“ Affording College & Solving the Financial Aid Mystery” Sponsored By The Education Funding Consultants Association A National 501 (c ) 3 Non-Profit Organization Handouts: Does everyone have one? • Strategies • FAFSA WORKSHEET • Evaluation Form • www.efcagroup.org Program Outline • Who We Are • The College Cost Environment • College Facts & Myths • The differences between the SAT VS ACT • The Financial Aid Process • Paying For College? • Strategies & Programs-Making College a Financial Non-Event! Who Is The Education Funding Consultants Association? • Federal tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization. • Works in conjunction with member colleges, universities, and organizations/companies. • Provides HS informational programs to parents of college-bound students. • Provide the necessary information about - financial aid, maximizing awards & coping with the costs of college. Do You Know What This Is? Three Most Important Years Schools use a students first three years when considering acceptance for that student into their school. What they look at: •GPA and SAT •AP or Honors classes •Extracurricular activities (Talent/Skills) High School - 9th Grade This is an important year! • This year lays the foundation for the classes that the student needs to take in the coming years (the better the classes the better the chances for acceptance at the most competitive colleges). • Take challenging classes in English, mathematics, science, history, geography, foreign language, government, civics, economics, the arts AND DO WELL IN THEM!! • Get to know your career or guidance counselor as well as other college resources available in your school. High School - 10th Grade • This is the most important year and often not considered as such…this is the “qualifying heat” when determining where to place for 11th grade. • Become involved in school - or community-based extracurricular (before or after school) activities that interest you and/or enable you to explore career interests • Take the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). You must register early. Myth about the PSAT “Does my child’s score really matter on the PSAT? I heard the score does not count towards anything.” Yes it does… The PSAT is used to disburse National Merit Scholarships. This is not a test you want to take for granted. HIGH SCHOOL - 11th GRADE • Meet with your career or guidance counselor to discuss colleges and their requirements. • Decide which colleges most interest you. Contact them to request information and an application for admission. Ask about special admissions requirements, financial aid, deadlines and ask if you can see sample essay’s? • Talk to college representatives at college fairs. • Visit colleges and talk to students. Consider which people you will ask for recommendations - teachers, counselors, employers, etc. • Investigate scholarships provided by private sources, talk to your guidance department about local scholarships. • Register for and take the SAT’s or the ACT, SAT ISubject Tests or any other exams required for admission to the colleges you would like to attend. SAT VS ACT Which one should you take? The Correct answer is ….BOTH! How Do These Tests Compare? What is the Content? SAT • Math: up to basic Geometry & Algebra ll • Science: none • Reading: sentence completion, short & long critical reading passages, reading comprehension • Writing: essay & testing grammar, usage, & word choice ACT • Math: up to Trigonometry • Science: charts, experiments • Reading: four passages, one each of Prose Fiction, Social Science, Humanities, & Natural Science • English: stresses grammar • Writing: essay (optional) Note: The ACT essay is optional; the SAT essay is not! About the SAT / ACT SAT Scoring Critical Reading Math Writing Essay ACT Scoring 200 - 800 200 - 800 200 - 800 2 – 12 English Math Reading Science Writing (Will account for 1/3 of English/Writing score) 1 - 36 1 - 36 1 - 36 1 - 36 2 – 12 (Will account for 1/3 of English/Writing score) • Required for admission by most U.S. Colleges. • It is a reasoning test & requires reasoning skills to excel. • Used by all U.S. Colleges as an admissions requirement & to award scholarships. • This exam tests more on what you have learned in school from the classes taken. Admissions Timeline • Early – Early Action vs. Early Decision – Nov. 1st – 15th Submission – Dec. 15th – Jan 10th Acceptance notification • Regular – Jan. 1st – Feb 1st Submission – March 1st – April 15th Acceptance – On or around May 1st decision by student College Fairs / Visits Great way to get information on colleges you wish to consider or visit. • • • • • • Graduation Rate • SAT and GPA requirements Financial Aid • Admission requirements Majors