Page 1 of 99 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN (KOLKATA REGION) CLASS-XII SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) TOPIC: DATA STRUCTURES, ARRAY, STACK, QUEUE (Important Questions) SUBMITTED BY: MRS. RANJITA SARKAR (MONDAL), PGT (COMP.SCI.), K. V. GARDEN REACH. UNIT 2: DATA STRUCTURES CHAPTER 1: ARRAYS SINGLE DIMENSION ARRAY 1. Write the definition of a function Change (int P [ ], int N) in C++, which should change all [2] the multiples of 10 in the array to 10 and rest of the elements as 1. For example, if an array of 10 integers is as follows : [2015] After executing the function, the array content should be changed as follows : P[0] 2. Write code for a function void EvenOdd ( int T[ ], int C ) in C++, to add 1 in all the odd values and 2 in all the even values of the array T. Example : If the original content of the array T is [3] [2014] [3] [2013] The modified content will be : 3. Write the definition for a function void Transfer (int A [6], int B [6] ) in C++, which takes two integer arrays, each containing 6 elements as parameters. The function should exchange all odd places (1st, 3rd and 5th ) of the two arrays, for example If the array A contains and if the array B contains Page 2 of 99 Then the function should make the contents of the array A as And the contents of array B as 4. Write a function SWAP2BEST (int ARR [ ], int Size) in C++ to modify the content of the [3] array in such a way that the elements, which are multiples of 10 swap with the value present in the very next position in the array. For example : If the content of array ARR is 90, 56, 45, 20, 34, 54 The content of array ARR should become 56, 90, 45, 34, 20, 54 [2012] 5. Write a Get1From2 ( ) function in C++ to transfer the content from two arrays FIRST [ ] [3] and SECOND [ ] to array ALL [ ]. The even places (0, 2, 4 ...) of array ALL [ ] should get the content from the array FIRST [ ] and odd places (1, 3, 5,) of the array ALL [ ] should get the content from the array SECOND [ ]. Example: If the FIRST [ ] array contains 30, 60, 90 And the SECOND[ ] array contains 10, 50, 80 The ALL [ ] array should contain 30, 10, 60, 50, 90, 80 [2011] 6. Write a function CHANGE( ) in C++, which accepts an array of integer and its size as [3] parameters and divide all those array elements by 7 which are divisible by 7 and multiply other-array elements by 3. Sample Input Data of the array [2010] Content of the array after Calling CHANGE() function 7. Given two arrays A and B. Array A contains all the elements of „B‟ but one more element extra. Write a C++ function which accepts array A and B and its size as arguments / parameters and find out the extra element in Array A. (Restriction: array elements are not in order) [3] [2009] Page 3 of 99 Example: If Array A is {14, 21, 5, 19, 8, 4, 23, 11} and Array B is {23, 8, 19, 4, 14, 11, 5 } Then output will be 5 (extra element in Array A) 8. Write a function in C++ which accepts a integer array and its size as an arguments and prints the output (using nested loops) in following format : Example : if the array is having 12459 Then the output should be 1 22 4444 55555 999999 [4] [2008] 9. Write a function in C++ which accepts an integer array and its arguments and [4] replaces elements having even values with its half and elements having odd values with twice its value. Example : if an array of five elements initially contains the elements as 3, 4, 5, 16, 9 then the function should rearrange the content of the array as 6, 2, 10, 8, 18 [2007] 10. Write a function in C++ which accepts an integer array and its size as arguments / [4] parameters and then assigns the elements into a two dimensional array of integers in the following format: If the array is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 The resultant 2 D array is given below 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 If the array is 1, 2, 3 The resultant 2 D array is given below 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 1 [2006] 11. Write a function bubble sort to sort the passed array of 10 integers in descending order using bubble sort. [2006] [2] Page 4 of 99 TWO DIMENSIONAL ARRAY 1. Write a function REVROW (int P [ ] [5], int N, int M) in C++ to display the content of a [3] two dimensional array, with each row content in reverse order. For example, if the content of array is as follows : 15 12 56 45 51 13 91 92 87 63 11 23 61 46 81 The function should display output as: 51 45 56 12 15 63 87 92 91 13 81 46 61 23 81 [2015] 2. Write a user-defined function AddEnd2 (int A [ ] [4], int N, int M) in C++ to find and [2] display the sum of all the values, which are ending with 2 (i.e., units place is 2). For example if the content of array is : 22 16 12 19 5 2 The output should be 36. [2014] 3. Write a user-defined function int SumSingle ( int A [4] [4] ) in C++, which finds and [2] returns the sum of all numbers present in the first row of the array, for example, if the array contains [2013] Then the function should return 33. 4. Write a function ALTERNATE ( int A [ ] [ 3 ], int N, int M ) in C++ to display all alternate elements from two-dimensional array A (starting from A [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ). For example : If the array is containing : 23 54 76 37 19 28 62 13 19 The output will be 23 76 19 62 19 [2] [2012] 5. Write a COLSUM ( ) function in C++ to find sum of each column of a N x M Matrix. [2] [2011] Page 5 of 99 6. Write a function int SKIPSUM (int A [ ] [3], int N,int M) in C++ to find and return the sum of elements from all alternate elements of a two-dimensional array starting from A[0][0]. Hint: If the following is the content of the array [2] [2010] Write a function in C++ which accepts an integer array and its size as arguments / [3] parameters and assigns the elements into a two dimensional array of integers in the following format. if the array is 9,8,7,6,5,4 The resultant 2D array is given below [2009] The function SKIPSUM() should add elements A[0][0], A[0][2], A[1][l], A[2][0] and A[2][2]. 25. if the array is 1, 2, 3 The resultant 2D array is given below 31. Write a function in C++ which accepts a 2D array of integers and its size as arguments and displays the elements of middle row and the elements of middle column. [Assuming the 2D Array to be a square matrix with odd dimension i.e. 3×3, 5×5, 7×7 etc...] Example, if the array content is 354 769 218 Output through the function should be : Middle Row : 7 6 9 Middle Column : 5 6 1 [2] [2007] Page 6 of 99 MEMORY ADDRESS CALCULATION 2. A two dimensional array ARR [50] [20] is stored in the memory along the row with each of [3] its elements occupying 4 bytes. Find the address of the element ARR [30] [10], if the element ARR [10] [5] is stored at the memory location 15000. [2015] 6. An array A[20][30] is stored along the row in the memory with each element requiring 4 [3] bytes of storage. If the base address of array A is 32000, find out the location of A[15][10]. Also, find the total number of elements present in this array. [2014] 10. An array S [10] [15] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 2 bytes of [3] storage. If the base address of array S is 25000, determine the location of S [5] [10] if the array S is stored along the column. [2013] 14. An array T [20] [10] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the elements occupying 2 bytes. Find out the memory the memory location of T [10] [5], if the element T [2] [9] is stored at the location 7600. [3] [2012] 18. An array P[20] [50] is stored in the memory along the column with each of its element occupying 4 bytes, find out the 1ocation of P[15][10], if P[0][0] is stored at 5200. [2] [2011] 22. An array P[50][60] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the element occupying 2 bytes, find out the memory location for the element P[10] [20], if the Base Address of the array is 6800. [3] [2010] 26. Each element of an array DATA[10][10] requires 8 bytes of storage. If base address of array DATA is 2000, determine the location of DATA[4][5], when array is stored (i) Row-wise. (ii) Column-wise [4] [2009] 28. An array A[10][20] is stored in the memory with each element occupying 2 bytes of storage. If the Base address of array in the memory is 800 , determine the location of A[9][10] when the array is stored as (i) Row Major (ii) column major. [3] [2008] 30. An array Arr[15][20] is stored in the memory along the row with each element occupying 4 bytes. Find out the Base Address and address of the element Arr[3][2], if the element Arr[5][2] is stored at the address 1500. [4] [2007] 33. An array MAT [15] [7] is stored in the memory along the column with each element [4] occupying 2 bytes of memory. Find out the base address and the address of element MAT [2] [5], if the location of MAT [5] [4] is stored at the address 100. [2006] Page 7 of 99 CHAPTER 2: STACK 1. Write the definition of a member function PUSH( ) in C++, to add a new book in a [4] [2015] dynamic stack of BOOKS considering the following code is already included in the program : struct BOOKS { char ISBN[20], TITLE[80]; BOOKS *Link; }; class STACK { BOOKS *Top; public: STACK(){Top=NULL;} void PUSH(); void POP(); ~STACK(); }; 2. Convert the following Infix expression to its equivalent Postfix expression, showing the [2] [2015] stack contents for each step of conversion : U * V + R / ( S – T ) 3. Evaluate the following postfix expression. Show the status of stack after execution of each [2] [2014] operation separately : T, F, NOT, AND, T, OR, F, AND 4. Write a function PUSHBOOK ( ) in C++ to perform insert operation on a Dynamic Stack, [4] [2014] which contains Book_no and Book_Title. Consider the following definition of NODE, while writing your C++ code. struct NODE { int Book_No; char Book_Title[20]; NODE *Next; }; 5. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a stack and show the contents of stack after execution of each operation: 5, 3, 2, *, 4, 2, /, -, * [2] [2013] 6. Write a function in C++ to perform Insert operation in a static circular Queue containing Book’s information (represented with the help of an array of structure BOOK). struct BOOK { long Accno; // Book Accession Number Char Title [20]; // Book Title }; [4] [2012] Page 8 of 99 7. Evaluate the following POSTFIX notation. Show status of Stack after every step of evaluation (i.e. after each operator): True, False, NOT, AND, False, True, OR, AND [2] [2012] 8. Evaluate the following postfix notation of expression: [2] [2011] 9. Write a complete program in C++ to implement dynamically allocated Stack containing names of Countries. 50, 60, + , 20, 10, -, * [4] [2010] 10. Evaluate the following postfix notation of expression: (Show status of Stack after each operation) False, True, NOT, OR, True, False, AND, OR [2] [2010] 11. Write the function to perform push and pop operation on a dynamically allocated stack of customers implemented with the help of the following structure: struct employee { int eno; char ename[20]; employee *link; }; [4] [2009] 12. Evaluate the following postfix notation of expression: 5, 11, , 6, 8, +, 12, *, / [2] [2009] 13. Consider the following portion of a program , which implements a linked stack for [3] [2008] Library. Write the definition of function PUSH(),to insert a new node in the stack with required information. struct Library { int id; char names[20]; }; class stack { Library *top; public : stack() { top=NULL; } void PUSH(); void POP(); }; 14. Convert the following infix expression into postfix. show the stack status after execution of each operation: TRUE OR FALSE AND NOT FALSE OR FALSE [2] [2008] 15. Evaluate the following postfix notation of expression : 15 3 2 + / 7 + 2 * [2] [2007] Page 9 of 99 16. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a stack and show the contents of the stack after execution of each operation. 5, 10, *, 20, 2, /, + [2] [2006] CHAPTER 3: QUEUE 1. Give the necessary declaration of linked implemented Queue containing players information [4] [2013] (as defined in the following definition of Node). Also write a user defined function in C++ to delete one Player’s information from the Queue. struct Node { int PlayerNo; char PlayerName[20]; Node *Link; } 2. Write a function in C++ to perform Insert: operation on a dynamically allocated Queue [4] [2011] containing Passenger details as given in the following definition of NODE. struct NODE { long Pno; //passenger Number char Pname[20] ; //passenger Name NODE *Link.; }; 3. Write a function in C++ to delete a node containing names of student , from a dynamically [3] [2008] allocated Queue of names implemented with the help of following structure : struct student { char name[20]; student *next; } *front , *rear; 4. Write a function in C++ to delete a node containing customer’s information, from a [4] [2007] dynamically allocated Queue of Customers implemented with the help of the following structure : struct Customer { int CNo; char CName[20]; Customer *Link; }; 5. What is circular queue? How is it different from simple queue? Write a function in C++ to [4] [2006] perform Delete operation in dynamically allocated Queue containing names of students. Page 10 of 99 QUESTION BANK OF COMPUTER SCIENCE BOOLEAN ALGEBRA (Chapter -13) 1. [CBSE-2015] [2] a. Verify the following using Boolean Laws : U’+V = U’V’+ U’.V + U.V b. Draw the Logic Circuit for the following Boolean Expression : (X’+Y).W’Z c. Derive a Canonical POS expression for a Boolean function F, Represented by the following truth table : P Q R F(P,Q,R) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 [2] [1] d. Reduce the following Boolean Expression to its simplest form using K-Map : [3] F(X,Y,Z,W)=∑ (0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15) 2. [CBSE-2014] a. b. Name the law shown below and verify it using a truth table. X+X’.Y=X+Y Obtain the Boolean Expression for the logic circuit shown below : [2] [2] Page 11 of 99 c. Write the Product of Sum form of the function F(X, Y, Z) for the following truth table representation of F: [1] X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Y 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 F 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 d. Obtain the minimal form for the following Boolean expression using Karnaugh’s Map : [3] F(A,B,C,D)= ∑ (1,3,4,5,6,7,12,13) 3. a. Verify the following using Boolean laws [CBSE 2013] [2] A+C=A=A+A’.C+B.C b. Obtain the Boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below – [2] c. Write the product of sum form of the function G(U,V,W) for the following truth table representation of G [1] U V W G 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 d. Obtain the minimal form for the following Boolean expression using Karnaugh’s Map : [3] Page 12 of 99 H(P,Q,R,S)= ∑ (0,1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10,14,15) 4. [ CBSE -2012] [2] a. Verify the following using truth table – 1. X.X’=0 2. X+1=1 b. Write the equivalent Boolean expression for the following logic circuit [2] c. Write the product of sum form of the function F , which is represented in truth table as follows[1] d. X Y Z F 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 e. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K MapF(A,B,C,D)= ∑ (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11) 5. [3] [CBSE-2011] [2] a. Verify the following using Truth Table X+Y.Z=(X+Y).