
G-28 News & Events
Curriculum Update
American Hero Report
Dear Parents,
A warm and friendly February greeting to all our
wonderful families. It is hard to believe that we are more
than halfway through the school year and on our way to 3 rd
grade. We told the kids they are now “100 days smarter!”
This month we have two major standards we will be
focusing on. First, we will use biographies to help us
identify the main purpose of a text, including what the
author wants to answer, explain, or describe. During the
second part of the month we will focus on point of view.
We will read “The Chocolate Touch,” a story about a boy
whose touch turns everything around him into chocolate.
Students will acknowledge differences in the points of
view of characters, including speaking in a different voice
for each character when reading dialogue aloud.
In math, we will continue with addition and subtraction
strategies. Right now we are working with arrays. The
foundation for multiplication is the idea of repeated
addition. We are practicing with arrays in order to form
this foundation. Later in the month we will transition into
two-digit addition with regrouping. Students will learn
what to do when there are more than nine ones in the ones
place when adding.
During our focus on biographies, students will write their
very own autobiography. We will practice planning our
writing with plenty of details and supporting details. Later
in the month, we will begin to write opinion pieces.
Students will learn how to offer an opinion on a subject
and how to organize their reasoning. At the end of the
month, students will “publish” one of their pieces using the
computers in lab.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
As always, thank you for all your continued support in
making G-28 THREE GREATS!
Warmest regards,
Erika Huerta & Amy Schwender
In both language arts and social studies this
month we will be focusing on biographies. We
will be paying extra attention to biographies
of some American heroes who have made a
difference in our lives and have made
contributions that impact our country today.
The at-home assignment for the month of
February is an American Hero Report.
Attached you will find a more in-depth
description of the assignment.
First, students are being asked to find a
biography on a hero they are interested in.
It’s important that they choose someone who
is considered a hero and has positively
impacted our lives today.
Next, they will use the information in the
biography to write a speech from the point
of view of their hero. In language arts we
are learning about point of view. What
better way to practice than with their hero
report! Students will also create a poster as
a visual aid to their speech.
Finally, on the day of the presentation,
they will need to bring at least two props. In
the past, students have used a scarf &
goggles to be Amelia Earhart or made a top
hat out of poster board and wore a tie to be
Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Edison brought a
light bulb. The props don’t necessarily need
to be bought at the store. Be creative, look
around the house first, and have fun.
Student Treasures
Valentine Celebration
Our class will be writing and
publishing our very own hardcover
book! Their writing will be published
in a Student Treasures Publishing
book. Each student will have his or
her own page to write and illustrate.
You have an opportunity to purchase a
copy of this adorable book. Please fill
out the order form, even if you do
not wish to purchase a copy. When we
send in all of the order forms, the
classroom gets one copy of the book
free. If you would like to order,
please send in your form by Friday,
February 13. We highly recommend
purchasing a copy. Children just love
reading their own pages and the
pages of their classmates. We keep
them forever so students can read
what past students have written. It
is a dear keepsake that the children
really enjoy.
We will have our Valentine Celebration on Friday, February 13 th.
The party will be from 12:45-2:00. The children will exchange
valentines during the party so please make sure to have your child
bring in a valentine for each one of their classmates (29 students)
on the day of the party. We have added a class list below to help
with the valentines if needed. When filing out the valentines, we
recommend not to include individual names, but to just write
“who” the valentine is from. This makes passing them out much
easier. Jade and Sandra are working hard to plan a special
celebration for the class. They will be sending out an email soon
asking for volunteers to help with this event. Thank you!
G-28 Class List
Luke R.
Luke W.
February Events
Friday, February 13
Valentine Party
Book Orders &
Student Treasure
Order Form Due
Thursday, February 26
Reading Log & Poem Due
AR Quizzes Completed
Monday, February 16-20
Winter Break
Friday, February 27
Spirit Day
Backwards & Inside Out Day
Monday, February 23
Letter L Celebration
Happy Birthday To:
Christian 2/9
Wednesday, February 25
Hero Report Due