Depth: the longest depth to the words W1 LCS Depth: the depth to the lowest common subsumer Equation 1 and Example 1: Three Path-Based Methods W2 Length 2.2 Information-Based Methods Information-based methods take into account how much information the two words share. The more information the two words share, the more similar the two words are. For example, start with the hypernym tree structure from before. Just as before, the only important fact is that the relation creates a tree structure. Since it is a tree structure, someone can measure the number of nodes that both words share. The more nodes two words share, the more related the two words are. Resnik adapted this idea and defines the “lowest common subsumer” as the point where the two words intersect in the hypernym tree (Resnik, 1995). All the words from the top of the tree to the lowest common subsumer are common subsumers. Resnik adds the probability of all the subsumers appearing in a corpus as the A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 17 measure of similarity. Jiang and Conrath modify Resnik’s idea to include the distance between the word and the lowest common subsumer (Jiang & Conrath, 1997). Lin begins with Jiang’s hypothesis and uses the universal measure from information theory instead (Lin, 1998). All three of these measures use the same idea, which is adding the probability of a word appearing in a corpus. The difference is in the equations. An algorithm depending on the amount of shared information indicates an informationbased approach. wA wB wC w wLCS w wD w πΌπΆ (π€∗ ) = −log((π€π ) + π(π€π ) + β― + π(π€∗ ))P π ππ (π€1 , π€2 ) = πΌπΆ (π€πΏπΆπ ) π½πΆ (π€1 , π€2 ) = πΌπΆ (π€1 ) + πΌπΆ (π€2 ) − 2 ∗ πΌπΆ (π€πΏπΆπ ) πΌπΆ (π€πΏπΆπ ) πΏππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = πΌπΆ (π€1 ) + πΌπΆ (π€2 ) W2 W1 IC(w*): the probabilities of all the subsumers leading up to the given word P(w*): The probability of the given word appearing in the selected corpus Equation 2 and Example 2: Three Information-Based Methods 2.3 Gloss Based Methods Gloss-based methods rely on the definition of the word. Dictionaries describe definitions with different words. A dictionary will describe two similar words with other similar words. Keep track of all the similar words between two senses, and the overlap becomes a measurement. Lesk is famous for using this concept to tell a “pine cone” from an “ice cream cone” (Lesk, 1986). The words “pine” and “cone” both have definitions that contain the words “tree” and “fruit.” This is a completely different overlap than the senses of “ice cream” and “cone.” Simply pick the senses that provide the most overlap with each other. There are, however, drawbacks to this method. If the glosses are not descriptive enough, or if there are many false positives, this method will fail. Banerjee and Pederson attempt to account for both problems with their Adapted Lesk Algorithm (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 18 Pedersen, An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet, 2002). First they ignore any word that they deem a non-content word, such as “of” or “the.” Then they expand the number of words to compare by looking up the glosses of words found through several semantic relations. These semantic relations are: synonym, hypernym, hyponym, holonym, meronym, troponym, and attribute. Gloss-based methods depend on the overlap between the glosses of two words. 2.4 Vector Based Methods Vector-based methods take each individual measurement and represent it as a vector. The cosine of the angle between the vectors is an indication of how related the two concepts are. If the angle is really large, then the two measurements are not very related. If the angle is very small, then the two measurements are related. The best example given by Zesch (Zesch & Gurevich, 2010) is from Patwardahan et al. (Patwardhan, Using WordNet-Based Context Vectors to Estimate the Semantic Relatedness of Concepts, 2006). They start with two words and find all of the glosses that match using the Adapted Lesk Algorithm (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet, 2002). Then they say that each word is a dimension. Each vector is a gloss of the one of the relations from either word. The angle of the vector is the number of words that overlap in the glosses of the Adapted Lesk Algorithm. The strength of this concept is that every relation turns into a vector. Since every relation is a vector, it is easy to compare two words. However, turning everything into a vector is a problematic task. 2.5 Using Multiple Approaches Most of the preceding examples from early researchers have the same thought, especially in the development of path-based and information-based methods. For each word, compare the word with the surrounding words within one equation. The sense with the highest score is selected. Many of the later researchers start to attempt using several approaches. The example cited here precedes the A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 19 Adapted Lesk Algorithm (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet, 2002). This method starts with Lesk and expands on it by using several semantic relations. One of these semantic relations, hypernyms, is the main relation in the path and information examples. Patwardahan et al. even tried to combine Adapted Lesk with the earlier information-based methods (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, Using Measures of Semantic Relatedness for Word Sense Disambiguation, 2003). They found that the equation from Jiang and Conrath worked best in their situation (Jiang & Conrath, 1997). Then they moved on to the vectorbased method described above, which starts with Adapted Lesk. All of these examples yield better results with the combination of approaches. Basile et al. realize that every part of speech has different relationships with other parts of speech (Basile, Degemmis, Gentile, Lops, & Semeraro, 2007). A changing a noun has a different effect on another noun than on a verb for a given relation. Also, one approach may work better on a specific part of speech. With this in mind, Basile et al. use a different approach depending on the part of speech. Nouns use a modified Leacock measure as a starting point (Leacock & Chodorow, 1998). Their algorithm uses an extra Gaussian factor for the distance between the words in the disambiguation text and a factor for the frequency in WordNet. Verbs use a similar approach, except with a different Gaussian factor. Adjectives and Adverbs use the Adapted Lesk Algorithm (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet, 2002). The underlying concept of this application is that using a different approach for every part of speech can improve the overall score. 2.6 A Genetic Algorithm Approach This paper employs a genetic algorithm, and therefore it follows to investigate other proposed genetic algorithm approaches as well. The genetic algorithm approach for word sense disambiguation A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 20 using the Zhang et al. formula is the conceptual base for this paper [15]. Zhang and fellow researchers focus only upon nouns, but their approach can easily apply to other parts of speech. This paper also focuses on the most important part of a genetic algorithm: the cost function. The cost function determines how the genetic algorithm compares solutions. If a genetic algorithm cannot compare solutions correctly, then the rest of the algorithm is irrelevant. Zhang explains the core of the algorithm in two sentences. These two sentences prove that the approach is extremely simple beyond the cost function. The cost function begins with the hypernym tree equation from Wu and Palmer (Wu & Palmer, 1994). This equation is an input to an equation that accounts for the domain of a word. The domain is the word or collection to which a word belongs. After this, the results are weighted based on the frequency of the word. The frequency comes from statistics found in WordNet (Princeton University, 2010). The significance of this cost function is that it relies on several semantic relations at the same time. πΆππ π‘ (π€1 , π€2 ) ππππ ππΆππ‘(π€1 ) ππππ ππΆππ‘(π€2 ) + ) πππ‘πππΆππ‘(π€1 ) πππ‘πππΆππ‘(π€2 ) 1 + ππ(π€1 , π€2 ) , π·ππ(π€1 ) = π·ππ(π€2 ) 2 ∗{ ππ (π€1 , π€2 ) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π 2 =( SenseCnt(w): The number of times this was referenced in WordNet corpus TotalCnt(w): The total number of references for this word in WordNet corpus SenseTotal(w): The total number of senses for this word Sense(w): The sense number of the word currently in use Dom(w*): the domain of the word given Equation 3: Cost function for Zhang’s solution A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 21 2.7 Main Ideas behind the Approach in this Project There are a variety of ways to solve word sense disambiguation. To combine every possible approach is not the best option. However, this author has chosen to investigate examples from various sources. Zhang’s idea of using several semantic relations in a genetic algorithm is very appealing (Zhang, Zhou, & Martin, 2008). However, it may make more sense to use more semantic relations. It also may help to examine each relation independently before combining them into a large cost function equation. Many of those semantic relations should probably begin with equations that other researchers have developed, such as the hypernym equation from Wu and Palmer (Wu & Palmer, 1994). It is possible that some of these relations correlate better than others, so adjusting for this may make a more accurate solution. Basile’s idea of separating the parts of speech also seems cogent (Basile, Degemmis, Gentile, Lops, & Semeraro, 2007). For example, there are only hypernyms of nouns and verbs. It is for this reason that Zhang only looks at nouns in their solution. The melding of the preceding concepts provides the starting point of this project. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 22 Chapter 3: Tools/Resources This project uses a variety of tools and resources that are referenced throughout the project. The tools and resources include: WordNet, a C# interface to WordNet, a part of speech tagger from Tokyo University, SemCor, and SemEval. Some of these tools, WordNet for example, provide all the definitions and relations. Some resources, like SemCor, provide examples of correctly translated text. The sections below explain what each tool/resource is and how this project uses them. 3.1 WordNet WordNet is a publicly available lexical database developed by Princeton University (Miller). It only defines nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. There are 206941 words across 117659 SynSets, which are groups of synonyms, in WordNet 3.0. This means that there are 117659 unique definitions available. Each of these SynSets relates to other SynSets in various ways, hence the “net” in WordNet. This project uses many of these relations and definitions to disambiguate text. These relations include antonyms, hypernyms, synonyms, meronyms, holonyms, domain, coordinate sisters, polysemy count, and several others. All of these relations about words are why WordNet is a lexical database. WordNet is so rich in information and so well executed that it is one of the most common tools for word sense disambiguation. 3.2 WordNet Interface There are a few options available in order to use WordNet. One option is to use an API for the online version of WordNet (Princeton University, 2010). This requires constant internet access and all the aforementioned resources to use the available version of WordNet. A second option is to use the A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 23 binary that comes with the install of WordNet. The program would have to run the executable and parse the output with regular expressions. This is possible, but it is also very labor intensive. A third option is to parse the data files that the WordNet executable does. There is documentation provided with the WordNet installation explaining how those files operate. The WordNet website also provides links to APIs that already parse the files in several different programming languages. Simply pick the best API for the preferred language. This project is implemented in C#. Matt Gerber of Michigan State University writes the best WordNet API for C# (Gerber, 2010). What sets this API apart is the option to either store the WordNet database in memory or on disk. The in-memory option is very fast, but uses ~200 MB of memory. However, there are drawbacks to this API. There is no morphological logic to extract the base word, or lemma, from a given word. To do this, the morph.c source file from the WordNet installation was translated into C#. There is also no access to the polysemy file that WordNet uses. This file lists the number of times every sense was referenced in the corpus used to create WordNet. Other than those two flaws, the API works well. 3.3 Part of Speech Tagger Some words occur as several parts of speech. For example, the word “blue” can be a noun, verb, or adjective. Each of these parts of speech has several senses, or definitions. The only way to tell the difference is to look at the context around the word. Knowing the part of speech would dramatically decrease the number of senses that are necessary, and it simplifies the problem. In addition, many researchers and competitions purposely focus on a single part of speech. Therefore, having an accurate part of speech tagger is very useful in word sense disambiguation. The author has selected a part of speech tagger from The University of Tokyo (Tsuruoka & Tsujii, 2005). This part of speech tagger is fast (2400 tokens/sec) and very accurate (97.10% on WSJ corpus). A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 24 3.4 SemCor Princeton University developed Semcor, which originates from the Brown Corpus (Princeton University, 2011). The Brown Corpus is one of the original tagged collections of text for creating a dictionary. Many dictionaries today use larger and broader corpora. The SemCor files contain over 20,000 tagged words across 352 files. The appendix contains a short table indicating what kinds of text sources SemCor tags. 186 of these files contain tagged nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The remaining 166 files only tag verbs. Every tag contains the part of speech, the lemma, and the correct WordNet sense. This makes SemCor extremely useful for researchers using WordNet. SemCor provides a professionally tagged resource to compare the accuracies of word sense disambiguation algorithms. 3.5 SemEval SemEval is a language processing competition that has occurred approximately every three years since 1998. Each competition requires several “tasks” in which participants can compete. These tasks range from translating text to word sense disambiguation in many languages. This project focuses on the “all words” task. The goal of the all words task is to assign the correct sense to every given word in the supplied text. Investigating the work done in these competitions is an optimal way to compare the results of the author’s project with other techniques. Each SemEval competition has a slightly different focus and goal. The first SemEval competition took place in 1998 and set the stage for the competition (ACL-SIGLEX, 2011). The original goal was to evaluate which senses and algorithms work best. This original competition used Hector as the reference dictionary. The second SemEval competition took place in 2001. This competition separated the competition into tasks, including the all-words task, and introduced several languages as separate tasks. This is the first SemEval competition using WordNet, which was version 1.7 at the time. The third SemEval competition took place in 2004. There was the addition of several tasks on top of the tasks A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 25 available in SemEval 2. The reference dictionary was WordNet 1.7.1. The fourth SemEval competition took place in 2007. The sponsors took a critical look at the previous two competitions and realized that WordNet is too detailed. Many of the senses for a word are so subtle that even humans have a hard time choosing the correct sense. This is why the best algorithms in the second and third competitions had a worse accuracy than during the first competition. Therefore, the sponsors took the WordNet 2.1 definitions and grouped similar senses together. When evaluating any of the tasks, any sense in the correct group was correct as a “coarse” result. The fifth SemEval competition took place in 2010. This time the goal is to use the same algorithm across several languages. Of course, this means the reference dictionary was different for every language. To account for this, a common representation of all the various WordNet resources was created. This “WordNet Lexical Markup Framework” was provided for in the trial data for the all words task. The tasks and goals of the SemEval competition have definitely evolved and changed over 12 years. 