(X+Z) b. Write the equivalent Boolean Expression for the following Logic Circuit. & 2009 [2] CBSE 2011, 2010 c. Write the SOP form of a Boolean function F, which is represented in a truth as follows [1] U 0 0 0 0 1 V 0 0 1 1 0 W 0 1 0 1 0 F 1 0 0 1 0 Page 13 of 99 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 d. Reduce the following Boolean Expression using K-Map : F(A,B,C,D) = ∑ (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10) 6. [3] [CBSE-2010] a. Verify the following algebraically. (A’+B’).(A+B) = A’.B’+A.B’ [2] b.Write the POS form of Boolean function H, which is represented in a truth table as follows : X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Y 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 [1] H 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 b. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-map : F (U,V,W,Z)= ∑ (3,5,7,10,11,13,15,) 7. [3] [CBSE-2009] a. State and verify absorption using truth table [2] b. Write the POS form of Boolean function G, which is represented in a truth table as follows [1] U V W G 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 c. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-map : [3] Page 14 of 99 H(U,V,W,Z)= ∑ (0,1,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,15) 8. a. b. c. d. 9. a. b. c. [CBSE-2008] State and verify De Morgan’s law in Boolean Algebra [2] Draw a Logical Circuit Diagram for the following Boolean Expression [1] X’. (Y’ + Z) Convert the following Boolean expression into its equivalent Canonical Sum of Product Form(SOP) [2] (X’ + Y + Z’) . (X’ + Y + Z) . (X’ + Y’ + Z) . (X’ + Y’ + Z’) Reduce the following Boolean expression using K - Map [3] F (A,B,C,D) = ∑(0,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,12) [ CBSE-2007] State Distributive law and verify the same using truth table [2] Write the equivalent Canonical Sum of Product expression for the following Product of Sum Expression[2] F(X,Y,Z) = 𝞹(1 ,3,6, 7) Write the equivalent Boolean Expression for the following Logic Circuit [1] d. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map 10. F(U,V,W,Z) = Σ (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11) State and verify associative law [2] [3] [CBSE-2006] a. Write the equivalent expression for the following logic circuit [2] b. Express P+Q’R in POS form. c. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K Map: F(P,Q,R,S)= 𝞹(0,3,5,6,7,11,12,15) [1] [3] Page 15 of 99 Questions that have been repeated at least three or more times Topic of Questions are : Question no 5 (a) Key , Primary Key , Candidate Key ,Alternate Key Question no 5 (b) SELECT * FROM <TABLENAME> ASC, DESC order command BETWEEN Keyword DISTINCT keyword COUNT( ), COUNT(*) , COUNT(DISTINCT <FIELDNAME>) MAX( ) MIN( ) Two table query Questions that have been repeated one or two times. Topic of Questions are : Question no 5 (a) Cartesian Product , Selection & Projection , DDL and DML commands Question no 5 (b) INSERT COMMAND SUM( ) LAST 10 YEAR QUESTIONS COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) [AISSCE 2015 ] Q. Observe the following table carefully and write the names of the most appropriate columns, which can be considered as (i) Candidate keys and (ii) Primary key: [2] [AISSCE 2015 ] Code Item Qty Price 1001 1004 1005 1009 Plastic Folder 14” Pen Stand Standard Stapler Mini Punching Machine Small Stapler Big 100 200 250 200 3400 4500 1200 1400 Transaction Date 2014-12-14 2015-01-31 2015-02-28 2015-03-12 100 1500 2015-02-02 1003 Page 16 of 99 Q. Consider the following DEPT and EMPLOYEE tables. Write SQL queries for (i) to (iv) and find outputs for SQL queries(v) and (VIII): [6] [AISSCE 2015 ] Table : DEPT DCODE DEPARTMENT D01 INFRASTRUCTURE D02 MARKETING D03 MEDIA D05 FINANCE D04 HUMAN REOURCE Table :EMPLOYEE LOCATION DELHI DELHI MUMBAI KOLKATA MUMBAI WNO 1001 1002 1003 1007 1004 NAME DOJ DOB GENDER DCODE Gorge K 2013-09-02 1991-09-01 MALE D01 RymaSen 2012-12-11 1990-12-15 FEMALE D03 Mohitesh 2013-02-03 1987-09-04 MALE D05 Anil Jha 2014-01-17 1984-10-19 MALE D04 Manila 2012-12-09 1986-11-14 FEMALE D01 Sahai 1005 R Sahay 2013-11-18 1987-03-31 MALE D02 1006 Jaya Priya 2014-06-09 1985-06-23 FEMALE D05 (i) To display Eno, Name,Gender from the table EMPLOYEE in ascending order of Eno. (ii) To display the Name of all the MALE employees from the table EMPLOYEE. (iii) To display the Eno and Name of those worker from the table EMPLOYEE who are born between ‘1987-0101’ and ‘1991-12-01’. (iv) To count and display FEMALE employees who have joined after ‘1986-01-01’. (v) SELECT COUNT(*), DCODE FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DCODE HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ; (vi) SELECT DISTINCT DEPARTMENT FROM DEPT; (vii)SELECT NAME, DEPARTMENT FROM EMPLOYEE E , DEPT D WHERE E.DCODE = D.DCODE AND ENO<1003 ; (viii) SELECT MAX(DOJ), MIN(DOB) FROM EMPLOYEE; Q. Explain the concept of Cartesian Product between two tables, with the help of appropriate example. [2] [AISSCE 2014 ] Note. Answer the questions (b) and (c) on the basis of the following tables SHOPPE and ACCESSORIES. Table: SHOPPE ID SNAME Area Page 17 of 99 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 ABC Computronics All Infotech Media Tech Shoppe Geeks Techno Soft Hitech Tech Store CP GK II CP Nehru Place Nehru Place Table: ACCESSORIES No A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 Name Mother Board Hard Disk Keyboard Mouse Mother Board Keyboard LCD LCD Mouse Hard Disk Price 12000 5000 500 300 13000 400 6000 350 350 4500 Id S01 S01 S02 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S05 S03 Que. Write SQL queries: [4] [AISSCE 2014 ] (i) To display IName and Price of all the Accessories in ascending order of their price. (ii) To display Id and SName of all Shoppe located in Nehru Place. (iii) To display Minimum and Maximum Price of each Name of Accessories. (iv) To display Name,Price of all Accessories and their respective SName where they are available. Que. Write the output of the following SQL commands: [2] [AISSCE 2014 ] (i) SELECT DISTINCT NAME FROM ACCESSORIES WHERE PRICE>=5000; (ii) SELECT AREA, COUNT(*) FROM SHOPPE GROUP BY AREA ; (iii) SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT AREA) FROM STORE; (iv) SELECT NAME , PRICE*0.05 DISCOUNT FROM ACCESSORIES WHERE SNO IN (‘SO2’,’S03’) ; Q 5(a) Explain the concept of candidate key with the help of an example.[2] [AISSCE 2013 ] Note: Write SQL queries for (b) to (g) and write the outputs for the SQL queries mentioned shown in (h1) to (h4) parts on the basis of tables PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS[4] [AISSCE 2013] Table : PRODUCTS Pin Pname Qty Price Company Supcode Page 18 of 99 101 Digital camera 14X 102 Digital pad 11i 104 Pen Drive 16 GB 106 Led screen 32 105 Car GPS system Table : SUPPLIERS Supcode S01 S03 S02 120 100 500 70 60 Sname Get all inc Easy market corp Digi busy group 12000 22000 1100 28000 12000 Renix Digi pop Storeking Dispexperts Moveon S01 S02 S01 S02 S03 City Kolkata Delhi Chennai (b) To display the details of all the products in ascending order of product names (i.e. Pname) (c) To display product name and price of all those products, whose price is in the range of 10000 and 15000 ( both values inclusive). (d) To display the number of products, which are supplied by each supplier i.e. the expected output should be : S01 S03 S02 2 2 1 (e) To display the price ,product name and quantity( i.e. qty) of those products which have quantity more than 100. (f) To display the names of those suppliers, who are either from DELHI or from CHENNAI. (g) To display the names of the companies and the name of the products in descending order of company names. (h) Obtain the outputs of the following SQL queries based on the data given in tables PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS above. [2] [AISSCE 2013 ] (h1) SELECT DISTINCT SUPCODE FROM PRODUCTS; (h2) SELECT MAX(PRICE) , MIN(PRICE) FROM PRODUCTS; (h3) SELECT PRICE*QTY AMOUNT FROM PRODUCTS WHERE PID=104; (h4) SELECT PNAME, SNAME FROM PRODUCTS P , SUPPLIERS S WHERE P.SUPCODE = S.SUPCODE AND QTY>100 ; [AISSCE 2012 ] 5. (b) Give a suitable example of a table with a sample data and illustrate Primary and Alternate keys in it. [2] [AISSCE 2012 ] Page 19 of 99 Consider the following tables CARDEN and CUSTOMER and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question: Table: CARDEN Ccode 501 503 502 509 510 CarName A-Star Indigo Innova SX4 C Class Make Suzuki Tata Toyota Suzuki Mercedes Color RED SILVER WHITE SILVER RED Capacity 3 3 7 4 4 Charges 14 12 15 14 35 Table: CUSTOMER Ccode 1001 1002 1003 1004 Cname Hemant Sahu Raj Lal Feroza Shah Ketan Dhal Ccode 501 509 503 502 (b) Write SQL commands for the following statements : [4] [AISSCE 2012 ] (i) To display the names of all the silver colored Cars. (ii) To display name of car, make and capacity of cars in descending order of their seating capacity. (iii) To display the highest charges at which a vehicle can be hired from CARDEN. (iv) To display the customer name and corresponding name of the cars hired by them. (c) Give the output of the following SQL queries : [2] [AISSCE 2012 ] (i) SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT Make) FROM CARDEN; (ii) SELECT MAX(Charges), MIN(Charges) FROM CARDEN; (iii) SELECT COUNT(*), Make FROM CARDEN; (iv) SELECT CarName FROM CARDEN WHERE Capacity = 4; [AISSCE 2011 ] Q 5. (a) What do you understand by Selection & Projection operations in relational algebra ? [2] [AISSCE 2011 ] Page 20 of 99 Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and SALGRADE and answer (b) and (c) parts of this question: Table: EMPLOYEE ECODE 101 102 103 105 105 NAME Abdul Ahmad Ravi Chander John Ken Nazar Ameen Priyam Sen DESIG EXECUTIVE HEAD-IT RECEPTIONIST GM CEO SGRADE S03 S02 S03 S02 S01 DOJ 23-Mar-2003 12-Feb-2010 24-Jun-2009 11-Aug-2006 29-Dec-2004 DOB 12-Jan-1980 22-Jul-1987 24-Feb-1983 03-Mar-1984 19-Jan-1982 Table: SALGRADE SGRADE S01 S02 S03 SALARY 56000 32000 24000 HRA 18000 12000 8000 (b) Write SQL commands for the following statements: [4] [AISSCE 2011 ] (i) To display the details of all EMPLOYEEs in descending order of DOJ. (ii) To display NAME and DESIG of those EMPLOYEEs, whose SALGRADE is either S02 or S03. (iii) To display the content of all the EMPLOYEEs table, whose DOJ is in between ’09-Feb-2006’ and ’08Aug-2009’. (iv) To add a new row with the following : 109,’Harish roy’,’HEAD-IT’,’09-Sep-2007’,’21-Apr-1983’ (c) Give the output of the following SQL queries : [2] [AISSCE 2011 ] (i) SELECT COUNT(SGRADE),SGRADE FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY SGRADE; (ii) SELECT MIN(DOB),MAX(DOJ) from EMPLOYEE; (iii) SELECT NAME,SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE E,SALGRADE S WHERE E.SGRADE=S.SGRADE AND E.ECODE<103; (iv) SELECT SGRADE , SALARY+HRA FROM SALGRADE WHERE SGRADE=’S02’; Page 21 of 99 [AISSCE 2010 ] Q5 (a) What do you understand by Primary Key ?Give a suitable example of Primary Key from table containing some meaningful data. [2] [AISSCE 2010 ] (b) Consider the following table STOCK and DEALERS and answer (b1) and (b2) parts of this question. Table : STOCK Item No 5005 5003 5002 5006 5001 5004 5009 Item Ball Pen 0.5 Ball Pen 0.25 Gel Pen Premium Gel Pen Classic Eraser Small Eraser Big Sharpner Classic Dcode 102 102 101 101 102 102 103 Qty 100 150 125 200 210 60 160 UnitPrice 16 20 14 22 5 10 8 StockDate 31-Mar-10 01-Jan-10 14-Feb-10 01-Jan-09 19-Mar-09 12-Dec-09 23-Jan-09 Table: DEALERS Dcode 101 103 102 Dname Reliable Stationers Class Plastics Clear Deals (b1) Write SQL commands for the following statements: [4] [AISSCE 2010 ] (i) To display details of all the Items in the Stock table in ascending order of Stock Date. (ii) To display ItemNo and Item name of those items from stock table whose UnitPrice is more than Rupees 10. (iii)To display the details of those items whose dealer code (Dcode) is 102 or Quantity in Stock (Qty) is more than 100 from the table Stock. (iv) To display Minimum UnitPrice of items for each dealer individually as per Dcode from the table Stock. (b1) Give the output of the following SQL queries : [2] [AISSCE 2010 ] (i) SELECT COUNT(DITINCT DCODE) FROM STOCK ; (ii) SELECT QTY*UNITPRICE FROM STOCK WHERE ITEMNO=5600; Page 22 of 99 (iii) SELECT ITEM,DNAME FROM STOCK S,DEALER D WHERE S.DCODE = D.DCODE AND ITEMNO = 5004 ; (iv) SELECT MIN(STOCKDATE) FROM STOCK; [AISSCE 2009 ] Q 5 (a) What is the purpose of a key in a table? Give a suitable example of a key in a table. [2] [AISSCE 2009 ] Q5 (b) Consider the following tables DRESS and MATERIAL. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) and (VIII): Table :DRESS DCODE DESCRIPTION 10001 FORMAL SHIRT 10020 FROCK 10012 INFORMAL SHIRT 10019 EVENING GOWN 10090 TULIP SKIRT 10023 PENCIL SKIRT 10089 SLACKS 10007 FORMAL PANT 10009 INFORMAL PANT 10024 BABY TOP Table : MATERIAL MCODE M001 M002 M004 M003 PRICE 1250 750 1450 850 850 1250 850 1450 1400 650 MCODE M001 M004 M002 M003 M002 M003 M003 M001 M002 M003 LAUNCHDATE 12-JAN-08 09-SEP-07 06-JUN-08 06-JUN-08 31-MAR-07 19-DEC-08 20-OCT-08 09-MAR-08 20-OCT-08 07-APR-07 TYPE TERELENE COTTON POLYESTER SILK [4] [AISSCE 2009 ] (i) To display DCODE and DESCRIPTION of each dress in descending order of DCODE. (ii) To display the details of all the dresses which have LAUNCHDATE in between 05-DEC-07 and 20-JUN08(inclusive of both dates) (iii) To display the average PRICE of all the dresses which are made up of material with MCODE as M003. (iv) To display material wise highest and lowest price from DRESS table. ( Display MCODE of each dress along with highest and lowest price ). [2] [AISSCE 2009 ] Page 23 of 99 (v) SELECT SUM(PRICE) FROM DRESS WHERE MCODE= ‘M001’; (vi) SELECT DESCRIPTION,TYPE FROM DRESS , MATERIAL WHERE DRESS.DCODE= MATERIAL.MCODE AND DRESS.PRICE>=1250 ; (vii) SELECT MAX(MCODE) FROM MATERIAL ; (viii) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT PRICE) FROM DRESS ; [AISSCE 2008 ] Q 5 (a) Differentiate between Candidate Key and Alternate Key in context of RDBM . [2] [AISSCE 2008 ] Q5 (b) Consider the following tables Item and Customer. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) and (viii): [6] [AISSCE 2008] TABLE: ITEM I_ID PC01 LC05 PC03 PC06 ItemName Personal Computer Laptop Personal Computer Personal Computer LC03 Laptop TABLE : CUSTOMER Manufacturer ABC ABC XYZ COMP Price 35000 55000 32000 37000 PQR 57000 C_ID CustomerName City 01 N Roy Delhi 06 H Singh Mumbai 12 R Pandey Delhi 15 C Sharma Delhi 16 K Agrawal Bangalore (i) To display the details of those Customer whose City is Delhi. I_ID LC03 PC03 PC06 LC03 PC01 (ii) To display the details of Items whose Price is in the range of 35000 to 55000 ( Both values included) (iii) To display the CustomerName,City from table Customer and ItemName and Price from table Item, With their corresponding matching I_ID. (iv) To increase the Price of all Items by 1000 in the table Item. (v) SELECT DISTINCT CITY FROM CUSTOMER; (vi) SELECT ITEMNAME, MAX(PRICE) , COUNT(*) FROM ITEM GROUP BY ITEMNAME; (vii) SELECT CUSTOMERNAME, MANUFACTURER FROM ITEM, CUTOMER WHERE ITEM.ITEM_ID = CUTOMER.ITEM.I_ID. Page 24 of 99 (VIII) SELECT ITEMNAME, PRICE* 100 FROM ITEM WHERE MANUFACTURER = ‘ABC’. [AISSCE 2007 ] Q5 (a) What is the importance of a Primary Key in a table? Explain with a example.[2] [AISSCE 2007 ] Q5 (b). Consider the following tables Consignor and Consignee. