Design Report for Saluki Engineering Company Magnetic Particle Flux Tracking in River Simulators Prepared for Little River Research & Design Prepared by Saluki Engineering Team #47 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART April 26, 2011 Ali Albayat Kyle Barringer James Butler Geoffrey Daniels Joe Sobeski Team 47 - MAGNPART Saluki Engineering Company Southern Illinois University Mail Code 6603 Carbondale, IL 62901 April 26, 2011 Mr. Steve Gough Little River Research & Design 514 East Main Carbondale, IL 62901 Dear Mr. Gough, On January 18, 2011 our team began work on the proposed system for tracking particle flux in river simulators. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to work on this project. Included is a design report that details our design and deliverables. Team 47 has designed and created a software package for the MATLAB computing environment that tracks particles in videos or a sequence of images. A graphical user interface was also developed to simplify the use of the software. The cost associated to implement this system is $1,850 which is for the MATLAB environment and image acquisition device and requires no down time of a simulator. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to work on this project. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me via the contact information below. Sincerely, Kyle Barringer Southern Illinois University Team 47 – MAGNPART Project Manager (618) 201-1127 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |2 Acknowledgements (JS) SEC Team 47 would like to thank the following people and groups for their contributions to this project. First and foremost we would like to thank the employees of Little River Research and Design Company for providing us with this opportunity to work on this project and all their assistance given throughout. The samples of the media used in their system, as well as the Hall Effect sensor they had on hand were essential to truly understanding the nature of this project. We would also like to thank them for making available their facilities in which we could use to get the information we needed. Team 47 would also like to thank our Faculty Technical Advisor, Dr. Alan Weston for all his insight into the project. His ideas and expertise offered us new ways in which to pursue the project as well as Dr. Gregory Wilkerson for his insight into the project. His expertise in sediment transport gave us good ideas on how to track the media in the riverbed. We would also like to thank Dr. Suri Rajan for his expertise as a motors professor and his understanding of the sensors used in the project. Team 47 would also like to thank the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Southern Illinois University for providing the funding for materials needed for the project. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |3 Table of Contents Acknowledgements (JS) ..................................................................................................................... 3 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables and Figures ................................................................................................................... 5 Executive Summary (KB) .................................................................................................................... 6 Project Description ............................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction (AA) ............................................................................................................................ 7 Overview (KB) .................................................................................................................................. 7 Sensors (JS & AA) ............................................................................................................................ 8 Arduino (GD) ................................................................................................................................. 10 Fluid (JB) ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Subsystem: Analysis Software (KB) .................................................................................................. 13 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 13 Image Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 13 Video Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 17 Fault Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 22 Environmental Issues .................................................................................................................... 22 Societal Issues ............................................................................................................................... 22 Conclusions & Recommendations ................................................................................................ 23 References .................................................................................................................................... 23 Recommended Vendors ................................................................................................................ 24 Subsystem: Graphical User Interface Software (GD) ......................................................................... 25 Cost & Implementation (KB) ............................................................................................................ 27 Conclusions & Recommendations (JS) .............................................................................................. 27 Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Drawings ....................................................................................................................................... 29 User’s Guide (KB) .......................................................................................................................... 38 Technical Manual (KB) .................................................................................................................. 47 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |4 List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Information contained in “TrackedParticles.txt” ......................................................................... 16 Table 2: Recommended webcam vendors ................................................................................................. 24 Table 3: Recommended digital SLR camera vendors ................................................................................. 24 Table 4: Recommended high-speed camera vendors ................................................................................ 24 Table 5: Cost of MATLAB ............................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 1: Subsystem Relationship Chart ...................................................................................................... 