MEASURING THE ARRIVAL QUALITY OF REAL-TIME PACKET TRAINS - A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Ulrich Speidel, 'Etuate Cocker, Nevil Brownlee Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTORS TO DATE Niko Rebenich, Stephen Neville, Aaron Gulliver, University of Victoria, B.C., Canada Kashif Nisar, Zeeshan Aziz, Suhaidi Hassan, Universiti Utara Malaysia Ming-Chui Dong, Vincent Wong, University of Macau Raimund Eimann, Zurich, Switzerland (in a private capacity) Bernhard Platter, Bernhard Ager, ETHZ Zürich ITS, University of Auckland Ulrich Speidel – INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTORS TO DATE Ministry of Lands, Survey, and Natural Resources, Tonga Connect ISP, Fiji Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning, Cook Islands Oyster ISP, Rarotonga Government of Kiribati Government of Tuvalu E.M. Jones Ltd., Tonga Ministry of Revenue, Tonga Ulrich Speidel – AGENDA VoIP and other real-time protocols Buffering Causes of variability in packet arrival Implications of explosive network growth Possible implications for remote communication The beacon network – what is it and how does it work? Why the Pacific Islands are a great test bed – and why other parts of the world are important, too Measures of arrival quality: jitter and entropy Preliminary observations Ulrich Speidel – WHY ARE REAL-TIME PROTOCOLS IMPORTANT? Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony / videoconferencing Telemedicine (e.g. remote surgery / diagnostics / consultation) Remote control in industrial applications Internet of Things Financial applications (rapid trading) Ulrich Speidel – VOICE OVER IP AND OTHER REAL-TIME PROTOCOLS • analog voice signal is digitally encoded Transmitter Packets • encoded byte stream is chopped into a packet train blah A/D Encoder Internet Buffer blah Decoder D/A Receiver Ulrich Speidel – • packets are transmitted via Internet to receiver • receiver buffers packets to establish constant-rate data flow to decoder • decoder recovers analog signal and replays it VOICE OVER IP AND OTHER REAL-TIME PROTOCOLS Delay between signal generation and replay is undesirable – must be kept as small as possible Replay delay is composed of three components: 1. 2. 3. Physical latency of cables or satellite links along packet paths (fixed for a given path) Time spent in router queues (variable) Size of buffer at receiver (governed by variation in arrival times) Ulrich Speidel – CAUSES OF VARIABILITY IN PACKET ARRIVAL Length and number of router queues Overflowing router queues cause packet drops Load balancing at routers Ulrich Speidel – LOAD BALANCING ROUTERS Load balancing routers send packets to the same destination across different links If packets from the same stream are load balanced, it causes them to take different paths and experience different latencies In some cases, packets may overtake each other (out-of-order arrivals) Ulrich Speidel – PACIFIC RIM SUBMARINE CABLES Which way do packets travel from Macau to NZ? What are the possible latencies? Ulrich Speidel – LONG-DISTANCE FIBRE OPTICS "Long fat network" Expensive to put in and maintain – prohibitive for some destinations Become a huge resource once installed Growing in number around the world Denser mesh Ulrich Speidel – SATELLITE CONNECTIVITY "Long thin network" Only commercially viable technology for small remote locations Geostationary satellites have a latency of 240-280 ms between ground stations (compared to around 70 ms for a trans-Pacific fibre cable) MEO and LEO satellites promise overall lower latency, but with large variations Significant cost given low bandwidth and high latency Still a growth industry! Ulrich Speidel – OBSERVATIONS: PING RTT U. of Auckland to 142-149 ms (20 hops, via Australia) U. of Auckland to >220 ms (>17 hops, via Australia and Japan) U. of Auckland to >505 ms (>26 hops, via US & UK) U. of Auckland to 158-160 ms (13 hops, via US) U. of Auckland to >298 ms (>21 hops, via US) U. of Auckland to 803-1074 ms (21 hops, via US, Canada and satellite) U. of Auckland to 585-593 ms (15 hops via Australia and satellite) Conclusion: geographic distance and even fibre routes are only a guide! Ulrich Speidel – NETWORK GROWTH Increase in