13Telephone Calls

Telephone Calls
Listen & Talk
Case Study
Take a Message
Useful Expressions
Supplementary Reading
Listen & Talk
Role Play
Dialogue 1
Jenny: Hi, Mr. Lao assigns me to help you understand the thrust of our business, Lily.
Lily: Cool! Please bring me up to speed so I can help as soon as possible.
Jenny: One thing at a time. Don't want to get the cart before horse.
Lily: Stop pulling my leg. I just want to get down to business.
Jenny: You should check out our product catalogue and the sales files, they should
clue you in on where our business is.
Lily: All right.
Jenny: By the way, could you make calls from this list? I assume they are potential buyers.
Please get the scoop of those companies, such as company structures, who is responsible
for the equipment purchasing and so on and so forth. Be sure to get the name and phone
number of PICs (Person in Charge). Get it?
Lily Li: Yeah, no problem.
Lily: Good Morning, this is Lily calling from Shanghai Office Facilities Ltd co, is that
ABC Company?
Operator: Yes, how can I help you?
Lily: As I know, your company is the authorized dealer of duplicators, we want to set up a
business relationship with you, who should I talk to?
Operator: You need to talk to Mr. Black, he is our Business Development Manager.
Lily: Can I get his number?
Operator: His direct line is 3452678, or I could put you to him right away.
Dialogue 2
Charles: Webster Industries, how may I help you?
Sare: Yes. This is Sara. Who am I speaking to?
Charles: This is Charles speaking. How are you, Sara?
Sara: I’m fine, and you?
Charles: Just fine, thank you.
Sare: I’m just calling to see if we can arrange a meeting. There are
several matters I’d like to talk over with you about your new product.
Charles: Okay, when would it be convenient for you?
Sara: Could we make it this Thursday?
Charles: Thursday? Let me see. Sorry, but I can’t meet you on Thursday
because I’ll be in London for a sales meeting. Would it be possible for us
to meet next Monday? I will be free all day then.
Sara: Yes, that’s good for me. What time?
Charles: How about 10 o’ clock in my office?
Sara: Fine, I’m looking forward to seeing you then.
A: Mr. Ling Feng’s office. Good afternoon. Zhang Ming speaking.
like to speak to Mr. Ling Feng, please
B: Hello. I’d
A: May I ask who is calling, please?
B: My name is Tom Rollin of Pacific International.
A: Thank you, Mr. Pollin. One moment, please.
B: No, no. ___________________.
This is Rollin, not Pollin
A: I’m sorry, Mr. Rollin. Just a moment, please. (Over the intercom) Mr. Ling, a
Mr. Rollin of Pacific International is on the line.
C: Can you find out what he wants?
A: Yes, Mr. Ling. (To Mr. Rollin) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Mr. Ling
is rather busy now and would like to
what you wish to speak to him about
import Chinese textile products into the United States and
B: Yes, we want to ___________________________________________
we understand that your company can supply us with such items.
A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Rollin. Would you wait a moment, please?
(To Mr. Ling) Mr. Ling, Mr. Rollin is interested in importing Chinese textile
products into the U.S.
C: I see. Put him on.
A: Yes, Mr. Ling. (To Mr. Rollin) Mr. Rollin, I’m very sorry to have kept you
waiting. ________________________.
I’ll connect you with Mr. Ling
 A: ABC Company, May I help you?
 B: This is Karl Huang of Amscray Ltd. I’d like to speak to Mr. John Smith,
 A: Let
me confirm this .You are Mr. Wang of Amscray Ltd. Is that correct?
 B: No, Huang, and I’d like to speak to Mr. John Smith, please.
 A: Could you spell your last name , please?
could you put me through to John Smith
 B: Yes, it’s H-U-A-N-G, Now, ___________________________________
 A: I’m sorry, but he is in a meeting right now.
 B: ____________________?
May I leave a message
 A: Please do, Mr. Huang.
 B: Please get him to call me as soon as possible at 0731-4567860 and that’s
Huang, not Wang.
 A: Let me confirm your name and phone number, you’re Mr. Huang at 07314567860, is that correct?
 B: Yes, and it’s urgent.
 A: _________________________________.
I’ll make sure he gets the message soon
Role Play
 1. Imagine you make a phone
call to your friend, Tony, the
manager of a business
company. He is not in and his
secretary answers the phone.
Act out the conversation with
your partner.
 2. Imagine you receive a phone
call one day from a foreigner
who wants to speak to your
colleague, Susan. But Susan is
not in and you take the
message for her. Act out the
conversation with your partner.
Translate the following sentences into English.
 1) 连修理工也弄不明白这洗衣
机出什么毛病。(figure out)
 2) 临时股东大会不得对通知中
 3) 过去的日子如轻烟却被微风
 4) 我因公务而忙得没有和家人、
(not to mention)
 5) 经理就错误向顾客作了彬彬
 1) Even the repairman
couldn’t figure out what had
gone wrong with the washer.
 2) An interim shareholders’
general meeting may not
adopt resolutions on matters
not stated in the notice.
 3) Those bygone days have
been dispersed as smoke by
a light wind, or evaporated as
mist by the morning sun.
 4) Work keeps me so busy
that I have no time for my
family and friends, not to
mention getting hitched and
starting my own family.
 5) The manager pacified the
irate customer with a smooth
apology for the error.
Case Study
For: Robin Liu
Date: June 10
Phone No.: 310-793-2102
Time: 1:15 p.m.
From: Mrs. Newcomer of
N&C Company
 Message: 机器模型将在下午
时间: 下午1:15
来自: N&C 公司某女士
Message: The model
machine will be arrived at
3:00 p.m., and please call
back to confirm after
receiving before the dusk.
Hope to arrange time in next
week and talk to you about
the price and discount.