8 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |5 Executive Summary (KB) The ability to track particles as they move through the Emriver river simulator would provide researchers and educators with information that is not currently available. This information includes the location of particles as they move throughout the river and the velocity with which they move. The designed system contains these capabilities. The system allows the user to analyze either pre-acquired images or videos. Choosing to analyze images lets the user identify individual particles and track them over subsequent images. The video option permits the user to identify a group of particles moving together and determine their instantaneous velocity. The system is comprised of software and accompanying graphical user interface that can run on any computer with the Windows operating system and the MATLAB computing environment installed. The system will accept images from any type of image device, which is the only cost associated with the system, ranging from cheap webcams to expensive high-speed cameras. This system also has the advantage of requiring no down-time to implement. The graphical user interface guides the user through the steps required to analyze images and all resulting information is displayed in an easy to read format on the screen. The remainder of this report contains the following: An overall project description A look at costs associated with the image capturing device Technical details associated with each part of the system Non-technical issues affiliated with the system Recommendations for implementation The system has a cost of $1,850. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |6 Project Description Introduction (AA) The purpose of this project is to create a system that could be used to measure particle velocity, flux and particle transport rate in a simulated river system. The project was requested by Little River Research and Design Company, with the purpose of improving their river simulators to help students in the field of fluid geomorphology. Their intention of this project was to allow them to count the number of the particles that flow through the simulator and measure the velocity of the particles that move. They currently have two different models of the simulator which are the EM2 and EM4. The plan to go about meeting the company’s request involved three primary methods. The first was a method incorporating Hall Effect sensors, the second a camera-based optical method and the last was magnetic separation utilizing electromagnets and microcontrollers. Many experiments were done on each method, but the most successful was the camera-based optical sensor. Overview (KB) The designed system has different capabilities depending on if a sequence of images or a video file is used. If an image sequence is used, the system takes two consecutive images and finds the particles that moved in the time interval between the images. It will highlight these particles with red circles as well as produce a text file that contains the coordinates of the particles and a unique identification number. If a video is used, the system analyzes each frame and finds groups of particles that are moving at roughly the same velocity, highlights them with a bounding box and displays their velocity. The system is comprised of two software subsystems: analysis and user interface. The analysis software executes out of view from the user and is responsible for performing the work that was described above. The user interface software acts as a link between the user and the analysis software. It allows the user to change parameters and start or stop analyses through the use of figure windows, buttons and sliders. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the subsystems. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |7 Graphical User Interface Analysis Software Figure 1. Subsystem Relationship Chart In addition to the subsystems for the designed system, other considerations were evaluated. The first was the use of Hall Effect sensors embedded into the river simulator which would utilize the ferrous property of some of the particles. The second was the use of an electromagnet controlled by an Arduino microcontroller to collect the particles at a regular time interval for measuring. The last was a look at the effects of fluid dynamics on the sediment transport process. Sensors (JS & AA) For the sensor approach many different methods were considered. The initial idea was to use a Hall Effect Sensor to detect the presence of the particles in the River Simulator. The Hall Effect Sensor is a specific type of sensor that, by using a concept known as the Hall Effect, produces an output current whenever it detects the presence of a magnetic field. In order to fully understand the Hall Effect sensor, it is necessary to explain how the Hall Effect works. The Hall Effect is the induced voltage created across a metal conductor transverse to an electric current and magnetic field. The particles showed some ferromagnetic characteristics when it was demonstrated that they were attracted to a magnet. It was necessary to determine whether or not the particles were magnetic in themselves or simply ferrous. This was done by applying the particles to the Hall Effect sensor and determining if any sort of output was created. Initially the sensor was tested with SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |8 a simple magnet to ensure proper functionality. After determining the sensor was operating correctly, testing of the particles began. No response was produced by the sensor after applying the particles to it. This led to the conclusion that the particles were simply ferrous and not magnetic. It then became necessary to research means of detecting ferrous materials in order to apply this to the system. After researching means of detecting ferrous particles, the concept of bias magnetic Hall Effect sensors seemed plausible for these types of particles. The bias magnet Hall Effect concept is the same concept as a regular Hall Effect sensor, except for the inclusion of a permanent magnet. The sensor detects the presence of the magnetic field created by the permanent magnet. By doing this, the sensor is able to detect when that magnetic field is altered by the presence of a metal object, thus seeming applicable for the particles in the river system. After researching this concept, a sensor of this variety found to be sold by a company named Cherry Corp. They sold a Speed and Direction Sensor that included this embedded system of a Hall Effect Sensor and a bias magnet. After searching for a retailer to sell it, the sensor was finally ordered and arrived shortly thereafter. After the sensor arrived, it was clear that a certain connector was necessary to connect the pins to any sort of device. After being unable to connect the sensor with alligator clips to the oscilloscope, a Dremel tool was used to cut away some of the plastic encasing the pins. After doing this it was possible to attach wires with alligator clips to each of the three pins. Following the specification sheets from the products web page, the sensor was powered and connected to the oscilloscope for testing. Upon connection it was noticed that there was some noise imposed on the sensor. The voltage per division was decreased so as to “zoom in” on the wave form. The noise became much more