Proposal - The University of Texas at Arlington

Thesis Proposal on
Multi-stage prediction scheme for Screen Content based on HEVC
Under guidance of
Dr. K.R.Rao
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Texas, Arlington
Submitted by
Nagashree N. Mundgemane
UTA ID: 1001013512
Spring 2015
Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………5
2. Video Coding Standards………………………………………………………………...5
3. High Efficiency Video Coding…………………………………………………………..6
3.2.Picture Partitioning………………………………………………………………….8
3.3.Intra Prediction……………………………………………………………………..10
3.4.Inter Prediction……………………………………………………………………..11
3.5.Transform and Quantization………………………………………………………11
3.6.Entropy Coding……………………………………………………………………..11
3.7.Loop Filtering……………………………………………………………………….12
3.8.Parallel Processing………………………………………………………………….12
4. Screen Content Coding…………………………………………………………………13
4.2.Analysis of HEVC on Screen Content Coding……………………………………13
4.3. Screen Content Compression……………………………………………………...15
5. Problem Statement and Proposed Solution…………………………………………...15
6. References……………………………………………………………………………….16
AVC – Advanced Video Coding
AMVP- Advanced Motion Vector Prediction
CU- Coding unit
CTU- Coding tree unit
CABAC - Context adaptive binary arithmetic coding
CAVLC- Context Adaptive Variable Length Coding
DBF- Deblocking Filter
DFT – Discrete Fourier Transform
DCT – Discrete Cosine Transform
DST – Discrete Sine Transform
DPB - Decoded Picture Buffer
DC – Direct Current
FDIS- Final Draft International Standard
HD- High definition
HEB- High Efficiency Binarization
HEVC-High Efficiency Video Coding
HTB- High Throughput Binarization
ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union (Telecommunication Standardization Sector)
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO – International Standards Organization
JBIG- Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
JPEG - Joint photographic experts group
JCT-VC- Joint collaborative team on video coding
LCU- Larger Coding Unit
MPEG-Moving picture experts group
MRC- Mixed Raster Content
PU – Prediction Unit
SAO - Sample Adaptive Offset
SCC - Screen Content Coding
TU-Transform units
UHD - Ultra-high-definition
VCEG – Video Coding Experts Group
VCL-Variable Code Length
WPP - Wavefront Parallel Processing
1. Introduction
Uncompressed video that is recorded from a video camera occupies huge amount of storage
space. The high bit rates that result from various types of digital video make their transmission
through their intended channels very difficult. These types of digital videos would require
bandwidth and storage space more than that is available from CD-ROM and hence delivering
consumer quality video on a compact disc become impossible. The high volume of digital video
data has to be processed retaining the original quality of the videos.
In recent years, major works and researches have been done on storage, transmission, processor
technology and reduction of amount of data that needs to be stored. This reduction of bandwidth
has been made possible by improvements in video compression technology.
2. Video Coding Standards
The evolution of video coding standards started with the growth of ITU- T and ISO/IEC
standards [1]. The joint venture of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and the
ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) gave rise to H.262/MPEG-2 Video [2] and
H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding (AVC) [3] standards. The High Efficiency Video
Coding (HEVC) is the recent major breakthrough in video coding standards. HEVC is a joint
video project of ITU-T VCEG and ISO/IEC MPEG standardization organizations, in partnership
with Joint Collaborative Team- Video Coding (JCT- VC) [4].
The advancements in coding standards has enabled high definition (HD) TV signals over satellite
and terrestrial transmission systems, video content acquisition and editing systems, Internet and
mobile network video, video on demand, video chat and conferencing, etc. Present standards aim
for higher coding efficiency of HD and UHD (Ultra HD) formats (e.g., 4Kx2K or 8Kx4K
resolution) and increase the ability to stream higher quality video to lower bitrate connections at
lesser cost. Figure 1 shows the growth of video coding standards [52].
Figure 1. Growth and applications of video coding standards [52]
3. High Efficiency Video Coding
HEVC has the capacity to deliver better performance than earlier standards such as H.264/AVC.
It provides 50% better compression efficiency and supports resolutions up to 8192x4320 [1].
HEVC is based on block-based hybrid coding architecture. The architecture combines motioncompensated prediction and transform coding with high-efficiency entropy coding. Figure 2
shows the HEVC encoder block diagram [1]. Quad-tree coding block partitioning structure is
employed in HEVC which facilitates the use of large and multiple sizes of coding, prediction and
transform blocks [6]. HEVC includes advanced intra prediction and coding, adaptive motion
vector prediction and coding, a loop filter and an improved version of context-adaptive binary
arithmetic coding (CABAC) [40] entropy coding and high level structures for parallel
processing. Figure 3 shows the HEVC decoder block diagram [12].
Figure 2. Typical HEVC encoder block diagram [1].
