City of Chino Hills Utility Billing Software RFP

City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
City Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Delivery Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 4
Schedule (subject to change as required)..................................................................................................... 5
Contact Information...................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope of Services .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Required Functionality .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hardware and Software Standards ............................................................................................................... 7
Vendor Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8
Proposal Submission Format Requirements ............................................................................................... 10
Proposal Evaluation and Selection.............................................................................................................. 12
Appendix A: Current Utility Billing Process ................................................................................................. 14
Appendix B: Administrative Policy .............................................................................................................. 24
Appendix C: System Functional Requirements ........................................................................................... 38
Appendix D: City Ordinance ........................................................................................................................ 54
Appendix E: Water, Sewer and Trash Rates ............................................................................................... 65
Appendix F: Meter Reading Route Schedule .............................................................................................. 72
Appendix G: Professional Services Agreement Template........................................................................... 76
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
The City of Chino Hills (“City”) is requesting sealed proposals from interested and qualified vendors for
Utility Billing Software. The proposed solution should accommodate all current City utility billing
processes and procedures. The selection and implementation of new utility billing software should also
be seen as an opportunity to improve City business functions, productivity and the use of new and
future technology.
City Overview
The City of Chino Hills (“City”) is a general law city incorporated under California law in 1991. The City
serves a population of approximately 76,655, covers an area of approximately 46 square miles, and is
located in San Bernardino County. Chino Hills was ranked 68th in Money Magazine's "Best places to live
2005." It is also the 6th highest income place in the United States (with population 65,000 to 250,000)
and was ranked as the 13th safest city in the United States in 2008 by the FBI. Chino Hills’ reputation is
known in the national arena as well, as it was featured on the list of 87 of America’s hottest towns in the
January 2004 issue of Money magazine. Chino Hills was ranked 8th on the list of “best places in the west
with a population under 100,000.” The magazine reviewed a decade of data for communities with above
average population growth, income, and home prices “to see where people were most willing to devote
a high multiple of their annual income to live happily ever after.” It operates under the City Council-City
Manager form of government.
The City provides a high quality and dependable potable water supply to its residents and businesses.
The City also provides wastewater collection (sewer) service and non-potable recycled water for
landscape purposes as well as solid waste trash service for both residential and commercial customers.
The Finance Department performs the billing for water and sewer accounts. It has four full-time staff
members responsible for Utility Billing functions. The City has approximately 22,000 customer billing
accounts for water, sewer and trash services. The City has 43 separate meter reading routes and billing
cycles, including 2 trash and sewer only routes. Meters are read five days per week and utility bills are
produced daily, with each customer receiving one bill monthly.
The City water system functions under 5 zones and utilizes 3 zones for billing purposes. These zones are
the low zone, intermediate zone, and high zones. The WFA treatment plant supplies the water directly
into the intermediate zone, which serves approximately 49% of the City’s population. The water is then
pumped to the upper zones to serve approximately 20% of the City’s customers. The low zone accounts
for approximately 31% of the City’s customers. There are additional costs associated with pumping
water to the upper zones from the intermediate zone and to the upper zones from the intermediate
zone and to the upper and intermediate zone from the low zone. These costs include, but are not
limited to, additional electrical power and operations and maintenance of the booster stations.
The City’s water rate structure consists of two components (1) a fixed monthly service charge, which is
based on meter size and (2) a monthly commodity charge, which is based on the amount of water used.
The commodity rate structure is a 3-tiered rate for the residential user classes, in which a higher rate is
charged for higher usages, thus providing an economic incentive to conserve water. The usage levels in
the tiers are set differently for single and multi-family. All other classes have uniform volume rates,
based on zone.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
Sewer charges are billed based upon Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) and business type for commercial
customers. Schools are billed based on a student attendance factor which computes into the number of
EDU’s. Single Family residential customers are charged a flat rate for sewer whereas master metered
Multi-Family dwellings are billed a flat rate multiplied by the number of units.
Trash charges are based on the number of trash, recycled, green waste containers per household. The
City bills for residential customers but not commercial customers. Trash rates are comprised of
administrative, disposal, franchise and billing fees.
Meter reading is accomplished on a master calendar also known as the route schedule (see Appendix F)
that is currently maintained outside of the billing system. Water meter routes are manually downloaded
to handheld devices and laptops, electronically read and manually uploaded into the utility billing
system. The City utilizes GreenTree (Master Meter Systems) and Itron devices to read water meters.