3.6 OntoNotes The SemEval 2010 competition also saw a different English reference dictionary for some of the tasks. Many of the tasks still use WordNet, but some started to use OntoNotes. OntoNotes is a collaborative effort between Raytheon BBN Technologies, the University of Colorado, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute (Raytheon BBN Technologies, the University of Colorado, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute , 2011). The idea is to make a resource as available as WordNet, but more accurate and useful for language processing. The past decade has shown several weaknesses and lessons from WordNet, so the goal of OntoNotes is to overcome them. OntoNotes originally started with the WordNet glosses and groups them together like in SemEval 2007. Many of the semantic relations are still in development as a “PropBank” component and should be a much richer resource according to the advertisements. Currently, it is possible to translate between WordNet and A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 26 OntoNotes for research purposes (Zhong, Ng, & Chan, 2008) (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, UMND1: Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Contextual Semantic Relatedness, 2007). Keep in mind that OntoNotes is slowly evolving to a different resource and may be just as useful in the future. This author’s project does not use OntoNotes, but moving towards OntoNotes may make the approach in the project much more successful at a later time. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 27 Chapter 4: Introduction to Semantic Relations A semantic relation uses some aspect of a word to compare two words. There are several possible semantic relations since there are several aspects to a word. Many early researchers focus on a single semantic relation. The all words tasks in the SemEval competitions use the “most common” sense as their baseline (ACL-SIGLEX, 2011). Wu and Palmer look at hypernyms (Wu & Palmer, 1994). Many later researchers use more than one semantic relation since each relation has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, Zhang uses frequency, hypernyms, and domain to disambiguate nouns (Zhang, Zhou, & Martin, 2008). Many researchers found that they achieved better results because they used several different relations. In this project, all the semantic relation information comes from WordNet. The algorithm then calculates a number using an equation specific to that relation. For example, the equation comparing frequency would be different than an equation comparing synonyms. They may be similar, but the details of the equation are slightly different. Also, the equation could be different for each part of speech. A noun will have different similarities to a second noun than it would to a verb. In this project, there are six semantic relations: frequency, hyponyms, coordinate sisters, domain, antonyms, and synonyms. 4.1 Frequency Frequency is how often a definition appears in context compared to other words. Most definitions in dictionaries are in order. The most “frequent” or “common” definition is the first sense. The least frequent definition is the last sense. The question is how to take advantage of this information. As mentioned before, the baseline for many word sense disambiguation projects, including A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 28 SenseEval, is to compare the performance to an answer using the first sense for all words (ACL-SIGLEX, 2011). Many methods use the most common sense when other relations don’t give a clear answer. Frequency is a very common and useful comparison. Conceptually, there are several possible ways to calculate the Frequency for two words. The developers of WordNet kept track of how many times a sense was used in the corpus used to develop WordNet. As expected, the sense with the most occurrences is the first definition. The number of occurrences for each sense is available to the users of WordNet. Some researchers, including this project, use the number of occurrences of a sense and divide it by the total number of occurrences of that word (Zhang, Zhou, & Martin, 2008). However, not all words appear in the WordNet corpus. To account for these exceptions, a linear distribution is applied. The equations are below. ππππ ππΆππ‘(π€) , πππ‘πππΆππ‘ (π€) > 0 πππ‘πππΆππ‘(π€) πΉπππ (π€) = ππππ ππππ‘ππ (π€) − ππππ π (π€) − 1 , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π ππππ ππππ‘ππ(π€) { SenseCnt(w): The number of times this was referenced in WordNet corpus TotalCnt(w): The total number of references for this word in WordNet corpus SenseTotal(w): The total number of senses for this word Sense(w): The sense number of the word currently in use Equation 4: Semantic Relation Equation for Frequency Notice that frequency is easily applied to a single sense of a word. If the word is “frequency”, as below, the value for sense 1 is 0.48. However, a semantic relation compares two words, not just one. To account for this, one adds the calculated frequency of the two words. If the first word is the first sense of frequency and the second word is the second sense of frequency, then the calculated frequency is 0.48+0.44=0.92. In this fashion, the genetic algorithm uses frequency in the same manner as any of the other semantic relations. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 29 1. (12) frequency, frequence, oftenness -- (the number of occurrences within a given time period) a. 12/25 = 0.48 2. (11) frequency, relative frequency -- (the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations) a. 11/25 = 0.44 3. (2) frequency, absolute frequency -- (the number of observations in a given statistical category) a. 2/25 = 0.08 Example 3: Example using the Frequency Semantic Relation Equation 4.2 Hypernym A hypernym is a more generic way of saying a word. For example, a more generic way of saying man would be human. A more generic way of saying human would be organism. Note that some words have a different hypernym depending on definition. A “bank” next to the river has a different hypernym than a financial “bank.” Finding the hypernym of every sense creates a tree-like structure of hypernym relations. Many researchers take advantage of this tree in many different ways. This project uses Wu and Palmer (Wu & Palmer, 1994). Wu and Palmer account for several aspects of the hypernym tree. When comparing two words, the point where the hypernyms of both words match is the most significant ordinate or lowest common subsumer. The depth to this point indicates how specific the two words are. The distance between the two words in the tree indicates how similar the two words are. Wu and Palmer accounts for both so that the similarity of two words is just as important as how specific the two words are. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 30 entity π»π¦π(π€1 , π€2 ) = 3 hypernyms… organism person animal male D MSO female A boy B girl 2×π· A+π΅+2×π· MSO: most specific common hypernym D: length from the root to MSO A: length from w1 to MSO B: length from w2 to MSO 2×5 2+2+2×5 π»π¦π(πππ¦, ππππ) ≈ 0.714 π»π¦π(πππ¦, ππππ) = Equation 5 and Example 4: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Hypernyms In the example above, there are three base words: boy, girl, and animal. The distance between the words boy and girl is 4. The distance to the most significant ordinate of these two words, person, is 5. This makes the hypernym score between these two words 0.714. Note that comparing animal and boy is 0.666, which is lower than the comparison of boy and girl. Animal and boy may be just as similar, but they are more generic. Wu Palmer accounts for both the similarity of two words and how similar they are. 4.3 Coordinate Sisters Two words that have the same hypernym are coordinate sisters. Looking at these separately could provide different and potentially useful insight than when only using Wu and Palmer strategies. This gives extra emphasis on closely related terms whether they are generic terms or not. The equation for coordinate sisters is simple. Either the two words are coordinate sisters, or they are not. Therefore, the equation returns 1 when they are coordinate sisters and 0 when they are not. In the example tree below, male and female are coordinate sisters. Boy and animal are not coordinate sisters. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 31 entity 3 hypernyms… organism animal person male female boy girl πΆπππ(π€1 , π€2 ) = { 1, πΆπππ(π€1 ) ∋ π€2 0, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π w1 and w2: the two words being compared Coor(w*): all of the coordinate sisters of the word Coor(w1) ∋ w1: if w2 is any of the coordinate sisters of w1 Equation 6 and Example 5: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Coordinate Sisters 4.4 Domain Domain is the word or collection a word belongs to. For example, several programming and computer terms belong to the domain computer science. Several terms describing plants and gardening belong to the domain botany. This can make a big difference when looking at senses. The idea is that some text describing something in a domain will use several words from a domain in the descriptions. If the domain of the text is around computer science, then a sense describing a computer disk drive is the most likely to be the correct sense for disk. Very domain specific text can take advantage of this information, which is why SemEval 2010 has a domain specific task. Domain can make a big difference in some situations. Computer Science Buffer, drive, cache, program, software Sports Skate, backpack, ball, foul, snorkel π·ππ(π€1 , π€2 ) 1, π·ππ(π€1 ) = π·ππ(π€2 ) = { 0, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π w1 and w2: the two words being compared Dom(w*): the domain of the word given Equation 7 and Example 6: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Domain A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 32 The calculation for domain is very simple. It is either part of the domain, or it is not. There are no sub-domains or generic domains available in WordNet. Therefore, the equation for domain below returns a 1 if the words are in the same domain, otherwise it returns a 0. For example, comparing computer and cache returns 1. Comparing computer and baseball will return 0. 4.5 Synonym A word is a synonym of second word if one can interchange the words without changing the meaning of the sentence. A different way of defining synonyms is to say that two words are synonyms if they have the same meaning. WordNet takes advantage of this fact by grouping all synonyms into a SynSet (Synonym Set). Any word in the SynSet returns the same exact meaning. Even though two words have the same meaning, people will interchange synonyms because one synonym “sounds” better. Sometimes people simply want a little variety in their sentences and pull out their thesaurus. Whatever the reason is, comparing the synonyms of senses could provide insight into which sense is correct. Every word is part of a SynSet, which is a synonym that has the exact same meaning. Just like a thesaurus, WordNet also keeps track of SynSets that have similar meanings. If two words are Synonyms of each other, exact or similar, then the equation below returns 1. Otherwise, the equation below returns 0. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 33 1. computer, computing machine, computing device, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system 2. sport, athletics 3. frolic, lark, rollick, skylark, disport, sport, cavort, gambol, frisk, romp, run around, lark about ππ¦π(π€1 , π€2 ) = { 1, ππ¦π(π€1 ) ∋ π€2 0, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π w1 and w2: the two words being compared Syn(w*): all of the synonyms of the word Syn(w1) ∋ w2: if w2 is any of the synonyms of w1 Equation 8 and Example 7: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Synonyms 4.6 Antonym An antonym has the opposite meaning. Anything that is an opposite is an antonym. Some examples are: black vs. white, angel vs. demon, good vs. evil, vague vs. clear, antonym vs. synonym, etcetera. This would work well for comparison papers. One item did this while the other paper did the opposite. Many researchers who look at synonyms often look at antonyms because these same comparison papers also describe any similarities. As with many of the other semantic relations, two words are either antonyms of each other or are not. Therefore, the equation below returns the value 1 if two words are antonyms. Otherwise, the equation returns 0. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 34 1. good, goodness a. evil, evilness 2. pure a. defiled, maculate 3. vague a. clear, distinct 1, π΄ππ‘(π€1 ) ∋ π€2 π΄ππ‘ (π€1 , π€2 ) = { 0, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π w1 and w2: the two words being compared Ant(w*): all of the antonyms of the word Ant(w1) ∋ w2: if w2 is any of the antonyms of w1 Equation 9 and Example 8: Semantic Relation Equation and Example for Antonyms A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 35 Chapter 5: A Word Sense Disambiguation Genetic Algorithm Word Sense Disambiguation for all words in a file creates a large solution space. For example, suppose that there exists a file with five paragraphs of information. Each of these paragraphs could have 100 words, which means the file has 500 words. Each word can have many definitions, so assume there are five definitions per word. This makes 5100 = 7.888 * 1069 possible word sense combinations for a paragraph or 5500 = 3.055*10349 word sense combinations for the entire file. This solution space is far too large to check every word sense combination. If there is a way to measure the accuracy of a word sense combination, genetic algorithms provide a way to check a subset of these solutions in order to obtain a good solution. This solution will not be “the solution,” but the solution should be close. The genetic algorithm is based on Darwin’s theory of evolution to solve optimization problems. The general idea is to start with a set of solutions, using that set of solutions to make better solutions, and only keeping the best solutions. In genetic algorithms, chromosomes define all of the information necessary to define a solution. The individual pieces of the chromosome are genes that define a certain aspect of the solution. In this case, the chromosome defines the word senses for the file. Each gene represents the chosen word sense for a single word. The generic process of creating “better” chromosomes, or solutions, with genetic algorithms is below. 1. Start with a set of solutions (1st Generation) 2. Take original “parent” solutions and combine them with each other to create a new set of “child” solutions (Mating) 3. Introduce some random changes in case solutions are “stuck” or are all the same (Mutation) 4. Somehow measure the solutions (Cost Function) to evaluate the best solution 5. Repeat starting with Step 2 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 36 Genetic Algorithm implementations can vary in many respects. The preceding steps describe the most common case at a very high level. Most genetic algorithms have three main parts. They are: mating, mutation, and cost function. The preceding steps above do not describe how to implement mating, mutation, and cost function. The implementation of these portions has different strengths and weaknesses depending upon the problem. It also does not describe how to select chromosomes for each step. One should expect the implementation to change for every problem, and most authors will have a cost function, a mating phase, and a mutation phase as part of their genetic algorithm. 