CS 410 Orange Team Feasibility Presentation November 8, 2010 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 1 Introduction and Personnel Problem and Characteristics Solution Software/Hardware Competition G.A.S. Cannot Provide Benefits to Customer Market Analysis Risks References Image Credits 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 2 John Knox Project Manager Rebecca Cooper Ryan School Assistant PM Domain Expert Public Relations Database Specialist Dr. Stephan Olariu Consultant Marrissa Webster Yousef Aloumi Documentation Specialist Forum Administrator Assistant Webmaster Alvin Fagan Software Engineer 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team Ben Cawrse Webmaster 3 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 4 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 5 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 6 Traveling in unfamiliar places is troublesome and inefficient 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 7 Amount of money spent traveling Time on the road due to traffic No idea where anything is Distracted driving due to non auto-delivery apps 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 8 10 % 44% Points of Interest Transportation 23% Lodging 23% Food & Drinks 8 November 2010 Source: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics CS 410 Orange Team 9 “In 2008, the average U.S. household spends about $1,415 on transportation, lodging, food and drinks, and points of interest while on vacation and pleasure trips”1 “U.S. Travel Association forecasts [this year] that there will be 450.9 million business trips in the U.S. and up to 480 million in 2012”2 Sources: 1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and 2. U.S. Travel Association 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 10 In 2009, National Business Travel Association states, in regards to travel management, “Among the top ten cost cutting measures, number 1 is reducing non-essential travel and number 10 is reducing prices of hotel bookings.” Source: National Business Travel Association 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 11 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 12 In 2007, wasted time in traffic totaled 4.2 billion hours Total amount of wasted fuel topped 2.8 billion gallons Overall cost based on wasted fuel and lost productivity reached $87.2 billion Source: Texas Transportation Institute 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 13 4 out of every 5 accidents are attributed to distracted drivers. In 2008, almost 6,000 people were killed and 500,000 were injured in crashes related to driver distraction. Source: Edgar Snyder & Associates 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 14 G.A.S. Geographical Auto-Delivery System 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 15 Save time and money for the travelers Make money for the businesses 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 16 Utilize existing phone application technology Automatically inform traveler of road conditions, traffic reports, and weather Use a server to push real time updates Configure GPS coordinates to user profile 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 17 Define constraints of user profile Develop scenario based algorithm Cross application development for all smart phones, ensure reliability and compatibility Market the product 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 18 Start Trip No idea where food is Road Rage 8 November 2010 Frustration, Behind/Late Traffic Stop For Dinner Anger, Broke Stop For Gas Expensive Gas Prices Terrible Trip CS 410 Orange Team 19 Start Trip G.A.S. Traffic Expensive Gas Prices Cheap Gas G.A.S. Stop For Dinner No idea where food is 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team G.A.S. Avoid Traffic Stop For Gas Favorite Restaurant 20 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 21 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 22 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 23 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 24 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 25 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 26 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 27 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 28 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 29 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 30 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 31 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 32 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 33 Websites GAS Gas Buddy Mapquest MSN Autos AAA Autonomous X Real-Time X Gas Prices X X X X X Map X X X X Traffic X X X Points of Interest X X X Phone Application X 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 34 AnDroid Apps GAS Autonomous X Real-Time X X Gas Prices X X Restaurants X X Traffic X X Hotels X X Points of Interest X X Weather X X 8 November 2010 Where CS 410 Orange Team TripIt WeatherBug Waze X X X X X 35 iPhone Apps GAS AroundMe Cheap Gas Autonomous X Real-Time X Gas Prices X X X Restaurants X X Traffic X Points of Interest X X Hotels X X 8 November 2010 Yelp UrbanSpoon Google Earth X X X X CS 410 Orange Team 36 A stress free car ride Completely prevent distracted driving Find businesses not located in the database Automatically make a user profile Tell you if the point of interest you are driving to is worth the trip 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 37 Substantial increase in visitors to attractions and points of interest in lesser known areas Increased profit for small gas station owners and large chains alike Fast food chain and family restaurant profit increase Hotel chains increase profit 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 38 Quicker travel to locations Avoid traffic, road and weather problems Find places to eat easier Explore and enjoy popular attractions and points of interest within an unknown area Less money spent on travel overall 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 39 Bilal Syed, RaceCoast gas station owner, stated he is willing to pay $50/month for service. Dr. Olariu said he is willing to pay, as a traveler, $15/month. Popular services, which provide traffic updates, gas prices, weather reports, and news info MSN Direct : $29.95 Monthly XM Nav Traffic : $9.94 to $16.94 Monthly FM Traffic : $49.99 Monthly 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 40 Risk Matrix Risk Matrix Legend Probability User U1 Privacy/Security U2 Business Fraud Legal Very High Very High High Low Unlikely L1, F1, S1 T2 L1 Data Mining/Scraping L2 Distracted Driving Financial F1 Business Participation Technical High Impact L2 U2, T1 T1 Server Load T2 Existing Phone Applications Schedule Low U1 S1 Business Participation Very Low 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 41 Privacy/Security Mitigation: Password Encryption, Wireless Encryption. Business Fraud Mitigation: Business Agreement 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 42 Data mining/scraping Mitigation: Service Level Agreement (SLA). Distracted Driving Mitigation: Text to Speech system Source: http://itsm.fwtk.org/service-level-agreement.htm 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 43 Business Participation Mitigation: Marketing Plan, Viral Marketing. 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 44 Server Load Mitigation: Topology based design, Concurrent design. Existing Phone Applications 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 45 Business Participation Mitigation: Marketing Plan 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 46 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 47 You can’t get anywhere without G.A.S. 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 48 United States Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/spotlight/2010/travel/ U.S. Travel Association: U.S. Travel Forecast Charts http://www.ustravel.org/sites/default/files/page/2009/09/ForecastSum mary.pdf National Business Travel Association http://www2.nbta.org/Lists/Resource% 20Library/NBTA2009Forecast.pdf Edgar Snyder & Associates: Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics http://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/cell-phone/statistics.html Texas Transportation Institute: Economic Factors Tap the Brakes on Traffic Congestion http://mobility.tamu.edu/ums/media_information/press_release.stm 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 49 Family, Slide 4 http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/15911-43med.jpg Business Man, Slide 4 http://www.gnurf.net/v3/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/031-busy-business-man.png Restroom Sign, Slide 5 http://happyberfdaytome.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/restroom_sign.jpg Fast Food Chains, Slide 5 http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/2008/11/16-22/fast-food-logos.gif Dollar Sign, Slide 5 http://pslawnet.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/dollar-sign.jpg Clock, Slide 5 http://www.webeden.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/real-time-search.jpg Traffic (HRBT), Slide 6 http://i.ytimg.com/vi/S0-GSHdQxII/0.jpg Vacation Family, Slide 47 http://www.toonpool.com/user/496/files/vacation_50845.jpg Business Man, Slide 47 http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/yayayoy/yayayoy1006/yayayoy100600039.jpg 8 November 2010 CS 410 Orange Team 50