Ms. Mezzetti ART DEPARTMENT "As practice makes perfect, I cannot but make progress; each drawing one makes, each study one paints, is a step forward." -Vincent van Gogh 1853 - 1890 Welcome to Art Course Description Pre- AP Drawing I- is for the student who already has a good grasp of the elements and principles of art, good technical skills, and wants a more challenging curriculum. Students will work on advanced technical skills and concept development while producing quality art for use in the A.P. portfolio. Art II- builds on the student's technical skills and foundation of knowledge developed in Art I. The study of the elements of art and principles of design, color theory, vocabulary, and art history continues in Art II in a less teacher-directed situation. Various art processes, procedures, and theories are presented in a problemsolving manner, which allows for independent choices and personal solutions to problems. Art III & IV- The visual arts program offers students comprehensive art experiences with detailed explorations in the classics such as painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, and crafts. In addition to gaining confidence and proficiency working with a variety of mediums, students will learn about the history, analysis, and interpretation of art. Goals of the Visual Arts Education Art in school is both a body of knowledge and a series of activities. Fundamentally, learning in art has four major components. The goal of art education is the development of these areas: *Art production- by making art; *Art Criticism- by responding to and making judgments about the properties and qualities that exist in visual forms; *Art History- by acquiring knowledge about the contributions artists and art make to culture and society; * Aesthetics- by understanding the nature, meaning, and value of art. Rules- Guidelines for Success: In addition to the school-wide discipline procedures, a set of class guidelines for success and consequences has been established and will be maintained. The following is a list of the class guidelines for success and consequences for art: 1. Always Communicate & Listen- Expected to participate in classroom discussions, listen when others have the floor, listen to the teacher, ad follow directions 2. Respect Myself & Others Treat others as you want to be treated, no bullying, hands and feet to self 3. Treat Materials & Equipment with Care Avoid damaging materials and equipment by following; leave room the way it was found 4. Safety First Follow classroom safety rules (ie. Carrying scissors the right way, no touching kilns, etc) 5. Your Best Effort At All Time- Come to class prepared and on time and use your time wisely by staying on task. Have a CAN do attitude! 1 Consequences- If You Choose Not To Follow Guidelines: Should the student have difficulties following school and class rules, disciplinary actions will be taken. The following discipline management plan will be used: 1. Teacher Warning 2. Student Conference and Lunch Detention 3. Parent/Guardian Contact 4. Office Referral Serious Offenses-please see KISD Discipline Handbook Students will be referred directly to their principal. Assessment Assessment is the process of judging in terms of criteria. Assessment is an integral part of expected learning outcomes. Criteria are expected outcomes and observable evidence of learning. The main purpose of assessment should be to improve teaching and learning and to measure student’s progress. Evaluation of each student will be by the following methods: Grades in this class are based on the following criteria: Formative= 40% (sketchbook/ journal entries, quizzes, participation,) **Pre-AP=35% Summative= 60% (portfolio, unit exams, semester exams, major unit projects,) **Pre-AP= 65% o Semester Total= 100% Projects will be graded based upon the following rubric. ART RUBRIC SCORE Criteria 1 – Elements and Principles ____/20 Criteria 2 - Creativity and Originality ____/20 Criteria 3 - Effort and Perseverance ____/20 Criteria 4 - Craftsmanship/Skill ____/20 Criteria 5 - Attitude/Responsibility ____/20 Total= ____/100 LATE work: o Work is to be turned in on the date assigned, unless you are absent on the day that it was assigned. According to District policy, you will have five days after an absent to make up missed assignments. It is your responsibility to collect missed work from me and to turn it in. If you do not turn in the work by the fifth day, the grade will be posted as a 0. A grade no more than a 50 will be given for late work. ISS/TOR: o If you are assigned to ISS/TOR, you will be responsible for picking up an alternate assignment and turning it in. o If your project cannot be completed in ISS/TOR I will give you a written assignment from the textbook and grade it with your unfinished project. 2 Cheating--Plagiarism--Academic Dishonesty (Student Handbook) Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary penalties per the SCC [two days], as well as, academic penalties. Teachers who have reason to believe a student has engaged in cheating or academic dishonesty will assign a zero for the work in question. ARTWORK CODE OF ETHICS The teacher and the district prohibits artwork that: Is offensive, vulgar, or obscene; Advertises or depicts tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other prohibited substances. Contains derogatory remarks concerning any identifiable race, color, creed, national origin, age, religion or disability. Successful Art works, good grades, verbal or written praise, and pride in yourself and your work are the rewards you will receive by following all that is in this letter and posted rules, procedures, social contracts. Music/Phone Policy IF YOU BRING A MUSIC PLAYER TO CLASS IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Music, however, is a privilege and may be used only when the teacher is NOT instructing. If, at anytime, there are headphones visible during instruction, they will be taken up and you may pick them up after school at the main office. When you listen to your music one earpiece must be out of ear so you can hear me. Have a playlist created before coming to class. Keep your player in your pocket or face down on your workstation at all times, once you begin your playlist. **DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DEVICE UNATTENTED!!!!! TEXTING OR TALKING ON CELL PHONES IS NOT PERMITTED-CELL PHONE WILL BE TAKEN UP AND TURNED INTO THE MAIN OFFICE, this is a school policy. If I see it I will take it up and turn it into the main office. Classroom Procedures · · · · · · Come on time and prepared. Enter the room quietly. Sit in your seat and check the board for instructions. Hand up if you have a question/ comment when the teacher is talking/presenting information. Work on your assignments quietly at your workstation. Clean up your space and the area around you before you leave. Contact Information Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Carolyn Mezzetti, Art Teacher Killeen High School 3 THIS WILL BE KEPT ON FILE FOR FUTURE REFERENCES Student Section I have read this letter and I understand what I need to do in order to be successful in Ms. Mezzetti’s Art Class. I understand that I am my own person, and I know that I need to be responsible for my actions. Student Printed Name_______________________________________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________________________________________ All About You Please Write legibly Name:_______________________________________ID#___________________________Grade__________ Birthday: ____________________________________ Your E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Section I have read this letter and I understand what my child is to do in order to be successful in Ms. Squires’ Art Class. I understand that my child is responsible and will have consequences for his or her actions. I also know that I will be contacted if there is any Grade conflict, discipline issue, or praise in regarding my child. Parent/Guardian Printed Name: _______________________________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please list what is the best way to contact you. Thanks for your support! Phone numbers: 1)________________________________2)________________________________________ Best time to call (circle one): Morning Afternoon Evening & Weekdays or Weekends Parent/Guardian E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4