Welcome to the world of… The founders 0) Structure 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Introduction History Facts Services Criticism Conclusion Bibliography Dorota Natascha Annika Farina 1) Introduction - Use Google… - 2) History - By Dorota - The founders Sergey Brin Sergey Brin was born in August 1973 in Moscow At the age of five he emigrated with his family to California, in the USA He was interested in computers and mathematics from early in his childhood on Sergey studied Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Maryland and he received his Bachelor Degree with high honors. He studied for his masters degree in Computer Science at the Standford University Lawrence Page Lawrence Page, also known as Larry Page, was born in March 1973 in Michigan Computers played an important part in his life Larry has a Bachelor of Science Degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan He received his Masters Degree at the Standford University 1995: The history of Google began when Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin met each other at the Stan+ford University 1996: The founders began to work on a research program the search engine, a project for their studies. They wanted to develop a search engine that is based on relationships between websites. 1997: Google became an independant website, after it originally used to be the Stanford website→ google.stanford.edu 1998: The founders found an investor, Andy Bechtolsheim, who helped them to accomplish their aim and gave the company Google Inc. $100,000. 1999: The company moved into offices in Palo Alto, California. 2000: Google became the best search engine on the market! 2003: The company moved into a complex of buildings in Mountain View, California 2004: Google on the stock exchange Googleplex 3) Facts - By Natascha Where does the name come from? Interesting Facts Where does the name come from? Googol= a number with a one and one hundred zeros 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Interesting Facts Google exists in over a hundred languages For example: Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bosnian Bulgarian Cambodian Chinese Croatian Danish Dutch Estonian Esperanto Finnish Hindi Icelandic Indonesian Japanese Korean Latin Latvian Macedonian Maltese Mongolian Somali Swedish Thai Ukrainian Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Google is the 5th biggest website Over 8 billion websites (December 2004) Most visited search engine worldwide Google has over 300 employee, the so-called “Googler” Possible income 2003: between 100 - 350 Million dollars Nominated for Big Brother Award 2003 Visited by half of the German Internet Users every month More than one half of the Google users are non - American 116,6 billion dollars is Google worth 4) Services - By Annika Google Search What(ever) happened to George W. Bush Google: more than a search engine provides more than 30 services, tools and functions for its users (e.g the search for definitions, the “I'm feeling lucky“search, Froogle, Google Earth) The bread-and-butter service: Google Search Google Search Basis: PageRank system examines the number and relative popularity of each website linked to another one every link counts as a vote “important“ sites have a strong vote for other sites Google combines PageRank with a complex text retrieval in order to find sites that a. are important b. AND fit the query Google analyzes the number and closeness of search keys (and the content of the linked sites) to do the whole PageRank What(ever) happened to George W. Bush Entering the query “failure“ or “miserable failure“ plus using the “I'm feeling lucky“ search leads directly to George W. Bush's official websites 2 reasons The other one refers to the PageRank system A number of webmasters use the phrase “failure“ or “miserable failure“ to describe and link to Bush's websites Site ranks on top of Google's result list due to a. its importance and popularity b. the descriptions on pages connected to this site Influencing the ranking of a given page in results returned by the Google search engine is called Googlebombing 5) Criticism - By Farina - protection of data privacy is not transparent for the user a. Cookies: data about the user and user's activities online b. E-mail: can be read through for advertisement Google Earth: detailed maps are easier to access Screening of information: editors and user decide on what search result turns up Copying of books: some authors regard as dismissive of their rights and illegal Google Base: takes over the classifieds in newspapers Google for everything: you can even plan a murder with this search engine 6) Conclusion ... and also I will be critical and open for other sources. Thank you for your attention! 7) Bibliography Mayer, Marissa. “Googlebombing 'failure'.“ http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2005/09/googlebombin g-failure.html. (Visited on Oct, 20 2005) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_bomb http://www.google.de/why_use.html Dr Jens E. Wolf. “Vorlesung Information Retrieval.” http://www.informatik.unibonn.de/III/lehre/vorlesungen/InformationRetrieval/W S04/Vorlesung-041207.pdf. (visited on Jan, 09 2006) http://www.pressrelations.de/MATERIAL/605.pdf (visited on Jan, 09 2006) Florian Luther, Jochen Felsner, Yuexin Huang. “Google Eine ökonomische Analyse.” http://ig.cs.tuberlin.de/oldstatic/w2003/ir1/uebref/LutherEtAlReferat-G9-012004.pdf (visited on Jan, 09 2006) http://www.google.de/intl/de/press/funfacts.html (visited on Jan, 09 2006) “Google Corporate Information.” URL: http://www.google.com/corporate/history.html. (Visited on Jan. 4, 2006.) “History.” URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google. (Visited on Dec. 29, 2005.) "Lawrence Page."URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wikit/Lawrence_E. _Page (Visited on Jan. 3, 2006.) Schüller, Thorsten. “Die Google Geschichte.” URL: http://www.suchmaschinentricks.de/forum/thread.ph p?thread=3251&forum=1. (Visited on Jan. 4, 2006.) "Sergey Brin."URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey.Brin (Visited on Jan. 3, 2006.) Wolff, Jens E. “Google.”URL: http://www.informatik.unibonn.de/ІІІ/lehre/Vorlesunge n/InformationRetrieval/WS04/ Vorlesung-041207.pdf. (Visited on Dec. 28, 2005.)