Assignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma Creative Unit 11: Film Studies Media Production Student name Assessor name FAUSTINA STARRETT Date issued Completion date Monday 18th November 2014 Monday 15th December 2015 Assignment title Write/Produce an illustrated essay / report on wider theoretical models applying critical analysis to your chosen studies. LO Learning outcome (LO) LO.2.1 Understand theoretical models of LO 2 film analysis LO 3 LO.3.1 Be able to apply critical analysis to a chosen field of film studies AC 2.1 3.1 Submitted on In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Understand theoretical models of film analysis Task no. Evidence (Page no’s) Tasks 1&2 1,2, Be able to apply critical analysis to a chosen field of film studies Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date: 1 In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions To achieve M1 you must present well researched findings on the usefulness of Wider film readings as a critical tool for understanding how meaning is created An effective approach to study and research in a cinematic medium. (Task 1) has been applied. You should also use a chosen Director to illustrate a particular reading. (Task 2) M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified. D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been managed and organised. To achieve M2 you must show you used a range of sources of information to explain and analyse theoretical models relating to films discussed. To achieve D2 you will show autonomy/independence has been demonstrated in analyzing and presenting your findings on the usefulness of wider film readings as critical tools for film analysis (Task 1,2,3) Please note that for unit assignments assessors should use these or other exemplar indicative characteristics for the individual grade descriptors from Annexe C of the HN specification or any other relevant indicative characteristics for the particular assignment. The indicative characteristic should then be contextualised. Only one indicative characteristic per grade descriptor, M1, M2, M3, D2, and D3 is required. 3 Assignment brief Unit number and title Unit 11: Film Studies (Linked to Unit 34: TV Studio Production) Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Creative Media Production Start date Monday 18th November 2014 Deadline/Hand-in Monday 15th December 2015 Assessor FAUSTINA STARRETT Assignment title Write/Produce an illustrated essay/Presentation to explain and demonstrate an understanding of WIDER FILM READINGS as critical tools for film analysis. Purpose of this assignment This unit is designed to develop learners’ abilities in critical analysis techniques and methods. It addresses how meaning is created in film and how interpretations of meaning can be articulated Through the application of those techniques and methods. Learners must investigate how films Are perceived by audiences as well as how they themselves respond to films. The topic under investigation is ‘Wider Film Readings’. Scenario For this assignment you are required to research and demonstrate an understanding of theoretical models of film analysis. You are required to critically review wider film readings including feminist; formalist; Marxist; Structuralism; auteur; screen; gaze; star, psychoanalytical film theory. You may choose an auteur to profile in depth covering the indicative content indicated above. Your evidence requirement is a structured report referencing film theories and illustrated readings of films you have watched. You may use the class discussion of relevant auteur theory including analysis of ‘trademarks’ with studied justification from selected screenings. Present your completed work with quotations, footnotes and references to support your analysis and understanding of the points that you are making in your essay and make sure that you focus specifically on the assessment criteria’s and tasks set for this assignment. Tasks: (LO 1: 1.1 and M1, M2, M3, D2, D3) For this assignment you are required to research and demonstrate an understanding of theoretical models of film analysis. You are required to critically review one or more reading from the suggested list. For example A study of Auteur theory should include reference to the relationship to other readings, ( e.g. feminist; formalist; Marxist; structuralism; screen; gaze; star, psychoanalytical film theory). Task 1. Critically review the wider theoretical landscape of film readings in a short summary report. Task 2. Create a Film Review page on your Weebly which discusses both screenings and readings of your choice. You may use the opportunity to create your own video / powerpoint Retrospective of an established auteur of your choice. The feature should include reference to research on film history of auteurs’ theory from Truffaut’s ‘5 Trademarks’ to Andrew Sarris ideas of those who belong in the Pantheon of great directors using verifiable sources. (Task 2) Task 3. Assess the usefulness of film theories as critical tools for understanding how meaning is created in a cinematic medium. Evidenced in Written Report and presentation/ video homage. Include all the tasks above as E-PORTFOLIO evidence in your Weebly site as film & text evidence clearly referenced the indicative content indicated above. 