apparent. The intention was with the oscilloscope “zoomed in”, the response to the particles could be more closely observed. When the particles were applied to the sensor, no particular change was noted in the wave form. The sensor was then applied to various metal objects to attempt to induce a response. On occasion when the magnet within the sensor would attach to other metallic SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Page |9 objects, a slight change in the wave form was noted. However, the response was not consistent and did not always incur upon contact with another metal object. It was believed that this response was another result of noise in the sensor attained by the exposed pins when moving it around. Since the sensor was manufactured to be used in automobiles, a group member took the part to a professor who specialized in that field. It was the professor’s opinion that the sensor was made for the specific application of detecting moving gear tooth speed and that its effective range was far too small to be used for detecting our particles. After the attempt with the Speed and Direction sensor proved to be unsuccessful, other methods were sought after. The concept of the bias magnet Hall Effect sensor still seemed applicable so the group continued to pursue other means of utilizing it. The idea of using the original Hall Effect sensor with another permanent magnet came about. After purchasing some powerful rare earth magnets, they were then set in a position fixed above the Hall Effect sensor until an output was generated by the sensor. Random metal objects were then placed between the magnet and the sensor to verify if the imposing metal object would disrupt the magnetic field. Those preliminary tests proved successful. The particles were then placed in between to see if change in the output occurred. No such change was observed. After multiples trials it was believed that the particles were simply too small and not ferrous enough to have an impact on the sensor and the magnetic field. Arduino (GD) Initially, the first idea for the design of our project would require an Arduino board. Thus our team researched how the board was created, its functions and the types of applications it was used for. Likewise, simple programs were created by the team to familiarize ourselves with its interface and coding styles. However, later on in the semester the group decided to switch gears and go another route using MATLAB. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 10 Fluid (JB) The optical method has it usefulness that it gives velocity to the urea formaldehyde thermoset plastic particles in lieu of rock-based sand in the river simulator. The task after the velocity is found is to turn this into sediment particle transport rate(ppm). The matlab estimates the direction and speed of object motion from one image to another or from one video frame to another using either the HornSchunck or the Lucas-Kanade method. When the flow conditions exceed the criteria for incipient motion, sediment particles on the streambed start to move. The transport of bed particles in a stream is a function of the fluid forces per unit area…the tractive force or shear stress ( ), acting on the streambed. Under steady, uniform flow conditions, the shear stress is (eq.II-2) where: is the specific weight of the fluid, D is the mean depth, and S is the water surface slope. The gravitational force resisting particle entrainment, , is proportional to: (eq.II-3) where: is the specific weight of sediment, and d is the particle diameter. The Shields relation (Shields 1936) with modifications by Graf (1971) developed relations associated with initiation of particle movement using the ratio of the fluid forces to the gravitational SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 11 force, proportional to the dimensionless quantity called the critical dimensionless shear stress, , where: (eq.II-4) The dimensionless bed-material transport rate per unit width of streambed, Q*B is: (eq.II-5) where: g is gravity, and Qs is the volumetric transport rate per unit width of streambed determined from bedload samples. The empirical function developed by Parker (1979) is (eq.II-6) where: is the threshold value of required to initiate particle motion. Any tracking algorithm from fluid dynamics, machine vision, cell tracking will thus not solve the problem. particles can switch between a ”direct ” (particles flowing with the flow of water) and a ”indirected” (particles transferring force to one another )mode of motion. Moreover, the two modes of motion are of greatly different speed. Since most existing tracking algorithms are specifically tailored to a particular type of motion, they cannot be readily used. In no way have we solved all of the above problems, but the tracking software described in this report tries to at least approximately consider them and points the way for future improvements. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 12 Since the method of using Hall Effect sensors did not produce favorable results the decision was made to abandon it. The current method of using an imaging device with the accompanying software was determined to have the best prospects early in the design process and it was known that a user interface would be needed. Due to this, the electromagnet method was also abandoned in order to allow for the user interface to be completed. Since the system is only used for analysis, the consequences of a fault are not very threatening. The possibility for a fault exists if certain parameters are incorrectly set, but the only effect is that an error message is displayed and the analysis is aborted. Resetting the parameter value and running the analysis again will correct the error. Subsystem: Analysis Software (KB) Introduction The optical method is comprised of an image capturing device and software that analyzes the images and videos that are captured. The original motivation for this idea was that the black particles were sharply different in color from all other particles and when represented on a digital image, the pixel values of these particles would be above a certain number. This threshold would permit software to identify the black particles in an image, and comparing the x- and y- coordinates of detected particles between two consecutive images would allow the particles to be tracked. An overview of the subsystem from the software point of view can be seen in Drawing KB-1. Image Analysis The MATLAB programming language and computing environment includes functions that perform image acquisition and processing. Due to this, it was chosen over other programming languages such as C and C++ since the necessary functions would either need to be written specifically for the SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 13 project or found from other sources. Even if the needed functions were found from other sources, the possibility that they would need to be adapted to fit the project still existed. Upon researching image processing capabilities within the MATLAB language, it was discovered that images needed to be represented in grayscale color space. The