The course website consists of :
1) Text Sources:- a.
Course Syllabus: Explains about the course, instructor, course plan, and the methods of evaluation and grading. b.
Textbook: “Custom Business Resources” by Dr. Mark Rajai, (Not all materials of the book are going to be included in the exam). c.
Lecture Notes: Useful information about final project. d.
Final Project Guidelines: mentioned guidelines and format for final project. There should be not more than 4 members in a group in a book. e.
Reference Books: It is used in future while searching for a job.
2) Audio Lectures:-
We have four audio lectures about Hiring, Firing, Performance evaluation, conflict management. We should summarize the important points in each video and write it down not more than 1PAGE.
3) Video Lectures:- a.
Professor’s Course Overview: Summarize the overview of course which is a part of assignment b.
Professor’s Lectures: A lecture which consists of 5 parts . Questions about important points may be asked in exam. c.
Other Sources: References for how to create a video for final project.
4) Student Work Samples:- a.
Website Samples: Samples of website created by pat students and similar website should be create as a part of final project. b.
Video Samples: contains samples of final project video for extra grades. c.
Final project Samples: contains samples of final project report.
5) Communication Boards:-
Moodle Website:
This site is used to create an interaction with professor and other students in the course. This site consists of: a) Weekly Agenda. b) Discussion Board: Queries regarding the course and forming a team for project. c) Assignments: Assignments, Midterms, Final exam, Final project with Presentation are submitted in this part. d) Grades: Followed throughout semester.
It is important for a company or organization for finding an employee who satisfy the requirements for the right position.
Hiring is the best way to overcome this problem which avoids some legal troubles such as discrimination and invasion of privacy. There are four steps in this process. Although, these steps are not taken liberally but we can assume it as basic guidelines since the process differ significantly under some circumstances.
The main motive under this step is to hire the “RIGHT PERSON” if he knows the needs and requirements of the job. For this process, there are certain points that must be considered.
Writing out the Job description and performance assessment criteria,
Finding out Task and skills required for the job,
Find out corporate structure with management style
Find out potential changes for job,
Find out the training and support that will be provided,
Find out why someone like to work in your company,
Find out the need for urgency in the job.
After job responsibilities are figured the search for the candidate begins. Most of the candidates will staggered in summarizing a job in advertisements. Peculiar answers are taken into consideration of discrimination against the candidate.
Some organizations will give importance internal employers to apply for the job opening before searching for external employers. Nevertheless, both should be considered for the job equally.
Some regular search methods that must be taken into consideration are:
Finding which internal candidate can be transferred,
Sending a mail to professional association mailing lists,
Publishing advertisements in local newspapers and magazines,
Considering any employee referrals,
Taking online and direct applications with resumes,
Attending other organizations job fairs,
Finding out the candidates from other regions who willing to transfer for the position.
It is difficult for an organization to filter an application from bundle of application for a Job. To overcome this problem screening is the best way. There may be some problems for the Interviewer due to mistakes made by the candidate in their resume. Some of typical resume problems are:
Grammatical errors
Inappropriate contact information
Lack of qualifications for the job he is applying
Providing information which is not related to job
Submission using Pdf, zip files instead of standard word documents
Un-professional e-mail addresses
After completion resume selection, the employee should be interviewed with open ended questions.
Hiring is done based on the answers told by the employee.
CANDIDATE SELECTION: These are the steps to be followed in selecting a candidate.
Comparing job description, requirements and qualification for the candidate who have interviewed
Selection of candidate is made based on Job-related criteria.
Before the selection process starts, a candidate can be dismissed by following certain mannerisms like a) Did they are alone, b) Did they come on time, c) Did they chew or some cigarettes before the interview start etc.
There are different types of Reasons for termination of an employee. Mainly they are categorized into three types: a.
RESIGNATION: Termination initialize by employee. b.
DISMISSAL: Termination made by company. c.
OTHER: Voluntary retirement, death or ill-health etc.
In addition to these employment relationships are also considered and they are classified into two types.
CONTRACTUAL RELATION: Where an employee should dismiss with a notice.
AT WILL RELATION: Where an employee should dismiss without a notice. a.
RESIGNATION: Termination initiated by employee is categorized into 2 types.
UNAVOIDABLE REASONS: Marriage, Relocation of job, Family etc.,
AVOIDABLE REASONS: Dissatisfaction with management. Such as growth in a company. To solve this problem manager should assure the employee about future plans of company. b.
DISMISSAL: Termination made by a company can be given in a careful manner and are justified. Responsibility should be shared among the company like immediate supervisor should get an approval from higher authority followed with human resource department.
Unsatisfactory performance in job standards – like Excessive absenteeism, Tardiness.
