Snakes with Some Math Acknowledgements: University of Western Ontario, University of Manchester, demos from Visual Dynamics Group (University of Oxford), Snakes •Snakes, active contours [Kass, Witkin, Terzopoulos 1987] •In general, deformable models are widely used Given: initial contour (model) near desirable object Snakes •Snakes, active contours [Kass, Witkin, Terzopoulos 1987] •In general, deformable models are widely used Given: initial contour (model) near desirable object Goal: evolve the contour to fit exact object boundary Tracking via deformable models 1. Use final contour/model extracted at frame t as an initial solution for frame t+1 2. Evolve initial contour to fit exact object boundary at frame t+1 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for t ‘= t+1 Tracking via deformable models Tracking Heart Ventricles “Snakes” • A smooth 2D curve which matches to image data • Initialized near target, iteratively refined • Can restore missing data initial intermediate final Parametric Curve Representation (continuous case) • A curve can be represented parametrically ( s) ( x( s), y ( s)) open curve 0 s 1 closed curve Note: in computer vision and medical image analysis communities the term “snake” is normally associated with such parametric representation of contours. Internal Energy • The bending energy of a continuous curve is Ein d ( ( s )) ( s ) ds Elasticity 2 d (s) 2 d s 2 2 Stiffness The more the curve bends, the larger this value 1 Ein Ein ( ( s)) ds 0 External energy • The external energy describes how well the curve matches the image data locally • Numerous forms can be used, attracting the curve toward different image features Simple Edge Strength • Suppose we have an image I(x,y) • Generate gradient images Gx ( x, y) & G y ( x, y ) • External energy based on edge strength at a point is then Eex ( (s)) ( | Gx ( (s)) |2 | Gy ( (s)) |2 ) (Negative in order that minimizing it forces the curve toward large edges) • An external energy term for a snake is 1 thus Eex Eex ( ( s)) ds 0 Snake Energy (continuous form) • The total energy of the snake is defined as Etotal Ein Eex 1 Ein Ein ( ( s)) ds e.g. bending energy 0 1 Eex Eex ( ( s)) ds 0 e.g. total edge strength under curve Discrete approach discrete image discrete snake representation discrete optimization (dynamic programming) Discrete and Continuous approaches Continuous Models in Image Analysis Discrete Models in Image Analysis The relationship is somewhat analogous to relation between continuous and discrete models in physics, e.g. Continuous Model of Light Electro-Magnetic Waves Discrete Model of Light Photons Parametric Curve Representation (discrete case) • Represent the curve with a set of n points i ( xi , yi ) i 0 n 1 Discrete Representation • If the curve is represented by n points i ( xi , yi ) d vi 1 i 1 ds 2 Ein n 1 i 0 i 0 n 1 d 2 ( i 1 i ) ( i i 1 ) i 1 2 i i 1 2 ds | i 1 i | | i 1 2 i i 1 | 2 Elasticity Stiffness 2 Simple Elastic Curve (example) • For a curve represented as a set of points a simple elastic energy term is n 1 Ein Li 2 i 0 n 1 ( xi 1 xi ) 2 ( yi 1 yi ) 2 i 0 This encourages the closed curve to shrink to a point (like a very small elastic band) Encouraging point spacing • To stop the curve from shrinking to a point, add a term such as [v-v’]^2 where v’ is average distance between snaxels. Simple Edge Strength • An external energy term for a (discrete) snake based on image edge n 1 Eex | Gx ( xi , yi ) |2 | G y ( xi , yi ) |2 i 0 (Negative in order that minimizing it forces the curve toward large edges) Simple Elastic Snake • A simple elastic snake is thus defined by – A set of n points, – An internal elastic energy term – An external edge based energy term • To use this to locate the outline of an object – Initialize in the vicinity of the object – Modify the points to minimize the total energy Simple Elastic Snake • In this case we have Etotal ( x) Ein ( x) Eex ( x) • where x ( x0 ,, xn 1 , y0 ,, yn 1 )T • Optimization problem (2n variables) – note that we can easily compute the derivatives, which allows efficient optimization (via gradient descent) converging to a local minima • more robust option: Dynamic Programming Synthetic example (1) (2) (3) (4) Dealing with missing data • The smoothness constraint can deal with missing data (sometimes maybe wrong!): Relative weighting • Notice that the strength of the internal elastic component can be controlled by a n 1 parameter, 2 Ein Li i 0 • Increasing this