5.1 Evolution of the Cost Function The cost function is possibly the most important part of a genetic algorithm. It is the portion of the algorithm that determines which solution is the “correct” or “better” solution. How to determine the best answer depends upon the problem and on the approach. If the cost function’s approach incorrectly compares solutions, then the genetic algorithm will lead to an increasingly incorrect answer. For example, if the problem is to find the highest point on a mountain, the cost function needs to correctly determine which point is higher in elevation. Assume that the cost function compares two areas according to the slope of the hillside under the assumption that the slope on the top of the mountain is zero. In this case, the genetic algorithm will not be able to correctly compare two mountains or plateaus on the map. In addition, it does not matter how well the rest of the genetic algorithm functions because the results will most likely be incorrect. If the genetic algorithm is to find a “good” answer, then the cost function must be able to determine which answers are correct in most cases. For this project, the cost function must be able to compare the definitions of a word and determine which definition is most likely to be correct. All of the preceding semantic relation equations are different measurements that can be part of the cost function. Each of these measurements has its strengths and weaknesses. A large part of this author’s project involves examining these measurements A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 37 and determining how to use them most accurately. The sections below begin by examining each semantic relation. The author then incorporates them into a cost function and analyzes the results. This leads to several variations of the cost function using the knowledge and results of the last cost function. The last cost function is the one the genetic algorithm uses. 5.1.1 Notes on Sampling Earlier in this report, the author explored SemCor and WordNet. The SemCor files list the correct WordNet senses for the given text. Since this project needs to compare incorrect senses with correct senses, there is a need for many other possible sense combinations. Throughout this project, a solution is a specific selection of sense combinations. The number of senses that match the senses in the SemCor file indicate how “good” the solution is. With that in mind, the SemCor selection is the best solution, and the worst solution matches none of the SemCor senses. The author has noted a variety of solutions and several levels of correctness. The problem surfaces when examining the number of possibilities. Each SemCor file contains approximately 2000 words. Of these, 1100 to 1300 words have a WordNet definition. These definitions may be a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. Assuming that the part of speech is already identified for each word, each of these defined words has the following average number of definitions: noun 1.24, verb 2.17, adjective 1.4, and adverb 1.25. If every defined word were a noun, the number would be 1.241200 = 1.2765*10112 possible combinations per SemCor file. If there were an equal distribution for each part of speech, this would be 1.5151200 = 3.1272*10216 possible combinations per SemCor file. This is an inordinate number of combinations. To further clarify this, imagine that if a solution were calculated every nanosecond; it would require 9.9164*10199 years to investigate each combination. It follows that a subset of solutions must represent all of the solutions. The selected subset areas are: 1. Near the correct solution 2. Randomly picked solutions 3. Near the most frequent senses A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 38 4. Random solutions weighted towards the most frequent senses 5. Min/Max areas for each semantic relation via a Mutation method The author has selected the five primary areas to represent all of the possible solutions. Each area is a starting point. Every solution begins in one area and randomly changes a percentage of the word senses toward another area. The first area is near the correct solution. These answers give insight regarding how to reach the correct solution. The second area contains randomly selected senses to provide variety. The third area is located near the most frequent senses since the most frequent sense is a common baseline. The fourth area contains “weighted” randomly selected solutions. This provides answers between the randomly selected area and the most frequent area. The weighted random equation and an example are formulated below. The last area describes the boundaries of each individual semantic relation. A function that eventually became one of the mutation functions defines these boundaries by building a solution to match the given value for a semantic relation. (See the mutation section for further explanation.) Using 3000 solutions and using these five areas gives variety and focus to address most of the cost function behavior. ππππβπ‘ππππππ (π€, π ) = πππ‘ππππππ π (π€) − π + 1 ∑πππ‘ππππππ π(π€) π w and s: the word and sense TotalSense(w): the number of senses for this word Equation 10: The Weighted Probability Equation If the word has 4 senses, the probability of returning the 1st sense is: 4−1+1 1+2+3+4 ππππβπ‘ππππππ (π€, 1) = 0.4 ππππβπ‘ππππππ (π€, 1) = Example 9: An example using the Weighted Probability Equation A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 39 5.1.2 Semantic Relation Investigation Studying semantic relations behavior is the first step to making the cost function. Each semantic relation is a small part of the cost function. The behavior of the semantic relations in this section has a major influence on the cost function variations in the following sections. Therefore, the coverage and representation for each semantic relation is crucial to the process. The variety and boundaries of the semantic relation indicate where and how each semantic relation influences the solution. This includes the parts of speech which the semantic relation represents. To illustrate, hypernyms are available solely for nouns and verbs in WordNet, and therefore the relation is useless when comparing adjectives and adverbs. In addition, the hypernym trees for nouns do not overlap with hypernym trees for verbs. For this reason the results for every part of speech combination is unique within each semantic relation. The cost function can then account for each semantic relation and part of speech combination separately. A second thing to note is that each semantic relation compares two words in order to return a value. There are several possible word pair combinations in the given text. The challenge is to determine which combinations are important. Various researchers try different techniques. Zhang finds every word combination in a paragraph (Zhang, Zhou, & Martin, 2008). The idea is that a single sentence does not contain enough information to properly determine the correct word sense with semantic relations. A paragraph would have more information because it has several related sentences. Zhang’s solution contains one drawback. Very large paragraphs have an extremely large number of combination pairs. In addition, the SemEval competitions do not indicate where the paragraph boundaries are located. The competitors in many recent SemEval competitions use a sliding window technique for this reason (Patwardhan, Banerjee, & Pedersen, UMND1: Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Contextual Semantic Relatedness, 2007) (Bosch, Hoste, Daelemans, & Den, 2004) (Mihalcea & Csomai, 2005). The first step is to remove all the words that don’t have definitions in A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 40 WordNet. Then use all the combinations “n” words before and after the target word. The number of words before and after varies from three words to five words in many papers. This project checks for words ten words before and after the target word. This is a compromise between a paragraph and the sliding window technique. Each word has a window with 45 possible combinations while a paragraph can easily have thousands of possible combinations. Note that each combination uses the semantic relation equations below to return a value. The overall semantic relation behavior is the average of all the individual values. One of the most transparent ways to view behavior is by means of a graph. With graphs of the semantic relation, it is easier to see the estimated solution space of the relation, the boundaries of the relation results, the variety of solutions that give a specific result from a semantic relation equation, and the coverage. Therefore, a scatter plot with 3000 different solutions is available for every semantic relation. These graphs have the semantic relation as the independent variable. The accuracy of a solution is the independent variable. In several graphs, each of the individual sample areas is visible. The graph below uses frequency and indicates the location of five sample areas. The sections below do not show the individual areas. However, all these areas are very important for finding the boundaries of each semantic relation. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 41 1) Correct Area 3) Most Frequent Area Average Solution Value 2) Random Area 4) Weighted Random Area 5) Max Mutation Area 5) Min Mutation Area Figure 1: An example graph indicating the various sample areas Frequency Behavior The graphs for two part of speech combinations for frequency are included below. All part of speech combinations have approximately the same shape. The lowest frequencies have very low accuracy, but more than zero. This implies that some words only have one definition or use the least frequent definition. The highest frequencies have ~75% accuracy. This solution would be the typical “baseline” solution recognized by many authors. The area between them contains a distinct point where a small range of frequencies contain “good” solutions. However, this small range of frequencies also contains the widest range of accuracies. This means that it will take more than frequency to sort out the subset of solutions in this range. The five sample areas are clear and appear to cover several boundaries of the semantic relation. All in all, frequency looks like a promising semantic relation as an individual measurement. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 42 Distinct Maximum Large Range at Correct Solution Figure 2: The graph of the frequency semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination Distinct Maximum Large Range at Correct Solution Figure 3: The graph of the frequency semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 43 Hypernym Behavior There are only two part of speech combinations that work for hypernyms: comparing two nouns or comparing two verbs. In both cases the sample areas are not as distinct. The noun-noun combinations appear to have more solutions on the left side of the correct solution. This may explain why many researchers who use hypernyms can achieve greater accuracy by maximizing hypernyms scores. The bulk of the solutions have a lower hypernym score and other researchers don’t access these exceptions very often. In either case, the noun-noun hypernym graph has a distinct point around the correct solution near the middle of the range. The verb-verb hypernym graph does not display the same distinct point that the noun-noun hypernym displays. It appears to be inversely proportional to accuracy. This implies that actions are not as related as the subjects. Both graphs indicate that there is a relation between hypernyms and accuracy. Both graphs also indicate that the score around the correct solution has the widest range of accuracies. Of the two graphs, the noun-noun version looks more useful. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 44 Distinct Maximum Very Large and Dense Range at Correct Solution Figure 4: The graph of the hypernym semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination Distinct Maximum Very Large and Very Dense Range at Correct Solution Figure 5: The graph of the hypernym semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 45 Coordinate Sister Behavior Both coordinate sisters and hypernyms rely on the same hypernym tree, so both of them also have the same part of speech limitations. Coordinate sisters can only compare two nouns or two verbs. In this case, the graphs are somewhat similar. The noun-noun combination has a distinct point around the correct solution in the middle of the coordinate sister range. The verb-verb version has the distinct point near the beginning of the range. The verb-verb graph indicates the correct solution is not as close to zero as the hypernym graphs. Both graphs show that the area around the solution has a majority of the solutions and the widest range of accuracies. Overall, the coordinate sister results are slightly different than the hypernym results, which may prove useful later on. Distinct Maximum Very Large and Very Dense Range at Correct Solution Figure 6: The graph of the coordinate sister semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 46 Distinct Maximum Very Large Range at Correct Solution Figure 7: The graph of the coordinate sister semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination Domain Behavior Few words have a domain in WordNet. This fact is evident in the graphs for domain because the possible values show up as columns. Perhaps a different SemCor file that is more domain specific may have a larger variety of results, but br-g23 only has a few. A majority of the given solutions have an average domain value below 0.001. In addition, the correct solution is not unique among the given solutions. This makes it very hard to see a correlation between domain and accuracy if one indeed exists. Overall, domain does not look promising at this point. At least it does not look promising for this SemCor example. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 47 Not Very Distinct Maximum Very Large Range at Correct Solution Figure 8: The graph of the domain semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination Not Very Distinct Maximum Very Large Range at Correct Solution Figure 9: The graph of the domain semantic relation using an adverb-adverb part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 48 Synonym Behavior Synonyms show similar issues that domain did, except on a lesser scale. There simply are not enough synonyms in the br-g23 SemCor file to provide a variety of results. In the verb-verb example below, a large majority of the answers have approximately the same two values. The larger group happens to contain the correct answer. There is a distinct maximum point, but this is a 50% chance in the first place. As for the adjective-adjective example, it does have more than two solutions. However, it shows very little correlation between synonyms and accuracy. It is unlikely that synonyms will be useful in the cost function later on. Distinct Maximum Very Small Variation Figure 10: The graph of the synonym semantic relation using a verb-verb part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 49 Not Very Distinct Maximum Very Small Correlation Figure 11: The graph of the synonym semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination Antonym Behavior If synonyms do not look very promising, then antonyms will probably have the same results. The two are extremely similar in nature, so each of them should have similar strengths and weaknesses. Antonyms do not have sufficient variety in the results to be reliable. None of the solutions have an antonym average above 0.005! There is no distinct point near the correct solution. The correlation between antonyms and accuracy is very hard to determine. Overall, antonyms will perform as badly as synonyms and will probably not be useful in the cost function. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 50 Not Very Distinct Maximum Very Small Correlation Figure 12: The graph of the antonym semantic relation using a noun-noun part of speech combination Very Small Correlation Very Small Variation Figure 13: The graph of the antonym semantic relation using an adjective-adjective part of speech combination A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 51 5.1.3 The Optimal Cost Function At this point there are several semantic relation equations and graphs. The author’s plan is to use those equations in such a way so that the best solutions have the highest costs while the lower accuracy solutions have lower costs. The goal of the genetic algorithm is to aim for the highest cost solution in every generation. Ideally, the highest cost possible will be the correct solution and nothing but the correct solution. A different way of describing it is, “The accuracy of the solutions is proportional to the cost of the solution with little or no variance near the maximum solution.” The scatter plot of the cost functions should resemble the one below. Max Cost is Correct Solution Very Little Variation in Accuracy near Max Cost Figure 14: The graph indicating the shape of the ideal cost function 5.1.4 Cost Function Method 1: Simple Addition The easiest way to create a cost function is to add the average values of each semantic relation. This provides a good starting point. It is not, and was never intended to be, the final cost function. It serves to determine how much the cost function needs to change in order to make an optimal cost A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 52 function. This provides a baseline to determine whether the future solutions actually improve beyond the simplest solution. The resulting graph is below. Correct Answer Not the Maximum Cost Maximum Cost, ≈75% Accuracy Figure 15: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 1 The result is not ideal. The highest cost solution is not the correct solution, but variance at this highest point is small. The result takes the same shape as the frequency semantic relation. This is not surprising considering the fact that frequency has the highest average values by a significant amount. This also means that the answer this cost function converges to is the most frequent sense. Considering this is the most common baseline, this answer is not an acceptable one. 5.1.5 Cost Function Method 2: Regression Thorough examination of the semantic relations will reveal three main points. The maximum score in all the semantic relations is not the correct answer. For example, the maximum frequency score gives an accuracy of ~75%. If each semantic relation had the maximum point as the correct solution, then the addition of the semantic relations should be the correct solution. Some semantic A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 53 relations appear to relate to accuracy better than others. Antonyms, for example, do not appear to have an effect on accuracy. Those semantic relations which do not relate as well have a higher chance of influencing the cost function to an incorrect solution. The semantic relations vary a little between different SemCor files. A good cost function would need to account for all of these points in order to succeed. One possibility is polynomial regression. Take the semantic relation values and accuracies and fit a 6th order polynomial to the result. Then use that equation to transform the average semantic relation value. This would make the maximum value at or close to the correct answer. To account for the multiple SemCor files, simply make a regression of the regressions. Then this average regression would account for as many of the SemCor files as possible. Multiply by the R2 value of this average regression to adjust for semantic relation variance. A step by step example is below. 