From last lecture …. “… at each new level of complexity, entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of this behavior requires research which I think is as fundamental in its nature as any other” Philip W. Anderson 1972 Si-crystal semiconductor MgB2 superconductor NaxCoO2 superconductor 2 atoms 3 atoms 1 atom La2-xSrxCuO4 superconductor 4 atoms DNA giant molecule Many atoms Where could we find superfluidity? • Helium - 3 atoms are fermions particles with half integer spin. Helium p n He - 3 p 1 millionth of a centimetre p n He - 4 n p • Helium - 4 atoms are bosons particles with integer spin. 1938 Kapitza and Allen discover superfluidity in He-4 Superfluids flow without resistance Normal fluid Superfluid For T < 2.4Κ – gravity ... If the bottle containing helium rotates for a while and then stops, helium will continue to rotate for ever – there is no internal friction (for as long as He is at T = -269 C or lower 1938 Pyotr L. Kapitsa discovered the superfluidity of liquid Helium 4 Nobel Prize in 1978 1941-47 Lev Landau formulated the theory of quantum Bose liquid - 4He superfluid liquid. 1956-58 he further formulated the theory of quantum Fermi liquid. Nobel Prize in 1962 Early 1970s David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson discovered the superfluidity of liquid Helium 3. Nobel Prize in 1996 Anthony Leggett first formulated the theory of superfluidity in liquid 3He in 1965. Nobel Prize in 2003 Χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες Διάστημα: 3000 χιλιοστά από το απόλυτο μηδέν (-273.15 C) 5 χιλιοστά από το απόλυτο μηδέν LOW-TC Superconductors Lead (Pb) 7.196 K Mercury (Hg) 4.15 K Aluminum (Al) 1.175 K Gallium (Ga) 1.083 K Molybdenum (Mo) 0.915 K Zinc (Zn) 0.85 K Zirconium (Zr) 0.61 K Americium (Am) 0.60 K Cadmium (Cd) 0.517 K Ruthenium (Ru) 0.49 K Titanium (Ti) 0.40 K Uranium (U) 0.20 K Hafnium (Hf) 0.128 K Iridium (Ir) 0.1125 K Beryllium (Be) 0.023 K Tungsten (W) 0.0154 K Platinum (Pt)* 0.0019 K Rhodium (Rh) 0.000325 K Conductors vs. Insulators FREE ELECTRONS metals No free electrons to carry the current wood plastics The foam balls (containing small magnets) organise themselves based on the laws of minimum energy. This arrangement mimics the crystal lattice of a solid material. IONS (+) What is Resistance? ELECTRONS (-) VOLTAGE DIFFERENCE ELECTRIC FIELD Electrical Resistance RESISTANCE is caused by electrons colliding with: • Thermal vibrations (phonons) of the ionic lattice • Lattice defects • Impurities Cations Electrons I V Vs copper Liquid helium 4.2K (-269 ºC) Impurities R 273K = 0ºC 77K Ro T V I Vs Hg Liquid helium 4.2K (-269 ºC) Onnes (1911) Low -Tc Superconductivity Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1911) LOW-TC Superconductors Lead (Pb) 7.196 K Mercury (Hg) 4.15 K Aluminum (Al) 1.175 K Gallium (Ga) 1.083 K Molybdenum (Mo) 0.915 K Zinc (Zn) 0.85 K Zirconium (Zr) 0.61 K Americium (Am) 0.60 K Cadmium (Cd) 0.517 K Ruthenium (Ru) 0.49 K Titanium (Ti) 0.40 K Uranium (U) 0.20 K Hafnium (Hf) 0.128 K Iridium (Ir) 0.1125 K Beryllium (Be) 0.023 K Tungsten (W) 0.0154 K Platinum (Pt)* 0.0019 K Rhodium (Rh) 0.000325 K BCS Theory No collisions Zero resistance John Bardeen Leon Cooper John Schrieffer (1957) Meissner Effect • 1933 – Walther Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld • T<Tc: external magnetic field is perfectly expelled from the interior of a superconductor The energy gap and BardeenCooper-Schrieffer theory 1. Existence of condensate. 