METABOLIC DISORDERS WITH OPTHALMOPATHIES DR. A.KASIBABU M.D;D.N.B. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ANDHRA MEDICAL COLLEGE VISAKHAPATNAM ZINC Trace element for > 200 metalloenzymes ↑↑conc. In photoreceptors. In deficiency state: rash around eye, nose & mouth Loss of cilia of eyebrow & lid margin. Conjunctivitis Thinning of corneal epithelium, with loss of epithelial polarity in bowman’s layerleading to linear subepithelial scars. ZINC…. Rhodopsin &aqueous- production is effected-↓(enzymes)alcohol dehydrogenase&car.anhydrase Ciliary body atrophy, optic atrophy& cataract also seen. In excess state: corneal edema&white opacities on the ant.lens capsule and ant. Uveitis(↑I.O.pressure) Copper Trace elements for oxidases . X-linked recessive disorder- Menke’s In deficiency states: Atrophy of nerve fibre layer& ganglion cells. Lacy vacuolization of the iris pigment epithelium Fundus is blond or whitened but no photophobia. The above - Classified as albinoidism Copper …. In excess states(called chalcosis): Locally, intraocular foreign bodies of copper are destructive- causing intense inflammation & abscess formation Electroretinogram is diminished. Vitreous liquifies & disorganised Deposits in lens, cornea &severe ant.uveitis. Sunflower cataract Kaiser Fleischer’s ring in peripheral descemet’s membrane- brownish hue(Wilson’s disease) IRON Iron deficiency: manifests as anemic retinopathy (Hb% < 8gms%) Retinal hemorrhages extending to vitreous. Vessels are tortuous (with yellowish hue) Cotton wool spots, white centered hemorrhages Appearance of central retinal vein occlusion IRON EXCESS Iron deposits in all ocular structures. Hemosiderosis –Hb degradation products Siderosis bulbi - iron only Not seen in basement membrane(unlike Cu) Pigmentary & inflammatory changes in the local region At cellular level - membrane damage to mitochondria,microsomes due to increased lipid peroxidation( in photoreceptors) In the cornea: rust rings,develop with deposition with in epethelial cells, keratocytes, bowman’s layer,stromal lamelle Systemic siderosis effects mainly choroid&sclera Most patients don’t have visual symptoms. Perilimbal pigmentation(due to ↑ melanin production)&increased eyelid margin production. VITAMIN DISORDERS VITAMIN-A Deficiency states: Night blindness (Nyctalopia) - dark adaptation, electroretinographic findings, visual field studies are abnormal but reversible with treatment.-outer segment degeneration of recep. Conjuntival xerosis & bitots spots.(interpalpebralconjunctiva with keratinisation of the epithelium.) ↓ conjunctival mucous production leads to thickening & opacification Secondary infections may lead to scarring of lacrimal ducts &further drying of eyes. Cornea in vit A ↓ Punctate keratopathy Xerosis of cornea leads to keratomalacia or a sharply demarcated ulcer leading to perforation Fundus-xerophthalmic fundus with retinal lesions & have a whitish yellow appearance with irregular & ill defined borders. Vit-B1(Thiamine) Absorption effected by thiaminases in fish, shrimp or absorptive disorders ↑requirement in- thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy and lactation ,fever. ↓ utilisation in – thiamin responsive megaloblastic anemia, branched chain ketoaciduria & intermittent cerebellar ataxia ↓TPPin neural tissue in subacute necrotising encephalomyelopathy(Leigh’s disease) Main ocular side effects-optic atrophy. l epithelial changes, rectus muscle palsies, nystagmus in dry Beri beri.---whereas in wet beriberi only systemic findings. Vit-B12 deficiency Causes demyelination of peripheral nerves &degeneration of axons affecting optic nerve fibres Epileptiform blinking of eyelids with upward deviation of the eyes for seconds.