offered • Internship programs Campus life • Job placement rate Cost of Attendance Give you a feel of their campus life (do you see yourself at this school?) Fear Factor - Control The Fear • Get Your Forms Done • Avoid Making Mistakes • Follow the Admissions Time Line • Search for Grants & Scholarships Visit our website for entry to a $10,000 monthly scholarship giveaway! www.efcagroup.org • Visit a few Colleges Marketing Opportunity for Colleges Besides tuition colleges have many money making opportunities… • Health Insurance • Credit Cards • Cell Phone Plans College is EXPENSIVE ! Annual Costs The $200,000 + Mark! College / University George Washington U. University of Richmond Sarah Lawrence U. Kenyon College Vassar College Drexel University Bucknell University Bennington College Columbia U. Wesleyan Trinity Coll. UPENN *Source Money.cnn.com Chances of Graduating In 4 Years??? • 2 in 10 from a Public School. • Less than 1 in 2 from a Private School. • 65% of enrolled students do not complete a degree in 4 years. • 50% do NOT finish where they started. THIS WILL IMPACT YOUR TOTAL COST! Useful Statistics • Number of HS Grads expected to increase until 2014 (58% women, 42% men) • • • • 50% of apps filed on-line 70% of students file 3 or more apps Steady increase in early apps (to 16%) 400 apps per admission officer • 70% of HS’s rank • Public HS counselor to student ratio is 315:1 • 21% of public HS’s have college counselor Types of Colleges (4200 total) In the U.S. there is a higher education opportunity for every level of student interest and ability. My categories: Register and attend (1900) Routine enrollment process Specialty schools (300) Admit on interest and talent Meet basic standards (1500) Admit more than 75% of applicants Competitive (400) Admit from 40% to 75% of applicants Selective (100) Admit fewer than 40% of applicants Specialty Schools For students who have a very specific career interest and don’t need the typical college experience. Examples: (300) • • • • • • • Culinary arts: Johnson & Wales Aeronautics: Embry-Riddle Art, design, fashion: Art Institute of Philadelphia Technology, engineering: Webb Institute Business, accounting: Babson Performing arts, music, dance: Julliard Military academies: West Point Competitive and Selective • 5-year grad rate: – 50% or more for publics – 80% or more for privates • 50% or more of freshmen have SAT over 1200, ACT over 24 • 3.5 average high school GPA • 1/3 or more from top 10% of H.S. class • They are the types of colleges where good admission planning is needed. • They tend to be more expensive and information about how to pay, with or without aid, is important. Personality and Career Assessment • As a first step in the admission process, it may be a good idea to make a connection between .. Personality characteristics Areas of interest College courses, majors, and schools Career choices • Collegeboard.com - Myroad.com Increasing Pressures on Middle Class America INCOME IS DOWN DEBT IS UP And Parents are busier than ever! * Parade Magazine – April 2006 The Cost of College 2008 – 2009 5 years University of Maryland RUTGERS U. NYU BOSTON COLLEGE VILLANOVA GEO WASHINGTON U Annual Cost $37,218 $24,500 $52,290 $48,934 $48,530 $53,760 Total Cost ** Pre-tax (5yrs.) $ Needed $200,297 $138,109 $294,763 $267,108 $273,568 $303,050 $266,395 $183,685 $392,035 $355,254 $363,845 $403,056 *Assumes 6% Tuition Increase Annually. **Assumes 33% Federal Tax & NJ State Tax What is Financial Aid? How is it Dispensed? • Merit – Academic – Athletic – Other Talents • Financial Need – Family income – Assets • Scholarships • Grants The Goal of Financial Aid Assist students in paying for college and achieved by: • Evaluating family’s ability to pay • Distributing limited resources in an equitable manner • Providing a balance of gift aid and self-help aid Meeting a Student’s Financial Need • Choose your college wisely, because: • Not all will meet 100% of need • Private colleges generally: • Meet a higher percentage of need • Award a higher percentage of gift aid • Loans • Work Study • Many students can attend a private college for the same cost as a public university! Need Based Formula Based on a "needs analysis" formula Total College Costs (COA) Expected Family Contribution (EFC) “Financial Need” $30,000 – 12,000 $18,000 What is the "Expected Family Contribution (EFC)"? • How much the family is expected to contribute, based on the “FAFSA” or “PROFILE” The Cost of Attendance Tuition and Fees Room and Board Books Transportation Cost of Computer Misc. Expenses + ____________________ = Cost of Attendance COA 2007 – 2008 EFC Calculations Based on Parent Income and Family Size Methods Used to Determine EFC • Federal Formula (FM) • Institutional