number of users Users create more traffic (volume of traffic estimated to increase by a factor of 1000 per 20 years) New protocols and applications appear Topology changes: links are added / upgraded, routers are added / upgraded. Hop counts tend to increase over time. Multiple path alternatives are increasingly common, physically shortest paths aren't necessarily the ones chosen for routing (commercial factors). Network mesh grows denser Load balancing used increasingly to improve reliability Ulrich Speidel – IRREGULAR PACKET ARRIVAL Need to buffer more Real-time services such as VoIP, video conferencing, and remote manipulation may become impractical Downloads and streaming video/audio would still work Significant economic impact (outsourced call centre industry) Effects are most likely to be felt between remote endpoints first Ulrich Speidel – WHICH EFFECT WILL WIN? Technological progress or the forces of chaos it unleashes? more traffic more powerful routers more congestion extra bandwidth new links more malware more users more efficient codecs Ulrich Speidel – more inefficient routing less predictable packet arrivals CAN WE PREDICT A TREND? Basic idea: Pick a sample application, e.g., VoIP Repeatedly use the application over time between remote end points where deterioration is likely to be seen early See whether you observe any long-term changes Do this for multiple pairs of endpoints so you can ascertain whether a change is specific to a particular endpoint or pair of endpoints Ulrich Speidel – FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGES Applications don't stay stable Network topology changes & observation points shift Accept as part of the observable & observe between multiple endpoints Effects seen may be local rather than remote Use synthetic reproducible traffic instead, from a software whose behaviour we can control Compare observations of multiple endpoints in vicinity Effects seen may apply to a particular path (pair of endpoints) only Have more than just a few endpoints Ulrich Speidel – THE BEACON NETWORK Basic idea: "Run a global network of beacon computers that act pair-wise as endpoints" To date (April 2013), 16 beacons operate in Canada, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Tonga, and Tuvalu …and the network is growing! Ulrich Speidel – THE BEACON NETWORK Ulrich Speidel – BEACON SOFTWARE Software is a C program that runs one experiment and then shuts down Scheduled via cron jobs & configured via command line parameters Writes plain text logs Requires sufficient privileges to run raw sockets (to determine TTL of received packets) Ulrich Speidel – BEACON UDP EXPERIMENTS Beacon exchanges 10,000 UDP packets of 110 bytes with a partner beacon Packets transmitted every 20 ms Transmit time logged at transmitting end (2 timestamps) Packets are timestamped and serial-numbered At receiving end, packets are logged with arrival time stamp, serial number, arrival sequence number, and TTL observed This experiment typically runs 3 times a day between selected beacon pairs Unidirectional option also exists Ulrich Speidel – BEACON TCP EXPERIMENTS Two beacons exchange a predefined set of data via TCP Two modes available: VoIP (constant payload rate) and Download (maximum payload rate) Transmitting end logs nothing except fact that experiment took place + config Receiving end logs data arrival at application layer plus TTL and size of packets involved in communication (from raw socket) Ulrich Speidel – A QUESTION OF TIMING Less interested in total latency than in its variability (jitter) Sending and receiving beacons need clocks that are sufficiently stable for the duration of an experiment But: No need for perfect synchronisation (NTP is sufficient) Ulrich Speidel – BEACON HARDWARE PC or Mac platform with Ubuntu/BSD/OSX Doesn't need to be overly fast – we use 600 MHz ALIX boards among others Must have real-time clock, but GPS / atomic clock synchronisation is not required VM's are not a good idea – tend to spend too much time away from task at hand Ulrich Speidel – LOCATION, LOCATION! Would like to observe longer paths (both in hops and in latency) Higher likelihood of out of order arrivals if path latencies differ substantially