& pigmentary retinopathy in the Post.pole Optic atrophy with central & centrocaecal scotomas If severe, can lead to retinal hemorrhages in the nerve fibre &outer plexiform layers.—in megaloblastic anaemia. Inborn errors of metabolism Homocystinuria:↓ of cystathionine βsynthase ↓methylcobalamin&B6 Autosomal recessive Dislocation of lens (inferiorly, zonular degen.) Cataract Glaucoma: Also, pigmentary retinopathy. Lacy vacuolization of iris pigment epithelium&photoreceptor cell atrophy. Partial loss of nerve fibre & ganglion cell layer. Optic atrophy. (in methy malonic aciduria Endocrine Disorders Hypercalcaemia Due tohyperparathyroidism/MEN1/MEN2 In MEN2 B – chr10 – enlarged corneal nerves,facial neuroma affecting eyelids. Band keratopathy(cal.corn.epi.&bow.mem) Scleral calcification as white flakes Calcium deposits in pigmentary epithelium of iris,ciliary body & choroid –also perilimbal deposits— Hypocalcaemia In hypoparathyroidism, hypovitaminosis D. Cataract.(small white or polychromatic crystals in ant. Or post. Cortex) Kerato cojunctivitis Papilloedema.(reversible) Tyrosinosis ↓ tyrosine amino transferase activity. Type 1 - ↑risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Type 2- Richnar-Hanhart syndrome -cornea- stellate/plaque like ulcersphotophobia&tearingsubepi.crysta.deposits. -conjunctiva hyperaemic & thickend. -loss of Goblet cells,vacuolated superficial epithelial cells & sub epithelial plasma cell infiltration. Alkaptonuria Autosomal recessive, defect on chr.3. ↓of homogentisic oxidase. Onchronosis: gray to blueish black pigmentation of collagen. Discolouration of sclera.-earliest one- more dense in interpalpebral zone,discrete droplets of brown pigment in peripheral stroma. Treatment: restriction of phenylalanin, tyrosine. Vit C reduce excretion of toxic metabolite of homogentisic acid – benzoquinone acetic Gout Disorder of purine metabolism with↑ s.uricacid xanthine oxidase activity- urate reaches saturation level(>420mg/dl),tissue deposition & crystalisation occur. Lesch-nyhans syndrome (↓ hypo xanthine PRPP transferase)- neurologic abnormality Kelly-Seegmiller syndrome –only partial deficiency-no neurological symptoms. Retinal & gouty disease. Urate crystals deposited in corneaintranuclear with non-bi refringent crystals&,fine golden yellow epithelial extending to limbus. ALBINISM (Hypo melanosis) Occulo cutaneous form ↓pigmentation Occular albinism-only eye is effected & lacks visual pigment. CYSTINOSIS: cystine crystals seen in cornea by slit lamp microscopy. HYPER ORNITHEMIA: ocular findings are not much specific Lysosomal enzyme storage disorders Lysosomes produced by golgi apparatus fuse with secondary lysosomes (endo- sosomes) to digest all types of material. 1.Muco polysaccharidosis 2.Mucolipidosis 3.Sphingolipidoses 4.Glycoprotein storage disorders Mucopolysaccharoidosis-1 α -iduronidase↓: ↑ dermatan sulphate & heparin sulphate. Severe form: Hurlers syndrome corneal clouding, retinal pigmentary degeneration, optic atrophy, papilloedema & glaucoma. Inclusions are seen in epithelium of cornea, lens, smooth muscle, iris pigmentary epithelium, ciliary epithelium &vascular endothelium.