5 Networks and Collaboration As Business Solutions Information

Turban and Volonino
Chapter 4
Networks and Collaboration
As Business Solutions
Information Technology for Management
Improving Performance in the Digital Economy
7th edition
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Slides contributed by Dr. Sandra Reid
Chair, Graduate School of Business & Professor, Technology
Dallas Baptist University
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter Outline
4.1 Enterprise Networks, Connectivity, and Trends
4.2 Network Management, and Collaboration
4.3 Wireless, Enterprise Mobility, and IP Telephony
4.4 Discovery, Search, and Customized Delivery
4.5 Collaboration and Web-based Meetings
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter Outline cont’d
• 4.6 Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues
• 4.7 Managerial Issues
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe networks, network standards, and
compatibility issues.
2. Describe the impacts of collaboration on business
3. Explain fixed, wireless, and mobile network
4. Understand the influence of search engines and
enterprise search.
5. Identify ways to customize search and delivery to
increase productivity.
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Learning Objectives cont’d
6. Describe the fundamental principles and capabilities
of group work technologies.
7. Evaluate the managerial, social and ethical issues be
related to the use of network computing.
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Networked Devices
• Networked devices are devices that communicate with
a network.
• Technologies include laptops, PDAs, cell and
smartphones, wikis, intranets, and extranets, GPSs,
POS terminals, and RFID which allow information to be
rapidly collected, processed, shared, and acted upon
for competitive survival and advantage taking.
• Feature-rich wireless devices make collaboration easier
and more productive which indicates a more
integrated, always-connected business environment
and lifestyle.
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Apple – Famous for its Creative Connectivity –
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BlackBerry – Executive Productivity Enhanced
through Wireless Internet Device
BlackBerry Bold
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Business-friendly software make handhelds more attractive and cost-justifiable to managers & road
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Social Networking Shrinks the World
• Social networking via mobile phones is shrinking the
world to the size of a small screen.
• Micro-blogging is the sending of messages up to 140
• With more than 3 billion mobile handsets in use in the
world (1 for every 2 people on the planet) a powerful
force for changes in business and collaboration as well
as politics and societies have emerged.
• News media, universities, public safety, and other
organizations are using the technology to deliver
information to a wide audience quickly.
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Information on Internet Bulletin Boards,
Newsgroups, and Social Networking Sites
Click to PCWorld Business
Center article for more….
Social Networks Go to Work
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Social Networking Sites
Can Cause You Problems
Anyone can post derogatory information about
you anonymously.
(See this Washington Post article.)
You can also hurt yourself, as this article shows.
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Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Growth Toward High-Capacity Networks
• Advancements in networks, devices, wireless
sensor networks are changing enterprise
information infrastructures and business
environments dramatically and quickly.
• Need for physical computers has drastically
• IP technology provides access to data, people,
or services anytime, anywhere in the world
offering universal connectivity.
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Bluetooth and WiFi Intelligence Revolution
is the trade name for the popular wireless technology
used in home networks, mobile phones, video games
and more. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
IP Networks
• Backbone that is driving merger of voice, data,
video and radio waves by digitizing content into
• Happening on a global scale and changing the
way the world conducts its business.
• Improved network performance, measured by its
data transfer capacity, provides fantastic
opportunities for mobile commerce,
collaboration, supply chain management, remote
work, and other productivity gains.
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4.2 Network Management and Collaboration
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Network Management and Collaboration
• Computer networks are the circulatory system
of information, communication, or
collaboration systems.
• Networks provide the means to communicate
and deliver/receive information from the
growing number of devices used to run an
• Effective communication is a critical success
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Consequences of Bad Planning and Testing
Network card crash left more than
20,000 stranded at LAX in August 2007
•Outage started with malfunctioning NIC on a single
workstation on CBP’s LAN
•Switch on network crashed
•Problem was misdiagnosed
•Improper backup system
•Outdated technology
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Global Business Performance
• An enterprise’s network capability depends on
proper planning, maintenance, management,
upgrades, and bandwidth of the network.
• Requires those who need to access the network are
equipped with the devices making it possible to do
• When problems occur, trained staff are critical to
ensure quick restoration to the network.
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Network Architecture
• Critical because it provides the infrastructure for
collaborative work within the company and with
external partners and customers, regardless location.
• Capability and willingness to collaborate depends on a
corporate culture that people trust and that gives them
the information, tools and authority to plan and make
• Decentralized organizations are often more responsive
to opportunities and problems.
• Quality of the network and collaboration depend on
how effectively network and collaboration capabilities
are put to use.
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Network Infrastructure
• Intranets
• Extranets
Categories of Internet Applications
• Discovery
• Communication
• Collaboration
Enterprise Portals
Commercial (public) portals
Affinity portals
Mobile portals
Industrywide portals
• Integrated portals
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Information Portals
• Web-based gateway to files, information, and
knowledge on a network.
• Can include discussion boards, document
sharing, and workspaces.
• Users can upload presentations or
documentation to share.
• Corporate, commercial, publishing, and
vertical portals are a few of the several types
of portals.
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4.3 Wireless, Enterprise Mobility and
IP Telephony
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Wireless, Enterprise Mobility & IP Telephony
• Mobile multimedia technologies make it
possible for business to reinvent the
traditional workplace to a virtual one as the
business needs change.
• Better decisions may be possible due to realtime delivery of wireless communications.
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Voice Communication
• Two examples of Internet telephony (VoIP)
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4.4 Discovery, Search, and Customized Delivery
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Discovery allows users to browse and search
data sources, in all topic areas, on the Web.
– Search engines
– Metasearch engines
– Discovery of material in foreign languages
– Wikis
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Four Largest Search Engines
Microsoft Network
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Metasearch Engines
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Publication of Material in Foreign
Translation products include:
– Altavista
– Google
– Trados
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4.5 Collaboration and Web-based Meetings
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Collaboration refers to efforts of two or more
entities (individuals, teams, groups or
organizations) who work together to
accomplish certain tasks.
– Work group
– Virtual group (team)
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Virtual collaboration
Workflow technologies
Web conferencing
Real-time collaboration tools
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Workflow and Groupware Technologies
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Telepresence Systems
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Leading Telepresence Systems
Cisco Telepresence 3000
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4.7 Managerial Issues
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Managerial Issues
• Organizational impacts – primary benefit of technologies
is keeping workers connected at lower costs. Mobile &
collaborative technologies need to be in place to ensure
• Future of technology support – emphasis on connectivity,
communication & collaboration.
• Extending organizational boundaries – extranets connect
suppliers & customers.
• Virtual work & teams – newly defined workplace.
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Managerial Issues – cont’d
• Single view of truth – silos will ultimately go
away. Integration & sharing data will be key.
• Social & ethical issues – tools meant to
improve productivity will infringe on personal
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Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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