Bangladesh REDD+ Roadmap Operational Plan August 2011 – March 2012 Bangladesh REDD+ Roadmap Operational Plan1 August 2011 – March 2012 Summary Introduction As part of its commitment to REDD+, Bangladesh requested admission to the UNREDD Programme in May 2010, and were formally accepted into the Programme in August 2010. In the process, Government of Bangladesh requested UNDP for expedited support to the country in preparing the REDD+ Readiness Roadmap. In response, UNDP Country Office allocated resources for preparing the REDD+ Readiness Roadmap. Beyond its role in the UN-REDD Programme, UNDP is also committed to supporting the Government of Bangladesh on a range of environmental issues, including REDD+. At the request of the Government, the UNDP/UN-REDD Regional Coordinator undertook a mission to Bangladesh from June 26-30, 2011, to meet with government and other stakeholders. On the basis of the discussions and inputs provided by the government and other key stakeholders, the Mission submitted a report on ‘Opportunities for UNDP Support to REDD+ Readiness in Bangladesh’ in July 2011. Subsequently in August 2011, as requested by the government, REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Technical Team was mobilized comprising national and international experts and REDD National Focal Point. The Technical Team prepared the draft operational plan in continuation of the earlier mission report, key stakeholder consultation and guidance provided by the National Steering Committee on REDD. The time-bound operational plan can be summarized below: September 2011: Compilation of existing legal instruments and policies of relevance for REDD+; analyse their impact on a potential national REDD+ programme The draft operational plan has been prepared by the Bangladesh REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Core Team comprising Ben Vickers, Ansarul Karum, and Haradhan Banik based on earlier Mission Report, key stakeholder consultation and guidance from the National Steering Committee 1 Page 1 of 18 with particular emphasis on social forestry policy and conflicts between forestry and other land use sectors. Analysis of legal and customary land tenure systems in forest areas Analysis of drivers of deforestation, forest degradation and constraints to the forest sector Mapping of existing initiatives and projects of relevance to REDD+ Develop a national competency framework for REDD+ and assess relevant existing capacities of forest sector institutions October 2011: Develop potential REDD+ strategies for three distinct forest areas: Chittagong Hill Tracts, Coastal Zone and Sal Forest Develop stakeholder consultation strategy for national REDD+ Readiness process; create Multi-Stakeholder forum for REDD+ Readiness process and conduct initial national forum meeting Conduct two regional consultation workshops on forest sector requirements: Chittagong Hill Tracts and Coastal Zone Conduct village-level meetings for validation of local forest sector priorities and strategies Forest sector stakeholder mapping and conflict analysis Recommend management structure and institutional development requirements for national REDD+ Readiness process Establish utility of existing REDD+ communication materials; adapt and translate suitable materials for Bangladesh context November 2011: Identify capacity building requirements for the forest sector to implement REDD+ Readiness process including; training, infrastructure, institutional development and awareness raising Develop a fully-costed capacity building strategy for REDD+ Identify potential co-financing opportunities and development partners for national REDD+ Readiness process Draft national REDD+ Readiness Roadmap December 2011: Assessment of participatory forest carbon monitoring approaches in the Sunderbans and recommend suitable approaches for REDD+ Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems. Analyse historical and current data on forest area and quality and establish preliminary national and regional reference scenarios for Bangladesh in the absence of a REDD+ programme. Consultation process and finalisation of national REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Page 2 of 18 Complete Operational Plans for Bangladesh UN-REDD Country Programme Document and Proposal for Phase 2 Activity (performancebased incentives for emission reductions from the forest sector) January 2012: Evaluate emission reduction potential of region-specific REDD+ strategies proposed in Roadmap document February 2012: Consultation process and finalization of UN-REDD Country Programme Document and Proposal for Phase 2 Activity March 2012: Submission of UN-REDD Country Programme Document to the Un-REDD Policy Board. Page 3 of 18 Bangladesh REDD+ Roadmap Operational Plan August 2011 – March 2012 Introduction As part of its commitment to REDD+, Bangladesh requested admission to the UNREDD Programme in May 2010, and were formally accepted into the Programme in August 2010. In the process, Government of Bangladesh requested UNDP for expedited support to the country in preparing the REDD+ Readiness Roadmap. In