1. Take several samples for one SemCor file 2. Find the regression for one semantic relation. Figure 16: A graph with an example regression equation A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 54 3. Find the regression of regressions of that semantic relation from multiple SemCor files. Figure 17: A graph indicating an example of the regression of multiple regressions for frequency 4. Use the R2 value as a multiplier for the semantic relation 5. Calculate the total weighted cost with the following equation. It adds the transformed semantic relation value for every word combination. ππππβπ‘πππΆππ π‘(π ) = ∑ π΄π£π ( ∑ ππππ ππ ∑ ππππ πππΈππ(ππππ ππ, ππππ1 , ππππ2 )) ππππ1 ππππ2 S: The current solution Word1 and Word2: Every word in the solution SemRel: Every semantic relation SemRelEqn: Use the words in the correct semantic relation equation Avg: Find the average value then transform with the regression equation Equation 11: The equation for Cost Function Method 2 An examination of the resulting cost function is better, according to the following graph. The correct solution has a higher cost than the first method, but it still is not the highest. There appear to be A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 55 several answers that have a higher cost. Also, there is a large variance near the maximum with as low as 65% accuracy. This method remains insufficient. Correct Answer Near Maximum Cost Maximum Cost, Several Accuracies Figure 18: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 2 5.1.6 Cost Function Method 3: Proportional Placement in a Range The regression for some semantic relations, such as frequency, work fairly well. However, regression has its weaknesses. Any extraneous points tend to have a large influence on the regression. The maximum value of the curve does not match the correct answer. In most cases it only varies a slightly as in Figure 18. The results between the SemCor files make the difference here. Hypernyms, for example, do not always have the same range of values for every SemCor file as shown in the graph below. The graph illustrates some of the files that have the best R2 values for the hypernym noun-noun regression. The correct hypernym value for one SemCor file can be the worst answer for another file. In this case, 0.26 is the best answer for br-g16, and it is the worst answer for br-e30. This skews the cost function despite A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 56 the fact that the original regressions fit better than most of the semantic relations. As a result of this skewing, one might determine that something other than regression works better for hypernyms. Correct Solution Varies Same Cost, Opposite Effect Between Files Figure 19: A graph showing an example of the weaknesses of multiple hypernym regressions The graph above illustrates that regression between files fails. It also implies a trend about hypernyms. The ranges change, but the correct answer is always at or near the middle of that range. For frequency, the correct answer is closer to the maximum value of the range. In the preceding samples, one of the areas is the boundaries of a semantic relation. The function that locates these boundaries is already available, so it is possible for the genetic algorithm to find the range. Since dynamically finding the range is not an issue, an alternate possibility is to determine what proportion in that range is typically correct. Then an equation based on these proportions will provide a better transformation than would regression. The steps and example below illustrate how to find these equations. 1. Take several samples for one SemCor file 2. Record the min, max, and ratio of the correct answer for each Semantic Relation A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 57 3. Find the average and standard deviation of the correct solution ratio for each semantic relation and part of speech combination from multiple SemCor files 4. Use four lines to transform the results. The lines connect five crucial points: the min, the max, the average of the correct solution, and the two points twice the standard deviation away from the average. Note that the genetic algorithm will find the range dynamically. A graphical example is below. (Avg, stdDev2) (Avg – 2*stdDev, 0.9*stdDev2) (Avg + 2*stdDev, 0.9*stdDev2) (Max, 0) (Min, 0) Figure 20: A graph showing an example using Cost Function Method 3 5. Calculate the total cost with the following equation. It adds the transformed semantic relation value for every word combination. ππππβπ‘πππΆππ π‘ (π ) = ∑ π΄π£π ( ∑ ππππ ππ ∑ ππππ πππΈππ(ππππ ππ, ππππ1 , ππππ2 )) ππππ1 ππππ2 S: The current solution Word1 and Word2: Every word in the solution SemRel: Every semantic relation SemRelEqn: Use the words in the correct semantic relation equation Avg: Find the average value then transform with the proportional equation Equation 12: The equation for Cost Function Method 3 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 58 Both regression and this technique find the most likely values that contain the correct solution. The difference is that this technique takes into account the changing range between the SemCor files. As such, this method has fewer solutions that have a higher score than the correct solution, as shown below. Just like regression, however, there is a large variance in accuracies around the highest cost. More exploration is necessary to eliminate these false positives. Correct Answer Near the Maximum Cost Maximum Cost, Several Accuracies Figure 21: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 3 5.1.7 Cost Function Method 4: Add Sense Distribution The method above is very promising. Its main weakness is that the highest cost can be a variety of answers, ranging anywhere from a very inaccurate answer to the correct answer. All of these answers provide average semantic relation scores that are in the optimum ranges. However, the lower accuracy answers have a different sense distribution than the correct answer. They contain a different A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 59 number of senses that use the first sense and a different number of senses that use the second sense. The steps below describe how to find and apply these distributions. 1. Take several SemCor files and find the average percentage of each sense 2. Find the error using the following equation. It adds the error for each sense. πΈππππ (π ) = 1 − ∑ ππππ π π΄ππ (πππ‘πππΆππ‘ (π πππ π) − ππππ ππΆππ‘(π πππ π)) πππ‘πππΆππ‘(π πππ π) S: The current solution Sense: The sense number SenseCnt: Find the current number of the given sense TotalCnt: The expected number of the given sense Abs: Absolute value Equation 13: The equation for sense distribution error 3. Multiply the proportional range weighted cost function with this error value ππππβπ‘πππΆππ π‘(π ) = πΈππππ(ππππ π) ∗ ∑ π΄π£π ( ∑ ππππ ππ ∑ ππππ πππΈππ (ππππ ππ, ππππ1 , ππππ2 )) ππππ1 ππππ2 S: The current solution Word1 and Word2: Every word in the solution SemRel: Every semantic relation SemRelEqn: Use the words in the correct semantic relation equation Avg: Find the average value then transform with the proportional equation Equation 14: The equation for Cost Function Method 4 The premise behind this additional measurement is to force high cost solutions to have optimal semantic relation scores and the proper sense distribution. As a result, many of the answers that did not have the proper sense distribution have lower scores. This separates a large part of the variation at the maximum cost function score, as shown below. The correct solution is also close to the maximum score. Overall, this is much closer to the optimal cost function shape than many of the previous techniques. This looks promising when one assumes that the subset of examples matches the real A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 60 solution space. At this point in the project, the author began to investigate the rest of the genetic algorithm. Correct Answer Near the Maximum Cost Maximum Cost, Less Accuracy Figure 22: The graph indicating the shape of Cost Function Method 4 5.1.8 Cost Function Method 5: Add Semantic Relation Distribution Despite what the sample solutions show, the genetic algorithm finds solutions that have better scores than the correct solution. However, these solutions do not exhibit the same accuracy as the correct solution. These are select solutions that are not part of the sample space and are “optimal” as far as the cost function is concerned. The last modification accounts for the sense distribution, which helps remove unwanted solutions such as these. Applying the same concept on the semantic relation level may remediate these new solutions. The steps for applying this concept are below. 1. Take several SemCor files and find the average semantic relation value for each sense A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 61 2. Find the error using the following equation. It adds the error for each sense. πΈππππ(ππππ ππ ) = 1− ∑ ππππ π π΄ππ (ππππππ‘ (π πππ π) − ππππππ(π πππ π)) ππππππ‘(π πππ π) SemRel: The current semantic relation Sense: The sense number SemVal: The average semantic relation value for this sense SemOpt: The optimal semantic relation value for this sense Abs: Absolute value Equation 15: The equation for semantic relation distribution error 3. Multiply the semantic relation by this error when calculating the cost function ππππβπ‘πππΆππ π‘ (π ) = πΈππππ(ππππ π) ∗ ∑ (πΈππππ(ππππ ππ ) ππππ ππ ∗ π΄π£π ( ∑ ∑ ππππ πππΈππ(ππππ ππ, ππππ1 , ππππ2 ))) ππππ1 ππππ2 S: The current solution Word1 and Word2: Every word in the solution SemRel: Every semantic relation SemRelEqn: Use the words in the correct semantic relation equation Avg: Find the average value then transform with the proportional equation Equation 16: The equation for Cost Function Method 5 The concept of applying the distribution on the semantic relation level helps, but not significantly. Some experiments indicate that this improves the accuracy by only 1% to 2%, a small percentage compared with the error. This implies that the semantic relation distribution does not matter as much or that the rest of the cost function already accounts for most of these solutions. At the very least, this last modification lacks what is necessary to account for the incorrect solutions which the genetic algorithm finds. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 62 5.2 Mating The concept underlying mating is to combine two “parent” solutions somehow and create a “child” solution. This “child” solution should be similar to the solutions before and can potentially be better than the parents. Any weaker solutions will eventually “die” and will not mate in the next solution, as in Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest. In genetic algorithms terms, this is “elitism.” Over several generations, the good portions of all the ancestors should collect together into one very high scoring child. There are hundreds of ways two parents can mate. In this project, the author has chosen a dominant gene approach that has worked well in the past (Hausman, A Dominant Gene Genetic Algorithm for a Transposition Cipher in Cryptography, 2009) (Hausman, A Dominant Gene Genetic Algorithm for a Substitution Cipher in Cryptography, 2009). The concept is to take the cost function and apply it on the gene level, or to the individual portions of the solution. This provides a way to determine which genes are strongest or more “dominant.” These strong genes should have a better chance of matching the correct solution. Then any children will inherit the dominant genes from both parents. This makes the child stronger than either parent since the child inherits only the optimal parts of the solution. Over several generations, this mating technique approaches a strong solution faster than many other approaches. In this project, a solution is the current set of senses for each word. Each gene represents the sense for a single word. To apply the cost function at the gene level, one must keep track of the semantic relation scores for each word. This means that each word has a contribution to the total cost function. The words that contribute the most are dominant genes. Since the maximum cost should represent the best solution, those dominant genes are most likely correct. There are two ways to mate solutions in this project. When two parents mate, they randomly choose one of the two methods. Both methods focus on dominant genes. The first method begins with A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 63 the best genes and then combines the mid-range genes. The second method starts with the mid-range genes and then moves on to the best genes. 5.2.1 Mating Method 1: Mate Top Third As the title suggests, this mating method sorts the genes by their cost, divides this group into three, and starts with the highest scoring genes. The top third originate from the first parent. Following this, the child inherits the top two thirds of the second parent. Any remaining genes are derived from the first parent. The theory is that the child will inherit the best genes while any other genes are secondary. This formula focuses on the best possible gene distribution. The detailed steps and example are below. 1. Find Dominant Genes Parent 1 Words: a1 a2 Gene Cost: 11 12 Select the upper 1/3 Dominant Words: a4, a5, and so forth a3 3 a4 24 a5 15 a6 4 … … Parent 2 Words: b1 b2 b3 Gene Cost: 25 15 5 Select the upper 2/3 Dom. Genes: b1, b2, b4, b6, and so forth b4 10 b5 8 b6 14 … … 2. Place Dominant Genes Based on First Parent Child: * * * a4 a5 * … 3. Fill in Blanks from Second Parent Child: b1 b2 * a4 b6 … b6 … a5 4. Fill in any Remaining Blanks from First Parent Child: b1 b2 a3 a4 a5 5.2.2 Mating Method 2: Mate Middle Third This mating method also divides the genes into three. This time, however, the first parent focuses on the middle third. Then the child inherits the top two thirds of the second parent and fills any remaining genes from the first parent. Sometimes the top genes are very dominant as far as cost is A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 64 concerned, but they are incorrect. Since the genes are so strong, they influence the rest of the solution incorrectly. By focusing on the middle genes, there is a chance that the middle genes may match those from the second parent and grow stronger. Over time, any high scoring, incorrect genes will grow weaker and hopefully change to the correct sense. The detailed steps and example are below. 1. Find Dominant Genes Parent 1 Words: a1 a2 Gene Cost: 11 12 Select the middle 1/3 Dominant Words: a1, a2, and so forth a3 3 a4 24 a5 15 a6 4 … … Parent 2 Words: b1 b2 b3 Gene Cost: 25 15 5 Select the upper 2/3 Dom. Genes: b1, b2, b4, b6, and so forth b4 10 b5 8 b6 14 … … 2. Place Dominant Genes Based on First Parent Child: a1 a2 * * * * … 3. Fill in Blanks from Second Parent Child: a1 a2 * b4 b6 … b6 … * 4. Fill in any Remaining Blanks from First Parent Child: a1 a2 a3 b4 a5 5.3 Mutation The concept underlying mutations is to give a genetic algorithm a second chance. In many solutions, there are local maximum solutions that mating can find and get stuck at the local maximum. For example, if the challenge is to find the highest point on a map, each hill and mountain is a local maximum solution. The mating function can “get stuck” at the second highest mountain. Had the mating function turned the other direction at a valley, it would have found the higher mountain. The mutation function randomly changes some of the solutions so mating may find the other mountain over time. In the dominant gene approach, mutations have two objectives. The first objective is to provide alternate avenues and second chances by providing alternate dominant genes. The second objective is A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 65 to focus on ways to improve the lower cost or recessive genes. The mating function examines only a part of the solution and does not improve genes that are not already strong. Eventually the mating function will use all the available “strong” genes and not be able to move toward a stronger solution. The mutations can modify a recessive gene to make it stronger. This new gene may be strong enough to become a new dominant gene, a factor which leads to better solution overall. The dominant gene approach needs to focus on the dominant and recessive genes in order to be successful. There are four main mutation functions in the sections below. When a solution mutates, it randomly chooses one of the four mutation functions. In some implementations, the mutated solutions replace the original solution. In this case, the mutations return a mutated clone to prevent original solutions from becoming worse. This makes it harder to find alternate avenues, but the solution never becomes weaker. 