The experiment:
Collider runs for many weeks every year.
A lot of data to look at!
In 2007, ~70M minimum bias events.
Need computers to be able to analyze vast dataset.
Analysis Software:
Find relevant data
Develop analysis code
Interface to the data
Analysis code: plots and correlations of experimentally measured quantities
Submitting jobs to the batch farm
Plotting results
Facilities available for STAR
PDSF (in Berkeley, part of NERSC)
Parallel Distributed Systems Facility
RCF (in Brookhaven Lab)
RHIC Computing Facility
Log in to PDSF:
Note for PDSF: make sure you have a .chos file. I selected /auto/redhat8 as my environment.
Without an environment properly set, perl won’t work!
Web page:
USER accounts
Monitoring of farm conditions
Log in to RCF:
Web page:
Find Data
NFS local.
Run analysis on data.
Plot results of analysis.
ROOT classes.
FileCatalog (
Finding Files (of course) that satisfy certain conditions:
– production library used, trigger setup used, run numbers, collision system, …
i.e. it is a database of our data.
Examples of usage found in link above.
Production Location
– STAR → Computing → Production Location
– Used to submit jobs to the RCAS linux farm in batch mode.
– RCAS: ~10 interactive nodes, ~150 batch nodes.
How to use it:
XML script that specifies
– files to be used (e.g. using a catalog query) macro to be executed (i.e. analysis to be done) what to do with the output
STAR → Computing → Scheduler
Find events of interest
Au Au collisions, 200 GeV.
p+p collisions, 200 GeV
Many collisions and triggers have been used.
Example: Looking at “Minimum bias” triggers
– This trigger is meant to capture almost all interactions.
– Every trigger detector introduces a bias, this trigger is meant to reduce the bias introduced as much as possible.
Trigger ID:
Each file can have events that were selected by various trigger conditions
ID picks out a given trigger condition.
2004 list of triggers:
2009 data:
output: path and filename of file.
query conditions:
Production: P10ic, production from 2010, real data, official production (pp2009 data)
Filetype: daq_reco_mudst: came from DAQ (real data), processed through the reconstruction chain, stored into a micro Data Summary Tape.
storage: NFS. Mounted on hard disks accessible through the Networked File
System, as opposed to the files stored on tape drives in HPSS.
~/afsdir/wrk/jpsi/offline/> -keys 'path,filename' -cond
_upsilon' -limit 10
The result of the reconstruction of an event.
Trigger information.
Signal in ZDC, BBC, VPD, EMC, …
Track information.
Number of points found by tracker and used in fit
Momentum at first point and last point (and helix parameters)
Covariance matrix of track fit dE/dx
– nSigma, PID probability charge id of track in event (unique number for a track in an event) type (0=global, 1=primary) c
Topology Map: bit pattern of hits in detector
Distance of closest approach to vertex (for global)
Position of first and last points
TBrowser, check contents of file. ROOT objects can be drawn quickly.
Multiplicity Distribution
~Probability to find events with Nch tracks.
Nch: number of charged particles in the event (typically, per unit rapidity at midrapidity).
pT distribution of charged tracks for all events.
~Probability to find a track with a given pT.
All have to “prepare” or initialize
e.g. book histograms and trees
All do something every event
e.g. calculate or obtain distributions of interest
All have to clean up when the job is done
e.g. write the histograms
/auto/pdsfdv39/starspec/pdsfdv34/starspec/calderon/tutorial s/ StRoot /StMuDstExampleAnalysisMaker
All Makers live under a directory called StRoot
Compilation of the analysis code is done in same directory where StRoot directory (or link) is found
– cons +StMuDstExample
Running is done in same directory where compilation was done. Example in StRoot/macros/examples/
– root4star –b –q ‘RunMuDstExample.C(500)'
Open the output file (dummyFile00.root) in root. Can issue C++ commands on the root classes interactively.
Set a sensible color scheme
– gStyle->SetPalette(1,0);
Create canvases (TCanvas)
TCanvas* cnv1 = new TCanvas(“cnv1”,”multiplicity”,600,600);
For drawing histograms:
TH1::Draw() mMult->Draw();
Can change line color, width, style
– mMult->SetLineColor(2); mMult->SetLineWidth(3); mMult->SetLineStyle(11);
Can draw markers
– mMult->SetMarkerStyle(20); mMult>Draw(“P”);
For reproducibility, can also put all the commands into a macro, and just execute the macro:
.x plotMultExample.C
Generate events of interest
– e.g. Lambda_c, Upsilon, J/Psi particles according to a distribution e.g. use event generators
For large datasets, request is done officially to STAR simulation (Maxim Potekhin, simulation leader)