benefit of this requirement was that all particles could be tracked instead of only ones that fell within a certain pixel range. Further searching also revealed that a group of researchers from Georgetown University had previously researched particle tracking and developed several MATLAB files to locate particle positions and link these positions to form particle trajectories [1]. After reading the code and experimenting, it was determined that these files could be utilized in the system. The experiment consisted of taking an image during a simulation of the river simulator and using the aforementioned files to locate particles. The decision to use these files was based on the fact that they were already proven to work, could be customized to fit any special needs of the system and their use would allow time for additional functionality to be added to the system. The next step was to determine the best method for the user to acquire images. The requirements were that the images needed to be clear and spaced at short, but equal time intervals to ensure the particles stay in the image area for more than one time interval. To guarantee the timing requirements were met, it was decided that the computer on which the program was running could be used to acquire the images. The included “Image Acquisition Toolbox” within MATLAB appeared to contain the necessary functionality. However, upon trying to utilize it, it was discovered that it required all images to be stored in the memory of the computer and only after the acquisition of all images was complete were they saved to the hard disk. The two problems associated with this was that large sequences of images could not be taken due to the limitation of the memory size and images would not be available immediately for processing. To solve this problem, a “for” loop was used to acquire images and save them to the hard disk. This resulted in a delay between images of 0.8-1 second. This delay was SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 14 longer than that of the built-in function, but since this solution was the only one that allowed for the images to be saved to the hard disk immediately, the delay was considered acceptable. The next step in the design process was to write code to pre-process the images so they could be used by the files from the Georgetown University researchers. The pre-processing consisted of: reading the images into the program via the “imread” command adjusting the contrast of the images to account for improper lighting conditions by using the “imadjust” command converting the images to a numerical data type and inverting the colors so that the particles appeared bright in color compared to the background by subtracting the images from 255 which represents the color white Once this was completed, two of the files could be used to perform particle locating: bpass.m pkfnd.m Each file operates by being given parameters that include the name of the image and customizable parameters that allow for more precise results. bpass(image_array, lnoise, lobject) o image_array the image, which is now expressed as a two-dimensional array o lnoise length of the noise in pixels o lobject (editable) This value is for the length in pixels slightly larger than a typical object pkfnd(im,th,sz) o im the image, still expressed as a two-dimensional array o th (editable) This is the minimum brightness of a pixel that could be a local maximum. A local maximum signifies that this pixel is a particle o sz (editable) This value should be set slightly larger than the diameter, in pixels, of a particle. This value should only be used if the image is blurry, otherwise it should be set to zero SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 15 The “pkfnd” function then returns an N x 2 array where N is the number of particles found. The values contained in this array are the x- and y- coordinates of the found particles in the format [x,y]. The code is designed to process two images at once so there are two N x 2 arrays of x- and y-coordinates. Following this, the two arrays are compared and particles that have the same coordinates in both lists are removed. This is to concentrate only on the particles that moved during the last time frame since stationary particles are not of interest. Once this step is complete, both images are displayed with the found particles highlighted by red circles. This allows the user to determine if the results are satisfactory. Then, each set of coordinates has a third column appended that contains either a number one or two to identify it as belonging to the first image or the second. Then the two arrays are concatenated vertically. Once this step has been completed, the array can be passed to the final function, “track.m”, that is responsible for identifying the particles. track(xyzs,maxdisp,param) o xyzs the array to process, which was created in the last step o maxdisp (editable) An estimate of the maximum distance a particle could move during one time interval The result of this function is a text file with the name “TrackedParticles.txt” that is saved for the user to view. The text file contains an N x 4 array, where N is the number of particles found in both images. The four columns contain the information shown in Table 1. (x) x-coordinate of particle (y) y-coordinate of particle (t) image number that the particle was found in (ID) unique ID number for each identified particle trajectory Table 1. Information contained in “TrackedParticles.txt” Upon testing the code execution on a simulation of the river simulator, it was found that the image processing lagged behind real-time by roughly 15 seconds. This was due to the time required by SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 16 the computer to process the images and display the results. Since this delay was unavoidable, it was determined that performing the image analysis would be best done on images already acquired. This has the advantage of allowing the user to acquire images with any type of image acquisition device, regardless of its ability to be tethered to a computer with a USB cable. To conclude the image analysis, the image analysis function takes two successive images and performs the pre-processing described above. Then, the pre-processed images are displayed to the user for verification. The processing of the images then takes place using the three external functions. The two images will again be displayed in separate figure windows with the found particles highlighted by red circles. This allows the user to determine if the results are acceptable or if the processing needs to be executed again with different parameters. A text file of the .txt file type is created and saved in the same directory that the program resides. The text file contains the x- and y-coordinates, image number and unique identification information that were described above. Video Analysis Due to the possibility of long time intervals between images because of code execution or manual triggering, another solution was sought to complement the image analysis. This solution uses recorded video rather than images of the river simulator. Since many