increases stiffness of curve large medium small Note: values of energy are normalized from 0 to 1, so if 0.1 times 10 becomes .01, etc., Then re-scale it. Basically this weight makes it more sensitive to internal energy. Simple shape prior • If object is some smooth variation on a known shape, use n 1 Ein 2 ˆ ( i i ) i 0 • where {ˆi } give points of the basic shape Alternative External (image) Energies • Directed gradient measures n 1 Eex u x ,i Gx ( i ) u y ,i G y ( i ) i 0 – Where ui (u x ,i , u y ,i ) is the unit normal to the boundary at contour point i – This gives a good response when the boundary has the same direction as the edge, but weaker responses when it does not Open and Closed Curves 0 n 0 n 1 closed curve open curve • When using an open curve we can impose constraints on the end points (e.g. end points may have fixed position) Additional Constraints • Snakes originally developed for interactive image segmentation • Initial snake result can be nudged where it goes wrong (correct the incorrect ones) • Simply modify the external energy term to – Pull nearby points toward cursor, or – Push nearby points away from cursor Interactive (external) forces • Pull points towards cursor: n 1 E pull r2 2 i 0 | i p | Nearby points get pulled hardest Negative sign gives better energy for positions near p Interactive (external) forces • Push points from cursor: n 1 E push r2 2 i 0 | i p | Nearby points get pushed hardest Positive sign gives better energy for positions far from p Dynamic snakes • Adding motion parameters into hidden variables (for each snake node) • Introduce energy terms for motion consistency • Example: use optic flow to get candidate points for the snaxels in the next frame. Discrete Snakes Optimization • At each iteration we compute a new snake position within proximity to the previous snake • New snake energy should be smaller than the previous one • Stop when the energy can not be decreased within local neighborhood of the snake (local energy minima) Optimization Methods 1. Gradient Descent 2. Dynamic Programming Gradient Descent • Example: minimization of functions of 2 variables E ( x, y ) ( x0 , y0 ) E xEi E yi negative gradient at point (x,y) gives direction of the steepest descent towards lower values of function E Gradient Descent • Example: minimization of functions of 2 variables E ( x, y ) ( x0 , y0 ) Ex x x t E y y y p p t E Stop at a local minima where E 0 Gradient Descent • Example: minimization of functions of 2 variables E ( x, y ) High sensitivity wrt. the initialisation !! Gradient Descent for Snakes simple elastic snake n 1 energy Etotal ( x0 , , xn 1 , y0 , , yn 1 ) | Gx ( xi , yi ) |2 | G y ( xi , yi ) |2 i 0 n 1 energy as a function 2n variables ( xi 1 xi ) 2 ( yi 1 yi ) 2 i 0 Fi F E Force is a negative gradient of energy function (2n-dimentional vector) We can break force/gradient into components corresponding to individual snake nodes F0 F 1 ... Fn 1 xEi Fi E yi Discrete Snakes: “Gradient Flow” evolution dC dt E Update equation for each node i i Fi t i i Contour evolution via “Gradient flow” i 0,, n 1 i Stopping criteria: Fi E |i 0 for all i at a local minima of energy Difficulties with Gradient Descent • Very difficult to obtain accurate estimates of highorder derivatives on images (discretization errors) – E.g., estimating E x requires computation of G x x 2I x 2 • Gradient descent is not trivial even for onedimensional functions. Robust numerical performance for 2n-dimensional function is problematic. – Choice of parameter t is non-trivial • Small t , the algorithm may be too slow • Large t , the algorithm may never converge – Even if “converged” to a good local minima, the snake is likely to oscillate near it Alternative solution for 2D snakes: Dynamic Programming • In most cases, snake energy can be rewritten as a sum of pair-wise interaction potential Etotal ( 0 , , n 1 ) n 1 E ( , i i 0 i i 1 ) More generally, it can be written as a sum of triple-interaction potentials. Etotal ( 0 , , n 1 ) n 1 E ( i 0 i i 1 , i , i 1 ) Snake energy: pair-wise interactions Example: simple elastic snake energy n 1 Etotal ( x0 , , xn 1 , y0 , , yn 1 ) | Gx ( xi , yi ) |2 | G y ( xi , yi ) |2 i 0 n 1 ( xi 1 xi ) 2 ( yi 1 yi ) 2 i 0 n 1 n 1 Etotal ( 0 , , n 1 ) || G ( i ) || || i 1 i ||2 2 i 0 Etotal ( 0 , , n 1 ) where i 0 n 1 E ( , i 0 i i i 1 ) Ei ( i , i 1 ) || G ( i ) ||2 || i i 1 ||2 Q: give an example of snake with triple-interaction potentials? DP Snakes [Amini, Weymouth, Jain, 