response, UNDP Country Office allocated resources for preparing the REDD+ Readiness Roadmap. Beyond its role in the UN-REDD Programme, UNDP is also committed to supporting the Government of Bangladesh on a range of environmental issues, including REDD+. At the request of the Government, the UNDP/UN-REDD Regional Coordinator undertook a mission to Bangladesh from June 26-30, 2011, to meet with government and other stakeholders. On the basis of the discussions and inputs provided by the government and other key stakeholders, the Mission submitted a report on ‘Opportunities for UNDP Support to REDD+ Readiness in Bangladesh’ in July 2011. Subsequently in August 2011, as requested by the government, REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Technical Team was mobilized comprising national and international experts and REDD National Focal Point. The Technical Team prepared the following draft operational plan in continuation of the earlier mission report, key stakeholder consultation and guidance provided by the National Steering Committee on REDD. Output specific operational plan is given below: Output 1: Preliminary REDD+ Strategy Activity 1.1: Legal and Policy Framework analysis for REDD+ Compilation of existing legal instruments and policies: Provide a list of all policies and legal instruments relating to the forest sector to the team e.g. Forest Act 1927, National Forest Policy 1994, Climate Change Strategic Action Plan 2009. The list will include a summary of key information as follows: Page 4 of 18 - Date passed; - key provisions; - dates and content of any revisions; - implementing agencies; - key constraints to implementation; - links and conflicts with other policies and legislation. The list will be provided in tabular format, and soft copies of the original documents (in English) will also be provided. Use existing analyses and reports whenever possible to avoid duplication of previous work. Action: HB to provide list as soon as possible (latest by 15 September) Analysis of existing policies against objectives of REDD+: Using the list of legal instruments and policies provided by HK (plus any other relevant policies from non-forest sectors), evaluate the actual and potential impacts (if any) of each individual policy measure on the following: - Sustainable Forest Management - Forest Area - Forest Biomass - Forest Biodiversity - Conflict between forest stakeholders Use secondary data (previous studies and analyses) where possible and available. Use empirical evidence where possible, in preference to anecdotal evidence. Resulting document should be between 5-10 pages. Use as base material for stakeholder consultation exercises during 2nd team mission in early October; summary handout and powerpoint presentation. Revise conclusions as necessary based on outcomes of stakeholder consultations. Action: AK to prepare analysis document, summary handout and presentation by end of September Outcomes of Social Forestry and Co-management policies: Using policy materials provided by HK and secondary materials (existing analyses and reports), produce a document outlining the following: - identifiable impacts of these policy instruments - comparison with equivalent policies in other countries of the region - SWOT analysis of social forestry/co-management Use empirical evidence in preference to anecdotal evidence. Prepare a summary document and powerpoint presentation as material for October consultation exercises. Revise conclusions as necessary based on outcomes of stakeholder consultations. Action: BV to prepare analysis document, summary handout and presentation by end of September. AK and HB to provide necessary background materials as available. Policy conflicts between forestry and other land use sectors: Analysis to be conducted in conjunction with that of policies against REDD+ objectives (above). An appraisal of relevant policies from the following sectors will be required (not an exhaustive list): - Rural development - Local government (planning) Page 5 of 18 - Agriculture - Fisheries - Transport - Mining - Finance - Defence - Health (population) - Climate Change adaptation (disaster risk reduction) Existing and potential conflicts between these sectors and forestry policy will be outlined. The potential impact of a REDD+ programme on these conflicts will then be examined. Prepare a summary document and presentation for stakeholder consultation in October. Action: AK to prepare necessary outputs by end September. Land tenure systems in different forest types and areas: An account of forest land tenure and use rights in the three following areas: - Chittagong Hill Tracts - Coastal zones - Sal forest Action: HB to prepare this account by end September. Activity 1.2: Analysis of Drivers of Deforestation/Degradation and Constraints to the Forest Sector Analysis of proximate and ultimate drivers of losses to forest area and biomass: Develop a framework for analysis of drivers for each of the three key forest areas (CHT, coastal, sal), including (but not limited to) the following: - Description of forest conditions and trends - Identification