BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ( BSBA) COURSE PLAN PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Dr. SAJI GEORGE DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTARTION KING SAUD UNIVERSITY, AL KHARJ Course Plan/Scheme of Work Programme Course Code Course Title Year Semester Learning Outcomes BSBA in Marketing MKG 201 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 3rd Year Fifth Semester Assess the implications of principles, concepts and fundamentals of marketing Analyze marketing environment, marketing mix, marketing strategies, marketing plans & consumer behavior Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing functions towards achieving organizational goals. Construct Strategic Marketing Plan to meet the objectives of the company Apply knowledge of marketing in business & nonprofit organization in local & global context Required Text: A: Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong (2008) ‘Principles of Marketing’ Pearson International Edition, 12e Suggested Readings: B: Cannon, Perreault, McCarthy, Sixteenth Edition (2008), ‘Basic Marketing’, McGraw Hill International Edition C: Grewal, Levy (2008) ‘Marketing’ Mc Graw-Hill International Edition D: Philip Kotler (2000) ‘Marketing Management Millenium Edition’ Prentice-Hall Inc., 10e Sess Concept / Topic to Teach Session Objectives Resources ion 1 Introduction: myself / To have mutual understanding of Refs: Curriculum of the students/ course/ teaching teacher and students and give college for the subject pedagogy overview about the course contents 2 3 4 5 Philosophies of Marketing Understanding the chronological PPT’s development of marketing, Production, Ref A: Chapt-1 Product, Selling, Marketing & Societal Pg 9-12 Concepts Marketing Definition Laying foundation to core marketing PPT’s including some core Ref A: Chapt-1 concepts as social & Pg 4-9 managerial processes Ref B: Chapt-1 Pg 4-6 Customer needs, wants, To understand the technical meaning PPT’s & Handouts demand, satisfaction, of basic marketing variables Ref A: Chapt-1 exchange, Product & Pg 4-9 Value Marketing Management & To Define & understand various kinds PPT’s & Handout Marketing Mix of demand & demand management, Ref A: Chapt-1 Remarks Assignment-1 Mini Project Group Discussion 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 product, Elements of Price, Place & Pg 50-51 Promotion Micro & Macro To be able to discuss the micro PPT’s & Hand Out Environment of Marketing environment of marketing i.e. Ref A: Chapt-3 Company, Suppliers, Customers etc- Pg 62-86 and macro environment of marketing like Demographics, Politics, legal issues etc Various Activities of To understand how the mission PPT’s & Hand Out marketing at local & statements, goals and objectives are Ref A: Chapt-2 international level formulated and analysis of strengths, Pg 52 including defining mission, weaknesses, opportunities & threats objectives and goals & are done SWOT Analysis Resource Allocation to To be able to know how resource PPT’s & SBU allocation takes place with help of Hand Outs BCG Matrix & General Electric Model Growth Strategies & To introduce to growth strategies like PPT’s Marketing Plan Intensive, Integrative & Ref A: Chapt-2 Diversification Growth Strategies and Pg 52-55 able to formulate Marketing Plan Role of marketing in To give an introduction to Consumer PPT’s attaining organizational Behavior and to know the meaning Ref A: Chapt-5, goals of Customer 128-130 Satisfaction & Customer Behavior Defined Factors Effecting To be able to recognize the cultural & PPT’s Consumer Behavior social factors effecting consumer Ref A: Chapt-5, behavior 131-142 Factors Effecting To be able to recognize the Personal PPT’s Consumer Behavior factors effecting consumer behavior Ref A: Chapt-5, 131-142 Factors Effecting To be able to recognize the PPT’s Consumer Behavior Psychological factors effecting Ref A: Chapt-5, consumer behavior 131-142 on Marketing Mix of Laptop Quiz-1 Evaluation of Quiz-1 Submission of Assignment-1 Evaluation of Assignment-1 Assignment-2 Brief about Mini Project Pg Pg Submission of Pg Assignment-2 Evaluation of Pg Assignment-2 To know about the steps involved in PPT’s purchase decision like i.e. Problem Ref A: chapt-5, Pg 147recognition, Information search, 149 Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase & Post Purchase Behavior Business Buying Decision To know about the business PPT’s Quiz-2 & Process participants & process Ref A: Chapt-5, Pg Assignment-3 162-169 Group Discussion on Purchase Process of Laptop Market Segmentation To be able to understand the concept PPT’s Evaluation of & bases of segmentation, Ref A: Chapt-7 Quiz-2 Pg 182-192 Ref B: Chapt-3 Buying Decision Process Pg 65-73 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Basis for Segmentation To be able to understand the concept PPT’s of Geographic, Demographic Ref A: Chapt-7 segmentation Pg 182-192 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 65-73 Basis for Segmentation To be able to understand the concept PPT’s Psychographic, Behavioral Ref A: Chapt-7 segmentation Pg 182-192 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 65-73 Niche Marketing Criterion To know the Meaning of Niche PPT’s for Segmenting Consumers Marketing, Evaluating the Market Ref A: Chapt-7 Segments, Selecting the Market Pg 182-192 Segment Target Market Selection To be able to evaluate the Market PPT’s Process Segments and Select the Market Ref A: Chapt-7 Segment Pg 182-192 Positioning & Types of To know the meaning and types of PPT’s & Hand Out Positioning positioning like Benefit, use, user, Ref A: Chapt-7 quality, price positioning etc