Data Dimensionality Reduction: Introduction to Principal Component Analysis Case Study: Multivariate Analysis of Chemistry-Property data in Molten Salts C. Suh1, S. Graduciz2, M. Gaune-Escard2 , K. Rajan1 Combinatorial Sciences and Materials Informatics Collaboratory 1 Iowa State University 2 CNRS , Marseilles, France Krishna Rajan PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS: PCA From a set of N correlated descriptors, we can derive a set of N uncorrelated descriptors (the principal components). Each principal component (PC) is a suitable linear combination of all the original descriptors. PCA reduces the .information dimensionality that is often needed from the vast arrays of data in a way so that there is minimal loss of information ( from Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 1, 882-894 (2002) : INTEGRATION OF VIRTUAL AND HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING Jürgen Bajorath ; and Materials Today; MATERIALS INFORMATICS , K. Rajan , October 2005 Krishna Rajan I Functionality 1 = F ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 ……) Functionality 2 = F ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 ……) ……. II X1 = f ( x2) III X2 = g( x3) X3= h(x4) ……. Krishna Rajan PC 1= A1 X1 + A2 X2 + A3 X3 + A4 X4 ……. PC 2 = B1 X1 + B2 X2 + B3 X3 +B4 X4 ……. PC 3 = C1 X1 + C2 X2 + C3 X3 + C4 X4 ……. DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION: Case study Database of molten salts properties tabulates numerous properties for each chemistry : •What can we learn beyond a “search and retrieve” function? •Can we find a multivariate correlation (s) among all chemistries and properties? •Challenge of reducing the dimensionality of the data set Krishna Rajan Principal component analysis (PCA) involves a mathematical procedure that transforms a number of (possibly) correlated variables into a (smaller) number of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The first principal component accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible, and each succeeding component accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible. Krishna Rajan …… Melting point = F ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 ……) Density = F ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 ……) (Janz’s Molten Salts Database:1700 chemistries with 7 variables.) MP Where xi = molten salt compound chemistries Dimensionality Reduction of Molten Salts Data Spe.con Eq.Con Temp Eq.wt: equivalent weight MP: melting point Temp: temperature of the measurements Eq.con: equivalent conductance Spe.con: specific conductance D: density V: viscosity X1 = f(x2) X2 = g(x3) D X3= h(x4) V Eq.wt Krishna Rajan MP Temp Eq.con Spe.con D ……. BiCl3 series (high viscosity) Mathematically, PCA relies on the fact that most of the descriptors are interrelated and these correlations in some instances are high. It results in a rotation of the coordinate system in such a way that the axes show a maximum of variation (covariance) along their directions. This description can be mathematically condensed to a so-called eigenvalue problem. •The data manipulation involves decomposition of the data matrix X into two matrices T and P. The two matrices P and T are orthogonal. The matrix P is usually called the loadings matrix, and the matrix T is called the scores matrix. •The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix constitute the principal components. The corresponding eigenvalues give a hint to how much "information" is contained in the individual components. Krishna Rajan • The loadings can be understood as the weights for each original variable when calculating the principal component. The matrix T contains the original data in a rotated coordinate system. • The mathematical analysis involves finding these new “data” matrices T and P. The dimensions of T( ie its rank) that captures all the information of the entire data set of A ( ie # of variables) is far less than that of X ( ideally 2 or 3). One now compresses the N dimensional plot of the data matrix X into 2 or 3 dimensional plot of T and P. Krishna Rajan PC 1= A1 X1 + A2 X2 + A3 X3 + A4 X4 ……. PC 2 = B1 X1 + B2 X2 + B3 X3 +B4 X4 ……. PC 3 = C1 X1 + C2 X2 + C3 X3 + C4 X4 ……. The first principal component accounts for the maximum variance (eigenvalue) in the original dataset. The second, third ( and higher order) principal components are orthogonal (uncorrelated) to the first and accounts for most of the remaining variance. •A new row space is constructed in which to plot the data, where the axes represent the weighted linear combinations of the variables affecting