Figure 3. Standard decoder block diagram of HEVC [12]
3.2.Picture partitioning
HEVC introduces larger block structures with flexible sub-partitioning mechanism. The basic
block is known as the largest coding unit (LCU) also known as macroblock and each macroblock
is split into smaller coding units (CUs). CUs are further split into small prediction units (PUs)
and transform units (TUs). Figure 4 illustrates picture partitioning [20].
Figure 4. Illustration of picture partitioning [20]
Coding Units
Each picture in HEVC is portioned into LCUs whose size varies from 16x16, 32x32 to 64x64.
Larger LCUs give way for better compression [1]. CUs are formed by further splitting LCUs.
The size of CU can vary from 64x64, 32x32, 16x16 and 8x8, depending on the picture content.
Context-adaptive coding tree structure is thus included in HEVC to code the recursively quartersize splitting of the macroblocks [7]. Figure 5 shows the splitting of 64x64 LCU into smaller
CUs [10].
Figure 5. Partitioning 64x64 LCU into various CUs [10]
Prediction Units
The basis for prediction is prediction units which are formed by splitting of each CU into smaller
units. PUs are used in both intra- and inter-prediction. Splitting of CUs (2Nx2N) into PUs can be
done only once hence forming PUs of size varying from Nx2N or 2NxN or four PUs of NxN. As
a result, PUs are symmetric or asymmetric. PUs can be as large as CUs, depending on the basic
prediction-type. Figure 6 shows square and rectangular sized PUs. Figure 5 shows symmetric
PUs. Figure 7 shows asymmetric PUs. Inter-prediction uses only asymmetric PUs.
Figure 6. Symmetric PUs [8]
Figure 7. Asymmetric PUs [8]
Transform Units
Coding units are recursively divided into quadtree of transform units (TUs) and this is used for
residual coding [1]. The TUs can be only square shaped and can be 32x32, 16x16, 8x8, 4x4 pixel
block sizes. TUs contain coefficients for spatial block transform and quantization.
Slices and Tiles structures
Slices are structures that consist of sequence of CUs. A slice segment may have one or more
slice segments beginning with an independent slice segment followed by subsequent dependent
slice segments.
Tiles contain an integer number of CUs and may consist of CUs contained in more than one
slice. Tiles are always rectangular and have specified boundaries that divide a picture into
rectangular regions.
Figure 8 shows CUs and slices on an image [9].
Figure 8. Picture showing CUs and Slices [9]
3.3.Intra prediction
Using spatial correlation within a picture, HEVC uses block-based intra-picture prediction.
HEVC has 35 luma intra-prediction modes providing flexibility compared with nine modes in
H.264/AVC. DC mode, planar mode and 33 directional modes are present in HEVC. Intraprediction can be done at different block sizes, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 [1]. Figures 9 and 10
show intra-prediction modes of HEVC and H.264/AVC.
The number of supported modes varies based on PU size. Table 1 show the different modes used
for various PU sizes [13]. Intra mode coding is done by forming a 3-entry list of modes. The list
is generated using left and above modes. If the desired mode is in the list, the index is sent,
otherwise the mode is sent explicitly.
Figure 9. HEVC intra-prediction mode [8]
Figure 10. H.264/AVC intra-prediction mode [8]
Table 1. Supported prediction modes for various PU size [13]
Luma intra-prediction modes supported for different PU
PU size
Intra-prediction modes
0-16, 34
0-2, 34
3.4.Inter prediction
Inter frame prediction takes the advantage from temporal redundancy between neighboring
frames to achieve higher compression rates. For a block of image samples, motion-compensated
prediction is derived. Figure 11 shows a block of images with some correlation between the
frames [14]. The correlation of motion data of a block with its neighboring blocks is predictively
coded based on neighboring motion data. The predictive coding of motion vectors is improved in
HEVC by introducing advanced motion vector prediction (AMVP) where the best predictor for
each motion block is signaled to the decoder [15].
Figure 11. Correlation between a block of frames [14]
3.5.Transform and quantization
HEVC applies a DCT-like integer transform (Discrete Cosine Transform) [39] on the prediction
residual. Figure 11 shows the application of DCT on a difference between two frames [14].The
transforms can be applied to square blocks of size of 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 and also on the
rectangular blocks, where the row transform and column transform have different sizes [6]. A
transform related to Discrete Sine Transform (DST) is used in HEVC which is used for intra
(4x4) luma blocks coded with some directional intra-prediction modes.
3.6.Entropy Coding
The syntax elements and quantized transform coefficients are all entropy coded. The base of
entropy coding is context-adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC). The main and high profiles
are coded using context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) [17] . In HEVC, there are
two modes of entropy coding: high efficiency binarization (HEB) and high throughput
binarization (HTB) [8]. CABAC module is used in HEB and CAVLV residual coding module is
used in HTB. Using CABAC gives high efficiency and CAVLC provides low complexity. Figure
12 shows block diagram of HEVC entropy coding [8].
