WELCOME TO IB MATH STUDIES INSTRUCTOR: PRATIBHA SINHA EMAIL: PSINHA@UPLIFTEDUCATION.ORG TUTORIAL TIMES: FLEX PERIOD (BY APPOINTMENT) AND TUESDAY (4:00 TO 4:30) INTRODUCTION - Rigorous one-year course - Designed to create foundations for students pursuing liberal arts or humanities in college - Emphasis is on the identification and communication of mathematical ideas - Problem solving is a major component of this course COURSE TOPICS The Math Studies SL course consists of seven core topics taught as integrated units of study. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Number and Algebra Descriptive Statistics Logic, Sets, and Probability Statistical Applications Geometry and Trigonometry Mathematical Models Introduction to Differential Calculus Students will use graphing calculators to enhance their understanding and development of each mathematical concept. ASSESSMENTS • Mathematical Project (due in December) – 20% • Paper 1 Examination (in May) – 40% • Paper 2 Examination (in May) – 40% The IBO allows the use of a graphing calculator on both the exams THE EXAM Paper 1 Examination Paper 2 Examination Exam Design: - 15 short questions, limited in scope - Graphing calculator allowed - Formula chart provided - Difficulty level may vary with each question - All work, answers, and graphs are written in exam booklet Exam Design: - 6 long questions, deeper in scope - Graphing calculator allowed - Formula chart provided - Difficulty increases within each question - All work, answers, and graphs are written on separate paper Time: - Exam is 95 minutes: 5 minutes to read through exam and then 90 minutes to complete the work - Roughly 6 minutes for each question Marks: - Exam is worth 90 marks (each question is worth 6 marks) - Correct answers earn full marks - Incorrect answers can earn partial marks for correct method shown Time: - Exam is 95 minutes: 5 minutes to read through exam and then 90 minutes to complete the work - Roughly 15 minutes for each question Marks: - Exam is worth 90 marks (each question is worth different marks, often between 12 to 20 marks) - Correct answers must be supported with correct method to earn full marks MATHEMATICAL PROJECTS (INTERNAL ASSESSMENT) Example 1: What is the relationship between the weight of a car, its CO2 emissions and its fuel consumption? Example 2: The relationship between petrol price and retail prices index in the US Example 3: An investigation to find the optimum dimensions of an aluminum drink can Example 4: Is stretching beneficial to tennis players? Example 5: Statistics on flight information for an international airline GRADE BOUNDARIES (2013) Paper 1 (90 marks) Paper 2 (90 marks) Project (20 marks) Marks Grade Marks Grade Marks Grade 0 – 13 1 0 – 15 1 0–4 1 14 – 26 2 16 – 30 2 5–6 2 27 – 35 3 31 – 42 3 7–8 3 36 – 48 4 43 – 52 4 9 – 11 4 49 – 60 5 53 – 62 5 12 – 14 5 61 – 73 6 63 – 72 6 15 – 16 6 74 – 90 7 73 - 90 7 17 – 20 7 Gradebook: a. b. c. Exams = 50% Quizzes = 30% Homework/Participation/Exit Tickets = 20% Retakes are allowed on the tests for a 70. Student is required to attend at least one tutorial and take the make-up exam within a week of the original test.