Universiteit Utrecht EU governance & public accountability A research agenda Mark Bovens, Deirdre Curtin and Marianne van de Steeg Utrecht School of Governance Universiteit Utrecht Background - Shift national -> EU policy making - Debate on democratic deficit - Focus on public accountability - Concern: no corresponding shifts in accountability regimes - Aim: to empirically investigate to what degree the rise of EUgovernance has been matched by correspondent changes in public accountability regimes and practices Universiteit Utrecht What is accountability? Working definition for this research project 1. A relationship between an actor and a forum 2. In which the actor has an obligation 3. To explain and justify 4. His conduct 5. The forum can pose additional questions 6. Pass judgement 7. And the actor can be sanctioned Universiteit Utrecht Accountability Accountability and Transparency - Transparency pre-condition for accountability Accountability and Responsiveness -> justification of conduct Universiteit Utrecht Three research questions 1. Formal and informal structures and actual practices of (public) accountability 2. How can the accountability arrangement be assessed from a democratic, constitutional and learning perspective? 3. Does EU multi-level governance create specific problems? Universiteit Utrecht EU-Governance - Commission accountable to European Parliament - In relation to which institutions is research into accountability most relevant? -Council -Committees -Agencies Universiteit Utrecht EU-Council: accounting for summits - Major policy arena - No (political) accountability on EU-level Research questions Descriptive 1. Are leaders held accountable on national level? 2. Emergent practices? Evaluative 3. Democratic, constitutional and learning perspective Universiteit Utrecht EU-Council: accounting for summits Research design 1. 2. 3. Accountability for institution building (Maastricht; Amsterdam; Nice; Dublin) Accountability for crisismanagement (Bosnia; BSE, Austria; 9/11) Country selection: Best practices Variation parliamentary systems Variation attitude towards EU UK, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland Universiteit Utrecht Committees: Accounting for expert input - Major role of experts in EU-policy making - Technocracy Democracy - Professional Public accountability - Transparency Universiteit Utrecht Committees: Accounting for expert input Research questions Descriptive 1. Public accountability of expert input? 2. Emergent practices? 3. Level of transparency? Evaluative 4. Democratic, constitutional and learning perspective Research design -Mapping expert venues & accountability regimes -In depth analysis of selected arena’s Universiteit Utrecht Agencies: Accounting for non-majoritarian Institutions - Increase in number & range - Very limited political accountability - Innovative diagonal & horizontal practices Universiteit Utrecht Accounting for agencies EU Parliament National Parliaments Commission Council Court of Justice Court of Auditors Stakeholders Agencies Universiteit Utrecht Agencies: Accounting for non-majoritarian Institutions Research questions Descriptive 1. (Emergent) accountability arrangements? Evaluative 2. Democratic, constitutional and learning perspective Research design -Mapping agencies & arrangements -In depth analysis selected cases Institutional perspective Assessment of adequacy of detected accountability arrangements What kind of polity is the EU? • Sui generis • Intergovernmental • Federal or confederal • Other?