video acquisition devices allow for frame rates of at least 15 frames per second, this analysis mode would not be dependent on code execution, manual triggering, or limitations in camera lens speeds. It was found that the Simulink modeling tool developed by MathWorks, the same company that distributes MATLAB, could be used. Simulink has built-in support for processing video files. An example was found that appeared to be similar to the application of the system. The example takes a video clip of moving traffic and determines which objects are vehicles and counts them. This idea can also be applied to tracking particles in a river simulator. Using the example as a guide, a system was designed and created that tracks the particles and draws a bounding box around what it determines is a group of particles on the SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 17 video. It also overlays a motion vector over the video that allows the user to see where motion is taking place [2]. To test the system, video samples of the river simulator were acquired with a digital SLR camera that had a frame rate of 15 frames per second. The only problem with this video was that the resolution was not high enough to be able to discern individual particles. The decision was made to look for groups of particles that had roughly the same velocity instead of individual particles. The sizes of the groups, called blobs, are editable so that the user can determine the values that provide optimum results for individual video files. This decision was made to allow greater functionality of the video analysis. Had the decision to group particles together not been made, the user would have had to use high-speed photography equipment which can be quite expensive to obtain clear video with individual particles being discernible. This solution allows less expensive equipment to be used while still providing acceptable results. Once the ability to identify blobs was complete, the next step was to design a method to determine the velocity of the blobs. It was discovered that Simulink had a block built in to its video processing block-set, the Optical Flow block, which estimates the direction and speed of object motion from one frame to the next. It computes the optical flow by solving the equation 𝐼𝑥 𝑢 + 𝐼𝑦 𝑣 + 𝐼𝑡 = 0 where𝐼𝑥 , 𝐼𝑦 and 𝐼𝑡 are the spatiotemporal brightness derivatives, 𝑢 is the horizontal optical flow and 𝑣 is the vertical optical flow. The system uses the Lucas-Kanade method which divides the original image into smaller sections and assumes a constant velocity in each section. This is in contrast to the HornSchunk method which assumes the optical flow is smooth over the entire image. Due to the possibility of different velocities within one frame, the Lucas-Kanade method was considered to be a better solution. Once the original image has been divided up into smaller sections, the block performs a weighted least-square fit of the optical flow constraint equation to a constant model for [𝑢 𝑣]𝑇 in each 2 section, Ω, by minimizing the following equation: ∑𝑥∈𝛺 𝑊 2 [𝐼𝑥 𝑢 + 𝐼𝑦 𝑣 + 𝐼𝑡 ] . 𝑊 is a window function SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 18 that emphasizes the constraints at the center of each section with the solution to the minimization problem given by [3]: ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑥2 [ ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑦 𝐼𝑥 ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑥 𝐼𝑦 ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑥 𝐼𝑡 𝑢 ][ ] = −[ ] 𝑣 ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑦2 ∑ 𝑊 2 𝐼𝑦 𝐼𝑡 The Optical Flow block outputs velocity values for all locations, and a method needed to be designed to only take the values at the locations of the found blobs. This was accomplished by comparing the matrix of velocities with the matrix of blob positions and displaying only those values. All other values are displayed in the upper left-hand corner. The Simulink model that comprises this solution is comprised of many blocks to perform the necessary processing. A flowchart is shown in Drawing KB-2 that illustrates the flow of data in the Simulink model. Drawing KB-3 shows the top level of the model with subsequent drawings showing the various levels within this main drawing. The first block is the “From Multimedia File” block which is used to select the .avi file to be analyzed. This block inherits the sample time from the file to accommodate for differing frame rates and upon beginning simulation, plays the file one time. The output of this block goes to the “R’G’B’ to intensity” block as well as the “Display Results” block to be used for the “Original” video display. The “R’G’B’ to intensity” block converts the color space from the typical RGB color scheme used in color video to intensity. It accomplishes this by using the following equation [4]: 𝑅′ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = [0.299 0.587 0.114] [𝐺′]. 𝐵′ The output of this block goes to the “Optical Flow” block. The “Optical Flow” block computes the optical flow of each frame as described above. The output of this block, which is the magnitude of the velocity, goes to the “Thresholding and Region Filtering” block as well as the “Display Results” block. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 19 The “Thresholding and Region Filtering” block contains other smaller blocks which can be seen in Drawing KB-4. The input of this block first goes through the “Velocity Threshold” block (Drawing KB-5) which takes the mean velocity per frame as well as the mean velocity per frame across time. It then goes through median filtering to help reduce noise in the frame. Then, it goes to the “Region Filtering” block which itself is comprised of smaller blocks and can be seen in Drawing KB-6. The “Region Filtering” block first performs blob analysis on its input. This is where the bounding box that will surround each blob is determined. This block also contains the user-editable values that determine the blob properties such as the maximum number of blobs, the minimum area of a blob and the maximum area of a blob. The output of this block is used for the coordinates for which the velocities will be printed in the “Velocities” display. The output is also used to determine the number of blobs and to create the coordinates of the bounding boxes. The final block is the “Display Results” block which also contains additional blocks as seen in Drawing KB-7. The first group is the “Original” block which takes the original video stream and displays it in a video box for the user. The second group is for the motion vector display. The velocity values from the “Optical Flow” block are inputted to the “Optical Flow Lines” block which generates the coordinates of the optical flow lines and then inputted into the “Draw Lines” block which draws the lines over the original video stream. This is then inputted to the “Motion Vector” video display. The third group is for the bounding boxes and the number of particles. This block is again comprised of additional blocks and is seen in Drawing KB-8. The “Draw Rectangles” block uses the bounding box coordinates