Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit Plan Template
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Unit Author
First and Last Name
Virgin Mae G. Villarmino, Darizza Lucylia E. Pajaron
School District
School Name
Crossing Bayabas National High School
School City, State
Toril, Davao City
Unit Overview
Unit Title
My Country – My People
Unit Summary
Students will discuss the onslaughts of the modern civilization and the dispersal of
our people. Also, they talk about adjectives while developing the skills in
pronunciation through listening, oral practice and interaction. Students will work
together in writing descriptions, reading selections and appreciate literary pieces
that would contribute to molding us into better persons, able to appreciate what it
means to be a Filipino and able to look to the future with hope. For the project, the
students will become a composer in which they are going to compose their own
song based on the poem “Like the Molave” and create a music video.
Subject Area
English 1 – New Horizons in Learning English
Grade Level
Grade 7
Approximate Time Needed
60 minutes per day, 5 weeks
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
Express appreciation for entertaining text (poem, short stories, etc.)
Ask and give directions and instructions of specific purposes.
Observe a correct pronunciation of critical vowel and consonant sounds,
intonation, stress patterns, pausing and blending.
Express emotional reaction to what is explicitly stated implied in the text.
Effectively express thoughts and feelings in writing poems and
correspondence for specific social purposes.
Discover Literature as a means of understanding man and society as
presented in English and Philippine Literature.
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
State whether a literary piece affirm, modifies one’s values system
 Infer motives, attitudes and values of a character from what does.
 Point and express appreciation for sense image in poems.
 Analyze and explain how the environment influences the person’s
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit the students will be able to:
 Discuss the onslaughts of the modern civilization and the dispersal of our
 Identify the adjectives
 Enhance the skills in pronunciation
 Appreciate the literary pieces that would contribute to molding us into better
 Give answers to questions about the literary pieces
 Compose their own song out of the poem “like the Molave”
 Create a music video out of the song they compose.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
How do we express ourselves?
How does the literary pieces influence our way of living?
What is the significance of studying Literature in enhancing the
four macro-skills?
What are the four macro-skills?
How important the four macro-skills in Literature?
How does the existence of Literature affects our life today?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Before project work
 Brainstormi  Interactive
 Discussion  Youtube
 Questionin
 Project
Students work on
projects and complete
After project work is
 Song
 Peer
 SongRubri  Reflection
t form
 Song
 Video
 Teacher’s
 Video
 SongRubri
 VideoRubri
Assessment Summary
Before the project begins, the students will have brainstorming in order to know
their different background knowledge in the subject then, discussion will be
followed to explain further the significance of the project to the topics that are going
to be discussed. After the discussion the teacher conducts interactive quiz to check
the students understanding of the topic. As it goes over with the topic students will
be going to watch a sample music video in the YouTube as their basis and
questioning will be used to follow up student’s observation in the video. The
teacher provides project planning template for the students to be used in
planning their project.
Students will write their own song based on the poem “Like the Molave” and they
will be divided into five groups with a maximum of five members and a minimum of
two. Teacher will present the song checklist and music video checklist to aid the
students to have a successful output. Also, the teacher will provide the song rubric
and music video rubricfor the students to be guided about the content,
organization and the style. The leader of the group will fill out the peer
assessment form to evaluate the performance of each member. Teacher will
conducts teacher’s conference to monitor the progress of each group. It also
allows time to hear the students moan and clarification.
In group, students utilize the song rubric and music video rubric to be reminded
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
of the criteria given. When the students finished presenting output in the class they
will write a reflection in which they will describe the things they learned and on
how they cope with the difficulties they encountered while making the project.
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Before the students go over with the entire unit, they must possess all the
 Basic macro-skills
 Computer skills
 Critical thinking
 Creative thinking
 Interpersonal skills
Instructional Procedures
Week 1
Introduction to the Unit
Prepare a power point presentation that will give an overview of the topic.
Encourage sharing of ideas about what they’ve learned from the slides presented.
Then, introduce and discuss the essential question that will be used throughout the
unit, How do we express ourselves? Let the students to think individually the
question and talk about their ideas to each other. Ask one student to share his/her
ideas in the whole class on Day 1.