of potential areas for improvement on current condictions/trends, in terms of the following (where relevant): o Expansion of forest area o Sustainable management of forests o Forest biodiversity o Forest-based livelihoods - Identification of constraints to achieving these improvements in terms of: o Governance (with reference to policy analysis in activity 1.1) o Environment (climatic and environmental factors beyond human control) o Socio-political (including conflict, cultural and social factors including gender roles, education) o Economic (including local poverty levels, income distribution, income disparity, barriers to communication and trade) Reference to secondary sources is preferred (e.g. previous studies and analyses) where such sources are appropriate and available. A draft of this analysis will be discussed among the team during the mission in October. Action: HB and AK to develop the analysis framework by end of August, dividing responsibility between them. Completion of draft analysis by end of Page 6 of 18 September. Activity 1.3: Mapping and Analysing Existing Initiatives and Projects Interviews with project staff: Identify existing projects and programmes which are explicitly concerned with forests and climate change. Identify key staff members of the project and interview to ascertain their views on: - contribution of the project to a future national REDD+ programme - incorporation of the project under a future national REDD+ programme Action: CO to provide list of projects and programmes, devise interview outline, conduct and record interview results Analysis of project reports and other documents: Review project proposals, plans and reports, plus any other relevant documents and evidence of impacts. Prepare a summary document which compares project objectives and outcomes with analysis of drivers (above). Action: CO to provide BV with project documents. AK/BV to prepare summary analysis by end September. Activity 1.4: Potential REDD+ Strategies in three Forest Areas Using policy analysis, driver analysis and existing project analysis as base materials, identify appropriate interventions under a future REDD+ country programme, according to: - Policy interventions - Forest management interventions Action: To be discussed and determined during October mission Output 2: REDD+ Readiness Management Structure Activity 2.1: Draft Management Structure: Examine REDD+ management structures in other UNREDD partner countries: Produce an organizational chart, including constitution, terms of reference, composition and operational guidelines of each body, and relationships between them. The structure will consist of at least three core units for a REDD+ programme: - governing (decision-making) body - executive (technical) body - consultative forum Action: BV to draft and deliver this outline by 15 September. Page 7 of 18 Activity 2.2: Create Multi-stakeholder Forum: Identify key members of forum through key informants: Create a list of key informants for the forest sector, including (not an exhaustive list): - government officials from forest and non-forest sectors, - civil society representatives, - national and international non-government organisations, - projects and donor agencies, - private sector and - political/cultural/religious organisations. This list will initially be based on the knowledge and experience of team members. Thereafter, interviews with key informants themselves will serve to identify the appropriate source of stakeholders to represent a cross-section of interests. Key informants will be asked to suggest, for each of the above categories, one or more groups/organisations. The key factor in an organisation’s suitability is their accountability to the interest group concerned. Individuals should only be nominated where it is clear that they, rather than an organization, are directly accountable to a constituency. These consultations on forum members should be conducted through face-toface meetings or by phone where possible, rather than by email or survey, to ensure timely completion. The team will thus create an objectively-verified list of invitees to the initial REDD+ multi-stakeholder forum meeting in early October. Action: AK/HB to conduct key informant interviews and create invitee list by 15 Sept, and send invitations to initial REDD+ multi-stakeholder forum meeting, to be held in Dhaka on 4 or 5 October. Activity 2.3: Recommend REDD+ management structure for Bangladesh: Adapt draft management structure to Bangladesh context: Produce a summary of existing REDD+ committees’ compositions, roles and interactions. Based on this summary, adjust the draft management structure (above) to reflect the Bangladesh context. This draft will be presented and discussed during stakeholder forum meetings in October. The initial forum meeting will have, as one of its key objectives, the endorsement of a national REDD+ management structure. Action: AK/HB to provide BV with summary of existing REDD+ committees. BV to prepare recommendation for Bangladesh REDD+ management structure by end September. Incorporate session on REDD+ management