to draw rectangles over the original video stream. The output of this block is then inputted to a black that creates a small white rectangle for the background of the particle count. This output along with the number of particles is inputted into the “Insert Text” block which prints the SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 20 number of particles on the white background. This output is then displayed in the “Bounding Boxes” video window. The final group is for the velocities. The velocity values from the Optical Flow block are run through a gain of 100. The values out of the Optical Flow block are on the order of one-hundredths and this required too much screen space to display. By introducing a gain of 100, these values contain a whole number component with a smaller decimal and are easier to read. Then, these values get converted from a 2-D matrix to a 1-D array. This was required by the “Insert Text” block that comes next. This block takes this input as well as the velocity coordinates from the Blob Analysis block and the original video stream. It prints the velocities at the location of the upper left-hand corner of each bounding box over the original video stream and then it is displayed in a window via the “Velocity” block. In conclusion of the video analysis, this solution is expected to analyze a .AVI video clip using parameters that the user sets. Once the simulation begins, processing starts and the output is four figure windows. One figure window displays the original video clip. The second figure window displays the video clip with a vector field overlaid that allows the user to more easily see where motion is taking place. The third figure window shows the video clip with the detected groups of particles enclosed by yellow bounding boxes. The last figure window displays the velocity of each group of particles. The text for each group is printed in the location of the upper left-hand corner of the corresponding bounding box. This keeps the found blobs from being covered by both bounding boxes and text, while also allowing for easy comparison to see which velocity value corresponds to which bounding box. The image and video analysis methods that comprise the optical subsystem work closely with the Graphical User Interface subsystem. The GUI is used to set and change parameters in this subsystem and allows the user to see the results that are produced by this subsystem. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 21 Fault Analysis Due to the ability for the user to change the parameters and the fact that the system is not static, there is a possibility for the system to fail. The one possibility is in the image analysis, if the minimum threshold is set too low, this will cause many particles to be found and the high number will cause the trajectory prediction algorithm to try to determine too many combinations which results in an error. If this happens, the analysis is stopped and a warning message is displayed. This error will cause no damage to the system and there are no consequences of this error. Increasing the threshold and running the simulation again is all that is required to fix it. The only modification that could be made to the system to prevent this error would be to limit the minimum value that the threshold could be set to, but this would extremely limit flexibility for the user and since there are no consequences, this option was not taken. In the video analysis portion, a warning can occur if the system finds more particles than the value the user set for the maximum number of particles. This does not result in an error and the simulation still continues, but a warning message is displayed to alert the user that the level was reached and should be changed on future simulations. Environmental Issues The only environmental issue associated with the system is the disposal of the image acquisition device. Documentation from the manufacturer of the device should be consulted as to best handle disposal. The software portion of the system poses no environmental risks or issues. Societal Issues The end user will be required to capture images or videos, either manually or via the image acquisition portion of the program, and save them onto the computer. To accomplish this manually, the user will need to have experience using a digital camera to take images or video and transferring the SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 22 resulting files to a computer. The user will then need to navigate the graphical user interface to change the parameters to meet needed specifications and run the analysis, or acquire images from the user interface if desired. The included user interface makes these tasks easy for any user that has common computer skills. Conclusions and Recommendations In conclusion, this system analyzes images and videos for particle tracking purposes. It is capable of acquiring a sequence of images or using images and videos provided by the user. It allows the user to alter certain parameters to meet unique specifications before running the analysis. The analysis results are then displayed for the user to see. It is recommended that the system can be implemented in its current state, but additional functionality could be provided through additional work as outlined below. This system currently needs to have a licensed version of MATLAB and Simulink in order to work. Standalone functionality can be provided through additional work. The image analysis portion could also benefit from additional work on the ability to determine particle distances, comparing more than two images at a time and displaying the unique ID number of a particle next to that particle on the image that is displayed. The video analysis portion could benefit from additional work to convert the pixel velocities to other units and exporting the velocity values to a text file. References [1] D. Blair and E. Dufresne. (n.d.). Particle Location and Tracking Tutorial [Online]. Available: [2] MathWorks R2008b Documentation: Tracking Cars Using Optical Flow [3] MathWorks R2011a Documentation: Computer Vision System Toolbox: Optical Flow, MathWorks, Inc. [Online]. Available: [4] MathWorks R2011a Documentation: Computer Vision System Toolbox: Color Space Conversion, MathWorks, Inc. [Online]. Available: SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 23 Recommended vendors Webcams: Vendor Model Price Source Information Minimum Requirements Hewlett-Packard Webcam HD-3110 $49.99 HP website1 (4/20/11) Logitech HD Webcam C310 $49.99 Logitech website2 (4/20/11) AutoFocus, 30 fps, 5.7 Megapixels 2.4 GHz processor, 1GB RAM, Windows XP/Vista/7, 320 MB hard drive space 5 Megapixels Microsoft LifeCam HD-5000 $49.95 Microsoft website3 (4/20/11) AutoFocus, 30 fps 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 200 MB hard drive space, Windows XP/Vista/7 Dual-Core 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP/Vista/7 Table 2. Recommended webcam vendors Digital SLR cameras: Vendor Model Price Source Information Canon EOS 60D $999.99 Canon website4 (4/20/11) 18 Megapixels Nikon D7000 $1,109 Nikon website5 (4/20/11) 16.9 Megapixels Sony A580L $899.99 