Pg 203-211 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 82-84 Positioning errors To recognize positioning errors in PPT’s & Hand Out terms of Over, under, doubtful & Ref A: Chapt-7 confused positioning errors Pg 203-211 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 82-84 Product Differentiation Able to define Product Differentiation PPT’s & Hand Out and differentiate on the bases of Ref A: Chapt-7 product and services characteristics Pg 203-211 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 81 Product Differentiation Should be able to differentiate the PPT’s & Hand Out product on the bases of Personnel, Ref A: Chapt-7 Channel & Image Pg 203-211 Ref B: Chapt-3 Pg 81 MID TERM-1 Assessment of learning for the SESSION 1-24 sessions from 1-25 Product and Levels of To know the meaning of product and PPT’s product how the products be divided into Ref A: Chapt-8 different levels to establish respective Pg 218-229 value forms Ref B: Chapt-9 Pg 236-241 Product & its classification To know different bases for PPT’s & Hand Out classification & according to each Ref A: Chapt-8 basis the types of classifications Pg 218-229 Submission of Assignment-3 Evaluation of Assignment-3 & Assignment-4 Review Progress of Mini Project Submission of Assignment-4 Quiz-3 Evaluation of Quiz3 Evaluation of Assignment-4 Assigment-5 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Mix To understanding different technical PPT’s & Hand Out Submission of terminologies used in product such as Ref A: Chapt-8 Assigment-5 product length, breath, lines, deviants, Pg 218-229 variants etc. Branding & Packaging To be able to define brand & branding PPT’s & Hand Out Evaluation of strategies, Packaging, Product labeling Ref A: Chapt-8 Assignemnt-5 Pg 230-238 New Product Development To be able to understand Diffusion of PPT’s & Hand Out Innovation: Early Adopters, Early Ref A: Chapt-9 Majority, Late Majority & Laggards, Pg 250-262 Process of New Product Development Product Life Cycle To have introduction about PLC and PPT’s & Hand Out Quiz-4 & the stages involved : Introduction, Ref A: Chapt-9 Assignment-6 Growth, Maturity & Decline Pg 267-271 Understanding Pricing, To be able to discuss about pricing PPT’s Evaluation of QuizFactors to be considered and factors to be considered while Ref A: Chapt-10 4 when setting prices setting a price for a product Pg 284-293 Pricing Strategies To be able to apply different ways of PPT’s Review Progress of pricing Ref A: Chapt-11 Mini Project Pg 306-312 Submission of MID TERM-II Assessment of learning for the SESSION 26-33 Assignment-6 sessions from 26-33 Marketing Channels To know the meaning of distribution, PPT’s & Hand Out Evaluation of Levels and functions of Channels Ref A: Chapt-12 Assignment-6 Pg 332-349 Channel design decisions To know about the factors to be PPT’s & Hand Out considered while designing a Ref A: Chapt-12 distribution channel for a product Pg 332-349 Ref B: Chapt-11 Pg 290-298 Channel Management To be able to understand types of PPT’s & Hand Out Assignment-7 channel conflict and how to manage Ref A: Chapt-12 these conflict and introduction to Pg 332-349, Pg 367-389 Retailing & Wholesaling Integrated Marketing To describe about communication PPT’s Assignment-8 Communication channels, types and pros/cons of Ref A: Chapt-14 channels Pg 402-411 Product line decisions & Ref B: Chapt-14 39 40 Promotional Mix Promotional Mix Pg 369-377 How to use Advertising, public PPT’s Submission of relations, sales promotion personnel Ref A: Chapt-15( Pg Assignment-7 & selling techniques, Direct marketing to 426-446) ,Chapt-16(Pg Quiz-5 convince the market to go for 450-470),Chapt-17(Pg 480-482, 493-504) exchange Ref B: Chapt- 15 (Pg 396-399),16 (Pg 424426, 445-449) Employ Personnel selling techniques, PPT’s Evaluation of Direct, Online Marketing to convince Ref A: Chapt-17( Pg Assignment-7 & the market to go for exchange 480-482, 493-504) Quiz-5, Submission of Assignment-8 & Mini Project 41 Marketing Implementation To be able to assess the outcomes of PPT’s & Control marketing with the preset set plans and Ref B: Chapt-19 putting into place corrective actions Pg 532-540 including audit 42 Marketing Ethics & To apply marketing ethics and PPT’s Implications on individual understand how marketing effects Hand Out Consumers, Marketing individual, How marketing would Ref A: Chapt-20 Implications on Society as affect the society and national Pg 568-591 a whole & Impact on economy National economy END SEMESTER Assessment of learning for the SESSION 1-42 EXAMINATION sessions from 1-42 Presentation of Mini Project Evaluation of Mini Project Evaluation of Assignment-8 LIST OF ASSIGNMENTS AND MINI PROJECT Assignment-1: Define Marketing. Discuss the different Philosophies & core concepts of marketing. Mini Project: Prepare a Marketing Plan for a Product of your Choice. Assignment-2: Discuss micro and macro environment of marketing. What is marketing mix. Assignment-3: Explain the different steps involved in preparing marketing plan. What are the factors effecting consumer behavior? Assignment-4: Explain consumer purchase Process. What is segmentation and what are the different bases of segmentation? Assignment-5: What is Product Positioning? What are the different types of positioning? What are the different bases for differentiating product? Assignment-6: What is meant by product lines, depth, width, category? Assignment-7: Discuss the different methods of Pricing. Assignment-8: What do you understand by advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing? Dr. Saji George Department of Marketing, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, Al Kharj, Saudi Arabia