Formula (IM) Federal Methodology • Used by all accredited public and private colleges and universities • Used to disburse Federal financial aid funds • Does not assess home or family farm equity or retirement accounts (including annuities and cashvalue life insurance) • FAFSA form is used to collect the information FAFSA on the Web: www.fafsa.ed.gov To Register for a PIN: www.pin.ed.gov Reportable Assets On FAFSA • Brokerage Accounts, Savings Accounts • In Parent and Student Names – includes: Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, etc. • 529 QTP* Note! Section 529 plans can CAUSE A LOSS OF FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY. Value is based on Parents accessibility formulas and no longer assessed as a student asset. However, all children 529 accounts are included in formula. Institutional Methodology • Used by some private colleges to distribute: – Endowment funds • Assesses the home and family farm equity • Assesses a fee to complete the application • PROFILE® form is used to gather the information CSS Profile Application Some Colleges, Universities, Graduate Schools & Scholarship Programs Information collected on PROFILE awards non-federal student aid funds. Pay a fee to register & submit to each specific school or program Reportable Assets on CSS / Profile Institutional Methodology Savings Stocks Bonds Mutual Funds 529 QTP Sibling Assets Home Value Retirement Plans Note! Some Schools may ask for the values of NonRetirement Annuities, Cash Value Life Insurance, the value of Family Cars and Personal Property. Special Situations Two in College Having more than one student in post-secondary school at one time will lower your EFC per student EFC $10,000 Two Students $10,000 2 Three Students $10,000 3 EFC=$5,000 EFC=$3,333 Be careful of Gapping! Avoid ERRORS! Errors made in completing the FAFSA and/or supplemental forms may delay application processing and result in the loss of financial aid funds. Common FAFSA Errors • Divorced/remarried parent information • Not Obtaining Two PINs • Untaxed income • U.S. income taxes paid • Household size • Number in post-secondary education • Real estate and investment net worth Meeting a Student’s Financial Need • Choose your college wisely, because: – Not all will meet 100% of need • Private colleges generally: – Meet a higher percentage of need – Award a higher percentage of gift aid • Many students can attend a private college for the same cost as a public university! PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE COLLEGE Cornell University University of Virginia Total Cost $39,235 Total Cost EFC - 11,000 EFC NEED $ 28,235 NEED % Need Met Financial Aid Eligibility 45% $ 12,705 % Need Met Financial Aid Eligibility $50,384 - 11,000 $39,384 100% $39,384 Gift Aid (42%) $ 5,336 Gift Aid (81%) $31,901 Self-Help (58%) $ 7,369 Self-Help (19%) $ 7, 483 “Out-of-Pocket Cost” $ 26,530 (Total Cost – Financial Aid Eligibility) “True Cost” (Total Cost – Gift Aid) “Out-of-Pocket Cost” $ 11,000 (Total Cost – Financial Aid Eligibility) $33,899 “True Cost” (Total Cost – Gift Aid) * “Out of State” Public School $18,483 Federal Loan Programs: (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) • Subsidized Stafford: Must demonstrate “need” • Unsubsidized Stafford: Need is not a consideration • Parent Loans: Helps parents cover the complete cost of their child’s education, less any financial aid received (Not based on income or assets…even Bill Gates would qualify!) – Federal Loan Consolidation: programs that takes multiple loans and folds them into one entity with fixed rates & extended payment terms » Lowest Rates in 38 year history of program » Lower interest rates than other consumer options (Credit Cards, Home Equity, Private Education Loans) » Flexible repayment terms and options for students and parents » ***Remember NEVER go into debt without a clear plan to pay it back!!!*** Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 • $39 billion in cuts to student loan subsidizes • Stafford limit increased from $2,625 to $3,500 • Stafford interest rate increased to a fixed 6.8% • Plus loan interest rate increased to 8.5% • Academic Competitiveness Grants $750 to $1,300 Home Equity Loan PLUS Loan VS. • Potentially lower interest rate • You can borrow more than the cost of attendance • If you sell your home, you must pay back home equity loan • Can borrow the cost of attendance less financial aid award • If you sell your home, you do not need to pay this off • If death or total disability occur, loan is forgiven Know the System! • Aid doesn’t necessarily go to the most needy… • It goes to those with the most KNOWLEDGE!!! The Secret Weapon Financial Aid Leveraging • Financial aid now used as a