Daily payment processing is accomplished through a variety of methods. These include online web
payments, automated clearing house payments (ACH), cash, check, credit card, money order, and
payments posted through online bill payment providers. Payment processing also includes scanning of
remittance stubs received through the mail by our lockbox service provider (Citizens Business Bank) and
over the counter.
Currently the City uses a legacy AS/400 application as the platform for the utility billing software. The
City’s online cash receipts system is currently provided by Click 2 Gov and PayPal. Utility Bills are printed
by the City on premise and picked up by the County for the fulfillment and mailing of the bills.
Delivery Requirements
Responses to this RFP shall be submitted in a sealed package addressed as noted below, and clearly
identifying the vendor making the submission. The package must be marked as “CONFIDENTIAL – Utility
Billing Software RFP.” One original and six copies must be submitted by each vendor. Vendor is liable
for any of the costs incurred in preparing and submitting a proposal (See Item 11. Pricing- Submit in a
separate envelope, on page 12 for special instructions).
Please review the RFP fully, complete all responses and submit the package so that it is received and
stamped by the City of Chino Hills City Clerk’s Office no later than 4:00 P.M. on August 30, 2012.
Responses received after this date/time will not be considered. Postmark date will not constitute timely
delivery. Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring timely receipt of their responses. Delivery by fax
or email is not acceptable.
Mail to:
Hand-Deliver to:
City of Chino Hills
City Clerk’s Office
Utility Billing Software RFP
14000 City Center Drive
Chino Hills, CA 91709
City of Chino Hills
City Clerk’s Office
Utility Billing Software RFP
14000 City Center Drive
Chino Hills, CA 91709
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time and for any reason without any liability to any
proponent or to waive irregularities at their own discretion. The City reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all bids.
Schedule (subject to change as required)
RFP published and distributed:
Proposal questions due:
Mandatory conference:
Proposals due:
Proposals reviewed and evaluated:
Short list vendors determined & notified:
Demonstration scripts provided to short list vendors:
Scripted demonstrations (short listed vendors only):
Finalist interviews /follow up /customer site visits:
City Council approval:
Contract begins:
8/30/12 at 4:00 p.m.
10/16/12 – 10/18/12
10/22/12 – 10/31/12
Contact Information
Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be submitted electronically by
August 16, 2012 to:
Sherry Copeland
Administrative Analyst
City of Chino Hills
Any questions received by the City of Chino Hills that affect the Request for Proposals process will be
issued as addenda by the City of Chino Hills.
There will be a Mandatory Meeting at 10:00 am on August 23, 2012 in the City of Chino Hills Community
Room located at 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709. While it is preferred that all vendors
wishing to bid be present, the City will make a teleconference available and advise all vendors of the
conference bridge number.
Scope of Services
The City desires a utility billing software application that will meet current core functions and future
needs of the City, and will integrate all aspects of utility services, including maintaining accounts, billing
and collection, interface to meter reading system both manual and automated, service order processing,
payment interfaces, and customer web access. Additionally, the City desires to implement
improvements to reporting functions, proactive e-notify billing and delinquency alerts, the ability to
email bills (paperless billing) and improving the automation and streamlining of the utility billing
process. The City may implement newer technologies and processes such as integrating with the Master
Meter 3G Radio read system to enable customer visibility into leak alerts and water consumption
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
In addition to utility billing software, the vendor must lead the on-premise installation of the new
software and, the conversion of current utility billing data to the new software database. The City also
requires the vendor to train all key users and to extend technical support throughout the duration of the
At the end of the successful completion, implementation and conversion, the City will enter into a
maintenance agreement with the selected vendor (See Warranty and Post Implementation Support on
page 12).
Required Functionality
The current Utility Billing processes are described in Appendix A. The City’s Administrative Policy and
Procedures are described in Appendix B. The System Functional Requirements are described in
Appendix C. The City Ordinance is illustrated in Appendix D. The City’s Rate Structure for Water, Sewer
and Trash is illustrated in Appendix E and the City’s Route Schedule is illustrated in Appendix F. The
responses should address the following:
General Functional Requirements
1. Customer, Account, and Location Management
This includes the creation, maintenance, and use of customer accounts, including balance
transfers, deposit transfers and payment transfers.
