Bell Ringer 1. You may sit at any desk you’d like. There are no assigned seats today. 2. Get two sheets of paper and a pencil from the pick up table. 3. Fold one paper like a hamburger. 4. Fold that same paper like a hamburger again. 5. Open the paper and title the paper “(your name), Citizen of Deutschland” Please write your first and last name where it says (your name). Welcome to Civics! This class will be about the principles, functions, and organization of GOVERNMENT; the origins of the American political system; the roles, rights, responsibilities of United States CITIZENSHIP; and methods of active PARTICIPATION in our political system. P.S. We will also be studying geography (through current events) and economics (the study of incentives). Your paper now has eight ‘boxes’ with four on the front and four on the back. When you see an underlined word, please write that in an empty box. Next, write a summary for that word in the box. For example -----> “I don’t know” is never an acceptable answer because I will not ask you a question without giving you the answer first. I may give you the answer on the board. I may give you the answer on your desk. I may give you the answer on your paper. I may give the answer to someone in your group. For best results, say “I don’t know yet.” Room 2-222’s Guiding Philosophy Expectations -> P2 + R2 Be PROMPT: If we start on time, we can finish on time. Be PREPARED: Have your pencils and papers ready when the bell rings. Be RESPECTFUL: Show respect for the people, equipment, and furnishings in this room. Be RESPONSIBLE: Follow proper classroom procedures and accept responsibility for your actions. Types of Class Work Solo, pair, group, and class assignments. Talking is not needed. C3B4UCme Group Work • Your group assignment is not negotiable. • Every member of the group is graded on what she or he contributes. • Remain silent and seated until given permission to do otherwise. • Adjust your voice level to suit the activity. Types of Class Work Solo, pair, group, and class assignments. Talking is not needed. C3B4UCme Home Prep Assignments and due dates will be on the board. Home prep needs to be turned into the bin before we start discussing the bell ringer. Group Work • Your group assignment is not negotiable. • Every member of the group is graded on what they contribute. • Remain silent and seated until given permission to do otherwise. • Adjust your voice level to suit the activity. Types of Class Work Solo, pair, group, and class assignments. Talking is not needed. C3B4UCme Home Prep Assignments and due dates will be on the board. Homework needs to be turned into the bin before we start discussing the bell ringer. Group Work • Your group assignment is not negotiable. • Every member of the group is graded on what they contribute. • Remain silent and seated until given permission to do otherwise. • Adjust your voice level to suit the activity. Make Up Work • You are in charge of all make up work. If you are absent, see me before class and before the bell. Bell Ringers When you walk in, get that day’s materials from the pick up desk. Read the Common Board Configuration so that you know what will be happening that day. Check the projector screen to see what I expect you to complete with the materials you picked up. Most bell ringers are solo work, so talking is not needed. You should be finished within two minutes of the bell. The paper folding we did today will be known as “BOXING” in this room. Most bell ringers will start with me asking you to fold your paper. Grading Policy 30% Tests and Quizzes 30% DBQ Essays and Projects 20% Class Assignments 20% Homework DBQ – Document Based Question What will we learn? This is a preview of everything you can expect this year. In the seventh box, write down the one that looks most interesting. In the eighth box, write down the one that looks the least interesting. The Citizen and U.S. Citizenship Foundations of Government, Law, and the American Political System The United States Constitution and the Structure, Function, and Powers of Government Bill of Rights Judicial Review and Landmark Cases The Rule of Law and the American Legal System State Law and Local Government Civic Participation Political Participation and Media Influence Comparative Government, Foreign Policy, and World Affairs Current Events: Geography Economics Set your “Citizen of Deutschland” paper to the side. Get out the other sheet of paper you picked up. Fold your paper like a hot dog. Unfold the paper. I am going to introduce myself to the class. As I reveal each line of my self-introduction, I want you to copy the sentences, filling in the blank for your introduction. Only write on the left side of your paper. My name is _Mr. ________________________. Deutsch Call me _Mr. ________________________. Deutsch Who Am I? Your home prep for tonight: I am _78_ ____ years old. Interview an adult at home with these eight questions. My favorite _____________ _soda_______ is _melon ________________________. soda My favorite _sport_______ _____________ is _soccer ________________________. Do not let them write the answers; you will write their responses in complete sentences One thing on I want youright to know about is _I ________________________ used to teach in Japan the side of me your paper. __________________________________________________________. For full credit, have the adult sign the paper at the end of his or her interview. My 1st period teacher is _Mr. ________________________. Deutsch In my opinion, _the ________________________ best superpower to have _____________________ for a day would be super speed. _ Bell Ringer Make sure you turn in your Who Am I? Interview home prep to the bin next to the pick up desk. Pick up one sheet of paper and one pencil. Today, we are paper boxing. Just like before, when you see an underlined phrase, write that as a title for a box. Do you know how to put on a shirt? In the first box, write a step-by-step guide to putting on a shirt. You can have as many steps as you want. BE SPECIFIC! Putting On I need two volunteers. Classroom Rules vs Procedures RULES A rule is a command that may not be ignored. Violation of rules is punished. In 2-222, we use soccer terminology if you break a rule. What are rules? PROCEDURES Explanation of terms A yellow card is your first and only warning for the day. If I say you have a yellow card, stop what you are doing and read over the class rules. Figure out what rule you are breaking and adjust your behavior. If I say that you have a second yellow card in the same day, you will (at a minimum) need to stay after class to discuss what you’ve done. The maximum penalty for two yellow cards is being sent out of the room with an administrator. Explanation of terms = Two yellow cards equals a red card. If you are given a red card, (in soccer) you are sent off the pitch and will be suspended. You can also be given just a red card. This is for gross defiance of the rules. In this class, I won’t give anyone a red card without a warning. If something happens that would deserve a red card, I will call an administrator into the class. There are only a few rules in this class. Please copy them down in your own words into the next box on your paper. CLASS RULES 1. Have all necessary materials ready when class begins. 2. Remain quiet and seated unless given permission to do otherwise. 3. Show respect for the people, equipment, and furnishings in this room. 4. Accept responsibility for your actions. 5. Follow proper classroom procedures. What are the proper classroom procedures? (don’t answer yet) RULES A rule is a command that may not be ignored. PROCEDURES Violation of rules is punished. Procedures are stepby-step instructions to achieve a desired result. In 2-222, we use soccer terminology if you break a rule. You cannot break a procedure. It is not like a rule. If you cannot follow the procedure, you do not achieve the desired result. What are procedures? There are few rules in this class. There are many procedures in this class. A common step in most procedures is C3B4UCme. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES With one person near you, try to come up with three or four steps for each procedure listed. Once you two have agreed on a procedure, both of you will write it down on the back of your papers. Sharpening your pencil Visiting the restroom Asking a question during lecture Asking a question about the assignment