tool to attract affluent and high-scoring students • Data-mining and pricing techniques from the airline and marketing industries The Sure Things • Schools use detailed data to systematically cut aid to students whose behavior shows they are likely to accept admission anyway. ***Source: The Atlantic Monthly, November 2005 Author: Matthew Quirk The Result: Financial Aid Leveraging • Financial aid leveraging allows a school to buy, within certain limits, whatever class it wants. “It’s a brilliantly analytical process of screwing the poor kids.” – Gordon Winston, economist at Williams College Financial Leveraging • A $20,000 merit-based scholarship • Break into four $5,000 merit scholarships to lure the wealthy • School reaps an extra $240,000 over four years • Windfall used to buy more rich students – or gifted students to improve the school’s profile “Admit-Deny” Tactics • Schools intentionally gap poor students • The school knows they can’t afford to attend • Keeps poor students out claiming it doesn’t consider a student’s finances when making admission decisions The Numbers • Since 1990, average discount on “stickerprice” has risen from 26.5% to just under 40% • Proportion of students not paying full price has grown from 62.5% to 80% • Shifting from need-based to merit aid, increases a school’s average SAT by 50 points and revenue 162% There comes a moment in every Parent’s life when it becomes clear…. “Winging It” is no longer an appropriate funding plan for college. Parents Need to Solve the Dilemma Between….. Education Funding Retirement Funding These are important & obvious concepts that need to be examined & solved before settling on any specific school or giving the student carte blanche to attend any specific school. College is Paid with After-Tax Dollars Five-Year College After-Tax Cost Tax Brackets Public $107,000 Private $202,900 Elite $270,500 25% $155,200 $294,000 $392,00 28% $162,200 $307,400 $409,80 33% $175,500 $332,600 $443,40 35% $181,500 $343,800 $458,400 *Assumes additional 6% state and local tax and a 6% college inflationary increase & only ONE child’s college expenses Actual dollar amounts are higher---we rounded down! College Cash Flow Typical Family Plan of Action Use of Parent Loans to Pay the College Expenses *Based on $25,000 plus loan Cash Flow for Education/Retirement • Can cash flow be increased? • Can you save a comfortable monthly amount? • Which strategies to increase cash flow? 1. Decrease discretionary expenses 2. Debt consolidation Understanding HOW to make Paying for college a NON-EVENT!!! Identification of all appropriate financial strategies which may include: • Income Shifting • Asset Reallocation • Tax Concepts • Academic Strategies • Detailed action plan with instructions for implementation of all appropriate strategies to effect the most beneficial financial snapshot to enhance, both financial aid eligibility as well as long-term wealth planning • Long term wealth planning: Retirement College Dollars Spent equals Retirement Dollars Lost Four Year Costs (2006-2009) Years Until Retirement Public $ 90,000 Private $150,000 Elite $235,000 15 $285,495 $475,825 $745,459 20 $419,486 $699,143 $1,095,324 Assumes 6% investment rate, one child in college, after tax dollars Let the IRS Help Pay for Your Child’s College Education • Deduction may be the same as scholarship • Higher your tax bracket, the greater the benefit • IRS rules allow you to keep more $$$ NOTE: All tax strategies MUST be reviewed with a tax advisor Income and Asset Shifting • Accomplished by putting income-producing assets in a child’s name • Creates income and estate tax savings • Gifts of appreciated assets during college years can reduce certain taxes. • Compensating the child can reduce certain taxes. • Gifts of highly appreciated assets prior to college years can be an effective strategy. What Are your Options? • Do it yourself. • Utilize the knowledge of a Certified College Planning Specialist (CCPS designation) A consultant/specialist working in a little known but very important niche! No matter what…have a game plan!!! Important Internet Sites • Financial Aid: – www.fafsa.ed.gov – www.pin.ed.gov • Scholarship Searches: – www.findtuition.com – www.fastweb.com – www.finaid.com • College Resources: – – – – www.collegeboard.com www.petersons.com www.college-retirement.com www.myroad.com(collegeboard) For College Funding Assistance When you need advice: Certified College Planning Specialist (CCPS) Financial Aid Expert Complete Evaluation Form: Check YES for a Personalized NO-OBLIGATION ASSESSMENT Thank you for coming! The Education Funding Consultants Association National 501(c ) 3 Non Profit Organization 866-597- EFCA (3322) www.efcagroup.org Info@efcagroup.org