1990] v2 v3 v1 v4 v5 v6 control points First-order interactions E (v1 , v2 ,..., vn ) E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) Energy E is minimized via Dynamic Programming DP Snakes [Amini, Weymouth, Jain, 1990] v2 v3 v1 v4 v5 v6 control points First-order interactions E (v1 , v2 ,..., vn ) E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) Energy E is minimized via Dynamic Programming Iterate until optimal position for each point is the center of the box, i.e. the snake is optimal in the local search space constrained by boxes Dynamic Programming (DP) Viterbi Algorithm Here we will concentrate on first-order interactions sites E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) states 1 2 … m v1 E1 (v1 , v2 ) v2 E2 (v2 , v3 ) v3 E3 (v3 , v4 ) v4 E4 (v4 , vn ) vn E1 (1) 0 E2 (1) E3 (1) E4 (1) E n (1) E1 (2) 0 E2 (2) E3 ( 2 ) E4 (2) En (2) E1 (3) 0 E2 (3) E3 (3) E4 (3) En (3) E1 (4) 0 E2 (4) E3 ( 4 ) E4 (4) En (4) Complexity: 2 O(nm ) This is iterative, as search nbd changes each time. Dynamic Programming for a closed snake? Clearly, DP can be applied to optimize an open ended snake E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) 1 n Can we use DP for a “looped” energy in case of a closed snake? E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) En (vn , v1 ) n 1 n 1 2 3 4 Dynamic Programming for a closed snake E1 (v1 , v2 ) E2 (v2 , v3 ) ... En1 (vn1 , vn ) En (vn , v1 ) Unfortunately, DP can not be directly applied in case of a “loop”. However, some (approximation) tricks are often used in practice… 1. Use DP to optimize snake energy with fixed 1 (according to a given initial snake position). 2. Use DP to optimize snake energy again. This time fix position of an intermediate node n / 2 ˆn / 2 where ˆ is an optimal position obtained in step 1. Problems with snakes • Depends on number and spacing of control points • Snake may oversmooth the boundary • Not trivial to prevent curve self intersecting (having a model helps!) • Can not follow topological changes of objects Problems with snakes • May be sensitive to initialization • may get stuck in a local energy minimum near initial contour • Numerical stability can be an issue for gradient descent and variational methods (continuous formulation) – E.g. requires computing second order derivatives • The general concept of snakes (deformable models) does generalize to 3D (deformable mesh), but many robust optimization methods suitable for 2D snakes do not apply in 3D – E.g.: dynamic programming only works for 2D snakes Problems with snakes • External energy: may need to diffuse image gradients, otherwise the snake does not really “see” object boundaries in the image unless it gets very close to it. image gradients I are large only directly on the boundary I Diffusing Image Gradients image gradients diffused via Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince, 98 f/ Alternative Way to Improve External Energy n 1 n 1 • Use Eex D(vi ) instead of Eex | I | (vi ) where i 0 i 0 D() is – Distance Transform (for detected binary image features, e.g. edges) Distance Transform can be visualized as a grayscale image binary image features (edges) Distance Transform D ( x, y ) • Generalized Distance Transform (directly for image gradients) Distance Transform Image features (2D) 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 Distance Transform 0 1 2 3 4 3 0 1 2 3 3 2 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 3 3 2 1 0 1 4 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 Distance Transform is a function D() that for each image pixel p assigns a non-negative number D ( p ) corresponding to distance from p to the nearest feature in the image I Some more Variations.. Internal Energy • Controls the contour smoothness and continuity Eint (vi ) 1 (1 vi 1vi vi vi 1 vi 1vi vi vi 1 ) 1 vi vi 1 d External Energy • Limitations of the constraint of intensity homogeneity – Cannot be applied to open contour – Does not work for band-shaped object Ultrasound image Key-chain ring image Band Energy • For the contour element vi , we can define its tangent as: • Two regions R and contour element vi i R'i can be defined for Band Energy • Normalized mean intensity difference • Band energy (given ring example is opposite) • Combination of intensity and gradient: Penalty Performance Without band energy Image Initialization With band energy Without band energy With band energy 3D reconstruction Experiments Input Results