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii). [2] [AISSCE 2007 ] TABLE: CONSIGNOR CnorID ND01 NDO2 MU15 MU50 CneeID MU05 ND08 KO19 MU32 ND48 CnorName R Singhal Amit Kumar R kohli S Kaur CnorID ND01 ND02 MU15 ND02 MU50 CnorAddress 24,ABC Enclave 123,Palm Avenue 5/A, South Streat 27-K, Westend City New Delhi New Delhi Mumbai Mumbai TABLE: CONSIGNEE CneeName Cnee Address Rahul Kishore 5, Park Avenue P Dhingra 16/J, Moore Enclave A P Roy 2A, Central Avenue S Mittal P245,AB Colony B P Jain 13, Block D,A Vihar CneeCity Mumbai New Delhi Kolkata Mumbai New Delhi (i) To display the names of all Consignors from Mumbai. (ii) To display the CneeID,CnorName, CnorAddress,CneeName, CneeAddress for every Consignee. (iii) To display consignee details in ascending order of CneeName. (iv) To display number of consignors from each city. (v) SELECT DISTINCT CITY FROM CONIGNOR ; (vi) SELECT A.CnorName, B.CneeName from Consignor A, Consignee B where A.CnorID = B.CnorID and B.CneeCity=’Mumbai’; (vii) SELECT CneeName, CneeAddress from Consignee where CneeCity NOT IN( ‘Mumbai’,’Kolkata’) ; (viii) SELECT CneeID ,CneeName from Consignee where CnorID =’MU15’ OR CnorID = ’ND01’ ; Page 25 of 99 [AISSCE 2006 ] Q5 (a) What are DDL and DML commands ? [2] [AISSCE 2006] (b) Study the following tables FLIGHTS and FARES and write SQL commands for the questions (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii). [6] [AISSCE 2006] T ABLE: FLIGHT FL_NO IC301 IC799 MC101 IC302 AM812 IC899 AM501 MU499 IC701 STARTING MUMBAI BANGALORE INDORE DELHI KANPUR MUMBAI DELHI MUMBAI DELHI ENDING DELHI DELHI MUMBAI MUMBAI BANGALORE KOCHI TRIVENDRUM MADRAS AHEMDABAD NO_FLIGHT 8 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 4 NO STOPS 0 1 0 0 1 4 5 3 0 T ABLE: FARES FL_NO IC701 MU499 AM501 IC899 IC302 IC799 MC101 AIRLINES Indian Airlines Sahara Jet Airways Indian Airlines Indian Airlines Indian Airlines Deccan Airlines FARE 6500 9400 13450 8300 4300 10500 3500 TAX% 10 5 8 4 10 10 4 [6] [AISSCE 2006] (i) Display FL_NO and NO_FLIGHT from “KANPUR” to “BANGALORE” from the table FLIGHTS. (ii) Arrange the contents of the table FLIGHTS in the ascending order of FL_NO. (iii) Display the FL_NO and fare to be paid for the flights from DELHI to MUMBAI using the tables FLIGHTS and FARES , where the fare to be paid = FARE +FARE * TAX%/100. (iv) Display the minimum fare “Indian Airlines” is offering from the table FARES. (v) SELECT FL_NO, NO_FLIGHTS,AIRLINES from FLIGHTS,FARES where STARTING =”DELHI” and FLIGHTS_FL_NO=FARES.FL.NO. (vi) SELECT count( distinct ENDING) FROM FLIGHTS. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, KOLKATA REGION Computer Science Question Bank Unit – 2 Page 26 of 99 Unit / Chapter VSA (1 Mark) SA I (2 Marks) SA II (3 Marks) LA (4 Marks) _ _ 1 1 1 1 _ _ 1 1 1 _ 1 - Total Object Oriented Programming in C++ a) b) c) d) e) Introduction to OOP using C++ Constructor& Destructor Inheritance Pointers Data File Handling Total (2) 6 (1) 2 (1) 4 1(3) (3) 6 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (1 OR 2 TIMES) Chapter – Introduction to OOP using C++ 2005 Define the term Data Hiding in the context of Object Oriented Programming. Give a Suitable example using a C++ code to illustrate the same. Define a class TravelPlan in C++ with the following descriptions : Private Members: PlanCode of type long Place of type character array (string) Number_of_travellers of type integer Number_of_buses of type integer Public Members: A constructor to assign initial values of Plan Code as 1001, Place as “Agra”, Number_of_travellers as 5, Number_of_buses as 1 A function NewPlan( ) which allows user to enter PlanCode, Place and Number_of_travellers. Also, assign the value of Number_of_buses as per the following conditions : Number_of_travellersNumber_of_buses Less than 20 Equal to or more than 20 and less than 40 Equal to 40 or more than 40 3 A function ShowPlan( ) to display the content of all the data members on screen. 2006 Define Multilevel and Multiple inheritance in context of Object Oriented Programming. Give suitable example to illustrate the same. 2 4 2 Page 27 of 99 Define a class named ADMISSION in C++ with the following descriptions: Private members: AD_NO integer (Ranges 10 - 2000) NAME Array of characters (String) CLASS Character FEES Float Public Members: Function Read_Data ( ) to read an object of ADMISSION type Function Display() to display the details of an object Function Draw-Nos ( ) to choose 2 students randomly. And display the details. Use random function to generate admission nos. to match with AD_NO. 2007 What do you understand . by Data an example in C++ to illustrate both. Encapsulation and Data · Hiding ? Also, give Define a class STOCK in C++ with following description : (4) 2 4 Private Members • !Code of type integer (Item Code) • Item of type string (Item Name) • . Price of type float (Price of each item) • Qty of type. integer (Quantity in stock) • Discount of type float (Discount percentage on the itedJ.) • A member function FindDisc() to calculate discount s per the following rule : If Qty<=50 Discount is 0 If 50<Qty<=l00 . Discount is 5 If Qty> lOO Discount is 10 Public Members • A function Buy() to allow user to enter values for Code, Item, Price,. Qty and call function FindDisc() to calcula& the Discount. • A • function ShowAll() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 2008 Differentiate between members, which are present within the private visibility mode with those which are present within the public visibility modes. Define a class Candidate in C++ with following description : Private Members • A data member RNo (Registration Number) of type long 2 4 Page 28 of 99 • A data member Name of type string • A data member Score of type float • A data member Remarks of type string • A member function AssignRem( ) to assign Remarks as per the Score obtained by a candidate. Score range and the respective Remarks are shown as follows : Score Remarks >=50 Selected less than 50 Not selected Public Members A function ENTER( ) to allow user to enter values for RNo, Name, Score & call function AssignRem( ) to assign the remarks. A function DISPLAY( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 2009 What is copy constructor? Give an example in C++ to illustrate copy constructor. 2 Define a class Applicant in C++ with following description : Private Members • A data member ANo (Admission Number) of type long • A data member Name of type string • A data member Agg (Aggregate Marks) of type 'float • A data member Grade of type char • A member function GradeMe() to find the Grade as per the Aggregate Marks obtained by a student. Equivalent Aggregate Marks range and the respective Grades are shown as follows : Aggregate Marks Grade >=80 A less than 80 and >=65 B less than 65 and >=50 c less than 50 D :, Public Members • A function ENTER() to allow user to enter values for ANo, Name, Agg & call function GradeMe() to find the Grade. • A function RESULT() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 4 2010 What do you understand . by Data in C++ to illustrate both. Encapsulation and Data • Hiding ? Also, give an example Define a class STOCK in C++ with following description : Private Members • !Code of type integer (Item Code) • Item of type string (Item Name) • . Price of type float (Price of each item) Page 29 of 99 • Qty of type. integer (Quantity in stock) • Discount of type float (Discount percentage on the itedJ.) • A member function FindDisc() to calculate discount s per the following rule : If Qty<=50 If Qty> lOO Discount is 0 If 50<Qty<=l00 Discount is 10 . Discount is 5 Public Members • A function Buy() to allow user to enter values for Code, Item, Price,. Qty and call function FindDisc() to calcula& the Discount. • A • function ShowAll() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 2011 Differentiate between Constructor and Destructor function with respect to Object Oriented Programming. (c) Define a class Applicant in C++ with following description : Private Members • A data member ANo (Admission Number) of type long • A data member Name of type string • A data member Agg (Aggregate Marks) of type 'float • A data member Grade of type char • A member function GradeMe() to find the Grade as per the Aggregate Marks obtained by a student. Equivalent Aggregate Marks range and the respective Grades are shown as follows : Aggregate Marks Grade >=80 A less than 80 and >=65 B less than 65 and >=50 c less than 50 D :, Public Members • A function ENTER() to allow user to enter values for ANo, Name, Agg & call function GradeMe() to find the Grade. • A function RESULT() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 2012 What is the difference between the members in private visibility mode and the members in protected visibility mode inside a class? Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both. 2 4 2 Page 30 of 99 Define a class RESTRA in C++ with following description: Private Members FoodCode of type int Food of type String FType of type string Sticker of type string A member function GetSticker() to assign the following values for Sticker as per the given FType: FType Sticker Vegetarian GREEN Contains Egg YELLOW Non-Vegetarian RED Public Members A function GetFood() to allow user to enter values for FoodCode,Food,FType and call function GetSticker() to assign Sticker. A function ShowFood() to allow user to view the content of all data members. 2013 Write any two differences between Constructor and Destructor. Write the function headers for constructor and destructor of a class Member. Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specification: Data Members carno – to store Bus No Origin – to store Place name Destination – to store Place name Type – to store Car Type such as ‘E’ for Economy Distance – to store the Distance in Kilometers Charge – to store the car fare Member Functions A contructor function to initialize Type as ‘E’ and Freight as 250 A function CalcCharge() to calculate Fare as per the following citeria: Type Charge ‘E’ 16 * Distance ‘A’ 22 * Distance ‘L’ 30 * Distance A function Enter() to alow user to enter values for carno,origin,destination,type and distance. Also this function should call CalcCharge() to calculate Fare. A function Show () to display the content of all the data members on screen. 2014 Write any two differences between Constructor and Destructor. Write function headers for constructor and destructor of a class Member. (c) Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specification : Data Members • Camo - to store Bus No • Origin - to store Place name • Destination - to store Place name • Type - to store Car Type such as 'E' for Economy • Distance - to store the Distance in Kilometers • Charge - to store the Car Fare Member Functions • A constructor function to initialize Type as 'E' and Freight as 250 • A function CalcCharge() to calculate Fare as per the following criteria : 4 2 4 2 4 Page 31 of 99 Type Charge ' E ' 16*Distance 'A ' 22*Distance ' L ' 30*Distance • A function Enter() to allow user to enter values for Carno, Origin, Destination, Type and Distance. Also, this function should call CalcCharge() to calculate Fare. • A function Show() to display the content of all the data members on screen. Chapter - Constructor & Destructor 2005 Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class: class Test { char Paper[20]; int Marks; public: Test () // Function 1 { strcpy (Paper, “Computer”) Marks = 0; } Test (char P [] ) // Function 2 { strcpy(Paper,P); Marks = 0; } Test (int M) // Function 3 { strcpy(Paper,”Computer”); Marks = M; } Test (char P[], int M) // Function 4 { strcpy (Paper, P); Marks = M; } }; 2 (i) Which feature of Object Oriented Programming is demonstrated using Function 1, Function 2, Function 3 and Function 4 in the above class Test? (ii) Write statements in C++ that would execute Function 2 and Function 4 of class Test. 2006 Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class: class Interview { int month; public: Interview (int y) {month=y ;} //Constructor 1 Interview (Interview&t); //Constructor 2 }; i. Create an object, such that it invokes Constructor 1. ii. Write complete definition for Constructor 2. 2 Page 32 of 99 2007 Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following 2 class : class Exam int Rno,MaxMarks,MinMarks,Marks; public: Exam () I /Module 1 Rno=l01;MaxMarks=l O O;MinMarks=40;Marks=75; Exam (int Prno,int Pmarks) I /Module 2 Rno=Prno;MaxMarks=lO O;MinMarks=40;Marks=Pmarks; -Exam () I /Module 3 cout<< Exam Over <<endl; void Show () I /Module 4 11 11 cout<<Rno<<" :"<<MaxMarks<<" :"<<MinMarks<<endl; cout<<" [Marks Got]" <<Marks<<endl; }; (i) As per Object Oriented Programming, which concept is illustrated by Module 1 and Module 2 together ? (ii) What is Module 3 referred as ? When do you think, Module 3 will be invoked/called ? 2008 Write the output of the following C++ code. Also, write the name of feature of Object Oriented ' jointly illustrated' Programming used in the following program by the functions [I] to [IV]. # include <iostream.h> void Print ( ) // Function [I] { for (int K=l · K<=60 ·K++) cout<< "-" · ' cout<<endl ; , } 11 Function [II] void Print (int N) { for (int K=l ·,K<=N ·, L++) cout<< "*" '· cout<<endl ; } void Print (char T, int N) { 11 Function [IV] 2 Page 33 of 99 for (int K= l ;K<=N ;K++) cout<<T ; cout<<endl ; } void main ( ) { int U=9, V=4, W=3; char C= '("a.)' ,· Print (C, V) ; Print (U, W) ; } 2009 Write the output of the following C++ code. Also, write the name of feature of Object Oriented programming used in the following program jointly illustrated by the functions (i) to (iv) : #include<iostream.h> void Line() // Function 1 { for(int L=1; L<= 80; L++) cout<<”-“; cout<<endl; } void Line(int N) // Function 2 { for(int L=1; L<=N; L++) cout<<”*”; cout<<endl; } void Line(char C,A,int N) { for(int L=1; L<=N; L++) cout<<C; cout<<endl; } void Line(intM,int N) { for(int L=1; L<=N; L++) cout<<M*L; cout<<endl; } void main() { int A=9,B=4,C=3; char K=’#’; Line(K,B); Line(A,C); } 2 // Function 3 // Function 4 2010 Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class : class Exam 2 Page 34 of 99 int Rno,MaxMarks,MinMarks,Marks; public: Exam () I /Module 1 Rno=l01;MaxMarks=l O O;MinMarks=40;Marks=75; Exam (int Prno,int Pmarks) I /Module 2 Rno=Prno;MaxMarks=lO O;MinMarks=40;Marks=Pmarks; -Exam () I /Module 3 cout<< 11 Exam Over 11 <<endl; void Show () I /Module 4 cout<<Rno<<" :"<<MaxMarks<<" :"<<MinMarks<<endl; cout<<" [Marks Got]" <<Marks<<endl; }; i) As per Object Oriented Programming, which concept is illustrated by Module 1 and Module 2 together ? ii) What is Module 3 referred as ? When do you think, Module 3 will be invoked/called ? 