structure discussion into stakeholder meeting on 4/5 October. Output 3: REDD+ Capacity Building Strategy Page 8 of 18 Activity 3.1: Mapping of existing initiatives contributing to capacity development To be carried out as part of analysis of existing projects under Activity 1.3 Action: BV to produce mapping summary by end September Activity 3.2: Develop Competency framework for REDD+ Based on an existing template for analyzing the competencies required for REDD+ implementation, describe the different levels of stakeholders (from central to local), their roles (policymaking, managing, supporting) and the knowledge and skills that each will require to fulfill their respective roles in an effective national REDD+ programme. Action: BV to develop and distribute generic framework to rest of team. AK to adapt framework to Bangladesh institutional and environmental context, to be completed and distribute to the team by 15 September. Activity 3.3: Capacity assessment of forest sector institutions (government) Using Bangladesh REDD+ competency framework, mobilise Forest Department staff to conduct a self-assessment of their skills and knowledge Action: HB to organize the self-assessment exercise of the Forest Department by end September. Activity 3.4: Capacity assessment of forest sector stakeholders (nongovernment) Using Bangladesh REDD+ competency framework, prepare an initial assessment of the skills and knowledge of non-government stakeholders in the forest sector who will have a role to play in a future national REDD+ programme. Action: AK to prepare this initial assessment by end September. Activity 3.5: Identify training requirements for forest sector stakeholders: Based on capacity assessments, discussed and amended as necessary during October mission, specific practical training (skills development) requirements for each stakeholder group will be identified. Action: To be discussed during October mission and completed in November. Activity 3.6: Identify infrastructure requirements: Based on capacity assessments, discussed and amended as necessary during October mission, specific requirements for additions and improvements to infrastructure will be identified, necessary to implement an effective REDD+ country programme. Action: To be discussed during October mission and completed in November. Page 9 of 18 Activity 3.7: Identify awareness raising requirements: Based on capacity assessments, discussed and amended as necessary during October mission, specificawareness raising (knowledge development) requirements for each stakeholder group will be identified. Action: To be discussed during October mission and completed in November. Activity 3.8: Identify institutional development requirements: Based on capacity assessments, discussed and amended as necessary during October mission, specific requirements for institutional development, for both government and non-government sectors, will be identified. Action: To be discussed during October mission and completed in November. Activity 3.9: Cost estimate for capacity building strategy: Based on the assessment of capacity building requirements as conducted under activities 3.5-8, a cost estimate for the capacity building strategy will be developed. Action: To be discussed during October mission and completed in November. Output 4: Consultation and Information Strategy Activity 4.1: Stakeholder mapping Using the consultations carried out under activity 2.2 as a starting point, and with reference to any similar exercises conducted by existing REDD-relevant projects in Bangladesh, the team will conduct stakeholder mapping exercises as part of the multi-stakeholder meetings in October. Action: Incorporate stakeholder mapping exercises into agenda of multistakeholder meetings. BV and MK to draft. Activity 4.2: Conflict analysis: Stakeholder conflict analysis can be conducted in conjunction with the stakeholder mapping in 4.1, but will require more analysis and discussion among team members after the multi-stakeholder meetings. Action: Schedule team discussions on conflict analysis during October mission. Page 10 of 18 Activity 4.3: Enlist local development partners: In order to identify and develop co-financing opportunities for the REDD+ Readiness process, the draft Roadmap developed under Activity 6.2 (below) will be shared with donor agencies and discussed in meetings between the team and donor agencies. Action: AK and MK to disseminate draft Rosdmap with potential development partners, arrange meetings and identify potential co-financing opportunities during November. Activity 4.4: Draft consultation strategy: In conjunction with activity 2.1 (above), use the experience of other UNREDD countries to prepare a draft REDD+ Readiness consultation strategy. Action: BV to develop draft and circulate to team members by 15 September. Activity 4.5: Adapt consultation strategy to Bangladesh context: In conjunction with the preparation for multi-stakeholder forum outlined in activity 2.2 (above), the draft REDD+ Readiness consultation strategy will be adapted to the Bangladesh institutional, political and socio-economic