

STAR Software Walk-Through

Doing analysis in a large collaboration: Overview

The experiment:

Collider runs for many weeks every year.

A lot of data to look at!

 In 2007, ~70M minimum bias events.

Need computers to be able to analyze vast dataset.

Analysis Software:

Find relevant data

Develop analysis code

Interface to the data

Analysis code: plots and correlations of experimentally measured quantities

Submitting jobs to the batch farm

Plotting results

Computing resources

Facilities available for STAR

PDSF (in Berkeley, part of NERSC)

 Parallel Distributed Systems Facility

RCF (in Brookhaven Lab)

 RHIC Computing Facility

Log in to PDSF:

Note for PDSF: make sure you have a .chos file. I selected /auto/redhat8 as my environment.

Without an environment properly set, perl won’t work!

Web page:


USER accounts

Monitoring of farm conditions

Log in to RCF:

Web page:

Doing Analysis 101

For real or simulated data that has already been produced into a standard format:

Find Data


NFS local.



Run analysis on data.




Plot results of analysis.


ROOT classes.


FileCatalog (


 Finding Files (of course) that satisfy certain conditions:

– production library used, trigger setup used, run numbers, collision system, …

 i.e. it is a database of our data.

 Examples of usage found in link above.

Production Location

– STAR → Computing → Production Location




– Used to submit jobs to the RCAS linux farm in batch mode.

– RCAS: ~10 interactive nodes, ~150 batch nodes.

How to use it:

 XML script that specifies

– files to be used (e.g. using a catalog query) macro to be executed (i.e. analysis to be done) what to do with the output

STAR → Computing → Scheduler


Analyzing Example: Real Data, Step I

Find events of interest

Au Au collisions, 200 GeV.

p+p collisions, 200 GeV

Many collisions and triggers have been used.

Example: Looking at “Minimum bias” triggers

– This trigger is meant to capture almost all interactions.

– Every trigger detector introduces a bias, this trigger is meant to reduce the bias introduced as much as possible.

Trigger ID:

Each file can have events that were selected by various trigger conditions

ID picks out a given trigger condition.

2004 list of triggers:


2009 data:


A file catalog query…

output: path and filename of file.

query conditions:

Production: P10ic, production from 2010, real data, official production (pp2009 data)

Filetype: daq_reco_mudst: came from DAQ (real data), processed through the reconstruction chain, stored into a micro Data Summary Tape.

storage: NFS. Mounted on hard disks accessible through the Networked File

System, as opposed to the files stored on tape drives in HPSS.

~/afsdir/wrk/jpsi/offline/> -keys 'path,filename' -cond


_upsilon' -limit 10







What’s in a MuDST?

 The result of the reconstruction of an event.

Trigger information.

Signal in ZDC, BBC, VPD, EMC, …

Track information.

Number of points found by tracker and used in fit

Momentum at first point and last point (and helix parameters)

Covariance matrix of track fit dE/dx

– nSigma, PID probability charge id of track in event (unique number for a track in an event) type (0=global, 1=primary) c


Topology Map: bit pattern of hits in detector

Distance of closest approach to vertex (for global)

Position of first and last points

 TBrowser, check contents of file. ROOT objects can be drawn quickly.

Define an Analysis Task


Multiplicity Distribution

 ~Probability to find events with Nch tracks.

 Nch: number of charged particles in the event (typically, per unit rapidity at midrapidity).

pT distribution of charged tracks for all events.

 ~Probability to find a track with a given pT.

The “Maker” framework

“Makers” are a way to standardize the way we do analysis:

All have to “prepare” or initialize

 e.g. book histograms and trees

All do something every event

 e.g. calculate or obtain distributions of interest

All have to clean up when the job is done

 e.g. write the histograms

Example Maker code:


/auto/pdsfdv39/starspec/pdsfdv34/starspec/calderon/tutorial s/ StRoot /StMuDstExampleAnalysisMaker

All Makers live under a directory called StRoot

Compilation of the analysis code is done in same directory where StRoot directory (or link) is found

– cons +StMuDstExample

Running is done in same directory where compilation was done. Example in StRoot/macros/examples/

– root4star –b –q ‘RunMuDstExample.C(500)'

Plotting the results

Open the output file (dummyFile00.root) in root. Can issue C++ commands on the root classes interactively.

Set a sensible color scheme

– gStyle->SetPalette(1,0);

Create canvases (TCanvas)

TCanvas* cnv1 = new TCanvas(“cnv1”,”multiplicity”,600,600);

For drawing histograms:

TH1::Draw() mMult->Draw();

Can change line color, width, style

– mMult->SetLineColor(2); mMult->SetLineWidth(3); mMult->SetLineStyle(11);

Can draw markers

– mMult->SetMarkerStyle(20); mMult>Draw(“P”);

For reproducibility, can also put all the commands into a macro, and just execute the macro:

.x plotMultExample.C

Analyzing Example:

Simulation, Step I

Generate events of interest

– e.g. Lambda_c, Upsilon, J/Psi particles according to a distribution e.g. use event generators







For large datasets, request is done officially to STAR simulation (Maxim Potekhin, simulation leader)
