ICSEI 2015 Annual General Meeting Venue: The Netherlands Hilton Monday 5th January 2014 16:30 - 17:30pm Welcome – Alma Harris Attendance: Kirk Anderson Mary Bridget Burns Jerome De Lisle Simone Doolaard Paige Fisher Steve Fleischman Andrew Hargreaves Michelle Jones Ariel Lindorff-Vijayendran Daniel Muijs Danette Parsley Karen Seashore Kim Schildkamp Tony Townsend Pierre Tulowitzki Boudewijn A.M. van Velzen Chris Chapman Lorna Earl Anton Florek Margie Johnson Anthony Mackay Mariano Rosenzraig Vicki Smith Willem Van De Grift Prof Rochmat Wahab Janet Chrispeels Jacob Easley II Judy Halbert Linda Kaser Suwarsih Madya Persille Schwartz Sam Stringfield Marjolein Deunk Susan Elliott-Johns Alma Harris Jenny Lewis Naomi Mertens Michael Schratz Louise Stoll Apologies: Hechuan Sun 1. Minutes – Alma Harris a. Minutes from 2014 AGM: Approved b. Matters Arising: It was agreed that all information covered 2. Election Report Lorna Earl Lorna spoke to the election process and its technical aspects and announced the new board President - Michael Schratz (Austria) Past President - Alma Harris (Malaysia) President Elect - Andy Hargreaves (USA) Treasurer - Chris Chapman (Scotland) Board Member - Susan E. Elliott-Johns (Canada) Board Member - Paige Fisher (Canada) Board Member - Suwarsih Madya (Indonesia) Board Member - Sam Stringfield (USA) Board Member - Hechuan Sun (China) Alma thanked Lorna for leading this process. Alma also thanked retiring Board Members Lorna Earl, Tony Mackay, Daniel Muijs, and Abigail Felber-Smith 3. President’s Report – Alma Harris Alma spoke to: the development of the new membership service the Monograph series and highlighted the four published to date and two in the pipeline. The initiation of an external review of the activities of ICSEI to be led by Chris Chapman and Michael Schratz. This review will also look at organisational and financial management and opportunities to broaden ICSEI. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Daniel Muijs Daniel explained how accounts are managed and provided P&L and Balance Sheet Daniel provided explanations in regards to the sub headings: a. Professional and consulting fees – Executive Director salary b. Travel and Accommodation - these are the payments for Executive Directors flights and accommodation at board meetings c. Printing and publications - SESI payments d. e. Credit card merchant fees - the fees to process SESI, membership and Jogjakarta conference fees PL income and expenditure for the regional event in Auckland Jenny explained the BAS and Tax reports and accountabilities required by the Australian Tax Office Jenny responded to a question about multi-currency management and explained current processes. Jenny also acknowledged that some US citizens had experienced difficulties paying into the US account. This was due to local bank limitations. Jenny Daniel moved the report and Tony Mackay and Anton Florek seconded. Passed unanimously. 5. Secretariat Report – Jenny Lewis Membership Type Number of Members 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Low Income Countries 56 47 40 39 37 32 Low/Middle Income Countries 8 9 7 6 5 Standard 222 216 215 193 201 309 Institutional 18 18 19 16 21 100 Student 35 28 19 14 11 11 TOTAL 339 327 300 267 276 457 This year we have introduced access restrictions for unfinancial members. Now only financial members can access monographs and current and past conference papers and videos Website We have: • completed an upgrade of the website reorganising information and introducing members’ access to resources • redesigned the conference front page and this is now available on the Glasgow website • We will be developing a number of tools for networks and social media feeds in 2015 Conference Our time (180 hours) and commitments to conference has continued to increase as conference organisers have had to manage a number of new issues including increasing demands from developing country registrations and various personal requests from registrants. Kathleen Stringfield in particular has been amazing in her management of the conference and we have got into a regular pattern of daily communications to act on a number of conference management queries. 6. Network Reports – Network Leaders Each network reported their current activities and plans for 2015 7. ICSEI 2016 Report – Margery McMahon Margery spoke to current plans, draft program, State of the Art session, school visits, social media and the practitioner day. Margery encouraged members to register early as Glasgow will be a popular conference 8. Future ICSEI Conferences – Tony Mackay Tony spoke to the highlights of running an ICSEI conference and the support that is provided to run the conference. He encouraged members to apply to host 2017 and 2018 and to present a bid at AERA 2015 9. Any Other Business – Alma Harris Alma: thanked Sam and his team for an outstanding conference wished Michael all the best in his presidency 10. Meeting Close: 5.20pm