context. The adoption of a consultation strategy will be one of the explicit objectives of the multi-stakeholder meetings to be held in October. Action: AK, HB and MK to incorporate consultation strategy into preparations for October multi-stakeholder meetings. Activity 4.6: Identify useful existing REDD+ communication materials: Materials from RECOFTC, REDD-net and CIFOR, plus any other materials produced for general awareness-raising purposes, will be reviewed by the team and by additional volunteers among forest sector stakeholders (to be identified during October multi-stakeholder meetings). The documents will be reviewed according to a checklist of capacity gaps identified through activities 3.2 and 3.3 (above). A priority list of materials for distribution and translation will be drawn up by end October. This exercise will also identify knowledge gaps that are not addressed by available materials. Action: Whole team to discuss materials review methodology and checklist during October mission. Activity 4.7: Translation of materials into Bangla: Based on the conclusions from activity 4.6, agreements for translation of prioritized materials will be developed with the producers. A translation service Page 11 of 18 will be identified and contracts for translation and distribution drawn up, depending on availability of funds. Action: AK to develop agreements and translation contracts in accordance with availability of funds. Activity 4.8: Development of new Bangla materials: Based on the conclusions from activity 4.6, knowledge gaps which are not addressed by available materials will be identified. Action: Strategies for development of these materials will be discussed after October mission. Activity 4.9: National stakeholder awareness meeting on UN REDD and REDD+ Readiness: This meeting, to be organized on 4 or 5 October in Dhaka, will be effectively the first meeting of the multi-stakeholder forum, based on the preparations carried out under activity 2.2 and including sessions on forum membership and ToR confirmation, stakeholder mapping, consultation strategy and discussion of draft policy analyses, analyses of drivers of losses to forest area and biomass (as outlined in several activities above). One of the objectives of the meeting will be to determine the methods for ongoing stakeholder consultation during the Roadmap development process up to March 2012. Action: Invitations to the meeting distributed by 15 September and whole team to agree on programme for the meeting by end September, including division of responsibility for content development and facilitation. Activity 4.10: Regional consultation workshops on forest sector requirements: Two regional consultation workshops, one in the CHT and one in the coastal zone, will be conducted to discuss capacity building requirements for forest sector stakeholders, policy analysis and potential strategies to address outstanding issues within the forest sector in these areas. Note that explicit reference to REDD+ and carbon stocks should be minimized. Action: CHT workshop to be designed and held during October mission. AK and HB to identify stakeholders and MK to provide assistance with arranging logistics of the meeting. Coastal zone workshop may be held in second half of October (without BV involvement) or during November mission. Activity 4.11: Village meetings on local forest priorities and strategies: During the October mission, the team will visit 2-3 villages in the CHT to crosscheck the validity of strategic recommendations from the regional workshop. Similar visits will subsequently be conducted in the coastal zone. Page 12 of 18 Action: AK and HB to identify appropriate visit location and schedule and MK to facilitate logistical arrangements. Output 5: REL and MRV Assessment Activity 5.1: Analyse historical and current data on forest area and quality: Methodology for this activity will be discussed during October mission, with the participation of FAO and RIMS. Action: To be determined during October mission and implemented between November and January. Activity 5.2: Estimate emission reduction potential of suggested REDD+ strategies: Methodology for this activity will be discussed during October mission, with the participation of FAO and RIMS. Action: To be determined during October mission and implemented between November and January. Activity 5.3: Assessment of participatory MRV: Based on the methods employed by the USAID IPAC project in the Sunderbans. Detailed methodology for this activity will be discussed during October mission, with the participation of FAO and RIMS. Action: To be determined during October mission and implemented between November and January. Output 6: Reporting Activity 6.1: Develop workplan for REDD+ Readiness Roadmap process: This document and accompanying table constitute the workplan. Action: BV to circulate; MK, AK and HB to comment and BV to finalise by end August. Activity 6.2: Draft Roadmap: A draft roadmap document will be developed based on the combined outputs 15, according to the following structure: - Management of REDD+ Readiness process Page 13 of 