Answer these questions. You may use your notes and/or the

Answer these questions.
You may use your notes and/or the textbook.
Answers will be collected and graded.
About the Globe:
About Shakespeare:
1. What time of day were performances
1. When was Shakespeare born?
held? Why?
2. When did he die and what is
2. How many people could fit into the
significant about this date?
Globe Theatre?
3. What was his family like?
3. How long was an average play?
4. Did he go to school or college?
4. How many acts made up the plays?
5. Who did Shakespeare marry?
5. How were actresses regarded in
6. Did he have children, and if so, what
Shakespeare's time?
were their names?
6. What was the scenery like in the
7. What job positions did he hold?
Globe Theatre?
8. With what theatre company was
7. What were the actors’ costumes like?
Shakespeare involved?
8. How many times has the Globe
9. Could one of us be direct descendents
Theatre been destroyed?
of Shakespeare?
9. Does the theater still stand today?
10. How many total plays did
10. Of what material was the theater
Shakespeare write?
primarily made?
Answer these questions.
You may use your notes and/or the textbook.
Answers will be collected and graded.
About the Globe:
1. What time of day were
6. What was the scenery like in the
performances held? Why? Daytime, Globe Theatre? There was minimal
due to lighting.
to no scenery.
2. How many people could fit into
7. What were the actors’ costumes
the Globe Theatre?
like? Elaborate
2,500 to 3,000
8. How many times has the Globe
Theatre been destroyed? 3 times by
3. How long was an average play?
Approx. 2 hours
9. Does the theater still stand today?
4. How many acts made up the
No, but a reconstruction does.
plays? 5 acts
10. Of what material was the theater
5. How were actresses regarded in
primarily made? Wood and Thatch
Shakespeare's time? They were not
permitted to act. Men played the
women’s roles.
Answer these questions.
You may use your notes and/or the textbook.
Answers will be collected and graded.
About Shakespeare:
1. When was Shakespeare born?
7. What job positions did he hold?
April 23, 1564
Country Schoolmaster, Actor,
Playwright, Part-Owner of Theatre
2. When did he die and what is
significant about this date? April 23, Company
1616 – his birthday
8. With what theatre company was
Shakespeare involved? The Lord
3. What was his family like?
Chamberlain’s Men; The King’s Men
Well-Respected Family
9. Could one of us be direct
4. Did he go to school or college?
Probably Stratford Grammar School descendents of Shakespeare? No
10. How many total plays did
5. Who did Shakespeare marry?
Shakespeare write? 37
Anne Hathaway
6. Did he have children, and if so,
what were their names? Yes,
Susanna, Judith, Hamnet