-also in optic nerve pericytes. Mucopolysaccharoidosis-1…. Intermediate phenotype: HurlerScheie syn. Corneal clouding, glaucoma, papilloedema Retinal degeneration & optic atrophy. Mild form: scheie syndrome: corneal clouding, pigmentary retinal changes, papilledema, glaucoma & optic atrophy. Mucopolysaccharoidosis-2 MPS -2: Iduronate sulfatase deficiency (Hunter’ syndrome ) A : severe form –pigmentary retinopathy in the setting of clear cornea. papilledema&optic atrophy may occur. B: mild form – retinal degenaration at a slower rate and corneal opacities are subtle. In both ,marked thickening of sclera due to membrane bound vesicles in unusual Mucopolysaccharoidosis-3 Type A(severe form) – Heparan Nsulfatase↓ Type B(milder)-N-Acetyl α glucosaminidase↓ Type C(Mild) – Acyl coA : Glucosamine N- Acetyl transferase↓. Type D(Mildest)- N-Acetyl glucosamine 6 - sulfatase↓. A clear cornea & no– papilledema/glaucoma, retinal Mucopolysaccharoidosis-4 Marquio’s syndrome Type A-N-Acetyl galactosamine-6sulphatase↓ Type B -β-galctosidase ↓ Corneal clouding, papilledema&lack of pigmentary changes&no optic atrophy. Mucopolysaccharoidosis-5(MPS-1 scheie) Mucopolysaccharoidosis-6 (Maroteaux-lamy syndrome)-N-acetyl hexosamine-4-sulphatase↓. Mucopolysaccharides are deposited within corneal epithelium, bowman’s layer & keratocytes . If severe-ganglion cell atrophy/ optic Mucopolysaccharoidosis-7(sly syndrome) β- glucuronidase↓-accumulation of dermatan sulphate. Mild corneal clouding (corneal deposits may recur after grafting) Pigmentary retinopathy Papilledema & some times optic atrophy. sphingolipidosis Glycolipids with sphingosine base are not degraded properly&accumulate in cytoplasmic vesicles of lysosomes. 1.gangliosidosis:β-galactosidase↓. - infantile&juvenile(no corneal clouding,optic atrophy with material with in optic neuronal cells. - adult form(↑↑ dendrites& at nerve endings) - in cases of β-galactosidase& neuraminidase ↓- corneal clouding,occasional cherry red spot. Gangliosidosis : Taysach,s disease(GM2- accumulation) First discovered by opthalmologistKLENK -1942 HEXOSEAMINIDASE A↓ Classic finding- cherry red spot(50% of pts.) Accumulation in dense ganglion cell layer of macula- seen in infantile form. Pigmentary retinal changes&optic atrophy with occulomotor abnormalities(juvenile form) Retinitis pigmentosa is a secondary Abnormal macula with grey discolouration&granular pigmentation(with opacities) about the fovea. Type 1: acute(cherry red spot) sub acute- macula halo(1/2of macula) syndrome with crystalloid opacities but no vision deffect. Type 2: accumulation in the keratocytes of cornea,lens, ganglion cells&optic nerve. Sandhoff,s disease(hex.A&B ↓)-β sub unit of enzyme -pleomorphic 6.Fabrys: X-R; α galactosidase A↓( or ceramide trihexosidase) deposition of glycosphingolipids in corneal epithelium as white to golden brown material as a whorl like pattern. lenticular changes in ant. Cortex or capsule - a characteristic finding,is a spoke like deposit in posterior lens capsule Treat – infusion of enzyme Retinal vessels tortuous &a central retinal art.occlusion. Sausage like dilatation of venules 2.Neimann picks diseasesphingomyelins acumulate in ocular tissue. 3. Gauchers - β glucoserebrosidase ↓ ↑serum ACP. 4. Krabbes - β galactosidase ↓ myelin absence in CNS,so optic atrophy. 5.Metachromatic leukodystrophy↓aryl sulfatase A- reversal of cerebroside:sulfatide ratio-optic atrophy. Retinitispigmentosa Related with abnormal lipid metabolism(ex: Niemannpick’s disease)-A.D/A.R/X-R Slowly progressive,with loss of night&peripheral vision. Associated with mutations in the protein moiety of rhodopsin&peripherin/ROM-1. Peripherin: a 344 A.A. residue protein located in the rim region of disc membrane. A mutation in exon 1 of the gene coding for peripherin. Specific change in peripherin is a C-to-T transition in the first nucleotide of codon 46,that resulted in changing an arginine to stop codon(a denovo mutation).