Sony website6 (4/20/11) 16.2 Megapixels Table 3. Recommended digital SLR camera vendors High-speed cameras: Vendor Photron USA, Inc. Model FASTCAM SA1.1 Price $70,000-$90,000 Source Phone conversation (4/20/11) Vision Research, Inc. Phantom v7.3 $39,000 Phone conversation (4/20/11) Olympus i-SPEED TR $35,000-$40,000 Phone conversation (4/20/11) Table 4. Recommended high-speed camera vendors 1 3 4 5 6 2 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 24 MATLAB: MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox Image Acquisition Toolbox Simulink Computer Vision System Toolbox DSP System Toolbox Total: $500 $200 $200 $500 $200 $200 $1,800 Table 5. Cost of MATLAB Subsystem Description: Graphical User Interface Software (GD) In designing the GUI there were a few ways it could have looked using different options and objects. For example, using a displayed version of the files in a folder, sliders or scrolling of files and settings, user input text boxes that controlled various settings, or radio and toggle buttons. The final decision was to keep it simple on the user end and use predefined sliders, text boxes with text, and buttons. There was also hardcoding that allowed the data to be processed and analyzed through codes and functions in MATLAB. In order for the user to interact with these codes and functions an interface would be needed. A further explanation of the GUI follows. The team’s objective in this part was to create the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the program that will be analyzing and tracking the particles. There are a few basic components that makeup the GUI. The parts are as follows: windows, buttons, text boxes and sliders. When the program is running the first thing that appears is a screen with two buttons on it. These buttons are made of functions which link each button to a different next screen. After a button is chosen, it then closes the current screen depending on the users input or decision and moves onto the next screen. If the user chooses the ‘Capture new images’ option then the next screen will have two buttons: ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’. If the user were to choose the ‘Use Existing video or image files’ the next window will give the user three options. The options are: ‘Back’, ‘Images’ and ‘Video’. The ‘Back’ button allows the user to return to the SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 25 original window in case they wanted to capture new data. If the ‘Images’ button is chosen then the current screen closes and in the new window there are new options. These options include selecting the files the user wants to use. For the best results, the user should choose two consecutive images. When this option is selected a file menu appears and the user can select the files they would like to use. The next objects in the window are text boxes on the left which tell the user what settings they are able to adjust. To adjust these settings they will use sliders which are located on the right side of each text box. After adjusting the settings to their liking, they will select the ‘RUN’ button. This button will begin the analysis of the selected files. Going the other route of using previously recorded video files, the user will open a new window. This window will also close the previous. The window is made of text boxes, sliders and buttons. After the file is loaded the user can change the settings of how the video will be analyzing the file. This will be done using the sliders. At the bottom of the screen there are a few buttons: ‘Simulate’, ’Pause’, ‘Continue’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Close.’ These buttons from left to right, allow the user to: analyze and track particles, pause the simulation to record the values, resume the simulation, stop the simulation and the Close button exits the simulation. For a flowchart see Drawing GD-1. This flow chart allows the user to understand the thought process of the program. The only software that will be needed is the program MATLAB which will be provided to the company. The Graphical User Interface was successful in helping the user to simulate and analyze both new video and existing images and video. The interface is user friendly, simple and provides a way for the user to interact with the code. The program doesn’t require the user to do too much other than have files available to use, and have a free hand to click. The coding of the user interface was linked successfully to the hard code and contains functions which were used to simulate and analyze the data. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 26 Cost & Implementation (KB) As mentioned earlier, the cost of implementing this system is $1,850. This cost is assumes that the MATLAB computing environment and an image acquisition device need to be purchased. If either of these items has already been purchased then the cost could potentially drop to $0. Because of the academic nature of research into particle transport processes, the given MATLAB price is for an academic and research license. If a license were needed to be purchased for commercial use, the price would rise to $9,950. The cost was also calculated using the less expensive webcams for the image acquisition device. If a digital SLR or high-speed camera were to be purchased, the price would rise according to the prices listed in the recommended vendors section. Since the system works independently of the river simulators there is no required down-time for implementation. Conclusions & Recommendations (JS) In conclusion, after studying several different designs it was determined that the method of tracking particles optically was the most viable solution. The system consists of analytical software with a user interface that inspects image and video files. Although this system can be implemented in its current state, the possibility exists for increased functionality to be added through additional work. This includes the ability for the system to run as a standalone program without the need for the MATLAB computing environment as well as the additional functionality for the image and video analysis portions as mentioned earlier. As for the sensor-based method, different concepts and principles have yet to be researched and implemented into the system. As recommended by a Geology professor during a presentation, introducing magnetite into the system in conjunction with a Hall Effect sensor would be an applicable way of measuring the particle movement. SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 27 This design process has allowed the MAGNPART team members to improve their engineering skills as well as their researching and learning methods. In addition, many soft skills that are important in any workplace or team activity were enhanced. Working with Little River Research & Design has also provided skills for managing relationships with clients and a unique insight to the field of fluvial geomorphology. Appendices SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 28 A. Drawings Main function (ParticleTracker) User interface setup Setup for remaining figure windows Existing Files (File_Callback) Camera Interface (Capture_Callback) User interface setup User interface setup Camera setup Image Analysis (image_Callback) Video Analysis (video_Callback) Create directory for images User interface setup User interface setup Begin acquiring images Load Simulink model Save acquired images to directory User interface controls Determine difference between last two images taken User interface controls Read two images Adjust contrast of two images Convert to numerical data type Invert colors “bpass” function Display bpass result images “pkfnd” function SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Determine which particles moved between images Display images with moved particles highlighted Concatenate matrices SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Software Function Flowchart SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design “track” function Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Write results to text file Date: 4/16/11 Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-1 Rev.0 P a g e | 29 Optical Flow Convert from RGB to Intensity Select File Thresholding and Region Filtering Determine velocity threshold Region Filtering Blob Analysis Determine bounding box coordinates Determine blob Extract blob coordinate s count Original Display Results Display bounding boxes and number of particles Draw the boxes Print the text for the number of particles Motion Vector Convert velocity values to line magnitudes Velocity Add gain of 100 Convert to 1-D array Draw lines Print velocity values at bounding box locations SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Video Analysis: Simulink Model Flowchart SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 4/16/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-2 Rev.0 P a g e | 30 Tracking Particles Using Optical Flow Image Pictures 006.avi Image V: 240x320, 15.0 fps From Multimedia File (Name of video file to be analyzed) R'G'B' to intensity Color Space Conversion (Converts from RGB to Intensity) I Optical Flow |V|^2 (Lucas-Kanade) Count Pictures 006.avi V: 240x320, 15.0 fps BBox Optical Flow1 Vel Thresholding and Region Filtering Video In Vel_Coords Display Results SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Particle Tracker SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 2/18/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-3 Rev.0 P a g e | 31 1 Count 1 >= Vel Vel Th. Vel Velocity Threshold I Median Filter Close Count BW 2 Regions 3 Vel_Coords Region Filtering BBox Vel_Coords SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Thresholding and Region Filtering SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 2/18/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-4 Rev.0 P a g e | 32 1 1 Vel Th. Vel Mean velocity per frame Mean velocity per frame across time SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Thresholding and Region Filtering / Velocity Threshold SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 2/18/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-5 Rev.0 P a g e | 33 select particles only of specified size 1 BW BW Blob BBox Analysis In1 Idx Regions Select Out1 Columns 2 Variable Selector >= line_row single int32 1 Count 3 Vel_Coords SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Thresholding and Region Filtering / Region Filtering SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 3/21/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-6 Rev.0 P a g e | 34 1 Count Count 2 Image BBox Video Out BBox 4 Video In To Video Display Bounding Boxes Video In Display bounding boxes and number of particles Image Variables '%8f' 5 Image Location Vel_Coords Velocity Insert Text Image -KGain1 vel.Values To Video Display Original U( : ) Convert 2-D to 1-D Image 3 To Video Display vel.Lines Pts Draw Lines Image To Video Display Vel Motion Vector Optical Flow Lines SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Display Results SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 3/21/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-7 Rev.0 P a g e | 35 Video In 3 White background for count Image Draw Rectangles 2 Image Y0 Pts U BBox A Y '%4d' 1 Assignment1 Draw Shapes 1 0 Video Out Variables Count Insert Text SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Simulink model: Display Results / Display bounding boxes and number of particles SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Kyle Barringer Date: 3/21/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: KB-8 Rev.0 P a g e | 36 Main Screen Capture New video PREVIOUS FILES Second Screen START Second Screen STOP IMAGE VIDEO LOAD FILE LOAD FILES User Adjust Settings User Adjust Settings RUN CONTINUE SIMULATE PAUS E STOP SALUKI ENGINEERING COMPANY Graphical User Interface Flowchart SEC Reference # F10-47-MAGNPART Client: Little River Research & Design Drawn by: Geoffrey Daniel Date: 4/23/11 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART Scale: N/A Drawing Number: GD-1 Rev.0 P a g e | 37 B. User’s Guide SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 38 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 39 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 40 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 41 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 42 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 43 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 44 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 45 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 46 C. Technical Manual SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 47 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 48 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 49 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 50 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 51 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 52 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 53 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 54 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 55 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 56 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 57 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 58 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 59 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 60 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 61 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 62 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 63 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 64 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 65 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 66 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 67 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 68 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 69 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 70 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 71 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 72 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 73 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 74 SEC F10-47-MAGNPART P a g e | 75