2011 Write the output of the following C++ code. Also, write the name of feature of Object Oriented Programming used in the following ' program jointly illustrated by the functions [I] to [IV] : *include < iost ream .h> void Line ( ) / / Funct ion [I] { f or ( int L= l ; L<=8 0 ; L++ ) cout<<"-"; cout<<endl ; 1', void Line ( int N) { f or ( int L= l ; L<=N ;L+ + ) void Line ( cha r { f or ( int void Line ( int { f or ( int C , int N ) / / Funct ion [ II ] cout<<"*"; cout<<endl ; / / Funct ion [III] L= l ;L<=N ;L++) cout<<C ; cout<<endl ; M , int N ) / / Funct ion [IV] L= l ; L<=N ;L++ ) cout<<M*L ; cout<<endl ; void ma in ( ) { int A= 9 , B= 4 , C=3; char K='#'; Line ( K , B) ; Line ( A , C ) ; } 2012 Answer the questions(i) and (ii) after going through the following class : class Travel 2 Page 35 of 99 { intPlaceCode; char Place[20]; float Charges; public: Travel() // Function 1 { PlaceCode =1; strcpy(Place,”DELHI”); Charges=1000; } Travel(float C) // Function 2 { Cout<<PlaceCode<<”:”<<Place<<”:”<<Charges<<endl; } ~Travel() // Function 3 { Cout<<”Travel Plan Cancelled”<<endl; } Travel(intPC,char P[],float C) // Function 4 { PlaceCode = PC; strcpy(Place,P); Charges = C; } }; i) In Object Oriented Programming, what are Function 1 and Function 4 combined together referred as ? ii) In Object Oriented Programming, which concept is illustrate by Function 3? When is this function called/invoked? 2013 Answer the question (i) and (ii) after going through the following class : Class Motor { Int MotorNo,Track; Public: Motor(); // Function 1 Motor (int MN); // Function 2 Moto (Motor & M); // Function 3 Void Allocate(); // Function 4 Void Move(); // Function 5 }; Void main() { Motor M; : : } (i) Out of the following, which of the option is correct foe calling function 2? Option 1 – Moto N(M); Option 2 – Motor P(10); (ii) Name the feature of Object Oriented Programming, which is illustrated by Function1,Function 2 and Function 3 combined together. 2014 Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class : class Motor { int MotorNo, Track; public: Motor(); //Function 1 2 Page 36 of 99 Motor (int MN) ; //Function 2 Motor(Motor &M) ; //Function 3 void Allocate {); //Function 4 void Move(); //Function 5 }; void main () { Motor M; } (i) Out of the following, which of the option is correct for calling Function 2 ? Option 1 - Motor N(M ); Option 2 - Motor P(lO ); (ii) Name the feature of Object Oriented Programming, which is illustrated by Function 1, Function 2 and Function 3 combined together. Chapter - Inheritance 2005 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following code: 4 class Medicines { char Category[lO]; char Date_of_manufacture[lO]; char Company[20]; public: Medicines(); void entermedicinedetails(); void showmedicinedetails(); } ; class Capsules: public Medicines { protected: char capsule_name[30]; char Volume_label[20]; public: float Price; Capsules(); void entercapsuledetails(); void showcapsuledetails(); }; class Antibiotics: public Capsule { intDosage_units; char Side_effects[20]; intUse_within_days; public: Antibiotics() ; void enterdetails(); void showdetails(); }; (i) How many bytes will be required by an object of class Medicines and an object of class Antibiotics respectively? (ii) Write names of all the member functions accessible from the object of class Antibiotics. (iii) Write names of all the members accessible from member functions of class Capsules. 4 Page 37 of 99 (iv) Write names of all the data members, which are accessible from objects of class Antibiotics. 2006 Answer the questions (i) to (iii) based on the following code class stationary { char Type; char Manufacturer [10]; public: stationary(); void Read_sta_details( ); void Disp_sta_details( ); }; class office: public stationary { intno_of_types; float cost_of_sta; public: void Read_off_details( ); void Disp_off_details( ); }; class printer: private office { intno_of_users; char delivery_date[10]; public: void Read_pri_details( ); void Disp_pri_details( ); }; void main ( ) { printer MyPrinter; } i. Mention the member names which are accessible by MyPrinter declared in main() function ii. What is the size of MyPrinter in bytes? iii. Mention the names of functions accessible from the member function Read_pri_details () of class printer. 2007 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following Class ·Director { long DID; char Name[20]; protected: char Description[40]; void Allocate(); public: Director(); void Assign(); void Show(); }; class Factory:public Directer 4 4 Page 38 of 99 { int FID; char Address[20]; I /Factory protected: int NOE; ID I I /No. of Employees public: Factory(); voidInput(); Void Output (); }; class ShowRoom:private Factory { int SID; I/Showroo:nID char City[20]; public: ShowRoom (); void Enter(); voidDisplay (); }; (I)WHICH TYPE OF ·INHERI TANCE·, OUT OF THE . FOLLOWING IS ILLUSTRATED IN THE ABOVE C++ ? (a) Single level Inheritance (b) MULTI LEVEL INHERITANCE (c) Multiple Inheritance (iii) (iv) (v) Write the names of members which are accessible by the object of class showroom. Write the names of member function which are accessible by the object of class showroom. Write the names of members which are accessible by the object of class Factory. 2008 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based ·on the following : class Student { int Rno ; char Name[20] ; float Marks ; protected : void Result ( ) ; public : Student ( ) ; void Register ( ) ; void Display ( ) ; }; class Faculty { long FCode ; char FName [20] ; protected : float Pay ; public : Faculty ( ) ; void Enter ( ) ; void Show ( ) ; }; class Course : public Student, private Faculty 4 Page 39 of 99 { long CCode [IO]; char CourseName [50]; char StartDate [8J, EndDate [8] ; public : Course ( ) ; void Commence ( ) ; void CDetail ( ) ; }; (i) Which type of inheritance is illustrated in the above C++ code ? (ii) Write the names of all the data members, which is/are accessible from member function Commence of class Course. (iii) Write the names of member functions, which are accessible from objects of class Course. (iv) Write the names of all the members, which are accessible from objects of class Faculty. 2009 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based ·on the following : Class student { int Rollno; char SName [20]; float Marksl protected: void Result (); public: Student(); void Enroll( );void Display( ); }; Class teacher { long TCode; char TName [20]; protected: float Salary; public: Teacher(); void Enter (); void Show (); }; class Course: public Student , private Teacher { long CCode[lO];char CourseName[ SO]; char StartDate[8],EndDate[8]; public: Course( ); void Commence (); void CDetail (); }; (i) Write the names of member functions, which are accessible from objects of class Course. (ii) Write the names of all the data members, which is/are accessible from member function Commence of class Course. (iii) Write the names of all .the members, which are accessible from objects of class Teacher. (iv) Which type of Inheritance 1s illustrated in the above C++ code ? 2010 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following Class ·Director { long DID; char Name[20]; protected: char Description[40]; void Allocate(); Page 40 of 99 public: Director(); void Assign(); void Show(); }; class Factory:public { int FID; char Address[20]; Directer I /Factory protected: int NOE; ID I I /No. of Employees public: Factory(); voidInput(); Void Output (); }; class ShowRoom:private Factory { int SID; I/Showroo:nID char City[20]; public: ShowRoom (); void Enter(); voidDisplay (); }; (I)WHICH TYPE OF ·INHERI TANCE·, OUT OF THE . FOLLOWING IS ILLUSTRATED IN THE ABOVE C++ -' (d) Single level Inheritance (e) MULTI LEVEL INHERITANCE (f) Multiple Inheritance (vi) Write the names of members which are accessible by the object of class showroom. (vii) Write the names of member function which are accessible by the object of class showroom. Write the names of members which are accessible by the object of class Factory. 2011 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based ·on the following : Class Student { Int Rollno; Char SName[20]; Float Marks1; Protected : Void Result(); Public: ?· Page 41 of 99 Student(); Void Enroll(); void display(); }; Class Teacher { Long TCode; Char TName[20]; Protected: Float salary; Public: Teacher(); Void Enter(); Void show(); }; Class Course : public Student , private Teacher { Long CCode[10]; char CourseName[50]; Char StartDate[8],EndDate[8]; Public: Course(); Void Commerce(); Void CDetails(); }; (i) Write the names of member functions, which are accessible from objects of class Course. (ii)Write the names of all the data members, which is/are accessible from member function Commence of class Course. (iii)Write the names of all .the members, which are accessible from objects of class Teacher. (iv)Which type of Inheritance 1s illustrated in the above C++ code ? 2012 Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following : class COMPANY char Loca tion [20 ] ; double Budget , Incorne; pr otected : void Accou n ts ( ) ; public : COMPANY ( ) ; void Register ( ) ; void Show ( ) ; }; cla ss FACTORY :public COMPANY char Location ( 2 0 ) ; int Wor kers; protected : double Salar y; void Computer ( ) ; public : FACTORY () ; void Enter ( ) ; void Show ( ) ; Page 42 of 99 }; class SHOP : pr ivate COMPANY cha r Loca t ion [ 2 0 ] ; f loat double Sale ; public : SHOP ( ) ; void Inpu t ( ) ; void Outpu t ( ) ; }; Area ; (i) Name the type of inheritance illustrated m the above C++ code. (ii) Write the name of data members, which arc accessible from m ember functions of class SHOP. (iii) Write the names of all the member fonction s, which are accessible from objects belonging to class FACTORY. (iv) Write the names of all the mem bers, which arc accessible from objects of class SHOP. 2013 Consider the following C++ code and answer the questions from (i) to (iv): Class Student { Int Class,Rno; Char Section; Protected: Char SName[20]; Public: Student(); Void Stentry(); Void Stddisplay(); }; Class Score : private Student { Float Marks[5]; Protected: Char Grade[5]; Public: Score(); Void Sentry(); Void Sdisplay(); }; Class Report : public Score { Float Total, Avg; Public: Char OverallGrade,Remarks[20]; Report(); Void Revaluate(); Void RPrint(); }; (i) Which type of Inheritance is shown in the above example ? Page 43 of 99 (ii) Write the names of those data members, which can be directly accessed from the objects of class Report. (iii) Write the names of those members functions , which can be directly accessed from the objects of class Report. (iv) Write the names of those data members, which can be directly accressed from the Sentry() function of class Score. 2014 (d) Consider the following C++ code and answer the questions from (i) to (iv) : class Student { int Class,Rno; char Section; protected : char SNarne[20]; public : Student(); void Stentry(); void Stdisplay(); }; class Score: private Student { float Marks[S]; protected: char Grade[S]; public: Score (); void Sentry(); void Sdisplay(); }; class Report: public Score { float Total, Avg; public: char OverallGrade, Remarks [20]; Report(); void REvaluate( ); void RPrint(); }i (i) Which type of Inheritance is shown in the above example ? 4 (ii) Write the names of those data members, which can be directly accessed from the objects of class Report. (iii) Write the names of those member functions, which can be directly accessed from the objects of class Report. (iv) Write the names of those data members, which can be directly accessed from the Sentry() function of class Score. Chapter – Pointers 2005 Find the output of the following program : #include <iostream.h> void main () { int *Queen,Moves[ ]={ll,22,33,44}; Queen=Moves; Moves[ 2]+=22; cout<<"Queen @"<<*Queen<<endl; 3 2 Page 44 of 99 *Queen-=11; Queen+=2; cout<<"Now @"<<*Queen<< ndl; Queen++; cout<<"Finally @"<<*Queen<<endl; cout<<"New Origin @"<<Moves[O]<<endl; 2006 Find the output of the following program 2 # include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class state { char * state_name; int size; public; state( ); { size=0; state_name=new char[size+1]; } state(char *s) { size = strlen(s) ; state_name = new char[size+1];} strcpy(state_name,s); } void display() {cout<<state name<<endl; } void Replace (state &a, state &b) { size = a.size + b.size; delete state_name; state_name = new char[size+1] ; strcpy(state_name, a.state_name); strcat(state_name, b.state_name); } }; void main( ) { char *temp = “Delhi”; state state1(temp), state2(”Mumbai”), state3(”Nagpur”), SI, S2; SI .Replace(state1, state2); S2.Replace(S1, state3); S1.display( ); S2.display( ); } 2007 (c) Find the output of the following program : 2 # inclu de <iostream.h> void main ( ) { int Track [ ] = {I 0, 20, 30, 40}, *Striker ; Striker=Track ; Track [1] + = 30 ; Page 45 of 99 cout<<"Striker>"<<* Striker<<endl ; * Striker -= 10 ; Striker++ ; cout<< "Next @" <<* Striker<<endl ; Striker+=2 ; cout<< "Last @" <<*Striker<<endl; cout << "Reset To" <<Track [O] <<endl ; } 2008 Find the output of the following program : 2 # inclu de <iostream.h> void main ( ) { int Track [ ] = {I 0, 20, 30, 40}, *Striker ; Striker=Track ; Track [1] + = 30 ; cout<<"Striker>"<<* Striker<<endl ; * Striker -= 10 ; Striker++ ; cout<< "Next @" <<* Striker<<endl ; Striker+=2 ; cout<< "Last @" <<*Striker<<endl; cout << "Reset To" <<Track [O] <<endl ; } 2009 Find the output of the following program : 2 #include <iostream.h> void main () { int *Queen,Moves[ ]={ll,22,33,44}; Queen=Moves; Moves[ 2]+=22; cout<<"Queen @"<<*Queen<<endl; *Queen-=11; Queen+=2; cout<<"Now @"<<*Queen<< ndl; Queen++; cout<<"Finally @"<<*Queen<<endl; cout<<"New Origin @"<<Moves[O]<<endl; 2010 Find the output of the following program : 2 #include <iostrearn.h> #include <ctype.h> void MyCode(char Msg[],char CH) for(int Cnt=O;Msg[Cnt] !=' \0' ;Cnt++) if (Msg[Cnt]>='B' & & Msg[Cnt]<=' G' ) Msg[Cnt]=tolower(Msg[Cnt]); 2 2 Page 46 of 99 else if (Msg[Cnt]=='A' 1 1 Msg[Cnt]==' a' ) Msg[Cnt]=CH; else if (Cnt%2==0) Msg[Cnt]=toupper(Msg[ Cnt]); else Msg[Cnt]=Msg[Cnt-1]; void main () { char MyText []="ApEACeDri VE" ; MyCode(MyText, '@' ); cout<< "NEW TEXT: "<<MyText<<endl; 2011 Find the output of the following program : #include <iostream.h> void main () { int *Queen,Moves[ ]={ll,22,33,44}; Queen=Moves; Moves[ 2]+=22; cout<<"Queen @"<<*Queen<<endl; *Queen-=11; Queen+=2; cout<<"Now @"<<*Queen<< ndl; Queen++; cout<<"Finally @"<<*Queen<<endl; cout<<"New Origin @"<<Moves[O]<<endl; 2012 Find the output of the following program #include <iostrearn .h> #include <ctype .h> typedef char Str80 f 80]; void main() { char *Notes; Str80 SLr'-""vR2GooO" ; int L=6; Notes=Str ; while (L>=3 ) Str [L]= (isupper (Str! T.l )?to.L owcr.( SL r f r,]): toupper (Str [L])); cout<<Notes<<endl ; L-- ; Notes++; } 2 Page 47 of 99 2014 Observe the following C++ code carefully and obtain the output, which will appear on the screen after execution of it. Important Note : All the desired header files are already included in the code, which are required to run the code. void main ( ) { 2 char *String="SHAKTI" ; int *Point,Value[]={l0,15,70,19}; Point=Value ; coutcc*PointccStringccendl; String++; Point++ ; coutcc*PointccStringccendl ; } Chapter –Data File Handling 2006 void main( ) 1 { char=’A’; fstream fileout(”data.dat”,ios::out); fileout<<ch; int p = fileout.tellg( ); cout<<p; } What is the output if the file content before the execution of the program is the string “ABC” (Note that” “are not part of the file) Write a function to count the number of words present in a text file named “PARA.TXT”. Assume that each word is separated by a single blank/space character and no blanks/spaces in the beginning and end of the file. c. Following is the structure of each record in a data file named “COLONY.DAT”. struct COLONY { char Colony Code[10]; char Colony Name[10]; int No of People; }; Write a function in C++ to update the file with a new value of No _of_People. The value of Colony_Code and No_of_People are read during the execution of the program. 