5.3.1 Mutation Function 1: Random Mutation One of the most popular mutations in many genetic algorithms is a random mutation. It is quick, easy, and finds solutions that are not possible through other means. In this case, it is the main way to find alternate avenues and paths not naturally found by improving recessive genes. Most of the time the results are a weaker gene, but this mutation helps in the long run. The steps for using this mutation are below. 1. Randomly pick a percentage between 0% and 20% 2. Randomly pick that percentage of words from the solution 3. For each of those words, randomly pick one of the available senses 5.3.2 Mutation Function 2: Semantic Relation Score Mutation The semantic relation score mutation is perhaps the most useful mutation of all the mutations. This started out as a function to find the boundaries of a semantic relation in the samples section. A slight modification allows this mutation to modify a solution so it has or is near the given semantic A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 66 relation score. This makes this very useful for moving a solution towards the optimal semantic relation values, thus creating stronger solutions. It also provides a way for the genetic algorithm to establish the range of values necessary for the cost function. The steps to the semantic relation score mutation are below. 1. Start with the given semantic relation average 2. Find the percentage this average is off from the optimal semantic relation score using the equation below. πΆπππππππ ππ(π ) = π΄π£π(π ) − πππ‘ππππ(π ) πππ‘ππππ(π ) S: The current semantic relation Avg: the average value of the semantic relation for this solution Optimal: the optimal value for this semantic relation Equation 17: The equation for comparing the current solution to the optimal solution 3. Randomly pick the comparison percentage of words 4. If the comparison was negative, the semantic relation cost needs to be increased a. If the semantic relation is frequency, then randomly pick a sense lower than the current sense. Otherwise use step b. b. Look at each sense starting at the first sense. Stop and select that sense when the sense increases the semantic relation cost. 5. If the comparison was positive, the semantic relation cost needs to be decreased a. If the semantic relation is frequency, then randomly pick a sense higher than the current sense. Otherwise use step b. b. Look at each sense starting at the first sense. Stop and select that sense when the sense decreases the semantic relation cost. 5.3.3 Mutation Function 3: Sense Distribution The cost function has the following main parts: a semantic relation portion, a sense distribution portion, and a semantic relation distribution portion. The mutation above covers the semantic relation portion, so it follows that the second mutation focuses upon the sense distribution. On a higher level, this mutation finds the current distribution and shuffles the lowest cost genes around to match the optimal sense distribution. This process achieves two goals. It gives some recessive genes a chance to become dominant genes and makes the correct distribution to maximize the cost function. This makes A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 67 the sense distribution mutation very useful if it were run several times during the genetic algorithm process. The steps to the sense distribution mutation are below. 1. Find the number of words extra or missing for each sense compared to the optimal sense distributions 2. Find the genes that have the lowest gene cost 3. Look at each sense distribution a. If the current sense distribution has extra words, move the lowest cost genes to a sense distribution needing words 5.3.4 Mutation Function 4: Semantic Relation Distribution The last area of the cost function, not covered by a mutation function, is the semantic relation distribution. The concept is very similar to the sense distribution mutation. Find the current distribution for the given semantic relation and shuffle the recessive genes to match the optimal distribution. This maximizes the cost function by incorporating the proper semantic relation distributions. It also provides recessive genes a chance to become dominant genes, just as in the sense distribution mutation. The steps to the semantic relation distribution are below. 1. Compare each average semantic relation value for each sense to the optimal semantic relation value for that sense. This should result in the number of words that need to change for each sense. 2. Find the genes that have the lowest gene cost 3. Look at each sense distribution a. If the current sense distribution has extra words, move the lowest cost genes to a sense distribution needing words 5.4 Main Genetic Algorithm Function Earlier the author provided the generic main steps to create a genetic algorithm. The preceding sections explain how the three main parts (cost function, mating, and mutation) function. However, none of these sections explain the size of a generation, where the range of values for the cost function originates, and how chromosomes for the mutation and mating are selected. Details such as this are the responsibility of the main genetic algorithm function. This function is the center of the genetic algorithm. The step by step process of this algorithm is below. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 68 1. Read in the given text, initialize all the WordNet semantic relation information, and assign the parts of speech with a part of speech tagger 2. Initialize the generation pool. Note that this pool does not keep track of duplicate solutions. 3. Initially find the range of possible scores for each semantic relation using the semantic relation score mutation. Each semantic relation has an upper and lower boundary. There will be one process for each boundary. This process is below. The cost function relies on these ranges for comparing solutions. a. Start with a solution using the first sense for all words (or the given solution if started from step 5) b. Mutate that solution towards the given boundary (maximum or minimum possible value) c. Repeat step b until there is a repeat solution or until 25 mutations are performed d. Report the current semantic relation score as the given boundary. 4. Add all of the solutions from step 3 into the generation pool. On top of that use the weighted random function from the sampling section to create 25 new solutions. 5. If the generation number is divisible by 10, repeat step 3 using the top solution. Sometimes the new starting point finds a slightly wider semantic relation range. 6. Mate the top 5 solutions as parent 1 with randomly chosen solutions from the generation pool as parent 2. After this mate two randomly chosen solutions from the generation pool 20 times. Add all children to the generation pool. 7. Mutate the top 5 solutions. Then mutate 20 randomly chosen solutions from the generation pool. Add all new solutions to the generation pool. 8. Reduce the current generation pool by only keeping the top 25 solutions. 9. Repeat steps 5-8 for 25 generations. 5.5 Notes about Speed Many of the sections above describe complex algorithms containing a large number of combinations. There are 25 generations with each generation creating 50 new solutions. The cost function for each solution uses several semantic relations. Each semantic relation is runs on every word pair combination in a window with 45 possible combinations. The number of windows is the total number of words in a solution. Every time the cost function ranges change, all of the solutions must rerun the cost function. The semantic relation score mutation in particular manipulates genes one at a time, which changes the score of the entire solution. There are a very large number of calculations for this genetic algorithm. To deal with the number of calculations, there are several architectural choices and modifications to the code to reduce the impact of the changes. All of the information is stored in RAM A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 69 to reduce the time it takes to look at the disk, which makes the program run with ~700MB of memory. The cost function tracks the information in various data structures and minimizes the number of recalculations mutations and semantic relation range changes cause. All mating and mutation operations run in parallel to take advantage of multicore processors. However, all of these improvements are limited. The number of calculations alone causes this program to run for a few minutes for each SemCor file. Many of the SemEval competitions have more words, so the process will take longer. This is not a real time solution for large groups of text. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 70 Chapter 6: Results and Analysis This project has compared the results within three main areas. The first area focused upon a comparison against a colleague working on the same problem. The colleague, Michael Billot, has implemented a page rank algorithm to solve word sense disambiguation. The second area is the “Genetic Word Sense Disambiguation” study by Zhang (Zhang, Zhou, & Martin, 2008). This paper was the starting point for this study, and it has significantly influenced the conceptual framework of the author’s approach. The author has included several changes which are based on reports from other studies, but their influence has not been as significant. The third area is the SemEval competitions. Many researchers who did and did not participate in the competitions use these results as a comparison against other algorithms. All three comparisons should provide significant insight to how well this algorithm functions. 6.1 Measuring the Results When the first SemEval competition occurred in 1998, the sponsors sought to compare the results from all the competitors. They devised three categories for the competition: coverage, recall, and precision. Coverage is the ratio of how many words the competitor answered to the total number of words overall. This reflects how much of the solution a competitor answered. Recall is the ratio of the total number of senses correct within the total number of words provided. This indicates how well a solution was answered. Precision is the total number of senses correct within the total number of words answered. This indicates how well an algorithm answers when it does give a sense. SemEval 2007 introduced two different ways to measure a result because some senses in WordNet are too subtle for even humans to disambiguate. The first method uses the exact sense as a fine word assessment, as A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 71 was done in the previous competitions. The second method combines subtly different senses into one possible answer as a coarse words assessment. The sponsors evaluated the SemEval 2007 competition by using the same three numbers separately for both the fine and coarse word assessments. 6.2 Comparison to Michael Billot Michael Billot is the author’s colleague at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. His solution uses the page rank algorithm to disambiguate verbs. In his study, he used several walkthroughs for Zelda as the input. He then evaluated the results by hand, a method which presents obvious difficulties. Unless the verb is clearly a sense, which is rare, it is hard to prove one sense is correct. Even during the SemEval competitions, the sponsors only have the competitors attempt to find the sense of a word when over 90% of a group of professional linguists agree. Even if the project uses the same text, there is no clear indication as to whether the author has chosen the same senses as did Billot, or whether the sense is correct. With that in mind, comparing against Billot may be a problematic challenge. Billot’s page rank algorithm has a 46.4% accuracy according to his study (Billot, 2010). Considering that he supplies a sense for every verb, this 46.4% figure is the recall and the precision. The value for the first sense baseline is 77.4%. Since evaluation by hand is problematic at best, this author did not attempt to disambiguate the walkthrough. However, this author does have the results for SemCor. For a first sense baseline, the 77.4% baseline is higher than the average baseline, but it is still within acceptable range. The average coverage for verbs is 99.26%. This is very high, which makes the recall and precision are very close. The average recall is 49.24% and the average precision is 49.61%. These percentages suggest that this author’s project evaluates the results more accurately, but the results are still too close to be certain. The most effective way to tell for sure is for Billot to provide results for the SemCor files as well. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 72 6.3 Comparison to Zhang Zhang’s study, “Genetic Word Sense Disambiguation”, represents the most similar approach to this project. However, Zhang only evaluates nouns and has not participated in any of the SemEval competitions. Zhang does, however, provide references to several SemCor files. Overall, Zhang’s coverage is 100%, so his recall and precision results are the same. This project purposely ignores pronouns, resulting in average coverage of 89.25%. Within all the SemCor files, Zhang has a recall/precision of 71.96%. This project has a precision of 62.13% for nouns. Zhang reports a 70% accuracy on 51 files. This project reports a 70% precision on nine files. This author’s conclusion is that that this project is not as successful as was Zhang’s. However, one should keep in mind that this author’s project solved for all words, a significantly more complex study overall. 6.4 SemEval The SemEval competitions occur every three years. The competitions are devoted to language processing and typically incorporate an “all words” task. This task requires performing word sense disambiguation on all the words they have tagged. They then use this information to provide recall, precision, and coverage for each competing algorithm. Many researchers compare themselves to the competitors in the SemEval competitions. 6.4.1 SemEval 2 In the SemEval-2 competition in 2001, there were 22 systems participating for the English all words task (ACL-SIGLEX, 2011). The baseline for using the first sense was 57.0%. The best system had 100% coverage and a 69.8% precision. This author’s project achieved 95.12% coverage and a 52.29% precision. The comparison shows a 4.71% precision below the baseline and a 17.51% precision below the best system. The winner was an outlier in this competition. The second place system had a A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 73 precision 5.3% below the first place winner. If this project were competing, it would be in sixth place. This performance lies somewhere between the middle ranks and the top ranks. Table 1: The results from SemEval 2 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 System SMUaw CNTS-Antwerp Sinequa-LIA - HMM UNED - AW-U2 UNED - AW-U Michael Hausman UCLA - gchao2 UCLA - gchao3 CL Research - DIMAP CL Research - DIMAP (R) UCLA - gchao Universiti Sains Malaysia 2 IRST Universiti Sains Malaysia 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia 3 BCU - ehu-dlist-all Sheffield Sussex - sel-ospd Sussex - sel-ospd-ana Sussex - sel IIT 2 IIT 3 IIT 1 Coverage (%) 100 100 100 98.908 98.908 95.12 95.552 95.552 108.5 100 89.729 99.96 47.756 97.897 99.96 50.789 45.37 29.883 31.055 23.332 11.646 11.646 11.646 Recall 0.69 0.636 0.618 0.569 0.55 0.4973 0.454 0.453 0.451 0.451 0.449 0.36 0.357 0.338 0.336 0.291 0.2 0.169 0.169 0.14 0.038 0.034 0.033 Precision 0.69 0.636 0.618 0.575 0.556 0.5229 0.475 0.474 0.416 0.451 0.5 0.36 0.748 0.345 0.336 0.572 0.44 0.566 0.545 0.598 0.328 0.294 0.287 6.4.2 SemEval 3 In the SemEval-3 competition of 2004, 26 systems participated in the all words task (Snyder & Palmer, 2004). The baseline of using the first sense was 60.9% or 62.4% depending on the treatment of compound words. This project used compound words; 62.4% was the baseline. The best system had 100% coverage and a 65.1% precision. This project had 96.93% coverage and a 53.79% precision, 8.61% below the baseline and 11.31% below the best system. These results are disappointing considering that the average SemCor precision is close to the top performing system. It should be noted, however, that A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 74 this this author’s work would rank 15th in the competition. This is in the middle ranks of the competition. Table 2: The results from SemEval 3 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 System GAMBL-AW-S SenseLearner-S Koc University-S R2D2: English-all-words Meaning-allwords-S Meaning-simple-S LCCaw upv-shmm-eaw-S UJAEN-S IRST-DDD-00-U University of Sussex-Prob5 University of Sussex-Prob4 University of Sussex-Prob3 DFA-Unsup-AW-U Michael Hausman KUNLP-Eng-All-U IRST-DDD-LSI-U upv-unige-CIAOSENSO-eaw-U merl.system3 upv-unige-CIAOSENSO2-eaw-U merl.system1 IRST-DDD-09-U autoPS-U clr04-aw