2. Weak attractive electronphonon interaction leads to the formation of bound pairs of electrons, occupying states with equal and opposite momentum and spin. 3. Pairs have spatial extension of order . The key point is the existence of energy gap between ground state and quasi-particle excitations of the system. E g (0) 2(0) 3.528kTc The electron-electron attraction of the Cooper pairs caused the electrons near the Fermi level to be redistributed above or below the Fermi level. Because the number of electrons remains constant, the energy densities increase around the Fermi level resulting in the formation of an energy gap. Essential details: F. and H. London (1935) proposed a simple theory to describe the electrodynamics of superconductors. They assumed that superconductivity is generated by superelectrons, which are not scattered by either impurities or lattice vibrations, thus are not contributing to the resistivity. They started from the equation of E motion of a free electron in an applied electrical field m v s eE where vs (1.1) is the velocity of the superelectrons and m and -e are their mass and charge, respectively. Hence the supercurrent density is given by J n s ev s here ns (1.2) is the density of superelectrons. Substituting (1.2) into (1.1), they derived, the so-called first London equation E m J. ns e 2 (1.3) Taking the curl of both sides of (1.3), and using Maxwell's third equation (Faraday's law), they obtained B m Ñ J . ns e 2 (1.4) Equation (1.4) can be integrated with respect to time and obtain B B0 m Ñ J J0 ns e 2 (1.5) where B0 and J 0 , related by Ñ B0 0 J 0 , are the magnetic field and current density at t 0 , respectively. However, according to the Meissner effect (Meissner and Ochsenfeld 1933) the magnetic flux inside a superconductor is completely expelled, irrespective of whether the magnetic field was applied before or after cooling below Tc , i.e. B0 0 . Therefore (1.5) leads to the postulated second London equation B m Ñ J . 2 ns e (1.6) The field distribution within a superconductor is calculated from (1.6) in combination with Maxwell's fourth equation B 0 J to obtain B L2 (1.7) m 0 e 2 ns (1.8) 2 B where L is called the London penetration depth. Equation (1.7) implies that the magnetic field is exponentially screened from the interior of a sample within a distanceL (typically 0.1 m ). Therefore, if the sample size is much larger than L , the whole specimen will be effectively screened. The Ginzburg-Landau theory Ginzburg and Landau (1950) introduced a complex pseudo-wave function ( r ) ( r ) exp(i ) as a superconducting order parameter. The theory assumes that the local density of superconducting carriers is given by ns* ( r ) . 2 (1.9) Therefore, the order parameter( r ) is zero above Tc and increases continuously as the temperature decreases. For small amplitudes and slow variation in space of ( r ) , the free energy density f can be expanded in series of the form f = fn + r 2 1 1 B2 4 2 + r + - i Ñ - 2 e A 2 4m 2 0 (1.10) where f n is the free energy density in the normal state, A is the vector potential which is related to the local magnetic induction B by the formulaÑ A B . In equation (1.10) it is assumed that the superconducting carriers are electron pairs (Cooper pairs) with mass and charge equal to 2m and 2e (e 0) , respectively (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer 1957). For a small range of temperatures near Tc the parameters and are approximately given by T 0 1 Tc (1.11) constant (1.12) where 0 0 is temperature independent. If the free energy density is integrated over all space and minimised with respect to local changes in A and , two coupled differential equations are obtained. These govern the equilibrium variation of A and with position, given particular boundary conditions, and are known, respectively as the first and second Ginzburg-Landau equations where 2 1 2 i Ñ 2 e A 0 4m 2 2 2 e A e ie * * J Ñ Ñ 2m m m is the phase of the order parameter. 2 Ñ 2e A (1.13) (1.14) The upper critical field and coherence length For sufficiently high fields, superconductivity is destroyed and the field is uniform in the sample. If the field is continuously reduced, at a certain field B = Bc 2 , called the upper critical field, superconducting regions begin to nucleate spontaneously. In the regions where the nucleation occurs, superconductivity is just beginning to appear and therefore is small, and equation (1.13) becomes 1 2 i Ñ 2e A . 