Figure 12. Block diagram of HEVC entropy coding [8]
3.7.Loop filtering
HEVC introduces loop filtering to minimize noise and artifacts caused due to lossy compression.
The loop filtering includes deblocking filter and Sample Adaptive Offset (SAO) [6]. To diminish
the visibility of blocking artifacts, deblocking filter is used and is applied to samples present at
block boundaries. The accuracy of the reconstruction of original signal is improved by SAO and
is applied to all samples. Figure 13 shows the loop filtering method in HEVC decoder [6].
Figure 13. HEVC decoder with deblocking filter and SAO [6]
3.8. Parallel processing
Slices and tiles have to be encoded and decoded in parallel in HEVC. HEVC uses multi thread
decoder to decode a single picture with threads with two types of tools. One of the tools is Tiles
which allows the rectangular regions of a picture to be independently encoded and decoded.
Tiles allow random access to specific regions of a picture in a video stream. The other tools is
Wavefront Parallel Processing (WPP) which allows each slice to be broken into coding units
(CUs) and each CU can be decoded based on information from the preceding CU. Wavefront
parallel processing is achieved without breaking prediction dependencies and use maximum
context in entropy coding. Figure 14 illustrates tiles and wavefront parallel processing [20].
Figure 14. Illustration of Tiles and Wave fronts [20]
4. Screen Content Coding
4.1. Overview
Advancements in mobile and cloud technologies have increased demand for efficient coding of
screen content. Video materials containing camera-view video content with text overlays and
running banners, computer graphics like cartoons, alpha bending, mobile device display
contents, slide editing are examples of screen content. This screen content has different
characteristics when compared with natural video captured by cameras. Therefore, besides
traditional video coding standards, efficient compression of screen content is required. Figure 15
shows images of screen content.
Figure 15. Images of screen content: slide editing, alpha bending, video with text overlay, mobile
display content
4.2. Analysis of HEVC on Screen Content Coding
Images with screen content are compound images which are dominated by several major colors
that may be significantly different from each other and image structures are more complex than
that in photographic images [23]. Frequency representation of natural video depicts energy
distribution to be concentrated at low frequencies, while the energy of screen video is scattered
over co-efficient in all frequencies. The inter frame correlation of screen video is different and
non-translational changes such as foreground changes also occur. Various techniques introduced
in HEVC provide efficient coding tools for natural videos but they cannot guarantee the best
coding efficiency for screen content.
Angular Intra Prediction
In HEVC, 33 directional prediction modes, DC mode and planar mode are introduced to improve
prediction accuracy and reduction in energy of intra predicted residue is significant. The
directional correlation within a screen content block varies pixel by pixel which causes angular
intra prediction poor at removing redundancy of screen content block [22].
The motion estimation model in HEVC for video content with inter frame redundancy improves
inter prediction accuracy. A non-translational change in screen content cannot be compensated
by traditional motion estimation model [22]. Thus removal of inter frame redundancy is poor and
accurately predicting inter frames changes has to be addressed in screen content coding. Figure
16 shows an example of inter frame changes such as foreground change in a video conference
Figure 16. Example of foreground change in screen content
Loop Filters
Loop filter is introduced in HEVC to improve the visual quality of reconstructed blocks and
remove the blocking artifacts. In screen content, neighboring blocks are inconsistent with each
other at boundaries thus loop filtering may downgrade the quality of screen content [22].
4.3. Screen Content Compression
To compress compound images efficiently, techniques are grouped into two categories: layer
based approach and block based approach.
Layer Based Approach
Layer based approach implements mixed raster content (MRC) model [24], which separates
images into foreground, background and binary mask layers. The image layers are coded using
JPEG [25] and JPEG2000 [26] and binary mask layer is compressed using JBIG and JBIG2 [27]
Block Based Approach
Block based approach classifies compound images into blocks with different characteristics and
compress blocks with different algorithms. An image is decomposed into smooth blocks, picture
blocks, text blocks and hybrid blocks [28].
5. Problem Statement and Proposed Solution
Screen content needs efficient compression scheme which handles directional features and nontranslational changes. The decoded screen video sequence requires handling of ringing artifacts
around sharp edges and reserving the shape of the text without blur. A compound image is
divided into color component and structure component. The color component can be represented
using several base colors and structure component can be represented using index mapping
which specifies the color of each pixel.
The aim of this thesis is to exploit the correlations among the structure components by predicting
current index using multi-stage prediction scheme in intra block copy of screen content to
achieve bitrate savings.
The proposed scheme is incorporated into HEVC structure and implementations are carried out
on HEVC range extension software HM Test Model 16.1 [29].
6. References
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