18 - Stakeholder engagement REDD+ Readiness Implementation framework REDD+ Strategy setting Reference Scenario National monitoring systems Action: To be discussed during October mission. Whole team to be involved in drafting process, coordinated jointly by BV and AK. First draft to be completed during November. Activity 6.3: Finalise Roadmap: The process of finalizing the national REDD+ Readiness Roadmap will be coordinated with the multi-stakeholder forum, REDD+ steering committee and other bodies according the REDD+ management structure determined under output 2. Action: To be determined after October mission, in coordination with multistakeholder forum. Target date for Roadmap finalization is end December. [NB: Operational plans for Result 2 (Country Programme Document) and Result 3 (Proposal for Phase 2 activity) will be developed by end December.] Page 14 of 18 Annex REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Process: Work plan August 2011 – March 2012 REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Operational Plan Ultimate Deliverables Outputs Activity How When Legal + policy framework analysis for REDD+ Compilation of existing legal instruments and policies Sept 15 Analyse existing policies against objectives of REDD+ (support SMF+ forest biomass accumulation) Outcomes of Social Forestry and co-mgmt policy / opportunities for improvement Policy conflicts – forest/other land use sectors Land tenure system in different forest types and areas Analysis of proximate and ultimate drivers End Sept Interviews with project staff, analysis of reports and project documents End Sept REDD+ Readiness Roadmap Preliminary REDD+ strategy Drivers of defor/deg – and constraints to forest sector Mapping and analyzing existing initiatives and projects End Sept End Sept End Sept End Sept Page 15 of 18 Ultimate Deliverables Outputs Activity How When Comparison of potential REDD+ strategies in hills, sal forests and coastal zone To be discussed in October, following stakeholder forum meeting and field visits Nov Draft management structure Create multi-stakeholder forum Recommend mgmt structure for Bangladesh Mapping of existing initiatives which contribute to required capacity development Analyse existing committees in other UNREDD countries End Sept Identify key members through key informants 15 Sept Adapt draft structure to Bangladesh context End Sept Develop competency framework for REDD+ in BD Capacity assessment of forest sector institutions Capacity assessment of forest sector stakeholders Identify training requirements for forest sector stakeholders Identify infrastructure requirements Identify awareness raising requirements BV to provide outline for framework Sept 15 Mobilise FD staff to conduct a self-assessment against competency framework Use competency framework End Sept To be discussed in October Nov To be discussed in October Nov To be discussed in October Nov Establish REDD+ Readiness management structure REDD+ Capacity building strategy End Sept End Sept Page 16 of 18 Ultimate Deliverables Outputs Activity How When Identify institutional development requirements Cost estimate for capacity building strategy To be discussed in October Nov Based on assessment of requirements Nov Stakeholder mapping Interests/ relationships to be determined at Consultation meetings in October To be discussed during and after stakeholder meetings in October Present and discuss draft roadmap and investment requirements Based on other UNREDD country experience – link to REDD+ Readiness management structure above Based on BV draft 13 Oct Review of materials from RECOFTC/CIFOR/ REDDnet etc.against capacity gaps Contract October Based on outcome of workshops March First effective meeting of multi-stakeholder forum October In CHT and coastal zone October In CHT and coastal zone October Consultation and Information strategy Conflict analysis Enlist local development partners Draft consultation strategy Bangladesh consultation strategy Identify useful existing materials on REDD+ Translation of materials into Bangla Development of new Bangla materials National stakeholder awareness workshop on UN-REDD and Readiness Two Regional consultation workshops on forest sector requirements Village meetings on local forest priorities and cross- 13 Oct Nov 15 Sept End Sept November Page 17 of 18 Ultimate Deliverables Outputs Activity How When Analyse historical and current Remote Sensing data on forest area and quality Estimate emission reduction potential of suggested REDD+ strategies Assessment of participatory MRV To be discussed in October, with input from FAO and RIMS January To be discussed in October, with input from FAO and RIMS January Review of practical implementation in Sundarbans and experience from KTGAL project January Develop workplan Draft roadmap Finalise roadmap Done To be discussed in October In coordination with stakeholder forum and REDD+ steering committee To be discussed 20 August Nov Dec To be discussed March checking of suggested strategies REL and MRV assessment Reporting Country Programme Document Proposal for Phase 2 activity March Page 18 of 18