CMPT 225
Final Review
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8 A-1
Time and Place
• Exam is at 7:00-10:00pm on April 10
• Room: HCC 1315
• Exception... for the 3 students with a
conflict in Burnaby, the room will be
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8 A-2
Topics Covered (before midterm)
• Java review
• Software Engineering
• Recursion
– (and a little algorithm efficiency)
Abstract Data Types
Linked Lists
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Topics Covered (after midterm)
Java Interfaces and Generics
Tables and Priority Queues
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Topics Covered
• Roughly: chapters 1-14
• Minus chapter 6... though we did some of it
in class
• We didn’t read the second half of ch. 7, but
we covered it in class
• Didn’t read first half of ch. 10, but we
covered the material in class
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Java Review
• You should be able to read Java code
– You don’t need to memorize a bunch of
java.util classes
• You should be able to write Java code
– Defining your own classes, interfaces, methods,
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8 A-6
Software Engineering
• What is a good solution to a problem?
• Object oriented design
– Read a UML diagram
– Write a UML diagram
• Modularity, modifiability, readability, ease
of use, fail-safe programming…
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8 A-7
• Write recurrence relations
– e.g. rabbits(n) = rabbits(n-1) + rabbits(n-2)
• Write recursive (Java) methods
• Solve problems with simple recursive
• Backtracking
• Relation with induction
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8 A-8
Algorithm Efficiency
• Big-O notation:
– What does O(n) mean?
– What about O(n2)?
• Count the steps of an algorithm, translate to
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8 A-9
Abstract Data Types
• Difference:
– ADT vs. data structure
• How do you specify ADTs?
• Designing the right ADT for a problem
• ADT List and SortedList
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8 A-10
Linked Lists
• Object references
• Using nodes and references
• Programming with linked lists
– inserting, deleting, traversing
• Variations
– tail references, circular lists, doubly linked
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8 A-11
• ADT Stack
• Implementations
• Problem solving with Stacks
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• ADT Queue
• Implementations
• Problem solving with Queues
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Java Generics
• What is a generic class?
• Why do you use them?
• How do you define one?
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8 A-14
General trees
Binary trees
Binary search trees
Traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order)
Efficiency of search
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• Basic implementations
– array, reference
• Faster implementations
binary search tree
2-3 trees
red-black trees
hash functions
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• What is a good has function?
• What is a collision?
• Collision resolution
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• Definitions and basic properties
• Implementations
– adjacency list
– adjacency matrix
• Traversals and spanning trees
– depth-first
– breadth-first
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• Quadratic sorts:
– Selection, insertion, bubble
• Log linear sorts:
– merge, quick
• Special case: radix
• Should be able to explain/sketch/understand
different sorts
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Example 1
• What can go wrong with this method?
How can you protect yourself?
public static double computation(double x)
return java.lang.Math.sqrt(x) /
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Example 1 - Solution
Two hazards:
1) the argument x cannot be a negative number
because computation() calls the sqrt() method
with x as the argument.
2) since zero is in the range of the method
cos(x), the result of this computation must be
tested prior to using it as a divisor in order to
avoid a "Divide by Zero error".
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Example 1 – Solution
double computation( double x )
double denominator = Math.cos(x);
double result = 0;
if ( x < 0 )
{ System.out.println("Cannot take square root of negative number");
result = -1;
if ( denominator == 0 )
{ System.out.println("Cannot divide by zero");
result = -1;
if ( result != -1 )
result = Math.sqrt(x)/denominator;
return result;
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Example 2
• Write the loops invariant for this:
void printN(int n)
int i = 20;
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Example 2 - Solution
• 20 >= i >= 1
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Example 3
• Write a recursive method that will compute
the sum of the first n integers in an array of
at least n integers.
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Example 3 - Solution
int computeSum(final int a[], int n)
{ // base case
if(n <= 0)
return 0;
else // reduce the problem size
return a[n - 1] + computeSum(a, n - 1);
} // end computeSum
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Example 4
• Write a recursive Java method that writes
the digits of a positive decimal integer in
reverse order.