2007 Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as Statement 1 and Statement 2 using tellg() and seekp() functions for performing the required task. #include <fstream.h> class Customer { long Cno;char Name[20], Mobile[12]; public: //Function to allow user to enter the Cno, Name, Mobile void Enter(); //Function to allow user to enter (modify) mobile number 2 3 Page 48 of 99 void Modify(); //Fnction to return value of Cno long GetCno() {return Cno;} }; void ChangeMobile() { Customer C; fstream F; (11 CONTACT. DAT 11 , i.os: :binary I ios: :in I ios:out) ; long Cnoc; //Customer no. whose mobile number needs to be c:;hanC,ed•. cin>>Cnoc; while (*)&C,sizeof(C))) if (Cnoc==C.GetCno()) C.Modify (); //Statement 1 int Pos=I /To finq the curret position of file pointer \';• //Statement 2 //To move the file pointer to write the .} //modified record back onto the file //for the des.ired Cnoc • F.write( (char*)&C,sizeof(C)); } ' F.close(); 2008 Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as Statement 1 and Statement 2 using seekg( ), seekp( ), tellp( ) and tellg( ) functions for performing the required task. # include <fstream.h> class PRODUCT { int Pno ;char Pname [20] ; int Qty ; public : void ModifyQty ( )II The function is to modify quantity of a PRODUCT }; void PRODUCT : : ModifyQty ( ) 1 Page 49 of 99 { fstream File ; ("PRODUCT.DAT", ios : : binary I ios : : in I ios : : out) ; int MPno; cout << "Product No to modify quantity :" ;cin>> MPno ; while ( ((char*) this, sizeof (PRODUCT) ) ) { if (MPno= =Pno) { cout<< "Present Quantity:" <<Qty<<endl ; cout<< "Changed Quantity:" ;cin>>Qty ; int Position = //Statement 1 //Statement 2 Fil.write ( (char*) this, sizeof (PRODUCT) ) ; I I Re-writing the record } } Fil.cFil.close( ) ; } Write a function in C++ to count the no. of "Me" or "My" words present text file "DIARY.TXT". If the file "DIARY.TXT" content is as follows : My first book was Me and My family. It gave me chance to be known to the world. The output of the function should be Count of Me/My in file : 4 Write a function in C++ to search for a laptop from a binary file "LAPTOP.DAT" containing the objects of class LAPTOP (as defined below). The user should enter the Model No and the function should search and display the details of the laptop. class LAPTOP { long ModelNo ; float RAM, HDD ; char Details [120] ; public : void StockEnter ( ) {cin>>ModelNo>>RAM>>HbD ; gets (Details) ; } void StockDisplay ( ) {cout<<ModelNo<<RAM<<HDD<<Details<<endl ;} long ReturnModelNo ( ) {return ModelNo ;} }; 2009 Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as Statement1 and Statement 2 using seekg() , seekp(), tellp() and tellg() functions for performing the required task. #include<fstream.h> 2 3 Page 50 of 99 Class ITEM { Int Ino; Char Iname[20]; float Price; Public: Void ModifyPrice(); // The function is to modify price of a particular ITEM }: Void ITEM :: ModifyPrice() { Fstream File; File.Open(“ITEM.DAT”,ios::binary | ios::in | ios::out); Int CIno; Cout<<”Item No to modify price :”; cin>>Cino; While( *)this,sizeof(ITEM)) { If(Cino == Ino) { Cout<<”Present Price: ”<<Price<<endl; Cout<<”Changed Price:”; cin>>Price; Int FilePos = ___________; // statement 1 _____________________; Statement 2 File.write ((char *) this, sizeof(ITEM)); // Re-writing the record } } File.close(); } Write a function in C++ to count the no. of “He” or “She” words present in a text file “STORY.TXT”. If the file “STORY.TXT” content is as follows : He is playing in the ground. She is playing with her dolls. The output of the function should be Count of He/She in file :2 2 Write a function in C++ to search for a camera from a binary file "CAMERA.DAT" containing the objects of class CAMERA (as defined below). The user should enter the Model No and the function should search and display the details of the camera. Class CAMERA { Long ModelNo; Float MegaPixel; Int Zoom; Char Details[120]; Public: Void Enter() {cin>>ModelNo>>MegaPixel>>Zoom; gets(Details);} Void Display() { Cout<<ModelNo<<MegaPixel<<Zoom<<Details<<endl;} Long GEtModelNo() { return ModelNo;} 3 }; Page 51 of 99 2010 Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as 1 ---- 2 using tellg() and seekp() functions for performing the Statement 1 and Statement required task. #include <fstream.h> class Customer long Cno;char Name[20], Mobile[12]; public: //Function to allow user to enter the Cno, Name, Mobile void Enter(); //Function to allow user to enter (modify) mobile number void Modify(); //Fnction to return value of Cno long GetCno() {return Cno;} }; void ChangeMobile() { Customer C; fstream F; (11 CONTACT. DAT 11 , i.os: :binary I ios: :in I ios: :out) ; long Cnoc; //Customer no. whose mobile number needs to be c:;hanC,ed·. cin>>Cnoc; while ( (char*)&C,sizeof(C))) if (Cnoc==C.GetCno()) C.Modify(); Int Pos = _______________ // To find the current position of file pointer //To move the file pointer to write the .} //modified record back onto the file //for the des.ired Cnoc ·F.write((char*)&C,sizeof(C)); Page 52 of 99 } ' F.close(); } 2011 Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as Statement1 and Statement 2 using seekg() , seekp(), tellp() and tellg() functions for performing the required task. #include<fstream.h> Class ITEM { Int Ino; Char Iname[20]; float Price; Public: Void ModifyPrice(); // The function is to modify price of a particular ITEM }: Void ITEM :: ModifyPrice() { Fstream File; File.Open(“ITEM.DAT”,ios::binary | ios::in | ios::out); Int CIno; Cout<<”Item No to modify price :”; cin>>Cino; While( *)this,sizeof(ITEM)) { If(Cino == Ino) { Cout<<”Present Price: ”<<Price<<endl; Cout<<”Changed Price:”; cin>>Price; Int FilePos = ___________; // statement 1 _____________________; Statement 2 File.write ((char *) this, sizeof(ITEM)); // Re-writing the record 1 } } File.close(); } Write a function in C++ to count the no. of "He" or "She" words· present in a text file "STORY.TXT". If the file "STORY.TXT" content is as follows : He is playing in the ground. She is playing with her dolls. 2 The output of the f unction should be Count of He/She in file: 2 . Write a function in C++ to search for a camera from a binary file "CAMERA.DAT" containing the objects of class CAMERA (as defined below). The user should enter the Model No and the function should search and display the details of the camera. Class CAMERA { Long ModelNo; 3 Page 53 of 99 Float MegaPixel; Int Zoom; Char Details[120]; Public: Void Enter() {cin>>ModelNo>>MegaPixel>>Zoom; gets(Details);} Void Display() { Cout<<ModelNo<<MegaPixel<<Zoom<<Details<<endl;} Long GEtModelNo() { return ModelNo;} }; 2012 Observe the program that follow : class { segment given below carefully and the questions Stock int Ino , Qty ; char Item [ 2 0 ] ; public : void Enter() cin>>Ino; gets(Item); cin>>Qty;} void Issue(int Q) {Qty -= Q;} void Purchase(int Q) {Qty + = Q; } int Getino() { return Ino;} }; Void PurchaeItem(int Pino, int PQty) { f stream Fi le ; File .open ( " STOCK .DAT " , ios : :binary l ios : :in l ios : :'ou t ) ; Stock S; Int Su ccess= O ; } while ( Success== O && Fi le . read ( ( cha.r *) & S, sizeof ( S) ) ) if ( Pino==S .Get Ino () ) S .Purchase ( PQty) ; _________________ // Statement 1 _________________ / / Statement 2 Success++; if( Su ccess== l } cout<< "Pu rcha se Updated " < <endl ; else cout<< "W rong (i) Item No" <<endl ; Fi le . close ( ) ; Write statement 1 to position the file pointer to the appropriate place, so that the data updation is done for the required item. 1 Page 54 of 99 (ii)Write statement 2 to perform the write operation so that the updation is done in the binary file. Write a function in C++ to read the content of a text file "DELHI.TXT" and display all those lines on screen, which are either starting with 'D' or starting with 'M'. Write a function in C++ to search for the details (Phoneno and calls) of those Phones, which have more than 800 calls from a binary file “Phones.dat”. Assuming that this binary file contains records objects of class Phone, which is defined below . 2 3 Class Phone { char Phoneno[lO];int Calls; public : void Get (){gets(Phoneno); cin>>Calls;} void Billing(){cout<<Phoneno<<"#"<<Cal ls<<endl;} int GetCalls (){return Calls;} }; 2014 Fill in the blanks marked as Statement 1 and Statement 2, in the program segment given below 1 with appropriate functions for the required task. class Customer { long int CNo; // Customer Number char CNmae [20]; // customer Name char Email[30]; // Email of customer public: void Allocate(); // Function to allocate a member void show(); // Function to show customer data void ModifyEmail() // Function to modify Email { cout<<””Enter Modified Email :”; Gets(Email); } long int GetCno() {return CNo; } }; void ChangeData() { fstream File; Page 55 of 99 File .open (11 CUST.DAT 11 , ios: :binary I ios::in I ios::out) ; int Change=O ,Location; long int ChangeCno; cout<<"Cno - whose email required to be modified:"; cin>>ChangeCno; Customer CU; while(!Modify &&*)&CU,sizeof (CU))) { if (CU.GetCno()==ChangeCno) { CU .ModifyEmail() ; Location=File.tellg()- sizeof (CU); //Statement l :To place file pointer to the required position //Statement 2:To write the object CU on to the binary file Change++; } } if (Change) cout< <"Email Modified ... 11 <<endl; else cout<< "Customer not found ... 11 <<endl; File .close(); } Write a function CountHisHer ( ) in C++ which reads the contents of a text file diary.txt and counts the words His and Her (not case sensitive). For example, if the file contains : Pinaky has gone to his friend's house. His friend's name is Ravya. Her house is 12 KM from here. The function should display the output as Count for His:2 Count for Her:l Assuming the class VINTAGE as declared below, write a function in C++ to read the objects of VINTAGE from binary file VINTAGE.DAT an. d display those vintage vehicles, which are priced between 200000 and 250000. class VINTAGE { int VNO; //Vehicle Number char VDesc[lO] ; //Vehicle Description float Price; .public : void GET() {>>VNO;gets {VDesc) ;cin>>Price;} void VIEW {) 2 3 Page 56 of 99 Topics a b c. d. e. Introduction to Networking Media, Devices, Topologies & Protocol Security Web Servers Open Source Terminologies { cout<<VNO<<endl ; cout<<VDesc<<endl; cout<<Price<<endl ; } float ReturnPrice {) {return Price;} }; Chapter: Network and open source software Group I : Questions that have been repeated at least three or more times : NIL Group 2 : Questions that have been repeated one or two times (a) Topic: Introduction to Networking 1. Differentiate between packet switching over message switching? 1 [2015] 2. Out of the following, which all comes under cyber crime? 1 [2015] (i) Stealing away a brand new hard disk from a showroom. (ii) Getting in someone’s social networking account without his consent and posting on his behalf. (iii) Secretly copying data from server of an organization and selling it to other organization. (iv) Looking at online activities of a friend’s blog. 3. Which type of network (out of LAN, PAN and MAN) is formed, when you connect two mobiles using Bluetooth to transfer a video? 1 [2014] 4. In networking, what is WAN ? How is it different from LAN ? 1 [2011] 5. What was the role of ARPANET in the Computer Network? 1 [2010] 6. Which of the following is not a unit for data transfer rate? 1 [2010] i) mbps ii) kbps iii) sbps Page 57 of 99 iv) gbps 7. What is the difference between LAN and WAN? 8. Expand the following abbreviations: (i) HTTP (ii) ARPANET 1 [2009] 1 [2009] 9. Name two switching techniques used to transfer data between two terminals (computers). 1 [2009] 10. Which of the following units measures the speed with which data can be transmitted from one node to another node of a network? Also, give the expansion of the suggested unit. 1 [2007] KMph Mbps MGps (b) Topic: Media, Devices, Topologies & Protocol 1. Illustrate the layout for connecting 5 computers in a bus and a star topology of networks. 1 [2015] 2. Out of the following , which is the fastest (i)wired and (ii)wireless medium of communication ?1 [2015] Infrared, Coaxial Cable, Ethernet Cable, Microwave, Optical Fiber 3. Write two characteristics of Wi-Fi. 1 [2014] 4. Expand the following: 1 [2014] a. GSM b. GPRS 5. Write two advantages of using an optical fiber cable over an Ethernet cable to connect two service stations, which are 200 m from each other? 1 [2013] 6. What is the difference between HTTP and FTP? 1 [2013] 7. Write one advantage of Bus Topology of the network. Also, illustrate how 4 computers can be connected with each other using star topology of network. 1 [2012] 8. What is protocol? Which protocol is used to copy a file from/to a remotely located server? 1 [2009] 9. What is a Modem? 1 [2008] 10. Expand the following terms with respect to Networking: 2 [2008] (i) PPP (ii) GSM (iii) XML (iv) HTTP 11. Expand the following terms with respect to networking : 2 [2007] i.XML ii.WWW iii.WLL iv.TCP/IP 12. Xclencia Edu Services Ltd. Is an educational organization. It is planning to set up its India campus at Hyderabad with its head office at Delhi. The Hyderabad campus has 4 main buildings – ADMIN, SCIENCE, BUSINESS and ARTS. You as a network expert have to suggest network related solutions for their problems raised in (i) to (iv), keeping in mind the distances between the buildings and other given parameters. 4 [2015] HYDERABAD DELHI Page 58 of 99 SCIENCE ADMIN DELHI HEAD OFFICE BUSINESS SS ARTS ADMIN to SCIENCE ADMIN to BUSINESS ADMIN to ARTS SCIENCE to BUSINESS SCIENCE to ARTS BUSINESS to ARTS DELHI head Office to HYDERABAD Campus 65m 100m 60m 75m 60m 50m 1600km ADMIN 100 SCIENCE 85 BUSINESS 40 ARTS 12 DELHI Head Office 20 (i) Suggest the most appropriate location of the server inside the HYDERABAD campus (out of the 4 buildings), to get the best connectivity for maximum number of computers. Justify your answer. (ii) Suggest and draw the cable layout to efficiently connect various buildings within the HYDERABAD campus for connecting the computers. (iii) Which hardware device will you suggest to be procured by the company to be installed to protect and control the internet uses within the campus? (iv) Which of the following will you suggest to establish the online face-to-face communication between the people in the Admin Office of HYDERABAD campus and DELHI Head Office? (i) E- Mail (ii) Text Chat (iii) Video Conferencing (iv) Cable TV 13. Tech Up Corporation (TUC) is a professional consultancy company. The company is planning to set up their new offices in India with its hub at Hyderabad. As a network adviser, you have to understand their requirement and suggest to them the best available solutions. Their queries are mentioned as (i) to (iv) below. 4 [2014] Physical Locations of the blocks of TUC: Page 59 of 99 Block to Block distances (in meters.): Block (From) Human Resource Human Resource Conference Block (To) Conference Finance Finance Distance 60 120 80 Expected Number of Computers to be installed in each block: Block Computers Human Resource 125 Finance 25 Conference 60 i. What will the most appropriate block, where TUC should plan to install their server? ii. Draw a block to block cable layout to connect all the buildings in the most appropriate manner for efficient communication. iii. Which of the following devices will be suggested by you to connect each computer in each of the buildings? 