4m (1.15) Equation (1.15) is identical to the Schrödinger equation for a particle of charge 2e and mass 2m in a uniform magnetic field. For an applied fieldB along the z-axis, the highest solution corresponding to the upper critical field is Bc 2 0 2 2 (1.16) and the corresponding order parameter 2 x x i k y y kz z 0 e exp 2 2 (1.17) with 4m (0) 1 T Tc (1.18) 4m 0 is the where 0 h 2e is the flux quantum, x0 k y 0 2 B , and (0) value of at T 0 . Equation (1.17) shows that is the characteristic length over which can vary appreciably. The parameter is called the Ginzburg-Landau coherence length. The penetration depth In the case where the dimension of the sample are much greater than B 0 inside the sample. Then , then is constant, if varied the gradient term in (1.10) would mean that the free energy increased. The constant value of is given from equation (1.13): 0 2 2 0 T 1 . Tc (1.19) 2 Since the order parameter is constant, i.e. Ñ 0 , equation (1.14) becomes 2e2 2 J 0 A . m (1.20) Taking B Ñ the A curl of both sides of equation (1.20), and substituting for the vector potential yields to B m 2 0 Ñ J . 2e 2 (1.21) Equation (1.21) is identical to the second London equation (1.6) with a penetration depth given by m 2 0 e 0 2 2 (0) 1 T Tc (1.22) 2 where (0) m 2 0 e 0 is the penetration depth at zero temperature. The above equation, in contrast to the expression (1.8) of the London penetration depth, contains 2 the temperature dependent parameter, 0 , which is defined in terms of (T ) . The thermodynamic critical field The existence of the Meissner effect, where the magnetic flux is completely expelled from a type-I superconductor, implies that the superconducting state has a lower free energy than the normal state. Therefore, the thermodynamic critical field Bc (T ) required to destroy the superconducting state, is defined from the condition when the work done in magnetic expulsion equals the zero field free energy difference between the normal and superconducting states, or in term of free energies densities as Bc2 f fn fs . 20 (1.23) The quantity f , called the condensation energy density, is the energy per unit volume released by transformation from the normal into the superconducting state. In the case of zero applied magnetic and small variation of the order parameter , the solution (1.19) can be substituted into (1.10), and the minimum free energy density corresponding to the superconducting state at zero field will be given by 1 2 fs = fn . 2 (1.24) Comparing (1.24) to (1.23), and using the expressions of the penetration depth (1.22), and the coherence length (1.18), the thermodynamic critical field Bc (T ) can be written in the form Bc (T ) 0 . 2 2 (1.25) B For a thin film of thickness d in an external magnetic field applied parallel to the plane of the film and having the same value at both faces, the Ginzburg-Landau equations have the solution (Tinkham 1996) 0 2 2 d 2B2 1 2 2 24 Bc (1.26) where and Bc are the penetration depth and thermodynamic critical field of the bulk B Bc 2 // material, respectively. Thus, the film becomes normal, i.e. 0 , when , 2 given by Bc 2 // 2 6 Here Bc 2 // Bc 12 0 . d 2 d (1.27) is known as the parallel upper critical field for a thin film. Taking into account the temperature dependence of the coherence length, (1.27) can be written in the form Bc 2 // 12 0 1 T Tc . 2 d (0) (1.28) It is clear from (1.28) that the temperature dependence of the parallel upper critical field is following a power law. This is in contrast to the linear dependence of equation (1.16) of the upper critical for a bulk sample. The Ginzburg-Landau parameter The surface energy, , of a superconducting-normal boundary is defined as the difference between the Gibbs free energy per unit area between a homogeneous phase (either all normal or all superconducting) and a mixed phase. Assuming that the superconducting phase is located in the half-space x 0 , and the normal phase in the other side (figure 1.1), and using the Ginzburg-Landau free energy density expression (1.10), the surface energy is given by (e.g. Tinkham 1996) 2 4 Bc2 B 1 Bc 0 dx . 