4 Task 1. Critically review the theoretical landscape of film theories n a short summary report. Task 2. Create a Film Review Page which discusses both screenings and readings of your choice. You may use the opportunity to create your own Retrospective of an established auteur of your choice. The feature should include reference to your research on film history of auteurs’ from Truffaut’s ‘5 Trademarks’ to Andrew Sarris ideas of those who belong in the Pantheon of great directors using verifiable sources. Task 3. Critically evaluate the usefulness of film theories as critical tools for understanding how meaning is created in a cinematic medium Evidenced in Report (Task 3) Gather appropriate research material, articles in books, magazines and other e-resources in the library or online and reference URL links for bibliography. (Task 1) To achieve M1 You must demonstrate an effective approach to the study and research sources suggested for theoretical models and case studies in auteurs are applied and evidenced in the written and presentation work submitted (Task 1) To achieve M2 You must demonstrate Relevant theories and techniques have been applied to the research and presentation of this assignment in the written report and the Studio Programme. To achieve M3 M2.6. Complex information/data has been synthesized and processed through a range of sources and presentation methods indicated above and using your Weebly Course website. You must use an appropriate and structured approach to the writing and presentation of evidence to show an understanding of the theoretical literature in the written and presentation work submitted Tasks 1,2,3 To achieve D2 you will show autonomy/independence has been demonstrated in analyzing the usefulness of theoretical models as a critical tool for understanding how meaning is created in a cinematic medium and to show Conclusions on the theoretical readings and their application have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified and evidenced in the written and presentation/video work submitted Task 1& 2 To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking to show a clear understanding of the usefulness of theoretical readings as a critical tool for understanding how meaning is created in a cinematic medium in your academic essay and studio production work. Tasks 1, 2, 3. 5 Evidence checklist Task 1 Summary of evidence required by student Evidence presented Research the usefulness of ‘theoretical models’ as critical tools for understanding how meaning is created in a cinematic medium (Essay/ Report 1,000)1 Gather other appropriate research material, articles in books, magazines and other e-resources in Moodle, the library or online and reference URL links Task for 2. bibliography. Create a Film Review Television Programme which discusses both Task 2 screenings and readings of your choice. (Groups of 4/5 persons) You may use the opportunity to create your own video/ powerpoint Retrospective of an established auteur of your choice. The feature should include reference to research on film history of auteurs’ from Truffaut’s ‘5 Trademarks’ to Andrew Sarris ideas of those who belong in the Pantheon of great directors using verifiable sources. (Evidenced in Studio Programme linked for assessment to Unit34 – TV Studio Production) Task 3 Include all the learning points above in a short written summary report based on your essay & presentation as research findings ( linked to unit 2). Your evidence should include textual and inter-textual references from your own films, class screenings, interviews and related sources used to complete all aspects of this assessment/assignment brief for Unit 11. Task 4 Use the Harvard referencing system to cite quotes that you use to support the points you wish to make, and footnotes to explain in more detail issues raised that need further explanation. Post all evidence to your Weebly website and create a FORUM for all formative and summative feedback relevant to the tasks and assignment. Sources of information: Guidance Books J. Monaco (2000) How to Read a Film. Oxford University Press. Rick Altman (2006) Film Genre, BFI Moodle Sources Trademarks of an Auteur – Lecture Notes / Hand-outs 40 Best Directors – Audience and Critics survey findings (Top 10 profiles) - Lecture notes Websites www.screenonline /genres/narratives/codes-and-conventions/ Directors /username - newsiest - Password - Khyber pass Electronic Sources Hyperlinks - See Moodle Journals DVD Filmography 1 David Chandler [PDF]An Introduction to Genre Theory An Introduction to Genre Theory. Daniel Chandler. 1. The problem of definition. 6 Moodle Sources – Selection of PowerPoint’s (examples illustrated in class) Semester 1 - Topic 2 - Wider Film Theories Auteur Studies ( Film Studies Project Part 2 ) THEORETICAL READINGS AUTEUR STUDIES 2013-2014 Word document Theoretical readings - Auteur Studies file KEN LOACH - AUTEUR STUDIES - file STUDENT CASEWORK IN AUTEUR STUDIES Auteur Studies - Stanley Kubrick file Auteur Studies - Tim Burton file DEL TORO - AUTEUR THESIS file Seamus Mc Garvey - Cinematographer Auteurs file Semester 1 - Topic 2 - Wider Film Theories Feminism casework Casework - Cabaret & Feminism PDF document CABARET SCREENING REVIEW file DAVID LYNCH - AUTEUR Powerpoint presentation GRETO GARBO Powerpoint presentation Seamus Heaney Powerpoint presentation There are also books in the college library for reference material 1 Nelmes, Jull 2 Noriega, Chon A. An Introduction to Film Studies. Visible nations; Latin American cinema and video 3 Grant, Barr Keith Film genre: from iconography to ideology. 4 Grant, Barry Film genre reader. 5 Altman, Rick Film/Genre. 6 Krutnik, Frank Boggs, Joseph M. 7 Petrie, Dennis W. Grant, Barry 8 Keith 9 Klinger, Barbara In a lonely street: film noir, genre, masculinity. The Art of watching films. Film genre: from iconography to ideology. Beyond the multiplex; cinema, new technologies, and the home Hill, John 7 Cinema in Northern Ireland: film, culture and politics. Kolker, Robert Philip Film, form, & culture. Willemen, Paul Vitali, Valentina Kolker, Robert Theorising national cinema. Film, Form, & Culture O'Regan, Tom Goldsmith, Ben The Film studio: film production in the global economy. Phillips, William Film: an introduction. 8 Achievement Summary Qualification Unit Number and title Criteria Reference LO.2.1 LO.3.1 Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit 11: Film Studies Assessor name Faustina Starrett Student name To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: Achieved? (tick) Understand theoretical models of film analysis Be able to apply critical analysis to a chosen field of film studies Higher Grade achievements (where applicable) Grade descriptor Achieved? (tick) Grade descriptor M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking Achieved? (tick) M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings 9 Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan All tasks completed Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor Assessor Signature Date Student Signature Date WIDERFILMREADINGSASS2HNCY12014-15 10