autoPSNVs-U merl.system2 DLSI-UA-all-Nosu Coverage (%) 100 98.62 98.61 100 99.68 99.84 98.70 98.21 97.84 99.83 97.09 95.65 95.46 98.03 96.93 97.25 75.04 82.62 97.64 74.18 97.39 60.49 88.37 85.18 62.88 73.33 80.17 Recall 0.651 0.642 0.639 0.626 0.623 0.61 0.606 0.605 0.588 0.582 0.568 0.55 0.547 0.546 0.5213 0.496 0.496 0.48 0.456 0.451 0.447 0.441 0.433 0.431 0.354 0.352 0.275 Precision 0.651 0.651 0.648 0.626 0.625 0.611 0.614 0.616 0.601 0.583 0.585 0.575 0.573 0.557 0.5379 0.51 0.661 0.581 0.467 0.608 0.459 0.729 0.49 0.506 0.563 0.48 0.343 6.4.3 SemEval 2007 In the SemEval 2007 competition, there were 14 systems participating in the competition (15 if the task organizers system is included) (Navigli, 2007). In this case, all the results are for the coarse words evaluation. The baseline using the first sense has a 78.89% precision. The best participating system has 100% coverage and an 82.5% precision (the organizer’s system has 100% coverage and an 83.21% precision). This project has 100% coverage and a 74.51% precision. This is 4.38% below the A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 75 baseline and 8.34% below the organizer’s system. This definitely does not perform as well as the top system. If this project participated in the competition, it would have ranked in 7th place. This is the center rank. Table 3: The coarse results from SemEval 2007 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 System NUS-PT NUS-ML LCC-WSD GPLSI BLMFS UPV-WSD Michael Hausman TKB-UO PU-BCD RACAI-SYNWSD SUSSX-FR USYD UOFL SUSSX-C-WD SUSSX-CR Coverage (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90.1 100 72.8 95.3 92.7 72.8 72.8 Recall (%) 82.5 81.58 81.45 79.55 78.89 78.63 74.51 70.21 62.8 65.71 52.23 56.02 48.74 39.71 39.53 Precision (%) 82.5 81.58 81.45 79.55 78.89 78.63 74.51 70.21 69.72 65.71 71.73 58.79 52.59 54.54 54.3 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 76 Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Research This project has attempted to solve for word sense disambiguation. Solving word sense disambiguation would allow several applications, like language translation, to work much more accurately. To accomplish this, the author investigated several semantic relations and transformed them into an optimization problem. This way a genetic algorithm could solve the problem. The genetic algorithm used a dominant gene technique to converge on an answer. The author then compared the results to several other researchers, including the competitors in the SemEval competitions. If this algorithm had competed in the SemEval competitions, it would have rank in the middle. This means that it is not the optimal algorithm, but it still works well enough to be of interest since it is not in the lower ranks. 7.1 Algorithm Weaknesses One of the reasons why the results are not 100% has to do with the available semantic relations. An in-depth investigation of some of the words reveals that there is simply not enough information provided in context. Some words have a correct sense of something other than the most common sense, yet frequency is the only semantic relation that applies to the word. Frequency directs the result to the incorrect sense. False positives and misleading information do have an effect, but a large proportion of the words have insufficient information in order to provide acceptable results. In most of these cases, the information supplied by WordNet will not help. This includes several other semantic relations that were not part of this project. The author cursorily explored Lesk, but upon reflection it proved unhelpful. It is significant that many other algorithms appear to have similar problems. One of the top competitors in the third SemEval competition, Sense Learner, openly admits that they do have A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 77 any information on 15% of the words (Mihalcea & Csomai, 2005). These words simply chose the most frequent definition as a default. Regardless, something needs to account for these words. This algorithm does appear to work fairly well with the available WordNet information. Many other researchers assume that the highest scores work while this algorithm attempts to adjust for the weaknesses within each semantic relation. However, there still are possible improvements around semantic relations in the cost function. One of the more significant problems is how large the 90% window is for some semantic relations. If there were a way to dynamically adjust the maximum point and reduce the deviation, the answers would improve. At this writing, both the distributions and the relations rely on averages. The distributions require more investigation and adjustments. Perhaps the distributions would function more effectively if they accounted for the various parts of speech individually. One can only surmise in this regard, but it seems logical that additional percentage points make a significant difference in the SemEval competitions. 7.2 Future Possibilities There were two tool changes mentioned earlier that may foreshadow future research. The first was importing the “WordNet Lexical Markup Framework” from the SemEval 2010 competition. This would allow the author’s project to compare the SemEval 2010 results and to look at results in different languages. Since one possible application of word sense disambiguation is machine text translation, the performance in other languages would be very helpful to know. The second change is continuing investigation of OntoNotes. The semantic and lexical relations will be different for OntoNotes. If the plans for exploring OntoNotes take place, the research results will be more useful than those relations in WordNet. At the very least, the algorithm will be able to compete in SemEval in the future if the competition replaces WordNet. These two changes would help in the future and may provide insight for other changes to this algorithm. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 78 The top-rated algorithms in the SemEval competition typically account for a wider range of information. This algorithm uses semantic relation information from WordNet. Their algorithms literally look at everything they could think of. This includes information such as: A) “Is this sense typically the end of a sentence?” or B) “Is this word followed by a noun?” and C) “Does this word end in ‘ing’ all the time?” This information feeds into various types of algorithms many of which are extremely complicated. Outstanding competitors have used multiple information sources. One option that may help this algorithm is the use of more than WordNet semantic relations. A final option is exploration of punctuation. For example, examine the statement, “Let’s go eat, grandma!” If no comma separated eat and Grandma, the sentence would take on a most horrific meaning. Sentence sense changes with punctuation. This author suggests that exploration of the field of punctuation research in computer systems language development studies may grow into a field that significantly changes the focus of the discipline and provides data to scaffold word sense disambiguation on a most significant scale. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 79 Appendix The following sections contain several of the detailed results developed throughout this project. This includes a short table of the types of SemCor files, the proportion statistics for Cost Method 3, the distributions for Cost Method 4, the distributions for Cost Method 5, and results for every SemCor file. Appendix A: SemCor Files Each SemCor file has a similar name: br-*##. The “br” is short for the brown corpus. The “*” represents a letter that indicates what genre of text is tagged. The “##” represents a number that separates different files in a genre. Table 4: The SemCor file letter indicating type of resource the original text came from. Informative Prose (374 samples) Letter Genre Press: Reportage A Press: Editorial B Press: Reviews C Religion D Skill and Hobbies E Popular Love F Belles Letters, Biography, Memoirs, etc. G Miscellaneous H Learned J Imaginative Prose (126 samples) Letter Genre K General Fiction L Mystery and Detective Fiction M Science Fiction N Adventure and Western Fiction P Romance and Love Story R Humor Table 5: The various SemCor files File A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 Author Atlanta Constitution Dallas Morning News Chicago Tribune Christian Science Monitor Providence Journal Newark Evening News New York Times Times-Picayune, New Orleans Philadelphia Inquirer Oregonian, Portland Sun, Baltimore Dallas Morning News Source Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Political Reportage Sports Reportage Sports Reportage A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 80 File A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43A A43B A44A A44B B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 Author Rocky Mountain News New York Times St. Louis Post-Dispatch Chicago Tribune Rocky Mountain News Philadelphia Inquirer Sun, Baltimore Chicago Tribune Detroit News Atlanta Constitution Oregonian, Portland Providence Journal San Francisco Chronicle Dallas Morning News Los Angeles Times Wall Street Journal Dallas Morning News Los Angeles Times Miami Herald San Francisco Chronicle Washington Post New York Times James J. Maguire William Gomberg Time Sports Illustrated Newsweek Time Robert Wallace Newsweek U. S. News & World Report U. S. News & World Report John Tebbel Gilbert Chapman Atlanta Constitution Christian Science Monitor Detroit News Miami Herald Newark Evening News St. Louis Post-Dispatch New York Times Atlanta Constitution Christian Science Monitor Source Sports Reportage Sports Reportage. Sports Reportage Society Reportage Society Reportage Society Reportage Spot News Spot News Spot News Spot News Spot News Spot News Spot News Financial Reportage Financial Reportage Financial Reportage Cultural Reportage. Cultural Cultural Reportage Cultural Reportage Cultural Reportage News of the Week in Review A Family Affair Unions and the Anti-Trust Laws National Affairs A Duel Golfers Will Never Forget Sports People. Art & Education This Is The Way It Came About National Affairs Better Times for Turnpikes A Plan to Free U. S. Gold Supply Books Go Co-operative Reading and the Free Society Editorials Editorials Editorials Editorials Editorials Editorials Editorials Columns Columns A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 81 File B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21A B21B B22 B23A B23B B24 B25A B25B B26 B27 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 Author Sun. Baltimore Los Angeles Times Newark Evening News Times-Picayune, New Orleans Atlanta Constitution Providence Journal Chicago Tribune Newark Evening News New York Times Philadelphia Inquirer Nation Gerald W. Johnson James Deakin Commonweal William F. Buckley, Jr. James Burnham Time Alexander Werth Peter Solsich, Jr. National Review Saturday Review Chicago Daily Tribune Christian Science Monitor New York Times Providence Journal Christian Science Monitor Wall Street Journals New York Times Providence Journal New York Times Providence Journal New York Times Christian Science Monitor Wall Street Journal New York Times Life Saturday Review Time William Pollard Schubert Ogden Edward E. Kelly Jaroslav Pelikan Perry Miller Source Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns Letters to the Editor Voice of the People What Readers Have to Say Letters to the Times The Voice of the People Editorials The Cult of the Motor Car How Much Fallout Can We Take Week by Week We Shall Return Tangle in Katanga Reviews Walkout in Moscow The Armed Superpatriots To the Editor Letters to the Editor Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews Physicist and Christian Christ Without Myth Christian Unity in England The Shape of Death Theodore Parker: Apostasy With in Liberalism A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 82 File D06 D06B D06C D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13A D13B D14 D15 D16A D16B D17A D17B E01A E0lB E02A E02B E03 E04A E04B E04C E05A E05B E05C E06 E07 E08 E09A E09B E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15A E15B E16 E17A Author A Howard Kelly Shirley Schuyler Nathanael Olson Peter Eldersveld Schuyler Cammann Eugene E. 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Faith Amid Fear The Magic Square of Three Organizing the Local Church Interfaith Communication: The Contemporary Scene War & the Christian Conscience Probing the Ethics of Realtors The New Science & the New Faith The Seeming Impossible Christianity in a Revolutionary Age Zen: A Rational critique What the Holy Catholic Bible Teach Notice You May Do As You Please Guideposts: 15th Anniversary Issue The Night Our Paper Died Henri de Courcy: Jr. Mr. Canada The Mark of the Champion Plant a Carpet of Bloom Avocado is Something Special Will Aircraft or Missiles Win Wars? The Schnabel Pro Arte Trout The True Sound of a Solid Second Review of Adam, Giselle The Younger Generation Use of Common Sense Makes Dogs Acceptable The Malady Lingers On The American Boating Scene How to Design Your Interlocking Frame Formulas and Math Every Hot Rodder Should Know The Week at Ben White Raceway The Picture at Del Mar The New Guns of 61 Santa Cruz Run Travel and Camera USA Step by Step through Istanbul Nick Manero's Cook-out Barbecue Book Pottery from Old Molds Knitting Knacks Build Hotei This is the Vacation Cottage You Can Build A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 83 File E17B E18A E18B E19 Source Care and Basic Use of the Drill Press The Bridge Over the Merrimac Veteran Philippi Bridge How to Own a Pool and Like It. E20 E21 E22A E22B E23 E24 E25 E26 E27A E27B E28 E29 E30 E31A E31B E32 E33A E33B E34 E35 E36 F01 Author Patrick K. Snook Lura W. Watkins Boyd B. Stutler Booth Hemingway and Stuart H. 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When It Comes to Carpets Therapy by Witchcraft Tooth-Straightening Today New Methods of Parapsychology. Part-time Farming What You Should Know About Air Conditioning Recreation Site Selection Roy Harris Salutes Serge Prokofieff A 30 Years War The Watercolor Art of Roy M. Mason The Dancer & the Gymnast Advances in Medical Electronics Oersted & the Discovery of Electromagnetism What Can Additives Do for Ruminants? Which Feed Bunk for You Where to Aim Your Planning On Education for the Interior Designer The Attack on Employee Services Expanding Horizons The Challenge Which Way Up. Technical or Management? Fifty Houses, One Tank Truck Talk The New Look in Signs The Industrial Revolution in Housing Renting a Car in Europe How Much Do You Tell When You Talk? A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 84 File F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 Fl9 F20 F21A F21B F21C F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F45 F46 F47 F48 G01 G02 G03 G04 Author Harold Rosenberg John A. O'Brien James Boylan John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins Bell I. Willy Tristram P. Coffin Kenneth Allsop Joseph Bernstein L. Don Leet L. Don Leet Booton Herndon Barry Goldwater Peter J. White David Boroff Amy Lathrop Creighton Churchill Frank O. Gatell Douglass Cater Frederic A Birmingham Edward Do Radin Florence M. Read James Be Conant Frederic R. Senti and W. Dayton Maclay Ramon F. Adams Robert Easton and Mackenzie Brown Samuel M. Cavert Robert Smith Clark E. Vincent William Greenleaf George W. Oakes James Baldwin Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner Gibson Winter Paul C. Phillips Russell Baker Clara L. Simerville Paul Ramsey Edward P. Lawton Arthur S. Miller Peter Wyden Eugene Burdick Source The Trial and Eichmann Let's Take Birth Control Out of Politics Mutiny Transportation on the Northern Plains Home Letters of Johnny Reb & Billy Yank Folklore in the American Twentieth Century The Bootleggers and Their Era Giant Waves Introduction The Restless Earth and Its Interiors From Custer to Korea, the 7th Cavalry A Foreign Policy for America Report on Laos Jewish Teen-Age Culture Pioneer Remedies from Western Kansas A Notebook for the Wines of France Doctor Palfrey Frees His Slaves The Kennedy Look in the Arts The Ivy League Today Lizzie Borden: The Untold Story The Story of Spelman College Slurs and Suburbs Age-old uses of Seeds and Some New Ones The Old-time Cowhand Lord of Beasts On the Road to Christian Unity Baseball in America Unmarried mothers Monopoly on Wheels Turn Right at the Fountain Nobody Knows My Name Movies, Morals, and Art The Suburban Captivity of the Churches The Fur Trade An American in Washington Home Visits Abroad Christian Ethics & the Sit-In Northern Liberals & Southern Bourbons Toward a Concept of National Responsibility The Chances of Accidental War The Invisible Aborigine A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 85 File G05 G06A G06B G07 G08 G09 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 Gl9 G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 G36 G37 G38 G39 G40 G41 G42 G43 G44 G45 Author Terence O'Donnell Ruth Berges Henry W. Koller Richard B. Morris Frank Murphy Selma J. Cohen Clarence Streit Frank Oppenheimer Tom F. Driver Charles Glicksberg Helen H. Santmeyer Howard Nemerov John F. Hayward Randall Stewart Charles W. Stork R. F. Shaw Dan