Misconduct – Violation of company’s rules like sexual/racial harassment, damaging company’s property
Change of job requirements – employee inability to meet goals. In this case, employee’s qualifications are not changed but job requirements are change.
Lack of qualification – employee inability to meet goals even though he has good work attitude. Mainly it applies to new employees.
Discussing problems with the employees and form documentation about employee status.
Evaluate the employee in terms of other positions in the company.
DISMISSAL PROCEDURE: This is classified into four types.
EMPLOYEE REACTIONS : If an employee gets terminated, there is chance that employee
Into depression. These types of emotions can be controlled by following steps.
We should not argue with terminated employee.
If terminated employee asks how to decision is changed, tell them that decision is final.
If terminated employee cries then we should allow him to recover but not to apologize.
If terminated employee shouts then we should be calm and explain the reason why he got terminated from the job once again.
If terminated employee causing damage to company infrastructure then we should call police or security department immediately.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION : it is a process of setting goals and objectives which needs coaching and feedback annually.
PERFORMANCE APPARAISAL: it is a mandatory tool of performance management.
The main motive is to upgrade the employee performance throughout the year. A good appraisal system gives us how to
Organize employee evaluation.
REASONS FOR CONDUCTING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: An Employee in a company needs atleast one feedback about their work. It is the manager capability to evaluate performance objectively may effect in their success.
Providing communication between Supervisor and employees.
Providing framework of goals and standards for which to measure their performance.
Providing a benchmark for their career development.
EXPECTATIONS OF A MANAGER: A manager expects following skills from the employee to evaluate their performance and management.
1) Goal setting. 2) Coaching & feedback. 3) Observing & documenting. 4) Counseling & motivating. 5)
Planning the appraisal. 6) Conducting the appraisal.
1) Global essays & ratings: evaluates performance by means of essay form which does not have any guidelines.
2) Peer-ranking: evaluates performance of an employee by comparing with other employees.
3) Organizational records: evaluates performance of an employee based on hard data and computable criteria.
4) Trait rating: evaluates performance of an employee based on specific traits of the company.
5) Critical incidents: evaluates performance of an employee based on piles (both positive and negative).
6) Behaviorally based scales & behaviorally anchored rating scales: most elaborate, systematic, scientific, and expensive method evaluates employee’s performance based on more thorough job.
7) Objectives and goal-setting procedures : evaluates performance of an employee by comparing expected with actual one.
Choosing the Best Appraisal Method Depends on:-
1) Salaries, Promotions & placement. 2) Performance problems. 3) Performance improvement. 4) Training needs.
5) Career counseling. 6) Strategies implementation.
The Optimal Appraisal Method- Hybrid:-
This method is different for different companies which contains at least last four methods mentioned.
Support from upper management should be effective.
Eight Potential Appraisal Pitfalls:-
Inadequately defined standards of performance.
Over-emphasis on recent performance.
Reliance on gut feelings.
Miscomprehension of performance standards by employee.
Insufficient or unclear documentation.
Inadequate time allotment for discussion.
Too much talking by the manager or supervisor.
Lack of follow-up.
A conflict arrives when there is mismatch of believes, attitudes two departments in a company.
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: This is classifies into five categories. They are:
TYPES OF CONFLICT: There are two types of conflicts.
DESTRUCTIVE: conflicts such as vocalizing and withdrawing between the employees in a company.
CONSTRUCTIVE: conflicts such as Debate, discussions in Group project.
SOUCES OF CONFLICT: sources are classified based on relationship present in the company.
CONFLICTS WITH A PEER: occurs due to differences in personality, cultural, political and religious.
CONFLICTS WITH A SUB-ORDINATE: occurs due to ineffective communication, disagreement over
Responsibilities and leadership problems.
1) Rude or withdrawn behavior. 2) Destructive behavior. 3) Decreased morale. 4) Poor work product.
5) Loss in productivity.
Conflicts with a peer:
Building self-awareness.
Clarifying underlying problem issues.
Understanding other’s perspectives.
Finding effective solutions and taking action.
Conflicts with a subordinate:
Allowing the employee to volunteer.
Reviewing challenges and accomplishments.
Training in communication and conflict management.
Requesting regular involvement.
Five Strategies for conflict Resolution:-
Strategy 1: Avoidance, which means there is no winner or loser.
Strategy 2: Collaboration, which means that both parties win.
Strategy 3: Competition, which means that one either win or lose.
Strategy 4: Accommodation, which means when one lose, the opposition wins.
Strategy 5: Compromise, which means that one sometimes win and sometimes lose.
ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution) System:-
Resolves conflicts between manager and staff without litigation. Stress free management is done.
Benefits are :
1) save money 2)empowers employees 3) restores relationships
5. CONFLICT PREVENTION: A manager should be professional, open and honest, see solutions for problems
In order to prevent a conflict.