New England

The English Establish 13 Colonies
Early Colonies Have Mixed Success
Virginia Dare: 1st English child born in America.
Croatoan: Local tribe and was carved in a tree.
When White returned to Roanoke he found it and
discovered everyone disappeared.
Roanoke failed as an English settlement
Sir Walter Raleigh: Got permission to sponsor
England’s first American colony. He named
the colony Virginia.
1. Lack of food
2. Local Tribes
This forced the colonists back to England
Joint Stock Company: companies funded by a
group of investors.
Investors: person who puts money into a
project to earn a profit.
1. Virginia Company of London
 2. Virginia Company of Plymouth
Mercantillism: Economic system that European
nations used to enrich their treasures.
Charter: A written contract, issued by Government
giving rights to establish a colony.
Jamestown - 1st permanent English settlement
in North America.
Jamestown Struggles to Survive
Become sick/ Lack of Water and Food
Looked for gold instead of building and
preparing for winter.
John Smith: took control of colony. He
brought order to the colony
Powhatan Tribe: Trade with colonists but still
had an intense relationship. Until Chief’s
daughter… Pocahontas married John Rolfe.
They didn’t find gold but found another
product that brought them wealth… Tobacco
1614: sent 1st shipment back to England. Very
Popular and ensured survival of colony.
Colonists demanded a share/ company gave
them land. Colonists worked harder than ever.
Along the Chesapeake Bay and James River so
you can ship directly to England.
Headright: 50 acre land grant / who could pay
way to colony.
Indentured Servant: One’s who couldn’t pay
their way. Worked for landlord #4 to 6 years
given freedom.
1619- 1st representative assembly in colonies.
1. Passed Local Laws
 2. Taxes
• Representative Government
• James I took back company’s charter turned Virginia
into a royal colony- ruled by King –appointed
• Got rid of the assembly
• Colonist petitioned for representation in the
Colonies until James I death and Charles I restored
the assembly.
New England Colonies
John Winthrop: Puritan leader who became 1st
governor of Massachusetts.
The Voyage of the May Flower
 Dissenters: people who disagree with England’s
official church.
Religious Freedom and Self Government
 Separatist: wanted to separate from church of England.
 King James – Persecuted or mistreated – the separation
for rejecting England’s official church.
The escaped persecuted fled to Holland a
country known for its tolerance: acceptance of
different opinions.
Pilgrims or separatists: a person who goes on
a religious journey .
Pilgrims Found Plymouth (Nov. 1620)
Settlement called Plymouth.
Most men signed agreement
Mayflower Compact: document that helped
establish the practice of self government
Squanto: taught pilgrims to plant nature crop.
1621- 3 day feast do a good harvest. It was the first
Thanksgiving in New England.
This feast represented peace between English
Settlers and Native Americans.
Puritans: purify the English Church
They founded Boston, which is the most
important town in New England
1630- 1640 – 20,000 settlers came to the area
called the Great Migration
Religious- commonwealth- self governing
Congregation: A group of people who belong
to the same church.
Congregationalist: (The New England Way)
Puritan Values
1.hard work
 2. education
 3. Representative government
Freeman- could vote male church member
Mass. Is a seed colony: out of which other New
England colonies grew.
Puritans felt threatened and left Mass.
Roger Williams shocked the puritans by:
The colonists had no right to take Native American
 No one should be forced to attend church
 Puritans should not impose their religious beliefs on
 Church and state should be kept separate
He was banished for his beliefs. He founded Rhode
Island colony. That colony guaranteed tolerance and
separation of state
Also started 1st Baptist church in America
Anne Hutchinson: dissenter – Left and went to
Rhode Island. She believed that many of the
clergy were not among the elect- those chosen
by God for salvation.
John Wheelwright: also fled an established
Exeter which is now New Hampshire.
Hooker- moved congregation to Conn Valley
Settlers wrote Fundamental Order of Conn.Voting Rights to non-church members –
representatives Government
Puritans wouldn’t 6+ intolerant of Quakers –
Protestant dissenters.