McLachlan, Jr. Brainard Cheney Kenneth Reiner William C. Smith Sanchia Thayer Stanley Parry Selma Fraiberg Matthew Josephson Arlin Turner Anonymous Norwood R. Hanson Irving Fineman Finis Farr Virgilia Peterson Harry Golden Dwight D. Eisenhower DeWitt Copp & Marshall Peck Gordon L. Hall Bertrand A. Goldgar Edward Jablonski Gene Fowler Lillian R. Parka and Frances S. Leighton Harold D. Lasswell Robert E. Lane Newton Stallknecht W. A. Swanberg Source Evenings at the Bridge William Steinberg, Pittsburgh's Dynamic Conductor German Youth Looks to the Future Seven Who Set Our Destiny New Southern Fiction: Urban or Agrarian? Avant-Garde Choreography How the Civil War Kept You Sovereign Science and Fear Beckett by the Madeleine Sex in Contemporary Literature There Were Fences Themes and Methods: Early Storie of Thomas Mann Mimesis & Symbol in the Arts A Little History, a Little Honesty Verner von Heidenstam The Private Eye Communication Networks & Monitoring Christianity & the Tragic Vision Coping with Runaway Technology Why Fear Ideas Personality & Moral Leadership The Restoration of Tradition Two Modern Incest Heroes Jean Hélion. The Return from Abstract Art William Faulkner, Southern Novelist References for the Good Society Copernican & Keplerian Astronomy Woman of Valor: Life of Henrietta Szold 1860-1945 Frank Lloyd Wright A Matter of Life and Death Carl Sandburg Peace With Justice Betrayal at the UN Golden Boats from Burma The Curse of Party Harold Arlen Happy with the Blues Skyline: A Reporter's Reminiscences of the 1920s. My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House Epilogue The Liberties of Wit Ideas and Literature Citizen Hearst: A Biography of W. R. Hearst A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 86 File G46 G47 G48 G49 G50 G51 G52 G53 G54 G55 G56 G57 G58 G59 G60 G61 G62 G63 G64 G65 G66 G67 G68 G69 G70 G71 G72 G73 G74 G75 H01 Author Henry R. Winkler Carry Davis Francis F. McKinney Paul van K. Thomson Curtis C. Davis Ilka Chase Robert L. Duncan Bertram Lippincott Mabel W. Wheaton & LeGette Blythe Ralph E. Flanders Keith F. McKean Robin M. Williams, Jr. North Callahan Esther R. Clifford Gertrude Berg & Cherney Berg Donald A. White C. H. Cramer George Steiner Mark Eccles Timothy P. Donovan Van Wyck Brooks Mark Schorer Harris F. Fletcher Mark R. Hillegas Joseph W. Krutch Joseph Frank J W. Fulbright Carolyn See John McCormick George Garrett U. S Dep't of Commerce Source George Macaulay Trevelyan The World Is My Country Education in Violence Francis Thompson, a Critical Biography The King's Chevalier The Carthaginian Rose Reluctant General Indians, Privateers, and High Society Thomas Wolfe & His Family Senator from Vermont,. 112 The Moral Measure of Literature Values & Modern Education in the United States Daniel Morgan A Knight of Great Renown Molly and Me Litus Saxonicum Newton D. Baker The Death of Tragedy Shakespeare in Warwickshire Henry Adams & Brooks Adams From the Shadow of the Mountain Sinclair Lewis: An American Life The Intellectual Development of John Milton Dystopian Science Fiction If You Don't Mind My Saying So André Malraux: The Image of Man For a Concert of Free The Jazz Musician as Patchen's Hero The Confessions of Jean Jacques Krim A Wreath for Garibaldi Handbook of Federal Aids to Communities H02 H03 H04 H05 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 H11 H12 U. S. Dep't of State U. S. 87th Congress R. I. Legislative Council R. I. Leglelative Council R. I. Development Council R. I. Legislative Council John A. Notte, Jr. U. S. 87th Congress U. S. Dep't of Defense U. S. Dep't of Commerce U. S. 87th Congress An Act for International Development House Document No. 487 State Automobiles & Travel Allowances Taxing of Movable Tangible Property Annual Report, 1960 linlform Fiscal Year for Municipalities R. I. Governor's Proclamations Public Laws 295, 300, 347 Medicine in National Defense 1961 Reaearch Highlights, Nat'1 Bureau of Standards Legislation on Foreign Rels A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 87 File H13 Author U. S. 87th Congreas H14 H16 U. S. Dep't of Health, Education & Welfare U. S. Office of Civil and Defence Mobilization U. S. Reports H17 U. S. Reports H18 Hl9 H20 H21 H22 H23 H24 H25 H26 H27A H27B Dean Rusk Peace Corps U. S. Dep't of Agriculture Dwight D. Eisenhower U. S. Dep't of State U. S. Federal Communications Commiasion U. S. Tresaury Dep't Guggenheim Foundation Anonymous Robert Leeson Leesona Corporation H28 H29 H30 J01 Carleton College Sprague Electric Company Carnegie Foundation Cornell H. Mayer Your Federal Income Tax Report of the Secretary Gen'1 A Brief Background of Brown & Sharpe Leesona Corporation President's Report More Efficient Production for Expanding Textile Markets Carleton College Bulletin Sprague Log Annual Report of Year Ending June 30, 1961 Radio. Emission of the Moon and Planets J02 J03 J04 J05 J06 J07 J08 J09 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 Jl6 J17 R. C. Binder et al. Harry H. Hull James A. Ibers et al. John R. Van Wazer, ed. Francis J. Johnston & John E. Willard J. F. Vedder LeRoy Fothergill M. Yokayama et al B. J. D. Meeuse Clifford H Pope Richard F McLaughlin et al. S. Idell Pyle et al. Jacob Robbins et al. J. W. C. Hagstrom et. al. A. N. Nagaraj & L. M. Black E. Gellhorn 1961 Heat Transfer & Fluid Mechanics Institute Normal Forces & Their Thermodynamic Significance Proton Magnetic Resonance Study Phosphorus and Its Compounds Exchange Reaction Between C12 and CC14 Micrometeorites Biological Warfare Chemical & Serological Characteristics The Story of Pollination The Ciant Snakes A Study of the Subgross Pulmonary Anatomy Onsets, Completions & Spans The Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Debilitating Muscular Weakness Localization of Wound-Tumor Virus Antigen Prolegomena to a Theory of the Emotions H15 Source Congressional Record: Extension of Remarks. May 2, 1961 Grants-in-Aid and Other Financial Assistance Programs The Family Fallout Shelter Cases AdJudged in the Supreme Court, October Tenm 1960 Cases AdJudged in the Supreme Court, October Tenm 1959-60 The Department of State Fact Book Development Program for the National Forests Public Papers, 1960-61 U. S. Treatiea and Other International Agreements Pederal Communications Commission Reports A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 88 File J18 Jl9 J20 J21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J28 J29 J30 J31 J32 J33 J34 J35 J36 J37 J38 J39 J40 J41 J42 J43 J44 J45 J46 J47 J48 J49 J50 J51 J52 J53 J54 J55 J56 J57 Author Kenneth Hoffman & Ray Kunze Frederick Mosteller et al. R. P. Jerrard C. R. Wylie, Jr. Max F. Millikan & Donald L. Blackmer, editors Joyce O. Hertzler Howard J. Parad Sister Claire M. Sawyer Frank Lorimer Dale L. Womble William H. Ittelson & Samuel B. Kutash, editors Jesse W. Grimes & Wesley Allinsmith Raymond J. Corsini Harold Searles Hugh Kelly & Ted Ziehe Ralph Bc Long H.A. Cleason A. T. Kroeber D. F. Fleming Douglas Ashford Committee for Economic Development William O'Connor James J. O'Leary Allan J. Braff & Roger F. Miller Morton A. Kaplan ~ Nicholas Katzenbach Wallace Mendelson J. Mitchell Reese, Jr, Albert Schreiber et al. Irving Perluss William S. Ragan Paul Cooke Robert J. Havighurst James C. Bonbright Irving L. Horowitz Brand Blanshard William S. Haymond Chester G. Starr Jim B. Pearson Edwin L. Bigelow & Nancy H. Otis J. H. Hexter Source Linear Algebra Probability with Statistical Applications Inscribed Squares in Plane Curves Line Involutions in S3 The Emerging Nations American Social Institutions Preventive Casework: Problems & Implications Some Aspects of Fertility of a Tri-Racial Isolate Demographic Information on Tropical Africa Functional Marriage Course for the Already Married Perceptual Changes in Psychopathology Compulsivity, Anxiety & School Achievement Roleplaying in Business & Industry Schizophrenic Communication Glossary Lookup Made Easy The Sentence & Tts Parts Review of African Language Studies Semantic Contribution of Lexicostatistics The Cold War & Its Origins Elections' in Morocco: Progress or Confusion Distressed Areas in a Growing Economy Stocks, Wheat & Pharaohs The outlook for Interest Rates in 1961 Wage-Price Policies Under Public Pressure The Political Foundation of Internationa1 Law Justices Black & Frankfurter Reorganization Transfers Defense Procurement & Small Business Agricultural Labor Disputes in California 1960 Teaching America's Children. Desegregated Education in the Middle-South Region Social-Class Influences on American Education Principles of Public Utility Rates Philosophy, Science & the Sociology of Knowledge The Emotive Theory Is Distance an Original Factor in Vision? The Origins of Greek Civilization 1100-650 B. C The Maxwell Land Grant Manchester, Vermont, A Pleasant Land Thomas More: on the Margins of Modernity A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 89 File J58 J59 J60 J61 J62 J63 J64 J65 J66 J67 J68 J69 J70 J71 J72 J73 J74 J75 J76 J77 Author John M, Ray Clement Greenberg Robert A. Futterman Allyn Cox Jimmy Ernst John H. Schaar Katherine G. McDonald Samuel Hynes Kenneth Rexroth William Whallon Charles R. Forker I. B. M. Corporation Ross E. McKinney & Howard Edde Thomas D. McGrath Mellon Institute Nat'l Research Council Harlan W. Nelson W. K. Asbeck Joel Frados, editor William D. Appel, editor J78 J79 J80 K01 K02 K03 K04 K05 K06 K07 K08 K09 K10 K11 K12 Kl3 K14 K15 K16 Kl7 K18 K19 Paul J. Dolon & Wilfrid F. Niklas Rutherford Aris C. J. Savant Jr. & R. C. Howard Christopher Davis Clayton C. Barbeau Tristram Coffin W. E. B. Du Bois David Stacton Louis Zara Francis Pollini Guy Endore Howard Fast Gladys H. Barr Robert Penn Warren Gerald Green William Maxwell Irving Stone Ann Hebson Stephen Longstreet Leon Uris John Dos Passos Robert J Duncan Source Rhode Island's Reactions to John Brown's Raid Collage The Future of Our Cities Completing & Restoring the Capitol Frescos A Letter to Artists of the Soviet Union Escape from Authority, Perspectives of Erich Fromm Figures of Rebellion The Pattern of Hardy's Poetry Disengagament: The Art of the Beat Generation The Diction of Beowulf The Language of Hands in Great Expectations IBM 7070, Autocoder Reference Manual Aerated Lagoon for Suburban Sewage Disposal Submarine Defense Annual Report; 1960, Independent Research Directory of Continuing Numerical Data Projects Food Preservation by Ionizing Radiation Forces in Coatings Removal Knife Cutting Method Survey of Foamed Plastics 1961 Technical Manual of American Ass'n of Textile Chemists & Colorists Gain & Resolution of Fiber Optic Intensifier The O'ptim.A1 Design of Chemical Reactors Principles of Inertial Navigation First Family The Ikon Not to the Swift Worlds of Color The Judges of the Secret Court Dark Rider Night Voltaire! Voltaire! April Morning The Master of & Geneva Wilderness The Heartless Light The Chateau The Agony & the Ecstasy The Lattimer Legend Eagles Where I Walk Mila 8 Midcentury The Voice of Strangers A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 90 File K20 K21 K22 K23 K24 K25 K26 K27 K28 K29 L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L09 L10 L11 L12 L13 Ll4 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 N0l N02 N03 Author Guy Bolton Bruce Palmer John Cheever Prieda Arkin W. H. Gass Arthur Miller Jane G. Rushing E. Lucas Myers Sallie Bingham Marvin Schiller Winfred Van Atta A. A. Fair Amber Dean David Alexander Brett Halliday Thomas B. Dewey Genevieve Golden Dell Shannon Mignon G. Eberhart Harry Bleaker Hampton Stone Whit Masterson Dolores Hitchens Frances & Richard Lockridge Doris M. Disney Alex Gordon Brent James George H. Coxe Brad Williams Ed Lacy Helen McCloy S. L. M. Barlow J. W. Rose Fredric Brown Robert Heinlein Philip J. Farmer James Blish Jim Harmon Anne McCaffrey Cordwainer Smith Wayne D. Overholser Clifford Irving Cliff Farrell Source The Olympians My Brother's Keeper The Brigadier & the Golf Widow The Tight of the Sea The Pedersen Kid The Prophecy Against the Moon The Vindication of Dr. Nestor Moving Day The Sheep's in the Meadow. Shock Treatment Bachelors Get Lonely Encounter With Evil Bloodstain The Careless Corpse Hunter at Large Deadlier Than the Male The Ace of Spades The Cup, the Blade or the Swords Impact The Man Who Looked Death in the Eye Evil Come, Evil Go Footsteps in the Night Murder Has Its Points Mrs. Meeker's Money The Cipher Night of the Kill Error of Judgment Make a Killing Death by the Numbers The Black Disk Monologue of Murder Try My Sample Murders The Murders Stranger in a Strange Land The Lovers The Star Dwellers The Planet with No Nightmare The Ship Who Sang A Planet Named Shayol The Killer Marshall The Valley The Trail of the Tattered Star A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 91 File N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 Nl9 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 Author James D. Horan Richard Ferber Thomas Anderson Todhunter Ballard Mary Savage Jim Thompson Joseph Chadwick Gene Caesar Edwin Booth Martha F. McKeown Peter Field Donald J. Plantz Ralph J. Salisbury Richard S. Prather Peter Bains David Jackson T. C. McClary C. T. Sommers Gordon Johnson Wheeler Hall T. K. Brown III Wesley Newton Paul Brock James Hines & James Morris Ralph Grimshaw Harlan Ellison Octavia Waldo Ann Ritner Clark McMeekin B. J. Chute Allan R. Bosworth Richard Tiernan Vina Delmar R. Leslie Course Jesse Hill Ford Jay Williams Bessie Breuer Morley Callaghan Frank B. Hanes Livingston Biddle, Jr. Loretta Burrough Margery F. Brown Al Hine Source The Shadow Catcher Bitter Valley Here Comes Pete Now The Night Riders Just for Tonight The Transgressors No Land Is Free Rifle for Rent Outlaw Town Mountains Ahead Rattlesnake Ridge Sweeney Squadron On the Old Sante Fe Trail to Siberia The Bawdy Beautiful With Women Education Pays off The English Gardens The Flooded Dearest The Beautiful Mankillers of Eromonga A Matter of Curiosity. Always Shoot to Kill The Fifteenth Station Aid & Comfort to the Enemy Toughest Lawman in the Old West Just Any Girl Mrs. Hacksaw, New Orleans Society Killer Riding the Dark Train Out A Cup of the Sun Seize a Nettle The Fairbrothers The Moon & the Thorn The Crows of Edwina Hill Land of the Silver Dollar The Big Family With Gall & Honey Mountains of Gilead The Forger Take Care of My Roses A Passion in Rome The Fleet Rabble Sam Bentley's Island The Open Door A Secret Between Friends The Huntress A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 92 File P18 Pl9 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R08A R08B R09 Author Anonymous Anonymous Spencer Norris Elizabeth Spencer Anonymous Barbara Robinson Samuel Elkin William Butler Ervin D. Krause Lee McGiffin Carol Hoover Robert Carson Anita Loos Jean Mercier Patrick Dennis Edward Streeter Evan Esar James Thurber John H. Wildman Leo Lemon Leo Lemon S. J. Perelman Source No Room in My Heart to For Give This Cancer Victim May Ruin My Life Dirty Dog Inn The White Azalea A Husband Stealer from Way Back Something Very Much in Common The Ball Player The Pool at Ryusenji The Snake Measure of a Man The Shorts on the Bedroom Floor My Hero No Mother to Guide Her Whatever You Do, Don't Panic Little Me The Chairman of the Bored Humorous English The Future, If Any, of Comedy Take It Off Catch Up With Something to Talk About The Rising Gorge Appendix B: Proportional Placement Statistics The statistics below come from 40 randomly picked SemCor files. See Cost Function Method 3 in the Cost Function section for more details about these numbers. The POS-POS column represents the parts of speech of the word pair combination. (NN = Noun, JJ = Adjective, VB = Verb, RB = Adverb) Table 6: The values for Cost Function Method 3 used in this project Semantic Relation POS-POS Min Max Average Standard Deviation Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Hypernym Frequency 0.918299831 0.919316349 0.910315112 0.910315112 0.897634401 0.921952008 0.173931701 0.962140412 0.864021328 0.862272345 0.849278482 0.849278482 0.826850626 0.848030644 0.049567971 0.87887566 0.026870632 0.027024865 0.028957857 0.028957857 0.029391924 0.032030693 0.033316047 0.033752072 NN-JJ NN-RB NN-NN NN-VB NN-VB VB-JJ VB-VB JJ-RB 0.792254615 0.808804114 0.775888726 0.775888726 0.762541491 0.777054072 0 0.804506863 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 93 Semantic Relation POS-POS Min Max Average Standard Deviation Frequency Frequency Frequency Coordinate Sister Frequency Hypernym Coordinate Sister Domain Synonym Coordinate Sister Synonym Domain Domain Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Domain Domain Coordinate Sister Domain Synonym Coordinate Sister Domain Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Antonym Antonym Synonym Antonym Antonym Antonym 0.900365277 0.896886676 0.949310958 0.246575342 0.959398173 0.736300313 0.378378378 0.5 0.5 0.738095238 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.826086957 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.839290654 0.827761357 0.879606997 0.110664492 0.867375297 0.517819878 0.185552494 0.029727096 0.183663818 0.422957976 0.01754386 0.047660819 0.05380117 0.046783626 0.062238931 0.035087719 0.035087719 0.035087719 0.035087719 0.035087719 0.148698419 0.125798471 0.104720134 0.109210526 0.244054581 0.105263158 0.228777335 0.122807018 0.545846949 0.131578947 0.582170994 0.140350877 0.152046784 0.216374269 