Introduce the unit question, How does the literary pieces influence our way of
What is the significance of studying Literature in enhancing the four macroskills?And elaborate to the students that they will go over with this question
throughout the discussion and project on Day 2.
Teacher conducts brainstorming before go over to the discussion to assess
student’s background knowledge about the topic. During the discussion, teacher
encourages students to ask questions and clarifications to elicit further interaction
within a class and ask questions to each topic.
At the end of the discussion, students expect a quiz to test their understanding of
each topic on Day 3.
Teacher will discuss the onslaughts of the modern civilizations on Day 4. Then,
teacher will tackle about adjectives on Day 5 and students will answer the
interactive quiz after the discussion.
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Essentials Course
Week 2
As they go over with their discussion, teacher will review the past lesson they
have taken, before she will proceed to the new lesson. It is to check student’s
learning about the topic. Then, teacher will discuss sounds in focus: /f/ and /v/.
Teacher will read the following phrases then her students will repeat after her on
Day 1. Teacher conducts practice exercises in pronouncing the correct /f/ and /v/ on
Day 2. As it goes over, teacher asks the students to read the selection “A strong
and beautiful people” silently. After reading, teacher will discuss further the
selection they have read on Day 4. Students will answer the comprehension check
to test their understanding from what they have read on Day 5.
Week 3
As it goes over with the project, teacher will read the poem, “Like the Molave”
and unlock the difficult words that should be taken up on Day 1. Interpret and
understand the poem through exchanging ideas. Then, the teacher will give
summary to help students understand more of the poem on Day 2.
Students will be divided into five groups with a maximum of four members and
minimum of two. And they are task to compose a song out of the poem “Like the
Molave” on Day 3. The teacher will introduce the song checklist to them to aid in
making a unique song as well as the song rubric to be guided about the content,
organization and style on Day 4. Each group will have a collaborative discussion in
which they share ideas and thoughts about the poem and come up with a creative
song composition on Day 5.
Week 4
Explain to students the instruction and the task that they will be doing
throughout the project. Each group will select a leader to lead them throughout the
project making on Day 1. Out of the song they composed they will be going to make
a music video. Students will surf to the YouTube a sample music video as their
basis on Day 2. Before students start making their music video, teacher makes a
deadline on passing the final output. Teacher shortly discuss the basic information
and provide a multimedia project planning template to give students an idea of
what they are going to do then, teacher will explain the procedure on how to use
the template on Day 3.
As they set out their project, teachers show the music video checklist to aid
them to have a creative and successful output also, the music video rubric to
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Essentials Course
provide feedback about the organization, style and creativity on Day 4.
While doing their project, teacher must monitor the progress and entertain
questions from the students. Afterwards, present the peer assessment form to
the leader of each group to evaluate and give feedback to their members. Teacher
conducts teacher’s conference if it is necessary on Day 5.
Week 5
After the project work is completed the students utilize the song rubric and
the music video rubric to be reminded of the criteria given. Students will
showcase their final output in the class.
 Day 1 – Group 1 and 2
 Day 2 – Group 3, 4, and 5
Teacher asks further questions to test student’s learning from their project on
Day 4.
In the end, teacher allows students to make their reflections about their
learning in making the project on Day 5.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
List specific resources for the students to know where to find
the information about the topic.
Explore the students in adoptive technology and then guide
them on how to use it.
Reduce giving assignments and tasks or extend the time if
Allow collaborative work and recognize their strengths and
correct their weakesses.
Coordinate with the assignes English teacher to unblock the
difficult terms to aid the students in understanding the
vocabulary.The students show the music video to their
teacher. The teacher may help assess the students learning
In the classroom, the students must speak in English in
order to practice their speaking skills.
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Essentials Course
Encourage the gifted student to participate in the class
discussion and share their brilliant ideas.
Boost student’s confidence to do their tasks.
Enhance their skills to think critically.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware(Click boxes of all equipment needed)
Laser Disk
Video Camera
Digital Camera
Projection System
Video Conferencing Equip.
DVD Player
Internet Connection
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Image Processing
Web Page Development
Internet Web
Word Processing
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CDROM
English 1 – New Horizons in Learning English, checklists, rubrics
and templates.
Beat box
Video camera
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Essentials Course
Library, Community members and Teacher
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Intel Corporation.
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Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in
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