2. Rates and Fees Management
This includes the maintenance and application of all utility rates, miscellaneous charges and
3. Meter Reading and Inventory Management
This includes meter inventory, meter reading, and consumption history.
4. Billing Management
This includes the preparation, calculation and printing of bills.
5. Financial Management
This includes payments, adjustments, refunds, deposits, and accounting entries.
6. Delinquency Management
This includes penalties, payment plans, shut offs, and collections.
7. Service Order Management
This includes creating, completing, and managing service orders such as but not limited to
account openings, account closings, service lock offs and meter re-reads.
8. Reporting
This includes standard and user created reports to query data.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
Hardware and Software Standards
The City will prefer solutions that comply with the following standards:
Server Hardware:
Server Operating System:
Virtual Infrastructure:
Application Platform:
Dell Servers
Windows 2008 R2.
VMware vSphere 4.0 update 1
Microsoft .NET
Microsoft SQL
Vendor Requirements
The Proposal shall include, as a minimum (these are mandatory statements):
A statement that this RFP shall be incorporated in its entirety as a part of the Consultant’s
A Statement of Qualifications applicable to this project including the names, qualifications,
and proposed duties of the Consultant’s staff to be assigned to this project; a listing of
recent similar projects completed including the names, titles, addresses, and telephone
numbers of the appropriate persons which the City can contact.
A statement that all charges for services will be a “Not-To-Exceed” fee, as submitted with
and made part of said Consultant’s quote.
A copy of the Consultant’s hourly rate schedule and a written statement that said hourly
rate schedule is part of the Consultant’s quote for use in invoicing for progress payments
and for extra work incurred that is not part of this RFP.
A written statement by the Consultant that all federal laws and regulations shall be adhered
to notwithstanding any state or local laws and regulations. In case of conflict between
federal, state, or local laws or regulations, the strictest shall be adhered to.
A written statement by the Consultant shall allow all authorized federal, state, county, and
the City of Chino Hills officials access to place of work, books, documents, papers, fiscal,
payroll materials, and other relevant contract records pertinent to this project. All relevant
records shall be retained for at least three years.
A written statement that the Consultant will not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
A written statement that the Consultant shall comply with the California Labor Code.
Pursuant to said regulations entitled: Federal Labor Standards provisions; Federal Prevailing
Wage Decision; and State of California Prevailing Wage Rates, respectively.
A written statement that the Consultant shall comply with the Copeland Anti-kickback Act
(18 USC 874 C) and the implementation regulation (29 CFR 3) issued pursuant thereto, and
any amendments thereof.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
A description of Consultant’s approach to the work and a complete analysis of staff hours
required of each individual to be assigned to the project. The estimated hours shall identify
each task to be done and the assigned individual’s level of effort.
Professional Services Agreement:
The City has provided a copy of the Agreement for Professional Services. Please review this agreement
and provide the City with a written statement of your firm’s willingness to accept the terms of the
agreement. Please specifically identify each and every term of the agreement which your firm is
unwilling to accept and the reason therefore.
Prevailing Wages:
The Proposer agrees to abide by the requirements under Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of
California for general prevailing wages where it is applicable.
Insurance Requirements. Proposer shall provide and maintain insurance acceptable to the
City Attorney in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims
for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with
the performance of the work hereunder by the Proposer, its agents, representatives, or
employees. Insurance is to be placed with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A:VII.
Proposer shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance:
a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as:
(1) Insurance Services Office form Commercial General Liability coverage (Occurrence
Form CG 0001).
(2) Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile
Liability, including code 1 “any auto” and endorsement CA 0025, or equivalent forms
subject to the written approval by the City.
(3) Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of
California and Employer’s Liability Insurance and covering all persons providing
service on behalf of the Proposer and all risks to such persons under this
(4) Errors and Omissions liability insurance appropriate to the Proposer’s profession.
Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits of insurance no less than:
(1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and
property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a
general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply
separately to the activities related to this Agreement or the general aggregate limit
shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
(2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property
(3) Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability: Worker’s Compensation as
required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer’s Liability limits
of $1,000,000 per accident.
(4) Errors and Omissions Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Other Provisions. Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following
a. All Policies: Each insurance policy required by this paragraph shall be endorsed and
state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by the insurer or either
party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days’ prior
written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City.
b. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages:
(1) City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional
insured as respects: liability arising out of activities Proposer performs, products
and completed operations of Proposers; premises owned, leased or hired or
borrowed by Proposer. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the
scope of protection afforded to City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers.