0.207602339 0.469444444 0.368788424 0.035019609 0.036453501 0.040958319 0.042858687 0.062517667 0.06645126 0.083965331 0.105596541 0.107686637 0.11296247 0.131286224 0.156454335 0.159678574 0.170294968 0.183549623 0.184001552 0.184001552 0.184001552 0.184001552 0.184001552 0.185235944 0.211082617 0.252556051 0.264628929 0.272936939 0.277470436 0.285901603 0.295394004 0.311513247 0.331481467 0.334616491 0.3473507 0.353595707 0.384855752 0.390282426 0.423756446 0.439226787 VB-RB VB-VB JJ-JJ VB-VB RB-RB NN-NN NN-VB NN-VB VB-VB NN-NN VB-RB NN-JJ JJ-JJ NN-RB VB-RB NN-VB VB-JJ VB-RB JJ-RB NN-RB NN-NN VB-JJ RB-RB RB-RB NN-JJ VB-VB NN-VB VB-JJ JJ-JJ JJ-RB NN-NN NN-JJ RB-RB NN-JJ VB-VB JJ-JJ NN-NN 0.757327974 0.760132026 0.766452317 0.031847134 0.661223098 0.387156873 0.03125 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 94 Appendix C: Sense Distribution Statistics The statistics below come from the “Brown 1” SemCor files. See Cost Function Method 4 in the Cost Function section for more details about these numbers. Note that this table assumes the most common sense is sense 0. Table 7: The values for Cost Function Method 4 used in this project Sense Value Sense Value Sense Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0.745002967 0.143447519 0.051918954 0.024731353 0.013769042 0.006769587 0.004881351 0.002858328 0.001849772 0.000993421 0.000760418 0.000593476 0.000572185 0.000436927 0.000215302 0.000170978 0.000152483 0.000179044 0.000144862 0.000114338 0.000141419 7.17999E-05 4.29754E-05 7.21787E-05 1.13685E-05 0 3.30413E-05 1.15856E-05 1.10957E-05 1.18544E-05 2.06378E-05 0 0 9.73795E-06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix D: Semantic Relation Distribution Statistics The statistics below come from 40 randomly picked SemCor files. See Cost Function Method 5 in the Cost Function section for more details about these numbers. Note that this table assumes the most common sense is sense 0. Table 8: The values for Cost Function Method 5 used in this project Type Sense Value Frequency Frequency Frequency 0 1 2 Type Sense Value 0.781961482 Synonym 0 0.126728106 Synonym 1 0.043575442 Synonym 2 0.708127392 0.14722019 0.058309409 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 95 Type Sense Value Type Sense Value Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 0.020242591 0.011330363 0.005382083 0.003820112 0.002217267 0.001386978 0.000719614 0.000550252 0.000428899 0.000401828 0.000303701 0.000142087 0.000122769 9.93788E-05 0.000126437 9.51612E-05 7.45493E-05 9.84838E-05 4.59405E-05 2.64911E-05 4.80187E-05 6.51078E-06 0 2.37718E-05 6.93931E-06 6.74259E-06 7.47323E-06 1.47131E-05 0 0 5.81201E-06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.035265127 0.02488885 0.008951525 0.006850447 0.003343709 0.002257055 0.000917186 0.000415363 0.001272953 0 0.000649926 0.000374687 0 6.48281E-05 0.000302171 0.000120573 0 0.000268828 5.53748E-05 0 7.21131E-05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000272292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 96 Type Sense Value Type Sense Value Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Synonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.780778412 0.127113255 0.045911925 0.021512378 0.010228877 0.006096897 0.003875595 0.001693082 0.001142567 0.000634825 0.000521345 0.000139175 0.000156363 0.000138005 0 2.79886E-05 9.4065E-06 1.02999E-05 0 0 0 9.6045E-06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 97 Type Sense Value Type Sense Value Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Hypernym Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Antonym Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.731642312 0.140189319 0.059664121 0.026321333 0.014048575 0.008563011 0.007495793 0.002041513 0.002195311 0.00124681 0.000714507 0.000830106 0.001219296 0.000939302 0.000651397 0.000227097 0.000161478 0.000455964 0.000287357 0.000232809 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 98 Type Sense Value Type Sense Value Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister Coordinate Sister 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain Domain 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0.000430405 0 0 0.000109042 0 0 0 0 0.000117354 4.43262E-05 0.000171463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Appendix E: SemCor Results Below are the results for every SemCor file that tags nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The authors ignore all files only tagging verbs. See the results section for more details. A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 99 Table 9: The results of one run of every SemCor file using all the parts of speech File Coverage Fine Recall Fine Precision Coarse Recall Coarse Precision Average br-a01 br-a02 br-a11 br-a12 br-a13 br-a14 br-a15 br-b13 br-b20 br-c01 br-c02 br-c04 br-d01 br-d02 br-d03 br-d04 br-e01 br-e02 br-e04 br-e21 br-e22 br-e23 br-e24 br-e25 br-e26 br-e27 br-e28 br-e29 br-e30 br-e31 br-f03 br-f08 br-f10 br-f13 br-f14 br-f15 br-f16 0.939458723 0.905273438 0.863770977 0.82650143 0.855847688 0.813155386 0.842799189 0.80563654 0.944649446 0.922244094 0.889622642 0.944139194 0.879882813 0.982758621 0.956435644 0.957913998 0.974180735 0.947725073 0.979648474 0.937725632 0.989266547 0.953929539 0.947569113 0.993577982 0.975297347 0.925343811 0.991517436 0.980786825 0.979571984 0.972122302 0.959821429 0.970106075 0.967654987 0.921380633 0.987985213 0.950654582 0.976325758 0.903970452 0.581803497 0.548828125 0.548864758 0.500476644 0.539437897 0.490943756 0.519269777 0.481049563 0.600553506 0.601377953 0.53490566 0.56959707 0.541992188 0.559837728 0.597029703 0.603842635 0.544190665 0.559535334 0.598519889 0.572202166 0.590339893 0.59168925 0.565300286 0.610091743 0.604757548 0.542239686 0.706880302 0.614821592 0.620622568 0.613309353 0.6 0.612343298 0.621743037 0.559923298 0.629390018 0.586102719 0.581439394 0.566020314 0.619021038 0.606256742 0.635428571 0.605536332 0.63029661 0.603751465 0.61612515 0.597104946 0.635742188 0.65208111 0.601272534 0.603297769 0.615982242 0.569659443 0.624223602 0.630372493 0.55861366 0.590398366 0.61095373 0.610202117 0.596745027 0.620265152 0.596579477 0.614035088 0.620075047 0.585987261 0.712927757 0.626865672 0.633565045 0.630897317 0.625116279 0.631212724 0.642525534 0.607700312 0.637043966 0.616525424 0.595538312 0.626149132 0.741617232 0.715820313 0.695952616 0.636796949 0.666364461 0.617731173 0.674442191 0.621963071 0.757380074 0.766732283 0.691509434 0.723443223 0.698242188 0.74137931 0.771287129 0.764867338 0.72591857 0.715392062 0.753931545 0.732851986 0.77549195 0.786238532 0.790856031 0.766634523 0.720038351 0.765409384 0.758325404 0.775047259 0.809297913 0.740186916 0.781683626 0.814629259 0.820781697 0.756397134 0.794545455 0.808173478 0.780943026 0.756141947 0.789075105 0.790722762 0.805714286 0.770472895 0.778601695 0.759671747 0.800240674 0.772014475 0.801757813 0.831376734 0.777306469 0.766246363 0.793562708 0.754385965 0.806418219 0.798471824 0.745158002 0.75485189 0.769593957 0.781520693 0.783905967 0.791320406 0.80734856 0.790258449 0.781477627 0.79313632 0.779843444 0.791505792 0.818618042 0.788059701 0.818005808 0.855789474 0.830279653 0.770594369 0.815298507 0.823979592 0.787128713 0.78028169 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 100 File Coverage Fine Recall Fine Precision Coarse Recall Coarse Precision br-f17 br-f18 br-f19 br-f20 br-f21 br-f22 br-f23 br-f24 br-f25 br-f33 br-f43 br-f44 br-g01 br-g11 br-g12 br-g14 br-g15 br-g16 br-g17 br-g18 br-g19 br-g20 br-g21 br-g22 br-g23 br-g28 br-g31 br-g39 br-g43 br-g44 br-h01 br-h09 br-h11 br-h12 br-h13 br-h14 br-h15 br-h16 br-h17 0.868937049 0.914201183 0.965041398 0.875121951 0.973256925 0.873441994 0.966730038 0.940186916 0.951871658 0.986486486 0.972407231 0.991877256 0.979206049 0.988614801 0.964717742 0.97790586 0.939252336 0.985808893 0.9453125 0.951661631 0.951866405 0.993269231 0.955555556 0.981768459 0.967615309 0.915151515 0.865927419 0.88334995 0.981354269 0.967615309 0.95559667 0.990224829 0.964749536 0.982010582 0.924599434 0.968430826 0.978947368 0.881709742 0.946666667 0.544891641 0.581854043 0.599816007 0.548292683 0.595988539 0.535953979 0.622623574 0.590654206 0.622994652 0.634169884 0.571836346 0.63267148 0.602079395 0.613851992 0.548387097 0.598463016 0.571962617 0.555345317 0.565429688 0.542799597 0.614931238 0.623076923 0.571428571 0.610756609 0.617271835 0.55959596 0.535282258 0.513459621 0.565260059 0.555446516 0.635522664 0.579667644 0.641001855 0.582010582 0.531573987 0.616527391 0.612280702 0.550695825 0.606153846 0.627078385 0.636461704 0.621544328 0.626532887 0.612365064 0.613611416 0.644051131 0.628230616 0.654494382 0.642857143 0.588062622 0.637852593 0.614864865 0.620921305 0.568443051 0.611984283 0.608955224 0.563339731 0.598140496 0.57037037 0.646026832 0.627299129 0.598006645 0.622098422 0.637931034 0.611479029 0.618160652 0.581264108 0.576 0.574036511 0.665053243 0.585389931 0.664423077 0.592672414 0.574923547 0.63662512 0.625448029 0.624577227 0.640303359 0.810859729 0.782073814 0.767419962 0.760144274 0.81736795 0.777484609 0.760338346 0.826778243 0.773743017 0.811270125 0.743830787 0.74829932 0.756849315 0.810360777 0.768376068 0.754681648 0.78639745 0.791338583 0.759962929 0.735576923 0.653039832 0.763653484 0.682555781 0.730808598 0.795620438 0.83262891 0.716666667 0.72338403 0.706126687 0.707556428 0.719836401 0.696886447 0.734513274 0.721584984 0.747288503 0.714697406 0.744918699 0.731549815 0.709876543 0.816773017 0.80835604 0.778414518 0.799810247 0.852474323 0.7829938 0.815524194 0.832350463 0.802898551 0.819331527 0.757177033 0.77 0.767361111 0.817927171 0.780381944 0.789422135 0.793991416 0.80239521 0.769953052 0.802728227 0.811197917 0.788910506 0.787134503 0.771891892 0.824196597 0.85355286 0.787385554 0.772588832 0.770101925 0.767021277 0.776185226 0.773373984 0.780258519 0.76974416 0.77765237 0.791489362 0.78987069 0.809183673 0.764119601 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 101 File Coverage Fine Recall Fine Precision Coarse Recall Coarse Precision br-h18 br-h21 br-h24 br-j01 br-j02 br-j03 br-j04 br-j05 br-j06 br-j07 br-j08 br-j09 br-j10 br-j11 br-j12 br-j13 br-j14 br-j15 br-j16 br-j17 br-j18 br-j19 br-j20 br-j22 br-j23 br-j29 br-j30 br-j31 br-j32 br-j33 br-j34 br-j35 br-j37 br-j38 br-j41 br-j42 br-j52 br-j53 br-j54 0.983350676 0.982342007 0.967213115 0.951903808 0.988560534 0.981576254 0.974545455 0.980817348 0.992141454 0.969062784 0.992760181 0.967486819 0.985875706 0.950405771 0.958818263 0.99296394 0.932330827 0.993305439 0.963687151 0.990161002 0.982373678 0.971817298 0.98630137 0.990749306 0.984615385 0.984587489 0.992102665 0.982741117 0.992031873 0.958105647 0.98280543 0.970509383 0.955992509 0.986336465 0.989266547 0.981532779 0.990435707 0.986220472 0.987025023 0.566077003 0.601301115 0.677254098 0.659318637 0.651096282 0.612077789 0.643636364 0.643869892 0.635559921 0.596906278 0.657918552 0.665202109 0.603578154 0.622182146 0.681289167 0.616534741 0.636278195 0.689539749 0.672253259 0.676207513 0.588719154 0.594752187 0.593607306 0.602220167 0.599145299 0.616500453 0.597235933 0.624365482 0.642430279 0.571948998 0.637104072 0.587131367 0.575842697 0.643894108 0.576923077 0.638042475 0.597236982 0.607283465 0.609823911 0.575661376 0.612109745 0.700211864 0.692631579 0.658630665 0.623566215 0.660447761 0.656462585 0.640594059 0.615962441 0.6627165 0.687556767 0.612225406 0.654648956 0.710550887 0.620903454 0.682459677 0.694187026 0.697584541 0.682926829 0.599282297 0.612 0.601851852 0.607843137 0.608506944 0.626151013 0.60199005 0.635330579 0.647590361 0.596958175 0.64825046 0.604972376 0.602350637 0.652813853 0.58318264 0.650047037 0.603004292 0.615768463 0.617840376 0.715820313 0.676441838 0.757236228 0.680705191 0.690140845 0.735439289 0.745694022 0.72037037 0.719626168 0.734032412 0.680467091 0.778474399 0.706766917 0.766144814 0.697368421 0.746421268 0.741573034 0.693501455 0.710659898 0.745711403 0.703858186 0.760692464 0.764981273 0.737588652 0.75123885 0.720772947 0.783619818 0.757904246 0.756911344 0.786825252 0.720039293 0.823751178 0.794144556 0.758992806 0.776785714 0.778077269 0.792051756 0.763343404 0.768939394 0.778958555 0.785471056 0.811 0.793378995 0.773393461 0.801937567 0.80349345 0.77029703 0.769145394 0.776209677 0.758579882 0.791710946 0.775943396 0.803076923 0.770693512 0.776595745 0.784017279 0.78831312 0.787401575 0.810307018 0.75 0.795527157 0.797851563 0.799121844 0.803817603 0.797860963 0.819238901 0.794507576 0.798792757 0.806754221 0.778131635 0.830798479 0.809701493 0.780758557 0.809302326 0.804085422 0.801683817 0.802966102 0.787584869 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 102 File Coverage Fine Recall Fine Precision Coarse Recall Coarse Precision br-j55 br-j56 br-j57 br-j58 br-j59 br-j60 br-j70 br-k01 br-k02 br-k03 br-k04 br-k05 br-k06 br-k07 br-k08 br-k09 br-k10 br-k11 br-k12 br-k13 br-k14 br-k15 br-k16 br-k17 br-k18 br-k19 br-k20 br-k21 br-k22 br-k23 br-k24 br-k25 br-k26 br-k27 br-k28 br-k29 br-l08 br-l09 br-l10 0.916346154 0.805031447 0.967984934 0.867139959 0.946775844 0.965328467 0.975486052 0.910185185 0.936311787 0.916926272 0.922473013 0.927402863 0.901098901 0.941371681 0.937434828 0.960954447 0.902977906 0.943089431 0.904059041 0.929012346 0.918945313 0.861192571 0.933706816 0.85798237 0.892354125 0.917077986 0.928064843 0.935185185 0.935617861 0.945662536 0.897027601 0.983281087 0.91084855 0.954011742 0.9048583 0.961145194 0.87270974 0.859035005 0.865306122 0.597115385 0.525157233 0.585687382 0.531440162 0.551688843 0.626824818 0.680473373 0.576851852 0.580798479 0.539979232 0.560353288 0.570552147 0.571428571 0.574115044 0.572471324 0.5835141 0.555235351 0.584349593 0.557195572 0.573045267 0.53515625 0.518084066 0.614379085 0.538687561 0.527162978 0.556762093 0.576494428 0.575 0.568016615 0.559580553 0.52866242 0.60815047 0.566058002 0.62035225 0.557692308 0.583844581 0.531340405 0.509933775 0.52244898 0.651626443 0.65234375 0.605058366 0.612865497 0.582702703 0.649338374 0.697573657 0.633774161 0.620304569 0.588901472 0.607446809 0.615214994 0.634146341 0.60987074 0.610678532 0.607223476 0.614893617 0.619612069 0.616326531 0.61683278 0.582359192 0.601589103 0.658 0.627853881 0.590755355 0.607104413 0.621179039 0.614851485 0.607103219 0.591733871 0.589349112 0.618490967 0.621462264 0.65025641 0.616331096 0.607446809 0.608839779 0.593612335 0.603773585 0.694367498 0.666666667 0.711045365 0.690731707 0.756446991 0.667305849 0.771863118 0.745794393 0.792335116 0.787644788 0.796028881 0.731854839 0.766570605 0.775780511 0.741210938 0.729103726 0.777996071 0.783653846 0.754497354 0.790337284 0.793915604 0.714141414 0.672379032 0.657028913 0.782139352 0.760549558 0.77028348 0.796846011 0.741798942 0.708765316 0.770659239 0.776315789 0.686878728 0.762051282 0.780437045 0.787174721 0.793032787 0.803263826 0.801579467 0.768130746 0.767220903 0.777777778 0.789297659 0.777232581 0.763995609 0.798426745 0.793240557 0.832397004 0.798434442 0.802547771 0.75862069 0.78388998 0.786948177 0.784090909 0.766137566 0.817337461 0.788964182 0.789590255 0.805013928 0.820486815 0.780353201 0.776484284 0.743792325 0.797 0.786004057 0.777887463 0.825961538 0.755387931 0.76656473 0.7957814 0.793010753 0.77903044 0.804983749 0.793650794 0.801324503 0.819915254 0.815837937 0.807960199 A Genetic Algorithm Using Semantic Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation Hausman 103 File Coverage Fine Recall Fine Precision Coarse Recall Coarse Precision br-l11 br-l12 br-l13 br-l14 br-l15 br-l16 br-l17 br-l18 br-m01 br-m02 br-n05 br-n09 br-n10 br-n11 br-n12 br-n14 br-n15 br-n16 br-n17 br-n20 br-p01 br-p07 br-p09 br-p10 br-p12 br-p24 br-r04 br-r05 br-r06 br-r07 br-r08 br-r09 0.945863126 0.879728419 0.912641316 0.905365854 0.869 0.891069676 0.873891626 0.914036997 0.902538071 0.920282543 0.938477581 0.903664921 0.869047619 0.923149016 0.835834897 0.895699909 0.907246377 0.892792793 0.919753086 0.971652004 0.956211813 0.878235858 0.951025057 0.921686747 0.925213675 0.82792527 0.919491525 0.958801498 0.922998987 0.934588702 0.903381643 0.956521739 0.576098059 0.537342386 0.535457348 0.545365854 0.508 0.504416094 0.534975369 0.528835691 0.566497462 0.596367306 0.549530761 0.561256545 0.537698413 0.555763824 0.489681051 0.507776761 0.543961353 0.567567568 0.553497942 0.596285435 0.585539715 0.534995206 0.563781321 0.524096386 0.536324786 0.50245821 0.558262712 0.602996255 0.558257345 0.585728444 0.580676329 0.646107179 0.609071274 0.610804851 0.586711712 0.60237069 0.584579977 0.566079295 0.612175874 0.578571429 0.627671541 0.648026316 0.585555556 0.621089224 0.618721461 0.602030457 0.585858586 0.566905005 0.599574015 0.635721493 0.601789709 0.613682093 0.612353568 0.609170306 0.592814371 0.568627451 0.579676674 0.606888361 0.607142857 0.62890625 0.604829857 0.626723224 0.642780749 0.675475687 0.769543147 0.770916335 0.734972678 0.812669683 0.788203753 0.806148591 0.779964222 0.807017544 0.670202507 0.660359508 0.655102041 0.70709147 0.708292683 0.671 0.648675172 0.670935961 0.693144723 0.710994764 0.68452381 0.714151828 0.636022514 0.666971638 0.68115942 0.730630631 0.709876543 0.765395894 0.705656759 0.742596811 0.710843373 0.68482906 0.657817109 0.702330508 0.783057851 0.777108434 0.767110266 0.826887661 0.812154696 0.817316017 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