Take a Message
Message 1
Who is calling?
Call back
Problem: Without
receiving any
acknowledgement of •
my order
• Ship the order at the
special price?
Susan Grant
Our order MQ20 (which I sent
3weeks ago by post on behalf of my
company) Richman Studios
Sent a check(425 plus VAT 488.75)
with my order
Confirm having received my order
Can you ship the goods at the
special price you advertised (till
the end of this month)
If there’s any delay or any other
problems, phone me at
• Expect delivery fifth this month
• 14 High street Woodbridge
Message 2
• Peter Redford
• Easten Enterprise
• Unable to make the
appointment on
Friday afternoon
• Hotel
• ( convention, full)
• Monday morning 23
• Any good ideas to
solve the problem
• 617,032,0876
Message 3
• Alice Brown
• Stay Los Angles
for another 2days
• The direct flight is
full, cannot come •
back till
Wednesday (17th)
if this is the case •
• 14th
Take over the
meeting with Orion
All the information
he required is in the
file on my desk
Pick up
Oliviaflaubert from
Talbot hotel first in
the morning
• Any problem, leave a
message for me at
my hotel
The Usual Kinds of International Calls
1. l International Direct Dialing
International Prefix Number (国际冠码)+Country Code(国家
号码)+Area Code (区号码)+Phone Number(电话号码)
1.2 Calls Put through by Operator
1.2. l Station Call (叫号电话)
l. 2. 2 Personal Call (叫人电话)
1.2. 3 Connect Call (对方付款电话)
l. 2. 4 Credit Card Call(信用卡电话)
Useful Expressions
 1 Announcing Identity
1. l Person Calling
Hello, this is Mr.Wang speaking.
My name is Thomas Smith.
Hello, this is Jack.
1.2 Person Called
Hello, this Jack here, Who is speaking?
Who is speaking(calling), please?
Is this Mr. Wang?
Who are you calling?
Useful Expressions
2 Asking If Someone is in
2.1 Person Calling
May(Can) I speak with (to) Mr. Wang?
I’d like to speak to someone in charge.
Could you put me through to Mr. Wang, please?
2.2 Person Called
I’m sorry Mr. Wang is out. Would you speak to
someone else?
He is attending a meeting now.
Mr. Wang has left already.
Sorry, He’s just gone out. Would you like to ring
back later?
Hold the line, I’ll see if he is in.
Useful Expressions
3 Asking When the Person Wanted Will be back
3. l Person Calling
When will he be back?
Could (Will )you tell me what time he’ll be back?
What if I call this afternoon?
3.2 Person Called
You can ring again this afternoon.
Sorry, he’s not availabl till tomorrow.
I’ll ask him to call you up later.
Useful Expressions
4 Asking the Operator for Help
4. l Person Calling
Will /Would/CouId you connect me with the Foreign
language Department?
I’d like to make a call to Mr. Wang of the Foreign
language Department.
May I have extension 21808?
Pease put me through to the Foreign Language
4.2 Person Called
Jus a minute, I’ll get the number for you.
I’m sorry the number’s engaged. Will you hold?
A moment, please. I’ll connect you.
One moment, I’ll switch you over.
Your call is ready. Go ahead.
Useful Expressions
5 Leaving a Message
5. l Person Calling
Can I leave a message?
Pease tell him to phone 64782134, Lee.
Would you ask him to call back?
Would you ask him to give me a call when he’s back?
5.2 Person Called
Would you like to leave a message?
Could I take a message for you?
Is there any message I can give him?
Should I tell him you’ll call back or do you want him to call you?
Supplementary Reading
 Telephoning Effectively
 On the phone, the image of a company relies heavily on the speaker’s
speaking skills. The customer’s impression of the company is determined
completely by the speaker’s voice and choice of words. Telephoning
skills are not a natural talent, but a learned one. Here are some tips to
help a secretary communicate better through the telephone.
 Speak clearly and more slowly than usual. Be particularly clear when
saying one’s name and the name of one’s organization, and repeat them,
particularly at the end of the call.
 Speak with more energy. Telephones tend to make one’s voice sound
less lively as it really is, so try to show increased interest in and
enthusiasm for what the secretary is saying.
 When necessary ‘smile with one’s voice’. A smile on one’s face is
reflected in one’s voice, and will help the secretary avoid speaking in the
same tone all the time.
 Be and sound polite, professional, understanding, helpful, and
friendly. Much of the secret is simply good manners and attention. Be a
good listener.
Supplementary Reading
 Explain things in an understandable way. Don’t use special terms or
assume that a customer knows the business or industry. The secretary
should speak without accent to make the communication easier.
 Make it easy to be contacted. Customers shouldn’t have to talk to half
a dozen people before they can find one who can help. They shouldn’t
be given another number or told to call back later. Usually, they should
be transferred through to the right person, or if that’s impossible, the right
person should call them back.
 Respond promptly to phone calls. Prompt response will give a
customer the impression that one’s company is very efficient. And if the
secretary promises to call back, he or she should do this as soon as
 Know how to use all the buttons on the phone, and in particular how to
transfer a call without losing it. Simple things like these make all the
difference when dealing with people over the phone.
Supplementary Reading
 Notes:
 take the chance to do sth. 试图做成某事
 tend to do sth. 倾向;趋向;趋于:I tend to go to bed earlier during the
 tend to/ towards sth.朝某方向:He tends towards extreme views.他的观
 make a/ no/ some, etc difference (to sb/sth)
 (对某人[某事物])有、没有、有些...作用或影响:A hot bath makes
all difference in the morning.上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋。
 (对某人[某事物])重要、不重要等;要紧、不要紧等: ‘Does that
make any difference?’ ‘Yes, it makes all the difference.’ ‘那要紧吗?’
Thank you!
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