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Example 4 - Solution
void reverseDigits(int number){
if(number >= 0) // check for input bounds
{ // base case
if(number < 10)
{ // print out rightmost digit
System.out.print(number % 10);
// pass remainder of digits to next call
reverseDigits(number / 10);
} // end if
} // end if
} // end reverseDigits
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Example 5
• Implement a method “swap” for lists... use
the ADT list, and handle the exception if the
positions being swapped do not exist.
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Example 5 - Solution
void swap(List aList, int i, int j)
Object first, second;
first = aList.get(i);
second = aList.get(j);
catch(Exception e){
aList.add(i, second);
aList.add(j, first);
} // end Swap
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Example 6
• Trace the selection sort as it sorts the
following array:
• 7, 12, 24, 4, 19, 32
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Example 6 - Solution
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Example 7
Draw the complete binary tree obtained by
inserting the following values in the given
4, 13, 5, 3, 7, 30
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Example 7 - Solution
/ \
13 5
/ \ /
3 7 30
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Example 8
Draw the binary search tree obtained by
inserting the following values in the given
4, 13, 5, 3, 7, 30
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Example 7 - Solution
/ \
3 13
/ \
5 30
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Example 9
• A general tree can be implemented by
having an array of child references.
• 1) What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this implementation?
• 2) Write a recursive preorder traversal
method for a general tree.
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Example 9 - Solution
• Advantages: Access to the children is easy; direct
access to each child is available.
• Disadvantages: Limits the number of children to a
fixed maximum. If the maximum number of
children possible is higher than the average
number of children, then memory is wasted. If the
children are kept in order, insertions and deletions
may require shifting pointers in the array.
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Example 9 - Solution
public void traverse(TreeNode tNode);
{ if (tNode != null)
queue.enqueue(tNode .getItem());
for (int i=0; i<tNode .numChildren; ++i)
} // end if
} // end traverse
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Example 10
• What are the advantages of implementing
ADT Table with a 2-3 tree instead of a
binary search tree?
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Example 10 - Solution
The height of a binary search tree depends on the order in
which the items are inserted.
Advantage: In a tree with N items, the height can range
between N (equivalent to a linked list) and log2 ( N+1) (a
fully balanced tree). A 2-3 tree is always balanced and thus
has height proportional to log N. So, a 2-3 tree is a more
efficient ADT table implementation than a binary search
Advantage: Maintaining a balanced binary search tree may
become very expensive in the face of frequent inserts and
deletions as the entire tree must be rebuilt in the worst
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8 A-41
Example 11
• Write pseudocode for the
tableDelete operation when the
implementation uses a hash-table
with seperate chaining.
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Example 11 - Solution
tableDelete(Object item)
hashval = h(item.searchKey)
let LL = the linked list at table[hashval]
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Example 12
• Briefly explain/define these terms:
– 2-3 tree
– hash function
– adjacency list
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Example 12
• Briefly explain/define these terms:
– 2-3 tree
• tree where each node contains either 1 or 2 data items. nodes
containing 1 data item have 2 children, nodes containing 2 data
items have 3.
– hash function
• a function that maps a search key to a position in an array, to
implement an ADT table with efficient search/retrieval
– adjacency list
• a way to implement the ADT graph in which the nodes
adjacent to each node are stored in a linked list
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Example 13
• Given the following running times for input
n, what is the big-O measure of efficiency
– n + 6000
– n (log n) + n(n2 + 6000)
– log n + 6000n
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Example 13 - Solution
• Given the following running times for input
n, what is the big-O measure of efficiency
– n + 6000
----------------------- O(n)
– n (log n) + n(n2 + 6000) ------------ O(n3)
– log n + 6000n
-------------------- O(n)
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Example 14
• Which ADT is appropriate for each type of
– A pile of shoeboxes in a warehouse
– The World Wide Web
– A collection of employees at a company
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Example 14 - Solution
• Which ADT is appropriate for each type of
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Some more notes
• The final will look a lot like the midterm....
same kinds of questions
• Some people on the midterm seemed to
have trouble with recursion... it will be back
• There will be no cheat sheet of ADT
operations this time
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More types of examples
• Displaying contents of a Queue or Stack
• Writing data structure for an ADT... say the
Bag from earlier... need to decide data
• Inserting nodes in doubly linked/circular
linked lists
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