Quakers believed women were equal to men.
Women served as preachers and missionaries.
Threatened the New England Way
Martyrs: people who choose to die for a
religious purpose.
A famous martyr: Mary Dyer
New England Settlers came from the middle
ranks of English society. Many were highly
skilled and educated.
The Southern Colonies
Lord Baltimore Founds Maryland
 (1634) The second Southern colony was founded, Maryland.
It was on the Chesapeake Bay.
 It was in tended to be a new society free from religious
conflicts of Europe.
The Act of Toleration
 Gave Maryland to Lord Baltimore as a proprietary colony: a
colony governed by a single owner.
 The first settlement was St. Mary’s City. It became the
 Colonists were allowed to elect an assembly and in 1649 the
Act of Toleration : forbade religious persecution.
Raised tobacco
Used up the nutrients in the soil / continued to
clear land
Planters always searching for workers
The workers were:
1. slaves
2. indentured servants
The Carolinas
In 1640 England was in a civil war and colonization
In 1660’s Monarchy was restored and Charles II King
rewarded 8 supporters by giving the land for a new
colony (The Carolinas)
Owners Offer
 A. offers religious toleration
 B. large land grants
 C. Political representation
It was a refuge for Huguenots: or French Protestants
who fled France.
Rice and Slavery
• Cash crop for Carolina’s was RICE
• Elite: High ranking group. The elite used slaves to
raise cash crops. The slaves outnumbered the elite
and the elite feared a revolt.
Colonist Revolt
Colonists were unhappy that proprietors did not
provide military protection from Spanish and Native
Colonists overthrew proprietors rule. King
took over and made North and South Carolina
a royal colony. The Governors were appointed
by the king.
James Oglethorpe received a charter for Georgia.
1st settlement was Savannah
Debtors and Poor could make a new start.
Diversity and variety could make a new start.
All religions were welcomed but Catholics. The
were to sympathize with Spanish.
Oglethorpe had strict rules. He opposed large
plantations and slavery. Poor settlers to set up
small farms.
Feared slave revolt would weaken colony.
Upset with South Carolina’s prosperity.
Georgia legalized Slavery and Royal Colony.
Also turned into Plantation Society.
Region of the South
Tidewater- Soil and Climate- warm water crops
1. Tobacco
2. Rice
3. Indigo
The Dutch – founded New Netherlands – Peter
Stuyvesant, the new governor
Restored order to wild colonial outpost
Weren’t bounded together- stop the diversity
Modern Day New York
Diversity was their strength
Attracted a population of great ethnic and
religious background
New Netherland – along the Hudson River
Largest Town – New Amsterdam
Patroon – A person who brought so settlers to
New Netherlands
Received large land grant
 Hunting, fishing, and fur trading privileges
 Religious Tolerance
English ran Dutch from New NetherlandsKing Charles II
Duke of York- Ships arrived Dutch
surrendered and English renamed the colony
New York- Proprietor Colony.
Duke of York- Largest Landowner in America
The province New Jersey gave to Sir George
Carteret and Lord John Berkley.
William Penn- Another land owner –Born to a
rich family that loaned Charles II money.
Gave him land to pay back his debt. Pennsylvania
– “Penn’s Woods”
Penn granted 3 lower counties own assembly and
a later known as a colony of Delaware.
Penn joined Quakers to dismay of father
Practice their beliefs
 Free of Persecution
Pennsylvania- “Holy Experiment”
Capital – Philadelphia
Richest Colonies in America- Wealthiest
By 1730’s -13 colonies are thriving
Population –Doubling every 25 years
1. People who put money into a project to earn
2. 1st permanent English settlement in North
3. 50 acres / land grant?
4. wanted to separate from the Church of
5. The Ship the Pilgrims sailed on?
6. Wanted to purify the Church of England?
7. Founded Rhode Island?
8. -10. Puritan Values?