Interested in "user experience", so beacons don't need to be near the backbone While doing so, want to avoid measuring purely local effects Ulrich Speidel – WHY HAVE BEACONS ALL OVER THE WORLD? Want long-term global trend, not just local effects Want a "developed world" baseline but also see what it is like in remote places on the fringe – many of our beacons run in the Pacific for that reason (need I mention Africa?) Long paths generally are of interest – both in terms of latency and number of hops A lot of international traffic passes through "hub regions" (North America, Europe, SE Asia). What effect do these regions have on traffic that passes through them? Last but not least: We're looking for input (and your own experiments)! Ulrich Speidel – BEACON CHALLENGES Proper timing without proper timebase Precise timing on multitasking computers Getting two beacons to communicate (firewalls, ports, policies/politics) Scheduling Data volume backhaul (each beacon contributes ~3MB / experiment / day) Data processing & presentation (currently UDP only) Coordination with many partners, each with a unique network setup Making it longitudinal Ulrich Speidel – PACKET TRAIN QUALITY Subjective approaches, e.g., Mean Opinion Score (MOS) – reliably replicable only with very large sample Objective approaches, e.g., jitter measurements. But is jitter really random? Stop & recap: What do real-time protocols need again? Ulrich Speidel – WHAT RTP'S NEED Regular packet arrival In-order arrival Low packet loss So how do we come to grips with the "regular"? Answer: Information theory can help! But first, a quick look at initial observations… Ulrich Speidel – PACKET LOSS Ulrich Speidel – OUT-OF-ORDER ARRIVALS Ulrich Speidel – LOSS VS OUT-OF-ORDER Ulrich Speidel – JITTER Knowing (logged) transmit & receive times tt and tr, we can compute average latency t for the experiment: 1 n 1 t (t r tt ) n i 0 Note this includes any clock offset between transmitter and receiver clock Can then compute jitter as average absolute deviation from the average latency: 1 n 1 J | t r tt t | n i 0 Clock offset disappears Gives a guide as to buffer size required Ulrich Speidel – JITTER ISN'T ALWAYS A CLEAR MEASURE Consider the following simplified scenario: Assume uncongested routers but differences in latency, blue router load balances Have two paths/latencies -> high jitter, but not really queue-induced Jitter ignores systematic patterns in arrivals A good entropy estimator (i.e., not Shannon) can detect the difference Ulrich Speidel – COMPLEMENT: ENTROPY (RATE) Entropy: "measure of disorder in a system". Usually given in the form of an entropy rate rather than absolute entropy Entropy rate: number of bits of actual information required to represent an object divided by number of bits actually used to represent it. Dimensionless ("bits/bit") Examples: Shannon entropy, Lempel-Ziv compression ratios, Tentropy, … "Really unpredictable arrivals" = high entropy Ulrich Speidel – ENTROPY HOW-TO Map inter-arrival times of successive UDP packets to symbol bins, e.g.: t < 17 ms: "A" 17 ms < t < 19 ms: "B" 19 ms < t < 21 ms: "C" … Form string from these symbols: "CCCBDCACF…" Determine entropy rate for string (e.g., as Lempel-Ziv compression ratio or Tentropy) "Perfect" string will be "CCCCCCC…" – highly compressible, low entropy Chaotic arrivals generate many new pattern combinations: harder to compress, higher entropy Ulrich Speidel – ENTROPY VS. JITTER Ulrich Speidel – ENTROPY VS. JITTER 5 bin T-entropy TO2-NZ3 vs. transit jitter 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Jitter [s] 0.1 0.01 0.001 T-entropy [bits/symbol] Ulrich Speidel – 1.2 1.4 1.6 BUT IT AIN'T ALWAYS THAT WAY Ulrich Speidel – WHERE IS ENTROPY INTRODUCED? Ulrich Speidel – CHANGING TTLS – THE SMOKING GUN Ulrich Speidel – PICKING A TREND? Ulrich Speidel – CONCLUSIONS Real-time traffic and best-effort protocols are uneasy companions We propose to use a large beacon network to measure arrival shape of packet trains Our beacons already see interesting effects Effects are strongly path-specific and sometimes not easily explained Jitter and entropy are both useful for arrival shape evaluation A lot of work remains to be done! Ulrich Speidel –