2 0 (1.29) Here, the term to the left-hand side of the square bracket in (1.29) represents the positive contribution to the surface energy associated with the diamagnetic screening energy. The term on the right represents the negative contribution to the surface energy associated with the condensation energy. Hence, it can be seen from (1.29) that the sign of is determined from the balance of the positive magnetic expulsion and the negative condensation energies. Detailed numerical calculations of (1.29) show that the sign of the surface energy, , depends on the value of , called the Ginzburg-Landau parameter. The surface energy is positive for materials with 1 negative for materials with 1 2 , called type I superconductors, and 2 , called type II superconductors. The magnetic behaviour of these materials is shown in figure 1.2. Type I superconductors completely exclude magnetic flux from their interior, i.e. are in the Meissner state, for all applied magnetic field below the thermodynamic critical field Bc . The superconducting elements, with the exception of niobium, are all type I. Type II superconductors allow the penetration of the magnetic flux when the applied field exceeds a value referred to as the lower critical field, Bc1 . For increasing applied fields above Bc1 , the magnetic field penetrates partially forming what is called a mixed state. Eventually, when the applied field reached the value of the upper critical field Bc 2 material becomes normal. The superconducting alloys and compounds are type II. Type I Bc Type II Bc normal superconducting normal 0 B 0 superconducting B 0 B x 0 x Figure 1.1: Diagram of variation of B and in a domain wall. The case refers to a type I superconductor (positive surface energy); the case refers to a type II superconductor (negative surface energy). , the Type-I B (T) Type-II B (T) c c2 B Normal state B Normal state Mixed state Meissner phase B (T) c1 Meissner phase T (a) T c 0 T T c (b) Figure 1.2: Magnetic phase diagram for (a) Type-I and (b) type-II superconductor. The anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory Anisotropic superconductors, such as NbSe2, the high temperature superconductors, and artificially prepared superconducting multilayers, differ from isotropic materials in many of their properties. As seen in the previous sections, the properties of isotropic superconductors are described in term of the penetration depth which is proportional to m (equation (1.22)), and the coherence length proportional to 1 m (equation (1.18)), where m is the mass of the superelectrons. The simplest way to extend the Ginzburg-Landau theory to the case of materials with anisotropic superconducting properties is by introducing a phenomenological anisotropic mass tensor mik instead of the isotropic m (Clem 1989). This mass tensor is diagonal, and the diagonal elements mi (i a, b, c ) are normalised such that m1m2 m3 1/ 3 1 , where a, b, and c are the three principal crystal directions. The coherence lengths and penetration depths along the i direction are given by i mi and i mi , respectively, with the normalisation properties a b c and a b c , and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter is defined 1/ 3 as i i . 1/ 3 Hence, within the mass tensor approach, an anisotropic superconductor is characterised by two average lengths and , and two mass ratios, for example ma / mc and mb / mc , the third mass being determined from the above normalisation. In this theory, the thermodynamic critical field is similar to the isotropic case and is given by Bc 0 2 2i i 0 2 2 . (1.30) The upper critical field along principal axis i can be written as Bc 2 // i i 2 Bc where i respectively. 0 2 j k mi , j and k are the coherence lengths along the j and k-axis, (1.31) However, most of the superconducting multilayers and the high temperature superconductors are uniaxial or almost uniaxial materials. In this case the superconducting properties are uniquely defined by the in-plane ma mb mab and axial mc effective masses, and equations (1.30) and (1.31) become Bc 0 2 2ab ab Bc 2 // c Bc 2 // ab 0 (1.32) 2 2c c 0 2 ab2 0 . 