(2) Proposer’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects to City, its
officers, officials, employees or volunteers and shall apply in excess of, and not
contribute with, Proposer’s insurance.
(3) Proposer’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is
made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability.
(4) Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including
the breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers,
officials, employees or volunteers.
c. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability Coverage. Unless the City Manager
otherwise agrees in writing, the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation
against the City, its officers, officials, employees and agents for losses arising from work
performed by Consultant for City.
Business Certificate
1. Throughout the duration of the contract, Vendor must hold a valid and current City of Chino Hills
Business Certificate.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
Proposal Submission Format Requirements
The submitted proposal must address all categories and performance expectations within this RFP.
Before submitting a proposal, vendors shall examine the specifications in order to understand all
existing conditions and limitations. The vendor shall indicate in the proposal the total sum to cover the
cost of all items included in the RFP.
1. Executive Summary
Provide a concise overview describing the proposed approach to completing the work.
2. Description of Organization and Qualifications
Provide a description of the major business functions, history and structure of the organization.
Include a profile of the office location, staff and services that will be assigned to the City’s
Specify the number of years the vendor has been in the public sector software business. Provide
a brief statement of the company’s background demonstrating longevity and financial stability.
Describe internal performance metrics used to quantify key customer support responsiveness,
such as issues resolved on first call or average time to reach issue resolution.
Provide the following background information on the proposed utility billing software: original
development, date of first release and date of most recent release.
3. Experience on Similar Projects
Provide summaries or brief descriptions of a minimum of three projects performed which are
most related to the requirements of this project. Limit descriptions to those most relevant to
this project and most representative of the vendor’s capabilities. References must be for
software and services provided within the last two years, including anyone currently going
through the implementation process. Include the name of the client and a contact person, date
of installation, software installed, any installation issues, and custom features or extensive
report capabilities.
4. Detailed Description of Proposed Solution
Describe how the vendor will meet all of the functionality requirements listed in all of the
appendices. Indicate for each of the requirements whether the software is fully compliant,
requires a modification or is not available. Provide a timeline with proposed dates beginning
with contract execution and ending with full implementation.
5. Software and Hardware Platform
Describe the software and hardware platform required and provide a brief explanation of any
exceptions to the City’s standards.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
6. Data Conversion
Describe how the vendor will convert current Utility Billing data into the new Utility Billing
software. Conversion should include all historical consumption and financial data currently in
the existing Utility Billing database.
7. Implementation and Training
This proposal shall include a detailed schedule including project tasks and milestones,
identification of project manager, team members, and key personnel with resumes attached for
all personnel involved.
Provide an installation plan as part of this proposal. This plan shall be detailed enough so that
the City shall know every step of the installation process. Each task shall be broken out and
described in detail.
Describe the approach and resources needed to implement the proposed software.
Provide user training approach that will properly prepare staff, supervisors and other personnel
on the day-to-day use of the new utility billing software. Provide training approach that will
properly prepare City Information Technology staff in the administration, management and any
planned and unplanned maintenance of the new utility billing software.
8. System Testing and Acceptance
The City cannot accept the software until it has validated that the vendor has met all
requirements stated in this RFP. The vendor shall provide all labor and supervision for the
installation, testing, and final implementation.
The City, working with the vendor, shall develop acceptance procedures to ensure the software
is installed properly and accepted. All software provided shall be tested to confirm that it is
compliant with the current specification. All software is to be free from defects in design,
material, workmanship, and is capable of sustained performance in the operating environment.
Moreover, ensure that all requirements, project tasks and milestones defined in this RFP satisfy
the expectations of the City.
All of the software shall pass the tests described below and have the City declare that the
objectives of the tests have been met.
Free from operational defects.
Compliant with all specifications and requirements.
Delivered and accounted for; including all media, documentation, training and support
In the event the vendor does not satisfy all of the required functionality as stipulated in this RFP,
the City reserves the right to withhold payment for the software and services rendered until the
requirements are delivered and approved by the City. In addition, if project tasks and
milestones are not completed as stipulated in the project plan thus causing delays in the
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
implementation of the utility billing system, the vendor will be subject to a $100 per day penalty
until the defined task or milestone is completed to the satisfaction of the City.