1. Gateway 2. Switch 3. Modem iv. What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following, you will suggest to connect the new setup of offices in Bangalore with its London based office? Infrared Satellite Link Ethernet Cable 14. Rovenza communications international (RCI) is an online corporate training provider company for IT related courses. The company is setting up their new campus in Kolkata. You as a network expert have to study the physical locations of various blocks and the number of computers installed. In the planning phase, provide the best possible answers to the queries(i) to(iv) raised by them. 4 [2013] Administrative block Finance block Page 60 of 99 Faculty recording block BLOCK TO BLOCK DISTANCE (IN METRES) From To Administrative Block Finance Block Administrative Block Faculty Recording Block Finance Block Faculty Recording Block Expected computers to be installed in each block Distance 60 120 70 Block Computers Administrative Block 30 Finance Block 20 Faculty Recording Block 100 (i)Suggest the most appropriate block,where RCI should plan to install the server. (ii)Suggest the most appropriate block to block cable layout to connect all three blocks for efficient communication. (iii)Which type of network out of the following is formed by connecting the computers of these three blocks? a)LAN b)MAN c)WAN (iv)Which wireless channel out of the following should be opted by RCI to connect to students from all over the world? a)Infrared b)Microwave c)satellite 15. Workalot Consultants are setting up a secured network for their office campus at Gurgaon for their dayto-day office and web-based activities. They are planning to have connectivity between 3 buildings and the head office situated in Mumbai. Answer the questions (i) to (iv) after going through the buildings positions in the campus and the other details, which are given below: 4 [2012] Head Office “MUMBAI” Gurgaon Campus Page 61 of 99 Building “GREEN” Building “RED” Building “BLUE” Distance between various buildings Building “GREEN” to Building “RED” Building “GREEN” to Building “BLUE” Building “BLUE” to Building “RED” Gurgaon Campus to Head Campus 110 m 45 m 65 m 1760 KM Number of Computers Building “GREEN” Building “RED” Building “BLUE” Head Office 32 150 45 10 (i) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to house the server of this organization. Also give a reason to justify your suggested location. (ii) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings inside the campus. (iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification: (1) Switch (2) Repeater (iv) The organization is planning to provide a high speed link with its head office situated in MUMBAI using a wired connection. Which of the following cables will be most suitable for this job? (1) Optical fibre (2) Co-axial fibre (3) Ethernet cable 16. Great Sudies University is setting up its Academic schools at Sunder Nagar and planning to set up Network. The university has 3 academic schools and one administration centre s shown in the diagram below: 4 [2011] Business School Technology Page 62 of 99 Centre to centre distances between various buildings is as follows: Law School to Business School Law School to Technology School Law School to Admin School Business School to Technology School Business School to Admin School Technology School to Admin School Number of computers in each of the Schools/Centre is follows: Law school Technology School Admin school Business School 60 m 90 m 115 m 40 m 45 m 25 m 25 50 125 35 (i) Suggest the most suitable most suitable place (i.e. School/Centre) to install the server of this university with a suitable reason. (ii) Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these schools/center for a wired connectivity. (iii) Which device will you suggest to be placed/installed in each of these schools/center to efficiently connect all the computers within these schools/centre ? (iv) The university is planning to connect its admission office in the closest big city, which is more than 350 km from the university. Which type of network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be formed ? Justify your answer. 17. “Vidhya for All” is an educational NGO. It is setting up its new campus at Jaipur for its web- based activities. The campus has four buildings as shown in the diagram below: 4 [2010] MAIN BUILDING TRANING BUILDING RESOURCE BUILDING ACCOUNTS BUILDING Center to the center distances between various buildings as per architectural drawings (in meters) is as followings: Page 63 of 99 MAIN BUILDING TO RESOURCE BUILDING 120m MAIN BUILDING TO TRAINING BUILDING 40m MAIN BUILDING TO ACCOUNTS BUILDING 135m RESOURCE BUILDING TO TRANING BUILDING RESOURCE BUILDING TO ACCOUNTS BUILDING TRANING BUILDING TO ACCOUNTS BUILDING 125m 45m 110m Expected number of computers in each building is as follows: MAIN BUILDING RESOURCE BUILDING 15 25 TRAINING BUILDING 250 ACCOUNTS BUILDING 10 E1) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings. E2) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to house the server for this NGO. Also, provide a suitable reason for your suggestion. E3) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification: i) ii) Repeater Hub/switch E4) The NGO is planning to connect its International office situated in Delhi. Which out of the following wired communication links, will you suggest for a very high speed connectivity? i) Telephone analog line ii) Optical fibre iii) Ethernet cable 18. Eduminds University of India is starting its first campus in a small town Parampur of Central India with its center admission office in Delhi. The university has 3 major buildings comprising of Admin Building, Academic Building and Research Building in the 5 KM area Campus. Page 64 of 99 As the network expert, you need to suggest the network plan as per (E1) to (E4) to the authorities keeping in mind the distances and other given parameters. 4 [2009] Eduminds University Delhi Parampur Campus Admission Research Building Academic Block Building Admin Building Expected Wire distances between various locations: Research Building to Admin Building Research Building to Academic Building Academic Building to admin Building Delhi Admission Office to Parampur Campus 90 m 80 m 15 m 1450 m Expected numbers of Computers to be installed at various locations in the University are as follows: Research Building Academic Building Admin Building Delhi Admission Office 20 150 35 5 (E1) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst various buildings inside the university campus for connecting the buildings. (E2) suggest the most suitable place(i.e., building) to house the server of this organization, with a suitable reason. (E3) Suggest an efficient device from the following to be installed in each of the buildings to connect all the computers: (i) (ii) (iii) GATEWAY MODEM SWITCH (E4) suggest the most suitable (very high speed) service to provide data connectivity between Admission Building located in Delhi and the campus located in Parampur from the following options. Page 65 of 99 (i) Telephone line (ii) Fixed Line dial up connection (iii) Co axial cable network (iv) GSM (v) Leased Line (vi) Satellite connection 19. “China Middleton Fashion” is planning to expand their network in India, starting with two cities in India to provide infrastructure for distribution of their product. The company has planned to setup their main office in Chennai at three different locations and have named their offices as “Production Unit”, “Finance Unit” and “Media Unit”. The company has its corporate unit in Delhi. A rough layout of the same is as follows: 4 [2008] India Chennai Corporate Unit (Delhi) Production Unit Media Unit Finance Unit Approximate distance between these Units is as follows: From To Distance Production Unit Finance Unit 70 mtr Production Unit Media Unit 15 Km Production Unit Corporate Unit 2112Km Finance Unit Media Unit 15Km In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in each of their offices: Production Unit Finance Unit Media Unit Corporate Unit i. 150 35 10 30 Suggest the kind of network required (out of LAN, MAN , WAN )for connecting each of the following office units : Production Unit and Media Unit Production Unit and Finance Unit Page 66 of 99 ii. Which one of the following devices will you suggest for connecting all the computers within each of their office units? Switch/Hub Modem Telephone iii. Which of the following communication media, you will suggest to be procured by the company for connecting their local office units in Chennai for very effective (High Speed) communication? Telephone Cable Optical Fibre Ethernet Cable iv. Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices units located in Chennai. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s office unit located in Delhi. 20. “Hindustan Connecting World Association” is planning to start their offices in four major cities in India to provide regional IT infrastructure support in the field of education and culture. The company has planned to set up their head office in New Delhi in three locations and have named their New Delhi offices as “ Sales office”, “Head office” and ”Tech office”. The company’s regional offices are located at “Coimbatore”, “Kolkata” and “Ahmadabad”. 4 [2007] The rough layout of the same is follows: INDIA New Delhi Sales Office Tech Office Head Office Ahmedabad office Coimbatore office Kolkata office Approximate distances between these offices as per network survey team is as follows: Place From Head Office Head Office Head Office Head Office Head Office Place To Sales Office Tech Office Kolkata Office Ahmedabad Office Coimbatore Office Distance 10 Km 70 mtr 1291 Km 790 Km 1952 Km In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the Page 67 of 99 following number of computers in each of their offices: Head Office Sales Office Tech Office Kolkata Office Ahmedabad Office Coimbatore Office 100 20 50 50 50 50 i. Suggest network type(out of LAN,MAN,WAN) for connecting each of the following set of their offices : Head office and Tech office Head office and Coimbatore office ii. Which device will you suggest to be procured by the company connecting all the computers within each of their offices out of the following devices? Modem Telephone Switch/Hub iii. Which of the following communication media, will you suggest to procured by the company for connecting their local offices in New Delhi for very effective and fast communication? Ethernet Cable Optical Fiber Telephone Cable iv. Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in New Delhi. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s regional offices at “Kolkata’, “Coimbatore” and “Ahmadabad”. (c) Topic: Network Security 1. What kind of data gets stored in cookies and how it is useful? 1 [2015] 2. What is Trojan Horse? 1 [2015] 3. Which of the following crime(s) does not come under cybercrime? 1 [2013] i) Copying some important data from a computer without taking permission from the owner of the data. ii) Stealing keyboard and mouse from a shop. iii) Getting into unknown persons social networking account 4. Which out of the following comes under Cyber Crime? (i) Operating someone’s Internet banking account, without his knowledge. (ii) Stealing a keyboard from someone’s computer. 1 [2012] Page 68 of 99 (iii) 5. 6. 7. 8. Working on someone’s computer with his/her permission. What are cookies? What is the difference between Virus & Worms in the computers? How is a Hacker different from a Cracker? What is the significance of Cyber law? (d) 1 [2011] 1 [2010] 1 [2008] 1 [2007] Topic:Web Servers 1. What is the difference between E-mail and Chat? 1 [2014] 2. Write any two important characteristics of Cloud Computing. 1 [2014] 3. What out of the following, will you use to have an audio-visual chat with an expert sitting in a far-away place to fix-up a technical issue? 1 [2012] (i) VoIP (ii) Email (iii) FTP 4. Name one server side scripting language and one client side scripting language? 1 [2012] 5. Give one suitable example of each URL and domain name. 1 [2012] 6. Differentiate between XML and HTML. 1 [2011] 7. What is WEB 2.0 ? 1 [2011] 8. Out of the following, identify client side script(s) and server side script(s). 1 [2011] (i) javascript (ii) ASP (iii) vbscript (iv) JSP 9. Name any two common Web browers. 1 [2010] (e) Topic: Open Source Terminologies 1. Write the names of any two popular Open Source softwares, which are used as Operating Systems. 1[2014] 2. Write two advantages of using open source software over proprietary software? 1 [2013] 3. Name two Proprietary softwares along with their application. 1 [2012] 4. Compare Open Source Software and Proprietary Software. 1 [2011] 5. Write the full forms of: FTP, FSF. 1 [2010] QUESTION BANK OF COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPUTER SCIENCE (THEORY) – 083 CBSE QUESTIONS OF LAST 10 YEARS Page 69 of 99 Note: In Computer Science CBSE Exam, the pattern of Questions is same, but all questions are distinct. Chapter : 1 Review of C++ covered in class XI ONE (01) Marks Questions: 1.Observe the following program very carefully and write the names of those header file(s), which are essentially needed to compile and execute the following program successfully : [2015, outside delhi] typedef char STRING[80]; void main() { STRING Txt[] = “We love Peace”; int Count=0; while (Txt[Count]!=’\0’) if (isalpha(Txt[Count])) Txt[Count++]=’@’; else Txt[Count++]=’#’; puts(Txt); } 2. Observe the following program very carefully and write the names of those header file(s), which are essentially needed to compile and execute the following program successfully : [2015, Delhi ] typedef char TEXT[80]; void main() { TEXT Str[] = “Peace is supreme”; int Index=0; while (Str[Index]!=’\0’) if (isupper(Str[Index])) Str[Index++]=’#’; else Str[Index++]=’*’; puts(Str); } 3. Name the header files that shall be needed for successful compilation of the following C++ code : [2014, outside Delhi] void main() {char str[20], str1[20]; gets(str); strcpy(str1,str); strrev(str); puts(str); puts(str1); } Page 70 of 99 4. Observe the following C++ code and write the name(s) of the header file(s), which will be essentially required to run it in a C++ compiler : [2014, outside Delhi] void main() { char CH, STR[20]; cin>>STR; CH=toupper(STR[0]); cout<<STR<< “starts with” <<CH<<endl; } 5. Observe the following C++ code and write the name(s) of the header fiIe(s), which will be essentially required to run it in a C++ compiler : [2014, Delhi] void main ( ) { char Text[20] , C; cin>>Text; C = tolower (Text [0]); cout<<C<<" is the first char of " <<Text<<end1; } 6. Observe the following C++ code and write the name(s) of the header file(s), which will be essentially required to run it in a C++ compiler: [CBSE,2013] void main ( ) { int number; cin >> number; if (abs (number) = = number); cout << “Positive” <<endl; } 7. Write the names of the header files, which is/are essentially required to run/execute the following C++ code: [CBSE, 2011] void main ( ) { char C, String [ ] = "Excellence Overload"; for (int I=0; String [ I ] ! = '\ 0'; I ++ ) if (String [I] ==' ') cout<<end1; else { C=toupper(String[I]); cout<<C ; } } 8. Which C++ header file(s) will be essentially required to be included to run/execute the following C++ code? [CBSE, 2010] void main( ) Page 71 of 99 { int Eno=123, char Ename[ ]=”Rehan Swamp”; cout<<setw(5)<<Eno<<setw(25)<<EName<<endl; } 9. Name the header files that shall be needed for the following code: void main ( ) [CBSE, 2008] { char word [ ]= “Exam”; Cout << setw (20) << word ; } 10. Name the header file(s) that shall be needed for successful compilation of the following C++ code : [CBSE, 2007] void main( ) { char Text[40]; strcpy(Text,”AISSCE”); puts(Text); } 11. Name the header file(s) that shall be needed for successful compilation of the following C++ code: [CBSE, 2006] void main ( ) { char String [20]; gets (String); strcat (String, “CBSE”); puts (String); } 12. Name the header file to which the following belong: i. pow ( ) ii. random ( ) [CBSE, 2006-SET1] 13. Name the header file to which the following belong i. abs ( ) ii. isupper ( ) [CBSE, 2006-SET2] TWO MARKS QUESTIONS: ( Correct identifiers and Error Detection and Correction) Page 72 of 99 1.Find the correct identifiers out of the following, which can be used for naming Variable, Constants or Functions in a C++ program : [CBSE, outside delhi, 2015] For, while, INT, NeW, delete, 1stName, Add+Subtract, name1 2. Find the correct identifiers out of the following, which can be used for naming variable, constants or functions in a C++ program : [CBSE, 2015, Delhi] While, for, Float, new, 2ndName, A%B, Amount2, _Counter 3. Observe the following C++ code very carefully and rewrite it after removing any/all syntactical errors with each correction underlined. Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi set-I] #define float MaxSpeed=60.5; void main() { int MySpeed char Alert=’N’; cin≫MySpeed; if MySpeed>MaxSpeed Alert=’Y’; cout<<Alert<<endline; } Q4. Observe the following C++ code very carefully and rewrite it after removing any/all syntactical errors with each correction underlined. Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE outside delhi, 2014] #Define float Max=70.0; Void main() { int Speed char Stop=’N’; cin>>Speed; if Speed>Max Stop=’Y’; cout<<Stop<<end; } Q 5. Deepa has just started working as a programmer in STAR SOFTWARE company. In the company she has got her first assignment to be done using a C++ function to find the smallest number out of a given set of numbers stored in a one-dimensional array. But she has committed some logical mistakes while writing the code and is not getting the desired result. Rewrite the correct code underlining the corrections done. Do not add any additional statements in the corrected code. [CBSE, 2013] int find(int a[],int n) Page 73 of 99 { int s=a[0]; for(int x=1;x<n;x++) if(a[x]>s) a[x]=s; return(s); } Q 6. Rewrite the following C++ code after removing all the syntax error(s), if present in the code. Make sure that you underline each correction done by you in the code. [CBSE 2012] Important Note : – Assume that all the required header files are already included, which are essential to run this code. – The corrections made by you do not change the logic of the program. typedef char[80] STR; void main() { Txt STR; gets(Txt); cout<<Txt[0]<<’\t<<Txt[2]; cout<<Txt<<endline; } Q 7. Rewrite the following C++ code after removing all the syntax error(s), if present in the code. Make sure that you underline each correction done by you in the code. Important Note : [CBSE, 2011] - Assume that all the required header files are already included, which are essential to run this code. - The corrections made by you do not change the logic of the program. typedef char [50] STRTNG; void main ( ) { City STRING; gets (City) ; cout<<City [0] <<’ \t<<City [2] ; cout << City << endline ; } Q 8. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (if any). Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2010] #include[iostream.h] typedef char Text(80) ; void main ( ) { Text T= "Indian"; int Count=strlen(T) ; cout<<T<<'has'<<Count<< 'characters' <<end1; } Page 74 of 99 Q 9. Rewrite the following c++ program code after removing the syntax error(s) (if any). Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2009] include <iostream.h> class TRAIN { long TrainNo; char Description[25]; public void Entry ( ) { cin >>TrainNo; gets(Description); } Void Display ( ) { cout<<TrainNo<<“:”<<Description<<endl; } }; void main( ) { TRAIN T; Entry. T( ); Display. T( ); } Q 10. Rewrite the following C++ program code after removing the syntax error(s) (if any). Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2008] include <iostream.h> class FLIGHT { long FlightCode; char Description [25]; public void AddInfo ( ) { cin >> FlightCode; } gets(Description); void ShowInfo ( ) { cout << FlightCode << “:” << Description << endl; } }; void main ( ) { Page 75 of 99 FLIGHT F; AddInfo. F ( ); ShowInfo ( ); } Q 11. Rewrite the following c++ program code after removing the syntax error(s) (if any). Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2007] include <iostream.h> class TRAIN { long TrainNo; char Description[25]; public void Entry ( ) { cin >>TrainNo; gets(Description); } Void Display ( ) { cout<<TrainNo<<“:”<<Description<<endl; } }; void main( ) { TRAIN T; Entry. T( ); Display. T( ); } Q 12. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntax error(s), if any. Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2006, SET-III] # include <iostream.h> void main ( ) { One=10, Two = 20; Callme (One; Two); Callme (Two); } void Callme ( int Arg1, int Arg2 = 20) { Arg1 = Arg1 + Arg2; cout << Arg1 >> Arg2; } Q 13. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any. [CBSE, 2006, SET-II] Underline each correction. #include <iostream.h> const int Size 5; void main() Page 76 of 99 { int Array[Size]; Array = {50,40,30,20,10}; for(Ctr=0; Ctr<Size; Ctr++) cout>>Array[Ctr]; } Q 14. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s) if any. [CBSE, 2006, SET-I] Underline each correction. # include <iostream.h> const int Max 10; void main ( ) { int Numbers [Max]; Numbers = { 20, 50,10, 30,40 } ; for (Loc= Max-1 ; Loc > = 0 ; Loc - -) cout>>Numbers [Loc]; } Q 15. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any Underline each correction, #include <iostream.h> void main( ) { struct TV { char Manu_name[20]; char Tv_Type; int Price = 17000; } New Tv; gets(Manu_name); gets(Tv_Type); } Q 16. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any. Underline each correction. #include <iostream.h> void main( ) { struct movie { char movie_name [20]; char movie type; int ticket cost = 100; }MOVIE; gets(movie_name); gets(movie_type); } Q 17. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any. Underline each correction. [CBSE, 2006] # include <iostream.h> void main() { struct STUDENT { char stu_name [20]; char stu_sex; Page 77 of 99 int stu_age=17; } student; gets(stu_name); gets(stu_sex); } CHAPTER-2 :Object Oriented Programming in C++: Output Questions 02 Marks each (Combination of chapter 1 and chapter 2) Q 1. Write the output of the following C++ program code : Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE, 2015, Outside Delhi] void Location(int &X, int Y=4) { Y+=2; X+=Y; } void main() { int PX=10,PY=2; Location(PY); cout<<PX<<”,”≪PY<<endl; Location(PX,PY); cout<<PX<<”,”≪PY<<endl; } Q 2. Write the output of the following C++ program code : Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE, 2015, Delhi] void Position(int &C1,int C2=3) { C1+=2; C2+=Y; } void main() { int P1=20, P2=4; Position(P1); cout<<P1<<”,”<<P2<<end1; Position(P2,P1); cout<<P1<<”,”<<P2<<end1; } Q 3. Find output of the following program segment : [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi-I] #include<iostream.h> #include<ctype.h> void Mycode(char Msg[],char CH) { Page 78 of 99 for(int cnt=0;Msg[cnt]!=‘\0’;cnt++) { if(Msg[cnt]>=‘B’&& Msg[cnt]<=‘G’) Msg[cnt]=tolower(Msg[cnt]); else if(Msg[cnt]==‘N’||Msg[cnt]==‘n’ || Msg[cnt]==‘’) Msg[cnt]=CH; else if(cnt%2==0) Msg[cnt]=toupper(Msg[cnt]); else Msg[cnt]=Msg[cnt–1]; }} void main( ) { char MyText[]="Input Raw"; Mycode(MyText,‘@’); cout<<"NEW TEXT:"<<MyText<<endl; } Q 4. Obtain the output from the following C++ program as expected to appear on the screen after its execution. [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi] Important Note : - All the desired header files are already included in the code, which are required to run the code. void main() { char *Text= “AJANTA”; int *P, Num[ ]={1,5,7,9}; P=Num; cout<<*P<<Text<<endl; Text++; P++; cout<<*P<<Text<<endl; } Q 5. Obtain the output from the following c++ program as expected to appear on the screen after its execution. Important Note : - All the desired header files are already included in the code, which are required to run the code. void main ( ) [CBSE, 2014, Delhi] { char *String = “SARGAM” ; int *ptr, A [ ] = { 1,5,7,9 }; Ptr = A; cout << * ptr << String<< end1 ; String++; Ptr+=3; cout<< * Ptr << String<<endI; } Q 6. Find the output of the following program: [CBSE, 2013] #include<iostream.h> Page 79 of 99 void main ( ) { int Track [ ] = {10, 20, 30, 40}, *Striker ; Stxiker=Track : Track [1] += 30 ; cout<<"Striker>"<<*Striker<<end1 ; Striker – =10 ; Striker++ ; cout<<"Next@"<<*Striker<<end1 ; Striker+=2 ; cout<<"Last@"<<*Striker<<end1 ; cout<< "Reset To" <<Track[0] <<end1 ; } Q 7. Find the output of the following program : #include <iostream.h> #include <ctype.h> void ChangeIt(char Text[ ], char C) { for (int K=0;Text[K]!='\0';K++) { if (Text[K]>=’F’ && Text[K]<=’L’) Text[K]=tolower(Text[K]); else if (Text[K]=’E’ || Text[K]==’e’) Text[K]= =C; else if (K%2==O) Text[K]=toupper(Text[K]); else Text[K]=Text[K-l]; } } void main ( ) { char OldText[ ]=”pOwERALone”; ChangeIt(OldText,’%’); cout<<“New TEXT:”<<OldText<<endl; } [CBSE, 2011] Q 8. Find the output of the following program : [CBSE, 2010] # include <iostream.h> void main ( ) { int A=5, B=10; for (int I= 1; I <= 2; I+ +) { cout << “Line1=” <<A++ << “&” << B-2 <<endl; Page 80 of 99 cout << “Line2=” << ++B << “&” <<A+3 <<endl; } } Q 9. Find the output of the following program : #include<iostream.h> void main() { int Numbers[] = {2,4,8,10}; int *ptr = Numbers; for (int C = 0; C<3; C++) { cout<< *ptr << “@”; ptr++; } cout<<endl; for(C = 0; C<4; C++) { (*ptr)*=2; --ptr; } for(C = 0; C<4; C++) cout<< Numbers [C]<< “#”; cout<<endl; } [CBSE,2010-setI] Q 10. Find the output of the following program : # include < iostream.h> void main ( ) { intArray[] = {4,6,10,12}; int *pointer = Array ; for (int I=1 ; I<=3 ; I++) { cout<<*pointer<<#”; pointer ++; } cout<<endl; for (I=1 ; I<=4 ; I++) { (*pointer)*=3 ; -- pointer; } for(I=l; I<5; I + + ) cout << Array [I-1] << “@”; cout << endl; } [CBSE,2008] Q 11. Find the output of the following program: #include < iostream.h> [CBSE, 2007-II] Page 81 of 99 void main( ) { int *Pointer Array [10]; int marks [ ]= {75, 68, 90, 34, 0, 10, 90, 65}; for (int I = 0; marks [ I]!=0; I++) { PointerArray [I]=&marks[I]; * (PointerArray [I] ) += 5; } int index = 0; while(index < I ) { int p=*(PointerArray[index] ); if(p >=60) cout <<p<<’,’; index ++; } } Q 12. Find the output of the following program: #include<iostream.h> void main() { long Number = 7583241; int First=0, Second=0; do { int R=Number%10; if (R%2==0) First+=R; else Second+=R; Number /=10; } while (Number>O); cout<<First-Second; } [CBSE, 2007] Q 13. Find the output of the following program: #include<iostream.h> [CBSE, 2006] void main( ) { long NUM = 1234543; int F = 0, S = 0; do { int Rem = NUM% 10; if (Rem % 2 !=0) F+ =R; else S+ = R; NUM/=10; } while(NUM>0); cout<<F-S; } OUTPUT QUESTIONS OF (03 Marks each): Q 1. Write the output of the following C++ program code : Page 82 of 99 Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE, 2015, Outside Delhi] class Eval { char Level; int Point; public: Eval(){Level=’E’;Point=0;} void Sink(int L) { Level-=L; } void Float(int L) { Level+=L; Point++; } void Show() { cout<<Level<<”#”<<Point<<endl; } }; void main() { Eval E; E.Sink(3); E.Show(); E.Float(7); E.Show(); E.Sink(2); E.Show(); } Q 2. Write the output of the following C++ program code : Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. [CBSE, 2015, Delhi] class Calc { char Grade; int Bonus; public: Calc() {Grade=’E’;Bonus=0;} void Down(int G) { Grade–=G; } Void Up(int G) Page 83 of 99 { Grade+=G; Bonus++; } void Show() { cout<<Grade<<”#”<<Bonus<<end1; } }; void main() { Calc c; C.Down(2); C.Show(); C.Up(7); C.Show(); C.Down(2); C.Show(); } Q 3. Find the output of the following program : [CBSE, 2014,Outside Delhi-I] #include<iostream.h> void in(int x,int y, int &z) { x+=y; y– –; z*=(x–y); } void out(int z,int y, int &x) { x*=y; y++; z/=(x+y); } void main() { int a=20, b=30, c=10; out(a,c,b); cout<<a<<"#"<<b<<"#"<<c<<"#"<<endl; in(b,c,a); cout<<a<<"@"<<b<<"@"<<c<<"@"<<endl; out(a,b,c); cout<<a<<"$"<<b<<"$"<<c<<"$"<<endl; } Q 4. Obtain the output of the following C++ program, which will appear on the screen after its execution. Important Note : [CBSE, 2014,Outside Delhi] ● All the desired header files are already included in the code, which are required to run the code. class Game { int Level, Score; Page 84 of 99 char Type; public: Game(char GType=’P’) {Level=1;Score=0;Type=GType;} void Play(int GS); void Change(); void Show() { cout<<Type<<”@”<<Level<<endl; cout<<Score<<endl; } }; void main() { Game A(‘G’),B; B.Show(); A.Play(11); A.Change(); B.Play(25); A.Show(); B.Show(); } void Game::Change() { Type=(Type==’P’)?’G’:’P’; } void Game::Play(int GS) { Score+=GS; if(Score>=30) Level=3; else if(Score>=20) Level=2; else Level=1; } Q 5. Observe the following C++ code carefully and obtain the output, which will appear on the screen after execution of it. [cbse, 2014, delhi] # include <iostream.h> class Aroundus { int Place, Humidity, Temp; public : Aroundus (int p=2) { Place=P; Humidity = 60; Temp = 20;} void Hot (int T) { Temp += T;} void Humid (int H) { Humidity + = H;} void JustSee ( ) Page 85 of 99 { cout << Place << “:” <<Temp << “&” << Humidity << “%” <<endl; } }; void main ( ) { Aroundus A, B(5); A. Hot (10); A.JustSee( ); B.Humid (15); B.Hot (2); B.JustSee ( ); A.Humid (5); A.justSee( ); } Q 6. Find the output of the following program: #include<iostream.h> [cbse, 2013] void ChangeArray(int Number, int ARR[ ], int Size) { for (int L =0; L<Size; L++) if (L<Number) ARR [L] +=L; e1se ARR [L] *=L; } void Show (int ARR [ ], int Size) { for (int L=0; L<Size; L++) (L%2!