2 ab c (1.33) (1.34) The anisotropy ratio , which describes the degree of anisotropy of uniaxial superconductors, is defined from the formula mc mab c ab ab c . This 12 number enters the expressions of many anisotropic quantities, such as the ones describing the vortex matter in layered superconductors (see next chapter). The magnitude of depends on the different classes of superconductors, for example 3.3 for NbSe2 (Morris et al 1972), 7.7 for YBa2Cu3O7- (Farrell et al 1990), and 150 for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ (Okuda et al 1991). In summary … Characteristic lengths in SC London equation: The London equation shows that the magnetic field exponentially decays to zero inside a SC (Meissner effect) Penetration depth is the characteristic length of the fall off of a magnetic field due to surface currents. The Pippard coherence length: Coherence length is a measure of the shortest distance over which superconductivity may be established Ginzburg-Landau parameter: for pure SC far from Tc temperaturedependent Ginzburg-Landau coherence length is approximately equal to Pippard coherence length Magnetic properties Dependences of critical fields on temperature. Phase boundaries between superconducting, mixed and normal states of type I and II SC. Intermediate state (SC of type I) (Type I SC show a reversible 1st order phase transition with a latent heat when the applied field reached Bc. At this particular field relatively thick Normal and SC domains running parallel to the field can coexist, in what is known as the intermediate state) A distribution of superconducting and normal states in tin sphere (superconducting regions are shaded) Intermediate state of a mono-crystalline tin foil of 29 m thickness in perpendicular magnetic field (normal regions are dark) Mixed state (SC of type II) (In type II SC finely divided quantized flux vortices or flux lines enter the material over a range of applied fields below Bc, and remain stable over a range of applied fields, in what became known as the mixed state. If these flux lines are pinned by lattice defects or other agencies, type II SC can carry a large super-current: see development of useful high-field SC magnets.) Supercurrent Abrikosov: [1957] Normal core One vortex carries one quantum of the flux: Normal regions are approximately 300nm Closer packing of normal regions occurs at higher temperatures or higher external magnetic fields Triangular lattice of vortex lines going out to the surface of SC Pb0.98In0.02 foil in perpendicular to the surface magnetic field Vortex characteristics • Magnetic field of a vortex A quantum of magnetic flux is hc 0 2e Vortex state of type II superconductors • Type II Phase of GL pseudo-wave function changes by 2 when going around spatial lines where is zero 1 || 0 Normal core Vortex state of type II superconductors • Type II Phase of GL pseudo-wave function changes for 2 when going around spatial lines where is zero In type-II SC field penetrates to the bulk of material in the form of vortices (or magnetic flux lines, or fluxons) Each vortex represents magnetic flux quantum 1 || B/Beq 0 Normal core Critical current density Critical current is the maximum current SC materials can carry, above which they stop being SCs. If too much current is pushed through a SC, the latter will become normal, even though i may be below its Tc. The colder you keep the SC the higher the current it can carry. Three critical parameters Tc, Hc and Jc define the boundaries of the environment within which a SC can operate. Fig. demonstrates relationship between Tc, Hc and Jc (a criti surface). The highest values for Hc and Jc occur at 0K, while highest value for Tc occurs when H and J are zero. Josephson effect (see also hand-out) In 1962 Josephson predicted Cooper-pairs can tunnel through a weak link at zero voltage difference. Current in junction (called Josephson junction – Jj) is then equal to: J J c sin 1 2 Electrical current flows between two SC materials - even when they are separated by a non-SC or insulator. Electrons "tunnel" through this non-SC region, and SC current flows. The Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect Walter Meissner Robert Ochsenfeld (1933) Magnet T>T T<TC Superconductor DIAMAGNETISM