________________________________________________________________________________ Task Analysis Task Analysis Cover Sheet Time Started:_________________________________________________ Time Ended:__________________________________________________ Name:__________________________________________________________ Please Print Signature/Date:________________________________________________ Task Analysis Instructions Read Carefully First Enclosed you will find the following documents: Instructions (This Document) Case Study Case Study Worksheet 1 Sheet of Extra Paper Cover Sheet Large Paperclip You will have one hour beginning at 4:00 PM and ending at 5:00 PM to complete this task. If you have arrived late, you will be allowed to participate; however, the time will still end at 5:00 PM. Please follow the steps listed below: Record Your Start Time on the Cover Sheet Read the Case Study Carefully Complete the Case Study Worksheet Fill-In the Cover Sheet (To Include End Time) Place the Documents in the Following Ordero Cover Sheet o Worksheet (Including Extra Paper) o Case Study o Instructions Paperclip Return to Envelope Turn into Monitor Task Analysis Worksheet Please read all of the questions before beginning in order to pace your responses. You may use the extra sheet of paper included if needed to complete the following questions: 1. Analyze Mr. Lattimore’s behavior in this case. 2. If you were the principal and wanted to change rules and regulations regarding discipline, would you have required consensus from teachers to do so? Why or why not? 3. Discuss the rights of the troubled child in relation to classmates. Are the teachers correct in their contention that permitting a disruptive child to remain in the classroom deprives other students of their opportunity to learn? 4. What weight should be given to the fact that many parents are also unhappy with the principal’s position on discipline? 5. What can be assumed about the teachers who did not sign the letter of no confidence? 6. Can you suggest any positive action that might bring the parents, teachers, and principal together to address this problem? 7. Do the goals of the principal justify his means in this case? Why or why not?