=0) ?cout<<ARR[L] <<"#": cout<<ARR[L]<<end1 ; } void main ( ) { int Array [ ] = {30, 20, 40, 10, 60, 50}; ChangeArray (3, Array, 6) ; Show (Array, 6) ; } Q 7. Find the output of the following program : #inc1ude <iostream.h> struct POINT {int X, Y, Z;}; void StepIn(POINT & P, int Step=1) { P.X+=Step; P.Y -=Step; P.Z+=Step; } [cbse, 2011] Page 86 of 99 void StepOut(POINT & P, int Step=1) { P.X-=Step; P.Y+=Step; P.Z–=Step; } void main ( ) { POINT P1={15, 25, 5}, P2={10, 30, 20}; StepIn(P1); StepOut(P2,4); cout<<P1.X<<“,”<<P1.Y<<“,”<<P1.Z<<endl; cout<<P2.X<<“,”<<P2.Y<<“,”<<P2.Z<<endl; StepIn(P2,12); cout<<P2.X<<“,”<<P2.Y<<“,”<<P2.Z<<endl; } Q 8. Find the output of the following program: [CBSE, 2008] #include<iostream.h> #include <ctype.h> void main () { Char Mystring[] = “What@OUTPUT!”; for (int I = 0; Mystring [ I ] = ‘\0’ ; I++) { if ( isalpha (Mystring [ I ] ) ) Mystring [ I ] = ‘ * ’; else if ( isupper (Mystring [ I ]) ) Mystring [ I ] = Mystring [ I ] + 1; else Mystring [ I ] = Mystring [ I + 1]; } cout<< Mystring; } Page 87 of 99 Q 9. Find the output of the following program : [CBSE-2007-II] #include<iostream.h> void Indirect(int Temp=20) { for (int I=10; I<=Temp; I+=5) cout << I <<”, “; cout << endl ; } void Direct (int &Num) { Num + = 10; Indirect (Num) ; } void main() { int Number=20; Direct(Number); Indirect(); cout<< “ Number=” <<Number<<endl ; } Q 10. Find the output of the following program : # include < iostream.h> void Withdef (int HisNum = 30) { for (int 1=20 ; I<*= HisNum; I+=5) cout<<I<<””; cout<<endl; } void Control (int &MyNum) { MyNum+=10; Withdef(MyNum); } void main () { int YourNum=20; Control (YourNum); Withdef(); cout<<”Number=”<<YourNum<<endl; } Q 11. Find the output of the following program # include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class state { char * state_name; int size; public; [CBSE, 2007-I] [CBSE, 2006] Page 88 of 99 state( ); { size=0; state_name=new char[size+1]; } state(char *s) { size = strlen(s) ; state_name = new char[size+1];} strcpy(state_name,s); } void display() {cout<<state name<<endl; } void Replace (state &a, state &b) { size = a.size + b.size; delete state_name; state_name = new char[size+1] ; strcpy(state_name, a.state_name); strcat(state_name, b.state_name); } }; void main( ) { char *temp = “Delhi”; state state1(temp), state2(”Mumbai”), state3(”Nagpur”), SI, S2; SI .Replace(state1, state2); S2.Replace(S1, state3); S1.display( ); S2.display( ); } RANDOMIZE ( ) FUNCTIONS: 02 Marks each Q 1. Study the following program and select the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) following it. Also, write the maximum and the minimum values that can be assigned to the variable VAL. [CBSE, 2015, Outside Delhi] Note : – Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. – random(n) function generates an integer between 0 and n-1. void main() { randomize(); int VAL; VAL=random(3)+2; char GUESS[]=”ABCDEFGHIJK”; for (int I=1;I<=VAL; I++) { for(int J=VAL; J<=7;J++) cout≪GUESS[J]; cout<<endl; } Page 89 of 99 } (i) BCDEFGH BCDEFGH (ii) CDEFGH CDEFGH (iii) EFGH EFGH EFGH EFGH (iv) FGHI FGHI FGHI FGHI Q 2. Study the following program and select the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) following it. Also, write the maximum and the minimum values that can be assigned to the variable NUM. Note : [CBSE, 2015, DELHI] – Assume all required header files are already being included in the program. – random(n) function generates an integer between 0 and n – 1. void main() { randomize(); int NUM; NUM=random(3)+2; char TEXT[]=”ABCDEFGHIJK”; for (int I=1;I<=NUM; I++) { for(int J=NUM; J<=7;J++) cout<<TEXT[J]; cout<<end1; } } (i) FGHI (ii) BCDEFGH FGHI BCDEFGH FGHI FGHI (iii) EFGH EFGH EFGH EFGH (iv) CDEFGH CDEFGH Q 3. Read the following C++ code carefully and find out, which out of the given options (i) to (iv) are the expected correct output(s) of it. Also, write the maximum and minimum value that can be assigned to the variable Taker used in the code : [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi] void main( ) { int GuessMe[4]={100,50,200,20}; int Taker=random(2)+2; for (int Chance=0;Chance<Taker;Chance++) } (i) 100# (ii) 50# 200# (iii) 100# 50# 200# (iv) 100# 50 Page 90 of 99 Q 4. Based on the following C++ code, find out the expected correct output(s) from the option (i) to (iv). Also, find out the minimum and the maximum value that can be assigned to the variable Trick used in the code at the time when value of Count is 3: [cbse, 2013] void main ( ) char Status [ ] [10] = { “EXCEL”, “ GOOD”, “OK” }; int Turn = 10, Trick; for (int Count = 1; Count < 4; Count ++ ) { Trick = random ( Count ) ; cout << Turn –Trick << Status [ Trick ] << “ #” ; } } (i) (ii) 10 EXCEL # 10 EXCEL # 80 K # 10 EXCEL # 80 K # 9GOOD# (iii) 10 EXCEL # 9GOOD # 10 EXCEL # (iv) 10 EXCEL# 10 GOOD # 80 K # Q 5. Go through the C++ code shown below, and find out the possible output or outputs from the suggested Output Options (i) to (iv). Also, write the least value and highest value, which can be assigned to the variable Guess. #include <iostream.h> [CBSE 2011] #include <stdlib.h> void main ( ) { randomize ( ) ; int Guess, High=4; Guess=random{High)+ 50 ; for{int C=Guess ; C<=55 ; C++) cout<<C<<"#" ; } (i) 50 # 51 # 52 # 53 # 54 # 55 # (ii) 52 # 53 # 54 # 55 (iii) 53 # 54 # (iv) 51 # 52 # 53 # 54 # 55 Q 6. The following code is from a game, which generates a set of 4 random numbers. Yallav is playing this game, help him to identify the correct option(s) out of the four choices given below as the possible set of such Page 91 of 99 numbers generated from the program code so that he wins the game. Justify your answer. 2010] #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> const int LOW=15; void main ( ) { randomize( ) ; int POINT=5, Number; for (int 1=1;I<=4;I++) { Number=LOW+random(POINT) ; cout<<Number<<“:” ; POINT--; } } (i) 19:16:15:18: (ii) 14:18:15:16: (iii) 19:16:14:18: (iv) 19:16:15:16: Q 7. In the following program, find the correct possible output(s) from the options:[CBSE 2008] #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream.h> void main ( ) { randomize ( ); char Area [ ] [ 10 ] = { “ NORTH” , “SOUTH” , “ EAST”, “WEST”); int ToGo; for ( int I = 0 ; I<3; I++ ) { To Go = random (2) + 1; [CBSE Page 92 of 99 cout<< Area [ToGo ]<< “:”; } } Outputs: (i) SOUTH:EAST:SOUTH: (ii) NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: (iii) SOUTH: EAST: WEST: (iv) SOUTH: EAST: EAST: Q 8. In the following C++ program what is the expected value of MyMarks from Options (i) to (iv) given below. Justify answer. [CBSE, 2007] #include<stdlib.h > # include<iostream.h> void main () { randomize (); int Marks [ ]= {99, 92, 94, 96, 93, 95}, MyMarks; MyMarks = Marks [1 + random (2) ]; cout<<MyMarks<<endl; } (i) 99 (ii) 94 (iii) 96 (iv) None of the above Q 9. In the following C++ program what is the expected value of Myscore from Options (i) to (iv) given below. Justify your answer. #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream.h> void main( ) { randomize(); int Score[] = {25,20,34,56, 72, 63}, Myscore; Myscore = Score[2 + random(2)]; cout<<Myscore<<endl; } (i) 25 (ii) 34 (iii) 20 (iv) None of the above Implementation of OOP Concepts: Page 93 of 99 CHAPTER (01, 02, 03, 04) OOP CONCEPTS (02 MARKS EACH) Q1.Explain in brief the purpose of function prototype with the help of a suitable example. [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi] Q2. Explain data hiding with an example. [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi] Q3. What is the difference between call by reference and call by value with respect to memory allocation ? Give a suitable example to illustrate using C++ code. [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi set -II] [CBSE, 2010] Q4. What is the difference between actual and formal parameter ? Give a suitable example to illustrate using a C++ code. [CBSE, 2014, Delhi] Q5. What is the difference between Local Variable and Global Variable? Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both. [CBSE, 2011] Q6. Differentiate between members, which are present within the private visibility mode with those which are present within the public visibility modes. [CBSE, 2011] Q7. What is the purpose of using a typedef command in C++. Explain with suitable example. [CBSE, 2008] Q8. Differentiate between private and public visibility modes in context of Object Oriented Programming giving a suitable example illustrating each. [CBSE, 2008] Q9. Differentiate between a Run Time Error and Syntax Error. Also give suitable examples of each in C++. [CBSE, 2007] Q 10. Illustrate the use of inline function in C++ with the help of an example. [CBSE, 2006, SET-II] Q. 11. Illustrate the use of #define in C++ to define a macro. [CBSE, 2006, SET-I] Q12. What are Nested Structures? Give an example. [CBSE, 2006, SET-I] CHAPTER -04 CLASSES AND OBJECTS (04 MARKS EACH) Q 1.Write the definition of a class Photo in C++ with following description: [CBSE, 2015, Outside Delhi] Page 94 of 99 Private Members – Pno //Data member for Photo Number (an integer) – Category //Data member for Photo Category (a string) – Exhibit //Data member for Exhibition Gallery (a string) – FixExhibit //A member function to assign //Exhibition Gallery as per Category //as shown in the following table Category Exhibit Antique Zaveri Modern Johnsen Classic Terenida Public Members – Register() – ViewAll() //A function to allow user to enter values //Pno, Category and call FixExhibit() function //A function to display all the data members Q 2. Write the definition of a class PIC in C++ with following description : [CBSE, 2015, DELHI] Private Members – Pno //Data member for Picture Number (an integer) – Category //Data member for Picture Category (a string) – Location //Data member for Exhibition Location (a string) – FixLocation //A member function to assign //Exhibition Location as per category //as shown in the following table Category Location Classic Amina Modern Jim Plaq Antique Ustad Khan Public Members – Enter() – SeeAll() //A function to allow user to enter values //Pno, category and call FixLocation() function //A function to display all the data members Page 95 of 99 Q 3. Define a class CONTEST in C++ with the following description : Private Data Members [CBSE, 2014, Outside Delhi] Eventno integer Description char(30) Score integer qualified char Public Member functions ● A constructor to assign initial values Eventno as 11, Description as ‘‘School level’’, Score as 100, qualified as ‘N’. ● Input() – To take the input for Eventno, description and score. ● Award (int cutoffscore) – To assign qualified as ‘Y’, if score is more than the cutoffscore that is passed as argument to the function, else assign qualified as ‘N’. ● Displaydata() – to display all data members. Q 4. Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specification : [CBSE, 2014, Delhi] Data Members ● CNo - to store Cab No ● CType - to store a character ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ as City Type ● PerKM - to store per Kilo Meter charges ● Distance - to store Distance travelled (in KM) Member Functions ● A constructor function to initialize CType as ‘A’ and CNo as 0000’ ● A function CityCharges( ) to assign PerKM as per the following table : CType PerKM A B C 20 18 15 ● A function RegisterCab() to allow administrator to enter the values for CNo and CType. Also, this function should call CityCharges() to assign PerKM Charges. ● A function Display() to allow user to enter the value of Distance and display CNo, CType, PerKM, PerKM*Distance (as Amount) on screen. Q 5. Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specification. [ CBSE 2013] Page 96 of 99 Data Members : Carno - To store Bus No Origin - To store Place Name Destination - To store Place Name Type - To store Car Type such as “E” for Economy Distance - To store Distance as Kilometers Charge - To store the Car Fare. Member Functions : A constructor function to initialize Type as ‘E’ and Freight as 250 A function CalcCharge ( ) to calculate the fare as per the following criteria : Type Charge ‘E’ 16* Distance ‘A’ 22 * Distance ‘ L’ 30 * Distance A function Enter ( ) to allow the user to enter the values of Carno, Origin, Destination, Type and Distance. Also, this function should call CalcCharge ( ) to calculate Fare. A function Show ( ) to display the content of all the data members on screen. Q 6. Define a class Candidate in C++ with following description: [CBSE, 2011] Private Members _ A data member RNo (Registration Number) of type long _ A data member Name of type string _ A data member Score of type float _ A data member Remarks of type string _ A member function AssignRem( ) to assign Remarks as per the Score obtained by a candidate. Score range and the respective Remarks are shown as follows: Score Remarks >=50 Selected less than 50 Not selected Public Members _ A function ENTER ( ) to allow user to enter values for RNo, Name, Score & call function AssignRem( ) to assign the remarks. _ A function DISPLAY ( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. Q 7. Define a class ITEM in C++ with following description: Private Members [CBSE, 2010] Page 97 of 99 Code of type integer (Item Code) Iname of type string (Item Name) Price of type float (Price of each item) Qty of type integer (Quantity of item in stock) Offer of type float (Offer percentage on the item) A member function GetOffer() to calculate Offer percentage as per the following rule: If Qty<=50 If 50<Qty<=100 If Qty>100 Offer is 0 Offer is 5 Offer is 10 Public Members A function GetStock() to allow user to enter values for Code, Iname, Price, Qty and call function GetOffer() to calculate the offer A function ShowItem() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. Q 8. Define a class Clothing in C++ with the following descriptions : Private Members : Code of type string Type of type string Size of type integer Material of type string Price of type float A function Calc_Price ( ) which calculates and assigns the value of Price as follows : For the value of Material as “COTTON” : TYPE Price (Rs) TROUSER 1500 SHIRT 1200 For Material other than “COTTON” the above mentioned Price gets reduced by 25%. Public Members : A constructor to assign initial value of Code, Type and Material with the words “ NOT ASSIGNED” and Size and Price with 0. Page 98 of 99 A function Enter ( ) to input the values of data members Code, Type, Size and Material and invoke the Calc_Price ( ) function. A function Show ( ) which displays the content of all the members for a Clothing. Q 9. Define a class Tour in C++ with the description given below : [CBSE, 2007] Private Members : TCode of type string NoofAdults of type integer NoofKids of type integer Kilometres of type integer TotalFare of type float Public Members : • A constructor to assign initial values as follows : TCode with the word “NULL” NoofAdults as 0 NoofKids as 0 Kilometres as 0 TotalFare as 0 • A function AssignFare ( ) which calculates and assigns the value of the data member TotalFare as follows For each Adult Fare(Rs) For Kilometres 500 >=1000 300 < 1000 & > =500 200 < 500 For each Kid the above Fare will be 50% of the Fare mentioned in the above table For example : If Kilometres is 850, NoofAdults = 2 and NoofKids = 3 Then TotalFare should be calculated as NumofAdults * 300 + NoofKids * 150 i.e. 2*300 + 3*150=1050 • A function EnterTour( ) to input the values of the data members TCode, NoofAdults, NoofKids and Kilometres; and invoke the Assign Fare( ) function. • A function ShowTour( ) which displays the content of all the data members for a Tour. Page 99 of 99 Q 10. Define a class named ADMISSION in C++ with the following descriptions: [CBSE, 2006] Private members: AD_NO integer (Ranges 10 - 2000) NAME Array of characters (String) CLASS Character FEES Float Public Members: Function Read_Data ( ) to read an object of ADMISSION type Function Display() to display the details of an object Function Draw-Nos ( ) to choose 2 students randomly. And display the details. Use random function to generate admission nos. to match with AD_NO. Q 11. Define a class named HOUSING in C++ with the following descriptions: [CBSE, 2006, SET-II] Private members REG_NO integer(Ranges 10 — 1000) NAME Array of characters(String) TYPE Character COST Float Public Members · Function Read_Data( ) to read an object of HOUSING type · Function Display() to display the details of an object · Function Draw Nos( ) to choose and display the details of 2 houses selected randomly from an array of 10 objects of type HOUSING Use random function to generate the registration nos. to match with REGNO from the array.