the data. Each of these linear combinations are independent of each other and hence orthogonal. •The data when plotted in this new space is essentially a correlation plot, where the position of each data point not only captures all the influences of the variables on that data but also its relative influence compared to the other data. Krishna Rajan Minimal contribution to additional information content beyond higher order principal components.. “Scree” plot helps to identify the # of PCs needed to capture reduced dimensionality Eigenvalue NB…depending upon nature of data set, this can be within 2, 3 or higher principal components but still less than the # of variables in original data set PC1 Krishna Rajan PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 …………… Thus the mth PC is orthogonal to all others and has the mth largest variance in the set of PCs. Once the N PCs have been calculated using eigenvalue/ eigenvector matrix operations, only PCs with variances above a critical level are retained (scree test). The M-dimensional principal component space has retained most of the information from the initial N-dimensional descriptor space, by projecting it into orthogonal axes of high variance. The complex tasks of prediction or classification are made easier in this compressed, reduced dimensional space. Krishna Rajan PCA: algorithmic summary Generation Generation of of data data matrix, matrix, A A a A a Data matrix, A, has 1700 rows(different molten salts) and 7 columns(properties). The properties in this example includes 1) equivalent weight 2) melting point 3) temperature of the measurements 4) equivalent conductance 5) specific conductance 6) density 7) viscosity 11 m1 Scaling Scaling (normalization) (normalization) of of the the data data matrix, matrix, X X X is a scaled matrix of A. Matrix X in the left is an example of “Unit Variance” scaling. Each sij represents standard deviation. X (a ( a ... a ... a mn 11 / sk 1 ) ... ( a1n / skn ) m1 / sk 1) ... ( amn / skn Covariance Covariance matrix matrix of of the the scaled scaled data data matrix, matrix, S S S is a covariance matrix of X. 1n ) T S cov( X ) X X m 1 Eigenvalue Eigenvalue decomposition decomposition of of covariance covariance matrix matrix P is called as loading (or eigenvector) matrix. is a eigenvalue matrix (eigenvalues on the diagonal of this diagonal matrix). Calculation Calculation of of scores scores from from the the loadings loadings S P P T 1 or cov( X ) p T X t1 p1 t1 p1 ti; scores (orthogonal), pi: loadings (orthonormal) Krishna Rajan i p i T t k pk E where k min{m, n} i Dimensionality Reduction of Molten Salts Data (Janz’s Molten Salts Database:1700 instances with 7 variables.) Bivariate representation of the data sets Multivariate (PCA) representation of the data sets MP 6 4 PC3(19.47%) Spe.con Eq.Con Temp Eq.wt: equivalent weight MP: melting point Temp: temperature of the measurements Eq.con: equivalent conductance Spe.con: specific conductance D: density V: viscosity 2 0 -2 D -4 -6 -6 -4 -2 V BiCl3 series (high viscosity) PC Eq.wt MP Krishna Rajan Temp Eq.con Spe.con D 2 9.8 0 9% ) 6 0 ) -2 2 1 (4 4 % 43 -4 4 6 -6 PC . 22 ( 2 INTERPRETATIONS OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT PROJECTIONS 0.8 6 Correlations between variables captured in loading plot PC3(19.47%) 4 2 0 Loadings on PC 2 (22.43%) 0.7 -2 Equivalent weight 0.6 Density 0.5 0.4 Temperature of the measurement 0.3 Equivalent conductance Melting point 0.2 Specific conductance 0.1 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Loadings on PC 1 (49.89%) 4 -4 PC -4 -2 2 9.8 9% 0 -4 6 -6 P ( C2 2. AgI 3 TlCl ) -2 4 ) 6 0 2 1 (4 4 % 43 2 Scores on PC 2 (22.43%) -6 -6 2 TlNO3 1 HgI2 HgBr2 0 Krishna Rajan CsI BaI2 CsF BaBr2 PbBr2 K2SO4 NaBr KF NaI BaCl2 CdI2 SrI 2 LiBr NaF CsNO3 SrCl2 MgI2 CdCl Na2SO4 2 NaCl MgBr GaI2 LiCl 2 KCl K2Cr2O7 BiCl3 YCl3 CaCl2 Li2CO3 AlI3 RbNO3 InCl3 LiF KNO3 KOH MgCl2 InCl2 ZnCl2 NaNO 2 LiNO3 NaOH KCNS InCl -1 -2 Trends in bonding captured along the PC1 axis of scoring plot AgBr -3 covalent -5 -4 ionic -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Scores on PC 1 (49.89%) 3 4 5 PCA : summary To summarize, when we start with a multivariate data matrix PCA analysis permits us to reduce the dimensionality of that data set. This reduction in dimensionality now offers us better opportunities to: •Identify the strongest patterns in the data •Capture most of the variability of the data by a small fraction of the total set of dimensions •Eliminate much of the noise in the data making it beneficial for both data mining and other data analysis algorithms Krishna Rajan