The vendor must respond to any technical issues that arise during the course of the
implementation of this project within 1 business day.
Any vendor delays in the implementation of the utility billing system must be communicated to
the City in advance. If the delay is deemed by the City to be unforeseen and outside the control
of the vendor, the delivery dates for the project tasks and milestones will be adjusted
accordingly and without penalty.
9. Warranty and Post Implementation Support
The vendor must warranty timely response and remediation of technical problems. If there is a
system failure or other problems, the City needs to be assured that the vendor shall respond
immediately to correct problems so that the service is not disrupted in any way.
The post implementation maintenance program will include but not be limited to utility billing
software assurance application upgrades, software patches, service packs, technical support,
ongoing training and semi-annual “face to face” customer meetings with the vendor’s account
manager and City staff.
Describe all support resources available. The vendor should provide support that is capable of
solving any software-related problems during all City business hours. Vendor must also supply a
copy of the maintenance agreement that is proposed, as well as a description of the software
maintenance services, terms, and dates.
10. Annual Maintenance and Upgrades
Vendor must provide the annual maintenance fees associated with the new utility billing
software. It is expected that upgrades shall be available to allow the City to take advantage of
improvements in both software and hardware capabilities. The vendor shall provide regular
upgrades to the software from date of implementation. Describe the upgrade process.
11. Pricing – Submit in a separate envelope
Provide detailed pricing of all costs to fully implement the successful operation of the proposed
utility billing system. Include cost of software license fees, modification, implementation,
training, hardware, add-on 3rd party software (if required), annual maintenance, travel, data
conversion, and any other anticipated costs. Pricing must be submitted in a separate envelope.
Proposal Evaluation and Selection
The City will review submitted proposals and determine those that are most qualified. The City will
select a vendor who in its sole judgment, best suits the current and future needs of the City. The
evaluation criteria will be weighted based on the core functionality needs of the application, but also
include the following:
1. Understanding of the work required by the City.
City of Chino Hills
Request for Proposals – Utility Billing Software
2. Quality, clarity, and responsiveness of the proposal.
3. Demonstrated competence and professional qualifications necessary for successfully performing
the work required by the City.
4. Recent relevant experience in successfully performing similar services in city & municipal utility
agencies in California.
5. Proposed approach in completing the work, and ability to implement the replacement in a
timely manner.
6. Satisfying the core functionality needs of the City;
Customer Self Service/ Paperless Billing
Ad-Hoc Reporting – SQL Based Reporting
Windows/ Web-Based Application
Simplified rate structure administration and billing process for water, trash and sewer
System integration with meter reading system, banking system and finance ERP system
7. Background and related experience of the specific individuals to be assigned to this project.
8. Fee structure and cost effectiveness of the proposal.
9. References.
The City will short list two or more vendors to continue with further evaluation. The short list will be
selected using the criteria identified above. Additional discovery may be performed to assist in selecting
the short list vendors. The short list vendors will be contacted regarding their status as short-listed
vendors. The City reserves the right to award contract, or to forego awarding contract without notice.
If a short list of vendors is developed, the City will further evaluate short-listed vendor’s solutions by
utilizing scripted scenarios that will demonstrate the ability to meet all requirements stipulated in this
RFP. Each short-listed vendor will be provided the scripted scenarios that they are to use to prepare for
an on-site solution demonstration. The short-listed vendors will be further evaluated based on the
results of reference checks, additional discovery and, at the option of the City, organized site visits at
vendor’s customer sites. Vendors will provide the City with a list of three (3) potential customer sites.
Customer sites should be using the same major version of the software being proposed to the City,
similar in scope and complexity, and geographically close to City if possible.
Please note that on-site demonstrations for short-listed vendors are estimated to be held from October
16 – October 18, 2012. Specific days and times for each short-listed vendor will be determined at a later
date, but vendors should be prepared to conduct the on-site demonstrations during this timeframe. It is
expected that the proposed Project Manager take part in the on-site demonstration sessions.
As reflected above, contract award will not be based solely on price, but on a combination of factors as
determined to be in the best interest of the City. After evaluating the proposals and discussing them
further with the finalists or the tentatively selected vendor, the City reserves the right to further
negotiate the proposed work and/or method and amount of compensation.